Lucy film analysis


Transcript of Lucy film analysis

Page 1: Lucy film analysis



Zara Johnson

Page 2: Lucy film analysis

STORYLINE ANALYSISThe films first begins with a single cell, each time that cell began to multiply, it introduced the actors names. Just ass soon as it finished introducing the actors names, it shows a lone caveman on his own drinking from a river. This could represent the form of evolution as the non diegetic narration of the female protagonist is heard announcing ‘’what have we become..?’’ meaning that we have taken life for granted according to her. It then shows a series of fast paced editing of a city and everyday life in it. It could also show a contrast between early evolution and how much we have developed over time.

The mise-en-scene shows that the signs are in a different language, showing that it is not based in the US and in a foreign country. It then quickly shows the protagonist which is Lucy talking to her boyfriend. Although, he then forced her by hand cuffing her to the case he wants to give but he couldn’t. This reinforces the fact that men have more power over women to the point where he forced her into doing something she didn’t want to do. She enters the hotel to give it in, as this happens it cross cuts to an antelope and a cheetah. This creates a representation on how she represents the antelope meaning that she is prey and the cheetah still remains hidden until the antagonists shows up metaphorically. The crescendo enforces the suspense that is occurring. As the businessmen appear approach Lucy, the cheetah becomes more visible and chases down the antelope. The antelope is killed as Lucy is taken away.

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The film took a while to progress to the main story but it shows a clear convention of

binary opposition and quickly leads up to the climax that Lucy is now experiencing. She

is already taken away by the antagonists, this could show a point that if women were

the protagonist, they would be taken in an instant. This could enforce that women are

not meant to be the protagonist and are to be the weaker character. Other

conventions that are present is the use of tension and suspense. In this film, it is used

metaphorically as Lucy represents the antelope she is referred as this as she is prey of

her partner who is forcing her to do a task. She was not meant to be there. The

cheetah represented the business men that dragged her away, when the cheetah

was hiding away, the business men were not around and only appeared as the cheetah began to chase the antelope.

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Questions left could be:

What happens to her?

Where does she go?

Why have they taken her?

What are they going to do with her?

What is in the case.

Theses types of questions are thoughts of what the audience would think if they were watching that film up until that point. These questions keeps the audience watching so they find out what happened to her.