lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say...

Ashton-under-Hill Beckford Overbury Alstone & Teddington The Parish Magazine May 2017 50p Summer Longings Ah! my heart is weary waiting, Waiting for the May: Waiting for the pleasant rambles Where the fragrant hawthorn brambles, Where the woodbine alternating, Scent the dewy way; Ah! my heart is weary, waiting, Waiting for the May. Denis Florence McCarthy (1817 - 1882)

Transcript of lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say...

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Alstone &





May 2017 50p

Summer Longings

Ah! my heart is weary waiting,

Waiting for the May:

Waiting for the pleasant rambles

Where the fragrant hawthorn brambles,

Where the woodbine alternating,

Scent the dewy way;

Ah! my heart is weary, waiting,

Waiting for the May.

Denis Florence McCarthy (1817 - 1882)

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BCP Book of Common Prayer CW Book of Common Worship HC Holy Communion MP Morning Prayer EP Evening Prayer

Morning Prayers will be said at 8.30am on Fridays at Ashton. Holy Communion is celebrated at 10.00am on Wednesdays in St Faith’s Church, Overbury. Clergy: Revd Canon Matthew Baynes Revd Canon Susan Renshaw Revd Richard Worsley Revd Canon Chris Worsley Revd Clive Parr Readers: Captain Dennis Oxley, Church Army John Dodge Roger Palmer

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The Rector, Canon Matthew Baynes can be contacted at any time on: 01684 772237 or email: [email protected].

Parish Office: Tuesday mornings, 9.00am to 12noon: 01684 772237 Friday mornings (Beckford Village Hall), 9am to 12 noon: 01386 881349 or [email protected] (Parish Secretary)

Schedule of Services for The Parish of Overbury with Teddington, Alstone and Little Washbourne, with Beckford and Ashton under Hill.

MAY Ashton Beckford Overbury Alstone Teddington

7th May

4th Sunday

of Easter

6.00 pm


Praise in

memory of

Basil Bunn

J Dodge

8.00 am


M Baynes

11.00 am



Lay Team

9.30 am


M Baynes

14th May

5th Sunday

of Easter

9.30 am


S Renshaw

6.00 pm



M Baynes

11.00 am


S Renshaw

9.30 am



G Pharo

21st May

6th Sunday

of Easter

11.00 am


Service of


R Worsley

9.30 am



G Pharo

8.00 am


R Worsley

6.00 pm



S Renshaw

25th May



Pershore Deanery Ascension Day Service

7:30pm at St John the Baptist Church, Beckford

28th May

7th Sunday

of Easter

8.00 am


C Parr

10.00 am

United Parish



C Parr


4th June


11.00 am


C Parr

6.00 pm



M Baynes

11.00 am



R Tett

9.30 am


C Parr

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Living in the moment… For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8: 38-39 I have always been something of a worrier: ever since I was small, I recall becoming overly anxious about what might happen. More often than not, my fears were groundless, and the thing that had so dominated my thoughts for a period of time proved to have no impact on my life whatsoever. Yet, of course, not all fears are without foundation, which means that there are healthy fears that can be lifesaving as well as those unhealthy fears which are self-destructive. If you see a fire, or a man with a gun, it’s probably a good idea to run away! If, however, your exaggerated fears paralyse you from living, then it’s time to talk this through with somebody. The ultimate fear is, of course, the fear of dying, and it is one which ultimately none of us can avoid. For me, the recent diagnosis of cancer has brought that into sharper relief but, strangely, it has not sent me into a spiral of despair. That’s not because I am particularly brave, I am not. Nor that I do not fear dying and leaving my family, I do. It’s just that in the response of those around me and the loving support offered to me and my family, those wonderful words of St. Paul seem to make sense. We are inseparable from God’s grace, and love is all around us and is revealed to us through the people whose lives touch ours with hope. When I was first diagnosed, a wise friend told me that the image of ‘battling’ cancer is not always helpful, and I agree. For me, a more useful image to use, one that I have held onto for my whole Christian life, is that of a journey or pilgrimage. This particular direction of travel is not of my own choosing, and, if I am honest, I do not particularly like the landscape, but I will face it as best I can in the knowledge that I am not alone. There will be times when I will need scooping up and holding, but there will also I know be times of joy and laughter. As I write, my adult children have, in the evening sunshine, set up an impromptu badminton court in the back garden and are enjoying a moment together. Their excited conversation and laughter wafts in from the garden. Given the current state of affairs in the Baynes' household at the moment, it would be all too easy for them, for all of us, to sit, paralysed by despondency and fear, but they have seized the moment of a sunny afternoon and a newly purchased badminton set to enjoy some moment of convivial competition! These moments in time are, in reality, all we have. The past is gone, and the future does not yet exist. So I am determined to hold on to all those precious moments as they come and go. I don’t expect I will find it all that easy trying to reverse a lifetime of over-thinking and planning, but I will do my best. Bishop John’s wife, Denise, writing about her own journey with cancer said this: "Contemplating mortality is not about being prepared to die, it is about being prepared to live. And that is what I am doing now, more freely and more fully than I have since childhood. The cancer has not made life more precious – that would make it seem like something fragile to lock away in the cupboard. No, it has made it more delicious." So, let’s all try and enjoy those precious moments as the gifts they are, savouring and cherishing them and not seeking to move on to the next experience until we have been fully blessed by the one we are in. Matthew Baynes

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Richard’s Last Word(s)

Being a bizarre sort of creature, I looked up a website that recorded the last words of famous people (amongst whom I do not count myself!). There were famous ones like Lord Palmerston’s: “Die, my dear doctor! That is the last thing I shall do.” However, I think I go in the end for William Pitt the Younger: “I think I could eat one of Bellamy's veal pies.” In the spirit of this I could offer: I will miss you all, but not least, Simon of Fladbury’s pies. Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving is tough. (And it is not just the book shelves – see last month’s letter.) Laughter is just one form of hiding. So enough of it! I arrived in Elmley as a stranger. After about ten weeks, I went on a brief holiday. When I came back, it was to do a job. The next year, I took a week’s holiday in early autumn, but when I came back it felt surprisingly different. I came back to be with friends. I hope this does not sound sentimental twaddle. It is not meant to. In being here I have felt the growth of emotional bonds that have bound me to others on a common journey. This has been true of the parish, and also of the school. Perhaps it is adversity that matters and helps. To you all, thank you! Chris and I have had the chance to watch things grow. In small, rural parishes, growth is hardly ever spectacular. Hope can be a rare commodity. It has been good to be part of a team, not least with wardens and treasurers and secretaries. Sometimes the details of work have been painful, frustrating and even depressing. Yet, the sense of common purpose and hope is so much the greater. I have also had the chance to develop friendships across the group. This has been good. I am excited about where we / you are heading now, as clergy and laity will need to work more closely together. I have also loved taking worship in others’ churches. We have so much in common and some differences to be the spice of life. Chris and I came here because of God’s call. This is just the sort of thing that Rectors say, isn’t it?? Well, the reality of it for me is a sense that when you surrender your acts of living into the hands of God, then you are strangely freed and held captive at the same time. I will not lose or forget what you have taught me of God. And now the time is ripe for new beginnings. In a church that might want us, yes of course. (People have said: Will you go to church every week when you retire. And I reply, don’t be silly. Why should I cut it down to that?) But also to work with other faiths in Bradford; with Cruse in Bingley; with Soteria House, a mental health project also in Bradford. Who knows where the journey takes us? Above all, please do try to be with us on Sunday 28th May at 3 pm at Elmley for my farewell service. Thanks. May you also travel well.


St Faith’s Church, Overbury - Friday 16th until Sunday 18th June

“The Royal Flush Fund” Flower Festival and Concert

Friday 16th June: at 7:00pm a concert by the Heart and Soul Choir Tickets at £10 each, to include a glass of wine in the interval, are available from Wendy at 01684 772464 Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th June: Flowers in St Faith’s, Open Gardens and Teas in the Village Hall from 12 noon until 5pm Entrance: Adults £5 (No charge at either event for children under 16 years)

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John Bell Seminar, Beckford Church On the afternoon of Saturday 1st April, Beckford church was filled to capacity with people from across the diocese and beyond, who gathered to hear John Bell, of the Iona Community, deliver a fascinating and informative examination of the life of Jesus. Pointing out that it is usually the passive aspects of Christ's ministry which are featured, John looked at the wider personality: hence his chosen title of “Looking for the Larger Christ”. With insight, humour and deep reflection, John spoke also of the less mild figure who could be moved to anger and who could be outspoken in his criticism of those who fell short, thus bringing humanity to the personality of Christ. Well known from his frequent talks on BBC Radio 4's “Thought for the Day”, John is an ordained minister and an occasional broadcaster who lectures and preaches across the globe and is the author of many hymns. During the afternoon he led us in singing several of these and it was good to hear so large a congregation joining together with such enthusiasm. John has enormous charisma and he held everyone's attention so that the three hours flew past and numerous remarks were heard that “I wanted it to go on!”. Quite a feat when one considers that 120 people were confined to pews that, one must concede, are not the most comfortable form of seating! It was an unusual opportunity for a small village church to secure a speaker of the quality and standing of John Bell and to be able to host so outstanding an event which will live long in the memories of those lucky enough to have been present. For this great coup we are indebted to Jennifer Bryant-Pearson who, after attending a service in Iona Abbey last summer, met John and persuaded him to come to Beckford. As John said in his words of thanks, “It all began by a church door.....”. In a short interval Bryony and her team provided an amazing range of refreshments: sandwiches, quiches, cakes, tea and coffee, all delivered with great efficiency and received with enjoyment and we are grateful to her and to all those local ladies who baked for her.

RIP Basil Bunn

Basil Bunn, well known organist at St Barbara’s, Ashton under Hill and previously at Beckford, died on Wednesday 12th April. Basil was in good health, although in his nineties, until last year when he was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. I talked to Basil as he became housebound over the last few years and one of his favourite topics was telling me about the church organs around Bredon Hill and which gave him greatest pleasure to play. It was Basil who encouraged me to join the choir at Ashton. Another member of the choir recalls Basil telling her that he used to pump the organ at Teddington as a boy and this gave him the encouragement to learn how to play the instrument. Basil was happy to try new music and kept the choir going when numbers dropped to only three in number. The one piece that was not negotiable was “Eternal Father Strong to Save” which had to be sung on Sea Sunday and this will be sung his own request at his funeral in tribute to his time in the navy during the war. Most of the choir have a copy of the music “All on an April Evening” and this has the

signature “B Bunn” at the top. We hope he could hear us singing at Evensong on

2nd April. (See page 8 for details of a service at Ashton in his memory.)

Nettie Mantle & St Barbara’s Choir

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News From Overbury

After an excellent workforce weekend at the club, the nets, field and pavilion are looking great and senior practices are well under way every Thursday evening (6.30pm - 8pm). Our first senior league matches start on 6th May and Sunday friendly games have already begun. New players are always welcome.

Junior outdoor training begins on Friday 5th May (6pm – 7.30pm), organised by our very experienced new Youth Manager, Ian Worrad. New junior players are most welcome (age 5-16). We hope to run a number of special events in 2017 and it would be great to see you at all or any of them. These include: June - Club Golf Day (date to be announced) Monday & Tuesday 26th & 27th June - Annual Six-a-Side Contest

(featuring local clubs) Friday 14th July - Annual Fun Night We are always pleased to see new social members of course, on payment of a donation. In addition to match days, the pavilion is open on most Friday evenings from 6.30pm. Dave Devereux, OCC Chairman (01684 850329 or 07949 648372) Ian Worrad, Junior Chairman (07830 002051)

Much of the past few weeks has been taken up with events at Overbury CE First School, starting with posy making for Mothering Sunday. At St Faith’s we held an afternoon service to celebrate mothers and all they do for us, followed by tea and cakes in church which were much enjoyed by those who attended. The School held their Easter Service on Wednesday 5th April. Apart from a welcome and final prayer by Canon Susan Renshaw, the children wrote the prayers and led the whole event with pupils from every class combining to tell the Easter Story from Palm Sunday through to Easter Day. A discussion group was held at the Old Vicarage as part of the Lent Course undertaken by the Bredon Hill Group of churches. Led by Susan Renshaw, this was much enjoyed by those who attended. The course as a whole, with its accompanying CD, was well constructed and the small number attending the group made it easier for people to share their thoughts and experiences. Our thanks are due to Peter and Anna Horton for their hospitality.

A willing and hardworking group of people kindly came to the Spring Clear Up and have left the churchyard looking very smart and well tended ready for our mowing rota of kind volunteers to get going. The magnolia and cherry trees, as well as the bulbs, have been spectacular this year. How lucky we are to have such a beautiful setting for our ancient building. Work is due to start on rebuilding the Memorial Garden Cloister at the beginning of May and plans are being finalised for the installation of a disabled toilet in the church, so we are all geared up for a busy summer as we set about raising the necessary funds for the latter.

OVERBURY AND CONDERTON PARISH COUNCIL - The ANNUAL PARISH MEETING for all members of the parish has been arranged for Tuesday 9th May at 6.45pm in Overbury V.H. This is an ideal opportunity to meet the Councillors informally and to discuss any parish matters. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council follows the Annual Parish Meeting. Please contact the Clerk, Ros Long, on 01386 725111 by Tuesday 2nd May with items for discussion at the Parish Meeting or to be included on the Parish Council’s Annual Meeting agenda. Ros Long/Clerk to the Parish Council: 01386 725111

e-mail: [email protected]

REMINDER ................ The OVERBURY STREET MARKET takes place between 10am and midday on Saturday

8th July this year – full details next month but in the meantime contact Andrew John on

01386 725229 or Overbury Estate Office on 01386 725111 for further information.

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Overbury School Report If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello After 13 years, we were saddened by the retirement of our Head Teacher, Pernilla Pascolutti. She was a monumental part of our school, and will be greatly missed by staff and children alike. To ensure that Ms Pascolutti could not rest on her laurels during her final weeks, the school “got the call” from Ofsted, announcing an inspection less than 24 hours later on 28th February, while she was on a pupil outing to Birmingham. Happily, the Inspector has endorsed his predecessor’s findings and Overbury continues to be rated Good. A copy of his letter, warmly praising both staff and pupils is hanging in the church porch. We welcome our new Head Teacher Mrs Emma Ross, someone who can lead our school into a new phase of its development. She has come to us after being deputy head teacher in a Gloucestershire school which is rated Outstanding by Ofsted and so brings with her a great deal of very valuable experience. The governors are confident that she will be able to build upon the excellent work and achievements of Ms Pascolutti. Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean we’ll miss you, until we meet again. Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful We would like to share a poem, written by a very talented Year 4 pupil: The Door Go, and open the door. Maybe outside you’ll find a world of blinding darkness. Or a flaming hand Or an ashen strand of hair Or a lake of jadeite teardrops. Go, and open the door. Maybe there’s the very essence of death, crushing life. Maybe Hades himself is waiting for you. Go, and open the door. If there’s a wall, it will crumble. Go, and open the door. Even if you find a world of cheerful depression. Even if the clouds are as heavy as metal. Even if there’s an infinite vortex of swirling planets and you get sucked into the tornadic swarm. Even, if your shadow doesn’t Follow. Go, and open the door. At least, you’ll know what is, or is not there. HELP NEEDED – We are desperate for reading companions to come and help the children with their reading. Please contact the office if you could spare us some of your time. Many thanks. If you would like any more information on any of events, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01386 725235 or email [email protected]



Thank you so much to all our helpers at the “Lambing Live”

event in April – the cake makers, tea servers, those in the kitchen washing up and the help with clearing away so

efficiently at the end – all very much appreciated. Your efforts

helped us to raise over £650 towards the village hall

improvement fund – a very satisfactory result.

Angelina and Terry

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News from Ashton under Hill

Evening Praise, St Barbara’s Church, Sunday 7th May at 6.00 pm In memory of Basil Bunn

The evening service in Ashton on Sunday 7th May will include some of Basil Bunn’s favourite music, in tribute to the lovely man who was organist in Ashton and Beckford for many years. The service will also feature poetry by Edward Thomas, who died at the battle of Arras in 1917, and was associated with the Dymock Poets in Gloucestershire. (See tribute to Basil on page 5.)

Everyone is warmly welcome to join us in remembering Basil’s

contribution to worship in this parish.

Spring Cleaning at St Barbara’s – Saturday 13th May from 9.30 am to 12 noon. Many Hands Make Light Work!

We would be very glad to welcome helpers at St Barbara’s Annual Church Spring Clean on Saturday 13th May. Please come if you can spare an hour or two to bring a sparkle to your village church.

For further information please call Judith Hunter on 882087. Helpers welcomed with long-handled brushes for cobwebs and high windows!

Refreshments and cleaning materials will be provided!

St Barbara’s Annual Service of Thanksgiving, Ashton Sunday 21st May at 11.00 am

In our Annual Service of Thanksgiving we give thanks to and for everyone who supports the life, work and worship of St Barbara’s Church throughout the year and everyone is warmly invited to attend. This year we will be saying goodbye to Revd Richard Worsley as he is retiring at the end of May. Please come and take this opportunity to give thanks for Richard’s ministry in Ashton and wish him well for the future, and please stay for a glass of wine or juice and nibbles afterwards.

New Regular Giving Secretary for St Barbara’s

We are very grateful to Alastair Humphrey for taking on the post of Regular Giving Secretary, following the retirement of Vicky Ward. The role of St Barbara’s in maintaining a place of worship and ministry in the community is due in large measure to the generous support of our regular givers and we are deeply appreciative of their commitment to your village church. The future of St Barbara’s to maintain its position at the heart of the community depends on your support.

For more information on joining our regular givers, please contact Alastair Humphrey, Regular Giving Secretary, on 01386 881479,

or Alex Dodge, Churchwarden, on 01386 881487.

Looking ahead … Ashton Open Gardens Service of Evening Praise - Sunday 11th June at 6.30 pm

This year we are celebrating Forty Years of Ashton Open Gardens! There will be an exhibition of stunning photographs of Bredon Hill in all its seasons in St Barbara’s Church, complemented with beautiful themed floral arrangements by our talented team of flower arrangers, for you to enjoy throughout the weekend. On the evening of Sunday 11th June there will be a Service of Evening Praise at 6.30 pm in which we will round off our 40th year of Ashton Open Gardens, giving thanks for all the hard work of the community and for our visitors.

Christian Aid in Ashton A Christian Aid Coffee and Plant sale for Ashton under Hill will be held at Willow End, Elmley Road on Tuesday 23rd May from 10.00pm until 12noon. This is the annual Christian Aid fund raising event for Ashton.

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President Marjy Facer welcomed our own members along with 29 visitors from our neighbouring WIs, including Beckford, Badsey, Evesham Vale, Hampton and Wickhamford to a very enjoyable evening. The short business meeting came first. We congratulated the Ashton team of Linda Richardson, Gill Humphrey, Maggie Dunsby and Doreen Cope on winning the Vale Quiz at Pebworth on 27th March. The proceeds from the evening’s Raffle which totalled £52 were to be donated to the ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World), project helping women in Zimbabwe. There are many trips and visits on offer over the summer with the Worcester Federation, and our WI is planning an outing to Spetchley Park gardens on 11th May. The walk for April will be on the Blossom Trail at the Lenches.

Marjy then introduced Jane Brown and her assistant Pam of ‘Blue’ in Pershore for the main event of the evening. They had brought along a wide range of spring fashions for the models of Ashton to show. The eight volunteer ladies had been shown how to do ‘the walk’ by Ruth Clarkson who is a professional model, and everyone enjoyed the parade and the lovely clothes. Marjy acted as compere and thanks are due to Malcolm Nelson who provided suitable music and Ian Parsons

who acted as usher in helping the ladies down the steps. Marjy thanked the models who were Ruth, Joan, Gail, Gillian, Doreen, Marion, Christine and Jen. Flowers were presented to Jane and Pam. Refreshments of home-made cakes, tea and coffee were served by Margaret and Brenda Corfield. Members were reminded that the next meeting on 2nd May, at 7:30pm in the Village Hall, is the Annual Meeting. Anyone unable to attend may use a proxy vote, sent either in advance to the secretary, Judith, or to the meeting.

Judith Hunter, Secretary

Ashton under Hill Open Gardens Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th June 2017

1.00pm to 6.00pm

26 gardens open

‘Open Front Gardens’

Photographic exhibition ‘On Bredon Hill’

Demonstrations by a local blacksmith

Display of glass flower sculptures

Organ recitals and flower displays in St Barbara’s Church

Quality plant and craft sales

Light lunches from 12:00 : Teas and cream teas : Ice creams

Free parking for cars and coaches : Complimentary shuttle bus service

Saturday tickets also valid on Sunday

Admission £6.00 – Children under 16 free

Website: Email: [email protected]

Contact: John Kenrick 01386 881431 or: Alex Dodge 01386 881487

Proceeds in aid of St Barbara’s Church and Community projects

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News From Teddington and Alstone

TEDDINGTON VILLAGE HALL Seniors’ Club (50+) Friday 19th May, 2:30pm– 4.30pm

Entrance fee of £3.00 includes a cup of tea/coffee & cake plus all participation activities for

those wishing to take part Family and friends most welcome.

For more information call Sue on 01242 620264

or email [email protected]

May Services in The Chapelries

May 7th: 9:30am, Alstone - Holy Communion with Matthew

May 14th: 9:30am, Teddington - Morning Prayer with Graham

May 21st: 6:30pm, Alstone - Evening Praise with Susan

May 28th: 10:00am, Teddington - United Parish Rogation Service with Clive

We do hope you’ll join us for this annual parish service

and stay for coffee afterwards.

Have you a Favourite Hymn, Reading, Prayer or piece of Music?

On 21st May at 6pm we’re holding a special Evening Praise at St Margaret’s church and everyone is welcome to come along and join us. This is the service when we’d like you to choose any item you would especially like us to include - perhaps one which brings back memories. Whether it’s a traditional or more modern hymn then we’ll sing it (as long as we know the tune!); and a poem, special reading or even a short piece of music which could be played on the organ or CD player would be equally welcome. Please phone or send your requests to Anne on 620351 or [email protected] by May 12th. We’ll then put a service sheet together though we cannot promise to include every item!! From the Alstone registers:

Stuart John Graham Purves of Alstone sadly died on 18th February 2017 and a

celebration of his life was held at St. Margaret’s church on the 22nd March at noon.

Christian Aid Week: May 14th – 20th 2017

Christian Aid house-to-house collections raise almost £9m across the UK every year for this important charity which fights poverty, mainly in the poorer countries abroad. For every pound raised 86p goes directly into fighting this poverty.

The Christian Aid house collection will take place from 14th- 20th May and in Teddington and Alstone the envelopes will be delivered with this magazine. We still need a couple of collectors so if you could help please contact : Michael Dray - 01242 620452 or [email protected] or Anne Kyle - 01242 620351

With so many people facing famine across the world the need this year is more acute than ever.

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VACANCY Teddington and Alstone Parish Council are a man down!

If you have some free time and would like to help the local community in this role, please contact Jackie Broadbridge on 01242 621501

or [email protected] for more information.

Teddington and Alstone Parish Council invite you to the next meeting in the village hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 16th May.

This meeting starts with the AGM, followed by a regular meeting and ends with the Annual Parish Meeting which is an opportunity to socialise over a drink. Do join us.

Kemerton Conservation Trust’s annual Kemerton Lake Nature Reserve Open Day is on Saturday 3rd June. Gates open at 11am, entry is free for Friends of KCT and £2 for non-members (under-5s go free). There will be a refreshment stand, information stand, kids nature quiz and two guided walks as follows; 11.30am and 2:00pm - Native Orchids at KLNR A walk focussing on the 9 species of orchids we have at KLNR led by KCT Chairman Adrian Darby. Sensible footwear is advised. Car parking will be limited, so we would encourage locals to use the footpaths, which will be clearly signposted on the day. For more details about the day, please visit the News & Events pages of our website or contact our Support Coordinator Kate Aubury on 07765 334 776 or by email at [email protected].

Dennis Latest - Read All About It I've always wanted to write 'by the time you read this it will be out of date'. Well, what follows is the current situation so at least you'll have that as a basis for the next update. Short version: Dennis picked up an infection several weeks ago and was in Gloucester Royal. He was very unwell. They sorted the infection out and after a couple of weeks he was well enough to be moved to a community hospital. Unfortunately, that happened to be in Moreton on Marsh; lovely hospital in itself, just a bit of a journey. After a week or so a bed became available at Tewkesbury community hospital and that is Dennis's current location (as of 18 April). The plan is more recuperation and physio before his next port of call can be identified. Dennis sends his thanks for all the cards and visits, doughnuts and biscuits, kind thoughts and prayers. A further update follows next month, perhaps from Dennis himself. Kieran Whelan

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News from Beckford From the Beckford Registers: 25th April 2017 - Wedding: Christina Gilder to Ralph Pryce Deanery Ascension Day Service We are delighted that in Beckford church we shall be hosting this year's Ascension Day Service for the Deanery, on Thursday, 25th May at 7.30pm. It seems singularly appropriate that it should be held here, where the stained glass of the great east window illustrates that scene and we hope to be joined by many from across the Beckford Group in welcoming visitors from further afield in the Deanery. Beckford Coffee Morning - 26th May As usual, the last Friday in May - 26th May – will see our Coffee Morning taking place between 10.30 am and 12 noon. This month the funds collected will go to support the work of Christian Aid as it follows swiftly on Christian Aid week and we can no longer muster door-to-door collections in this village. Minimum contributions of £2.50 secure coffee or tea and a choice of homemade cakes but, as always on charity days, there is no upper limit! Beckford Fund-Raiser: Change of Direction

It may be recalled that a while ago we floated the idea of holding a Run Around Supper in the village to help support the church in this year between bi-annual Open Village events. For various reasons this hasn't received general support at the moment and we're now planning to change both the event and the date. In 2015 we held an Evening Garden Party and this was much enjoyed by the many who attended, so we plan to resurrect this formula, in a different garden which has been kindly put at our disposal, on Saturday 3rd June.

Those who attended previously will remember a very happy evening during which many people from across these villages – and beyond – came together to enjoy the music of a talented string quartet, while savouring an impressive range of canapés in a delightful setting. Even less than perfect weather failed to dampen the spirits on that occasion and many people asked that we repeat the idea. As before, tickets will cost £12.50, to include all canapés and a glass of Pimms on arrival. Thereafter there will be a bar selling wine, beer and other drinks throughout the event which will run from 7pm to 9pm.

Tickets will be on sale from David Carvill (882002), Graham Galer (882200) or from Beckford Stores (881248).

DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal

As a result of generous donations to the collection at the United Service in Beckford on 19th March and at the coffee morning later in the month, we were delighted to be

able to send the sum of £425, including Gift Aid, to support this important work. Thanks to all those who gave so willingly.

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BECKFORD W.I. - April Report Our President Yo Yates welcomed 28 members and eleven visitors to the April meeting of Beckford WI at the Village Hall. Since the last meeting members had been very busy and taken part in the book club discussion on “Me before You” by Jojo Moyes. They had also attended the Annual Council Meeting at Cheltenham Town Hall where the guest speakers were Lady Bathurst and Dr Lucy Worsley. Two very enjoyable walks in the local area had been carried out. One was the County walk from Toddington and the other was up to the top of Bredon Hill. Craft items are being made for sale at the Village Fayre in June and preparations are being made for the Spring Group Meeting which Beckford is hosting. There is also a County Quiz in April to which Beckford is sending a number of teams. Our speaker for the evening was Mary Seldon who is the Fundraising Manager for the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity. The MAA was started 26 years ago and the first helicopter was based at Hagley Hall. The crew only worked part time and the finances were very precarious. The helicopter was then moved to a more central site at Strensham Service Station on the M5. There are now 2 further helicopters in the MAA.

One based at RAF Cosford, Shropshire and one at Tatenhill in Staffordshire. Together they cover an area of 6 counties including Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Shropshire, Staffordshire and the West Midlands. The motto or strapline is “Saving Lives by Saving Time” The helicopters now operate 7 days a week and up to 14 hours a day from 7am – 9pm. They are very compact and can only carry one casualty. If

more than one person needs assistance then another helicopter will be called in. Secondary support is also provided to parts of Wales and Warwickshire. There is only one pilot per helicopter and two medical personnel. These are specialists in trauma work and may be two paramedics or a paramedic and a doctor. They are part of the West Midlands Ambulance service. The key factor in saving lives is not just the time factor but the choice of hospital to take the patient to in order to treat a particular type of injury. Having a helicopter means specialist hospitals even at a distance can be accessed. Although the MAA responds mainly to incidents in rural areas where access by road is difficult, sometimes if roads in towns are gridlocked, getting patients to hospitals quickly may need the ability to fly over these traffic jams where ordinary ambulances cannot get through. Many incidents are on farms and involve accidents with farm machinery, but also people needing help on golf courses which have poor road access form about 5% of the workload. A new helicopter is being purchased and will be ready in the New Year. It will need to be fitted out with specialist equipment. Since the MAAC receives no government or lottery funding, it relies on fundraising to generate sufficient money to keep the helicopters running. Mary then described a number of ways in which people raised money and helped support the work of the MAAC. Yo thanked Mary for her talk and her invitation to visit the base at Strensham. The next meeting is on Monday 8th May at 7.30pm and is entitled “Poetry and Prosecco” with the speaker being Sam Pearce. All visitors are most welcome.

Clare Henderson, Meeting Secretary

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Beckford Community Village Hall The committee held its monthly meeting on Monday 27th March. Villagers will be pleased to see that the front of the hall has been refreshed with a new coat of paint. The doors of the former surgery and consulting room have also been painted as part of the room's

change of name to the 'Ashbridge Room'. We are still actively searching for new users for this room: one good possibility has appeared which is in the course of development. On a larger scale, plans are developing for the replacement of the roof. New quotations have been obtained which are over £2000 more than those quoted in last month's magazine. It was therefore decided to go ahead as soon as possible on the basis of the earlier quotations from MT Roofing, Winchcombe Scaffolding and materials from County Building Supplies. We will have to take account of the fact that delivery time on new tiles is 6-8 weeks. We discussed the situation on fund raising for the hall refurbishment, and it was decided to make this a regular agenda item in future. It has been agreed that all organisations represented on the committee should hold a fund-raising 'event' of some kind this year. The present position is that arrangements for the Quiz 'n' Chips evening on May 12th are in hand and all tickets have been sold. The WI are running a Quality Nearly New stall in the Beckford Inn marquee on June 4th to also raise funds - see separate notice below about this event We await news from the Gardening Club and the Nature Reserve on their plans for fund-raising. The Chairman brought along, and demonstrated, the splendid new larger notice board, which will be installed either in replacement of the present one, or on posts at the side of the car park. The board had been very well made by the Overbury Joinery, and remains to have the name of the hall chiselled across the top (which might be a challenge in view of the number of words involved). Graham Galer, Secretary BCVH Ltd

Beckford Village Fayre at The Beckford Inn Marquee Sunday 4th June, 11:00am – 3:00pm

Admission is Free

Come and enjoy Beckford Village Fayre at The Beckford Inn. Stalls include handmade jewellery, knitted and sewn items, bookstall, plant stall, glass craft, homemade cakes, jams and chutneys, etc.

There will be a raffle along with teas, coffees and cakes provided by Beckford WI. There will be licensed bar run by The Beckford Inn.

The W.I. will also be running a Quality Nearly New stall.

If you have any unwanted gifts or items you no longer have a use for, or would simply like

to declutter your home, then we would be pleased to help you out. (NO electrical items

or furniture please.) Please call Jennifer Berriman on 01386 882029 to arrange a drop

off time.

Thank you for your support for this stall to raise greatly needed

funds towards refurbishment for our village hall.

The event is being organised by Beckford WI with independent local stall holders The proceeds of the event are being split between the WI and BCVH.

For more information, please contact Sam 01386 882104

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PARISH WALKS 2017 May 15th – Richard & Sue. Kemerton, meet at St Benet's church (GR 949374) for a level walk with just a few stiles.

May 22nd – Jill & Roger. Ashton under Hill. Meet at the Old Manor Farm (on the left shortly after you come into the village from Beckford, GR 996374), and use the farmyard as a car park. Easy walk, with lots of memories from Jill and the family.

May 29th – Maggie & Pat. Meet at the car park at Eckington Bridge (picnic first if you like). Easy walk in and around Birlingham, one stile only. Good views of Bredon Hill. June 5th – Beverley. Meet at Chipping Campden Market Hall for a walk to Dovers Hill. Distance 4 and a bit miles, up hill and down again, with some steep bits.

June 12th – Sue & Rita. Evesham riverbank. Meet at Merstow Green, walk along to Hampton, then back over the ferry. Easy walk.

June 19th – Roger. Meet at The Queen's Head in Elmley Castle to walk up Hill Lane and then to Kersoe. There will be some steep sections; sometimes muddy.

June 26th – Ieuan. Meet at Hailes Church car park. Walk via Didbrook up to Stumps Cross, along the Cotswold Way, then down to see where traditionally, Thomas Cromwell sat to view the destruction of Hailes Abbey. About five miles.

July 3rd – Martin Blakeman. Meet at the Leamington Road car park in Broadway. Walk up to the tower and back, so a fairly energetic walk.

July 10th – David & Judith. Winchcombe. Park on the road to Sudeley Castle for a walk mostly on the level using the Windrush Way to skirt the castle grounds.

July 17th – Ray Stanton. Meet at the Village car park and walk up to the Cotswold Way. Lots of stops on the way up to admire the view and get your breath back.

July 24th – Mike & Jenny. Meet at Upton on Severn car park. (opposite the church in Main Street, GR850403). We will walk to Hanley Swan, Church End. Easy walk of 4 miles, apart from a flight of steps.

July 31st – John. Meet at the gate to the park at Overbury and up the hill to the tower and back. It's a long but easy climb and great views.

August 7th – Rita, Sue and Sharon. Bredon. Meet at the car park in Dock Lane (go as for the church, and keep driving). Walk to Bredons Norton, then on via Beggarboys Nature Reserve and back to Bredon. Easy walk, about 4 miles, but might be muddy.

August 14th - Supper Walk at Bredon’s Norton. Michael Barrett will lead a short walk, starting at 6.30 pm, to get an appetite for our meal at the Village Hall, hosted by the ladies of Bredon’s Norton Church.

These are led walks in our beautiful countryside; all are welcome, do come and enjoy it with us. Sorry, but no dogs. Walks start at 7:00pm and we allow two hours to walk around

4 miles, talking to old friends and making new ones.

30p a head please – 20p goes to Mzamomhle and 10p to Beckford Nature Reserve.

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Here is an update following the article in the February magazine about Louise Jaram having her hair shaved off to raise money for McMillan Cancer Care. I would like to thank all those who so generously supported my Brave the Shave campaign. You helped raised over £2000, which was an amazing achievement. This will pay for a Macmillan Nurse for two weeks. I know from personal experience that this can make a huge difference at a difficult time. The hair is also making a difference by making wigs for children with cancer. I am very grateful that the weather is now turning a little warmer and my ears are no longer permanently blue! Huge thanks again to all, Lou

Tewkesbury Choral Society

Saturday 20th May - 7.30pm Tewkesbury Abbey

Tewkesbury Choral Society conducted by John Holloway William Walton Belshazzar's Feast

George Butterworth A Shropshire Lad Gustav Holst The Hymn of Jesus

Tickets £15 from Society members, Tewkesbury Abbey Shop,

or on the door. Accompanied School children free

Put On Your Dancing Shoes I am looking to set up an adult dance group ‘West End Girls’ teaching dance routines, choreographed by myself, to musical numbers from the West end. The plan is now to meet in Ashton Village Hall on Monday evenings from 5:45pm until 6:45pm instead of Friday evenings as suggested in last month’s magazine. In the first instance, before I book the hall, I am looking for feedback and interest. There will be a minimal charge of £2 per class, enough to cover the cost of the hire of the hall. Anything leftover will then be reinvested in both music and a donation to a local charity.

If you are interested please contact Suzie Windscheffel at: [email protected] or call 07919 525153

Alderton Allotments

Various sized plots with reasonable rents are now available. The waiting list is open to both residents of Alderton and the

surrounding villages.

For further details please contact: Tamsin James, Clerk to Alderton Parish Council 01684 290392 or [email protected]

Page 17: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving

P&H Services Ltd Electrical Engineers and Contractors

Paul Hopkins

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Amarilli, Blacksmiths Lane, Dumbleton. WR11 7TU

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For a FREE estimate or general enquiries call today:

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E-mail: [email protected]


The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised. Page 1

Page 18: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving

HM Garden & Landscape Services

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Bredon Hill Grounds Maintenance

All aspects of garden and grounds care undertaken, large or small.

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Dave Hunting

07733 328631

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01386 882962

RAILS END NURSERY Back Lane, Ashton under Hill 01386 881884 07970718890 [email protected] Bedding and basket plants Planters and baskets filled

We stock an ever expanding range of roses and perennials, as well as

seasonal bedding. Looking for something in particular?

Get in touch. OPEN: Easter to the end of October


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Call Martin on:

01242 262782

07766 794159


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Tel: 07828 464 935 or 01386 882150 Email: [email protected]

Page 2 The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised.

Page 19: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving

Holloway Farm House Bed & Breakfast

Ashton-under-Hill, Evesham, Worcs. WR11 7SN

Tel: 01386 881910

Email: [email protected]


Dingle Cottage in SOLVA, Pembrokeshire Sleeps 4, 2 bedrooms.

Mulberry Cottage in BECKFORD. Sleeps 2/3, 1 bedroom.

Penny Black in Le Chinaillon/Grand Bornand, France. Chalet apartment, sleeps 6.

Perfect for skiing and spring/summer trekking.

For further details please look at the website:

or contact the owner direct on 01386 881230 or email: [email protected]

The Star Inn Ashton under Hill

01386 881325

Delicious Homemade meals using local


Why not try our fabulous Sunday Roast or

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would love to see you. All occasions catered for.

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Open Fires, Real Ales, Great Wine & Food

The Old Post House & Barn Elmley Rd, Ashton under Hill, WR11 7SW

(nearly opposite The Star)

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01386 882466 or 07976 906653


WR11 7SQ

Comfortable en-suite accommodation set in a quiet location

Breakfasts include our own free range eggs and honey.


Tel: 01386 881266 Mobile 07767205968 Email: [email protected]

THE COFFEE SHOP @ Beckford Silk

Danni and Heather welcome you.

Open Monday to Saturday

10.00am – 4.00pm

Ashton Road, Beckford, Gloucestershire, GL20 7AU

Tel: (01386) 881507 / (07568) 170794 [email protected]

The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised. Page 3

High quality handmade bespoke curtains, blinds, lampshades & cushions.

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Page 20: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving

Regain Your Natural Poise


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Leave your dog in my home while you relax.



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on 01386 764830 to find out more.

Page 4 The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised.

OMmaZing Chocolates

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Mercedes E Class Vehicles




General Help with

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Shopping Trips

Doctor or Hospital


Holiday Caretaking/Small Pet care Contact Jo for more

information on 0747 707 9516

Page 21: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving

G.L.B Ltd Specialists in Oil Fired

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The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised. Page 5

Page 22: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving

Robin Porter Architects R.I.B.A. Chartered Architect

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Page 6 The Parish Magazine takes no responsibility for goods or services advertised.

Equine and Canine Laundry Service

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Dog Bed Wash from £5

Dog Coat Wash &

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Page 23: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving


Saint John The Baptist’s Church, Beckford

Churchwarden David Carvill 01386 882002 Secretary Graham Galer 01386 882200 Treasurer Pam Grice 01386 882514 Organist Mike Sanger Davies 01386 881910 Flowers Doreen Byrd 01386 881360 Bell ringers Nick Hopkins 01386 710136

Saint Faith’s Church, Overbury

Churchwarden Faith Hallett 01386 725206 Secretary Christine Clark 01386 725405 Treasurer James Ledingham 07595 177118 Organist Anne Brown 01684 292231 Flowers Stef Lemarechal 01386 725325 Bell ringers Ros Long 01386 725111

Saint Barbara’s Church, Ashton-under-Hill

Churchwardens Alex Dodge 01386 881487 Secretary Alex Dodge 01386 881487 Treasurer David Hunter 01386 882087 Organist Anthony Greenwood 01386 881278 Flowers Judith Hunter 01386 882087 Bell ringers Nick Hopkins 07790 831787 Choirmaster Alastair Humphrey 01386 881479

Saint Margaret’s Church, Alstone & St. Nicholas’ Church, Teddington

Churchwardens Anne Kyle, 01242 620351 Kieran Whelan 01242 620763

Secretary Nicholas Bentley 01242 620292 Treasurer Mike Wignall 01242 620031 Flowers: Teddington Caroline Marsh 01242 621139 Alstone Jane Rogers 01242 620592 Organist Matthew Birch 01386 881980

Transport Co-ordinators

Overbury Faith Hallett 01386 725206 Teddington Rosie Atkin 01242 620565 Alstone Betty Beckman 01242 620289 Ashton vacant Beckford Roger Palmer 01386 881746

Minibus Andrew Barnett 01386 881145 Paul Stephenson 01386 882052 (backup co-ordinator) [email protected]

Disability Awareness Representatives

Vacant Parish Safeguarding Officer

Amanda Bath - see Parish Secretary above for contact details

Magazine Editor Chris Godfrey 01242 620006 Email: [email protected]

Advertising Be Collins 01242 620401 Email: [email protected]

Treasurer Laurence Alexander 01386 881814 The Old Police Station, Beckford, GL20 7AD

News Team Beckford Jessie Alexander 01386 881814 Chapelries Bill & Anne Kyle 01242 620351 Overbury Ros Long 01386 725111 Ashton Alastair Humphrey 01386 881479

Web Sites

Canon Matthew Baynes Priest in Charge Beckford Group Parish

01684 772237 Pastoral Area of Responsibility: Beckford, Teddington and Alstone

[email protected] Rector of Bredon with Bredon’s Norton,

Canon Susan Renshaw Associate Priest 01386 750203 Pastoral Area of Responsibility: Overbury [email protected] Vicar of Eckington with Defford and Besford, Rural Dean of Pershore

Revd. Richard Worsley Associate Priest 01386 710394 Pastoral Area of Responsibility: Ashton under Hill [email protected] Associate Priest in Overbury with Teddington, Alstone and Little Washbourne with Beckford and Ashton-under-Hill Revd. Clive Parr Non-Stipendiary Minister 01386 710700 [email protected]

Readers Capt. Dennis Oxley Flat 6, 49, Church St. Tewkesbury, 01684 850791 John Dodge The Old Farmhouse, Ashton under Hill 01386 881487 Roger Palmer 5, Hill View Cottages, Cheltenham Road 01386 881746

Treasurer Mike Sanger-Davies 01386 881910 Parish Enquiries via The Rectory, Bredon 01684 772237 Parish Secretary: Amanda Bath [email protected] Tues 9 - 12, The Rectory, Bredon 01684 772237 Fri 9 - 12, Parish Office, Beckford 01386 881349

Page 24: lstone & Magazine eddington · Behind the jocularity is the fact that it is very hard to say Goodbye! I know it is my choice to retire. I know I need to do it. But the fact of leaving


Meditation Thursday, Committee Rm, Beckford Village Hall 6:00pm

2nd Ashton W.I. Annual Meeting, Ashton Village Hall 7:30pm

5th Ashton Lunch Club, Chapel Hall 12:30pm

7th Evening Praise in memory of Basil Bunn, Ashton Church 6:00pm

8th Beckford W.I. ‘Poetry & Prosecco’, Beckford V.H 7:30pm

9th Simply Soup, Beckford Village Hall 12:30pm

Overbury & Conderton Parish Council, Overbury Village Hall - see page 6

10th Partners and Communities Together (PACT) Surgery, Beckford P.O. 10:30am

13th Spring Cleaning at St Barbara’s, Ashton - see page 8 for details

16th Deadline for magazine entries for June

Teddington & Alstone Parish Council, Teddington Village Hall 7:30pm

19th Seniors’ Drop In Club, Teddington Village Hall 2:30pm - 4:30pm

20th Tewkesbury Choral Society at Tewkesbury Abbey - see page 16 for details

23rd Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Ashton - see page 8 for details

25th Pershore Deanery Ascension Day Service at Beckford Church 7:30pm

26th Beckford Coffee Morning for Christian Aid , Beckford Church 10:30am

28th United Parish Rogation Service at Teddington 10:00am

Parish Minibus Shopping Trips in May

5th and 19th to Bishops Cleeve

12th and 26th to Worcester

Picks up from all villages on request. Call Andrew Barnett on 01386 881145

Volunteer Drivers Needed for Parish Minibus Please! The Parish Minibus, which is based from Ashton under Hill, is a service which many local people have found extremely useful over the years. It is run by volunteer coordinators and drivers, and once again we need to top-up our volunteer driver base. Our volunteer drivers need to be experienced drivers in the age range of 21 to 70 years, with a clean driving licence, and to be available to drive, on average, less than once a month - usually to take parishioners on shopping trips on Friday mornings. Volunteers don't have to take any special test to drive it, and if you have experience of driving larger vehicles, the minibus would not be a challenge, and all drivers will derive satisfaction from helping to provide a valuable service to our community!

If you are interested please contact me - Andrew Barnett - on

01386 881145 or email [email protected]