Lua web development and Sailor @conc_at 2015

Web devopment in Lua Introducing Sailor, a web MVC framework in Lua Etiene Dalcol @etiene_d

Transcript of Lua web development and Sailor @conc_at 2015

Web devopment in LuaIntroducing Sailor, a web MVC

framework in Lua

Etiene Dalcol@etiene_d

Why Lua?

➔ It’s a multiparadigm scripting language


Why Lua?

➔ It’s a multiparadigm scripting language➔ It looks cool (I heard you could make games with it)


Why Lua?

➔ It’s a multiparadigm scripting language➔ It looks cool (I heard you could make games with it)➔ It’s made in my home country (In my university to be more precise)


Why Lua?

➔ It’s a multiparadigm scripting language➔ It looks cool (I heard you could make games with it)➔ It’s made in my home country (In my university to be more precise)➔ It has great benchmarks


How to web?

➔ Apache2 => mod_lua ./configure --enable-lua

➔ NginX => openresty

➔ Xavante

➔ others!@etiene_d

And what exactly is Sailor

➔ It’s an MVC web framework➔ Completely written in Lua➔ Compatible with Apache (mod_lua), Nginx

(OpenResty), Mongoose, Xavante and Lwan➔ Compatible with Linux, Windows and Mac➔ MIT License➔ Pre alpha v0.2 (Mars), preparing for 0.3





What does it do?

Lua at client


What’s bad about it

➔ Early development➔ Things are changing fast (backwards compatibility is not guaranteed until version 1.0)➔ It still lacks features➔ Documentation


Getting Sailor!

$ luarocks install sailor$ sailor_create ‘My App’ /var/www$ cd /var/www/my_app$ lua start-server.lua








Etiene[email protected]
