ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they...

4a asni%i51di% -2 n1r~a'~%~a~snBiuaunaiun:manari~diu~vidiu~6sam ~iafi~ua~iaat ~i~nssnniu~rii lrj~lunailunirwtnn$uIdn$u81i~rii~$~ ~da~n'nrii~uinirsGu ~ilululnsTlriu~"snn~w siiu nisl~~~assn riau~niinis~i~~~unsnlu~~a~i~:uu uiu-'l (parenthetical references) ~ ~ s i : d i u l 6 i L~OJ li6a~Bu~i nis&~B~YilU n6-r.4 dad 5nuiiiwu5~~a:~w~iiwfa~ni"~i81~wu~1inels"~~iu~am ~ilululnsdaus~iiuula' L%J assm~e:u 33~iynsu ~B~ann ludd ~9u~dnuu~%~assn~Au~~u LA~L~^s~I ~iianisvi~nu~iiwu& lnuGmGn5nuii% u ~ i 5 n u i ~ s i u A i ~ ~ ~ ~ (nyvwvliunr : hrinfinhniinu18 ~~JAILLMJ, 2541) ni%%3~3sa%sn I. lunis6maanu'nnaiu~~uuuian niu'anaiudCmaand~%~assna$~~~alu L~~MIU~LG~ n7srii~wnimai~~%~assn'ba"b&$anaiud~~elaan lrjdrdurh~%~assn 01 w a# fiu~riiua~~iur!uu~u 7 uar&a~!m~&ufuijda~srut$i~ 8 nannws & u s r ~ i i ~ ~ d 6-94 naiud~maan~u t%~ossn"uo~$anaiud6maan 61~~~uual~~r) (reference index) --- !rjii~r~~u&~au~?a~q$nwslb"--- uar;dauuua~~%~ossnbGu n7s8miiaaiuduuu PI - A- vas&uauuwnman Kaaeii~ :

Transcript of ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they...

Page 1: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

4a asni%i51di% - 2

n1r~a'~%~a~snBiuaunaiun:manari~diu~vidiu~6sam ~ i a f i ~ u a ~ i a a t

~ i ~ n s s n n i u ~ r i i l r j~lunai lunirwtnn$uIdn$u81i~r i i~$~ ~da~n'nrii~uinirsGu

~ilululnsTlriu~"snn~w siiu n i s l ~ ~ ~ a s s n r i a u ~ n i i n i s ~ i ~ ~ ~ u n s n l u ~ ~ a ~ i ~ : u u uiu-'l (parenthetical references) ~ ~ s i : d i u l 6 i L ~ O J l i 6 a ~ B u ~ i nis&~B~YilU

n 6 - r . 4

dad 5 n u i i i w u 5 ~ ~ a : ~ w ~ i i w f a ~ n i " ~ i 8 1 ~ w u ~ 1 i n e l s " ~ ~ i u ~ a m ~ilululnsdaus~iiuula'

L%J assm~e:u 3 3 ~ i y n s u

~ B ~ a n n ludd ~ 9 u ~ d n u u ~ % ~ a s s n ~ A u ~ ~ u L A ~ L ~ ^ s ~ I ~ i i a n i s v i ~ n u ~ i i w u &

lnuGmGn5nuii% u ~ i 5 n u i ~ s i u A i ~ ~ ~ ~ (nyvwvl iunr : hr in f inhni inu18

~ ~ J A I L L M J , 2541)


I. lunis6maanu'nnaiu~~uuuian niu'anaiudCmaand~%~assna$~~~alu L ~ ~ M I U ~ L G ~ n7srii~wnimai~~%~assn'ba"b&$anaiud~~elaan lrjdrdurh~%~assn

01 w a#

f i u ~ r i i u a ~ ~ i u r ! u u ~ u 7 uar&a~!m~&ufuijda~srut$i~ 8 nannws & u s r ~ i i ~ ~ d 6-94

na iud~maan~u t%~ossn"uo~$anaiud6maan 6 1 ~ ~ ~ u u a l ~ ~ r ) (reference index) --- !rjii~r~~u&~au~?a~q$nwslb"--- uar;dauuua~~%~ossnbGu n7s8miiaaiuduuu PI - A - vas&uauuwnman Kaaeii~ :

Page 2: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself :

My tension, in a sense, resembles a great welling up of laughter, it is not

unlike the burning of passions of Sade's heroes, and yet it is close to that of 23

the martyrs, or of the saints.

2 3 ' ~ a tension resemble, en un sens, i une folle envie de rire, elle diffet-e

peu des passions dont brOlent les heros de Sade, et pourtant, elle est proche 8

de celle des martyrs ou des saints" Sur Nietzsche, 12.

Page 3: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

d A d w 2. l u n s m n u u o n a i u ~ m ~ o n u ~ ~ a i u b b i ~ l ~ ~ ~ n a ~ u m o ~ ~ ~ ~ m o u l (a single

paragraph) C ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ I U ~ U L % J O S S ~ O ~ P ~ J L ~ U 1 ~?'~L%JJTT~!& L ~ B ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ L ~ R I L L R ~ 2 d

~Su~uawnsrmiw ~ Y a a e i i ~ :

The means by which the traditional Western composers have attempted to

communicate with their audience has been discussed at length by Eduard Hans 2 3 4

lick, Heinrich Schenker, Suzanne Langer, to name but a few.

Or :

The means by which the traditional Western composers have attempted to

communicate with their audience has been discussed at length by Eduard

Hanslick, Heinrich Schenker, Suzanne Langer, and Leonard Meyer, to name but a 2


b ~ ~ o s s n ~ E f u a a r ~ s i n ~ f i u v l ~ i ~ ~ d : 2 Eduard Hanslick, The Beautiful in Music, trans. G. Cohen (New York :

Novello, Ewer, 1891); Heinrich Schenker, Der freie Satz, trans. and ed. T. H.

Kreuger (Ann Arbor : University Microfilms, 1960), pub. no. 60-1558; Suzanne

Langer, Philosophy in a New Key (New York : Mentor, 1959); Leonard B. Meyer,

Emotion and Meaning in Music (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1956) ;

and Music, the Arts and Ideas (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1967).

Page 4: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

6-aeiaIl~b3sasm I. didsuiJdiairiiC(l.a"bu<auw ~ r d ~ u r % ~ a n o u.rsruiynsu n u n i s d o i ~


ad n i s i J (Tables) b ~ f l t n l ~ d 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i J d ~ t b 6 1 ~ ~ ~ ( O U ~ % ~ I L & J ( ~ d i d a n i w

&nqw'bd.u%u'o 2.1, 2.18 uat 2.23-26 lu~Q%a A Manual for Writers, lmu~na

bTb!I)%&) B

2. <iul.a"~ieia~~a~~6i~u~oa~"11a~vioa'~5a ( ~ 4 % vo~., pt., chap., etc.) onr5'udi 6 g: ,-

erauuunaba"IImi81ui (vol. 2, 4 vols., pt. I, chap. 10, etc.)

3. i lauaaqisais W ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ U U R ~ M R ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ % ~ I ~ ~ P ~ S I U J I P ~ aisl%iieia w w d d

b ~ i l u ~ ? ~ n ~ & b b ~ n ~ ~ ~ d i " u O J " I I Q b f ~ d IriGaia~~.iu?.rsn ~ r i R ' s ~ I ~ i ~ n ' ' T a ~ ~ u i u u ~ w n i n

( . ) st~*-i i~dicinuat8n ~&d$4 ida adidsn'miu luus.rrui ynsu -atl%didaii~n' un d d

~ T u ~ a ~ s a s B d i e i o R ' ~ ~ <meii~ :

American Historical Review



39J nd

8: d d 4. ~ i $ i a u a s i u l m ~ ~ i ~ ~ . r ~ n a . r R i ~ u m C ~ d a v a ~ ~ a ~ a ~ i u ~ ~ a R i ~ u m . a a d o

d '4 8: "k I : B ~ R ' ~ , ~ . ~ L ~ ~ J L B U U ~ ~ ~ U ~ . ~ J L L ~ ~ un'n-a.r i i~lu (full words) u i nn i iw j da w d '4

~ M ~ ¶ J " I I ~ b s ~ J : d ~ a ~ 6 u : Pagan Mysteries of the Renaissance.

i o d a : Pagan Mysteries

Ga~tiu : n i ~ s d a ~ ~ ~ m ~ i d ~ a d a : nissdss

Page 5: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

The Essential Tension : Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and


dabflfa : Essential Tension

Pagan Mysteries of the Renaissance

i a i a : Pagan Mysteries

Z d d d d d d 7. n isn~aano~r iaa i~ l .a " i i i i $ rq "~~ l~aa bsa9 ~ ~ l ~ i ~ < i u i u nibiluaabrad

d d X ni~i6hnqw wmaabsos ~"u%$u b~u<ujl "A Dictionary of," "Readings in" bbar "An

- A d Index to" nmaaua~nil~lmudu"u<uii "WJUI~~TU" "mssaG6" " b a n ~ i ~ " b&bd<l

d d $a (topic) ~Uuaarsa~Lia :

A Guide to Rehabilitation of the Handicapped d d aabsosfh : Handicapped

Bibliography of North American Folklore and Folksong d d %ab3odfh : Folklore and Folksong

Page 6: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

unru~ynsu~~ar~euiynsubtnsnun~u~a$o~3o~o~oli~~vls~nvla~~ :

lndex to General Literature, Biblloqraphical, Historical and Literary Essays

and Sketches Reports and Publications of Boards and Societies Dealing with

Education. w d d

naslaaorsoseia : Education lndex

r i d ri A d 8. ~ u n a o r s a s ~ n n l r r i i ~ ~ ~ i i u ~ ~ m n a i u ~ u ~ w n ~ s h ~ ~ s w s ~ ~ w a s r s ~ ~ ~ ~ u

a, d d nisrrsnnassryaorsasdnsi?u


T \ I ~ G I ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ ~ S T \ H ~ D ~ I ~ G I ~ S ~ L ~ U w

n l s n i ~ 8 ~ n i ~ ~rsnGo~5~989rGa~ huGossry&~ ~~uaosd~~e i s ~DL IU~DJWR d

s7wb~arsluar~zuum~nwir (r4u i ~ 6 u r i ~ 9 7 , volume, 65; ~rarra"~vl$i) aaomew$o

r h e 5 ~ a o ~ n i s f l l ~ w ' n i ~ B u n ~ s d i ~ Z ~ v l * " R o uvldru'oy a ~ ~ s a u m ~ r i l v l i u n l s $ i ~ 8 s w d d b w Go vluiaono~vliodn'Lu (title page) a a r v l r i 7 6 r u ~ u ~ n n n i ~ i l w a ~ s a i s ~vlfirl&ua 91

~ V I M % J $ ~ ~ ~ J ~ E I dnwon (cover) uarunnaluroc r d o o * ~ s ~ ~ ~ u o ~ i n?~violdiYi~Eis

rLuu :durn'

I. n.nuarr"omIu 91 ~ijonisn"13nuiilaus' aGu w .R. 2541 v lc i 54-55 w c l w

2. o l u e ~ r i ~ r i i u 3 nu n~so*1~8s~usduuu~%~osso6o~sr~do~r~ei~~u~~~n 91

~ r ~ a i ? ~ i u 6 a u C l ~ h "el al." F ~ ~ L % J ~ I "and others" W6osId~ndT0svlu~u~an~n ( , )

~ w - m i l ~ % o ~ ~ ~ e i s 6 u "et al." veicn'njlpi~nd3o~vlu~uuKwn7~ ( . ) n lunhdl 'let aI." :

2 Martin Greenberger et al., eds., Networks for Research (Cambridge : MIT

Press, 1974), 54. 2 Martin Greenberger and others, eds., Networks for Research (Cambridge :

MIT Press, 1974), 54.

Page 7: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

4 d ~ a ~ ~ a m EN ~1ao9a (TITLES OF WORKS)

I. m m u a r i u n l u 'a $ 8 a n i ~ i i ' i n u i i i w u B ' acu W.R. 2541 MCI 32 LL~ZMCI

56 d$ c d a'

2. ~ % n s ~ ~ d ~ u ~ n ? i ~ M?nun (chapter) u n r v l ~ ~ a s c ~ a n ~ s a r n i u n d d n n ~ d d C d d d d

3 . lunsmn~dwunn3 iu an~sa~brii~ndTarvluiu~anin ( , ) i n n i a a n ~ s o r

LL~~?RIU<?LI~~~?I~AI~ (~nLRii[6dpd~?13~13) d d a

4. I u n s n m d u u n B a u n ~ a r i ~ n d T a r n u i u ~ w n i n ( . ) dnniuuri?niuniuri i A A 41 "inw M%I lal~~~ n i u G ~ u a o ~ s n ~ v a r ~ f a " r 5 o

A d 5. aarsa~uar wariuIutQrm iYarIGZnusr~iniIvlnj ! i i i a t ~ ~ u w n r i u d

5u6~wauw.jvl~ad!d~uw"~w~b~w.j w d A

6. ~n~iwlnlnaa~sarunrriu~u6d~wuawi (published works) u a r ~ n ? i s ~ i s

7. ~auorun (tittle of a chapter) ~ w v l f a " 4 ~ n ~ ~ Z ~ a u n n ? l o~IuLndTo~~u1~

oiydsmin niariir :

2 W. Edmund Farrer, "Antibiotic Resistance in Developing Countries," in

Disease and Urbanization, by John Keats (New York : Holt Reinhart, and Winston,

1971), 25.

5~und 5 s ~ ~ i u u n ~ ~ ~ u : I w d s r ~ a i ~ o l i d i l u ~ ~ a ? ~ ~ , l m u ~ u n i a i u Kn o b u (nsr b n w u ~ i u n s : hfa"n5uw'uvliinui~usiut41 b b ~ d , 2548). v lc i 9.

5 W. Edmund Farrer, "Antibiotic Resistance in Developing Countries,"

Journal of Infections Disease 152 (December 1985) : 1 103.

Page 8: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

The Early Growth of Logic in the Child

Classification and Seriation


The Early Growth of Logic in the Child : Classification and Seriation

ussruGn15 &IAJEI 91 w ~ B ~ ~ " ~ ? u s ? u 91 (COMPILER)

1. ~ n a a z t 6 u n l u ~iionis613nuii lw~B' aliu w . ~ . 2541 RIII 35 w d d a d d

2. i i ~ v l u ~ a o ~ s n ~ v l % d n ' h (title page) uaarsm ~ n r j r r i ~ v a : s r ~ i / n PI

r ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ^ b n l s f ~ d a M ~ ~ $ ~ ? U T ? U ~ ~ ? U ~ L ~ I J ~ R S ~ I J M ~ J IK~JUSTIUIP~~~~ B D G L L ~ ~ %I

4 d d d vlsnao~saur?u m~uniuaarsn~~ra:m~uw"~or~"sa~vlu~a~anin ( . ) ~ia:aluniu

i i ? u d ~ r i s n ~ w & n q u i ~ 'ed." ( " u s ~ m ~ f n i s l n u " ) vl;o -trans." (-uda~nus8) f i n

slcomp.n (~~s -~us~u lnu " ) d1don1~1&nqur~u61ranw06 :

I Edmund Chira, They Wrote on Clay, ed. Ciro Cameron (Chicago : University

of Chicago Press, 1938). 42.

Page 9: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

' ~ o h n Mill, Autobiography and Literary Essays, ed. John Robson and

Jack Stillinger (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1980), 15.

5 Ciro Chiera, They Wrote on Clay, comp. Edmund Chiera (Chicago :

University of Chicago Press, 1987), 45. 5- -4 PI

? I s 9a~uiw, dsramanlnu, n u s - a u I n u a u ~ i u P ~ ~ A U ~ U ( W ~ L U R ~ : L L W ~

6~6, 2500), ~ $ 1 5.

6 Edmund Chiera, They Wrote on Clay, trans. Ciro Chiera (Chicago :

University of Chicago Press, 1987), 45. 6 a ~nmriun' in. ~ a i r B u u u u A u ~ ~ i i u a , LL~RIRU 413 $31 ( n ~ ~ ~ n w u n i u n ~ :

n ~ n ' n i r n i u a ~ ? p n i , 2522), ~ r j i 38.

2 Ciro Cameron, ed., They Wrote on Clay, by Edmund Chira (Chicago :

University of Chicago Press, 1938), 42. 5 a 3 1 nirynh. ur~miPhm~. IiuiunLj?ula?', I n u ? a i uniin (nsaww

ufliunr : nannGi, 2524), M ~ I 4.

3 John Mill and Embry Chira, eds., Literary Essays of John Stuart (Toronto :

University of Toronto Press, 1980), 15-89.

Page 10: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

4 Edmund Chiera, comp., They wrote on Clay, (Chicago : University of

Chicago Press, 1987), 45. 4 OICI OI

nua iu inwku. r-js2us2u. ~ l ~ z ~ r m l n u (ws:uns : ow i f i n6 2500), ~ r i l 5.

6 Edmund Chiera, comp., They Wrote on Clay, by Ciro Chiera (Chicago :

University of Chicago Press, 1987), 45. 6 nuaiu ?~nwiku. WYS?US-JU, 91 LTJ I~~ IXJW~ULM~~U~. Inunuaw i m w i f u (n;;l~nw

uwiuns : wnnanisfiuw", 2524), wci 9.

6 Ciro Chiera, trans., They Wrote on Clay, by Edmund Chiera (Chicago :

University of Chicago Press, 1987), 45. 6 r u ~ i L~UUR;, (LLIJB. LUIL~UUUURULW~~U~. l n u ~ Z n i u 6 937 (n7;lLnw

uniuns : a;ln'nisniua;lq~mi. 2522). w l i i 38.

' ~ u ~ u s t von Haxthausen, Studies on the Interior of Russia, ed. S.

Frederic Starr, trans. Eleanore L. Schmidt (Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

1972), 47.

'kn' ~doau~fin. B3mriuK .usrml^nnislnunuaiu d u u ~ i i n , u d a l n u 3

~douu~fin (n2;lmwuaiuns : n~ i zn i s f i u v i , 2515). ~ ~ 4 8 .

'~elmut Thielicke, Men in God's World, trans. and ed. John Dober (New

York : Harper & Row, 1963), 43.

Page 11: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

1 The Works of Shakespear, ed. Alexander Pope (London : printed for

Jacob Tonson in the Strand, 1725), 6 : 20. 1 rruuuiiauhn~gwnsri, ussmiinisInonuau?n~aeJ" (wszuns : IzcGuw'

vluou?maa< 2420), v l f i 20.

1 Shakespear, The Works of Shakespear, ed. Alexander Pope (London :

printed for Jacob Tonson in the Strand, 1725), 6 : 20. 1 qunsri, 9 1 x . gu~uiiwu6ae~qunm~,^anisInunuouin~aeJ" (WS:URI :

1 ~ d $ a ~ w ' ~ ~ a ~ ? G I b a 6 , 2420), ~ $ 1 20.

1 Alexander Pope, ed., The Works of Shakespear (London : printed for

Jacob Tonson in the Strand, 1725), 6 : 20. 1 vlunuin~aS, u23mifni3, prr~uiiwuih~osaunsrj (w.itun3 : hdGuriund

vlunu?n~aG, 2420), vlGi 20.

Page 12: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

d P, S D ~ M ~ J A ~ G ~ o~iunun w"sown(iq w d d - a cld w c l niamso~uu~li idnsu~aauan~~uuu6iG1 (preface) diiiuu ~ ~ a d i d n s n

d w c l ci"Timi&n~n (foreward) I ~ % I U W % ~ (introduction) an luou&&~saua$~unisjl~

i3d :

1 Dag HammarskjOld, Markings, with a foreward by W.H. Auden (New York :

Alfred A. Knopf, 1964), 38. 1 ~ u v i u ~ i iu lnna~. 91 ~ ~ ~ u B R ~ H . winuAiiiuu~nu7ah ~duanu ~ n v (TI~JLYIW

ufsiu~s : giuassmnssu, 2540), ~lii 40.

z rii&n;o~nish~6iiiuu unGi ua:~&$~$uwriauuu :

2 W. H. Auden, foreward to Markings by Dag Hammarskjold (New York :

Alfred A Knopf, 1964), IX. 2n - auu ~dugnurna, AiiiudK~illri iin~uihqu ~nuauaiu tduanu~na (n.jJmw

u~iums : Giuassmnssu, 2540), nGi R. 3 wszuinau~Gows:yn~unnfii?mlan, ws:sivd.nsnun~naw~~iu(iils~a~~~

mad. L ~ U I (WS:URS : a~n;l isniua~?~nni. 2512), 1-451 1-2. -

8 d a ns~nwuvi (EDITION)

I . u'oua~~ua~unisfluw'iiaii~0uu'ousii PI PI ~ i l u r i i ~ ~ w s ~ i w ~ n n o i d ' o ~ l n u PI

w d A r i luwd~iud~ iu~u inn i i I R ~ J &us~ndsingZu~u~aa~sad 91 ~~oaisdsinglunl i i n d w d d C " cl

su^Rnndosin~uian~sm i i n ~ r r : ~ i i u a u n k u o ~ n i s ~ u ~ " nisw'uwdian (reprint) Z A n nlsf lu&~ua~udnuld (paperback editions) l l ~ m l ~ l ; i ~ ~ ? n ~ 3 : ~ B 8 1 1 a d R ~ d ~ w ~ $

(named editions) t d n

2. u~~~uinisw'uwl~rj~~da:nf~r:inin:~ns~nwu~~~u~a~au nifiaisszii w d d c 8 . 4 nisnnn lL~¶Jiidu f l u h & l ~ r j (New Edition) ~UMMI~BLSDJ s?nfl U W R M W ~ % J

d:dlM~ (New Revised Edition) ~ u l ~ d o 5 3 n l l ~ : U ' l ~ ~ i ~ rinii "rev. ed.." "new z A n

rev. ed.." ~ n n i i l 3 ~ ~ 3 d n ~ u w " b ~ f a ~ a ~ n p ~ . 3 ldu Second Edition, Revised (2d ed.,

Page 13: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

rev.) nstJd~o~. d ? u d ? d l ~ i ; Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged (3d ed., rev. C % A

and enl.) f i ~ ~ l n ~ d n 3, d?ud?~i,i,aruu7o ; Revised and Enlarged (3d ed., rev. and 6- % A

enl.) fiuwn3dn 3 diud!auaruuiu ; Revised Edition in One Volume (rev. ed. in 1 C -

vol.) f i u w d ~ u d ~ d ~ u ~ d d ~ i u ; Fourth Edition. Revised by John Doe (4th ed., rev. c % A

John Doe) fiuwnwn 4, d i u d i ~ ~ n a o n f i u irm r i lweiu :

5 William Garzke, Jr., and Robert 0 . Dulin, Jr., Battleships : Axis Battleships

in World War II, 3d ed., Battleships Series, vol. 3 (Annapolis, Md. : Naval Institute

Press, 1985), 379. 5 OI OI

nd C % A

RUPI: d u u ~ ~ o i m ~ a z o ~ ~ u Inasi,rii, i ~ ~ T a n ~ a ~ i i . f i u w n ~ ~ n 3, i7uw

?d~,rii. rdu 3 ( : w s r ~ u n ~ n i s f i u $ 2530). ~ $ 7 30.

8 Richard Ellmann, James Joyce, new and rev. ed. (New York : Oxford

University Press, 1982), 705. 8 P. PI

n u ~ " s $ u u ~ r a i m , a~u7unu"o. fiuw%duardYud?~ (nyi,n wuM1un.i :

nan~nj ' i , 2530). ~ $ 7 50.

3. ~ % d a 5 ~ n ~ ~ j ~ a ~ ~ u 6 ~ n n 5 " d ~ ? o f i u w ' d ' 7 (reprint) $ a d f h ~ u n 3 d ~ ~ u u l % PI

C l d P nn7udfiuviuazdnwuvjGiu uhn7u62onn7udaaz3ifiuw'~nnfd :

1 Gunnar Myrdal, Population : A Problem for Democracy (Cambridge :

Harvard University Press, 1940; repr., Gloucester, Mass. : Peter Smith, 1956), 9. 1 - qunia7o gnoinu, gaiavlaau (nT~~nwuM7un.j : nonrij, 2521; fiuid'7.

n7anwuMiun3 : i i a , 2540). ~ $ 7 7.

z A - w n z d P 4. $ouodn3dnwu$ (named edition) 233rnn33unala~nu'n~d~onsdnwuw'

~ B u n 3 f i f i bPIwbaw7t :

Page 14: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

4 Blaise Pascal, Pensees and the Provincial Letters, The Modern Library

(New York : Random House, 1941), 41 8.

a4d d d rd Z d d w n r w r r d ~ r Y nuiaa~sa~ns:ynisfiuw~m~aa !ris:yaa ywuw nis:yunsu.a:dnwuw mad

I%~ndsa~nuiu?anin ( . ) huun l? '

~ ~ T I ~ J M ~ ~ ; J Q ~ L ~ H ~ G (SERIES) dcld

u i a n ~ d a i r ~ n i s f i u ~ n ~ d ~ a n ~ : ~ a n i s ~ ~ u r i ~ u n d d u a d ~ c i ~ ~ a ~ n n u a a ~ n

(named series) !nn ih EId6n3bba:$fiuib~~~k bilu$qd6un'nisfiuw'buflbbw+

n~oair i j~qd6u6nisf iuw"~o s i a n i ~ a u i n u n i ~ i a i n i s fienisnis&na:gamn

n3su ~CIugu ~~$n~~~aanrtd$nwm:nSiuni~Guw"rwu~rw+~is~is r ra tnS iu~ad iu 0, - d l

d6u&aiu~durun iu~ i~u (multivolume work) rrii$nwm:diniyunndidnuawnu

r d a ~ u i s i n u n i u kd.iingrinl~i~~~u~awi:~o~nish~Z~d~nui:nunon


nisfiuhw uawinfi'ia~m~ilu~n~~ni~aannC~~ouarnia~anisniur~aid

rlinun $ i u u i i n ~ i u n u r iuudaai i t 7 naiuda~ni?bJ r i " sada~d i~ 61 rawirhu

Imniunda niiJln~nPiquuindnuiuraudiGu ~ d o h ~ 8 ~ v l t B a ~ n ' a d ~ r ~ ~ i u f ! w

(volume number) tli~niY'$a~~j~a ~~iu~a~~Ei~dl%G'~bI%n"UnG~'ia~m L~YMIII da4 - a d a

1$5unQ"RotduCwnaidEdAd ni3$id~0d~irndauni3gid^0~nudnanwu&wuuwi

n a i u r i u ~ u m i u i ? ~ u (multivolume work) a $ n i i ~ i i a ~ m i j ~ a ~ t ~ a ~ m r ( ! ~ j ~ a d i n b ~ u

!dir~a:!~ad~~rndTad~uiu~~ds:ni~ PI ~ ~ d ~ i ~ d i n ~ 8 ~ ! m ~ a i ; o d u ~ d w a d i u ! u v l ~ d i ~ a a ~ m :

1 Luli Callinicos, Workers on the Rand : Factories, Townships, and

Popular Culture, 1886-1942, A People's History of South Africa, vol. 2 (Athens,

Ohio : Ohio University Press, 1985), 48. 1 RUR! L ~ ~ u $ F ~ u . ~ r ~ f i f l : H R S % ~ ~ W J R U R ~ , ~ ~ L % ? R I R R $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J , ~d8.J 2

(nynwun iuns : hCnfiuw'uniinui$usiu6i L L H ~ , 2540). ~ $ 7 9.

Page 15: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

2 i Kenneth M. Setton, The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571, vol. 1, b

Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, Memoirs of the American Philosophical i i i L

Society, no. 114 (Philadelphia : The Society, 1976), 398-400. 1 2 t

~ u a i u ~iisli?i, ~na~nsGun isK i . iriu 1. wnsrrm-mwd 21 bard 22. I u a u d uunnnaiuns~iSiua~~uinuy~nCns~~~i~nier, &nun i 14 (n2diJlnwuMiuns :

f t I

s u i n u w w ~ C n s u ~ i G n i u , 2520), MGI 398-400. t 1 1 Leonard L. Watkins, Commercial Banking Reform in the United States,

Michigan Business Studies, vol. 6, no. 5 (Ann Arbor : University of Michigan,

1938), 464. 1 sr

u d aum"siu?mu, i l q ~ i n i s ~ a ~ o a ~ u ? Y , nisfin~imai~l?i(. iriu 6, ~?UGIU~ 5

(npiwwuMiuns : nailnua. 2538). ~ r i n 465.


u j i ~ , ~ i r u a ~ n i s f i u w ' ~ w u u w i F i a nniuf/fiuw' $!uw'~az!?dfiuw' !nu

azi8usllu ~iianisn"i~nuii3rrwb afu W.R. 2541 M ~ I 31-34 n a z ~ c i 56-57

1. ~ f i ' r a i ~ f i u w ' (printed books). ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ a u n n a i u n i ~ ~ a i n i s i i ~ a u

~ B ~ ~ ~ O J M ~ J ~ ~ ~ L Q W I : (monograph) ~RRIT ~ a ~ i u f i u ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ i d r i i u w a ~ b ~ u n i ~ i?mhiui (mimeograph) r i iuld dsz~nn!ubnsRgu iu+a~on~isdwtm8nn&

ad I

(reproduced) hunssua JRIJ 7 ~ a u ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ a n ~ i ' i d ~ I J B J ~ R U R I O J N R R J ~ ~ L ~ ~ F I d d P

-a%ua~nisfiuAwuawi Fia ~ n i u d ~ u w ' ~Gu+7iwu~~wi~racdwwuw" u n ~ i u wsr u de- nunsv asf i iau i ~~azassmntn a l artin

2. ngMuiuLLarLanmsRimsmE (public documents) ui~dsz~nw. b$aoszy d d n ,a. d

~niund.azdnw uw' szy~~mauwdsznial%

3. n l s o i J 8 J W ~ u l y n ~ u Rl'5l~n'i~nL?!d (general encyclopedias) LLRZRYR P, f l P

owu i (atlas). ~ ' n ~ h ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ u w " ~ ~ a z ! ? ~ ~ u w " ~ p r i i ~ u lrjdia~azyu'aifil-jsr$ulnua;r nisfiuw'

Page 16: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

4, ~ ~ ~ i d ~ i ~ i ~ a i n i ~ (disciplines) ua~u i r?nn lsbaw ie n i 3 h ~ l d r j 6 o d


5. I n u h W u h n i . i o i ~ ^ o ~ ~ i s ~ i ~ ~ ~ 6 o ~ ~ z y . i i a ~ w " 0 0 ~ ~ 1 1 a ~ n i ~ G ~ ~ w " u n 6 d


6. anludfiuG. ~ i i i n i s d i a i u ~ n u n s ' ~ ~ a i u u n s d s i n ~ ~ u n i s ~ i a a ~ f i u w ~ n ~ d d a < d a - w n < a

(imprint, ~ 1 3 i m n d + ~ $ ~ ~ w " hlwuw TBU31111$RUW b d u h ) < i ~ $ d 6 a ~ u ~ ~ ~ i u i i

?nwn~ i j~n iud$d Is~ f iuw ' I~~fiuwiiso~nid6o~Iuunmit~uum~vii~u idu fi ~ e ~ ~ u d i i ~ u i i Oxford, London, and New York n i s 6 ~ ~ i ~ a y ~ ~ d u n s ~ a n f f n Oxford

w a d ~rm:riluaniudfiuGhrin auu'YIui-d.oif od (title page)

d 7. aouod@nunisffui (publishing agency). n i !ds ingdi i i t$nunis

f i a ~ w " (publishing agency) ~ u l u n a l u i i ~ a d i u ~ i d ~ a 9 i u b ~ u ~ a 9 i u f i 8 ~ w " b ~ u b i w i

lnuauinu aniGu^?aini~'~~~'iaani~uni~wi~"~~eJ" ~"Tni.iau~ni.i i~a:tu 7 f i i u o a d w ~una?uii!niilu$fiurJ'bwubbw+ (publishers) ~nuns~niunwbod

w d d 8. h'YI%iaob3~9 (title page) bbandnisfiur;i~u~w ni3~id~d~nd3%;$fiuw"



(New York : Alfred A. Knopf and Viking Press, 1966)

(w2zun.i : wsz<wnini3viuha:Isdfiuw7ana1 2500)

(Boston : Ginn & Co., 1964 ; Montreal : Round Press, 1964)

( n l ~ i n w u a i u n s : u i u d ~ n & , 2544 ; i i w i : uwini.iffuG, 2548)

(Cambridge : Harvard University Press, Belknap Press, 1966)

( d u ~ b d : h ~ n f i u & ~ i i w u i ~ u ~ $ u d I ~ ~ , I ~ d f f ~ w " 6 2. 2548)

Page 17: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

(New York : Columbia University Press for the American Geographical Society,


( n y ~nwun iuns : ~irinbuw'uniinuirju~iu61 bbnd ~ i n a u i n u d s z % ~ i a & , 2523)

I I. 3dfiuG. ni3h~~~lfl"11T~!6?~lB~Bntb3u3n"fluw" n i I u n ~ i 4 n A o ~ a d - 4 d n

~banddnwu&mneii;r n " ~ n r i i d u a n ~ B u B n 8 (copyright page) u ~ n ~ d n w u h ~ ~ n d i ~ PC4 d n dPI W A

~n%dnwuw'ua~nGi~~andBu6~~ nivluinuan~8u~n$3:~3B"~1Bwd (copyright date) d z a d n

naiuntd IGfia3Br2in~ns~~nw"iudi~nb~u3n"buG ni!n13u~n~dnwuGi?n d ~ PIC u 4 -

(reprint) vl~nnlsfluw!~ rj (new impressions) ~u!n l d ~ n i d ~wuw!vl (new editions)

~ i u l v ~ f l ~ u w ' n j n i i a b ~ ~ ~ n " f i u w " r i i I ~ d n n ~ 3 d f i u G I%!uw'ii 'In. d:. ("no date"

udaii !~!3df/uw' L i s i i u.d.d.) :

(New York : Grosset & Dunlap, n. d.)

(wszuns : ~5rCun5ni3ba~G, u.d.d.)

1 Muriel St. Clare Byrne, ed., The Liste Letters (Chicago : University of

Chicago Press, 1981 ), 6 : 38. 1 uiugnu dunm. ~ n m i P h n i ~ , JRWI I I~UIL~~ (w3zun3 : nRj+jnui 2512). 6 :


Page 18: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

2 William Makepeace Thackeray, The Complete Works (Boston, 1899),

vol. 13, 'The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century, 121-330.

The Complete Works LBULBU~ 13 VOJMCJBDM~IUL~UFIU (multivolume w d w

works) aa:tr$l 121 -300 b ~ ~ ~ l ~ ? ~ t r ~ i ~ ~ i J ~ ~ t r ~ 9 8 ~ The Complete Works

f iuw~n~&W"~sin~bBu"ua~~iut ( 13

6 6 3. ~ i i J B a ~ a i ~ ~ d u i a ~ u ~ 1 ~ ! ~ b b d d ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ b b ~ ~ T ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ 9 8 ~ b b ~ n ~ l d

0 .4 & h h u ! ~ a s ? u u a ~ ~ u d ~ a ~ d ~ u m b b a t ~ f l s ' l b l b i ^ b n i s ~ ~ ~ (general editor)

3 Eric Cochrane and Julius Kirshner, eds., The Renaissance, vol. 5 of

University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, ed. John W. Boyer and

Julius Kirshner (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1986), 402. Y

3 ! ? r ~ b 3 ~ qmuii. UIS~I~~~I~, ~ ~ 3 0 1 d ~ a d i n u i n m , L ~ U 5 VDJIUUU

i i w ~ ~ ~ i ~ u ~ s s u o l ~ i u o l n , ussmi5nislmu R U R ~ inmi (nfarnwuniunr : nib !?VlOl, 2523), ~ o ] b " i 402.

1 Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology, 3 vols. (Chicago : University of Chicago

Press, 1951 -63).

Page 19: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

L ~ o h n Dryden, The Works of John Dryden, ed. H. T. Swedenberg, 8 vols.

(Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1956-62). 2 ~ u n s f i . wadiuuodauns~. u s s m i h i ~ l n u d ~ d ~ J ? ~ R W , 8 tau (n;Jmw

u ~ i u n s : bn&l;?n, 2515-25).

6. nin is f iuw"~uj is~a1or i i~ouuj~~nzuauy~ni s : y ~ t t s n d i u ~ a i u ~ a w

m + a ~ ~ u i u u a n ~ n ' (hyphen) :

3 Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology, vol. 2 (Chicago : University of Chicago

Press, 1957).

3 Gordon N. Ray, ed., An Introduction to Literature, vol. 2, The Nature of

Drama, by Herbert Hefner (Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1959). P, 3 n w 4 4

amn snuida, u s s ~ i ' a n i s . ?ssnran~und&, tdu 2, diuiui'snilarns,

lmu?%u a711.aiG ( w s r ~ n s : t b ~ % f i ~ l 6 , 251 0).

Page 20: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

5 Pierre de Ronsard, Les Oeuvres de Pierrede Ronsard : Texte de 1587,

ed. lsidore Silver (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1970), 8: 55.

LsJV 8 ; E l ; 55 ;0bE4~vl$i 5n n u b n w d pms qufinn, quuuii*tuho~4ms nuanm, ussmi5n is laun~m j a i T o a l

(n-rarnwuvliuns : r rwi f tnr i , 2540). 8: 55.

1 Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, vol. 2, Faith and Reality (Chicago :

Henry Regnery Co., 1960), 19-20. d d

The Mystery of Being ;oaarsa~uo~r iud 2 1 l ~ d v l ~ j ~ a ( 1 s i ~ 1 ~ i ~ ~ ~ u ~ n d d A d "aarsaar$ua~a Faith and Reality

1 ~ n i f u j ~Psa~s rsu , ' h n Q m ~ , ~ i u 2, V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U R I ~ ~ ~ U L ~ U I I ~ J (wsruns :

L~~N%$'YI$, 251 O), 19-20.

I I. SarsuoicCu~iul%rsu aivlyu aszni.irrli~ ws~iu~Cluiafa q fi l%rsuomiu

;a rrJarilunin (parts) ria^ (volumes) ).l$d& (books) un (chapters) ~(i i (pages)

a d 6 (acts) nara in (scenes) uaaatns n?~wu&t.Jar~uun (stanzas) as ru in

(lines) n i~eunmc 5arsun02, misidosrawud rClu&

I. n~~hai7rvlril~a~mudrfluiauds:naunauKuvl~aun~i (preliminaries w d A

or front matters) ddhri dnunn lusaadn v lu iaa rsaa~~adn lu vl~iayu?T~ nJiun

roman numerals or lower-case roman) ~ n ~ s u a i v l i u ~ u a a r i h

Page 21: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

2. n i s h ~ g ~ d a u d i ~ 7 l l~~~0n~1~~1615~zb( !Bj~uw"bw u ~ ~ w f (unpublished

public documents) ~ + a i ~ ? ~ u a f l u n i t B u u (manuscript materials) . j~ l%ga~avniu cl 8: aainisfii~un& ~avvas~a~anarisuu

3. n is~ i~8~dsz~ui l i ;n (collection of inscriptions) dsz~u~an~isnsraiw

w z \ w i ~ . (Papyri) ~ ~ ~ d 5 r ~ a J L R ~ l d f i a n ~ a u ~ ~ a t ~ ~ w n i v u z ~ u ~ w i (ostraca) dsz~u

~ i x ~ ~ ~ i i t L : L L ~ ~ ~ i l u ~ i u (volumes) nasZ%ga ~ a v l s ~ u ~ ~ a ~ i l u ~ a v d i ~ u ~ i u

2 anisAnwidsz~4uulun~n PI wuan

HI 601

Page 22: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

d d s e r u w ~ ~ i ? m s nind 6 r s a ~ b e s u w r j i . tdu 5. wsruns : a~6nisniaa~?:

2. niti lwAa;ldfiuGiatda~~aiutiu~u v i s o f i u i ~ a i u t i u ~ u l n u l i i a ~ d a ~

l%sdttuunis5i~i~t~iawttuuGa I 8: a

3. c i i ~ ~ u ~ a ~ ~ d ~ I u v l a i u f i a ~ d s a u n i r ~ i l u n i n ~ w t i u Aa~wunatduiau 9, - A'

M&M?OUMYL~J (chapter) aa~~duGw I ~ ~ d ~ u u n l s h J ~ ~ ~ J W

L%J a3Flst-l 4 ar~tG~1w=m3"~s~a;16nO nsuwsrtlidis~siaiynw, lln'iuiui~trii.n I w

dsrquw~m?mi.r n ind 26, tdu 15 (wsruns : a ~ h i s n i u a ~ n 3 ~ n i . 9 q 2507). vlrii



dstquw~rr??mis n ind 26. tdu 15. wsrwns : a~&is&ua~n~ ls~n i . 9 9 2507.

5 d s z q u w ~ m 7 m s n m d 8, tdu 2 (wsruns : a~&is&aa~nsnni , q 9 2507).

HGI 9.


~~stquw~rc??mis n ind 8. tdu 2. wsruns : a~n'nisfiun~nsnni. 'I 9 2507.

Page 23: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles"la~~~rliw~ull.rrquw~~ia~i.ra~~ni~ouin^~un PI

A & w 5i5iGi~ d s ~ g u ~ ~ ~ i a m i s a G ' ~ n i ~ ~ u i 3 r l l a n wuva~WCee~imisfiuWCucgln t

direinnisf iuw' J r zquw~r r i am is ~~uu~Bue(rii~uns?uda~~8uninaatdi<u~iiu

~ar~$dbbuunish~8~bbuu~ir~duw (chapter) vadtlujiia &d

~ i . r a 7 . r (JOURNALS) L L ~ ~ ~ J ~ U ~ . ~ W A I Y (PERIODICALS)

i~6u~s iun iu~ f iu~n iur i i~~nb?61 ib8us iu?u siu!%jcgliYi s i u r i ou s iu

m u ~ i a u ~ilu$iu dnisstydi<u~~fiuw"b~u~abau~uda ~;1,a9 b uni?lduh n iman

?isaisrr'Taitnuais (magazines) daurwuuw?unn~iuua~usscgli$~!uu

1. o i i f i uWC~iu~ iuuu inu i? (long paper) u a ~ i ~ ! u u 1 n u owunisfiuw'

~ w u ~ r w ? u w n ~ i u u i n u i u ~ n u d i ~ u i ~ f i u f i ~ a a n a d i ~ d a ~ d a ~ ~ f l u d n B ~ 'Taa ie A

riivlwlriri lwau'u~a5u (supplement) I n u i S u s i ~ ~ u a U I U ~ n b b f l f l M ~ 9 ni=i~isZssiu

aiubdui%&dry~~i7 n?sl%sd~ruunishs~aauuln~~et~~uirau 91 ~ f i u w ' i s f i a ~ i 91

s i u n i u u a e v i a ~ ~ y n ~ a i i s i u ~ i u u u i n u i ~ & f sfiuw"siue,iu i d u u n m i u ~iur ' iu

nd~Gidnuas~~~uw's ty .n"n~eu i i~ i lua~uf i~~~w~awi t (~du special issue, aCu

f i b~w , supplement, 01hai~5u ~8u$iu) :

Page 24: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

1 Elias Folker, "Report on Research in Capital Markets," Journal of Finance

39, supplement (May 1964) : 15. 1 a ?nu7 ai r8u. 610iIrrii?~IuaQn ?' aadiund 39, aGura5u (wqwninu

2520) : 15.

1 Jack Fishman, "Un grand homme dans son intimete : Churchill," Historia

(Paris), no. 220 (November 1964) : 684-94.

4. ~ J ~ ~ U ~ ' ~ I U R I U U I J O G U $ $ U ~ ' L ~ U ~ ~ B J I Q O P ~ L I J B I ~ I J L ~ W M ~ ~ ' J G E I : ~ (series) nie:;nl̂ ;u f i t ~ ~ L j ~ & ~ ~ i l u ~ i u (volume) Iuui~n3$~C~iJBa;ndCara"uii~u

an uwnzric isu~Lj1n'YriluCaoi7ws ~rarluuwns$ ~riJGa;niTu~i1$ur9ur~uu

~awi:duniI ~~vlw'JGa:nrriiw ("old series" d a i i 0.8.) M% "~%~ognlur i" ("New

series- ria41 "n.s.") u'o rn'ssi~rdu&~a~d31n~'Lun13~1~g~Ka u :

2 G. Mores, "St. Francis Xavier Anostolic Nuncio, 1542-52," Journal of the

Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, n.s., 26 (1950) : 279-313.

1'1 Letters of Jonathan Sewall," Proceedings of the Massachusetts

Historical Society, 2 d ser., 10 (January 1896) : 414.

'~anv lu iu~a~Isu in iu ajY(6," s z ~ ~ ~ ~ n i s ~ s z n ~ ~ a ~ a ~ i ~ ~ ~ s z ~ i

aiami, ;nd 2.11 (unslnu 2531) : 414. 2 I n u il~aanau : f inr~ualunisr i ia~.~~ PI ~~saisTusiman", p

bi. 26 (2540) : 279-31 3.

Page 25: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

1 u n i s h ~ ' o ~ w a ~ i u h ~ ' o ~ (reference works) ~ 4 u ainVnTu (encyclopedia) d d

LLatwoulynTu (dictionaries) R?TTryTfo LTOJTI O J U n m I n u i j ~ i l "nlulbiCil" (s.v.,

subverbo, "under the word") hw$ifiou . U i ~ n ~ i i l ~ T ~ y r t i u (volumn) uaz~auwGi d w a

(page numbers) !~6oin~~r~nniudfiufibbat~a~wuw"bw u uwi (publisher) lunis6'1~ P t A P a~wa~iuh~^o~ri?ulwd ui6a~Try nT~nwu$ ((edition) L T ~ I B ~ L L ~ L O U ~ I T G U WInk rrTn uduffd oiwainJiwoi~Q~ijnisGuw' ~ * d i u d ~ ~ i a t d o ~ * * (ucontinuous revisiongg)

t A P pld d ~rat!rjiini~szyn~~nwuw~uwui~a~~a~~~adn~u (title page) r~atdnnaiurffouCl

TI~dnlTfi~$L~tlLL~i (date of publication) L IR~J~~M$ I~T I%W$ (copyright page) IK iiaiuriau?h ~ J n i T f i u h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o a " i u " ~ b f i ~ b ~ ~ ~ i n J unn~nf~dfiuw' ~:adn~ul&zy t d n C d a

n.j~nwuw' n i s o i ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ u n u i u r a " u ~ s ~ ~ w u ~ ( g ~ ~ ~ a s s n d i GIJ~IJ) ~iadnI,u t d e

!d~tyn~dnwuw' l K ~ z y i ~ d ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ n l ~ f i 8 5 w " b ~ ~ b b ~ f ~ b ~ ~ a (nt%~nnnGo PI 2) l u n l ~ pl eid

oiataunn?iudaruiu~r~i;l niilTzyBo$vi~ niuaoriava~crrd~6iuunn?iu mu

Ba~r~i in~~uniwwri i~oin~wain~iuai i l Ida~~u!$i :

I th Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11 ed., S.V. "Blake, William," by J.W. Cosyns-

Carr. I s C d a is iunau lnu ~ G u s ~ a G m G o l u a n i u , Gawnsm 5, niulMi "nug. T.R.

130,~ lnu?ua wssjwPKw6.

2 Encyclopedia Americana, 1963 ed., S.V. "Sitting Bull."

2 a i s i u n s u l n u aGunaGmGnuaniu , 2517. n i u lG { i "nup T.R. 130."

hebster's Geographical Dictionary, rev. ed. (1964), S.V. "Dominican Republic." 3 w~u1unau2 i r t r i~ iawa ina a f inaGmGoluan iw , aGudiud~c (2543).

m ul661 "ddla." w q

Page 26: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

1 J. W. Cosyns-Carr, "Blake. William." in Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 lth ed.

1- m a 3sPIGiWkl$, i,YnuQ 5 . ~ . 130tm 1u a i 5 1 ~ n ~ ~ l n ~ aGu~i?rGm+%a~

c & d acniPa, fiuwnssn 5.

1 Raymond Bellour, "Alternation, Segmentation, Hypnosis : Interview with

Raymond Bellour," interview by Janet Bergstrom, Camera Obscura, no. 314

(Summer 1979) : 93. 1 7m1S R-JULBR, 1 1 ~ 5 a ~ ~ Q a E I u : ~ u n i a d ~ ~ i 1 1 ? B . " R j ln i~mimuaAv iR L~(U - d

1 ~ 8 , ~w5aw51a. Cu~un 3 (unsinu 2540) : 93.

'lsaac Singer, interview by Harold Flender, in Writers at Work, ed. George

Plimpton, Fifth Series (New York : Viking Press, 1981 ), 85. 2 RUR? R--JULBR, (rUni~mTmuasCu L~UUR;, 1% U ~ H ~ L ~ D U , u ~ ~ m i 5 n i s I m u

d m u ~ i $ ~ u ~ r a i m , ymn 5 (wstuns : nr iJ inai , 2531). ~ $ 7 85.

3 Horace Hunt [pseud.], interview by Ronald Schatz, 16 May 1976, Tape

recording, Pensylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisberg. 3 s ~ u i a n ~ [uiuudrl. RIU~W~TRURTUR; L~UUL~TFI , jUCI 5 unsinu 2540. - 4

~ ~ s l u ~ l u n n ~ i u s , a u i n u d s r % ~ i ~ a ~ , L & J ~ ~ M ~ L

Page 27: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

4 Merle Roemer, interview by author, Tape recording, Millington, Maryland,

26 July 1973. 4 - .¶ - d RIUR; ~ & ~ u ~ f i n . Q~IUIZ~U~RU$LI,T~~, unuuunnri?us. usnu nu. aun 26

nsnginu 251 6.

6- - % A fiuwnssw 3. nsswnwvliuns : nsuGadins, 2545.

nsuladins. nosvla~qn uvis.aiG. siuuinirvl~s'inniui6:~lsim. n% ~ n m d n i s

i iu~~mioan%uaaazs3sa%%n : sanai%Iu~imd%z::nwnGs~a%uaisa.

nssbwwuvliuns : nsuGadins, 2530.

nsuladins. v la~yn ~ ldsa i i . ~ i u ~ ~ n i s v l W j ' i a n i u i ~ ~ s i ~ ~ f ~ . n$nbnmGni%61

u ~ % b ~ i ~ n % u b a a z b 3 s a % ~ n : banaris1usimdszanw~oa"s~aas~~Twer

n.nuliul*lai n.rzmiwdk arruuld%rbaz%uJ"u. nss~nwuvliwms : nsuGa-

dins, 2529.

Page 28: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

%~dIdduru'~u q ul,~w+ (UNPUBLISHED MATERIAL)

~ilaP;u~aua~nn~isn'bbju6~wa~~wilusiuaiui$u sau+aLfis~1^~~dns~<u~Co

~%~s Ia "n i ului7auw ~~a:lusd 91 ~~uu~'onai3~Ia"but~~asrn nis$i~~~~anais~'bxibjuG Y 0.2

~wu~~wiijsd~~uuwu;iu PI RJU

I . n i s a i ~ k i ~ ~ b b j u w i w u i ~ w i 6 o ~ ~ u G u ~ a u n i s & ; l D ; l ~ n $ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ a $ ~ i u ~ d wo. w d W.=I d d d

~~"sani~ilusnvluiuGndan'u n 'a~h~Z~anysusn~u lo nmay nuu r o n s d a a t r a d t

aniudI~i inaiuuciu~u~n~su IG~ffwaaauu 7 I u ~ n ' s a ~ ~ u i u a ~ ~ ~ " u ~ ~ " a u u [ 1 :

2 Garnett Duncan, Louisville, Kentucky, to [Joel Tanner Hart, Florence,

Italy], ALS, 12 June 1961, Durett Collection, Special Collections, Joseph

Regenstein Library, University of Chicago, Chicago.

70 HI 601

Page 29: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

6 Hiram Johnson to John Callan O'Laughlin, 13, 16 July, 28 November

1916, O'Laughlin Papers, Roosevelt Memorial Collection, Harvard College Library,

Cambridge. 6 uannod u a m ~ t ~ BJ L F ~ ~ T G ~ 1 ~ ~ i . a . j ~ d 13. 16 nTnginu 2475, d~:;u

~ o n ~ i ~ u o n n o i ~ uom~fid, n o ~ ~ o n n i . i ~ i u i n ? ? e . i R a d , ~ o n ~ m u n i ? n u i i ? u s i u

A i L L M ~ , n~~mwuniuns.

3 Abraham Lincoln, "Gettysburg Address" [final draft], AD [Photostat], 19

November 1863, Special Collections, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of

Chicago, Chicago; original in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 3 i i a a ~ ~ i ~ i j a r l , " A i d n ~ i u P i;nnin [~Gu~IJ], au'uiii~ui [~muriiuld].

i ~ d 20 U f l T I f l U W.R. 2524, ~ T L ; U Q W W ~ ~ $ L R W . MJR~GIRLIIUBUlnU, A A AP PI

n2anwuniun. i ; ~ u a ~ u l u n s n ~ ~ n s o ~ u n ~ n a n ~ m ~ a ~ ~ n ~ n n w n i ~ i ~ i j o ~ ,

4 Sandra Landis Gogel, "A Grammar of Old Hebrew" (Ph.D. diss., University

of Chicago, 1985), 46-50. 4 ~fll?; R ? ? ~ ~ , i . ~ l T ~ ~ ~ d L d T ~ d f l ~ ~ d W.R. 2548 (%IL~I~wu~ U ~ l ~ ~ ~ l i ? ~

3 1 ~ ~ 1 1 b ~ 9 , 2549), MIII 46-50.

add A 3. riiwsssra~i~nwsra:n~od~:~nn"~o~~an~is G ~ ~ w T T ~ M u I ~ I ~ M A ~ . ~ ~ L T ~ ~

w Ad d w

(niuaannd) n?"soaiiw i i a i u ~ & $ e c ~ ~ i ~ Knwm:~~nds:~nn"~~ad~anai~ Zii~ilu

Page 30: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

niw&nqw ~~U~R(II%~I~BRIULLUUUWU ~ ~ o l % ~ n w s i i 6 ~ l ~ ~ ~ i ~ i r u u d s t ~ u n

(sentence-style capitalization{' IWL% DTTD O i ~ o n m s i j i u ~ ~ o ~ i 3 seyiw~8nui3da d

s indsnnnuo~~nnni~ d n ~ i n i h styan~iuun~dsryu~?oyuyu~o nnis (fiionms

u i ~ i n n Au~onnissau~fl y n ~ f l y u y u ~ ? " s o ~ q u ) 61~ouotds-.~u~annis~ilu

niwiojnqw I%;n wh6'~~daiu~~uuwin~a (headline-style capita1ization)'z sty

B n ~ i u u n ~ n n i w d ~ i i u ~ a n ~ i ~ ( L ~ U naJLonnisMiuin. M D R ~ R L L ~ J ~ I ~ ; M ~ D B B :

du~nnnisianian" 2, nnaonmsMiuin, sonyna i~a i i ) sty~niudunrnniund

~iiu~annisfln Bniijo~ C~n inaatdsnn~ n i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ i u u i ~ i o ~ n

d d "sentence-style capitalization A D ~%WS$IVOJ~JI~OJ V~~SOBBSBJ (subtitle) &J

riluZnw'~$alw@ r i i do~ lw l l r r~on~ .a '~nw '~ " t l u im~ is~~~mi on~iw~o~awit~ret~m6wn'

Lawit (proper adjectives) 1 w d ' i t ~ ~ n ~ ~ i ~ u b i ~ ~ s $ i $ a 9 b ~ u ~ n w s ~ a ~ ~ d ga o d i d :

The triumph of Achilles

Seeing and selling America, 1945-55.

"Natural crisis : Symbol and imagination in the American farm crisis"

ni i l .a'%wGi,i2~~uuu6 L B U ~ L ~ U Y J J ~ I ~ C I J Z J ~ ~ ~ L L M ~ ~ ~ U L ~ O W I T ~ L I Y U I B J ~

(parenthetical references) rbers~urruYm9siUnis~i9~9 (reference-list entries)

"~eadline-style capitalization 6 n n l T ~ l M ~ m ~ ~ ~ n w f $1"~ 096 l~~sn r~e t6 i~m~ i o A d unpanrsor (titles) s i J ~ ~ i l u i Y n w w on~ iu AiGi~ri iuiu ywvnuetrii to bil~ilu

A ~ a ~ ~ 9 0 6 9 " ~ 0 9 ~ w I i l u (and, but, or, nor, for) $~-EIL~I~ :

"What Is It All About"

d d d a aorsn~ro~ii8n9~%~nw'F~i~a~~~b'~1~0ua0b'FnJ~1~n (the main title) L L ~ ~ ~ L U I L ~ % I ~

VaJluw?nln ( : ) ~ 1 V ~ l n " m l ~

How to Overcome Urban Blight : A Twentieth-Century Problem

Page 31: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

1 Thomas Jefferson, Blank pass for a ship, 1801-1809, DS by Jefferson as

president, Special Collections, Jeseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago,

Chicago. I ~siuna~ %:aiG. Iu~f indiu. w.n. 2489-2491. bansisatuiu (DS) ImufiR

wuuuan' u i u n ~ ~ u u m 4 . ;uyu~anaisW~nu. vn~ynnsuvii1'5a. ns:nsa;lnuuinu,

5 Eulogy of Charles V in Latin, apparently written at the monastery of St.

Louis, Spain, [ca.1500], Special Collections, Joseph Regenstein Library, University

of Chicago, Chicago. 5 b- b-d u n ~ a i i u w ~ : t ~ u ~ ~ w s z b ~ ~ a ~ s a ~ ~ 5 ~fluunn~warGw, u i i ~ d b i ~ n d f j d

m s u n u 6 v;uri, mdu, [ds:uinr n.R. 1500], d s q u ~ n n a i s f i L R ~ , vo~ymla~.~[YI

~ s ~ f i ~ ~ l t - 1 6 , uv i?nu iKu%n~ ln , %niIn. 5 ws:uinau~iiows:aou~n$ib6iod%a, "dy~ua;lR','' ~ I ~ U ? J ~ R ~ R , banaisj;d

niad 4, ~ a a m v u i u ~ v ~ ~ ~ i ; l a i G , n2a~nwuviun.r.

Page 32: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

bb¶J¶J b b W U A d d A

Barjbbi~, ' m a ~ s a ~ , ~ ~ninumr~~odsr~nnbon~isdbnua aondsryu, o~6nsr.j d d d t d

<mnisdsyu. nniundsryu , ~wddsr~u , .aaua;rnniw#~~u~antm, nmduot nniwn


I David J. Bredehoft, "Self-Esteem : A Family Affair, and Evaluation Study,"

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family

Relations, St. Paul, Minnesota, 11-15 October 1983, ERIC, ED 240461. I wsruinnubRewsr?aoaubnh b<iai$a, t'trsrsirdi?~b~ndsz7unstwsad

d 0, d u ~ i n b w : ~ wszsiadi4k m ndse7uns:nsa~u~inh wscwns, ?un 23

wqwninu S.R. 115, ~annis?aniad 5, M ~ ~ F I M ~ I U L M ~ L L Y ~ J ~ I ~ , n7;lmwuaiwns.

2 Thomas Foxcroft, "A Seasonal Memento for New Year's Day," Sermon

preached at the Old Church lecture in Boston on 1 January 1746-47 (Boston : S.

Kneeland and T. Green, 1747). 2 rud~wsruainuru~Fii nsuws:si~%sryiru~lssn, uwszassumnui ~aSu

0, d w s c ~ i i o s i i m i a d 4." ws:assu~nnwi m inuqsiinn wsruns qwn 20 nituiuu

W.R. 2453 (wstuns : I ~ J G ~ v ~ w s ~ ~ w ~ , 2454).

~onais?ainisoioh~8~~an~isi;uiaui~ilua~n~iu r~nudocnna~n~iw

a r i ~ 2 i n a a r ~ ~ ~ u ~ s i u n i ~ l u a ~ n i u i ~ i niaaI$dniia.u"id~u

uduwa~iuioounl? o- in~riu2Kio.uo~nirn (cases) oilwd~assmrar

ussruiynsu !~iin~cru2K'asn~naiu n i a r i i ~ :

Page 33: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

I Thompson v. Smith, 270 F. Supp. 331 (D.Conn. 1987).

d 270 F. Supp. :o"babthJ (volume name)

rrd 94

331 ~ ~ ~ $ l ~ ~ d 3 l ~ d l ~ ~ f l ~ 0 l d ~ d do. e

D. conn. Qa~ianmnauni

1987 ad~fl%Nl! Thompson 4nfi'an6

Smith ~ E I ~ I L ~ ~

V. :a versus bbdaii 5u

A s ns~nwuLo~TuTnsdoiu (MICROFORM)

1. wariud~miivlr i iu~rarr i iunonlu. id~~uululn~~oiu~o PI lufin.iqad

lufinbqa (microfiche) M%bwn$-?h (text-fiche, ~uafJ'uf iu~~~az~niwd~znou) t o

iiriluraiinu~riJiio (books) b~u~~uud i ib~amd~dar~un i~%u~bw u~~w<la"w"iu=iiuni=i

( i i l ~ ~ ~ z u ~ d b b u u n l ~ f i ~ w ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ V ~ d $ f i u ~ L ~ u ~ b ~ ~ , q91 publisher) bb3r3rynd6n~$

od5urinisfiuGwioun'u~fiuw'bwu~bw~ :

1 Abraham Tauber, Spelling Reform in the United States (Ann Arbor, Mich. :

University Microfilms, 1958), 50. 1 PI

oilan-aGi n i s d f j ~ d ~ u n u ' u i m i a d s (n2anwuMiung : awun

lufinrqgu, u ~ i ? ~ u i ~ u s i u d - ~ b b ~ d , 2519), ~ $ 1 101.

L~har les Wilson Peale, The Collected Papers of Charles Wilson Peale

and His Family, ed. Lilian B. Miller, National Portrait Galery, Smithsonian

Institution, Washington, D.C. (Millwood, N.Y. : Kraus-Thompson Organization, 1980),

37, microfiche. 2 au6il.l n~uw~zuidi. i~naiyniw, guwuGwu6wa~au6 ior nsuwzzui

i i s ~ z i m ~ + n i ~ , u~~miPbni3finu~oun Guu~wm, ~~wun3rJniw ~ ~ i s a i i , woilnvuiu

~~?ariaai?t, n=ynwuMiun=i (nTdbnwuMiun=i : n~n'ni=iKi.Si-~, 2540), w$ i 37.


HI 601 75

Page 34: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

3 Harold Joachim, French Drawings and Sketchbooks of the Nineteenth

Century, Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1978), 1:

59, text-fiche. 3 o w n QUULM?. ~ G I ~ ~ ~ ~ U R U I U D U B U ~ , ~ n ~ G u A a d ~ ~ d ~ d s z b w ~ ' b w e r

( nynwuvnun r : ri7Cnfiuviucl7inu7guAad1ns~ 2545). I : 59, ~nn&%a.

2. ~ R ~ ~ J W U ~ (printed material) I ~ ~ o d ~ ~ ~ d ~ n ( i i ~ n o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i l ~ ! u ~ n r % ~ u

vi?aciiunsru?unisrinsd PI b ~ o n y i n d a " ~ ~ ~ 2 r i n d a m b ~ u x!d1+sd~~uun7~i~7rl PI

'a~auu& 1 1~7+~rh~uun7u~n7w ~ l u u a ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ f i u w ' u " ~ ~ d u ~ 8 u ~3u~Glaf iuw'

'b.a"sdbb~lfl~i3~7d~d PI ~ ~ ' u ' u M ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ B J G b G ~ ~ b g ~ ~ f l ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ b % u u 6 2 u a 7 u d o 'b$3dbb~~lf175 PI

5i&%i~?!li~w u u w i ~ ~ u u ~ m ~ u i u~5uuGqi?oai uiio idu8u 3. i~~~~G~6~ds~n~lusdnuunoufi~~ae~oazu'nua!fis~n~1udu5n7s PI PI PI

u'oa.prns~u~n~ (information services) ii;duuun7sh~t~~awl::z


n m & ~ 5 ~ h e n m & ~ f i ~ (CITATION) v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % M ' I D J d d

1. n l ~ i T 7 ~ (cite) w a ~ i u u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ n u v d r a ~ u w w u 1 u ~ a ~ ~ ~ a ~ o ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ a ~ C u - d' 6os'ksd PI ~~u'~n7r51dSd ~ s u

l~ou is Lukofsky, "Sincerity and Objectivity," Poetry 37 (February 1931) :

269, quoted in Bonnie Costello, Marianne Moore : Imaginary Possessions

(Cambridge and London : Harvard University Press, 1981 ), 78. I WRG ~;?a6, i .6Zuni inu&a~SS~,~v 171115a7~n~ 37 (nun lw i td 2540) :

269, ni~Z~'bu 2% $ub%u. d5~-%15'1rn~i1n~ (~!JL~WUMIU~S : kcnGu6

~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ U % 7 ~ ~ 7 b b ' M d ~ 2543). M c l 78.

Page 35: ludd LA~L~^ · Given the course of events, they might all have said, along with Bataille himself : My tension, in a sense, resembles

2 Bonnie Costello, Marianne Moore : Imaginary Possessions (Cambridge

and London : Harvard University Press, 1981), 78, citing Louis Lukofsky, "Sincerity

and Objectivity," Poetry 37 (February 1931) : 269. 2 qn'u $uEnu. d5~56ia5snr~Wlnu (n2JLnwnrriun.i : ciirinfinw'

urrYinui i iunuFi iurr~. 2543). rrGi 78. O~J ~ R A ~53-16 ~ i i w n C n w & v ~ ~ W i m , ~ ~

aw~'irnw 37 (quniwic i 2540) : 269.