lThyssey - UBC Library · PDF fileThe Daily lThyssey VANCOUVER, B, C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25,...

Vol, XXXI The Daily lThysse y VANCOUVER, B, C ., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 No . 5 3 Photo by Doe) Bartlet t Fraternities Say Rabbi Koge n Created . ' Tempest In Teapot ' HAGGARD AND WORN after months of waiting, students get their first glimpse of th e slightly belated 1948 Totem . 500 copies arrived last Friday and a similar number will arriv e every week until all have been printed . It is truly a historic moment as the looks on subscriber s faces indicate . '49 Totem Editor, Dick Block berger guarantees his yearbook to be out befor e the April exams . 'Tween Classe s Manitoba Team Win s McGoun Cup Debate s _ . UBC Wins In . Saskatoon, lose s Here To Tie Alberta for Secon d UBC ' s debating team gained a second place tie with Albert a Friday night as University of Manitoba, perennial winners , extended their hold over the McGoun Cup for another year . The Manitobans captured the his Charge Of Anti-Semitism Agains t Greek Societies At UBC Denie d Rabbi David C . Kogen's statement that fraternities were "ridden with anti-semitism and social cannibalism" has create d a tempest in a teapot according to campus fraternity men . Anti-semitism has never been an wet . ---- - issue in UBC fraternities, they said , "Anyway, a Jewish fraternity wa s established here about the same tim e as other fraternities and Jewish stu- dents have always tended to associ- ate with their own fraternity so th e problem has never arisery " spokes - men pointed out . "The relationship between Jewis h and other fraternities has alway s been most friendly,"' they added . "As far as I am conccfned, rac e is the last thing I would consider i n passing judgement on a prospectiv e member," cue fraternity man de- clared . In his ririrlress tilt , rabbi took th i theme of Letitia Ilubsen i s }emit . Gentlemen ' s Agreement ' in which th e manifestations of io-ei-sendusm ar e ho,vn as practiced "nice" s Ieiety . He attacked the ''unfra ternal” it - titude of fraternities and stated tin t ''Jews could assimilate tin two or thre e generations if they were allowed t " mix with the other racial group s with equality " As in "Gentlemen's Agreement ' Rabbi Kogen experimented with try- ing to secure housing accomnu,la- tion on the basis of being a Jew en d i non-Jew . He reported a cnoluc' , and indifference %ell/ .n the fact tha t he was a Jew was mentioned . In mentioning Hilliel House on th e campus he claiincrl the house wa s built because downtown accommoda- tion vas difficult to procure fu r Jewish university group . Schools and college s aortas end scholasti c gem e .lndeiiii e l practiec, h e lent" in the East . McGill, he said , had higher enhance qualification s for Jews . In Eastern Ctmada there are 'Gen - tiles Only” signs posted in publi c places . One Eastern city had eve n debated the question of allowing i pose . Knowledge is one and can b e Jewish cemetery in the oily, accord- integrated by the spiritual hummoc k ing to the rabbi . W religion . with ric e restr i ci i(n s by the rabbi . Thi s said, was .. Inure preva - in his address Mr . Robinso n hasiicd okcsiVfr . Pence calculates thei r distance as (1850 lig'hlyears , Despite the fist that light travel s „i i speed of 186,270 na p es per sec- ond, he states, lie light phuto - ( iinhhed ui Victoria in 19-I8 left th e -stein) in 491111 B . C . . 'somewhat he - IIm' the tine of the (silliest reenr(e l historical (kite . find' of for jatIIIu I i Iii iarll i Mien nuiiile when Ji)-iop h brit ten iwer(' iii f :eyui . Ili a siriiH ,old s In (hirHten',ne Mc system "t' Il ' ei ( ' ('.mil e term' " ihi, l l'I',t' „iunll~l have a place not in the sun but i n the starry heavens ." I-Ie pointed ou t p lat one of the elements had bee n mimed niter Ihc' University of 1lli - Iii) 5 . Impedance of the eelipsiii clriblc- nl ;,r, asst of Mr . Peeree ' s research , :shown by the fuel that the sy s te m he earliest Lie 41111 (limbic - slims iliesligated to date . At oi l I .ii I .i ',11r, Peirce the sy - II Mite Ilie Ii II',t Liuten . H e ex - eiits of 3 5,ltl0 drp,re e ', . ur ;(twill sew ) (,Buts ballet ((tali fir net , Twinkle Twinkl e UBC .Shifted lo Oute r Space By Astronome r Sadie Hawkin s Day Highlighted . By WUS Coe d As a highlight of the "women ' s weekend " the Women's Undergradu- ate Society will sponsor the annua l WUS informal coed . The dance wil l be held in Brock Lounge, Saturda , January 29, with the orchestra o f Al MacMillan in command . Admis- sion will be $1 .50 a couple , ' A general WUS meeting in Physic s 202 is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan- uary 26 when schemes will be draw n up for catching those elusive me n All coeds out ! This is the gals ' chance to dat e the boy at the next table in the Cat i her Chem . Lab . instructor or en ; other strapping young specimen o f manhood she might be interested in . It's also a good chance to sbow yo, r Mardi Gras date how much you ap- preciated the good time he showe d you . Start your eempaigning no w girls . Friday, January 28 is women's cla y on the campus . Here's your chanc e boys—make your girl do all th e work . She will buy your coffee , swing the Library door for you, car- ry your books, shine your shoes, an d do all so r ts of fantastic things fo r you . It ' s a real Sadie Hawkins af- fair , The Sadie Hawkins thence will b e carried on at the coed dance on ti e Saturday night . Smoos will h e prevalent . Something new in lashiu o shows twill be presented by commen- tator Dick Penn . Members of th e boys Big Block Club will do a take - elf in the WUS fashion :thew whic h was held this fall , To start off the women's weeken d there will he "big ' doings" in th e Caf on Thursday when members o f the WUS executive will start th e race for avoilahle men . 'Pis rumored that thei r choice is Dick Penn . UBC has a heavenly body . A two-star system recently "dis- covered " by Joseph A . Pearce . di - rector of the Dominion iwrnphysi- col observatory it Victoria . lets bee n maned after the university . In a letter to UBC Pse , idcnl N . A . 59 . MacKenzie, Pnuri dcsrrihm ; the system ;u "canon soil nl tw o gi ;ntt ,tan',, who<e masses err 3J Im l 28 limes the sun . iadli Ill and nigh t hams the sun . ind v r,1i i 91 0 kind Gla times the tile s however, UR(' will t ,n . b . lily hav e little cinema ieilli II, semi mime Amateur Radso c Presents Speake r The Amateur Radio Association pre - tents Tom Whitamore of the Physic s Department . in a lecture dealing wit h cathode- ray oscilloscopes in 11S 5 o n Thursday, January 27 at 12 :30 . Th e "Ham" Club extends a cordial in - citation to all members and non - members who are interestecT in thi s subject . . 14 "Marketing and Engineering" wil l be the subject of an address to th e EUS by Mr . L . Killam, sales manage r of the B.0 Pulp and Paper in Ap . Sc . 100 at noon today . .1 4 All students interested ih pertici- paling in "public assisted" tours o f Canada during the summer are in - sited to meet Wednesday at 12 :30 i n Brock South (Double Committee Rooms , Al R,eusch, local disc jockey an d jazz record collector, will be th e guest this .week at the UBC Jazz Society's meeting on Tuesday, a t 12 :30, in the club room behind th e Brock . Everyone who is intereste d is invited to attend . t The inter racial problem will b e discussed by, Louis Jordan at th e Hotel Georgia on Wednesday at 12 :15. The negro bandleader should hav e some interesting information on t h e question . REV . JA%lES 11 . ROBINSO N . , . intelligent plannin g Da! Gazette . Charged A s Irresponsibl e HALIFAX . Jan . 25 -(CUP--For th e se,'nnd time In six months the slu m dent necspuper at Dalhousie Uni- versity is to go on trial before stud- ent council charged with irre,pnnsi - IiiIity . I'ussihility of un overflow studen t turnout it the noel electing of th e society when Ilse charges will b I IaaI nccrssiIitad the nivin ,g aI, th e nu'cting to Ile (netted meeting see m (in the campus . Action to he taken by the Del - Mettle slu(cnl council will net li e uinwn fur seni'rnl (fide acrnriliiL'; ' o stilh'Iil lire>i(snl liar : ; McKinney . N n,ilit'e arli ni i, ixilec!erl hil l iiIighl he : ,i rl, .icier .ItIltr-up brl n ,,Iii VACCINATIO N FOR SMALLPD X WEDNESDA Y There will he a smallpox vaccina- lion clinic held at the student healt h s Bice, lint 2A, Wednesday, Januar y 2e . . Students who have not had a successful vaccination since 1940 ar c advised to he revaccinate( . Appoint- ments are being made at the healt h office now . announced by Jim Argue, presiden t of the Club, shout's Betty Peyma n 11s' Viola and Jane Sherwood in th e role of Olivia . 99 4e .-100` ' Purify feature d Al Science Bal l Irrepressible Sciencemen are plan- ning another gala party, but this tim e it twill be "pur e Pure science students are plannin g their first class party in the histor y of the campus . It is called the Buns - en Burner Ball, to be liekl Friday , J ;inuary 28 in Brock Hall, beginnin g a'. 8 :30 p .m . The informal affair is sponsore d jointly by the Physics Society an d the Society of Microbologists . Eve- ning will include entertainment, danc- ing, contests and refreshments . Mel Oughton will he Master of Cere- monies . Tickets are obtainable through an y pure science students or at the Chem- istry storeroom , Special busses will be chartered . Dance Clu b Goes Lati n Wednesda y Foxtrot, rhumba and tango will be the fare offered it s members by the UBC Danc e Club this week . The club has secured the teaching services of professional and expro- fessional dance instructors, as wel l as the help of students from Sout h America . Foxtrot lessons will be given Wed- needity, with tango on Thursday an d rhumba on Friday, club official s sunned . Places for the dancing sessions wil l be nnn( unced later . An overflow group will be taken from 3 :30 to 5 :0 0 1) .111 . on Thursday . Paid up members who wish to tak e 1(55crnns may sign their names on list s posted jn the Quad . Only 15 couple s will be accepted in each class, clu b officials state . 'Little Assembly ' To Be Repeate d BY UN Societ y The campus branch of the Unite d Nations Association will sponsor a second "Little Assembly" in answe r to the many requests for a repeat per- formanee following the highly sue- eessful til'fair last . fall, This spring' s Assembly will be held on the night of ' .1',I(sdny, March 1, as a feature o f University Wee k L is (toped that it will be possibl e to have nn even greater percentag e of the 54 member nations represente d by nationals or former nationals o f the countries concerned . All student s wishing t'o participate are urged t o n I I 6 its . ve their names, phone numbers , mid mention of the country they wis h to repre'enI et the A .M .S . office i n Hied ; Hall as soon as possible . Mends of the progranune,arc cur- rently being finalized by the U N Racial Intolerance Won 't Work Out Claims Robinso n "Racial discrimination does not work itself out," Rev . Jame s H . Robinson told The Ubyssey today . The way to solve it is t o plan intelligently a strategy with the parties concerned withou t aggravating already existing antagonisms , Rev . Robinson who is to conduc t SCM missions lit Edmonton, Saska- toon and Brandon continued by say- ing that sludentt uautilly have les s (,,ncr,'tel ; (' armed prejudices tha t they ore unwilling to break . I f there ire any flegrtint abuses of pre- judice within the democratic frame - work they must be u)Ivcd by th e dentocrittic method . Mr . Robinson who ia at present conducting Religio n and Life Week on the campus state d that he felt freer in his trip acros s Canada and that he had no occasio n to feel discriminated against . Mr . D,it'o Brousaon of the AMS in in- troducing Mr . Robinson at his firs t address in the auditorium at 12 :3(1 on Monday, stated that it was pro - vocative that Mr . Robinson shoul d begin Religion and Idle Week whe n the downtown papers were accusin g UBC of racial diecriminatiun . torte cup with a score of five points , earned in 3-0 decision over the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan and a 2- 1 win over the University of Alberti . UBC and Alberta each garnered thre e points . and Saskatchewan one . Two of Alberta's points wer e chalked up in E'rock Hall Loung e Friday night as the team from Ed- monton captured a 2-1 decision ove r UBC law students Jim Sutherlan d and Alistair Fraser,, Gordon Wyat t third year law student and Lorn e Calhoun, political economy junior , represented the University of Al- berta . BILL OF' RIGiHT S Sutherland and Fraser took th e affirmative in debating the topi c "Resolved that the Canadian Con- stitution should include a Bill o f Rights . " The skill and fluency of the Al- berta team made a considerable im- pression, and contributed to thei r victory materially . Victory of the UBC team at Sas- katoon, however, compensated fo r the defeat at the hands of the Al . bertans . Don Lanskail and Hug h Legg travelled to the praise cen t re Friday night to achieve a 2-1 deci- sion over the University of Saskat- chewan debaters . REPLACEMEN T Legg was added to the UBC tea m at the last moment to replace Ro n Grant, originally slated to accompan y Lanskail to Saskatoon . Grant was in- jured while playing rugby recently . As a result the UE'C team had t o make scene hurried revisions whil e en route to Saskatoon by train . "W e only got our plan of action read y half an hour before the debate be- gan," stated Lanskail on his return t o Vancouver yesterday . In the debate, which concerned th e same topic as that discussed here . Lanskail and Legg, both of who m ti n e Law students . took the negative . Contestants for the University o f ti i katchewan were Ted Hughes , president of the Progressive-Consor t valive club on the Saskatoon cam pu s , and sticond year Law student, ant i Art Wcorl, Agriculture student an d CCF Prime Minister of the Saskatch- eman Mucic Parliament . ern .. that he is concerned wit h a ratir,nal basis for religious Miele in spite at ' the fact that the Christ- ian negro usually expresses his re - ligion enwtionallq . Rather than a i U univorsily' Mr . Robinson slid that TweIFth Nigh t s e cialimtinn has made it >ossible Cas t I I to call it a Plurivcsity . We toast ex - Leading feminine roles in the Players Club production o f amine all subject neater objectttelv ! and in so doing we have neglected "'Twelfth Night, " scheduled for March 15 to 19, will be playe d to realize the facts, methods and 11)y two veteran members of the club . knowledge must have a directed pus- Cas t avers Club Complet e for the Shakespearian comedy , Leading stale parts will be take n by Ron Wilson es M1.lvolio, Gerr y Webb es Duke Orsino and Jinn Red - den is Sebastian Sir Toby Belch e',i'cutive . Bob Harwood and Henry , will be pnrtrlyed ht Argue himself, Hicks tar in charge of arrangement s alder :I number nl' the club with would welcome ;any assistance i n years' experience . i',i ;'ing this event . ONTARIO DANCE ON CUF F FOR BROKE STUDENT VET S LONDON, Ont . (CUP) — Student veterans who ar e financiliily emharassed but wish to attend the Arts an d Science Ball al University of Western Ontario will be abl e le arty for their tickets wills chucks howl-doled to Fob . 1 . A motion to this effect nette 1)l t'Cl at the lust meetin g of the Student Council . The ASC also ruled 10 ban c(il'ofl ,eo at the dance, i n (eidel' to ell! het whited eapeneee it IninI1llt1I11

Transcript of lThyssey - UBC Library · PDF fileThe Daily lThyssey VANCOUVER, B, C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25,...

Page 1: lThyssey - UBC Library  · PDF fileThe Daily lThyssey VANCOUVER, B, C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 No. 53 ... gi ;ntt ,tan',, ... Saska- toon and Brandon


The Daily lThysseyVANCOUVER, B, C ., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 No. 53

Photo by Doe) Bartlet t

Fraternities Say Rabbi KogenCreated . 'Tempest In Teapot '

HAGGARD AND WORN after months of waiting, students get their first glimpse of th eslightly belated 1948 Totem . 500 copies arrived last Friday and a similar number will arriveevery week until all have been printed. It is truly a historic moment as the looks on subscriber sfaces indicate . '49 Totem Editor, Dick Block berger guarantees his yearbook to be out befor ethe April exams .

'Tween Classe s

Manitoba Team Wins

McGoun Cup Debates

_ .

UBC Wins In

.Saskatoon, loses

Here To Tie Alberta for Second

UBC's debating team gained a second place tie with Albert aFriday night as University of Manitoba, perennial winners ,extended their hold over the McGoun Cup for another year .

The Manitobans captured the his

Charge Of Anti-Semitism Agains tGreek Societies At UBC Denie d

Rabbi David C . Kogen's statement that fraternities were"ridden with anti-semitism and social cannibalism" has create da tempest in a teapot according to campus fraternity men .

Anti-semitism has never been an wet . ---- -

issue in UBC fraternities, they said ,"Anyway, a Jewish fraternity wa s

established here about the same tim eas other fraternities and Jewish stu-dents have always tended to associ-ate with their own fraternity so th eproblem has never arisery " spokes -men pointed out .

"The relationship between Jewishand other fraternities has alway sbeen most friendly,"' they added .

"As far as I am conccfned, rac eis the last thing I would consider i npassing judgement on a prospectivemember," cue fraternity man de-clared .

In his ririrlress tilt , rabbi took th itheme of Letitia Ilubsen i s }emit .Gentlemen ' s Agreement ' in which th emanifestations of io-ei-sendusm ar eho,vn as practiced

"nice" s Ieiety .He attacked the ''unfra ternal” it -

titude of fraternities and stated tin t''Jews could assimilate tin two or thre egenerations if they were allowed t "mix with the other racial group swith equality "

As in "Gentlemen's Agreement 'Rabbi Kogen experimented with try-ing to secure housing accomnu,la-tion on the basis of being a Jew en di non-Jew. He reported a cnoluc' ,and indifference %ell/ .n the fact tha the was a Jew was mentioned .

In mentioning Hilliel House on th ecampus he claiincrl the house wasbuilt because downtown accommoda-tion vas difficult to procure fu rJewish university group .

Schools and collegesaortas end scholasti cgem e.lndeiiii elpractiec, h elent" in the East . McGill, he said ,had higher enhance qualification s

for Jews .In Eastern Ctmada there are 'Gen -

tiles Only” signs posted in publi c

places . One Eastern city had eve ndebated the question of allowing i pose . Knowledge is one and can b e

Jewish cemetery in the oily, accord- integrated by the spiritual hummoc k

ing to the rabbi .

W religion .

with ricerestr i ci i(n s

by the rabbi . Thissaid, was . . Inure preva -

in his address Mr. Robinsonhasiicd

okcsiVfr . Pence calculates thei rdistance as (1850 lig'hlyears ,

Despite the fist that light travel s

„i i speed of 186,270 napes per sec-

ond, he states, lie light phuto-( iinhhed ui Victoria in 19-I8 left th e

-stein) in 491111 B . C . . 'somewhat he -

IIm' the tine of the (silliest reenr(e l

historical (kite .find' of for jatIIIu

I i Iii iarll iMien nuiiile when Ji)-iop hbrit ten



f :eyui .

Ili a

siriiH ,old s

In (hirHten',ne Mc system "t' Il '


( ' ('.mil e term' " ihi, l l'I',t' „iunll~l

have a place not in the sun but in

the starry heavens ." I-Ie pointed ou t

p lat one of the elements had bee n

mimed niter Ihc' University of 1lli -

Iii) 5 .

Impedance of the eelipsiii clriblc-nl ;,r, asst of Mr. Peeree ' s research ,

:shown by the fuel that the sy s te m

he earliest Lie 41111 (limbic -

slims iliesligated to date .At oi l I .ii

I .i ',11r, Peirce the sy -


Mite Ilie Ii II',t Liuten. H eex-

eiits of 3 5,ltl0 drp,ree ', . ur ;(twill sew )

(,Buts ballet

((tali fir net ,

Twinkle Twinkl e

UBC .Shifted lo OuterSpace By Astronomer

Sadie HawkinsDay Highlighted .By WUS Coed

As a highlight of the "women ' s

weekend " the Women's Undergradu-ate Society will sponsor the annua l

WUS informal coed . The dance wil l

be held in Brock Lounge, Saturda ,

January 29, with the orchestra of

Al MacMillan in command. Admis-

sion will be $1 .50 a couple ,

' A general WUS meeting in Physics

202 is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan-

uary 26 when schemes will be draw nup for catching those elusive men

All coeds out !

This is the gals ' chance to dat ethe boy at the next table in the Cat i

her Chem. Lab . instructor or en ;

other strapping young specimen o f

manhood she might be interested in .It's also a good chance to sbow yo, rMardi Gras date how much you ap-preciated the good time he showe d

you. Start your eempaigning now

girls .

Friday, January 28 is women's cla y

on the campus. Here's your chanc eboys—make your girl do all th e

work . She will buy your coffee ,swing the Library door for you, car-ry your books, shine your shoes, an d

do all so r ts of fantastic things fo r

you. It 's a real Sadie Hawkins af-

fair ,

The Sadie Hawkins thence will b ecarried on at the coed dance on ti e

Saturday night. Smoos will he

prevalent . Something new in lashiu o

shows twill be presented by commen-tator Dick Penn . Members of th e

boys Big Block Club will do a take -

elf in the WUS fashion :thew which

was held this fall ,

To start off the women's weeken d

there will he "big ' doings" in th e

Caf on Thursday when members o f

the WUS executive will start th e

race for avoilahle men . 'Pis rumored

that thei r choice is Dick Penn .

UBC has a heavenly body .A two-star system recently "dis-

covered " by Joseph A . Pearce . di-rector of the Dominion iwrnphysi-col observatory it Victoria . lets bee n

maned after the university .In a letter to UBC Pse , idcnl N . A .

59 . MacKenzie, Pnuri dcsrrihm;

the system ;u "canon soil nl two

gi ;ntt ,tan',, who<e masses err 3J Im l

28 limes the sun . iadli Ill and nigh t

hams the sun . ind v r,1i i

91 0

kind Gla times the

tile showever, UR(' will t ,n . b . lily have

little cinema ieilli II, semi mime

Amateur Radsoc

Presents Speake r

The Amateur Radio Association pre -tents Tom Whitamore of the Physic sDepartment . in a lecture dealing wit hcathode- ray oscilloscopes in 11S 5 o nThursday, January 27 at 12 :30 . Th e"Ham" Club extends a cordial in -citation to all members and non -members who are interestecT in thi ssubject .

.14"Marketing and Engineering" wil l

be the subject of an address to th eEUS by Mr . L . Killam, sales managerof the B.0 Pulp and Paper in Ap .Sc . 100 at noon today .

.14All students interested ih pertici-

paling in "public assisted" tours o fCanada during the summer are in -sited to meet Wednesday at 12:30 i nBrock South (Double CommitteeRooms ,

Al R,eusch, local disc jockey an djazz record collector, will be theguest this .week at the UBC JazzSociety's meeting on Tuesday, a t12 :30, in the club room behind th eBrock . Everyone who is intereste dis invited to attend .

tThe inter racial problem will be

discussed by, Louis Jordan at th eHotel Georgia on Wednesday at 12 :15.The negro bandleader should hav esome interesting information on t h equestion .

REV. JA%lES 11 . ROBINSO N. , . intelligent plannin g

Da! Gazette.

Charged As

Irresponsibl e

HALIFAX . Jan . 25 -(CUP--For these,'nnd time In six months the slu mdent necspuper at Dalhousie Uni-versity is to go on trial before stud-ent council charged with irre,pnnsi -IiiIity .

I'ussihility of un overflow studen tturnout it the noel electing of th esociety when Ilse charges will b IIaaI nccrssiIitad the nivin ,g aI, th enu'cting to Ile (netted meeting see m(in the campus .

Action to he taken by the Del -Mettle slu(cnl council will net li euinwn fur seni'rnl (fide acrnriliiL'; ' ostilh'Iil lire>i(snl liar : ; McKinney . Nn,ilit'e arli ni

i, ixilec!erl hil liiIighl

he :,i rl, .icier .ItIltr-up brl n,,Iii



WEDNESDA YThere will he a smallpox vaccina-

lion clinic held at the student healt hs Bice, lint 2A, Wednesday, Januar y2e. . Students who have not had asuccessful vaccination since 1940 arcadvised to he revaccinate( . Appoint-ments are being made at the healt hoffice now .

announced by Jim Argue, presiden tof the Club, shout's Betty Peyma n11s' Viola and Jane Sherwood in th erole of Olivia .

99 4e.-100`'

Purify featured

Al Science Bal l

Irrepressible Sciencemen are plan-ning another gala party, but this timeit twill be "pure

Pure science students are plannin gtheir first class party in the historyof the campus . It is called the Buns -en Burner Ball, to be liekl Friday ,J;inuary 28 in Brock Hall, beginnin ga'. 8 :30 p .m .

The informal affair is sponsoredjointly by the Physics Society andthe Society of Microbologists . Eve-ning will include entertainment, danc-ing, contests and refreshments . MelOughton will he Master of Cere-monies .

Tickets are obtainable through an ypure science students or at the Chem-istry storeroom ,

Special busses will be chartered .

Dance Clu b

Goes Lati n


Foxtrot, rhumba and tango

will be the fare offered its

members by the UBC Dance

Club this week .The club has secured the teaching

services of professional and expro-fessional dance instructors, as wel las the help of students from SouthAmerica .

Foxtrot lessons will be given Wed-needity, with tango on Thursday an drhumba on Friday, club officialssunned .

Places for the dancing sessions wil lbe nnn( unced later . An overflowgroup will be taken from 3:30 to 5 :001) .111 . on Thursday .

Paid up members who wish to take1(55crnns may sign their names on list sposted jn the Quad. Only 15 couple swill be accepted in each class, clubofficials state .

'Little Assembly'

To Be Repeated

BY UN Society

The campus branch of the UnitedNations Association will sponsor asecond "Little Assembly" in answe rto the many requests for a repeat per-formanee following the highly sue-eessful til'fair last. fall, This spring' sAssembly will be held on the night of'.1',I(sdny, March 1, as a feature o fUniversity Wee k

L is (toped that it will be possibleto have nn even greater percentag eof the 54 member nations represente dby nationals or former nationals o fthe countries concerned . All student swishing t'o participate are urged t on



6its . ve their names, phone numbers ,mid mention of the country they wis hto repre'enI et the A.M .S. office i n

Hied; Hall as soon as possible .Mends of the progranune,arc cur-

rently being finalized by the UN

Racial Intolerance Won't

Work Out Claims Robinson

"Racial discrimination does not work itself out," Rev . James

H . Robinson told The Ubyssey today . The way to solve it is t oplan intelligently a strategy with the parties concerned withou t

aggravating already existing antagonisms ,

Rev . Robinson who is to conduc tSCM missions lit Edmonton, Saska-toon and Brandon continued by say-ing that sludentt uautilly have les s(,,ncr,'tel ;

(' armed


tha tthey ore unwilling to break . I fthere ire any flegrtint abuses of pre-judice within the democratic frame -work they must be u)Ivcd by thedentocrittic method . Mr. Robinsonwho ia at present conducting Religionand Life Week on the campus state dthat he felt freer in his trip acrossCanada and that he had no occasio nto feel discriminated against . Mr.D,it'o Brousaon of the AMS in in-troducing Mr . Robinson at his firs taddress in the auditorium at 12 :3(1on Monday, stated that it was pro -vocative that Mr . Robinson shoul dbegin Religion and Idle Week whe nthe downtown papers were accusin g

UBC of racial diecriminatiun .

torte cup with a score of five points ,earned in 3-0 decision over the Uni-versity of Saskatchewan and a 2- 1win over the University of Alberti .UBC and Alberta each garnered thre epoints . and Saskatchewan one .

Two of Alberta's points wer echalked up in E'rock Hall LoungeFriday night as the team from Ed-monton captured a 2-1 decision ove rUBC law students Jim Sutherlan dand Alistair Fraser,, Gordon Wyat tthird year law student and Lorn eCalhoun, political economy junior ,represented the University of Al-berta .BILL OF' RIGiHT S

Sutherland and Fraser took th eaffirmative in debating the topi c"Resolved that the Canadian Con-stitution should include a Bill o fRights . "

The skill and fluency of the Al-berta team made a considerable im-pression, and contributed to thei rvictory materially .

Victory of the UBC team at Sas-katoon, however, compensated fo rthe defeat at the hands of the Al .bertans . Don Lanskail and HughLegg travelled to the praise cen t reFriday night to achieve a 2-1 deci-sion over the University of Saskat-chewan debaters .REPLACEMEN T

Legg was added to the UBC tea mat the last moment to replace RonGrant, originally slated to accompan yLanskail to Saskatoon . Grant was in-jured while playing rugby recently .

As a result the UE'C team had t omake scene hurried revisions whil een route to Saskatoon by train . "Weonly got our plan of action read yhalf an hour before the debate be-gan," stated Lanskail on his return t oVancouver yesterday .

In the debate, which concerned thesame topic as that discussed here .Lanskail and Legg, both of whomti n e Law students . took the negative .

Contestants for the University o fti i katchewan were Ted Hughes ,president of the Progressive-Consor tvalive club on the Saskatoon cam p u s ,and sticond year Law student, ant iArt Wcorl, Agriculture student an dCCF Prime Minister of the Saskatch-eman Mucic Parliament .

ern . .that he is concerned wit h

a ratir,nal basis for religious Mielein spite at ' the fact that the Christ-ian negro usually expresses his re -ligion enwtionallq. Rather than a i

Uunivorsily' Mr . Robinson slid that


Nights e

cialimtinn has made it >ossible


Ito call it a Plurivcsity . We toast ex -

Leading feminine roles in the Players Club production o famine all subject neater objectttelv !

and in so doing we have neglected "'Twelfth Night, " scheduled for March 15 to 19, will be playedto realize the facts, methods and 11)y two veteran members of the club .knowledge must have a directed pus-

Cas t

avers Club Complete

for the Shakespearian comedy ,

Leading stale parts will be take nby Ron Wilson es M1.lvolio, GerryWebb es Duke Orsino and Jinn Red -den is Sebastian Sir Toby Belch e',i'cutive . Bob Harwood and Henry,will be pnrtrlyed ht Argue himself, Hicks tar in charge of arrangement salder:I number nl' the club with

would welcome ;any assistance i nyears' experience .

i',i ;'ing this event .



LONDON, Ont . (CUP) — Student veterans who ar e

financiliily emharassed but wish to attend the Arts an d

Science Ball al University of Western Ontario will be able

le arty for their tickets wills chucks howl-doled to Fob . 1 .

A motion to this effect nette 1)l t'Cl at the lust meetin g

of the Student Council .

The ASC also ruled 10 ban c(il'ofl ,eo at the dance, i n

(eidel' to ell! het whited eapeneee

it IninI1llt1I11

Page 2: lThyssey - UBC Library  · PDF fileThe Daily lThyssey VANCOUVER, B, C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 No. 53 ... gi ;ntt ,tan',, ... Saska- toon and Brandon

Tuesday, January 25, 1949, Page 3THE DAILY UBYSSEY ,

Strange Disease Kill sToronto Radiologist

Legion Dance

Slated For

Next Month

TORO TO. ,lmn . 23 ICUPI -A not -;ihle career in the field of cance rcintgnt,sis and treatment ended las t

'rhursdur with the death of Gordo n

I . Richards, Professor of Radiolog y

i,t tilt' University of Toronto rind Di -rector of the Radiology Departmen t

at the Toronto General Hospital .

Hiui death is attributed to the et-fests of radium and X-ray radiation sencountered in his cancer research .

Dr. Richaais was stricken inur ethan it year ago with a blood diseas efound in persons exposed to radio-irt'tve Pays .

The changes in his blood wer eunmd to be the same as those foun dn the Japanese who were exposedIt the radio-active waves after th e

atomic bombing of Hiroshima an dNagasaki in August 1945 .

The death of Dr . Richards deprive dthe university and the medical pI'm : -

ticc of the foremost radiologist i nthe country . He was the first radio -

Farmers Will Frolic

In February Fracas

Plans for the annual Farmers' Frolic are brewing, Dow n

in the Aggie barns intrigue runs rampant as the farmers pla n

for a three-clay bust to precede tht: frolic, which will take place

February 111 in the Armouries ,February 8 will spark the even'. *

with a monster Pep meet feattu'In ;

Joe Rube and his hand . The notor-

ious Aggie creautette with jokes i n

the hayseed manner.

University branch of the Ca-nadian Legion has announcedthat the annual Legion Danc ewill be held on February 11 atthe Alma Academy .This dance is being touted as th ebest affair of the year because tick -et' are only a dollar a couple formembers and a dollar and a quarte rfor non-members .

Members of the dance commit t e ehave given assurances that the en-tertainment will he on the highes tpossible plane with high class im -ported talent . is


Vancouver Institute

Outlines Speakers

February 9 will see the Varsit y

pike hand lead the Aggies over i n

rant of the Library where a ne w

louutain will be dedicated to Pro-

fessor Frank E . Buck who landscape d

the University campus .

Second speaker on the spring pro -

gramme of the Vancouver Institut e

was Dr . Alec Lord, principal of th e

Vancouver Normal School, who spok e

in physics 200 Saturday night on th e

subject "Unesco . " Dr . Lord attende d

sessions of Unesco in Europe in th e

sununcr of 1948 .

pital and instituted in 1924 the fir:, tcourse in radiology in the Universit yei Toronto .

As head of the Radiology Depart-ment of the University of Toronto ,

Dr . Richards gave radiology lecture sto final year students in the medicalfaculty and graduate students .

Dr . P . G. Ashmore, ex-president o fthe Students' Administrative Council ,said, "His lectures were excellent ,e specially in the post-grad course. Dr .Richards was very well liked an drespected by all the staff of the Tor -onto General Hospi/k "

Possibility of physicists and ra-search workers at UBC contactingthe disease which caused Dr . Rich-ards death is discounted by member s

of the Physics Dep ;utment ,

Dr . George M . Volkoff, professorof physics, says "We haven ' t anyradio-active stuff to play aroun d

with here, At. least, not in amounts

February 10 the farmers will reall y€o to town with a mechanized par-ade featuring most of the equipmen tthe department owns .

logist in the Toronto General HosJ l sufficient to be dangerous,"

This parade will be livened b y

the presence of ,, couple of airborn efarmers who trill enliven ptoceedin sby busting the campus in an aci'o-plane, mot Aggie cquipnn'n t

EUS To Discuss Ticke t(distribution For Ball

Black Robins

In Season


Ball o f

dance ,Under -

general meeting ,I in Applied Sci -

Some outer speakers on the sprin g

pre gramme will be : January 29, Hon .

11 . 11 . Stephens, -Canadian Citizen

shi; February 12. W. J. Phillips .

B .Sc . "Nigeria : " February 26, Dr .

Joseph Crumb of the department o fEconomics, -Canadian Lifeline : .North, South . East and West ;" Marc h

5 Dr. Davidson of the Anthropolog ydepartment of the University o f

Washington . "Australian Aborigine sand Their Culture" and March 19, Dr .Roy Daniels .nhead of the English de-partment . whose subject has not bee nannounced .

Aggie students will look tornreputable than usual that day 1I Jwill be out in clothes definitely no tdesigned for Sunday'• hest . To fur )then illustrate their penury and t onisi more funds for the fountai ethey are going to. soil round, red ,Delicious apples .

Distribution of tickets fo rFirs . the Engineer's formalr on the agenda of Engineer' sgraduate Societ yTuesday, Februar yonce 100 .

Flans wil lelections .

Discussion of ticket sales will in-volve percentage distribution to vari-ous years and classes taking engin-eering .

The lectures will all he held i n

Physic : 200 at 8 p,ng and are all fre eto the public .

Pitying those who are not "tiller,of the soil" the Aggics hope to se eother faculties out at the Frolic t o:cc how they do it down on the farm .also he laid for EUS

PIu ;Jo Ltd Dsat ; Ijrn'xet t

WALTZING through th ethrong at the Commodore Cab-aret Friday night is ShirleySelman, Queen of the Mard iGras,' Shirley, candidate o fAlpha Gamma Delta Sororit yfor the honour of presidingOver the hall vas; being part-nered by Mayor CharlesThompson when this picturewas taken .


Contra wise to expert opinion l a.t sRobins are back .

Ornithologists swear that red -breasted little birds we see aroun dare not Robins but some other van -city of the same fancily .

Much the saute its the Station Mas-ter we are most prone to believe that ,"Pigs am Pigs" and in this case tha tRobins are Robins ,

Amateur orinthologists on the cam -pus are concerned about their fea-thered friends during the cold wea-ther .

A "student who wishes to remai nanenymeus" phoned The Daily Uhy-ssey at press time last night to as kthat the plight of the shivering bird sbe publicized .

Numerous robins and other similar 'smaller birds are dying on the cam -pus, he said, because they could ge tno food from the frozen and snow -

IFCBook Drivelc Be Extende dAnother Wee k

Campus drive for books for th ej , vcnile Boys' Detention Home ha s

been extended for another week Pgte rtic Wright, drive chairman, announ-ed today .

Authori y has been received to increase the Strengt h

()I' the RCAF (Aux) FlightPlayers Pleadfor NewspapersThe campaign for hooks which i s

bring conducted by the Inter-fratern-ily Council, will continue until Fri-du,v,, January 28, in order that stu-rents may assist in the drive,

In the words of Gilbert an d"There's a do.ho wfunny

Club ' has a

Student Vets Pa yParade Feb . 4 and 5

Rank—Flight Cadet (Officer Status )

Pay—Summer pay $208 .00 per month

(Clothing provided)

. .

Summer—Contact Trainin g

Upon completion of the three-year course Flight

Sulli- covered ground .you I He suggested students might scatte r

a fete crumbs from their lunches tokeep the birds going till the hopedfor spring arrives .

Dc' Vooght made a further appea lu Frid ty for hooks suitable for age s

up d-, 18 for youths at I'c detentio n

i', n ,e .SIGNBOARD

von ,do . "

Apparently the PlayersIt .t of paper work to d o

They have issued a request to stu-dents to bring in old newspapers t o

the Green Room . located in the wes tend of the Audito r ium ,

Purpose of the odd request is that SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLU Bmeeting Thursday noon in Hut G4 ,Running shoes or stocking soles nec-essary . All welcome .

DVA cheques will he issued) Thurs -(lay and Friday, F'ebrutu y : ; tart 1 .in' the UBC armouries .

A special depot will be open in th enwurles firm 0 :311 ii .m. pm.

n both clays .

Members qualify for commissions in the RCAF

"Regular" "Auxiliary" or "Restrve" .

Enquire now at the Flight Orderly Room ,

University Armouries

a for'th -

Books may be left in bOxes place d

the purpose at the bus stop an d

in the Quad entrance to the Cal' .the papers are needed fo rcoming production .

Religion And life Wee kT1'esday, January 25

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZ . 'UBC cordially invites you to atten dits Friday noon meetings which in selude testimonies of Christian Scienc ehealing. Arts 207 at 12 :31),

Totem '49

LTA oft' yIs reelO w .i .; hrI . .cLII e


rtiuiil .n .

,1 ' ci,rti r)

„ e is :n)

S)i) imitiouncetl Mot t . r

March will of=o l 'Intl ,I,~% Curly fu r'he some reUSOH . 11Lurh

ails n nSiuurday . . . . Will Be On Time

TFIE UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY" uoren(stra will hold a rehearsal at 6h .m . in the Auditorium on Wed ., Jan .26 . All instrumentalists will be we lcome. An extra rehearsal will heheld at 2 p .m, in the Auditorium o nSunday, Jan . 30 .

Mussoc To Produce'lolanthe' In Feb . o u

TCIIAIKOVSKI'S SYMPHONY No , 6in B (Pathetique) will be performe da t the MAC noon-hour concer tWednesday .

The t hicket office in the Auditoriu mstill he open ceery cis; until Fcin'u-

i:Iy 4 from 11 :311 a.m . So 2 :III1 p .m . fo r

ticket sales to the vIII; I .r, dueti': n


This production is free to elrerlou bas a pass system f:three, 'Picket gde s%tilI be for the ,Lmood Icuhlic an d

f cuh yInlanthe will he produced fro m

Fchruauy 14 to Fehruary 1!I II th euniversity auditorium .




"English Style"


Order Yours Now

Stirring Frn

12 :3II MVII . Robinson : "The Cron A Revelation in the Lives o fGood Men and ti Damnation in the Lives of Evil Men . "Auditoriu m

3 :30 "The Christian Looks at Sex and Marriage . " Brock Hall .

Wednesday, January 2 612 :30 Chairman : To be decided . Through the courtesy of th e

film Society, the film, "Beyond Our Own ." Auditorium :3 :30 Mr, Robinson : "The East-West Conflict ." Brock Hall .

Thursday, January 2712 :30 Mr. Robinson : "Friendship—Key to the Kingdom an d

Salvation .of the World . " Auditorium .3 :30 Rt, Rev . Stephen S . Bayne, Bishop of Olympia : Science

and Religion . " Brock Hall .6 :00 Banquet at Union College for student government an d

club officials .7 :30 Public meeting in Union College Chapel to be addresse d

by Bishop Bayne on "Christianity and University Edu-cation 'hodav "

Friday, January 2812 :30 Mr, Robinson : "The Lord Has Need of Me, " Auditorium .

: ; 3U A Public Reception sponsored by Anglican College an dUnion College at Anglican College, closing the Religio nand Life Week ,

A Follow-up The Week Is Being Arrange d

'Beyond Our Own'GOULD'S

GRIL LThis WeekPresented fed . AL. 31344423 W. 10th


Wedncs(Itty lle'rnatnn th efilm "Beyond Our Own" wit spreviewed in the Audiltu'iu m

before a select fnetilfy sludcn l

audience .

000000000000000000mtZICOfLImCOCOm m


000000,000U1 In In In u to Lr V) (.f )



From $10.00T-Squ ar es, Protractors, Set Squar es

' fllo 1Jn1 o :r plcsente(l Id Mc Fil mi,

I I sIi,

Mc oils]) (so, ()I' R i . ligitil l


I .il ,'I'I,,, hood) !n~ +


(Y .Il I ; .11 I,'

mill II'

"Religion ruin Life Week"—every day in IVIain Lounge ofBrock Hall--3 :30 to 5 :30

Toda y12 :30 UBC Jazz Society presents AI Reusch, 133 behin d

Brock .1230 EUS presents Mr . 1 ., . Killa'n—Engineering Topic ,

Ap, Sc . 100 .12 :30 SPC Club,--Filrn, "Seeds of Destiny " , Physics,



1230 EIC Public Speaking Contest, Ap . Sc, 204 ,: ; ;15 h'ilut Society, "Moonlight Sonata " , 20c, Audito-

rium Other show ings 5 :15, 6:45, 8 :15,AMES LETTERIN G

Wednesda y12 :3(1 CCF Club presents 1VIt;s, Ida Banns, "Civil Lib -

* erlies for East. Indians " , Arts 100 ,8 :h1) Phralere's Initiation, Brock,.

Frida y12 ::31) Baske'Iball--\Vesle'rn Washington Vs . Thunder-

birds, Gym .12,30 (CV Club presents: Arnold Webster , . Park s

I, hire{ ' ,

1110 .3 : ; ;11 Legion Ten ] l ama', Brn('k . Everybody welcome ,` ; :fall fore Science Drill, Iirock .

Saturda yh :h \\'I it.; c_'o (fit Mill, Bro .'s,

• Songs Of UBC

• Songs Of The Greeks

• Songs Of Facultie s



Complete with Sheets and IndexFrom $2,69

More than 200 pages of music, words


Clarke & Stuart

Co . ltd.


Stationers and Printer s550 soy mom

Vancouver . B .C .

At !'B(' Bookstore — One Dolla r

Sa/0000000000000000000::) CO CO CO L::) CD Cf:.)


000000000ZZZZZZZz Z

00'0000000nlnlntntnLI) Lin LI) ( ../l

Page 3: lThyssey - UBC Library  · PDF fileThe Daily lThyssey VANCOUVER, B, C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1949 No. 53 ... gi ;ntt ,tan',, ... Saska- toon and Brandon

Page 4 Tuesday, January 25, 1949 ,THE DAILY UBYSSEY


Editor This Issue


'Birds In Tie For

Conference Cellar

Thunderettes Win Cam eBut Lose Championship

Lack Of Staying Powe r

Responsible For Cage LossesOur Thunderbird basketball team has a problem, Mr .

a sixth place ti e

Girl Cagers Split Serie sDuring Edmonton Tournamen t

All hopes of UBC ' s Thunderettes Gagers capturing the .

Western Canada Intercollegiate Girls Basketball crown dis-

appeared before the oyes of the downhearted femmes as the y

watched University, of Saslcall'hewan Huskiettes Saturday wi n

their second game of i1 round-robin series to take the champ -

ionship .The only cloth (

ling Thunderc l + c :•

cage champions, .

versity of Alh n r

the favored !i s

on Saturday, 1i, (

series, but tit

the Whitworth CollegeUBC on the fifteenth o f

Anthony . We have a ball club that is stuck i n

with three other Evergreen Conference clubs .And this is where the problem -- -

comes in . Somehow the boys on th eBirds always manage to turn in atan• show up to half time. As far a s

the half way whistle goes, thei ropponents get o good run for thei rmoney .BUTTER FINGERS

But then after taking a little res tof the half way mark, the Birdiescome back on the floor and can' tseem to do a single thing with th eball .

Witnes spanic a t

Freshmen Swimer sei YMCA Squa d


'Bird Pucksters

To Play Charity

Game Tomorrow

The benefit hockey gam e

scheduled for Wednesday night

promises to be the event of the

season. Besides being a bene-

fit for Alex Napier of the

Indians, it will also aid th e

March of Dimes ,

January, Then there was the gam eFriday night at Parkland Washing -ton against the Pacific Lutlterr nGladiators .

At half time in that tiff the Bird shad the battle all tied up at 29 all ,Then came the half way mark, B yfull time thl scoreboard showed avery oneside 66 .41 victory for th eLutes .

CJOR "kilowatts" will tangle withCKNW "raeboys" in the opener . Thisis a grudge match to decide the pop sularity poll on the Coast . Both sidespromise some startling hockey whichwill feature a refereeless second periled . Both teams have a "secret wea-pon" which they will not divulg euntil game-time .

Photo By Bob Steine r


STANDINGSCentral Washington

5 1Pacific Lutheran 5 1Eastern Washington 5 1Col . Pudget Sound 4 2Western Washington 2 4U .B .C 1 5Whitworth 1 5St , Martin's 1 5

The University band, majorettes,and cheer-leaders will be on handto support the show . it is hoped tha tenough Varsity students to make areal cheering section will be on hand .


.83 3

.83 3

.66 6






For Any Campus Activit y



Printers of The Ubyssey

4436 W. 10th

ALma 3253

Half Block From SasgMat


of the Huskie,1, :

lifeless Alberto entry by the missiv e

score of 45-16, leaving the UBC ogle d

one game behind the winners .


Because Thunderettes had bee n

edged,out in their first encounter i n

round-robin play Friday by the ever t

winning Huskiettes 41-39 in a har d

fought' contest with the winner i n

doubt until the final whistle, the

Huskiette five would have had to leas e

one game, the Alberta game, for

UBC's Gagers to stay in the play .Ail three teams would have ,bee ntied with one game apiece and a

wooed round would haveplayed .

NI.NTU TITLEBut the tired Pandas, forced to

plgr .two games in one day, provedIto . match for the winners allowin gthe Saskatchewan femmes to run off

with the prize for the ninth tim e

Bl i the last ten tries .

0 Thunderettes played their best o f

&e series in Saturday's contest whe n

they managed to keep just enough

ahead of the Panda five to take th egame, by the small margin of 42-37.

Mearnie ''Summers, playing a full

40 minutes in the Saturday endeavor,

took the scoring honors. sinking 17counters for the winners to keep

the UBC femmes out in front .

And something has got to be done ,Mr. Anthony! The season is almos thalf over, and unless the Birds man -age to snaffle one of the first thre espots (counting from the top) one o fthe boys at UBC will have to munchon some very unappetizing news -print .

RUNNING AROUN DNobody at the university or even on

the hall club can figure out what thefault is . Maybe Pomfret should kee phis boys running around the dressin groom at the half so they won ' tdevelop that 'rest awhile" attitudeon the floor .

This Friday noon, when the Birdstussle with the Vikings , of WesternWashington College, the Birds wil lhave another big chance to toss thejinx aside.

Gunn Takes 'B' Class

OE City Championships

After almost lour months of

Steady pre-seasonal training a t

the Crystal Pool, the fresh-

men of Doug Whittle ' s power-

ul aquatic squad will be the

".ref to face outside competi-

tion, when they tangle wit h

the local YMCA on the nigh t

of January the 26th .

Although such stars as lanky Jack

Creedon, who toppled the Dominio n

Intercollegiate 440 freestyle record ,and Bob Thistle, who established a

new record in the 50 yds . backstroke

recently, Will not be participating .the University will be represente d

by a well rounded out team .Among the swimmers who are ex-

pected to be Competing on Wednesda ynight are freestylers Norm Bradner,

who placed second in the 50 yds .sprint at the University champion -ships, Bob Brodie, Ken Rosenberg ,Ken Killfek, and Gerald Wheatley.The backstroke will be swum by Do nMarshall, who is second only to Bo bThistle in these events . Peter Lusz-tig, who 'took the 50 yds. butterflyat the University championships, an dJim Hawthorne who came withininches of heating him, will be swim-ming the breaststroke .

Although they were skiing as individuals rather than as a

team this time UBC skiers once again grabbed off a hunk of

limelight this week-end during the City Championships

Hollyburn Ridge .

FIRST PLACETopping the list was talented fresh -

man Dave Gunn, 'who just entered

the event for the experience," en dcame out with a first place in theClass B combined jumping and cross -country events .

Although only competing in the B

class, Gunn took top A man JackPratt by 54 seconds in the gruelin gfive mile cross-country race to carryoff number one honors .

Then in the jumping he picked up


.-~enough points to give him first plac ein the combined event for his clan .


Fellow U13C plankstcr Gar Robin -son . ails) pl;urcl right behind Gun nin the cross-coruitLy race, helped t omake it a clean sweep for Blue an dGold skiers in the B class by follow -ing Dave lot the combined even t!effete.

Linemates and Teammates

Ice Squads lop Forwards

to Graduate this Year

By HERISI I4 YDENLUN DTwo of UBC's most consistent per -

formers arc clue to graduate thi syear . These two, li,nemates as wel la., teammates, are Fred Andrew an dLloyd Tolleson, Fred is a fourt hyear Physical Edueetiou mayor nai lwill likely return next year te rTeachers Training . This will he

rut this does not tell the whol estory . Licyd is perhaps the fastestman In the league, end has one o fthe boniest shots . His t-,hysual ste ttine is ideal for a hockey player .

WINNIPEG FALCON SThe speedy winger started het

hockey in Winnipeg, playing junio rhockey for the Winnipeg Falconsti.r three years . His pleyirtg tutee °t , ,Ss interrupted by the war as h eatoll three years in the RCN. He~ c.

etie teens(' hickey but di dr .l

Inch ; uu„ rut oraenii.ed(one to Vi .rsiiv .


Fred, now 24, learned his hocke yin Regina, having played with Re-gina Abbots of the tough prairi eloop . . He is a graduate of Regin aCentral Collegiate where he was a nnulstanding athlete . His height an dn eight are also ideal hockey mea-surements ,

is hit . + h Yoe : with etc

ha, .= .'•t; els :,

wen two bigelder

Tills ;cesen he"o 'con rei . nbe• o f

l ' .


, .0(1

i t

~•., mei

! punts . He ms thre e

t :



II' Wit teaser,ui ctuld get n few more befor e


May they continue until the Judg-

ment Day! Everyone likes to loo k

at co-eds who have a little mor e

of this and a little less of that . An d

in Canada's colleges, it's natura l

to look to Player's Cigarettes for

fresh, cool smoking .CORK TIP and PLAI N

LLOYD TORFASO N. hest seaso n

Lloyd's ltt.'tt Year, howev er . t?y h egraduates in Commerce .

It is fitting indeed that Lloyeshould be having h i e best sestet-, 1 0

date, since it will be his at . 1kplays left wing en il : eiane t w pattacking unit .The thumbnail sketdh says Age 25,

I BED ANDitl V. . . top piny make r

The sci wnv I„ rls .tiot like : to nn x., . v „ d for 'I, .s too :-oil he

fever -ht cf tl,, fee ;

Hit evesten ant ib : the l uehey scaled its his tuiierle -eve heck checkin ,p' tihility,

Barn . .

Mg speed cout,lel with a lerrif u:hen stun him up perfec t ly . Iii, sgleduutton will I ) e ;~ tors to thi sLIni\0rtily .



pounds .

;'red Andrew plays centcc on th e

Mood lap line . Freddy is undonbt-

ccil, the best play -ntakiu centr e

or the team . What he locks in spee d

he mikes up in hockey savvy .height 5' 9' ; weight, 165


Tuesday, January 2 51 . Teachers Training vs Lambda Ch i2, Phys Ed "B" vs Fiji •A' ;

Thursday . January 2 71. Beta "A'' vs Vikings2. Kappa S ig "a ' a, "dcycm<tn

Peter S. Mathewson



600 Royal Bank Buildin g


Another veteran . Fred was oven-scot for two years and played o nthe champion RCAF tenet in Eng -

nd front 1943 to 1945. After dis-cittoi,c he turned up at UBC an dis now playing hockey for the thir d

yete . here . He is also a big blockwinner in hockey on two occasion sand seems destined to repeat ,CAST STIL L

Fred was sidelined for two month sdue to a fractured hand but is bac kin action now and should benefi tthe squad greatly . The fact tha the is playing with the cast still o nhis hand suggests th eFred has for the learn .

Field llouse

Field douse


Field house


1 . Kappa Sig A

4 .,{1 g mFriday, January ,'. R1. Kat ti vs Ph, 15 lisp, ,

2. ht'l ;t


West 1619-L- 1CRICKET

Annual general meeting of th ecricket club will he held in Arts Die ,'Fhursdey, Jenuary 27 at 12 :411 . Al linterested in ttickrl ere verc wel t(tittle