LTREB Projects PISCO Tech Jo Ro. Annual Colonization Experiment (ACE) Used to be Annual Recruitment...

LTREB Projects PISCO Tech Jo Ro

Transcript of LTREB Projects PISCO Tech Jo Ro. Annual Colonization Experiment (ACE) Used to be Annual Recruitment...

LTREB Projects

PISCO Tech Jo Ro

Annual Colonization Experiment (ACE)

• Used to be Annual Recruitment• 5 treatments in Mid-Zone– Marked Plot (mp)– Fenced Plot (fc)– Cage with barnacles removed (-C, 1 zip tie)– Cage with mussels removed (-M, 2 zip ties)– Cage (only number of rep on washer, 3 zip ties)

• 5 replications per site– Reps are color coordinated to match Plates &

Tuffy’s• 1=Red, 2=Orange, 3=Yellow, 4=Green, 5=Blue

ACE- Monitoring

• Every tide series– All treatments get photographed (blue ruler)– Barnacles are removed from –C cages– Mussels are removed from –M cages– -C & -M treatments are photographed after

monitoring– Cages (sides and top) checked for fouling and

cleared– Area around cages cleared periodically

Pre-Emption (PE)• Tests effect of macrophytes on recruitment of

barnacles and mussels• Deployed this summer in Low Zone– 0.25m2 plots marked with ½” lag screws

• 2 Treatments– Removal: Plot cleared to bare rock

beginning of each summer (PE # of rep R, 1 pink zip-tie)– Control: Plot left as is (PE # of rep C, 2 pink zip-ties)

• 5 Replications per site

Pre-Emption- Monitoring

• Every tide series– All treatments photographed (blue ruler)– 10x10 cm corners of each plot photographed with

0.25m2 stringed quadrat (blue ruler)– UL, UR, LR, LL

Marked Plots (MP)

• To quantify annual fluctuations in abundance of sessile organisms

• Deployed this summer in Low Zone– 4m2 plots with ½” lag screws (big white zip-ties)

• 5 Replications per site

Marked Plots- Monitoring

1 2 3 48 7 6 59 10 11 12

16 15 14 13

• Twice in Summer, once in winter– All plots photographed – Entire plot photographed from

appropriate side– 16 photos inside 4m2 quadrat with

Photoquadrat (assembly required)• Snake pattern

– Large macroalgae moved aside to reveal turf as much as possible