ltll. AT EMMMJEK tihB M mMSnMlf MS TOE Slwir Stop wim: mm€¦ · EVENING STAR. FRIDAY, MAY 26,...

EVENING STAR. FRIDAY, MAY 26, ltll. I AT EMMMJEK M mMSnMlf MS TOE f tihB Slwir Stop wim: mm D nmm Ftf 11 Copyright. 1907. by R. F. Fenno A Co uui 101 VII I Will Sell Fifty Lots in French Lingerie Waisls Real lace trimmed, hand embroideried, in Bul- garian Colors, $3.50 to $7. Linen Tailored Snils New Models, at $7.50 to $10. House Dresses & Kimonas Good Quality at 50c. to $2. Messaline Silk Petticoats All the Leading Shades, $4.50. Convent Cloth The ideal material for lingerie, 42 inches wide 12 yds. for $3. Below Value One hundred pieces Long Cloth, 12 yard piece, regular $2 qunlity, at 1.69. Bed Spreads An exceptional purchase of white Hed Spreads, scalloped and cut corn ers, at $1.50 to $5. Linen Cambric 10 pieces 36 inch all lin- en cambric, at 29c. Imported Voile 25 pieces Imported Voile, in the newest designs, at 25c. Printed Sheer Lawn 100 pieces Printed Sheer Lawn, regular price 19c, at 121-2- C Mercerized Batiste 25 pieces 45 inch mer- cerized Batiste, 40 cent quality, at 25c. Inspection ot above items invited. TO) AT AUCTION To the Highest Bidder on Next restive." said one or tier companions. "Besides, the man is a prisoner. Why not leave him In peace?" "You can go if you will. I have no need of you." she said angrily. He bowed low to her and left the dungeon. "Your friends are even now finding you out," I sneered. She changed her tone. "You make me angry. Sir Verrall. I came on an errand of mercy. It may not yet le too late. I have the ear of the kirn?. Why not ask me to plead to him for you?" "I have never yet asked quarter from an enemy." "For Princess Daria, then. Will you not plead for her? "Not to you." "Her limbs, like mine, are young, perhaps beautiful. Being slowly bro- ken upon a rack is sad use to put them to." v "It is possible that Count Vasca has already pleaded for her," I answered. "If she would marry him he would use his best endeavors, I warrant you. lie is so faithful a friend that he is ca- pable of pleading for her life and for your death. "I see I cannot help you. You per- sist In making me angry, and angry I am dangerous." "Woman, you are always dangerous to those who trust you." I said hotly. "Beware, gentlemen; a riper is a pet not to be caressed lightly." I know this woman." "Not yet. You will not plead for your princess, and you are wise, per- haps, for I hate her as I hate you. In a few hours you shall have your desire you shall embrace her. but you shall have no tongue to tell her of your love. You shall lie together in the waters underneath this fortress, and I shall laugh every time I think of you. You know me! I tell you, yon have much to learn. It is time I began to teach you, like this and that." She laid her riding whip sharply across my face twice as she spoke, fly arms were bound behind me. I could do nothing to protect myself. ."You devil !" I howled, springing to my feet. One of the men with her remonstrat- ed; the other laughed, even as she laughed. I forgot that she was a wo- man. With a mighty wrench I snapped my cords and was free. Costa had heard my bowl and enter- ed the dungeon as I broke my bonds. I struck at the woman, and the man received the blow, staggering buck across the dungeon to the opiosite wail. I heard the woman cry out in terror, but before I could strike again Costa and the guard had seized me. They could hardly hold me. Still, I am glad they succeeded, for I should have killed her had I been able to reach her. "For heaven's sake, go!" cried Costa. The woman needed no second bid- ding. She fled from the dungeon, her face as white as that of a corpse. She did not laugh now. This time it was I who laughed laughed like a madman. JiMg t M W L M MOTS fflieiiiaier & Co, The property fronts on Broadway Street and lies just beyond the fair grounds the most rapidly growing colored section in the city of Ocala. TERMS S10 cash and $1.25 per week. . . II. S. CiAI.I.OWAV F. A. MOUI.TOX GALLOWAY & M0ULT0N raw ONE LOT GIVEN AWAY CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS I'l.WS M KSTIMATKS Fl RMSHEI) l O. HOX 273 OC A I. A, FI.A. CAC3C30AaES . Grand Barbecue, Music and a Picnic For All. For Further Particulars Call on or Address. Care of FRANK DITTO. Ocala, Florida Foirifitare mm FinfiMii (Continued Tomorrow) I I t v. . ;. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADKxMY LORETTO (Near Mandarin). FLORIDA. Boarding school for Boys Conducted by the Sisters ot St. Joseph. Young Boys Trom 8 to 14 years Received, Carefully Trained along Physi- cal. Intellectual. Moral and Social Lines. Healthy Location. Magnificent Swimming Pool. Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms, Dormitories. Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms. Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR. ST. JOSEPH'S AUADEMV. LORETTO. FLORIDA. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Are the LEADERS OF THE WORLD We have in oxst large stcre, almost every thing you could wish for to furnish yotir home, office, farm, garden or work shop with. We have a complete line of ftirnihire in med- ium and high grades, with all of the furnish, ings that go with the line. Our stock of hardware is complete and the tools, materials, and implements are of the best grades. We carry the largest line of harness, wagons, carriages, etc, of any house in the city. We have a good lioe of office supplies of all kinds. Complete furniture for the kitchen and dining room. We carry in stock every item the builder or contractor needs. SEE US BEF0RF MAKING YOUR PURCHASES xfiere are muscies nere mat iu take some cracking," he said thought- fully. "An unlucky blow on the head might ease that difficulty," I suggested. "Aye, and stretch our limbs instead of yourS," he laughed. "My willing- ness to help you does not extend to that." "A quick jerk should suffice," said Costa. "Feel that muscle, captain," was the answer. Costa put his hand under my shoul- der and whistled. "It is harder than the king's," said the executioner. "I know that," Costa answered, re- membering my trial of strength with his majesty, ' but that sweet machine of yours should be equal to it." "You think it has had practice enough, eh, captain?" "I warrant it can be turned to crack even the knight's muscles, mighty as they are," said one of the others. "It can be gentle and powerful too. Do you remember when it embraced a man and a woman on the same day?" "That experiment is likely to be re- peated," said the chief executioner. "The princess!" I exclaimed. "They say so." "Why trouble Sir Verrall with that?" said Costa, evidently angry that I had been told. "It is of little consequence," an- swered the man, with a rough laugh. "In death a man can only take care of himself. I will treat the lady quickly, too, if the knight wills It." With an effort I was calm. "This is indeed being a comrade," I said, holding out my hand. "I have a weakness in my nature a foolish one, perhaps, but I don't like women to suf- fer."- "It requires strength to suffer much. Women don't suffer as men do," he re- turned, with brutal certainty. "And If they do what matter? They are only women. I dared not express my horror. "But In this case you will bring death quickly?" I said. "You may rely on us." "That is satisfactory," said Costa, rising. I had almost forgotten O'Ryan. I remembered him then. "That man has heard our bargain," I said. "He will not betray it" "Do you swear not to do so?" I said, turning to the Irishman. "I am not less merciful than the executioners," he growled. I shook each villain by the hand as he left me and asked Costa to distrib- ute among them what few posses- sions I had. I shook hands even with O'Ryan, and then I was left alone. Did O'Ryan grasp my hand more firmly than was necessary? I might have spent the night wondering, but when they had gone I broke down for the first time during my imprisonment. I shed tears of impotent rage, pacing my cell frantically, cursing and beat- ing its stone walls like a madman. It was horrible to know that Daria would be laid on that hideous couch to have her fair limbs broken; that her death, heroic though it might be, as I be- lieved it would be, should be witnessed by such loathsome wretches as the men who had just left me and per- haps only by them. Only when I was thoroughly exhausted did I throw my- self on my rugs and fall asleep to dream what mockery it was! of pleasant fields and sunshine. I awoke refreshed. Perhaps the very dreams I have railed at gave my sleep its power to refresh me. My first thought was of Daria, my second of O'Ryan. Had he pressed my hand last night with some meaning? Surely it was impossible, seeing how he had helped to ruin me, but a man In dire necessity sees hope in anything. It was not until the afternoon that I had any visitors that day. I had be- gun to hope that I was going to be left alone altogether when Costa came in and bound me, as usual. - "More fools with too much leisure," I said wearily. "An old friend this time," said a merry voice in answer, and Lady Al-dri- da entered, followed by two or three men. It was easy to see that they were, her captives as surely aa I was a prisoner in the fortress. "This was an old lover of mine, gentlemen," she said gayly. "He was foolish enough not to value my friend- ship. Behold the result." She was a pretty picture, much as 1 hated her; I could not deny that. She had evidently ridden to the fortress, for she carried her whip In her hand. "Do all men who displease you come to this?" asked another of her cava- liers. "I am not so unmerciful. Sir Verrall and I are old friends, or enemies which Is It?" and she turned to me. "Enemies," I answered shortly. "True, and you are in my power." "That does not trouble me." "You have yet to learn the terrors this fortress holds. You shall have one spectator. I warrant you, when a slow turn of the lever draws that body of yours into agony. For all your boasting, these walls, solid though they be, will hardly drown your cries, and if you have sense left to hear any- thing you shall hear my laugh." "I shall be glad of a spectator," I answered. "It gives a man courage." "You shall not profit by my coming. I will pour all I possess into the hands of the executioner if he but kills you slowly enough." I could laugh at this threat since the executioners were my friends. "Count Vasca would be king In Yada-sar- a, yet with all your beauty he would not make you queen but for the fact that he might be afraid to make an enemy of an accomplice." "Is it not time we were going. Lady Aldridn? Our horses will be getting 3 or 6 doses C6r will cure any case of Chilla and Fever. Price. 25c UeUant Every Farmer inThis Gomnanity AbouMarfuI FARM PUMP EI&lE FA1I.F.D TO Ol ST FI.KTC'HRH jj P" and PORTABLE P017EQ PLAN? fW Crowds of farmers h.-r- c vlsitevl rr?r t?. 0 itf Rfflclwr . - v vu - Uliiuti iWUUU just to see this wonderful Fuller & Johnson Farm Pump Engine about which they have read so much in their farm papers. We want EVERY fanner to come. We show this engine 6An the work just ss it does on the farm. e nave tt hooked up with a force pa mo and demonstrate how it mn ii kinds of band power machinery. V.c show Low it can be moved wherever OCALA. FLORIDA. us power is aetata sow it can be attached to any cumn la less thn.S (J five minutes. IIuw easy it is to Mart and ston how mnrs S ii ci'.es on a small amount cf gasoline. Works like a Kred Han at Small Cost AND THE AMBEKOLA IS THE LEADER OF THE EDISON LINE If Tbe Psra Pump Enclne It is the most perfect Instrument mechanically as well as the most handsomely appointed that has ever ! ia a penecT lutie wonder for work. Cold weather even d own t o below urom akes no dlf ereaca witt) this Hired Jiaa. It numM w&ler for hrai Florida Senator llolda on to the t'nt-larl- an Roston. May 26 Insurgency develop- ed yesterday at the annual meetinu of the American Unitarian Association when about a third of those present followed the lead of th Rev. John flaynes Holmes of the Church of the Messiah of New York, in opposition to h election of United States Senator Duncan V. Fletcher of Florida as one of the vice presidents. Iecause of his vote last winter on the Larimer case. On a rising vote the motion of Mr. Holmes to strike Senator Fletcher- - name from the list submitted ly the nominating committee, was declared lost without a formal count. Later. In the ballot for officer, six of the vice presidents elected reecived 460 votes, the total number cast, while Senator Fletcher reecived . The debate beijan when the nominat- ing committee presented it report in which Senator Fletcher's name wa- - placed fourth in the list of eixht vi e presidents. Mr. Holmes offered a resolution de- claring that "in view of the public ser- vices attached to the name of Fletcher we do not regard him as eligible to leadership in that form of Christianity known as I'tutarism and protest against hi nomination as vice president." The Rev. A. J. Coleman of Jackson- ville. Fla.. declared that the resolution was an attempt to fasten a new method of domatim on the Unitar- ians. "senator Fletcher voted for lrimer hecaustt the evidence aatn Mm left the Edison factory. We are pleas ed to show them. " 'Vi 'II f ha rn rr fM4art1-nrn- a f k ertam Lrnarilr.r r hnrn LARGEST STOCK OF EDISON RECORIS IX THE STATE Lii; .m I; waster, feed gTiader, etc. la a burry. Helps Women Folks The lit tl nr!n twin t L . - - sr-- a i - WO urn do th wa ihtncr in Lr-t- rmm4 la rMa4 than one-four- th the tuaal time, Ilnokel CT writ tlwamml w w.Ucutu? the winter's tael.c; 7 L E Burnett r 2Cr pM; JEWELER (K?QS (JDGD(T) Smto MERCHANTS BLOCK. OCALA, FLA Eanara Finnic Ui!l PUDDINGS Puraps 400 !a 1,500 Gallons Per PpcrJ AH ttm water you want water at tbe rigfct ten par; rare for yoor stock wbeoerer and wherever 70a waat it! Tbe Farm Pomp Eoclae rana for Ws Caaa I cefet aa boor and Insures a reUabie water sopjiy for aa Cbe naeO cf tbe farm. Jest a word about tbe enslaa ttself: It Is aa fcfefe crasU in materia aod workmsasbtp as best astmobue mglar Is perfectly air cood aad self oued. Caaztot frees or overheat. T ask tx4ds day's tueL Comes cvntplete .ill ready to bolt to pomp aad start to work. NeextesjaJl No cemest fonadatioas or special platforsas. Keads W Its. jacks, walkiinr beam or traveita-ansa- . Bvint the Family. - SiSfSSSt now Is tbe time yon should ret one of tbese eafiaea. Costs less tbao a rood wtedaifl Does tea tJmee aa mocb work. Be eare yo see tlkU Tr"iii sirt T 1 ew nuule from Jell-- 0 ICE CREAM Powder T.4 3 - - V. - y i. - - - not sufficient." said Mr. Colman. II- - was actuated by a his?h sen.-- e of moral and political duty and the people of Florida are proud of his record." "If you now repudiate Fletcher, the Southern churt he may repudiate what you stand for." ere Mr. Coleman's closinic word". RALKED AT COLD STEEL "I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot ofT." said H. D. Ely. Rantam. Ohio, al- though a horrible ulcer had been the plague of my life for four years. In- stead, I used Cucklen's Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cur te tov. irym If you will "tackle" our fishing tackle you'll land any fish that will tackle your bait. Our lines are new and For Sale and Always in stock, by lhe District Agents Iresh and strong; our reels are net rusty. When the thought of Hardware enters your mind, al Are the ea.-fc- $t made and most de- licious ever srvel by the finest erks. Simply stir the powder into milk, bril a few minutes, and it's dne. Anyone can do it. Directions on the package. Ice Cream mal- - from Jt-ll-- Ice Cream Powder st3 only one cent a dish. Flavors : Vanilla, Rtrawt-rry- , Lemon, Chixolate, and Fnnavcred. At Grocer', 2 package 25 cents. Beautiful Recipe Book Free. Ad- dress, The Genesee Pare Food Co., Le Boy, X. Y. ed." Heals burns, boils, sores. bru!.e. R. E. YIME eczema, pimples, corns Surest z: cure. 25 cents at Ty dings & Co's OCALA, FLORIDA- - so let in the thought that our store is the place to buy re liable hardware; Marion Hardware Co., OCALA FLORIDA. MTI K OP WMM.irVTlOX FOIt T Oeed I eler "eetl. of kapter 4h.vh, Linn of Florida. N'otice 1? hereby sivj-- n that W. S 'oir.welS. jurcaj-- r f tax certificate-No- . i055 an-- i 20..T. 4a?ei r!,e 2nd day of EU NuVrrr.t-r- . A D. 1 & ha- - file l -- a! 1 cer- - BUY A LOT m Magnificent New Resident Addition to Ocala IP O RT KING ;jticate in my otnoe an J ha- - :na ap- plication for tax le-! to i."Ue fn ue w:th law. t rt:fi-ate the f.llow:nir prop- erty situated in ilarion county. Florid, to-w- it: Lot 2 70 Th-ai- d land bt-in-u a.--t--- .-' 1 a t ir.e date of the of such in tht-nan--.e of T. J. L.i::I- - and unknown, fn-l-- s Aid certirtcattrs Nr re!t--n-.r- 1 according to law. tax will ue thereon on the 2?th dav of Ma v. A. I Witness my official anl seal this the -- th day of April. A. It. 1 1 1. ! T. Sitrunk. Clerk Circuit Court Mariun Co. Fla L. ALEXANDER PRACTICAL CARPENTER AND BUILDER Careful Estimates Made on All Con- tract Work. Gives more and better work for the money than any other contractor in tow. Job Priming -- Ocala Star ALL KINDS OP BOOK PRINTING, STATIONERY, PAMPHLETS, MISSARY CHECKS, CIRCULARS. RULED FORMS, ETC. PHONE 51 There is So Iletter Investment. Ixt Sold on Emj Terms. Irices RaJte frrm SIS to $210 per Ixt. Ask at the Star Office for rial. For Fartber Information, Call on II. D. Stokes. L. 3!. Murray or IS. 1L Carroll

Transcript of ltll. AT EMMMJEK tihB M mMSnMlf MS TOE Slwir Stop wim: mm€¦ · EVENING STAR. FRIDAY, MAY 26,...

Page 1: ltll. AT EMMMJEK tihB M mMSnMlf MS TOE Slwir Stop wim: mm€¦ · EVENING STAR. FRIDAY, MAY 26, ltll. I AT EMMMJEK f M mMSnMlf MS TOE tihB Slwir Stop wim: mm D nmm Ftf 11 Copyright.



Slwir Stop wim: mmD nmm Ftf 11Copyright. 1907. by R. F. Fenno A

Co uui101VII

I Will Sell Fifty Lots in

French Lingerie WaislsReal lace trimmed, hand

embroideried, in Bul-garian Colors, $3.50to $7.Linen Tailored Snils

New Models, at $7.50 to$10.

House Dresses & KimonasGood Quality at 50c. to

$2.Messaline Silk Petticoats

All the Leading Shades,$4.50.

Convent ClothThe ideal material for

lingerie, 42 inches wide12 yds. for $3.

Below ValueOne hundred pieces Long

Cloth, 12 yard piece,regular $2 qunlity, at1.69.

Bed Spreads

An exceptional purchaseof white Hed Spreads,scalloped and cut corners, at $1.50 to $5.

Linen Cambric10 pieces 36 inch all lin-

en cambric, at 29c.Imported Voile

25 pieces Imported Voile,in the newest designs,at 25c.Printed Sheer Lawn

100 pieces Printed SheerLawn, regular price19c, at 121-2- C

Mercerized Batiste25 pieces 45 inch mer-

cerized Batiste, 40 centquality, at 25c.

Inspection ot above itemsinvited.


AT AUCTIONTo the Highest Bidder on Next

restive." said one or tier companions."Besides, the man is a prisoner. Whynot leave him In peace?"

"You can go if you will. I have noneed of you." she said angrily.

He bowed low to her and left thedungeon.

"Your friends are even now findingyou out," I sneered.

She changed her tone."You make me angry. Sir Verrall. I

came on an errand of mercy. It maynot yet le too late. I have the ear ofthe kirn?. Why not ask me to plead tohim for you?"

"I have never yet asked quarter froman enemy."

"For Princess Daria, then. Will younot plead for her?

"Not to you.""Her limbs, like mine, are young,

perhaps beautiful. Being slowly bro-ken upon a rack is sad use to put themto." v

"It is possible that Count Vasca hasalready pleaded for her," I answered."If she would marry him he would usehis best endeavors, I warrant you. lieis so faithful a friend that he is ca-pable of pleading for her life and foryour death.

"I see I cannot help you. You per-sist In making me angry, and angry Iam dangerous."

"Woman, you are always dangerousto those who trust you." I said hotly."Beware, gentlemen; a riper is a petnot to be caressed lightly." I know thiswoman."

"Not yet. You will not plead foryour princess, and you are wise, per-haps, for I hate her as I hate you. Ina few hours you shall have your desire

you shall embrace her. but you shallhave no tongue to tell her of your love.You shall lie together in the watersunderneath this fortress, and I shalllaugh every time I think of you. Youknow me! I tell you, yon have muchto learn. It is time I began to teachyou, like this and that."

She laid her riding whip sharplyacross my face twice as she spoke,fly arms were bound behind me. Icould do nothing to protect myself.

."You devil !" I howled, springing tomy feet.

One of the men with her remonstrat-ed; the other laughed, even as shelaughed. I forgot that she was a wo-man. With a mighty wrench I snappedmy cords and was free.

Costa had heard my bowl and enter-ed the dungeon as I broke my bonds.I struck at the woman, and the manreceived the blow, staggering buckacross the dungeon to the opiositewail. I heard the woman cry out interror, but before I could strike againCosta and the guard had seized me.They could hardly hold me. Still, I amglad they succeeded, for I shouldhave killed her had I been able toreach her.

"For heaven's sake, go!" cried Costa.The woman needed no second bid-

ding. She fled from the dungeon, herface as white as that of a corpse. Shedid not laugh now. This time it was Iwho laughed laughed like a madman.


fflieiiiaier & Co,The property fronts on Broadway Streetand lies just beyond the fair grounds themost rapidly growing colored section inthe city of Ocala. TERMS S10 cash and$1.25 per week. . .II. S. CiAI.I.OWAV F. A. MOUI.TOX



l O. HOX 273 OC A I. A, FI.A.


Grand Barbecue, Music and a Picnic ForAll. For Further Particulars Call on orAddress.

Care of FRANK DITTO. Ocala, Florida

Foirifitare mm

FinfiMii(Continued Tomorrow)

I I t

v. .



Boarding school for Boys Conducted by the Sisters ot St. Joseph.Young Boys Trom 8 to 14 years Received, Carefully Trained along Physi-

cal. Intellectual. Moral and Social Lines. Healthy Location. MagnificentSwimming Pool. Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms, Dormitories.Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms.



Are the


We have in oxst large stcre, almost everything you could wish for to furnish yotirhome, office, farm, garden or work shop with.We have a complete line of ftirnihire in med-ium and high grades, with all of the furnish,ings that go with the line. Our stock ofhardware is complete and the tools, materials,and implements are of the best grades. Wecarry the largest line of harness, wagons,carriages, etc, of any house in the city. Wehave a good lioe of office supplies of all kinds.Complete furniture for the kitchen and diningroom. We carry in stock every item thebuilder or contractor needs.


xfiere are muscies nere mat iutake some cracking," he said thought-fully.

"An unlucky blow on the head mightease that difficulty," I suggested.

"Aye, and stretch our limbs insteadof yourS," he laughed. "My willing-ness to help you does not extend tothat."

"A quick jerk should suffice," saidCosta.

"Feel that muscle, captain," was theanswer.

Costa put his hand under my shoul-der and whistled.

"It is harder than the king's," saidthe executioner.

"I know that," Costa answered, re-

membering my trial of strength withhis majesty, ' but that sweet machineof yours should be equal to it."

"You think it has had practiceenough, eh, captain?"

"I warrant it can be turned to crackeven the knight's muscles, mighty asthey are," said one of the others. "Itcan be gentle and powerful too. Doyou remember when it embraced aman and a woman on the same day?"

"That experiment is likely to be re-

peated," said the chief executioner."The princess!" I exclaimed."They say so.""Why trouble Sir Verrall with that?"

said Costa, evidently angry that I hadbeen told.

"It is of little consequence," an-

swered the man, with a rough laugh."In death a man can only take care ofhimself. I will treat the lady quickly,too, if the knight wills It."

With an effort I was calm."This is indeed being a comrade," I

said, holding out my hand. "I have aweakness in my nature a foolish one,perhaps, but I don't like women to suf-fer."-

"It requires strength to suffer much.Women don't suffer as men do," he re-

turned, with brutal certainty. "AndIf they do what matter? They areonly women.

I dared not express my horror."But In this case you will bring

death quickly?" I said."You may rely on us.""That is satisfactory," said Costa,

rising.I had almost forgotten O'Ryan. I

remembered him then."That man has heard our bargain,"

I said."He will not betray it""Do you swear not to do so?" I said,

turning to the Irishman."I am not less merciful than the

executioners," he growled.I shook each villain by the hand as

he left me and asked Costa to distrib-ute among them what few posses-sions I had. I shook hands even withO'Ryan, and then I was left alone.

Did O'Ryan grasp my hand morefirmly than was necessary? I mighthave spent the night wondering, butwhen they had gone I broke down forthe first time during my imprisonment.I shed tears of impotent rage, pacingmy cell frantically, cursing and beat-ing its stone walls like a madman. Itwas horrible to know that Daria wouldbe laid on that hideous couch to haveher fair limbs broken; that her death,heroic though it might be, as I be-

lieved it would be, should be witnessedby such loathsome wretches as themen who had just left me and per-haps only by them. Only when I wasthoroughly exhausted did I throw my-

self on my rugs and fall asleep todream what mockery it was! ofpleasant fields and sunshine.

I awoke refreshed. Perhaps the verydreams I have railed at gave my sleepits power to refresh me. My firstthought was of Daria, my second ofO'Ryan. Had he pressed my handlast night with some meaning? Surelyit was impossible, seeing how he hadhelped to ruin me, but a man In direnecessity sees hope in anything.

It was not until the afternoon that Ihad any visitors that day. I had be-

gun to hope that I was going to beleft alone altogether when Costa camein and bound me, as usual. -

"More fools with too much leisure,"I said wearily.

"An old friend this time," said amerry voice in answer, and Lady Al-dri- da

entered, followed by two or threemen. It was easy to see that theywere, her captives as surely aa I wasa prisoner in the fortress.

"This was an old lover of mine,gentlemen," she said gayly. "He wasfoolish enough not to value my friend-ship. Behold the result."

She was a pretty picture, much as 1

hated her; I could not deny that. Shehad evidently ridden to the fortress,for she carried her whip In her hand.

"Do all men who displease you cometo this?" asked another of her cava-liers.

"I am not so unmerciful. Sir Verralland I are old friends, or enemieswhich Is It?" and she turned to me.

"Enemies," I answered shortly."True, and you are in my power.""That does not trouble me.""You have yet to learn the terrors

this fortress holds. You shall haveone spectator. I warrant you, when aslow turn of the lever draws that bodyof yours into agony. For all yourboasting, these walls, solid thoughthey be, will hardly drown your cries,and if you have sense left to hear any-thing you shall hear my laugh."

"I shall be glad of a spectator," Ianswered. "It gives a man courage."

"You shall not profit by my coming.I will pour all I possess into the handsof the executioner if he but kills youslowly enough."

I could laugh at this threat since theexecutioners were my friends.

"Count Vasca would be king In Yada-sar- a,

yet with all your beauty hewould not make you queen but for thefact that he might be afraid to makean enemy of an accomplice."

"Is it not time we were going. LadyAldridn? Our horses will be getting

3 or 6 doses C6r will cure any caseof Chilla and Fever. Price. 25c UeUant Every Farmer inThis Gomnanity


and PORTABLE P017EQ PLAN? fWCrowds of farmers h.-r-c vlsitevl rr?r t?. 0itf

Rfflclwr. - v v u - Uliiuti iWUUUjust to see this wonderful Fuller & Johnson Farm PumpEngine about which they have read so much in their farmpapers. We want EVERY fanner to come.

We show this engine 6An the work just ss it does on the farm.e nave tt hooked up with a force pa mo and demonstrate how it mn iikinds of band power machinery. V.c show Low it can be moved whereverOCALA. FLORIDA. us power is aetata sow it can be attached to any cumn la less thn.S (Jfive minutes. IIuw easy it is to Mart and ston how mnrs Sii ci'.es on a smallamount cf gasoline.

Works like a Kred Hanat Small Cost


LEADER OF THE EDISON LINE IfTbe Psra Pump EnclneIt is the most perfect Instrument

mechanically as well as the mosthandsomely appointed that has ever !

ia a penecT lutie wonderfor work. Cold weather

even d own to belowurom akes no dlfereacawitt) this Hired Jiaa. ItnumM w&ler for hrai

Florida Senator llolda on to the t'nt-larl- an

Roston. May 26 Insurgency develop-ed yesterday at the annual meetinu ofthe American Unitarian Associationwhen about a third of those presentfollowed the lead of th Rev. Johnflaynes Holmes of the Church of theMessiah of New York, in opposition to

h election of United States SenatorDuncan V. Fletcher of Florida as oneof the vice presidents. Iecause of hisvote last winter on the Larimer case.

On a rising vote the motion of Mr.Holmes to strike Senator Fletcher- -

name from the list submitted ly thenominating committee, was declaredlost without a formal count. Later. Inthe ballot for officer, six of the vicepresidents elected reecived 460 votes,the total number cast, while SenatorFletcher reecived .

The debate beijan when the nominat-ing committee presented it report inwhich Senator Fletcher's name wa- -

placed fourth in the list of eixht vi epresidents.

Mr. Holmes offered a resolution de-claring that "in view of the public ser-vices attached to the name of Fletcherwe do not regard him as eligible toleadership in that form of Christianityknown as I'tutarism and protest againsthi nomination as vice president."

The Rev. A. J. Coleman of Jackson-ville. Fla.. declared that the resolutionwas an attempt to fasten a newmethod of domatim on the Unitar-ians.

"senator Fletcher voted for lrimerhecaustt the evidence aatn Mm

left the Edison factory. We are pleased to show them. " 'Vi 'II fha rn rr fM4art1-nrn- a f k


Lii; .m I;waster, feed gTiader, a burry.

Helps Women FolksThe lit tl nr!n twin t L . - - sr-- ai -WOurn do th wa ihtncr in Lr-t-

rmm4 la rMa4than one-four- th the tuaal time,Ilnokel CT writ tlwamml ww.Ucutu? the winter's tael.c; 7L E Burnett r 2Cr pM;


Eanara Finnic Ui!l

PUDDINGSPuraps 400 !a 1,500 Gallons Per PpcrJ

AH ttm water you want water at tbe rigfct tenpar;rare for yoor stock wbeoerer and wherever 70a waat it!Tbe Farm Pomp Eoclae rana for Ws Caaa I cefet aaboor and Insures a reUabie water sopjiy for aa Cbe naeOcf tbe farm.

Jest a word about tbe enslaa ttself: It Is aa fcfefe crasUin materia aod workmsasbtp as best astmobue mglarIs perfectly air cood aad self oued. Caaztot frees oroverheat. T ask tx4ds day's tueL Comes cvntplete .illready to bolt to pomp aad start to work. NeextesjaJlNo cemest fonadatioas or special platforsas. Keads WIts. jacks, walkiinr beam or traveita-ansa- .

Bvint the Family. - SiSfSSStnow Is tbe time yon should ret one of tbese eafiaea.Costs less tbao a rood wtedaifl Does tea tJmee aamocb work. Be eare yo see tlkU Tr"iii sirt T 1 ew

nuule from

Jell--0ICE CREAMPowder

T.43- - V.-y i. - - -

not sufficient." said Mr. Colman. II- -was actuated by a his?h sen.--e of moraland political duty and the people ofFlorida are proud of his record."

"If you now repudiate Fletcher, theSouthern churt he may repudiate whatyou stand for." ere Mr. Coleman'sclosinic word".

RALKED AT COLD STEEL"I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot

ofT." said H. D. Ely. Rantam. Ohio, al-

though a horrible ulcer had been theplague of my life for four years. In-stead, I used Cucklen's Arnica Salve,and my foot was soon completely cur

te tov. irymIf you will "tackle" our fishing tackle you'll land anyfish that will tackle your bait. Our lines are new and For Sale and Always in stock, by lhe District AgentsIresh and strong; our reels are net rusty.

When the thought of Hardware enters your mind, al

Are the ea.-fc- $t made and most de-licious ever srvel by the finest erks.

Simply stir the powder into milk,bril a few minutes, and it's dne.Anyone can do it. Directions irit.telon the package.

Ice Cream mal- - from Jt-ll-- IceCream Powder st3 only one cent adish.

Flavors : Vanilla, Rtrawt-rry- ,

Lemon, Chixolate, and Fnnavcred.At Grocer', 2 package 25 cents.Beautiful Recipe Book Free. Ad-

dress,The Genesee Pare Food Co., Le Boy, X. Y.

ed." Heals burns, boils, sores. bru!.e. R. E. YIMEeczema, pimples, corns Surest z:cure. 25 cents at Ty dings & Co's


so let in the thought that our store is the place to buy reliable hardware;

Marion Hardware Co.,OCALA FLORIDA.

MTI K OP WMM.irVTlOX FOIt TOeed I eler "eetl. of kapter4h.vh, Linn of Florida.

N'otice 1? hereby sivj-- n that W. S'oir.welS. jurcaj-- r f tax certificate-No- .

i055 an-- i 20..T. 4a?ei r!,e 2nd day ofEU NuVrrr.t-r- . A D. 1 & ha- - file l -- a! 1 cer- - BUY A LOT m

Magnificent New Resident Addition to Ocala


;jticate in my otnoe an J ha- - :na ap-plication for tax le-! to i."Ue fn ue

w:th law. t rt:fi-ate

the f.llow:nir prop-erty situated in ilarion county. Florid,to-w- it: Lot 2 70 Th-ai- d

land bt-in-u a.--t---.-' 1 a t ir.e date ofthe of such in tht-nan--.e

of T. J. L.i::I- - and unknown, fn-l-- sAid certirtcattrs Nr re!t--n-.r- 1

according to law. tax will ue

thereon on the 2?th dav of Ma v. A. I

Witness my official anlseal this the -- th day of April. A. It.1 1 1. ! T. Sitrunk.

Clerk Circuit Court Mariun Co. Fla



Careful Estimates Made on All Con-tract Work. Gives more and betterwork for the money than any othercontractor in tow.


There is So Iletter Investment. Ixt Sold on Emj Terms. Irices RaJtefrrm SIS to $210 per Ixt. Ask at the Star Office for rial. For FartberInformation, Call on II. D. Stokes. L. 3!. Murray or IS. 1L Carroll