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Transcript of LUL02

  • 8/14/2019 LUL02




    The Lord gave the word: great wasthe company of those that publishedit. (Psalm 68:11).

    Not only did God give His Word, butit has gone forth in great power. Thisis recognised because the KingJames Bible is the worlds mostwidely distributed book.

    But what is the origin of the Bible? Itis in fact a collection of books whichwere written from ancient times to

    Roman times by various men invarious places.

    Some parts of the Bible are history.Others are poetic. Others areprophetic. Others are instruction. Butit all fits and works together. This isbecause there is one true author ofthe Bible the Spirit of God.

    All scripture is given by inspirationof God, and is profitable for doctrine,for reproof, for correction, forinstruction in righteousness: Thatthe man of God may be perfect,throughly furnished unto all goodworks. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17).

    Inspiration means that God wasusing the men by His Spirit, to writeHis words. It means that as a personwas writing, God was guiding them.The result of the process ofinspiration is inspired words divinewords.

    There was an Anglican scholarnamed John William Burgon, whowrote, THEBIBLE is none other thanthe voice of Him that sitteth uponthe Throne! Every book of it, every Chapter of it, every Verse of it, every word of it, every syllable ofit, (where are we to stop?) every letter of it is the directutterance of the Most High!

    Every word of the Bible is full ofdivine power. After all, if God created
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    the world by speaking, and peopleare born again by speaking(confessing Christ), then it is onlyproper that we view words as veryimportant.


    A prophet might have given amessage and a scribe wrote it down,or a person might have compiled abook of the Bible. The words mayhave come from a variety of sources,but the inspiration of God was therein the making of the final form ofthat book in writing. That is called byscholars the Autograph.

    The autograph would have beenwritten in Hebrew (and sometimes inSyriack) in the Old Testament. Theseare ancient languages spoken in theMiddle East. The New Testament waswritten in Greek, because even afterthe Romans ruled, Greek was stillwidely spoken.

    Even the Ten Commandments whichMoses received written in stone fromGod Himself had to be written aspart of a book of the Bible. Eventhough God wrote perfectly in thestone, the inspiration was there inMoses writing perfectly in the book.

    There would not be just one copy

    only (the autograph), but copies hadto be made. In time the autographswould wear out, and also morepeople in different places needed tosee and read copies.

    There is an example of where Jesusread a copy of the book of Isaiah in asynagogue.

    And there was delivered unto himthe book of the prophet Esaias. Andwhen he had opened the book, he

    found the place where it was written(Luke 4:17).


    Would the almighty God give HisWord perfectly, only to have it lost intime? Would He neglect the Word of

    God once it was being copied?

    The words of the LORD are purewords: assilver tried in a furnace ofearth, purified seven times. Thoushalt keep them, O LORD, thou shaltpreserve them from this generationfor ever. (Psalm 12:6, 7).

    The Bible promises that the Scripture

    would be preserved. That means thewords, not the scrolls. Paper doesnot last forever, but Gods Word issupposed to endure to the end.

    Being born again, not of corruptibleseed, but of incorruptible, by theword of God, which liveth andabideth for ever. ... But the word ofthe Lord endureth for ever. And this

    is the word which by the gospel ispreached unto you. (1 Peter 1:23,25).

    The Word of God is incorruptible, andit is supposed to go forth with power.

    The attack

    Jesus said,He that is not with me is

    against me; and he that gatherethnot with me scattereth abroad.(Matthew 12:30).

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