II4 LP Tt A "DTVTTP-- D . T A XTTT A "DTT OK v IMIi 5 1 - GUM SECTIONAL BOOK CASES JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES For The Home BILL TO PROVIDE FOR ELECTION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY PEOPLE vt Introduced in the Senate Today by Senator Preserves the b'ooks, free ,G from dust and dirt. Can be added to one section at a ,'.V X, . time as the library increases. U Made in a variety of woods and finishes. Hearing tho End of Our Bi January Reductions on Clolhing Our big sales end -- with January If yon want some of the best clothing bargains you ever saw, come now. Here are the clothes Suits and Over- coats the like of which never came to town styles that have brought the most astounding business in our history yet they are reduced because we must sell each season's styles in season. It's a great op- portunity for careful buyers and hundreds of them are taking advantage of it. Why don't you? M'Neil of This City Let us show you the many ; exclusive features of Gunn , Cases that distinguish them 1 candidates for said office voted for at said general election, the three re ft . J&a rtsbta i erTcfl toy Meigs & CI ceiving the highest number of votes from all others. snail be the county commissioners in each county for the ensuing two years. No political party shall nom i , ...ST- - OVERCOATS Including all this seasonfe most admired style inate more than two candidates for the office of county commissioner in (Special to the Farmer.) Hartford, Jan. 25.- - The following resolution providing for the election of County commissioners by a direc. vote of the people was introduced to- day in the Senate by Senator McNeil. "There shall be three county com- missioners In each county who shall hold office for two years from ' the first Monday of January next suc- ceeding their election and who shall be chosen at the general, election held for the election of state officers on the first Monday of November, 1911 and lly thereafter. Of the eacn county. N. Buckingham & Co. Inc. - "Section 1743 of the revised stat- utes of 1903 is hereby repealed and so much of chapter 128 of the public Established 1842 177 STATE STREET BAY STATE RANGES acts or 1907 as is inconsistent here with is hereby repealed. fancy weaves with convertible collars dressy black and Oxford Ches- terfields. Reduced to $9.50, $14.50, $10.50,. $21.50 and $29.50. FANCY- - SUITS in all the stylish colors ami models broken Hnes to be sure, but you'l find all the season's favorites represented in a great showing- - of grays, browns, tans, blues and mixtures at $9.50, $14.50, $19.50 and $24.50. . - o . Youths' Suits and Overcoats Boys' Suits and Overcoats Shirts Hose Neckwear Shoes big reductions in every department. . The resolution was referred to the committee . on Judiciary. COTTON SUPPLY TO WASJHIHIJGXOM. I DISTRIBUTION REPORT (Special from United Press.) 20 REDUCTION ON TRUNKS AND BAGS BIG SHIRT AND HOSIERY SALE Washington, Jan. 25. The Census Bureau, today, issued a cotton ann. ply and distribution report for the y t t marriage ocourred on Wednesday. November 24, but was kept a secret until yesterday. JOLLY GATHERING MARKS MAENIiERGHOR MASQUERADE ' The largest and Jolliest gathering that has ever attended any of the an- nual masquerades of the Schwaebsch-e- r Maennerchor thronged Eagles' hall last - evening in such numbers that for a time it was with difficulty that dancing could be held. y Two spectacular features opened th'e ball. The nrst was a tableau "The Peace Conference" with figures repre-presentl- ng Uncle Sam and the other great powers, the familiar gaunt fig iour months period ended Dec. 31, 1910, showing 1:832.520 bales. mad 'J up of: 11,040,040 bales in stock at and the SOUTHLAND Two Luxurious Trains FEDERAL EXPRESS-GOLOtll- AL EXPRESS Through service. You pass through New York without having to change cars. To ladies traveling alone this a great advantage. ' These trains are splendidly equipped vestibuled buffet parlor cars and dining car in either direction. FEDERAL EXPRESS COLONIAL EXPRESS Degmning or the period; 10,731,504 bals ginned and 60,976 bales im- ported. The distribution Is: Exports, ,, 9v uiues; consumption, 1,576, 442 bales, stocks at close of Decern ber, 5.582,138 bales. ELKS BOOMING SAM BERNARD Segregation of stocks held at close of December is: Manufacturers, Independent warehouses. 3.- - MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN AT Y. M. C. A. OPENS WITH VIM Fifteen New Members Mark the First Day of Work Ladies' Night a Success ure of the patron of the United States vu.xv, wsewuere, x,X9S,46 Dales. To turn the hems of table linen reading an agreement to the other POLTS. eaauy ana accurately, remove the Dally, Sundays Included Through sleeping cars be- tween Bridgeport and Philadel- phia and Washington. Dae Washington at 9:45 a. in. Prompt connection for all Southern Resorts. " , Dally, except Sundays Due Washington 8:05 p. m. Dining car between New Ixm-do- n and Harlem River. Through sleeping car connection at Washington for principal South- ern Resorts. nations. Then followed a march of nations with George Kacerovesky, togged as -- Admiral Dewey, directing iieeaie rrom your sewing machine.ad just ine nemmer to the desired the intricate maneuvers. Dancing fol lowed until well Into the morning. Famous Comedian to Be Here Next Monday Night In His Greatest Musical Comedy "He Came IVom Milwaukee." lengin, ana pass the goods through. They are then ready for hemming by hand. This saves a great ideal of time and gives a straight, even hem. Most snectacular of the costumes New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad i Inasmuch as about every one who I has aea this week's bill at Poll's positively saya that it la the best bill they have ever "seen one must, in writing, take that statement for a I unanimous one and in truth it would ! be hard to improve on the bill from 'the standpoint of entertainment. were those worn In the march of 9 jf''' nations. While the unmasking was scheduled to take place at 10:30 many of the dancers preferred to remain en masque through the entire ball. Those who figured in the peace con- ference were "Uncle Sam." Frank DYSPEPSIA-PROO- F Just aa it nas oeen saia in orainary -- walks of life that some men "are Schmidt:-"Joh- Bull." Louis Hilzing - r - l err tn emneror or uermany, jacuo born treat, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrusj up- on them" so It comes that an act on the bill this week not especially fea- tured In advance because of its new- ness walks away with all applause hnAn anil thn H-- is that Of WeS- - Baisch: president or France, ueorga The first day pf the campaign for 300 new members at the T. M. C. A. closed with an enrollment of 15 new men and boys. Monday night's turn- out was , pronounced by everyone the most wonderful revelation of loyalty that the association has ever had, and the enthusiasm started thatnlght bids fair to carry the contest through to the end with success assured. Ladies' night at the Y. M. C. A. last night was successful to a marked de- gree. So great was the audience that many had to be seated on the gymna- sium floor after completely filling the running track. Great credit for the quick, precise work is due to the lead- ers' corps. The exhibition consisted of dumb-be- ll drill, dance schottische, apparatus stiuad work, potato race, Indian .dub drill, torch swinging, horse work, parallel bar' work, basketball by a picked team, and the business-me- closed the evening with; their hobby, volley baM. How" Any Meal Can Bo Thoroughly Enjoyed By Any Stomach Costs You : Nothing to Try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Men' as a rule, are first discovered Feyrer; Czar of Russia William Ban- - tie. ' Magnolia HOTEL SPRINGS In the international march were ton. Fields and Carroll, Just "Three Local theatregoers are to see a real live Broadway musical produc- tion which comes to this city direct from a six months' run on the Gay White Way. The attraction in ques- tion is Sam Bernard and his . New York Casino company In the Jolly Juveniating musical comedy, "He Came From Milwaukee," which the Messrs. Shubert will send to the Park . thea- tre next Monday for the annual en- tertainment of Bridgeport Lodge of Elks. "He Came7 From Milwaukee," which has been running at the Ca- sino ever since last September, is? a blend of catchy tunes, uproarious United States. William Haug and Miss Carrie Wal, Ernest Scholz and Miss MAGNOLIA SPRINGS, FLORIDA oy tneir enemlea Their antagonists turn on the searchlight, and the proof of merit will lie in being able to stand Boys and a Piano. Katner ordinary title aa titles go but you can just lay a. wacer that In less than a quarter of an hour, these boys put over six songs In a " manner that rouses the house to . the highest pitch of en- thusiasm and appreciation. Each is luu iiasn. It was only In thl wav tii mv Hilda Scholz; Germany, Paul Scholz and Miss Louisa Haug; George Gray and Miss Anna Walz; England, Joseph Zwirlejn and Miss Anna Scholz, John Dapp "and Miss Emma Kich; France, Adam Schemp, , Jr., and Miss Louise White ever knew that dyspepsia was one of Mr. Black's Sitting face to face at a two-by-fo- ur Schwarz and John Schick and Miss Emma Schwarz: Russia. Rudolf id.me. ne nanaed his afflicted friend 2S MTLKS SOUTH OF JACKSONVTLLB ON THE ST. ' - ' JOHNS RIVER AND MAIN UNE OF ATLANTIC COAST MNE R.R, - IDEAL. CLUIATE, DRY, FREE FROM ' . MOSQUITOES. SOFT. PITRE 'DRINKING, WATER, V OPEN PLUMBING, STEAM v HEATING, - EIECTRIO LIGHTING, GOLF, TENNIS,- - HUNTTNG,v FISHING, ' -- RIDEVG, BOATING, SWIMMING FOOIi IN HOTEL ' Open Jan. to April. Rate $21 to $28 week, without bam , O. D. SEAVEY ' " v. Wentt and Miss Anna Schick and me diu or rare: uyster cocktail Stuffed Olives Fred Haug- - and Miss Bertha Schwarz. a splendid singer,- - me mosx youiaiui of thenv Carroll. Is sure some piano player and each of the three is bless- ed with . abundant personality as well as superb singing- - voice. Just drop In and hear Fields sing- - a pretty lit- tle ballad, hear . Eddie Weston sing "I'm an Honorary Member of the Patsy Club." hear Carroll sing "Lovey Turn. r,rA than Vl 0 T-- tVlA trio Rill ST The United States representatives .Boston Clam Chowder Strained Gumbo Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms Roast Beef Hash wore the well known kahkl uniforms, while the others wore the flashy mili laughter, graceful dances, handsome girls in gorgeous clothes, with some rare and beautiful color schemes dis- played on the graceful figures of the far-fam- ed Casino Chorus girls claim- ed to be the most beautiful on the American stage. Pictorially, "H Came From Milwaukee" is one of the prettiest pieces ever seen at the Ca- sino, and the most elaborate ever at- tempted bjr-t- h Messrs. ' Shubert. The production has been admirably - stag- ed by , Sydney Ellison who - was tary uniforms of the European armies OUR MAYOR TO , SPEAK TONIGHT IN NEW HAVEN Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut S "The Fellow with the Cello Rag," SUMMER, RESORT: HOTEXi "AMPIN VVALXi, XENOX, MASS. represented. The ball was arranged by the fol lowinje committees: Lobster a la Newburg Baked Pork and Beans Combination Crab Salad That Fussy Kar ana rne xiaaisna. Rag" and you will come to the con- clusion that you hive heard, singing before but none so good as these ViPAjk hnv nut across. The head- - V Hot Mince Pie Pineapple Fritters Mr. White ordered a "Httle nt paoh Committee of Arrangementsr Christ. Schick, president; John Ruoss, secre- tary; Matt Schwarz,- - treasurer; Fred Scholz, Henry Wlehm, Herman Kauf- man, Charles Ruoss, Jos. Kausler, brought to this country from the Gaiety Theatre, London, to i especially . linm mtt u that weird and mvsteriouS Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered crackers and a glass of milk. "I had such a "put- - on" this production. The mu sic is by Ben M. Jerome. Melville El Fred Boehrich. Floor committee: George Kackeras New Haven. Jan. 25 With Mayor Edward T. Buckingham - of Bridge- port.- who was the strongest candidate 'ag&inst Governor Simeon E. Baldwin fbr i the Democratic Gubernatorial hemination in the last campaign, Mayor Frank J. Rice and a number lis and Louis A. Hirsch, and is said Dig breakfast this morning," he said, "that I'll Just take a bite to keep you company." But Mr. White could not ky. manager, Frank Schmid, Jacob to be as bright and refreshing 'as rushing stream by the dusty roadside) and fairly bubbles over with original Balsch, Wm. Haug, Ed. Scholz, Paul Scholz, George Gray, '.Jos. Zwirlein, John Schick. Rudolf Wentt. Fred And Berkshire Mill Col The Coalmen . "Amen," being Interpreted, means "So be it." : So when a customer asked to have more Coal sent down just like the last, the answer' was, r'Amen!" BERKSHIRE MILLS CO. Tel. 397 be deceived "I am afraid you can't stand the gleam. Mr. Black. Why of High officials of the order present. themes and haunting melodies. The book is by. Mark Swan and Edgar the annual banquet of the Ansanta Haug, WllUafh Ban tie, Sr.. L. Hilzln-ge- r, Miss Carrie Walz, Miss Hilda Scholz, Miss Louisa Haug, Miss Anna uun t you say you nave dyspepsia and be done with it? You'l' always have that .hungry look anyhow as long as I conception . by a Hindoo gentleman named Onaip. "When a man , can x come out on the stage of a theatre, hypnotize an assistant command him J to play and while he is playing the : piano cause both man and piano to f revolve at a dangerous speed in a i mysterious way you begin to feel a I bit creepy and think that- - perhaps I there is something supernatural in the world after alL Don't get the Idea that it is mechanical force be-- I cause to dispel that thought from a your mind the curtain is lifted im- - mediately the trick is over and all I you see Is the bare ' stage and the I back wall of the theatre. You may I think you know how it is done and t Trhan vnn do. If vou do write out smith and the lyrics by Edward Mad den, a sextette of co-auth- ors as clev er as any in America to-da- y. you nave dyspepsia. .Now listen. My Walz, Miss Anna Scholz. Miss Emma siomacn was in mst as bad condition Kich. Miss Louisa Schwarz, Miss Em The piece might be called "A comedy with a purpose," the ma Schwarz, Miss Anna Schick, Miss wae Tribe. No. 24, of the Red Men this evening, at the Tontine Hotel should be a notable event. An effort was made to have former President Theodore Roosevelt attend and speak, but several days ago the committee received a note Informing them that the Colonel could not be present- - The committee in charge believe that to- night's dinner will be the best yet held as yours at one time. But now I can eat anything," at any time. For in stance, this clam chowder or sirloin Bertha Schwarz. purpose being to afford vigor, laugh' ter, beauty and song. Mr. Bernard's role is that of Her 1 mm goal Officers of the - society: Charles Schwarz, president; H. vKohlmansper- - imriD SCREENED steak or even the lobster would be man Von Schnellenvein,' a brewer of just as welcome to my stomach as ger. recorder: Fred Roehrich. treasur Milwaukee, who while traveling by , the local lodge. er; Christ. Schick, vice-preside- nt; John Ruoss, financial secretary; George abroad meets the Duke of Zurach your crackers and milk. You . don't realize how this dyspepsia business is robbing you of your spirit, of your THE NAUGATUCK VALLEY ICE CO. One of the features of the dinner The Duke, in order to further his Reichet, collector. will be the menu cards which have energy and ability to think quickly. I cause with a young American heir- ess, persuades the brewer to pose as Telephone been hand painted by M. J. Reynolds, Downtown Office: - Uptown Office: 421 HOUSATONIC AVENUE BIG DOUBLE FILL. can t neip notice it. You haven't the your solution and send it to the man- agement. The one nearest right will receive four box seats for next week's performance. The special feature of the bill is that dainty and artistic intHntp and daneins act presented bv one of the members of the lodge. On 154 FAIRFIELD AVENUE the Duke, and it Is this exchange of cheer and sociability you had three identities which causes so much of the cards for the Invited guests ap- propriate drawings have been made . At the Park City Rink commenc months ago. Now I'll tell you what the fun. ing Monday, "Jan. 20th und all week to do," and thereat the cheerful Mr. There are two acts, the first being the De Haven , Sextette with Sydney t m TTf TV Miss Jessie Darling and Frof. H.. A, White took a vial from his pocket at a hotel in Ostend and the second On Mayor Rice's card " there will be a picture of the Mayor shaking: hands with an Indian. Mayor Bucking- ham's card will have on it a picture at the Royal Palace in Zurach. Simmons have been engaged at a great expense by the management to and extracted a wee table. "There, there is a tablet that contains an in The cast for this engagement will be identically the same as that seen rive exhibition in trick and tancy gredient, one grain of which digests of the city of Bridgeport with its skating every evening, changing thoir seaL ' 3,000 grains or rood. For even the at the Casino and will include: Grace performance each night.- - MIfs Darl worst dyspeptic it's the only thing ciioson .leaiurea. Airs. George w. j-- e Haven produces It in vaudeville and she is without an equal as a mistress of stage craft, a designer of hand- - some gowns and a chooser of girls i who are not alone pretty but who can ring and dance. The De Haven Sextette Is a credit to vaudeville. Nat : Haines and Will Vidocq, the former ; the best black face conversationalist in ulinm hnslms.q and th latter with- - Leigh, Winona Winter, Adele Row The banquet hall In the Tontine will be suitably decorated along . a color scheme appropriate for the Red that really gives relief. The reason Is it rlieves the stomach of nearly all land, Alice Gordon, Louis Harrison, George Anderson, Martin Brown, Henry Norman, Charles Burrows and ing is known al lover the country as "America's Finest." What the Texas Sun says about Miss Darling: Mis Darling performed with scarcely Men. the work It has to do, digests every It is believed that there will be thing in the stomach and stimulates the gastric Juice. I can't get along more effort than a bird in the a others of equal prominence. Mr. Ben M. Jerome, one of the composers, will and the, various feats performed by without them. They are Stuart's ; out an equal a? a straight man con- - direct "the orchestra. The sale of about 250 present. The committee in charge consists of G. E. Stone. C. D. Westley, E. L. Leonard. Frank Mc-Gove- rn. William E. Smith. George E. the charming young entertainer are Dyspepsia Tablets. You can get them ? vusse the auaience ana L.yncn ana seats opens- - Friday at 9 a. m. so phenomenal as to strengthen her anywhere on earth for 5.0 c a pack Stone. Past Sagamore will act as ' of Juggling, and passing Indian clubs PARK THEATRE. age. toastmaster. Yes, It Is true, Stuart's Dyspepsia - working at top speed ail the while. ( TVi n Three Tin T' 11 .Plrnthprs hv n vThe speakers and their subjects will Tablets absolutely stop heartburn. The opening attraction under the new management at the Park Theatre be aa follows: g straight - singing and dancing act nausea, indigestion, dyspepsia of the Hon. Frank J. Rice. Mayor of New worst type, sour stomach, bloaty feel Saturday matinee and evening will be Cyril Scott in "The Lottery Man." Many situations have been resorted ing and all eructations and Irritations, wnicn aeveiops s.me great steps ana I Wri?ht . Huntington and company i present The Stolen Kiss." a comedy playlette which must be classed as Haven. "The City"; Hon. E. T. Buck- ingham. Mayor of Bridgeport. The State": Howard Hopkins. "Redman- - and freshen and invigorate the stom to in plays to prevent the happy cul- mination of a marriage vow. In "The ship In Connecticut": William Saun ach. They cheer you up. and make you get all the good there is in your food. You will forget you ever had a stomach to worry you. Lottery Man," Rida Johnson Toung a GKIGOSffl & CO., ders. "Orphans' Benefit Association"; O. S. Culver. "Ansantawae Tribe." the Dest in tnis line tnis season. A t roost Interesting series of views are : shown by the picture machine and everyone can enjoy the bill and get I home early. Send us your name and address to Established 1847 - Main Office 262 . ' Stratford Avenua day and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free. Address A' COAL Branch Office 972 Main Street F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Blag., Marshall, Mich. ! ANIMAL MEETING TOMORROW OF. LOCAL BOARD OF TRADE RED MEN TO VISIT BRIDGEPORT. Hammonassett Tribe. Improved Or- der of Red Men. trail to Bridgeport Thursday evening, at which time they will, present the, traveling tepee to Wowompom Tribe of this city. At Hammonassett's meeting last night a large number of members signified their Intention of making the trip and every member of the tribe is urged to attend. All members of Ansanta- wae and' Ninigret tribes who care to accompany Hammonassett are very welcome. " Those going will meet at claim to the title of America's cham- pion lady fancy roller skater. 'Prof. H. A. Simmons, who will per- form with Miss Darling at the Park City Rink next week is considered the greatest male trick and fancy skater in the world. Prof. Simmons is a whole skatorial troop combined in one man. Every night this week big six day race. Leigh on Trolley Tickets New Haven, Jan. 25. At the board of aldermen meeting this week one of the important matters taken up will be the proposed endorsement of the board of a plan whereby the public may. be able to purchase six trolley car tickets for 25 cents. The mat- ter comes up on a petition of Walter Leigh. It is desired that the alder- men should Instruct the New Haven representatives in the General Assem- bly to favor a bill, as outlined above. Walter Leigh, the author of the pe- tition, said to-d- ay he believed the board would approve of the resolu- tion unanimously. "Why, If we could purchase trol- ley tickets in batches of six for 25 cents it would help the city and help the trolley company," said Mr. Leigh to The Union to-da- y. "The company would secure an in- crease In business sufficient to reim- burse them for the change," he con- tinued. " A similar plan Is In vogue in the south and the middle west of selling Try Sprague's Extra 1 the station at 7:45. ICE COAL WOOD ANNUAL MEETING AT Elections of officers and commit- tees, reports for the past year, and two Interesting addresses are among the events scheduled for the annual meeting of the Bridgeport Eoard of Trade, which takes place at the board's rooms In the Newf ield build- ing, on Thursday evening. Jan. 26. The speakers of the evening will be Charles D. Hine. secretary of the State Board of . Education, who will give a talk on the subject of "Trade Train- ing", and S. E. Vincent of this city, who will report to the board concern- ing bis attendance at the Tariff Com- mission convention at Washington, at which gathering he represented the local Board of Trade. Spr ague Ice &CoalCo. has hit upon an entirely new plan. The hero is Jack Wright, a news- paper reporter. He is and un- loved, save for the devotion of his mother. , He plans to make money for both himself and his- - paper by conducting a lottery with himself as the prize. Coupons, printed in the pa- per are sold for a dollar each. Most of them are bought by old maids. Wright promises to give himself up to a loveless marriage to the woman who gets the lucky number. Mean- time he falls In love with a charm- ing young girl. , - .. Imagine his predicament. As heex-plai- ns the first-wom- an he meets on the street has alight to claim him as her husband. As a matter of fact fate is so unkind to him and his sweet- heart that the winning number, falls into the hands of an old maid, a most unattractive person who gloats over her victory. It develops, however that the spinster has stolen the ticket and with the threat .of prison she dis- gorges. : "The Lottery Man" was first pro- duced in New York last fall and has the distinction of having remained there at one theatre for practically the entire season. The Messrs. Shu- bert are now sending it orr tour with the same company wh!ch Is headed by Cyril Scott, star of the production. Others in the cast include Helen Low- ell, the original Miss Hazy in "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" Janet Beecher, Ethel Winthrop, Louise Gal- loway, Robert MacKay, Mary Leslie Mayo and others. . m PARK STREET CHURCH About 375 parishioners of the Park Street Congregational church sat down to an enjoyable supper in the parish East End East Wnhtnjr?on Are. Brtds Telephone 119. . 1 10 room last night and afterward heard tit the annual reports of the various church departments and societies. t ' Torrrtr.E funerali of boy Albert E. Lavery was toastmaster ) ' AND ILL-FAT- ED RESCUER oluTely at the banquet and made a very wit- ty presiding officer. The business meeting proved to be a most encour ABS IN NEW HARTFORD TODAY. j aging one. While the church has not gained largely in membership, the re- ports of societies show that the past six tickets for a quarter and 25 tick- ets for a dollar, and there Is no rea- son why it should not work equally well in this city. It was adopted in Washington years ago. Tickets could be sold in the stores and it would greatly convenience the people over the present method of making change for every fare. It would bring trade to the stores and addi- tional traffic for the company. The company says It can't do it, but I year was one of the most active in the New Hartford, Jan. 25. The dou- ble funeral was held, today, of Wil- liam Hoffman and William Hotchklss. Hoffman gave his life in a vain at- tempt to rescue young Hotchkiss, who history or the parish anu that great things were accomplished in every de partment. The pastor, the Rev. Ger ald H. Beard gave an interesting re skated off the Ice into the open wa- iter 1 of the Farmington river, Mon- day. The ill-fat- ed rescuer was the CLEAN COAL GUARANTEED SCREENED BY A SPECIAL MACHINE QUALITY UNSURPASSED view of the work of the year. and upwards to Housekeepers on household goods, pianos, etc No embarrassing' re- ferences dr investigations. No publicity whatever. In- vestigate before borrowing elsewhere. HOUSEHOLD LOAN GO. 300 MEIGS BUILDING, Open Evenings, Phona 1384, know It can. In New England the system is in operation in Waterbury and in New Bedford. It ought to be adopted here." NORMAL GIRL WEDS vol support of a widowed mother and a subscription list was being raised, today, to pay the funeral ex- penses and to provide for the de- fenseless old lady. One-pie- ce frocks take precedence in new styles, and long coats are made to match when not used for walk ing. MRS. HUIiSE TOUR. Mllford Pupil Secretly Marries Insur AM -- "- I - - Mrs. Lelia Joel Hulse, a popular ance Clerk in New Haven. New Haven, Jan. 25. News has WHEELER & HOWES, HIT Ayes Hair Vigor is for men, too. F6r Bridgeport singer was one of the soloists at the concert of the Wed- nesday Afternoon Musical club this afternoon. On March 2nd she leaves for a five months tour with the Rus- sian Symphony orchestra, opening 1 VA STL ffc 15 a splendid hair-dressin- g. It East End Congress Street Bridge 944 Main Street I n been received here of the marriage of Miss May Shanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John "Shanley of Bridge- port avenue, Milford, a pupil at the State Normal school here, and Fred ' rths scalp dean and healthy. It never changes the color with them at Carnegie hall on Feb. 16 th. Mrs. Hulse 8 singing has been erick N. Clark, who Is connected with the local office of the Pennsylvania ci Z2 czay noti n tne least. Ask your doctor. highly praised by some of America's foremost critic WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WOBq; Mutual lilt Insurance company, yiiej

Transcript of LP A DTVTTP-- JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES For ft · 2017. 12. 12. · II4 LP Tt A "DTVTTP--D. TA XTTT A...


II4 LP Tt A "DTVTTP-- D . T A XTTT A "DTT OK v IMIi 5 1 -





Introduced in the Senate Today by Senator

Preserves the b'ooks, free ,G

from dust and dirt. Can beadded to one section at a ,'.V


time as the library increases. U

Made in a variety of woodsand finishes.

Hearing tho End of Our Bi JanuaryReductions on Clolhing

Our big sales end --with January If yon wantsome of the best clothing bargains you ever saw,come now. Here are the clothes Suits and Over-coats the like of which never came to town stylesthat have brought the most astounding business inour history yet they are reduced because we mustsell each season's styles in season. It's a great op-

portunity for careful buyers and hundreds of themare taking advantage of it. Why don't you?

M'Neil of This City Let us show you the many ;

exclusive features of Gunn ,

Cases that distinguish them 1candidates for said office voted forat said general election, the three reft

. J&a rtsbta i erTcfl toy Meigs & CI

ceiving the highest number of votes from all others.snail be the county commissioners ineach county for the ensuing twoyears. No political party shall nom i , ...ST- -

OVERCOATS Including all this seasonfe most admired style inate more than two candidates forthe office of county commissioner in

(Special to the Farmer.)Hartford, Jan. 25.- - The following

resolution providing for the electionof County commissioners by a direc.vote of the people was introduced to-

day in the Senate by Senator McNeil."There shall be three county com-

missioners In each county who shallhold office for two years from ' thefirst Monday of January next suc-ceeding their election and who shallbe chosen at the general, election heldfor the election of state officers onthe first Monday of November, 1911and lly thereafter. Of the

eacn county. N. Buckingham & Co. Inc.- "Section 1743 of the revised stat-utes of 1903 is hereby repealed andso much of chapter 128 of the public Established 1842 177 STATE STREET

BAY STATE RANGESacts or 1907 as is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed.

fancy weaves with convertible collars dressy black and Oxford Ches-terfields. Reduced to $9.50, $14.50, $10.50,. $21.50 and $29.50.

FANCY- - SUITS in all the stylish colors ami models broken Hnesto be sure, but you'l find all the season's favorites represented in agreat showing- - of grays, browns, tans, blues and mixtures at $9.50,$14.50, $19.50 and $24.50.

.- o. Youths' Suits and Overcoats Boys' Suits and Overcoats Shirts

Hose Neckwear Shoes big reductions in every department. .

The resolution was referred to thecommittee . on Judiciary.


(Special from United Press.)20 REDUCTION



HOSIERY SALE Washington, Jan. 25. The CensusBureau, today, issued a cotton ann.ply and distribution report for the

yt t

marriage ocourred on Wednesday.November 24, but was kept a secretuntil yesterday.



'The largest and Jolliest gathering

that has ever attended any of the an-nual masquerades of the Schwaebsch-e- r

Maennerchor thronged Eagles' halllast - evening in such numbers thatfor a time it was with difficulty thatdancing could be held. y

Two spectacular features opened th'eball. The nrst was a tableau "ThePeace Conference" with figures repre-presentl- ng

Uncle Sam and the othergreat powers, the familiar gaunt fig

iour months period ended Dec. 31,1910, showing 1:832.520 bales. mad'J up of: 11,040,040 bales in stock at

and the SOUTHLANDTwo Luxurious Trains

FEDERAL EXPRESS-GOLOtll- AL EXPRESSThrough service. You pass through New York

without having to change cars. To ladies travelingalone this a great advantage. '

These trains are splendidly equipped vestibuledbuffet parlor cars and dining car in either direction.FEDERAL EXPRESS COLONIAL EXPRESS

Degmning or the period; 10,731,504bals ginned and 60,976 bales im-ported. The distribution Is: Exports,,,9v uiues; consumption, 1,576,442 bales, stocks at close of Decernber, 5.582,138 bales.


SAM BERNARDSegregation of stocks held at closeof December is: Manufacturers,Independent warehouses. 3.- -



Fifteen New Members Mark theFirst Day of Work Ladies'

Night a Success

ure of the patron of the United States vu.xv, wsewuere, x,X9S,46 Dales.To turn the hems of table linenreading an agreement to the otherPOLTS. eaauy ana accurately, remove the

Dally, Sundays IncludedThrough sleeping cars be-

tween Bridgeport and Philadel-phia and Washington. DaeWashington at 9:45 a. in.Prompt connection for allSouthern Resorts. "

,Dally, except SundaysDue Washington 8:05 p. m.

Dining car between New Ixm-do- nand Harlem River. Through

sleeping car connection atWashington for principal South-ern Resorts.

nations. Then followed a march ofnations with George Kacerovesky,togged as -- Admiral Dewey, directing iieeaie rrom your sewing machine.adjust ine nemmer to the desiredthe intricate maneuvers. Dancing followed until well Into the morning.

Famous Comedian to BeHere Next Monday NightIn His Greatest MusicalComedy "He Came IVomMilwaukee."

lengin, ana pass the goods through.They are then ready for hemming byhand. This saves a great ideal oftime and gives a straight, even hem.Most snectacular of the costumes New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad

i Inasmuch as about every one whoI has aea this week's bill at Poll'spositively saya that it la the best billthey have ever "seen one must, inwriting, take that statement for a

I unanimous one and in truth it would! be hard to improve on the bill from'the standpoint of entertainment.

were those worn In the march of


nations. While the unmasking wasscheduled to take place at 10:30 manyof the dancers preferred to remainen masque through the entire ball.Those who figured in the peace con-ference were "Uncle Sam." Frank

DYSPEPSIA-PROO- FJust aa it nas oeen saia in orainary--walks of life that some men "are

Schmidt:-"Joh- Bull." Louis Hilzing- r - lerr tn emneror or uermany, jacuo

born treat, some achieve greatnessand some have greatness thrusj up-

on them" so It comes that an act onthe bill this week not especially fea-tured In advance because of its new-ness walks away with all applausehnAn anil thn H-- is that Of WeS- -

Baisch: president or France, ueorga

The first day pf the campaign for300 new members at the T. M. C. A.closed with an enrollment of 15 newmen and boys. Monday night's turn-out was , pronounced by everyone themost wonderful revelation of loyaltythat the association has ever had, andthe enthusiasm started thatnlght bidsfair to carry the contest through tothe end with success assured.

Ladies' night at the Y. M. C. A. lastnight was successful to a marked de-gree. So great was the audience thatmany had to be seated on the gymna-sium floor after completely filling therunning track. Great credit for thequick, precise work is due to the lead-ers' corps. The exhibition consistedof dumb-be- ll drill, dance schottische,apparatus stiuad work, potato race,Indian .dub drill, torch swinging, horsework, parallel bar' work, basketball bya picked team, and the business-me-closed the evening with; their hobby,volley baM.

How" Any Meal Can Bo ThoroughlyEnjoyed By Any Stomach

Costs You : Nothing to Try Stuart'sDyspepsia Tablets

Men' as a rule, are first discovered

Feyrer; Czar of Russia William Ban- -tie. ' Magnolia HOTELSPRINGSIn the international march were

ton. Fields and Carroll, Just "Three

Local theatregoers are to see areal live Broadway musical produc-tion which comes to this city directfrom a six months' run on the GayWhite Way. The attraction in ques-tion is Sam Bernard and his . NewYork Casino company In the JollyJuveniating musical comedy, "He CameFrom Milwaukee," which the Messrs.Shubert will send to the Park . thea-tre next Monday for the annual en-tertainment of Bridgeport Lodge ofElks.

"He Came7 From Milwaukee,"which has been running at the Ca-sino ever since last September, is? ablend of catchy tunes, uproarious

United States. William Haug and MissCarrie Wal, Ernest Scholz and Miss MAGNOLIA SPRINGS, FLORIDA

oy tneir enemlea Their antagoniststurn on the searchlight, and the proofof merit will lie in being able to stand

Boys and a Piano. Katner ordinarytitle aa titles go but you can just laya. wacer that In less than a quarterof an hour, these boys put over sixsongs In a " manner that rouses thehouse to . the highest pitch of en-

thusiasm and appreciation. Each is

luu iiasn.It was only In thl wav tii mv

Hilda Scholz; Germany, Paul Scholzand Miss Louisa Haug; George Grayand Miss Anna Walz; England, JosephZwirlejn and Miss Anna Scholz, JohnDapp "and Miss Emma Kich; France,Adam Schemp, , Jr., and Miss Louise

White ever knew that dyspepsia wasone of Mr. Black'sSitting face to face at a two-by-fo- urSchwarz and John Schick and MissEmma Schwarz: Russia. Rudolf id.me. ne nanaed his afflicted friend




Open Jan. to April. Rate $21 to $28 week, without bam, O. D. SEAVEY '

" v.

Wentt and Miss Anna Schick and me diu or rare:uyster cocktail Stuffed OlivesFred Haug- - and Miss Bertha Schwarz.

a splendid singer,- - me mosx youiaiuiof thenv Carroll. Is sure some pianoplayer and each of the three is bless-ed with . abundant personality as wellas superb singing-- voice. Just dropIn and hear Fields sing-- a pretty lit-tle ballad, hear . Eddie Weston sing"I'm an Honorary Member of thePatsy Club." hear Carroll sing "LoveyTurn. r,rA than Vl 0 T-- tVlA trio Rill ST

The United States representatives .Boston Clam ChowderStrained Gumbo

Sirloin Steak with MushroomsRoast Beef Hash

wore the well known kahkl uniforms,while the others wore the flashy mili

laughter, graceful dances, handsomegirls in gorgeous clothes, with somerare and beautiful color schemes dis-played on the graceful figures of thefar-fam- ed Casino Chorus girls claim-ed to be the most beautiful on theAmerican stage. Pictorially, "HCame From Milwaukee" is one of theprettiest pieces ever seen at the Ca-sino, and the most elaborate ever at-tempted bjr-t- h Messrs. ' Shubert. Theproduction has been admirably - stag-ed by , Sydney Ellison who - was

tary uniforms of the European armies




Boiled Ox Tongue with SauerkrautS "The Fellow with the Cello Rag," SUMMER, RESORT: HOTEXi "AMPIN VVALXi, XENOX, MASS.

represented.The ball was arranged by the fol

lowinje committees:Lobster a la Newburg

Baked Pork and BeansCombination Crab Salad

That Fussy Kar ana rne xiaaisna.Rag" and you will come to the con-clusion that you hive heard, singingbefore but none so good as these

ViPAjk hnv nut across. The head- - VHot Mince PiePineapple FrittersMr.White ordered a "Httle nt paoh

Committee of Arrangementsr Christ.Schick, president; John Ruoss, secre-tary; Matt Schwarz,- - treasurer; FredScholz, Henry Wlehm, Herman Kauf-man, Charles Ruoss, Jos. Kausler,

brought to this country from theGaiety Theatre, London, to i especially. linm mtt u that weird and mvsteriouS Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered crackersand a glass of milk. "I had such a"put- - on" this production. The music is by Ben M. Jerome. Melville El Fred Boehrich.

Floor committee: George Kackeras

New Haven. Jan. 25 With MayorEdward T. Buckingham - of Bridge-port.- who was the strongest candidate'ag&inst Governor Simeon E. Baldwinfbr i the Democratic Gubernatorialhemination in the last campaign,Mayor Frank J. Rice and a number

lis and Louis A. Hirsch, and is said Dig breakfast this morning," he said,"that I'll Just take a bite to keep youcompany." But Mr. White could not

ky. manager, Frank Schmid, Jacobto be as bright and refreshing 'asrushing stream by the dusty roadside)and fairly bubbles over with original

Balsch, Wm. Haug, Ed. Scholz, PaulScholz, George Gray, '.Jos. Zwirlein,John Schick. Rudolf Wentt. Fred

And Berkshire Mill Col The Coalmen

. "Amen," being Interpreted, means "So be it." : So when a customer askedto have more Coal sent down just like the last, the answer' was, r'Amen!"


be deceived "I am afraid you can'tstand the gleam. Mr. Black. Whyof High officials of the order present.themes and haunting melodies. The

book is by. Mark Swan and Edgar the annual banquet of the Ansanta Haug, WllUafh Ban tie, Sr.. L. Hilzln-ge- r,

Miss Carrie Walz, Miss HildaScholz, Miss Louisa Haug, Miss Anna

uun t you say you nave dyspepsia andbe done with it? You'l' always havethat .hungry look anyhow as long as

I conception . by a Hindoo gentlemannamed Onaip. "When a man , can

x come out on the stage of a theatre,hypnotize an assistant command him

J to play and while he is playing the: piano cause both man and piano tof revolve at a dangerous speed in ai mysterious way you begin to feel aI bit creepy and think that- - perhapsI there is something supernatural inthe world after alL Don't get theIdea that it is mechanical force be--Icause to dispel that thought from

a your mind the curtain is lifted im- -mediately the trick is over and all

I you see Is the bare ' stage and theI back wall of the theatre. You mayI think you know how it is done andt Trhan vnn do. If vou do write out

smith and the lyrics by Edward Madden, a sextette of co-auth- ors as clever as any in America to-da- y. you nave dyspepsia. .Now listen. MyWalz, Miss Anna Scholz. Miss Emma

siomacn was in mst as bad conditionKich. Miss Louisa Schwarz, Miss EmThe piece might be called "Acomedy with a purpose," the ma Schwarz, Miss Anna Schick, Miss

wae Tribe. No. 24, of the Red Menthis evening, at the Tontine Hotelshould be a notable event. An effortwas made to have former PresidentTheodore Roosevelt attend and speak,but several days ago the committeereceived a note Informing them thatthe Colonel could not be present- - Thecommittee in charge believe that to-night's dinner will be the best yet held

as yours at one time. But now I caneat anything," at any time. For instance, this clam chowder or sirloin

Bertha Schwarz.purpose being to afford vigor, laugh'ter, beauty and song.

Mr. Bernard's role is that of Her1mm goalOfficers of the - society: Charles

Schwarz, president; H. vKohlmansper- -imriDSCREENED

steak or even the lobster would beman Von Schnellenvein,' a brewer of just as welcome to my stomach asger. recorder: Fred Roehrich. treasurMilwaukee, who while traveling by , the local lodge. er; Christ. Schick, vice-preside- nt; JohnRuoss, financial secretary; Georgeabroad meets the Duke of Zurach

your crackers and milk. You . don'trealize how this dyspepsia business isrobbing you of your spirit, of your THE NAUGATUCK VALLEY ICE CO.One of the features of the dinnerThe Duke, in order to further his Reichet, collector.will be the menu cards which have energy and ability to think quickly. Icause with a young American heir-

ess, persuades the brewer to pose as Telephonebeen hand painted by M. J. Reynolds, Downtown Office: - Uptown Office:421 HOUSATONIC AVENUEBIG DOUBLE FILL. can t neip notice it. You haven't the

your solution and send it to the man-agement. The one nearest right willreceive four box seats for next week'sperformance. The special feature ofthe bill is that dainty and artistic

intHntp and daneins act presented bv

one of the members of the lodge. On 154 FAIRFIELD AVENUEthe Duke, and it Is this exchange of cheer and sociability you had threeidentities which causes so much of the cards for the Invited guests ap-propriate drawings have been made . At the Park City Rink commenc months ago. Now I'll tell you whatthe fun. ing Monday, "Jan. 20th und all week to do," and thereat the cheerful Mr.There are two acts, the first beingthe De Haven , Sextette with Sydney

t m TTf TV Miss Jessie Darling and Frof. H.. A, White took a vial from his pocketat a hotel in Ostend and the secondOn Mayor Rice's card " there will bea picture of the Mayor shaking: handswith an Indian. Mayor Bucking-ham's card will have on it a pictureat the Royal Palace in Zurach. Simmons have been engaged at a

great expense by the management to and extracted a wee table. "There,there is a tablet that contains an inThe cast for this engagement will

be identically the same as that seen rive exhibition in trick and tancy gredient, one grain of which digestsof the city of Bridgeport with its skating every evening, changing thoirseaL ' 3,000 grains or rood. For even theat the Casino and will include: Grace performance each night.- - MIfs Darl worst dyspeptic it's the only thing

ciioson .leaiurea. Airs. George w. j--e

Haven produces It in vaudeville andshe is without an equal as a mistressof stage craft, a designer of hand- -some gowns and a chooser of girls

i who are not alone pretty but whocan ring and dance. The De HavenSextette Is a credit to vaudeville. Nat

: Haines and Will Vidocq, the former; the best black face conversationalistin ulinm hnslms.q and th latter with- -

Leigh, Winona Winter, Adele Row The banquet hall In the Tontinewill be suitably decorated along . acolor scheme appropriate for the Red

that really gives relief. The reasonIs it rlieves the stomach of nearly all

land, Alice Gordon, Louis Harrison,George Anderson, Martin Brown,Henry Norman, Charles Burrows and

ing is known al lover the country as"America's Finest." What the TexasSun says about Miss Darling: MisDarling performed with scarcelyMen. the work It has to do, digests every

It is believed that there will be thing in the stomach and stimulatesthe gastric Juice. I can't get alongmore effort than a bird in the aothers of equal prominence. Mr. Ben

M. Jerome, one of the composers, will and the, various feats performed by without them. They are Stuart's; out an equal a? a straight man con- - direct "the orchestra. The sale ofabout 250 present. The committee incharge consists of G. E. Stone. C. D.Westley, E. L. Leonard. Frank Mc-Gove- rn.

William E. Smith. George E.the charming young entertainer are Dyspepsia Tablets. You can get them? vusse the auaience ana L.yncn ana seats opens- - Friday at 9 a. m. so phenomenal as to strengthen her anywhere on earth for 5.0 c a pack

Stone. Past Sagamore will act as' of Juggling, and passing Indian clubs PARK THEATRE. age.toastmaster. Yes, It Is true, Stuart's Dyspepsia- working at top speed ail the while.

( TVi n Three Tin T' 1 1 .Plrnthprs hv n vThe speakers and their subjects will Tablets absolutely stop heartburn.The opening attraction under thenew management at the Park Theatre be aa follows:g straight - singing and dancing act nausea, indigestion, dyspepsia of theHon. Frank J. Rice. Mayor of New worst type, sour stomach, bloaty feelSaturday matinee and evening will beCyril Scott in "The Lottery Man."Many situations have been resorted

ing and all eructations and Irritations,wnicn aeveiops s.me great steps ana

I Wri?ht . Huntington and companyi present The Stolen Kiss." a comedyplaylette which must be classed as

Haven. "The City"; Hon. E. T. Buck-ingham. Mayor of Bridgeport. TheState": Howard Hopkins. "Redman- - and freshen and invigorate the stom

to in plays to prevent the happy cul-mination of a marriage vow. In "The ship In Connecticut": William Saun ach. They cheer you up. and make

you get all the good there is in yourfood. You will forget you ever hada stomach to worry you.

Lottery Man," Rida Johnson Toung a GKIGOSffl & CO.,ders. "Orphans' Benefit Association";O. S. Culver. "Ansantawae Tribe."

the Dest in tnis line tnis season. At roost Interesting series of views are: shown by the picture machine andeveryone can enjoy the bill and get

I home early. Send us your name and address to

Established 1847

- Main Office262 . '

Stratford Avenua

day and we will at once send you bymail a sample package, free. Address A'COALBranch Office

972Main Street

F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Blag.,Marshall, Mich.! ANIMAL MEETING TOMORROW


RED MEN TO VISIT BRIDGEPORT.Hammonassett Tribe. Improved Or-

der of Red Men. trail to BridgeportThursday evening, at which time theywill, present the, traveling tepee toWowompom Tribe of this city. AtHammonassett's meeting last night alarge number of members signifiedtheir Intention of making the trip andevery member of the tribe is urgedto attend. All members of Ansanta-wae and' Ninigret tribes who care toaccompany Hammonassett are verywelcome. " Those going will meet at

claim to the title of America's cham-pion lady fancy roller skater.

'Prof. H. A. Simmons, who will per-form with Miss Darling at the ParkCity Rink next week is consideredthe greatest male trick and fancyskater in the world. Prof. Simmonsis a whole skatorial troop combinedin one man. Every night this weekbig six day race.

Leigh on Trolley TicketsNew Haven, Jan. 25. At the board

of aldermen meeting this week oneof the important matters taken upwill be the proposed endorsement of theboard of a plan whereby the publicmay. be able to purchase six trolleycar tickets for 25 cents. The mat-ter comes up on a petition of WalterLeigh. It is desired that the alder-men should Instruct the New Havenrepresentatives in the General Assem-bly to favor a bill, as outlined above.

Walter Leigh, the author of the pe-tition, said to-d- ay he believed theboard would approve of the resolu-tion unanimously.

"Why, If we could purchase trol-ley tickets in batches of six for 25cents it would help the city and helpthe trolley company," said Mr. Leighto The Union to-da- y.

"The company would secure an in-crease In business sufficient to reim-burse them for the change," he con-tinued." A similar plan Is In vogue in thesouth and the middle west of selling

Try Sprague's Extra 1

the station at 7:45. ICECOALWOOD


Elections of officers and commit-tees, reports for the past year, andtwo Interesting addresses are amongthe events scheduled for the annualmeeting of the Bridgeport Eoard ofTrade, which takes place at theboard's rooms In the Newf ield build-ing, on Thursday evening. Jan. 26.

The speakers of the evening will beCharles D. Hine. secretary of the StateBoard of . Education, who will give atalk on the subject of "Trade Train-ing", and S. E. Vincent of this city,who will report to the board concern-ing bis attendance at the Tariff Com-mission convention at Washington, atwhich gathering he represented thelocal Board of Trade.

Sprague Ice &CoalCo.

has hit upon an entirely new plan.The hero is Jack Wright, a news-

paper reporter. He is and un-loved, save for the devotion of hismother. , He plans to make moneyfor both himself and his-- paper byconducting a lottery with himself asthe prize. Coupons, printed in the pa-per are sold for a dollar each. Mostof them are bought by old maids.Wright promises to give himself upto a loveless marriage to the womanwho gets the lucky number. Mean-time he falls In love with a charm-ing young girl. , - ..

Imagine his predicament. As heex-plai- ns

the first-wom- an he meets onthe street has alight to claim him asher husband. As a matter of fact fateis so unkind to him and his sweet-heart that the winning number, fallsinto the hands of an old maid, a mostunattractive person who gloats overher victory. It develops, however thatthe spinster has stolen the ticket andwith the threat .of prison she dis-gorges. :

"The Lottery Man" was first pro-duced in New York last fall and hasthe distinction of having remainedthere at one theatre for practicallythe entire season. The Messrs. Shu-bert are now sending it orr tour withthe same company wh!ch Is headed byCyril Scott, star of the production.Others in the cast include Helen Low-ell, the original Miss Hazy in "Mrs.Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" JanetBeecher, Ethel Winthrop, Louise Gal-loway, Robert MacKay, Mary LeslieMayo and others. .


About 375 parishioners of the ParkStreet Congregational church sat downto an enjoyable supper in the parish

East End East Wnhtnjr?on Are. BrtdsTelephone 119. . 110room last night and afterward heard titthe annual reports of the various

church departments and societies. t' Torrrtr.E funerali of boy Albert E. Lavery was toastmaster

) ' AND ILL-FAT-ED RESCUER oluTelyat the banquet and made a very wit-ty presiding officer. The businessmeeting proved to be a most encour ABSIN NEW HARTFORD TODAY. jaging one. While the church has notgained largely in membership, the re-ports of societies show that the past

six tickets for a quarter and 25 tick-ets for a dollar, and there Is no rea-son why it should not work equallywell in this city. It was adoptedin Washington years ago. Ticketscould be sold in the stores and itwould greatly convenience the peopleover the present method of makingchange for every fare. It wouldbring trade to the stores and addi-tional traffic for the company. Thecompany says It can't do it, but I

year was one of the most active in theNew Hartford, Jan. 25. The dou-

ble funeral was held, today, of Wil-liam Hoffman and William Hotchklss.Hoffman gave his life in a vain at-tempt to rescue young Hotchkiss, who

history or the parish anu that greatthings were accomplished in every department. The pastor, the Rev. Gerald H. Beard gave an interesting re

skated off the Ice into the open wa-iter1 of the Farmington river, Mon-day. The ill-fat- ed rescuer was the


QUALITY UNSURPASSEDview of the work of the year.

and upwardsto Housekeeperson household goods, pianos,etc No embarrassing' re-

ferences dr investigations.No publicity whatever. In-

vestigate before borrowingelsewhere.


300 MEIGS BUILDING,Open Evenings,

Phona 1384,

know It can. In New England thesystem is in operation in Waterburyand in New Bedford. It ought to beadopted here."

NORMAL GIRL WEDSvol support of a widowed motherand a subscription list was beingraised, today, to pay the funeral ex-penses and to provide for the de-fenseless old lady.

One-pie- ce frocks take precedence innew styles, and long coats are madeto match when not used for walking. MRS. HUIiSE TOUR.Mllford Pupil Secretly Marries Insur AM-- "- I - - Mrs. Lelia Joel Hulse, a popularance Clerk in New Haven.

New Haven, Jan. 25. News has WHEELER & HOWES,HIT Ayes Hair Vigor is for men, too.F6r Bridgeport singer was one of thesoloists at the concert of the Wed-nesday Afternoon Musical club thisafternoon. On March 2nd she leavesfor a five months tour with the Rus-sian Symphony orchestra, opening

1 VA STL ffc 15 a splendid hair-dressin- g. It East End Congress Street Bridge944 Main StreetI n

been received here of the marriageof Miss May Shanley, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. John "Shanley of Bridge-port avenue, Milford, a pupil at theState Normal school here, and Fred


rths scalp dean and healthy. It never changes the color with them at Carnegie hall on Feb.16 th. Mrs. Hulse 8 singing has beenerick N. Clark, who Is connected with

the local office of the Pennsylvaniaci Z2 czay noti n tne least. Ask your doctor. highly praised by some of America'sforemost critic WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WOBq;Mutual lilt Insurance company, yiiej