Luther Seminary, May 2006

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Transcript of Luther Seminary, May 2006

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Recommended CitationSeminary, Luther, "Luther Seminary, May 2006" (2006). Commencement Programs. Paper 74.

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Page 3: Luther Seminary, May 2006


Richard Bliese.

President, Luther Seminary


Nancy Koester, '81 (U'Div), '94 (Th.D.)Affiliated Faculty, Chur ' 141 toryPREACHER

Craig Koester, '80Professor of New Testament


Rebecca MartinMaster ofArts Degree CandidateSENIOR RESPONDER

Karis J. ThompsonMaster of Arts Degree CandidateCRUCIFER

Robin Nice, '94Parish Pastor, Sychar Lutheran ChurchSilver Bay, Minn.


Rena Peterson

Master of Divinity Senior

Andrea Mwalilino

Master ofArts Senior


Amber HagerMaster of Divinity Junior

Victor Hanson

Master of Divinity Junior

Megan TorgersonMaster of Divinity Senior

Aaron Werner

Master of Divinity Junior


Marc Kolden

Professor of Systematic Theology


Nana Sabanosova

Master of Sacred Music Junior


Paul Westermeyer

Director, Professor of Church Music


Luther Seminary is pleased to welcome you to its 137thcommencement ceremonies. Receiving their degrees todayare your next pastors, congregational and communityleaders, and theologians of the Church.

The senior responder and reader during today's servicewere elected by the senior class. Banner bearers and

marshals were chosen by the Office of the Registrar.

Some of the graduates will also receive awards for academicexcellence. These are listed on page 14.

Graduates, family and friends are invited to an informalreception in the Fellowship hall following the service.


Dr. Craig Koester, '80, professorof New Testament, joined theLuther Seminary faculty in 1986after serving on the pastoral staffsof churches in Minnesota and

New York.

His interest in media has led him

to develop a video series on thebook of Revelation called Is This

the Time? He also developed The Bible "Tutor, an interactiveintroduction to the Bible.

His books include Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel, 2ndEdition (Augshur) Fortress Publishers, 2003); Revelationand the End ofAll Things (Eerdmans, 2001); and a majorcommentary on Hebrews in the Anchor Bible Commentaryseries (Doubleday, 2001).

He serves as associate editor of The Catholic Biblical

Quarterly and formerly of New Testament Studies. He isco -chair of the Johannine Literature seminar and a member

of the steering committee of a new seminar on Hebrews.

His professional memberships include the Society ofBiblical Literature, the Catholic Biblical Association andthe StndiorUm NoviI'estamenti Societas.

Page 4: Luther Seminary, May 2006



Pastor Mark Bents, Interim Senior Pastor


The congregation'shall stand.

A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing "* LBW 157

4th stanza: women; 6th stanza: men

A hymn of glory let us sing'New hymns throughout the world shall ring:Alleluia! Alleluia'

Christ, by a road before untrod,ascends unto the throne of God.Alleluia! Alleluia'

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

2. The holy apostolic bandupon the Mount of Olives stand.Alleluia' Alleluia'And with his faithful foll'wers see

their Lord ascend in majesty.Alleluia' Alleluia'

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

To whom shining angels cry,Why stand and gaze upon the sky ?"Alleluia! Alleluia!

This is the Savior!" thus they say,this is his glorious triumph day"'Alleluia! Alleluia'

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

4. "You see him now, ascending highup to the portals of the sky."Alleluia! Alleluia!

Hereafter Jesus you shall seereturning in great majesty."Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

O Lord, our homeward pathway bend,that our unwearied hearts ascend.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Where, seated on your Father's throne,you reign as King of kings alone.Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

6. Give us your joy on earth, O Lord,in heav'n to be our great reward.Alleluia! Alleluia!

When throned with you forever, weshall praise your name eternally.Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

O risen Christ, ascended Lord,all praise to you let earth accord:Alleluia! Alleluia!

You are, while endless ages run,with Father and with Spirit one.Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!


L: Show us your mercy, O Lord,C: And grant us your salvation.

L: Clothe your ministers with righteousness;

C: Let your people sing for joy.

L: Give peace, O Lord, in all the world;

C: For only in you can we live in safety.

L: Lord, keep this nation under your care,

C: And guide us in the way of justice and truth.

L: Let your way be known upon the earth;C: Your saving health among all nations.

L: Let not the needy, O Lord, be forgotten,

C: Nor the hope of the poor be taken away.

L: Create in us clean hearts, O God,

C: And sustain us with your Holy Spirit.


I believe in God, the Father almighty,Creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spiritand born of the virgin Mary.He suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died, and was buried.He descended into hell.

On the third day he rose again.He ascended into heaven,and is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,the holy catholic Church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting. Amen.

Text: The Venerable Bede, 673 -735; tr. Lutheran Book of Worship, 19781978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress

Duplication in any form prohibited without permission or valid licensefrom copyright administrator.

Page 5: Luther Seminary, May 2006


L: The Lord be with you.

C: And also with you.

L: Let us pray...God, our creator and redeemer, your Son Jesus prayedthat his followers might be one. Make all Christiansone with him as he is one with you, so that in peaceand concord we may carry to the world the messageof your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who livesand reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,now and forever.

C: Amen.

The congregation shall be seated.

READING Acts 1 :1-8

R: The word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God.

The congregation shall stand.

GOSPEL Luke 24:44 -53

R: The word of the Lord.C: Thanks be to God.

The congregation shall be seated.



Jesus Shall Reign "*

1. Jesus shall reign where'er the sundoes its successive journeys run;his kingdom stretch from shore to shore,till moons shall wax and wane no more.

2. To him shall endless prayer be made,and praises throng to crown his head;his name like sweet perfume shall risewith ev'ry morning sacrifice.

3. People and realms of ev'ry tonguedwell on his love with sweetest song;and infant voices shall proclaimtheir early blessings on his name.

4. Blessings abound where'er he reigns:the pris'ners leap to lose their chains,the weary find eternal rest,and all who suffer want are blest.

5. Let ev'ry creature rise and bring -honors peculiar to our King;angels descend with songs again,and earth repeat the loud amen.


Craig Koester

LBW 530





All candidates listed on pages 8 - 13.


Dean ofAcademic Affairs


Susan Jenkins

Chair, Board of Directors

Diane Doncits


Diane Jacobson

Professor of Old Testament,Associate Dean-M.A./M.S.M. Programs

Alvin Luedke

Associate Professor of Rural MinistryAssociate Dean— M.Div. Programs

Paul Lokken

Associate Dean — Graduate Theological Education



Winners of the A.E. Hanson Prize in Homiletics and theG.M. and Minnie Bruce Prize in New Testament receive

modest cash awards. Descriptions of awards are on page 14.


Karis J. Thompson


The congregation shall stand.

Richard Bliese


L: There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; thereare varieties of service, but the same Lord; there arevarieties of working, but it is the same God whoinspires them all in everyone. To each is given themanifestation of the Spirit for the common good.For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek;between slave and free; between male and female;the same Lord is Lord of all and bestows his riches

upon all who call upon him.C: We are the Church, all kinds and conditions of people;

but we are one body of Christ and individually membersof one another.

Text: Isaac Watts, 1674 -1748, alt.

Page 6: Luther Seminary, May 2006


L: Graduating students, in the presence of God we have met 3. Alleluia! Bread of heav'n,here to honor you for your perseverance, faithfulness, here on earth our food, our stay;and diligence in study, and to present to the Church alleluia! here the sinful

all of you who aspire to serve the Church of God in flee to you from day to day.a variety of ministries. When he said, I have come not Intercessor, friend of sinners,

to be served, but to serve, Jesus defined the meaning earth's redeemer, hear our plea

of ministry. Luther Seminary sends you forth into this Where the songs of all the sinless

service with its love and blessing, and prays that you sweep across the crystal sea.

may be adequate to your task. 4. Alleluia! King eternal,Graduates: Lord omnipotent we own;

With faith in the Triune God, we commit ourselves alleluia! born of Mary,to this ministry of service. We pray that all our works, earth your footstool, heav'n your throne.through God's gracious help, may be begun, continued, As within the veil you entered,and ended in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. robed in flesh, our great high priest,

here on earth both priest and victimTHE PRAYERS in the eucharistic feast.

5. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus;THE LORD'S PRAYER his the scepter, his the throne;

Our Father in heaven, alleluia! his the triumph,

hallowed be your name, his the victory alone.your kingdom come, Hark! The songs of peaceful Zion

your will be done, thunder like a mighty flood:on earth as in heaven. Jesus out of ev ry nation

Give us today our daily bread.has redeemed us by his blood.

Forgive us our sins THE POSTLUDE

as we forgive those who sin against us.Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yoursnow and for ever. Amen



Alleluia! Sing to Jesus "* LBW 158

1. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus;his the scepter, his the throne;alleluia! his the triumph,his the victory alone.Hark! The songs of peaceful Zionthunder like a mighty flood:Jesus out of ev'ry nationhas redeemed us by his blood."

2. Alleluia! Not as orphansare we left in sorrow now;alleluia! he is near us;faith believes, nor questions how.Though the cloud from sight received himwhen the forty days were o'er,shall our hearts forget his promise:I am with you evermore "?

Text: William C. Dix, 1837 -1898, alt.

Page 7: Luther Seminary, May 2006


The Olin S. and .Amanda Fjelstad Reigstad Chair inTheology is established through the estate plan gift ofthe late Dr. Ruth Reigstad. Ruth Reigstad passed awayon November 14, 2005 after a lifetime of service as amilitary officer and then as a physical therapist. She leftvirtually her entire estate to Luther Seminary to honorthe memory of the Christian witness and faithfulness ofher parents. The ,Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Reigstad servedBethlehem Lutheran Church in south Minneapolisfor twenty -five years.

As Ruth Reigstad remembers her parents, she wishes to assistother pastors and the people they serve. The endowmentof a chair in theology honors her parents' legacy to thechurch and will help future pastors and church leadersstruggle with their own profound questions, learning toseek for truth continually and to accept their longings forthe eternal, which can never be completely understood.She asked that the faculty members named to this chairbe exemplary teachers who inspire an openness in theirstudents to wrestling questions of faith.

Dr. Marc Kolden, '66, has beennamed to the Olin S. and AmandaFjelstad Reigstad Chair in Theology.Ile has taught systematic theologyat Luther Seminary for 30 years.He served as Dean of AcademicAffairs from 1996 to 2003.

MO'ADr. Kolden's primary teachingarcas are the person and work of

Christ and the doctrine of the church. He also has doneresearch and writing on the doctrine of Christian vocationthe. Christian's calling in the world), an interest thatbegan when he was serving as a pastor and thinkingwith congregational members about ways that Godmight be working in their lives.

In addition to several articles, chapters, and shorter books,and adult Christian education courses, he has written ByFaith Alone: Fssays on Justification in honor of Gerhard O.Forde (Ferdmans, 2004), authored and co- edited withJoseph A. Burgess; Called and Ordained: Lutheran Perspectiveson the Office of the Ministry (Fortress, 1990; re- issued byWipf and Stock, 2004), co- authored and co- edited withIbdd Nichol; The Christian's Calling in the World (CenteredLife, 2002); Christ, Our Sure Foundation. Pentecost ASermons (C.S.S., 1995); and Called by the Gospel: AnIntroduction to the Christian Faith (Augsburg, 1983).

Marc and Sally Kolden, married for over 40 years, haveone adult son, Michael.

Page 8: Luther Seminary, May 2006


Dr. Rolf Jacobson, '91, associateprofessor of Old Testament, joinedthe Luther Seminary faculty in

July 2003. Prior to that, he wasan assistant professor of religion atAugsburg College in Minneapolis.Jacobson earned a Master of

Divinity degree from Luther andwas ordained in 1991. . He served

five years as associate pastor ofComo Park Lutheran Church in St. Paul.

In addition to his book, Many are Saying: The Function ofDirect Discourse in the Hebrew Psalter (Sheffield AcademicPress, 2004), Jacobson is co- author of the No ExperienceNecessary Bible studies (Augsburg Fortress, 2005) andcontributed to both the Lutheran Handbook and

Christian Handbook. His many articles have appeared insuch publications as Theology Today and l )ni and Iltorld,for which he is associate editor. He has also appearedin many video curricula, such as The Lutheran Course.Currently he is writing Psalms, an Old Testamentcommentary to be published by Eerdmans. He is thechair of the Book of Psalms Section of the Society ofBiblical I_.iterature.

Dr. Alvin Luedke is associate

professor of rural ministry andassociate dean of missional pastors.He joined the Luther Seminaryfaculty in 2001 with extensiveparish ministry experience and abackground in sociological research.

In addition to serving on theboard of directors for Shalom Hill

Farm, Luedke is a member of numerous rural ministryorganizations including the Rural Church Network in theUnited States and Canada and the Rural Ministry Allianceof the ELCA, as well as the Rural Sociological Society.

Luedke is co- author of the book Demographics: A Guideto Methods and Data Sources for Media, Business, andGovernment (Paradigm Publishers, 2006). In addition tonumerous sociological studies, his recent articles includeOpportunities amidst Challenges: Denominations andRural Ministry;" in Word &,,' 111 (2005); "Farm FinancialCrisis- Challenges for Ministry among Small Town andRural Communities, Congregations, and Individuals"Joumal of Lutheran Ethics, 2003).

He is a frequent speaker at synod conferences andcongregations.


Dr. Steven Paulson, '84, professor

of systematic theology, joined theLuther Seminary faculty in 1998after serving as assistant professor

He is the author of Luther for Armchair TheologiansWestminster John Knox Press, 2004). He recently editedseveral books by Gerhard Forde: A More Radical Gospel,The Captivation of the Will and The Preached GodLutheran Quarterly Books, Eerdmans Press).

Paulson's articles have appeared in Word and World, aswell as in the Lutheran Quarterly and dialog. He serveson the editorial boards of the latter two publications.

Page 9: Luther Seminary, May 2006


The master of arts degree serves to enrich a person's understandingof the Christian faith and its tradition, to prepare a personto serve in Christian communities and their mission in theworld, and to provide the basic theological degree for furthergraduate study.

Yvonne M. Andert WilkenSpirit Garage Underground, Minneapolis, MinnesotaSpirit Garage, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mohammad Nabeel Ashraf

Crystal Ann BostowBethlehem Lutheran Church, Fargo, North Dakota

Kristopher A. BoyerMinneapolis /St. Paul Church of Christ

Lowell E. BrennaFaith Lutheran Church, Staples, Minnesota

Ann Marie CarlsonBethlehem Lutheran Church, Grand Marais, Minnesota

Joe ClymerBethel Lutheran Church, Hudson, Wisconsin

Samantha Anastasia Cummings*St. Paul - Reformation Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota

Carroll Davis - Johnson

Kaia Michelle Draijer

Rachel Flogstad -HeiseAlbion Lutheran Church, St. James, MinnesotaBethel Lutheran Church, Little Falls, Minnesota

John S. Flomo, Jr.Bethel World Outreach Ministries, Accra, Ghana

Alexandra GlynnLaestadian Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Amy Lynn HartmanOur Saviour's Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Heidi C. HellingAscension Lutheran Church, Brookings, South Dakota

Chiung -Ying HuangChung -li Baptist Church, TaiwanMinnesota Faith Chinese Lutheran Church,St. Paul, Minnesota

Ruth E. Jamison

Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, St. Paul, Minnesota

Kristina Elise JohnsonFirst Lutheran Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Melissa Dawn Johnson

Chisago Lakes Lutheran Church, Center City, Minnesota

Lori Lynn JudyBethany Lutheran Church, Ruskin, Nebraska

Jinteh Michael JumbuinCameroon Baptist Convention Health Board,Cameroon, Central Africa

Jiyeon Kim

Timothy N. KnutsonShepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Afton, Minnesota

Raymond Allen La VoieOur Savior's Lutheran Church, Veblen, South DakotaFaith Lutheran Church, New Effington, South DakotaFirst Lutheran Church, Claire City, South DakotaGrace Lutheran Church, Sisseton, South Dakota

Kirstin Irene LieschGrace Lutheran Church, Wenatchee, Washington

Lisa Roholt LukisPeace Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MinnesotaFirst Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Rebecca Ann Martin

Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp, Story City, Iowa

Shivon Rene Ringdahl MillerTrinity Lutheran Church, Duluth, Minnesota

Andrew Olaf NelsonUnited Lutheran Church, Red Wing, MinnesotaSt. Paul - Reformation Lutheran Church,St. Paul, MinnesotaMercy Seat Lutheran, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Carrie Elene PetersonBethlehem Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Amy Leigh Poppinga

Cindy Rasmussen

Page 10: Luther Seminary, May 2006


Hannah M.C. Reeves - Fleming MASTER OF DIVINITYOur Savior's Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota The master of divinity degree provides a professional theologicalDouble Bridge Baptist Church, Monrovia, Liberia education for mission and ministry. This degree program prepares

persons for ordained ministry in Christian communities.Linda Marie Roal

Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MinnesotaMichele Williams Abbott

Diane Runyan St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MinnesotaPeace Lutheran Church, Belleville, Illinois First Evangelical Lutheran Church,

East Greenwich, Rhode IslandEric John Schuld

Eric Jon William Allert*

Patricia R. Sigford Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WashingtonLutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Duluth, Minnesota Christ Lutheran Church, Lakewood, WashingtonTrinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Westbrook, Minnesota St. Mark's Lutheran Church, North St. Paul, Minnesota

Roger V. Stageberg JoAnne Calkins Amaral t

Colonial Church, Edina, Minnesota St. Croix Valley United Methodist Church,Lakeland, Minnesota

Karis Joo Hwa Thompson Faith United Methodist Church, West St. Paul, MinnesotaShepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church,Shoreview, Minnesota Nathan Anenson

Immanuel Lutheran Church, Story City, IowaShana Kathleen -Palm Williams

Salem Lutheran Church, Cummings, North Dakota Brian A.F. Beckstrom

First Lutheran Church, St. Peter, MinnesotaAscension Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

MASTER OF SACRED MUSIC Zahl Lutheran Parish, Zahl, North DakotaThe master of sacred music degree is designed to educatechurch musicians theologically for service in the church as Lori Blake

professional pastoral musicians. Salem Lutheran Church, St. Cloud, Minnesota

Scott W. BlockMark John Ertl

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, East Bethel, MinnesotaShepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church,Apple Valley, Minnesota Steven A. Bonesho

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Burnsville, MinnesotaSandra Lea Krumholz St. Mary Magdalene Lutheran Church, Savage, Minnesota

Grace Lutheran Church, Fairmont, Minnesota Roseville Lutheran Church, Roseville, Minnesota

Yuko Maruyama Erin Lyn BovendamTrinity United Methodist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota Bethel Lutheran Church, Bemidji, MinnesotaChurch of the Good Shepherd United Methodist,St. Paul, Minnesota Erin Brissett*

Shibata Lutheran Christ Church, Zion Lutheran Church, Grand Rapids, MinnesotaShibata -City Niigata, Japan St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Grand Rapids, Minnesota

Glen Don McAvoy, Jr. Paul Gareth Burkhalter

Good Samaritan United Methodist Church, Zion Lutheran Church, Clear Lake, IowaEdina, Minnesota

Rebekah G. Schulz*

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Brookfield, Connecticut Names of churches are the candidate's home and/or supporting congregations.Requirements to be met by August 31, 2006

Brian Andrew Wentzel* X G. M. & Minnie Bruce Award in New Testament

St. Timothy Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesotat A.E. Hanson Prize in Homiletics

Prize/FeUowship Recipient. See page 14.11,

k__ E,

Page 11: Luther Seminary, May 2006

Paul Anders ChapmanGrace Lutheran Church, Raleigh, North CarolinaChrist Lutheran Church, East Northport, New York

James D. ChineryGrace Lutheran Church, Raleigh, North Carolina

Daniel Dornfeld

Zion Lutheran Church, Fairwater, Wisconsin

Tony Dean EdeSt. Paul Lutheran Church, Maynard, Iowa

Gary R. ErdmannOlivet Lutheran Church, Fargo, North Dakota

Joshua Russell FiteOur Saviour's Lutheran Church, Tyler, Texas

Darrell Ulysses GillespieProverbs Christian Fellowship, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Darlene GregaResurrection Lutheran Church, St. Joseph, MinnesotaDr. Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church,Brooklyn, Ohio

Debora Lynn Jasmer GrismerSt. James Lutheran Church, Leola, South Dakota

Erik Jay HaalandAmerican Lutheran Church, Billings, Montana

Randall Curtis Haas

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church,Apple Valley, Minnesota

Nancy Johnson HansenFirst English Lutheran Church, Faribault, MinnesotaSt. Olaf Lutheran Church, Austin, Minnesota

Martha Jane Hanson t

Faith Lutheran Church, Morris, Minnesota

Michael T. Hanson

Messiah Lutheran Church, Hoffman, Minnesota

Jean M. HayPilgrim Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota

Judy Holmen*Atonement Lutheran Church, St. Cloud, MinnesotaDarfur Lutheran Church, Darfur, Minnesota

Thomas Earl Jacobson*Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Canby, Minnesota

Robert Kyle JamesFirst English Lutheran Church, Peoria, Illinois

Dixie Lee JohnsonSt. Andrew Lutheran Church, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Justin Erik JohnsonConcordia Lutheran Church, Edmore, North Dakota

Stephanie Kay JohnsonOur Savior Lutheran Church, Issaquah, Washington

Brett Charles JorgensenFirst Lutheran Church, Blair, Nebraska

Molly Jean JuntunenFirst Lutheran Church, Duluth, MinnesotaLutheran Church of Hope, West Des Moines, Iowa

Natacha D. KempGloria Dei Lutheran Church, Rochester, Minnesota

Mark Christopher KinneyHainesville Lutheran Church, Sturgeon Bay, WisconsinHope Lutheran Church, St. Petersburg, FloridaAscension Lutheran Church, Citrus Heights, CaliforniaUniversity Lutheran Church, Gainesville, Florida

A. J. Kluver

First Lutheran Church, Little Falls, Minnesota

Cary G. LarsonSelor Lutheran Church, Webster, MinnesotaZion Lutheran Church, Ellendale, MinnesotaLeSueur River Lutheran Church,New Richland, MinnesotaVista Lutheran Church, New Richland, Minnesota

Lori Beth LathropRoseville Lutheran Church, Roseville, Minnesota

Daniel J. Lee t

Bakke Lutheran Church, Detroit Lakes, MinnesotaRichwood Lutheran Church, Detroit Lakes, MinnesotaLund Lutheran Church, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Matthew Lee Manz

New Hope Lutheran Church, Alvarado, MinnesotaUniversity Lutheran Church, Grand Forks, North Dakota

Carol T MapaAtonement Lutheran Church, Rapid City, South Dakota

Page 12: Luther Seminary, May 2006

Christopher David MathiasonSt. Olaf Lutheran Church, Austin, MinnesotaGrace Lutheran Church, Fairmont, MinnesotaChrist the King Lutheran Church, Mankato, Minnesota

Patrick Fidelis McCormack

First Lutheran Church, Minot, North DakotaOak Valley Lutheran Church, Velva, North DakotaOur Savior's Lutheran Church, Max, North DakotaSt. John's Lutheran Church, Ryder North DakotaHope Lutheran Church, Makoti, North DakotaSt. Paul's Lutheran Church, Makoti, North DakotaImmanuel Lutheran Church, Roseglen, North DakotaSt. Peter's Lutheran Church, Emmet, North Dakota

Karla Mickelson

Solem Lutheran Church, Hawley, Minnesota

Carol Moler*

Grace Lutheran Church, Andover, MinnesotaCross of Hope Lutheran Church, Ramsey, MinnesotaLord of Life Lutheran Church, Ramsey, Minnesota

Candace Anne Klimesh Moser

St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, Minnesota

Christian Leverty MuellerleileTrinity Lutheran Church, Owatonna, Minnesota

Diane Pilcher Norstad

First Lutheran Church, Amery, WisconsinFarmington Lutheran Church, Farmington, Minnesota

Jason Lee OkrzynskiGloria Dei Lutheran Church, Rochester, Minnesota

Rachel L. Oldfather

Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Kiester, Minnesota

Katherine Ewald Olson

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Claremont, California

Loren Lars Olsonx

Tanque Verde Lutheran Church, Tuscon, ArizonaComo Park Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota

Susan Jeanette Peterson - Koesterman*

Zion- Hedemarken Lutheran Parish,Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Andrew Ashby PiocherFirst Presbyterian Church, Corvallis, OregonWestminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Matthew S. Prasek

Norway Lutheran Church, Glenham, South DakotaCentral Lutheran Church, Everett, WashingtonTrinity Lutheran Church, Mobridge, South Dakota

Jared L. Rakness

Grace Lutheran Church, Watertown, South DakotaPeace Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Diane Louise Reishus

Minnetonka Lutheran Church, Minnetonka, Minnesota

Linda Ann Rozumalski

West Denmark Lutheran Church, Luck, Wisconsin

David M. Sands

Grace Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WisconsinSt. John's Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Jedidiah Scott Scharmer t

Hope Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mark Donald Schmid

Olivet Lutheran Church, Fargo, North Dakota

John Mark Schraan

All Saints Lutheran Church, Eagan, MinnesotaOur Savior's Lutheran Church, Issaquah, Washington

Jane Ann M. SettergrenGlen Cary Lutheran Church, Ham Lake, Minnesota

Steven John Slostad

Faith Lutheran Church, Rosemount, MinnesotaHosanna Lutheran Church, Lakeville, MinnesotaChrist Lutheran Church, Preston, Minnesota

Robert B. SpeirsTrinity Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, New YorkChrist Lutheran Church - Capitol Hill, St. Paul, MinnesotaRiver of Life Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MinnesotaMinnehaha Communion/Our Redeemer Lutheran Church,Minneapolis, MinnesotaChrist Lutheran Church, Catonsville, Maryland

Names of churches are the candidate's home and/or supporting congregations.Requirements to be met by August 31, 2006

X G. M. & Minnie Bruce Award in New Testament

t A.E. Hanson Prize in Homiletics

Prize/Fellowship Recipient. See page 14.

Page 13: Luther Seminary, May 2006

Jon Michael Straus

American Lutheran Church, Windom, MinnesotaFirst Lutheran Church, Glencoe, MinnesotaCrown of Glory Lutheran Church, Chaska, MinnesotaSt. James Lutheran Church, Crystal, MinnesotaSierra Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sierra Vista, Arizona

Amy Kirsten Strydom*Cambridge Evangelical Lutheran Church,Cambridge, Minnesota

Krista Therese VingelisChrist Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bethesda, MarylandSt. Andrew Lutheran Church, Centreville, Virginia

Logan Howard WangShepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Afton, Minnesota

Erik Stanton Weber

First Lutheran Church, Meadowlands, Minnesota

Matthew L. Williams

St. John's Lutheran Church, Des Moines, Iowa

Jaimie A. Wilson

St. Peter Lutheran Church, Sheboygan, WisconsinLutheran Church of Our Redeemer, Sacramento, California

Joseph Blake Winston, IIIChrist the King Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas


The doctor of ministry is the most advanced professionaldegree for ordained persons in the parish or related ministries.The primary emphasis of this degree is theological learningand research in the context of the practice of ministry.

David L. Cline Polk City, Iowa

Cross- Cultural Companionship: Initial Barriers andImpacts of a Companion Congregation Relationship"

Beth Ann Gaede Hudson, Wisconsin

What Will I Do Next? Discerning Vocations forRetirement —A Group Process for Older Adults"

Karl E. Galik Rochester Hills, Michigan

First Manage Yourself Well: How Stewardshipof Self Encourages Health in Community"

Cherryll Irene Hoffman Sioux City, Iowa

Ministry to Those Separatedfrom the Community of Faith"

Paul Henry Tobiason Colfax, Wisconsin

Revive Us Again: The Brief Order for Confessionand Forgiveness in the Context of God's Grace"


The master of theology is a research degree, which providescontinuing theological study through the discipline ofacademic excellence.

Andar Gomos Parlindungan* ** Sumatera Utara, IndonesiaWhen Muslim - Christian Relations Turn Violent:

A Case Study of the Conflict in the Moluccas1999 - 2002)"

John Philip Spaulding ** St. Paul, Minnesota

Qur'anic Interpretation in Trinitarian Perspective:Testing Amos Yong's Hermeneutics and Theologyof Religions"

Erick Julian Thompson Plymouth, Minnesota

Background Elements: Participants in theELCA Study of the Office of Ministry"

David Alan Werner Duluth, Minnesota

Both Piety and Mercy: The Dual Emphasis of Worksof Piety and Works of Mercy in the Early MethodistClass Meeting under John Wesley"


The doctor ofphilosophy is an advanced research degreedesigned to develop scholarly leadership for Christianchurches and for work in the community of theologicalscholarship throughout the world.

Anita Lynne Bradshaw Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Church as Reconciling Community:An Assessment of Conflict Resolution Methods

in Light of Theology"

Tzu -Kao Chai Taipei, Taiwan

The Formation of Leaders of the Southern BaptistChurch in Taiwan: Exploring the Current Situationand Envisioning the Future"

Page 14: Luther Seminary, May 2006

Curtis Glenn Evavold Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Crowd in the Gospel of Mark:A Narrative Perspective"

Nancy Schmidt Going Plano, Texas

Here I Am, You Called Me:The Stories of Twelve Disciples"

Suzanne Schulz Hequet St. Paul, Minnesota

The 1541 Imperial Religious Discussions atRegensburg: In Pursuit of Unity"

Gaylan Kent Mathiesen Fergus Falls, Minnesota

Missio Dei in the Religious andCultural Milieu of Northeast Asia"

Aiva Rozenberga Riga, Latvia

Daily Living, Spirituality and Relationality in SpiritualDirection with People in Significant Relationships"

Names of churches are the candidate's home and/or supporting congregations.Requirements to be met by August 31, 2006

With Distinction

X G. M. & Minnie Bruce Award in New Testament

t A.E. Hanson Prize in Homiletics

Prize/FeUowship Recipient. See page 14.

Page 15: Luther Seminary, May 2006