LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER:...

LP DAAC User Services •Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; •Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html EOS Data Gateway URL: http://edcimswww.cr.usgs.gov/pub/imswelcome ASTER On-Demand Gateway URL: http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/asterondemand/index.html JPL ASTER URL: http://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov LPDAAC-JPL ASTER User Handbook URL: ftp://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov/outgoing/handbook/aster_user_guide_v2.pdf GDS Japan URL: http://www.gds.aster.ersdac.or.jp HDF tool list link: http://hdfeos.gsfc.nasa.gov/hdfeos/softwarelist.cfm •LP DAAC Contact Information: LP DAAC User Services Voice: 605-594-6116 USGS/EROS Data Center Toll Free: 866-LPE-DAAC (573-3222) 47914 252nd Street Fax: 605- 594-6963 Sioux Falls, SD 57198-001 E-mail: s Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Transcript of LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER:...

Page 1: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

LP DAAC User Services • Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems;• Resources on ASTER:

EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL:http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

EOS Data Gateway URL:http://edcimswww.cr.usgs.gov/pub/imswelcome

ASTER On-Demand Gateway URL:http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/asterondemand/index.html

JPL ASTER URL:http://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov

LPDAAC-JPL ASTER User Handbook URL:ftp://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov/outgoing/handbook/aster_user_guide_v2.pdf

GDS Japan URL:http://www.gds.aster.ersdac.or.jp

HDF tool list link:http://hdfeos.gsfc.nasa.gov/hdfeos/softwarelist.cfm

• LP DAAC Contact Information:LP DAAC User Services Voice: 605-594-6116USGS/EROS Data Center Toll Free: 866-LPE-DAAC (573-

3222)47914 252nd Street Fax: 605-594-6963Sioux Falls, SD 57198-001 E-mail: [email protected] Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 2: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

LP DAAC User Services

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 3: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

LP DAAC User Services

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 4: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

Other Tool for Searching ASTER Data

• ASTER Browse Tool --- USGS Global Visualization Viewer



• New release version 3.0 of GloVis support for display ASTER Decorrelated Stretch VNIR browse images by using Level 1B metadata.

• The inventory of ASTER granules is current through the end of May 2002. Infrastructure is being put into place to keep the inventory up-to-date on a daily basis, but it is not ready yet.

• Directly ordering ASTER granules is not yet supported as this time. We are in the process of designing the shopping cart option.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

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USGS Global Visualization Viewer

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html


Page 6: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

GloVis Continue, http://glovis.usgs.gov/

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 7: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

GloVis Continue, http://glovis.usgs.gov/

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 8: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

Is there any other way to access ASTER data except EDG?

• DataPool --- http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/tutorial/datapool.html

• The DataPool is an online archive that currently provides FTP access to selected ASTER and MODIS data products.

• Goals:

--- Support increased electronic distribution

--- Reduce need to pull data from archive

--- Reduce need for order submissions

--- Give science and applications users timely, direct access to data

• Currently Available ASTER product in the DataPool

ASTER level-1B version 3 over United States Territories only

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 9: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

DataPool, http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/tutorial/datapool.html

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 10: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

DataPool, http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/tutorial/datapool.html

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 11: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .


Page 12: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

DataPool, http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/tutorial/datapool.html

Page 13: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

DataPool, http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/tutorial/datapool.html

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 14: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

DataPool, http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/tutorial/datapool.html

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 15: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

Where do I find the projection information within the metadata?

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 16: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

What software can read HDF-EOS format?

• HDF tool list link: http://hdfeos.gsfc.nasa.gov/hdfeos/softwarelist.cfm


• ERDAS Imagine 8.5 (with update HDF importer patch)

• ENVI 3.5

• PCI Geomatics

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 17: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

I. ASTER L1B data HDF conversion in WINVICAR

http://winvicar.jpl.nasa.gov/From Beta test, register and then JPL will send you the software download instruction.Follow the instructions for installation. The command used for handling HDF format is “hdfextract”.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 18: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

click on ‘OK’ will bring you a pop up window:

Click on ‘Correction…’,

Check ‘Write Transform to Image’, the ‘Transformation Order’ 1 will be the default setting. Click on ‘OK’, and you’ll get imported image. For SWIR and TIR bands image import, just use ‘Next Image’ on ‘Importer’ window to identify bands needed to be imported with ‘Correction’ option. The output image file is in Lat/Long geographic coordinate system. You can re-project it to UTM projection from there.

II. Read ASTER L1B data in ERDAS 8.5 with georeferencing information:

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 19: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

II. ERDAS 8.5 continue

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II. ERDAS 8.5 continue

HDF file imported to ERDAS without “Correction” option, georeference info. would not carry to the image:  

HDF file imported with “Correction” option, it’s in geographic Lat/Lon, Projected from geographic to North-up UTM.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 21: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

III. Read ASTER L1B data in ENVI 3.5 with georeferencing information:





1. Editing granule header file:

From ‘File’ ‘Edit ENVI Header’, “Edit Header Input File” window will pop up.

Click ‘Open File’ button on this window, highlight the ASTER granule (VNIR, SWIR, or TIR) you’d like to edit the header, click ‘OK’.

Click last window ‘Edit Attributes’ button.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

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III. ENVI 3.5 continue

Change Image Coord X, Y to 1.5, 1.5, click ‘Change Proj …’.

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III. ENVI 3.5 continue2. Reproject to make a North-up image

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III. ENVI 3.5 continue

Path-Oriented image North-Up image, in UTM projection

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 25: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

IV. Read ASTER L1B data in PCI with georeferencing information:

   1. Setup Project:Start Ortho-engine main manual bar; ‘File’ ‘New’ to setup your new project criteria.

Click on ‘Accept’,  Click ‘Metre’ on “Set Projection” window, chose ‘UTM’ from the drop down panel. Two popup windows will prompt you to choose UTM zones and rows.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

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IV. PCI continue

 After the selection step of ‘Output Projection’ parameters, click on ‘Set GCP Projection based on Output Projection’ bar near bottom, you’ll see all the parameters from what you just defined.

Click ‘Accept’

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

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IV. PCI continue

You can either select a single band, or one group of telescope as shown next, click ‘read’.

2. Data Input:Select ‘Data Input’ under ‘Processing Step’,Click on the first button for reading ASTER HDF-EOS data in.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 28: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

IV. PCI continue3. Ortho-image generation: a. Open image file: On OrthoEngine main manual bar, chose ‘Ortho Generation’ under ‘Processing Step’, click on first button to open image (*.pix) that just created from last step.

Select bands and click ‘Load & Close’. Image view windows will popup.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

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IV. PCI continueb. Ortho image generation:

Click on the third button to schedule ortho generation,

Chose from upper left panel from ‘Available Image’ list, click on the arrow button between ‘Available Image’ panel and ‘Images to Process’ panel.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 30: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

IV. PCI continue

Change ‘Resampling:’ under ‘Processing Option’ from default ‘Nearest’ to ‘Cubic’,

Click ‘Generate Orthos’ button will start the processing. 

The ortho image of ASTER VNIR three bands will have the UTM projection information embedded in the *.pix file.

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html

Page 31: LP DAAC User Services Provide support to users on ASTER data related problems; Resources on ASTER: EROS Data Center Land Processes DAAC URL: .

IV. PCI continue

4. Export PCI image format to other image format: To export it to any other format,  from OrthoEngine main manual bar, ‘File’ ‘File Utility…’ window,

Make your selection of data need to be exported, click ‘Add’ will active ‘Export’ button. Click ‘Export’.

‘File’ ‘Export to …’; you will see list of options for your output image format. Taking output to ERDAS Imagine format as an example here:

Land Processes Distributed Archive Center (LP DAAC) http://lpdaac.usgs.gov/main.html