'lti 'ittdotn.r r -...

VOL. IX. WOMEN OF COLLW: ARE GUESTS OF CLASS IN FOODS --. Events Of Whole Year Were Paned Through In One Evening MOCK fEDDING. fEATl!R .E 11Nlll or Home. · 1-Joono u1JCH l>Cll01'1• m<- •ut. h; )Hr«:aor Ot (' nrclully 1•1nn11L"ff.Prog1·n111 -;r. . . . , 'lti 'ittdotn.r McPHERSON COLLE<;:E. r , 'KANSAS . l'UYijlC\L i:1mn. ;c nox WAS "Tho Altalnmunt or Ph) "lk11l Pcr- fectlorl," •·:ts tho au bJecl of l'ln Jn· l!ilructlve tan ( slve.n"' hy Or. w. C. Hcllston at l,.llC WCClkly \ '. W. c. A, .. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IS SOLUTION FOR PROBLF.M OF CRIME cha11cl Tue.,day. ,, Chaplain of KanNa State Ino r. Hta!SIOO alat ecl lbllt there Is a d u.trial School Lecture• close relationship IJctwoon the pby- To M, C. Studente steal a ud tho me ntal eon· d1tlo11. To bavo Ii hapvr. normul. DELINQUEN,T H . OMELEsS health)' exi_!jtcnce be advocates the need. to sh·e Just a lltt le lime and vr L. "I" . ShouhJ Jk' ln- wlr.o tofetbought to eating, dothh1g clucl <..'d In OC eurcl<io .:ind rccroatJon. · \',\C':\TIOS ... on . l.IUJt.\ln.· 1 \llE ThO Jlt>r;:1.ry wllt clos.e.u .f::JO, Frt - day De-ceml>cr 18. 11od wlll cloMd througbo ut tho nc . allon . lJoofl:s mny he checked out accord- ing lo the following rul es ; I. 01il)' one book on n uuhJtct naay lie ch ccl<cd out untll 11 :00 Prld:i;y. 2. Al 4: 30 FrMny a& m;i.t1>' books as NO. 14.. BASKETBALL SQUAD IS PRACTICING FOR GAME EARLY IN THE"SFASON Five Letter Men Reported ' For Pra ctice-Squad la - Cho'" en From Claal Teama arc wnnled mo,. be chcckca out lor SQUAD IS LIMITED 'II the vocallon 1><rlod. Dooka nnct mag. r __ 1 azines rro111 the •lands 11hould be ,.l '1C'l '1UI Uulhl ns;- Lqcn .luln cbcc'kecl out bt}fore 4 : 00 o'c;lock .RO IW.nks-f.'llnhcr m1u.11ttmUou the r cm:ll nlni; h11lf hour c1111 be used or the checklni ot reference nu.Herlnl. \VIII Como !Ater every wom::an ot McPhers on LOCAL ORATORS m •!IJor(l: real. wort h-white rc llgloHli LECTURE . N TRATI N Pro111 lllc wealth or matcrla.1 di\· Co;le,::c wroyally cnt C'rl:\111cd Fri- education Ill the solution or tho S 0 til1tyeLI In thQ bnt1lu.it1J:1ll rha)' <;\'Cnl ug when til e l-""()t>(I$ ClRS:I, TRY OUT FOR run LIN .E t>foblcm." Hev. Hu,:;h c." tournament ltu .1L w ock. Couch Gtard· tbo dlrectlon of Mis s Mnyme ham. chaplnln oC tho K11nsas S1a10 DEPICTS SCULPTOR'S ART Ktvculct m men vdth Welker, gue a puu· Cor nil women lnduittrhl1 rtcfonuatorr. ot Hut c hin· of bad En- In tbu Arc 111uad tbwn to nboul lwdvo mou •DOD assembled. Ver)' sQon lhey lea.rued Will Ct::>UCI\) Rev. Grcel u\ nt made mention or hl.1t Wallor nhcr Cl.rlstuulK \·acutlun. that during: thd .oYenlng they .... ould early .es:pcrte nc:ea. how be wa.1 "on Thlls Is lbC flnn Umu thlll auy ao-. pa.is tbrooglt" 1-h _e inosL lnt erealltil; The ti Jout lo connection t.bo hl19wo'' lr om tho age or elcht )"ears, - "1 uaW'e prl vllei;e ::.e:: 1• Yct1. !s . or n wboh : )'car . ..,.... The Old OJ.d t.lne Or11.torJt1tl CoDtol:St wnJ · bo ho" l10., - traveled pvor J.wenty-two 10 ho a Bculptor.' ' .ald. Nell lo Vornc e vl,lr, lu t. ho au.emvt . to a&&VQ •. a nd _ QJ , fl q}:: .t\b411n V<1t l kec•od _ alle d cmnnct.rated ·a1;1:d &tt rn bUJoJlh!&11 .. 41 ir Mu rnllD., bade fare we11 ant.I made ...-ar ...t r. tOlnor rOw night . Gertrude Hoener bo aought work told hor audfent:e _ 11t ' hy tn hl'r l ecture- tbo. Youog Ne"' .Year. ., .111 spu'k. on "Tbe ot and 3D education; tbl i to 7'ho,,,· ht11 dcmonatrntloo at tho Daptb1t Cbureb then made Nuw Year res_oluUons. t h.o Kenneth Rock on "Tll o undonstan:idlng or tbo rirobl<iru Of tho last Wt dnc-.du)' atght . A largo a udl · or Ill<!" gC\'c?tccn meu . who t-'uir Cupid ushored ,111 N1..•w H orol aai, " Harvcy dCllngucnl cnco' b aa.rd and vPrflCJatod .Mi,n turn ! ht! prChrlt &lluo11 •OVen A i;roup r tt.;c tor March was on •iflddeo · FOCla.' " Thl'ro ,h- An -appnltlug lgnoraaee Walllcr '.it -tectun .--tlemoo15trll tlon Jn lm\ 'o l>m :.n on :'old h t.<ttton < .olleg? b: li· l!'Cltbruted b) ' a. potato r uce b honor The orations ban been Jud&od on concerning ,tho .1l mpleat prlnclples or Lhls known rleld. Miu W111ker's kc th:ill stiu:ul" 1 11 yeu s • •or S:lfnt Patrlck, while eve ryone ... .. thou.sht a nd compothlon by professor the law;· go:ald Ile\·. Greham. lhe lecture wzu 1 tho thi rd numb er of the who wlll cuptaln tho woperly foole,In au April 1''Joyd"'Holcomb. ot Bethany, P r otea-- correlation or low . mentallt.y and llcdpalh· Hornt r Jyccnan tourec. Bulldog ctoi;cr"' 1 hrouJJI• Uic u 2 & &ea· .i:;:imi:. urnny IH!OlllC movo In sor Erb, ot Ho'!stoo; a nd Professor crlmo be au.Id. "Thu average iountnl Miss \Vo.Iker tint expltducd the iirii}"f.!tl 11 gnrue the group a reltiycd ln paclc· Orabcr. of lletbol .. Delivery wlll be ogc a1 the Heform Is elovcn bati-IS o r 11cu lpture and- 1;ave u. ithor l KU:ml hM nod 1 a:xpcctd t to 111 1: a.t1d unp. '\ckl ng s ullc:aacl!i . Then Judged toruorro-..· nlgbt by Debate ye04n1. O nly 1h ·o per cont of the In- b hitory of the a:Tl. She ,1wwcd the bt In good t rim thb yc:tr. for Juno lb<: month or brides. the Coach Har" Jd Munn or Ceutr•l Col- tnatcl!l wuuld be cnpublu or taking beaut)' of the humnn l!kull und where Jor. flli'ih) ' t-. liut k tn hltt J:l ll:lll!I were Jed to Socl fl t)' Hall whl)rf) Jege, Pror caeor 1-illllcr. of Contrnl Col· u hl gh sclu>ol course, such It the muKclc& o! the face were Lha.t o ld 1>lr.lc.il · r c.11tJy 10 titurt dropping t llC)' wltne u .;d tbe marriage of tw ,_n lege; GD.d Reverend Lav.·renee Asbletf eouroc om.:.red." Agrtln or tho d1,1- cause nil tho . dltrcrunt faclul ex'•res· th-Om In fl)r M. <,;. i:.:akoe uud t:ll· promisi ng young peopl<-- the of the Chri s tian Church or McPher- cJlne of p11.rcotp l dbtlpllne be 1J1&id, Aions. Tukln& a di\)' model ot a beau·- wood. " tcruJy who tWfmony .u quutel Of )'oung son. Prlzea of 11ovcn do11au " Tho :n·crttgo l>oy . wbo gets Into llfut hi1co she n rled tho exprcuion h• rful 1 c,ke1bUI In :ill Clf la. It. year e ln1C' h&lOr$, tri ed 10 slu.c;t but brOkO t hree dollar S•:1.r0< belng"glven by Pro• tf(.IUb)e 110 hobfo, 110 tath!Jr u11d With O b11-8 or t; ht>' OtHI !t [ i;! W RlltUU; dU h1k l(1 11ohvw tho YYU.tllJ'Or il o..., ·u lo weeping. Then whlle the ,y. E. Hay ol Houatun. Tex.as, no mother. Uc may huvo μo.reut.N In or lhe bir-h'd from lciughlrir ge11e r1111ou liow It l!::J dime. Voran, Of , · • The Ptght Js On .. , were tor-the orations laking: flr15t :u id see- n11me but not In tact... ta !lorruw. and from youth to old ""' 'lillo r wt eurnlng a l etter IU-1t YC"-T• , l{.Judly 11laye d . the bride. Mercie Shnas\•. Wllh a fe•" plecu of cl•r a nd l>hU'(tl a i.:umo ot center. to. entered on the :1rm al lier futh cr. ond places. ia fcw · 1trokcs of htir haud _i rnd 1lh<luld fu rulli:h iu)mu li lN>flg ootu- M1·h'lna Gru11um, t1cco11l11nnh ::d by T• ' <'"l".c oth.:r l (nl!iUl !i are w 11.1,_ . idrn wns ubl e to 11ortr.cy 1 mutleall) ' lJ1Jtltlon for 10 pm1ttrun. Lhc.lr ut a- .U>UJtf< .SS STl.iOh.'.'\T BOU'- I ti 1 .• Ir d u n.rton a nd Wf:re on the: Dulldu,;: groom. Bunlcu Longsdorf. o'.lnd muny uny cmo 011 6 ii; c . bolll this lfruc. nmt trom the tblr· - - This iCUlpt rcu llh 'o s how· 1111 uad i wo )UH& u1;0. and showed teen oraitlon.s lilt a h; rank high· a.Jr. Uen Ch crrlnsl on, let: · <:d lhV a udll"ne:c t he comμlicatctl - - -(CootlnutJO n Paa.i.) __ _ y M C A MAN OF EGYPT In theught aud eompu s l1l on 1l'UI 1otury o( tho Y. M. c. A. ulll ba m othodH ut1cd hi ttculJ)torlni.: PI Htcr cO . . . ho tj,Clc<:lCcl. Th(' Au v.l!l be dcllvcrcd OJI the tw.11111m1 \\'ct.ln0Md11y lt1 tho CU'.l t lng. mouldi ng lllld till LhU trick:. COACHES OF CONFERENCE MPARES AND .U.S. 111 the P.llllc cor1tet1t early lu March. of 911e St udl' nt Prol codl:lhlp of t1c ulptor K 1trt u.:cre '"Xl > 1;,.lm:.d HOLD REGUb.AR MEETING l>llfCovc'l ' . Of Tht• Tbt '1.at e c_ onl eiu, will pro.b11.llly be. Mcwcment. Mr. Ch3rrlni;ton ha.s tx:cn and a.ii for H w :.aniln dcmomurnlc4.I Of KlnJ: or Il l t;mporlu this year. , (l:Ut; at gcd In 1110 WQfk or the'\' . }t, c. by J1er. Uhbl •JJI ur t;o11! 1 'WIU .. '4' IA Onc- lti:tlgiun . _ A. tor ;1 n.umlir r of He wlll ad· "Non!ls."' ·"' "" Witlkor. ' 'di;- 1 ur "J·1m 1·r1tl(:f111 11 l'htup __ I . drcsB tile 11hu.lcnt body ut tllu p i· <:t1ng lbe youuR artisl drl!umlng vt IJl1-0CW1.st..'fJ ltr . c. K Holcom of tho Tho next 1!1.!Sue of tho Spectator hour an .d will be n.vutluhle fo r a litnJ 1 au angul In u: Mock uf -- tlunr.1 Council of . lho Y. " - c. ,\ , wJll bo do1ed Janu .. ry 12. 1926. ll «d numb•r or pel"'3oual conrercnc•a. ---IC..ntinutd ., .; p .... .• -- - 1 1111.: rn:.chn• Qf Lhe Kn111t11 Jot conhtl'lf"Ok( before th Ct 1nudc.. 11t bodr M l t lu ,• , ·- 1• ne•· m t-t In Tn11i,ko. H> ilm11i! l per iod 0 11 M<mda.y O!"ccmbur l , l drow ut • 1;111ikulbu ll for lhh 1 ; "" 110"" h•• b•-<>n In>;""' 1110 . Statistics Show "Programs" of M. C. Students Are Not Well Filled ""' routboll 0<hotl utC1< co !_n. ycurs aml re.l ated LbE dlicov- :?f;, y r•hm 11lt.cu!!.t u-d Lho r t"gulu· •· ry or th ,e lonib of Tut·Ank·1 A \'(·· ry grave Klluatlon l• e°' tbc th0.!1.u wh.o aru com11cllutl are nQ l.itlh:r orr tlwn thl! , ,rov(! rltfol thm Qt. th'-1 coufer tt11cc In to rim,•n wh1ch vceurt ed dLlrl ng}. bo \le- s;vvcrn lug body or 11id1herAon Coto, "till. their at Arnold Uc lglun» und lhc 11lttr\'Jug Armenl· th<> lho:t on th'> vi •rnn· r..orlwl 4;1t 1111 1 re5i(leuoo. Mr. H o lcotn kgti. The attcnUou ot f1&culty !hall ar c- feel onlf fort t ·flve J)Ou11d8 uu11! fumlablnF:: And Tig ht bdoro f cri •nc:, 5; 4tUC15 idlowcd. i drew ;i eomvnhmn l>t:t ... ·ccn hH forclbly brought to the ai- of 1 uut,-,1111I duy only twenty our ve ry at tha.l )ly: Mr: One I')( tjJft uio•l hn1"Kltlallt lblng;I tombx :end liii r ellg:ltm Of lbc legccl underfed r.oudltlon or those s:alloll tl or mllk !ire aliowod "' dtah'" On t Qp of 1hl11 ou1n1;:e. t h•3 dl Mru..ti.td hy Llio niou1hi5 was tho 1';· 0 ·_ 11 th:UJ<J uttd t he. of \he Cc:>llcae 11t.udcn1 1 McPhtnum drl11ken1: a p1Llfu1ty • mnll rtitfou re tiru e ul dowu to If lCD of l<aJn' 11 '" conCcroncf) <.:hr 1 " 1 · • ttll bu.v}' make It .u habl l to l'lbriQrlJ their dally AUH>UDt ,tor lm rcl-work l ug- bushe.h1 nf polatolJS. fifty tmuud, tif tlll,/l uri f':.US:t U nt (ilJU 11 ""' ' 1.'.lfQ rn ell· llHid ch. "' 1 P 1 Ule iblng!:t that tlo not lnl br{'ad tn tbe A'l' H!)ld H o. II dialog ThmsHine 1taUstleJ1 11tiow thut benru:. Lwo r.n• l C:t or tomattlCf'. k\: V Ou VIJlllllJ for the b:uikclb:sll M.1UOn. /\ an llu:. t htave1come 11111 atcal tberu room. . euh lbo h ead cook a nd heT busbt!la or ap11l ca. flYt: cn\<:1 ur·can· t l1111t .. r dhhlon tor toolliall " 'H •ggyvt 1 IE vcryy,·hcro. nbout the can\Pna can etafC lutc" nllnnully bole! tll Q. 1mur un- ncd fruit, gi.llons o[ houc:y uud cunisttl. but ('tiUld tJOt bfi 1:ierft!C:tcd t.1n the tuo•o" lt.t "ond ih. .er tt nre I be f\O<Jn Junk, - hungrr. cvldtmt fos rortunarnl'I d o""n t.o :!Jf;t " bozee o( Purf. 11l ii: i;• llou1 or a11ph,1 _ liw r,141uw ot the cot llnlch bo• chanced taking bol- of 11lar,0 1 tlon. Sunken eyct, dra"A 'D ed \Vhcat. th ·o. boxClJ. of Post ToaJ:11t· Thi • Iii not lbl..' wor1R, ror tho m. enn· lwu;,111 :1td 1WI which Would fl.ill Iulo iorn le · drDpptng out o,f the old rcltg- and s urrcrlag carried 1i1;bout b)• tl'n boxc. of l'oJJol Uran. fhv bo.x- nt klnl't uf wort.Ii. 1hu wcluur "" 'un1. tllfftirc11t dlvl11fon'lt.. kb. PoltUc.lly, rorcn ot go..-- tlr;:.J u1d .,.·ortt*Uui. s ludt:nt4, bear c.a of i:npc 11uu. tlt'c 1JOuods ot (:6rJ 1s ytt to come. Onl) ' a m<.iru t went y Tim (lfvl.1Slo11 11h1.t'u Wn r•r nmt: nt h" .rl &e:n. T-ho: cdueatlonal mule 10 tbl1 ouira5eo1.1i (co. !Uty pouods· c;rl s hoftenhu;. twn 1 pouud11 or y, ·clnt;o i u.mlcrcJcvelop.ed lt•iru. St. M; f")"8. OU. #WO , Raker. .. lem '"/ bel ie .rcv{fnlped . , Soch •l hegh: .. 'Ct. PC.kl ot - corn llleal, auo pou.1.u1,. "' " bot doa •) · aru allowed ·• tUdt:11U l'fl Utb•H{;. St. IJoD<rlJloltl, t uigea a re tt.klhg _pJllto and old Tb0ao brlns ing theac char•cs a- f tour, Ono crate of c:g:p, ten poUJ!O• (:oil.Ch Allb.uugh the aludea t.4 1u1d CoUtgcJ of l::mpo- CUitoms are Ji•fn g way ;-<gain.st t bc racu h .y bue fla:cc do•'D or bacon, 2:00 pounds of t ucar. 2Gt •re 1:omcwbat 1t eera1 at lho • r vear · rla In Hie ca.stern Rroup. Tbo 0 P{>OrlDn1b lOT lbe buUdl»g 9r tbe tolJowlil° c e:tall•dca wbtcb bea ,r l oan s or br ead and t !00 · bbeultlf. ance or fltt>'·1d.x pie• c,..cb wick, th°hlr dh"lilon would lncludo ntw brodlerboOd betw· ff·n .tho Ea•t· tfftlmony to tbe es1r1mC!Jy Ju1t tb.lnk ot · tbese 1>0or. underfed ar-dur le luuuedta.ctJI)' aqueh.: hed bt- .. South\Feu1tern. f' M ftmount. li'rJond11. nd (b'- WUI. "hrou.c-b tbe c-xerc:i&ln&jme&gre 1'a.tlot1S ectorded tbe poor chlJdrent' To.L btnk that t:ueh neath load ot nJ.netr wholo 1 Ooth . c.I. JJcUurn .. Kanu. 11 Wesloyan. :r P&Ut!aC9 •Dd u_ ader.:at.a.ndlng_wH saJtennc- of .. Xc Phcraoota cou. ld be po11lblo a Sa:aadard pounds of "Holy Oleo" , and li , kty: Ster ling and llays Tcnh• lllllhhbed tb"" spca ke:r. tamou 1a•t:IUU. t. At each moal. ChrlsUai:a Colle.so: Wby 11tut.1cnt1 pounds uf eternal crs. ' _ . ·" . .. . . . .

Transcript of 'lti 'ittdotn.r r -...

Page 1: 'lti 'ittdotn.r r - archive.mcpherson.eduarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v9-14r.pdf · ThO Jlt>r;:1.ry wllt clos.e.u .f::JO, Frt day De-ceml>cr 18. 11od wlll



OF CLASS IN FOODS - - . Events Of Whole Year Were

Paned Through In One Evening


11Nlll or Home.· 1-Joon o u1JCH l>Cll01'1•

m<-•ut. h; )Hr«:aor Ot ( 'nrclully 1•1nn11L"ff.Prog1·n111

-;r. . . • . ,

'lti 'ittdotn.r McPHERSON COLLE<;:E. r , ~cPH£8SON, 'KANSAS .

l'UYijlC\L i:1mn.;cnox WAS TllR~tE o~· 1mA~TOX

"Tho Altalnmunt or Ph)"lk11l Pcr­fectlorl," •·:ts tho aubJecl of l'ln Jn· l!ilructlve tan( slve.n "' hy Or. w. C. Hcllston at l,.llC WCClkly \ '. W. c. A,



FOR PROBLF.M OF CRIME cha11cl Tue.,day. ,, Chaplain of KanNa State In•

o r. Hta!SIOO alatecl lbllt there Is a du.trial School Lecture• close relationship IJctwoon the pby- To M, C. Studente steal w~IMicln; a ud tho me ntal eon· d1tlo11. To bavo Ii hapvr. normul. DELINQUEN,T H. OMELEsS health)' exi_!jtcnce b e advocates the need. to sh·e Just a llttle lime and Pri.11clph~ vr L."I" . ShouhJ Jk' ln-wlr.o tofetbought to eating, dothh1g clucl<..'d In (.'un-l~uJum OC eurcl<io .:ind rccroatJon. School~

· \',\C':\TIOS llUJJ...~ ... on . l . IUJt.\ln.· 1\llE A~SO\JS(:J:i:O

ThO Jlt>r;:1.ry wllt clos.e.u .f::JO, Frt­day De-ceml>cr 18 . 11od wlll r~main

cloMd througbout tho nc.allon . lJoofl:s mny he checked out accord­

ing lo the following rules ; I . 01il)' one book on n uuhJtct naay

lie chccl<cd out untll 11 :00 Prld:i;y. 2. Al 4 : 30 FrMny a& m;i.t1>' books as

NO. 14..


EARLY IN THE"SFASON Five Letter Men H~ve Reported ' For Practice-Squad la-Cho'"

en From Claal Teama

arc wnnled mo,. be chcckca out lor SQUAD IS LIMITED 'II the vocallon 1><rlod. Dooka nnct mag. r __


azines rro111 the •lands 11hould be ~l'\'t'll ,.l'1C'l '1UI Uulhlns;- Lqcn .luln cbcc'kecl out bt}fore 4 :00 o'c;lock .RO IW.nks-f.'llnhcr m1u.11ttmUou the rcm:llnlni; h11lf hour c1111 be used or the checklni ot reference nu.Herlnl.

\VIII Como !Ater

~<-arl)' every wom::an ot McPherson LOCAL ORATORS m ••!IJor(l: r eal. wort h-white rc llgloHli LECTURE. N TRATI N Pro111 lllc wealth or matcrla.1 di\· Co;le,::c wn· royally cntC'rl:\111cd Fri- education Ill the solution or tho crhn~ ~EMO S 0 til1tyeLI In thQ lnl~ttlalilii bnt1lu.it1J:1ll rha)' <;\'Cnlu g when tile l-""()t>(I$ ClRS:I, TRY OUT FOR run LIN.E t>foblcm." ~!Lid Hev. Hu,:;h c." Grot~· tournament ltu.1L w ock. Couch Gtard· 11nde~ tbo dlrectlon of Miss Mnyme v~ ham. chaplnln oC tho K11nsas S1a10 DEPICTS SCULPTOR'S ART n~r 8~lectcil Ktvculctm men vdth

Welker, gue a puu· Cor nil women lnduittrhl1 rtcfonuatorr. ot Hutc hin· ;h~:~t~e;1j:r~1~·~1~:~:~n•q:~I~ ~~tct~~o~ of ~~ec:~~o~.~~~!":711)~~!a~l~ests bad H~;:.:;1 !~~~:::~,:1!~ En- ~~j(l~a~~~:,~0:0,a:~s n~::,~88 In tbu Da&U.11:!!!!;'~7· ;~~~~::r:: Arc 111uad tbwn to nboul lwdvo mou •DOD

assembled. Ver)' sQon lhey lea.rued Will ~l Ct::>UCI\) Rev. Grcelu\nt made mention or hl.1t Wallor nhcr Cl.rlstuulK \·acutlun. that during: thd .oYenlng they .... ould early .es:pcrte nc:ea. how be wa.1 "on Thlls Is lbC flnn Umu thlll auy ao-. pa.is tbrooglt" 1-h_e inosL lnterealltil; The t i Jout lo connection w~t.b t.bo hl19wo' ' lrom tho age or elcht )"ears, - "1 uaW'e yo~ ~"-l prlvllei;e ~:t::::. ~~h~c~l7Ll~1~~e ::.e:: t~!~~ 1•Yct1.!s .or n wboh: )'car . ..,.... The Old OJ.d t.lne Or11.torJt1tl CoDtol:St wnJ · bo ho"• l10., - traveled p vor J.wenty-two 10 ho a Bculptor.'' .ald. Nell lo Vornc evl,lr, lu t.ho au.emvt. to a&&VQ tlw~ • . a nd

~:- 1'!·•~i ~Z!) ~(J--g~r'! _QJ, fl de~~p,_lt..:. q}:: .t\b411n ~t~e ~tle,se..Qa~i~. l,!J.!2J-~!l1!1'!.:_~!Ji9-U<l·"'~P.~: ~.~w V<1tlkec•od _alle dcmnnct.rated · a1;1:d &tt ~·dowh rn bUJoJlh!&11 .. 41ir Mu ~ rnllD., bade far ewe11 ant.I made ...-ar...t r. tOlnor rOw night. Gertrude Hoener bo let~l178'll.n1l aought work told hor audfent:e _11t' hy tn hl'r lecture- 110~,.lhh:_ tbo. Youog Ne"' .Year. ~acb, gu~l .,.111 spu'k. on "Tbe Pl~ppear•ncc ot and 3D education; tbli to 7'ho,,,· ht11 dcmonatrntloo at t ho Daptb1t Cbureb then made Nuw Year res_oluUons. t h.o 1-~1rC.ld~', Kenneth Rock on "Tllo undonstan:idlng or tbo rirobl<iru Of tho last Wt dnc-.du)' atght. A largo a udl· or Ill<!" gC\'c?tccn meu .who co~"U­t-'uir Cupid u shored ,111 J:o~ebru:i.ry a~d N1..•w H orolaai," ~ncl Harvcy ~cbnun dCllngucnl >'oun~ -~•n. cnco' b aa.r d and • vPrflCJatod .Mi,n turn ! ht! •prc·Chrlt&lluo11 ll~und, •OVen A i;roup rtt.;c tor hi:1lrt~ . March was on •iflddeo · FOCla.''° " Thl'ro ,h-• An -appnltlug lgnoraaee Walllcr '.it -tectun.--tlemoo15trlltlon Jn lm\'o l>m:.n on :'old h t.<ttton <.olleg? b:li· l!'Cltbruted b)' a. potato ruce b honor The orations ban been Jud&od on concerning ,tho .1lmpleat prlnclples or Lhls HUI~ known rleld. Miu W111ker's kc th:ill stiu:ul" 111 t~re\·tou& yeu s •

• or S:lfnt Patrlck, while eve ryone ..... thou.sht a nd compothlon by professor the law;· go:ald Ile\·. Gre• ham. ~or lhe lecture wzu1 tho third numbe r of the t;r~Lunl)li'CkH. who wlll cuptaln tho w operly fooled· ,In au April l'~ool'• 1''Joyd"'Holcomb. ot Bethany, P r otea-- correlation or low . mentallt.y and llcdpalh· Hornt r Jyccnan tourec. Bulldog ctoi;cr"' 1 hrouJJI• Uic u 2& &ea· .i:;:imi:. f:'lnr:~ urnny IH!OlllC movo In sor Erb, ot Ho'!stoo; a nd Professor crlmo be au.Id. "Thu average iountnl Miss \Vo.Iker tint expltducd the ~on. iirii}"f.!tl

11 con~l!1lcnt gnrue ~L lhi~'. the ~me groupa reltiycd ln paclc· Orabcr. o f lletbol .. Delivery wlll be ogc a1 the Heform S~hool Is elovcn bati-IS o r 11cu lpture and- 1;ave u. ithorl KU:ml hM tn.':.i~.(HI, nod 1

• a:xpcctdt to 1111: a.t1d unp.'\ck lng sullc:aacl!i. Then Judged toruorro-..· nlgbt by Debate ye04n1. O nly 1h·o per cont o f the In- b hitory of the a:Tl. She ,1wwc d the bt In good t rim thb yc:tr. Sbowal~ for Juno lb<: mont h or brides. the Coach Har" Jd Munn or Ceutr•l Col- tnatcl!l wuuld be cnpublu or taking beaut)' of t he humnn l!kull und where Jor. flli'ih)' torwa~d. t-. liut k tn hltt J:lll:lll!I were Jed to Soclfl t)' Hall whl)rf) Jege, Prorcaeor 1-illllcr. of Contrnl Col· u hlgh sclu>ol course, w~re such It the muKclc& o! the face were Lha.t o ld 1>lr.lc.il· rc.11tJy

10 titurt dropping

t llC)' wltneu .;d tbe marriage of tw,_n lege; GD.d Reverend Lav.·renee Asbletf eouroc om.:.red." Agrtln or tho d1,1- cause nil tho .dltrcrunt faclul ex'•res· th-Om In fl)r M. <,;. i:.:akoe uud t:ll· promising young peopl<-- ~erore the of the Chris tian Church or McPher- cJlne of p11.rcotpl dbtlpllne be 1J1&id, Aions. Tukln& a di\)' model ot a beau·- wood. " tcruJy ~uard!'l who 1ilayed•mn~· tWfmony .u quut el Of r"'Je~ted )'oung son. Prlzea of 11ovcn do11au ~nd "Tho :n·crttgo l>oy . wbo gets Into llfut hi1co she n rled tho exprcuion h •rful 1c,ke1bUI In :ill Clf la.It. year e ln1C'h&lOr$, tried 10 slu.c;t but brOkO t hree dollarS•:1.r0< belng"glven by Pro• tf(.IUb)e ~"-S 110 hobfo, 110 tath!Jr u11d With O r<~w b11-8 o r t;ht>' OtHI !t [ i;!W RlltUU ; dU h1u·k l(1 11ohvw tho YYU.tllJ'Or ilo...,·u lo weeping. Then whlle the fe15~or ,y. E. Hay ol Houatun. Tex.as , no mother. Uc may huvo µo.reut.N In ~trokcN or l he bir-h'd from lciughlrir ge11e r1111ou liow It l!::J dime. Voran, sita<n~ Of, ·•The Ptght Js On .. , were tor-the orations laking: flr15t :uid see- n11me but not In tact... ta !lorruw. and from youth to old ""'' lillo rwt eurnlng a letter IU-1t YC"-T• ,l{.Judly 11layed . the bride. Mercie Shnt· • as\•. Wllh a fe•" plecu o f cl•r a nd l>hU'(tl a c~,.dltab!e i.:umo ot center. t o. entered on the :1rm al lier futhcr. ond places. ia fcw · 1trokcs of htir trnln~d haud _irnd 1lh<luld fu rulli:h iu)mu lilN>flg ootu-M1·h'lna Gru11um, t1cco11l11nnh::d by t-11~ T•'<'"l".c oth.:r l(nl!iUl!i coth~£t• are u..:~· CHEltlU !\'(.;To~ w 11..1,_ . idrn wns uble to 11ortr.cy 1mutleall)' lJ1Jtltlon for lll·lllnant~ 10 lh~1L pm1ttrun.

1:1l:lecl111~ Lhc.lr rc1m~i;ent3th•C1J1 ut a- .U>UJtf<.SS STl.iOh.'.'\T BOU'-I t i 1 .• Ir d u n.rton a nd ~ltu~t Wf:re on the: Dulldu,;: groom. Bunlcu Longsdorf. o'.lnd muny • uny c mo 011 6 ii; ue~ c . ~lniiN~l'iii'lY-- bolll this lfruc. nmt trom the tblr· - - This ~mltu:nt iCUlptrcu llh'o show· 1111uad i wo )UH& u1;0. and showed

teen oraitlon.s lilt a h; ~hlcb rank high· a.Jr. Uen Ch crrlnslon, rc·~ional let:· <:d lhV a udll"ne:c the comµlicatctl - - -(CootlnutJO n Paa.i.) __ _

y M C A MAN OF EGYPT c~i In theught aud eompusl1lon 1l'UI 1otury o( tho Y. M . c. A. ulll ba m othodH ut1cd hi ttculJ)torlni.: PIHtcr cO . . . ho tj,Clc<:lCcl. Th('Au v.l!l be dcllvcrcd OJI the tw.11111m1 \\'ct.ln0Md11y lt1 tho Jn~ CU'.lt lng . moulding lllld till LhU trick:. COACHES OF CONFERENCE

MPARES ~GYPT AND.U.S. 111 the P.llllc cor1tet1t early lu March. t~rcat o f 911e St udl'nt Prolcodl:lhlp of lh~ t1culpto r K 1trt u.:cre '"Xl>1;,.lm:.d HOLD REGUb.AR MEETING J~·latt'tl l>llfCovc'l' .Of Tht• T~mh Tbt '1.at e c_onleiu, will pro.b11.llly be. Mcwcment. Mr. Ch3rrlni;ton ha.s tx:cn and a.ii for H w :.aniln dcmomurnlc4.I

Of KlnJ: Tul-Trl~ or h~hl Ill t;mporlu this year. , (l:Ut;atgcd In 1110 WQfk or the'\'. }t, c. by J1er. • Uhbl•JJI ur t;o11!1'WIU .. '4' IA Onc-lti:tlgiun . _ A. t or ;1 n.umlir r of yeur~. He wlll ad· "Non!ls."' ~ahl ·"'"" Witlkor. ''di;-1 ur "J·1m 1·r1tl(:f11111 l 'htup __ I . AXS~C:~<..:t;~n;s1· drcsB tile 11hu.lcnt body ut tllu cho.1~tl p i·<:t1ng lbe youuR artisl drl!umlng v t IJl1-0CW1.st..'fJ

ltr. c. K Holcom of tho 1tu~rm1- Tho next 1!1.!Sue of tho Spectator h our an.d will be n.vutluhle fo r a litnJ1 au angul huprl~uned In u: Mock uf --

tlunr.1 Council of . lho Y. " - c. ,\ , wJll bo do1ed Janu .. ry 12. 1926. ll« d numb•r o r pel"'3oual conrercnc•a. ---IC..ntinutd .,.;p .... ;~ .• ---


1111.: rn:.chn• Qf Lhe Kn111t11Jot conhtr· l'lf"Ok(• before th Ct 1nudc..11t bodr Ml tlu,• , ·- 1•ne•· m t-t In Tn11i,ko. la»1t-~Thurb<la)' H> ilm11i!l per iod 0 11 M<mda.y O!"ccmbur l , l drow ut• 1;111ikulbu ll ~httlutos for lhh1 ; "" 1101« "" h•• b •-<>n In>;""' 1110 . Statistics Show "Programs" of M. C. Students Are Not Well Filled ·•~o" ""' routboll 0<hotlutC1< co!_n. ~'' ~ix ycurs aml re.lated LbE dlicov- :?f;, Tt~ y r•hm 11lt.cu!!.tu-d Lho r t"gulu·

•·ry or th,e l onib of J~!u,::; Tut·Ank·1 A \'(··ry grave Klluatlon l• e°' tbc th0.!1.u Htudcm~ wh.o aru com11cllutl a r e nQ l.itlh:r orr tlwn thl! ,,rov(!rltfol thm Qt. th'-1 coufe rtt11cc In rc~-'r<I to rim,•n wh1ch vceurted dLlr l ng}.b o \le- s;vvcrn lug body or 11id1herAon Col· to , "till. their ~rui;ram1t' " at Arnold Uc lglun» und l hc 11lttr\'Jug Armenl· th<> lho:t on th'> 1}~lmliur vi •rnn·r..on· rlwl 4;1t 1111 1re5i(leuoo. Mr. H olcotn kgti. The attcnUou ot tb~ f1&culty !hall arc- feel onlf fort t ·flve J)Ou11d8 uu11! fumlablnF:: And Tight bdoro fcri•nc:, 5;4tUC15 idlowcd. i drew ;i ~trlkh1K eomvnhmn l>t:t ... ·ccn hH ~en forclbly brought to the ai- of 1uut,-,1111I e~llh duy o nly twenty our ve ry nos~s at tha.l )ly: Mr: One I')( tjJft uio•l hn1"Kltlallt lblng;I \~It> tombx :end liii r ellg:ltm Of lbc legccl underfed r.oudltlon o r those s:allolltl or mllk !ir e aliowod "'dtah'" On t Qp of 1hl11 ou1n1;:e. t h•3 "''<::~kM dlMru..ti.td hy Llio niou1hi5 was tho 1';·0 ·_11th:UJ<J uttd t he. lo~l.I of \he rl"~n M<:Pht:r~un Cc:>llcae 11t.udcn1 1 ~·bo McPhtnum drl11ken1: a p1Llfu1ty • mnll rtitfou re tiru e ul dowu to If ~1.111t lCD M•Jll«r~tlfill of ~lt l<aJn'11'" conCcroncf) <.:hr1

" 1· • "\V~ ttll bu.v}' ouri;elv~a ·tOO make It .u habll to l'lbriQrlJ their dally AUH>UDt ,tor lm rcl-work lug- $ludc.nl~J. bushe.h1 n f polatolJS. fifty tmuud, tif tlll,/l uri f':.US:tUnt (ilJU 11 ""''1.'.lfQrn ell· llHidch. "'1P1 Ule iblng!:t that tlo not lnl br{'ad tn tbe A'l'H!)ld H o.II dialog Thmse· Hine 1taUstleJ1 11tiow thut benru:. Lwo r.n•lC:t or tomattlCf'. k\:VOu VIJlllllJ for the b:uikclb:sll M.1UOn. /\ an llu:. t htave1come 11111 atcal tberu room. . euh wire~k lbo h ead cook a nd heT busbt!la or ap11lca. flYt: cn\<:1 ur ·can· t l1111t .. r dhhlon tor toolliall " 'H di~ ~"'"">'"~Id ~Ir. A~lci:'un.~ ••ggyvt 1• IE vc ryy,·hcro. nbout the can\Pna can etafC lutc"nllnnully bole! tllQ. 1mur un- ncd fruit, thr~ gi.llons o[ houc:y uud cunisttl. but ('tiUld tJOt bfi 1:ierft!C:tcd t.1n the tuo•o" lt.t f~ld. "ond ih..ertt nre I be f\O<Jn lca.n~ Junk, -hungrr. cvldtmtfos rortunarnl'I do""n t.o :!Jf;t"bozee o( Purf. 11lii: i;• llou1 or a11ph,1 butl~r. _ liwr,141uw ot the oxl~thl6 cotllnlch bo• ~reott chanced taking plucc~ Tb~ bol- of 11lar,0


tlon. Sunken eyct, dra"A'D ed \Vhcat. th·o. boxClJ. o f Post ToaJ:11t· Thi• Iii not lbl..' wor1R, ror tho m.enn· lwu;,111 :1td1W I which Would fl.ill Iulo iorn le ·drDpptng out o,f the old rcltg- and surrcrlag fac~i. carried 1i1;bout b)• I~. t l'n boxc. of l'oJJol Uran. fhv bo.x- nt klnl't uf wort.Ii. 1hu wcluur ""' un1. tllfftirc11t dlvl11fon'lt.. kb. PoltUc.lly, • ~ew rorcn ot go..-- tlr;:.J u1d .,.·ortt*Uui. s ludt:nt4, bear c.a of i:npc 11uu. tlt'c 1JOuods ot (:6rJ 1s ytt to come. Onl)' a m<.iru t wenty Tim (lfvl.1Slo11 ~·ould 11h1.t'u Wn b· r•rnmt:nt h" .rl&e:n. T-ho:cdueatlonal mule t~thnony 10 t bl1 ouira5eo1.1i (co. !Uty pouods· c;rl s hoftenhu;. twn 1 pouud11 o r y,·clnt;o i u.mlcrcJcvelop.ed lt•iru. St. M; f")"8. OU.#WO , Raker. ~~ .. lem '" / belie .rcv{fnlped . ,Soch•l hegh: .. 'Ct. ~ PC.kl ot- corn llleal, auo pou.1.u1,. "'" bot doa•) ·aru allowed LJ1~ ·• tUdt:11U l'flUtb•H{;. St. IJoD<rlJloltl, Empur~ t uigea a re tt.klhg _pJllto and ~go old Tb0ao brlns ing theac char•cs a- ftour, Ono crate of c:g:p , ten poUJ!O• (:oil.Ch w~k. Allb.uugh the aludea t.4 Tc,..cb~rs. 1u1d CoUtgcJ o f l::mpo-CUitoms are Ji•fng way;-<• gain.st t bc racuh .y bue fla:cc do•'D or bacon, 2:00 pounds of t ucar. 2Gt •re 1:omcwbat 1teera1 at lho • r vear· r la In Hie ca.stern Rroup. Tbo

T~t. 0P{>OrlDn1b lOT lbe buUdl»g 9r tbe tolJowlil°c e:tall•dca wbtcb bea,r loans or bread and t !00 · bbeultlf. ance or fltt>'·1d.x pie• c,..cb wick, th°hlr ~...,<'-ltt!rn dh"lilon would lncludo • ntw brodlerboOd betw·ff·n .tho Ea•t· dl~at tfftlmony to tbe es1r1mC!Jy Ju1t tb.lnk ot ·tbese 1>0or. underfed ar-dur le luuuedta.ctJI)' aqueh.:hed bt-.. South\Feu1tern. f'Mftmount. li'rJond11. • nd (b'-WUI. "hrou.c-b tbe c-xerc:i&ln&jme&gre 1'a.tlot1S ectorded tbe poor chlJdrent' To. Lbtnk that t:ueh ~ruelty neath tb~ load ot nJ.netr wholo

1 Ooth. c.I. JJcUurn .. Kanu.11 Wesloyan.

: r P&Ut!aC9 •Dd u_ader.:at.a.ndlng_wH saJtennc- f.Qmat-~9 of .. Xc Phcraoota cou.ld be po11lblo (~ a Sa:aadard pounds of " Holy Oleo" ,and li,kty : )lcl~btl'!On. Sterling and llays Tcnh• • lllllhhbed b~ tb"" spcake:r. • tamou 1a•t:IUU.t. At each moal. ChrlsUai:a Colle.so: Wby t~e 11tut.1cnt1 pounds uf eternal cab~aso: crs. ' ~ _ .

·" . .. . . . ~· .

Page 2: 'lti 'ittdotn.r r - archive.mcpherson.eduarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v9-14r.pdf · ThO Jlt>r;:1.ry wllt clos.e.u .f::JO, Frt day De-ceml>cr 18. 11od wlll

m~r &prctator


TA1 SpccC.tn A.01 / ff ff• 1*"JNH

t • "''°"' atlNNlflli '"' n rrnt At.• ~ •I IJ«'A~ C•ll•1., 11in•1 ~ lo ell tu utlrillu .. ... ....-In. •-' l o /_.rd .... kd ..,.,...u •"" •,.Mid .... WHI• ,, ... , .,_ "'"'"·

l.Al)I~ Al I> ll0\.1""" 11ow ~11 o.u.un

Th lAdJ .. 4 1d 110<lt<1 of •h Cb-..rc.b of t b• tlrt.tltt'ta. bt.14 • D•· 1u .r •ad al rt. H it " the Cone_.e lut Tv4Kd1To !Dd lff auult1\'4 lOOll: 114· n•laft or , .. atria q• tile &ood date11 • llifda ll• 11.dlft atr.....s to tbe eUld•Dt bodJ. ftt 1*.41" Mld ma:n)" bftollhl auk.Jn ud np.,,I• mattid ~e d.taatn ot a .,...r m.DJ' MOdeal•, PfO. 90,..l&I em.D DfS'M the tra•tant aroru of eott" tu.pi.a lb• 1tn7 alc.ktla of tbt ttaduala ua •bHI lff ladtu &dJo•rM4 tw th •lc~t tllor Ith u W..1~ lllt7 -load a Ml d tJ'.

Wort aalll 111.t ... al1111to.

H•r tk lt. C. OnlOrw tomorrow aldil.

Poelt' Comer

Th11 Tl~ll o f the Ml)OD, Tbt 1ra•.all ot tb• Hn,

Tb• aplJl.obl• o'r a Hllf're An Dt•H hd1) doo.e.

lkt ~e ,OIMllal k9U. awoou la a flAt1a aa4 I'•'.

Wh .. 1, moo1t. oa :rour • •rt 8'oleom.. Wlld.uat!U JlOM!

Pandloo "'"' be.Jiere. Htntin may be thtre.

At LI•• too& or tlli• d.&1111:. At th c-ne of • alalr.

Tb• •lglJ ot Uae moo•. JlotJcllllm abon.

,,,_. 1ran1J M th .. .,_. A._,.a ·- tor IA•e..

-Ha.ro1• \rlaal ID \'trM.

Profe#ional Directory

Dr. H. Q. Rolf Os,.,. .......... _,~

,_..._ MaNS.-

Dr. A. A. Freebaq - .. ---om..·==:.!.­~. Oft-. - - .,., • •

Dr. L F. QQaliua PB'l'lllCl:.U ---m,~ --· l O 10 U A, ... I lo I P. II. ~

to 10 11 A. Ill. I lo f P. N,

A.~¥.D. .._. __ .... , --·

Page 3: 'lti 'ittdotn.r r - archive.mcpherson.eduarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v9-14r.pdf · ThO Jlt>r;:1.ry wllt clos.e.u .f::JO, Frt day De-ceml>cr 18. 11od wlll

~,. f;ol.;. Uy, 'tft 8lull Dop Or.t"• •" ro11lbJe CGmment

",_) t·-..o·rn Aud.~nctt

P,AS!f!;8~PRAfTICE , r f'OOQS CLAS~ PARTY lhe1ntM1iT ... wortD,. o~t..~ M~l h u.r t11~ft't:-.r.1ri.':;' ::S:e,..~rono•H· h elped to bfcat t b• Swed8 , and tau ed mau and 'fl"Jf~ bTI lht orrtctalfnc ~:_::C' to ~ bhn~pat the. flfOCeta mfnl$1er •• Sal omi!! Mrt~lt(~ Refttlt\·

~Jear. jaunts or fc:o Crum OfHl cak• ~H·e

YOOR Pff&'EOGRAPH AN APl.'~TEl'> g_~TMAS GIF'l'! •.

WALQR S'tl},1)10 al! :: ;-:;,r:e~~b:u m: n are gndu· terYtd. July brhtca Lbau1hc ot. one'•

Tll" uroci or • ..Crll'9 of r0tlt • I! la • toa.r leuer runu ;,,~oot. nn~ couauy and ll'le, fith-b dJn&fJ"ftff In.

10 ~ co·.-n \Jy th('! F lno Ar•• dtPort· 1~, ea.ab tar~d 1~.0 ~•ad Mn .t.lnr tn&- ~1rf0Ht tw>np. Au1w wu _

r :t.1~r1bC!'l"IQD Collet:tft w.at 1lv· • P ~ yea · Dean rttmf'mbfond. by a'.otJJor \'.icodon flO-- ~ • .atflt ~i:a)' M't!Uln,:s, nec~mbfr 8, ta d tdu tt. ahow up lb b lgh scb'aol b:i&kM lay, ~UHllher b)' R chug,ttlJJI COUft• ~··•••··~··•••'"t.• .. ••~~···~··• ... • .......... ••••••••• • ,. Ta lln • Ch•!>d ball ••< bu -· P••hl•~ al.Iii< <On· In' .. ~ool prognom aad Oc<o~r bJ ~ ~ ..... ~~IA. tJu, W est- : tkl',.~: pMlrf'm w;1~ ~•de up of •lo1· ~~:C,C::r': :;1;~1;~0 l~ aquad slneit KOi .a• " a ll1Un1". Tllt're wu t b.ta &- ' ~ ~M~ : ti nd piano nomborl. vocal sulot oont-.i.- lD cobbling ror tbf51 bfoetll- of } S d ,,....,., • ~ . ,.._ d •

d ~dlno. A.. falr-..-!Mtd au dlonce The rem.1.lndt'r ot tb~ .aq_uad camet the Tba nka11lwlag 1urkoy. • an SeJI '""uru~u ......_r • : ~ rrHf'IU. 11iltbou1b1 ifta.ny •ladealtt trom •arfoua paru of Lb_.e~maatry. The belt lime oc t he Jt-a .... Cbrill· ••~••••••u•••·~~•41•e....••'9••-•••••••41._••.•• .. •.--.••••~1tt 111,~drd tho baaketN.11 <a.me tbat Chapman 'Pl•YN1 lb~ rnrs on "!»• roq, •;u 111U con:1ila5. Thll!I room ..... ========================= cu ~lru: pJa.yl'd •t tbe ume Um&. ~.rkCUla.& Cfty Hh:h Sehoot team. an-d btaulif1illlf d~o,..ted •·Ith L U'ff Ind -~,. •bo heord tht NCllo.t. bow- h.D..J an enwlabl~ r ctord. Olfcken.ttdf candte1. and ••hen tbt womtll ••~ :•••••••••••••••••••••••h••••••••••••••••••••••••••4:.

rumc:inu:.d ra'o"'bly 00 tho plu1N tbue ynrs Cot Qulnt~r B lgb, su 1ea1M lbt glef' t'lub t'a D'le tn. 11ow· • Mapl T M · M k • :;~:~~; ~oltnt •h.o• a:. and Ulo bard lbtri: IWO j'~n for Ra.moo~. ~Ud IY sla~Df •·SlttM !'l1b•• Uoly ~l&bl," : .e ree ea.t ar et : tt0rli' t•t 111:et1lns l~ Dumbtn1 fn flt lde brecht played ,..Hb the l runa!1 T hey were t1r8M"d hi -.bit• a nd c:•r-- • : ~:t.p~. Two vlolln 1oto• wtra ~h·en Athltolit. Clnb ltefor&~h~ bt.p n tear:ti· rlf"d ("l)ndlt>t.. S:t11t" .Cl:aua tbcin a .... : QUALITY-and SERVICE : '1 l•·n •uunll bo1• itud lho l•lent In« acbool. He- 111bowf:d\UP w~ll, b?w· rived :ind CQVf' to urh Jtlrl A. auk : I : t)l)1l'll io,:: .. tbtr with Iba amOunt or· e.-ier.ln tho lntcrrl1u11a 100~2ment,t1.nd of cacrly 0inil i:iop-torn ball. • A ll kinds o·f Fresh nnd Cu.red Meats, Baked H o.m, Boiled • IJll,. ti'r """C"lopmrni ...-m ao doubt rans are Jnclin~d to ~lit~ -,;Ull Dt-tore lrav1n11:. th~ i u•ts K•vt 1M: : ll:tm, Wcinters. Everything in the .Meat Line tor tho : ~ah of lh"m nccol\plletu~d mu11t· k_now• how to p~ay. Csml)bell hllb F'ooda cl=a!JI and. ltl111o Wol kl'r an en· : .table, _picnJc O?' hi~c. :

trom Olclohoma. t;n t v&M11ty, nnd prom- lhu.1.in,ue chr.tr. • • f~ to run e.onut,body 11 c:lo1eo race for : Call 186 : ,1,uu. .

)!any "ho w'ro unable i n heor the r-H"t11•l ~pn'l!etl " f l't'Hni; o r rNtta t . aiid 1llMt1- who we re nrc1e.nt lrnnw

1i.u 1t1f•)' hnrt B rcnl treat.

a tit:rth 01:1 t be ,qu~ a fter the ns:i:il • • • ellwh11111lun. Utk o ph.ce_ ' YOUR ll()lL_AR·S ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :

W llh t1ucb n " 'ea'lth or r.ood ma .. 1

Have Moi:e Ce~~ Hes:•

~::~,~1~11 :~a::~,~!)11 t~:~,.1"p;::1.1~::j IH_RIG'S ,.~,, • ._ ............... ~~ . ... , .............................. . for n t111cceutul lul8kMhn11 a!\:l.son atl'------------...l !. '' · • •

~111~ Ah·l11n Youk, or H11 u:h ln 1to ~tc:J'Jlwraon College a rc brfglncr than l 4'&. • ~ V..& ou• .ti.i:ur••ce : W •R'' FLOUR : •P"tH ·r11111'1itl:ty 11.IRl1t with. '1uthol u anal w.o enr!y In the :ieo.son. l'q.p~t.iEM.,c; • :

About People

Jo•"· C l M. A-.l- : is : )!In llh<O F' .. 1 of lnn1nn. woo n ) IOIU,llR G!Vf.S ~(:: ar -rlOn : 0

amptt~ l' ltll,t)r S un<ll)'. RE:.-4.SO:"tS W RY llF.X \t'ORK. ~•«:rt:~:=;~·~s::~·;,lll\I : o· r~EN~l'\A.BLE :. Jl..3r Tro,i.tte •~nL S11 nday ht ht1 • Phone'l 1.,us ' 2 .a.:.1-,. ..\-'

~m,. In ~ICkPtlOn. Proteuor n . E. Moblt r o.ddrc1&• • M d . M Ph . b • ~I'll C:lrtlf' D. Drf1llam. of MllrlOD. ~d the me.n pree.enl a t \'. M. C.- A. Ir------------.., : a e ln C erSOn Y ' :

:;;D ... ,·. s. . ..... ~r~,·~ .• wHl.•h, . hl•l·.,:.·yutt~1.•dr ::P:h1!~.:::~· .. ~~:: \~o~~.: Fl,'l>r Sale i w .it-Rogalaky Millil)g Company : • .... ,. , ,. N .. " M"-b 1'0ork,'1 •aid Processor l\t'ohle.r , V

bell,. :snit ~fl._.. \ 'hf11.n Harnly al- "for thr~ prtnclpa l rea1=on1. Tba Homes 0 11

ColJcge Hill, •••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••-••• ••••••••••••••••••• • :111dfd "nlOIL"iom T itan" In Hau~bln· Q~l&ll>' or m aking a. th'ln~ ·spun ... FtlJ•Y -.eolaa. m .. 1 men on 10 1b• lt wotk. In .,.,. Farms nnd City Prop- ••• ••••--•••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••••••

rradflnre a.nd Otcn.n Stdtktcr nu~ lege thll DlA)' bf applied to Lhe mak· c.rty. ' • ' • · • • lm?t.a Shubcrl. or brnona. •IJilled lAllJ. or good ~rAdea. Dot meD allo See : Laclia Silk Linc~ Dobb.1 Hata : AAn ll•fl Slrfd:l• r SUndoy. • ·ork tor more lhAn ab$o1ute n.~ • •

)Ir :antt )In. J. I.. Jont!ll, of Me· 1dty. ll~n do thefr best wort. wftlltf Jay Crumpacker ! ~ -L} · • :42;~,11~1 1h,lr dau~btt'r •~1hel ~:r:1: r::~~=n~~~I:~ a;::;:,:r "; ::: FOR REAL £STATE

1 •• =. ~-~ .r.> ~:.

:Min ~:uhulne Illf!nnu. Lutlll~ le r <'lted Jn•l11ncea muslr:aclnt lbe 1~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 .ml I .._ ;, P,af. Sf'ln11t F.nuirom. Prank 114,.. dW41tJrartfon whlrb -men twl wbe.n WRIGlEYS 10.~ Fnnklln F.wan1. nnd Alvln Vo-- tbC!lr work lJ tlllln,:: no vitltl need. • Ll:IE coon c~ STORE • ru :ml!nde" "OIW.'tOm Tfme·• In an.- •Mon alto wor k-'". uld Profeuor Mob· i · ~ Haxt..SCb&ffner & Marx. Coata .e~s Hoae : ttu Thur•llAY""e\·enlna. ler , "bee:11U1e ~leu· e1pec:ts It ot • ,,. •

llarltnn nr('r ly, a r flllhtbOfo. tJat:1m. :-iobody :admires n IC!lfer or an ~AnE1!R ERV ~ ••••••~•••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••a..•••-•••••••• •oent Snturdny an'1 Sundny an l bri ldl<!r ftn d rear o f. t he ceMuro ·or bia 11111. feUow men ' keep11 m ni!y n ml\n nt hi•

l'P:u l. Wllltonl') •ho la t f'M hinJ":" wo rk lt'ben bill tnc.ltn:.tfon" r nn lo :•••••••••.,.••••••••'••••••,• • • •••••••.••••••••••••••• •

u C:m1on. 1pent tho week~,nd on the contrary". "iQ MEAL _ • lh nmpua. --- - -- : "' Only a fe da

WlnlfrfHI O'Connor ntton11etl th'! " From tho ~IQJHlpolnt or }(Lbor. it : • ' ""!'' more y& coarlLl:l Alvan hr ~t11t1.'11 Unn1t nt Sn- Is more con•lruettve to dotitroy a: ~ • tin. So1urdoy c• onlng. bnllle•l•lo than 10 build <me." ~X... i..a.61 M -U 2 Until Christmns i s h ere . For your ChristmM ~hopping,

·""· 11" 10• A. Yo dor •l•l• od - i;..,mucl Gompers. 11• 15•2 1. ~"":.. · u pleuure. ; lr)' us first. Literally the " Sl otc of I\ Thousnnu Gif~'!" fti,.ndw nn tho Htll Sunday. !;:============! a.11'Jul csctdH for tb• ..a. ODdo.,..r- ro~ AS- i

LYCEUM COURSE - - 1Co111lt1\11!!il f t'Odl ~ l.) 11.1rbl~~•·nkh\J; - ftnd 1o1eb.lij'jth la d1IM'f nn•I llbqrftl.lng ,hRL .nnt;el, do • t ll tor non.ht, but t he work or ktlptorlns; I~ IY4l~m•fle IQbOr. 1t l.1 • ltt.u pr-lwUcce 10 l;;o ob1o 10 d t9m G/ lht• twi:.ullet M llt~ And onrc hi ••bllf' 10 C!i n e. them la etone ror • itflrhy.'"


WNnMCJAr. ~Dllbtt Ut ht!ad~. ·•Ero1Hc" - ...... -L.-.Cr-tll ll.tm~. "Joy To Tlle World." Dnotlnna11,

hkfus•ioa. "Stud~nt FrlHdJ:btp.;· 11.fsa Cherrington.

J ll•ft'O•«ot• • ....

her a box of

!:!::.:i.":1:: ........, '° :. Bixby, Lindsay &.Co. ftoo o-tAm-

:;-'-h.D~~,-,:uci:;t ~ .......................................................... : 11a-. ,-=-=======...::= ====== ---,, ........................................................ • •

·; E. R. Burkholder Lbr. Co. E . . .. . Bunte'• Chocolates

Snyder Candy Company . .

l~===========t~=======~~~~l·i Phone 16 i . . i We would appreciate some of your business :

Picture Frames


Fres~Candy ..... , . It

. . ! in good Building.Material and C.oal. : ' . . •...•....•... ............•.. ............ ..........••

Ori J Al>el Hultqvut Book Store li'r ld•)•, ~r is e • OA 1t..o Cor'ntt :t••················································:

lhtlad,., "Llebestroum'" ·~---Lin! At Att Shop Opco f:nD.lnp nnd 8undapl ! : u,,. •. ··1101T Nl•b<! Pe><.rui Nlgbt'" 'l'h<> Ro1w,.i.,. ""• "'·• ••• : See our Line of New Holiday : Dnattonl\J1, Profe1sor' Yoder. a. • o ... h••ir•. · 1~;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;;:;:=~;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;::;:;;;:;;;1 : Slippers and H.ose ! - : .G.tlDURUDlt Dl.A. )! • e

~~N~.=w===.=!IP~-=. __ = .. = __ ::=:,_ :: ... :'!:'!ct~, ~ r·············;;~··;·~·;··;_;~·;·~;·············i ~ THE ELLIS SHOE STORE ~ P "~ .,,...-~ :~ J~ure with U1e • • •

B h~,.::~ch . •. Th• £.J>rmera A)liaDc:. luurru>co Company : : Sboe.• and Hose for the Whole Famil•! : ..,., ._...-.....,!pad • · of •Mcl'IM!n<ln • : ' ~

A.~ ; •ltd ••o 2090 to 4,0.~ on l.be c:oil of )'oar lta.JW'}'nf l'. :. • a FanlM;b _. .. .i! &uae - ••••••••~•••,,. ••• ._ ............ ~••••••••••••••••••~•••• ...

1-~-----~-~.:.:,.....;..;,.,.. _ _ -J,····~·~·,··························~················· ............................ ~ .......................... ,. ..... ,.................................................... . . McPher .. •Citiz~ i • . . . J. ED GUSTAFSON ~ i For The Best Grades i

State ... • Dealer in • : Of' BUJLDING MA"IERIAL AND COAL : of~~ • . •: :

: l)i"1n_onclll, Wntcht!ll, Jewelry, P~arl : • Call - • Oopltal """8ef10IU. i

1 ..&"1a. Bra celets, Watche!!, , Rln11. i ,• :

~ P••~'::·:.:4 .. , 1. 0., : ~Bm~of~":Od ~~.vanity : i Lake Suoerior Lbr. Co. i ftut~ <':: .. ~ ,. '"Oold• : 11 l North Main Street : : • feJepltoee 40 i ___________ ..J ~ ... -··········~··········, ......... .................. : ; ••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :

Page 4: 'lti 'ittdotn.r r - archive.mcpherson.eduarchive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v9-14r.pdf · ThO Jlt>r;:1.ry wllt clos.e.u .f::JO, Frt day De-ceml>cr 18. 11od wlll

' -.


· THE SPKOTA'.foB ·-


Ja.a. tO.. Ht . .lolilu M 1', antld ... .. =. Bet~ •l )fd"twfto•

J 111a. - ·~•t at. With.Jc• J ..., 30t c. or & .. E•JlCWl-

. ' TuESPA Y, DECl!lMJIER' lG, 1 b2o -:--=

$- ~····················································· i : • : : LEONARD CRUMPAKER : . . . . . . . . : "MuaiYe"'~ia a thl"ee letter ma.a, who ! : won ..tl-Si.te hoao ... with the Bulldoa1 :

! in '22 when, wider 1-bors, the te&m : : met defu.l on)_,. -..d that et I.he : : band& of the Sout!a-cena eou.,. : : fi.e,. loeacled by u.. •tat.'• ..... 1"aakot : : ~ Ca.rd.oer. "M .... i..... : ! will bea.r tlM l>runt of th. Hilbboro : : a.tt.ac:k W edaeoclay wh.a Iha " Bu.It. ! : mJ open the IC&.naO lndepedent :

V "-b. I • O&ktt Al Jla.khd• ( t r:•ta• ) League _...., in the Colle1e c,...,. :


n ui ..-. bMaUt• I waU d«ora• U.<tn h,. a htUmO\. g a oort ... lt Qf ,.°" .. '°"" o..,.. To lall'Oda.fie ._. ,-o• r M&.lb.bor­IMJoCI..,,. ..,._ .. r . u . r.......a• ::r; "~~ ;g~NT F R E E

: SchroedeT formeT' Emporia Teacher. : : 1tar will lead the Hillaboro fi•e. : . \ . : ...................................................... ......... _. .............. ; ........................... . . . . . : . l : i. , ,i1 I/ l

: . . .

l'll lR'I' llAlOli>'TU.U .1, CM)IB .. ToMOrrow ev-t1l•I' •• lbf C'ollt:e•

FrolQ ... u pbD10 :

l'rof. Geor&:'!' X . Boo.De n.-pr-C!*'• tNI Auoc= ·~;~~ Co. : u.~ )kJ1bt-r.oa Colkgt- tnu1t}' •' •he ' x..... CUJ. Ko. : mu lfD.( t.1r 1U Kans.u Co:tt r r@oce l• j'-------------'I: -::::~'::,.b~• Thand•t . f."'rld• t ant! :

It'• amoo'tb sledding to Chriat.maa Shop at this Store for Men

FIRST, we ha,·e an immenee variety and number of all kinda of men's wear. Next, our ••lelllllen are experlen«d me11'1 men. They know what men "'"'nl and whal the)' like. Bring your gift troubles to i&-we bne a thou..,nd difforent waya or curing t~elD!.

.., ....... ch )ilr.n~ ...... ''UUik· r..::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::=~ll ~- Wiii OMI tit• K.aa ... llUl•.»t•r.J.11 ti•l Bu•.cMll Leati:•• •t:•la•l t•• e1ro•1 HllhMro tffm. Ua•1ul lo· tff94 t. «Dltt&os arou•d tbt• «•••· •bkta • Ill M '"' ttn.l eppottuettJ co at.covet the rt:•I 1trni1h ur lhe

~" Orden Fol' Piano t Tuninir Wilh

Fred T. Perry 1400 E. Euclid. Phone 392.

Md'hnt0n rl'ro. Tho llH~•p 1,. most I '-- -----------'

' oromlahac. lochadlaa a f•ll tqtWIC vt I ~===========::. ''' bnt court 1'11tl1l1 lb" tbe 1l•t• '' hh PtOdUttd.

Lo!:;,,Q~~~~.,1u(.h~,:1~~1Z'o;·~:~::~ When DownloW1' Do Not

Forset the ' Wilber Barber Shop

109 Soulh' Main

L \!1 u~ a;bow YOU IJOIUC very Dt'W

llc 1m1 for Cbrh1tm1ut.

Almen.~velt Drue Co.

A cttr-l••mu IJ01

of S•ukle~r-,

T iit: rAPl:ll ITOll& Corl r. •lll11t

U 4 Nortb M•le 8 lrM l

Students! Your putronairc wlll I.Jc

app1ccl11ted I

: . . . . . . . : • . : • . . .....................................................

I ..................................................... . . ~ Peoples State Bank l . . . . : The Students' Bank : . . . . i We appreciate your business. :

cint e runner•up for 1wo 1nr1 bu ~.,n kt pt lotaot, eYC1t 1 n101obe.l' of whteh wnn ~qntcm.rnc.1 lrn11or1t. 'rho l~nhor• derunu h1 t11mu1111 ovr:r thu nallou. auuJ to lhllll 11 1uhh1d Cuach Oart1nar, IU1llllfl& moruor. who ne;Yer mot. hi" t1qunl In hi• roui· y11ar11 or. K•n1H cnm1>fltltto11, lln1t1ku(ba ll ran• 1ro cipect.id t o 11ud1 1hu um· nuluru tomorrow en11ln1 wb•n the f~nkor• tlllh their flr• t •PPt'U'• IDt'f,

The Home State Bank i. f . A. Vanilnan, Pre&ident. "'Courteer Our Watchword!" j•' • WANTED! • ,

"47 pair ot !hoot to sole and heel 1 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~·;••;•;•;•;•;•;•~·~·~•;•;•;•;•;•;••;•;•;•;•;•;•~·~·~•;•;•;•;•;••;•;•;•;•~·~•;•~•;•;•;•;•;••;•;•;•;•;• Th• " U•hlltr1" ltne-up fM:huiotl th·• M. c. •1uaonl •n4 lht Jlollikls coub,

A ftal Ind door bnnd ot bblcot .. bllt •tu be f• •'11.dta« at lb• g-ym

~t..-.rn . now- and Xmu~ )'.

J. W . H..tley Sb0..-S!>os> 103 I::. 1-ZuclliJ~ > r hOee 8$.

lemorn.w •'••l•c. lr-"-".•::'O::k::-::,.,::u:=l:sl'""· ""·A"'.,,..:n""o-,. ... --~

l"•tcUBtT: C.a I cb•it1r u1a.e peat• =d~ul~a~:~ •P&aarel. tow-ct. at 1'-a. "91Qt tf"l ~1,llEUSO~ 8T'&Ut LAt:~"'UH\'

Cltrk-Wtlt, l 'U lfl rcnii. mS.ltt We Cte Solt W'atel'~ •• ""• tuJc• e. te• •ome:a Mo.- Kaunnt SlOT"t'l". A.p,s..c


....... ...., ... THd ......... ••l'-------.:...:...:..::::::::~-...! I •ht dl'fo&l•& "'°'° I• lb• '"'r.-<:ot- Thia late.I C-- ia Ju.rt like aJI the •- lr-----=-==----'11,i.ndanl offlc. -ci.1ou la I.be

Y• dad Lktrd•• pl.a s. ••ut , ... ,.. . 1"affl•. U.k-. IM•tt_.f)l. Sod•

... ct Uo.me MMl.o (..'andlfti

Lloyd'• Cafeteria





We a ro 11ow taklnlJ orden a nd lnvllci owr (rlonds to make lhoir 1eloctlo11• · now!

Doell'1Mi lhll year aro

. D~!


AA HUI.HI~ llne ot Clarl&tma.t Canlt 01:1: dt.pLa1. lt.lec:t J'OQQ eulJ'.

Hvbbell'1 Drue' Store

For Up.to-the.Minute

Barber Work

Union Barber Shop'


Okerlmd & Aepeirren John Whit-'<, '

Colla1e As-t

Get your "Collitch" Cude b<?fore ;ou 1ro home!

On sale at

Theo. Hanna Priatiq Comp.DJ'

tlllr Ka.tit ....

matter of -ratloe, capad tr and quality of work. It .... the .. ,.,.

U,.board, t ...... th• - ""° •.•. tlo.....,._..u t io oot eo bis and M•YJ'·

D. M. HA1Z, C-. As-t. P. 0. llw 310..