L@s presentation2

The R@W Cluster Awards Presented by: Sharron Wright: Principal, Mangatawhiri School Tracey Schumacher: Project Director, R@W Cluster ([email protected])

Transcript of L@s presentation2

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The R@W Cluster Awards

Presented by: Sharron Wright: Principal, Mangatawhiri School

Tracey Schumacher: Project Director, R@W Cluster

([email protected])

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Who are we?

Small cluster of 6 rural schools in the North Waikato, ranging in size from sole charge to 9 classrooms.

We have a wide range of ICT abilities/attitudes amongst both teachers and students.

Have a history of working together successfully in other cluster initiatives.

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o As a way to meet National Goals 1, 2, 3 and particularly 4.

o As an authentic means for students and teachers to learn a variety of ICT tools that they can incorporate into their daily teaching/learning.

o Based on the Nati Awards from the East Coast. http://www.terangitawaea.com

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Theme: Our Place

Students grouped into: Junior (Yr 1/2)

Middle (Yr 3/4)

Senior (Yr 5/6)

Intermediate (Yr 7/8)

3 categories for each age section, except Intermediate section which had 4.

Every age section had a digital photography category.

All programmes/tools were readily available to all schools.

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The theme for all of the sections for awards is ‘Our Place’. The topic focuses on the unique surroundings in which our

children reside. CATEGORIES

Juniors Middles Seniors Intermediates Years 1-2 Years 3-4 Years 5-6 Years 7-8

Video Advertisement

Paint PowerPoint Poster - Advertisement Original Music Composition &

PowerPoint Poster - Advertisement Claymation Video

Poster - Advertisement

Digital Photo Digital Photo Digital Photo Digital Photo


Create a music video, video or advertisement based on your place - Poster can either advertise a business in your community, your community or your school - Video can either advertise a business in your community, your community or you school (must be no longer than 2 minutes)

Films must be supplied on DVD, CD or Memory Stick the films appear in correctly. PLEASE NOTE: Only 2 entries per section accepted from each school


Create an original music composition and video about living in your community (must be no longer than 2

minutes) Original music compositions MUST include lyrics. The lyrics and music must be the students own ORIGINAL creation and must be performed by students. Original music compositions must be created or recorded using a computer programme (e.g. Garage Band/Pro

Tools) Real instruments may be connected to the computer. Please attach typed or clearly written lyrics and some information about the

song. Video must be supplied on DVD, CD or Memory Stick. Composition and video will be judged separately then combined PLEASE NOTE: Only 2 entries per section accepted from each school

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Music Video Judging Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Limited Score Criteria 20 Points 15 Points 10 Points 5 Points

My Community Excellent and appropriate use Obvious and consistent use of Good reference to your No or minimal use of reference

of references to your reference to your community community to your community


Relevance of The visual images showed The visual images showed The visual images showed The visual images only

visual images to excellent, highly creative, highly interesting and entertaining some relevance to the music. It occasionally showed some

music entertaining and well thought relevance to the music. There mildly captured viewers relevance to the music

out relevance to the music were some original ideas used attention

Performances The performances were strong, The performances were The performances were The performances looked

original, compelling and consistent, well done and adequate. At times the uninteresting to the viewer

interesting, always attracting entertaining performances rose above this

the viewers attention level to become interesting to

the viewer

Production Excellent and extremely Interesting and creative Adequate and sometimes Poorly executed production

Design (props, creative production design. production design. Good and interesting production design. design. Poor choice of props,

costumes, sets, Original and appropriate choice appropriate choice of props, Some inspired choices of costumes, sets and locations

locations) of props, costumes, sets and costumes, sets and locations props, costumes, sets and used

locations used used locations used

Visual Video consistently showed Video occasionally showed Video showed average creative Video showed poor visual

Composition / excellent and creative visual excellent and creative visual visual composition / composition / cinematography

Cinematography composition / cinematography composition / cinematography cinematography (camera (camera angles, camera

(camera angles, camera (camera angles, camera angles, camera movement, movement, lighting, framing of

movement, lighting, framing of movement, lighting, framing of lighting, framing of shots) shots)

shots) shots)

Editing and use Excellent and appropriate Very good editing and use of Editing was adequate, however, Poor editing and no use or

of visual editing and excellent use of visual enhancements. Trying to visual enhancement tools used inappropriate use of

enhancements visual enhancements be innovative with production but not always appropriate or enhancements

(transitions, and presentation effective

titles, credits,

special effects)

Comment Total


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Teacher Development

Cluster staff meeting with George

Visiting experts (eg. photography)

George’s offer to visiting schools

Students visiting other schools

ICT Facilitator was very helpful

In school organisation & support

Teacher self up-skilling

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School Organisation for learning

Different ways of organising learning in each school:


ICT interchange timetabled twice a week. Used teacher strengths and interests.

Integrated into classroom programmes

Some school selected only 1 or 2 categories

Had a different focus/category each week which meant that everyone got it done.

Panic organisation!!

School judging/share nights

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Organisation of Awards evening

Entries: 2 per school, per category

Judging: completed by outside judges



Lead T day to set up hall

Tickets or koha?

Sold to community as a celebration of their child’s learning and achievement.

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The night

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The good, the bad and the ugly

Breaking through some teachers preconceived ideas/attitudes.

Allowing kids to be creative: letting go as a teacher.

Parents were ‘wowed’ about the quality of the work and what the children produced.

Observing changes in students and teachers learning was heartening.

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Peer tutoring was evident and valuable.

Was a great way of identifying students underlying talents.

School infrastructure was a problem for some schools.

Some schools still saw it as an add-on rather than an integrated part of children's learning experiences.

part of their visual arts programme and work was done mainly in this time.

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Children loved it – used kids to help/teach each other and to critique work according to criteria.

Composite classes meant whole class couldn’t do the same thing so that created some issues.

Was fully integrated into classroom programme. Eg; wrote letters to businesses, interviewed businesses, met people in community etc. Did storyboards in written lang time.

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Built community relations.

Was good because it put pressure on teachers to try new things which they needed.

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Things we learnt for this year

• Get a decent camera/photographer. Get winners to go to a designated area for their photo.

• Food was unnecessary. Most went home.

• Was valuable to get outside judges.

• We need to build on what we all learnt from this.

• Demonstrations well worth it but need to have them earlier in the process.

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Timeline schedule: have dates set to have work completed.

Term 2 was good timing.

Night presentation was excellent as opposed to a daytime one as more parents could get to it.

Digital photo category was too easy, especially for older chn and needs to be more challenging.

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Other schools have asked to join in the Awards this year.

Give opportunity for schools to show individuality within the theme.