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  • 9/20/2014


    Sociology 3 The Social Teachings of

    the Church

    Anatoly Angelo R. Aseneta, M.A. cand.

    Instructor, Institute of Religion

    The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo



    SOCIOLOGY 3 The Social Teachings of the Church


    DeBerri and Hug, et. al. Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2003.

    Genilo, S.J., Eric Marcelo. Catholic Social Teachings Class Notes. Loyola School of Theology, 2013.

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Vatican II, 1965

  • 9/20/2014


    5.Gaudium et Spes Context

    Difference from previous social encyclicals: covers a wide range of issues that deal with the relationship of the Church with the world and with all aspects of human life

    Feeling of openness


    Spoke in humble and sincere terms to all peoples

    Systematic and ethical framework for dealing with world problems

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    Structure/Major Themes

    1.Part I: Christian Anthropology: human dignity, authentic freedom, conscience

    2.Part II: Marriage and the family, development of culture, socio-economic life, political life, peace and international cooperation

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    1. What does it mean to say that the Church has the duty of reading the

    signs of the times?

    5.Gaudium et Spes

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    Shifts in CST Methodology

    1.Employs an inductive approach which is historically-conscious

    2.Decreased reliance on natural law

    3.Increased reliance on the Bible and tools of social sciences

    4.Christological emphasis


    5.Gaudium et Spes The Church admits that it does not

    have an answer to every question but still seeks to guide humanity. (#33)

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    It recognizes the independence of earthly affairs but affirms the dependence of all things on God (#36)

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    The Church

    admits it is simul justa et peccatrix (#44)

    5.Gaudium et Spes

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    The Church

    should learn from the progress of science and richness of cultures (#44)

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    2. What does it mean when GS says that the primary mission of the

    Church is a religious one?

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    Christ did not give the Church a political, social, or economic

    mission but primarily a religious one (#42)

    5.Gaudium et Spes But the religious mission to serve the

    human person can be a source of

    commitment to help humanity

    5.Gaudium et Spes

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    Direct mission: religious and spiritual

    Indirect mission: mission to society (politics, economics, etc.)

    5.Gaudium et Spes The Church engages the world to

    help humanity and not to gain power. It cooperates and sometimes challenges the world for the good of the human person

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    The actions of the Church are focused on humanity but are always toward a union with God

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    The Church has the right to pass moral judgment, even on matters touching the political order, whenever basic rights or the salvation of souls make it necessary


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    Church is not committed to any particular socio-economic or political system (#42)

    5.Gaudium et Spes The Church

    cooperates with these systems insofar as it is

    compatible with its mission of serving humanity and bringing them closer to God

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    Secular duties belong to the laity; the clergy does not have all the answers to every problem (#43)

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    3. What does GS say about population and birth control?

    5.Gaudium et Spes

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    Marriage and Family (#48-50)

    On Reproduction and Birth Control: on planning their

    family, parents must be the ones to make the final decision

    5.Gaudium et Spes But the parents decision

    should be governed by a formed conscience guided by Divine Law and Church teachings.

    They must not use methods that go against human dignity and are found blameworthy by the Church

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    Conceptual shifts on marriage and family

    1. Marriage = conjugal covenant, contract

    2. Language of primary and secondary ends of marriage are avoided

    3. More positive treatment of sexual intercourse

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    4. What does the Church teach about labor unions and strikes in GS?

    5.Gaudium et Spes

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    Labor Unions

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    Labor Strikes

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    4. What does GS teach about nuclear war?

    5.Gaudium et Spes Peace and the International Community (#78-88)

    Peace absence of war

    Peace maintenance of balance of power between enemies

    Peace dictatorship

    5.Gaudium et Spes

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    Peace = harmony built into human society by God and actualized by persons who long for it

    5.Gaudium et Spes 5.GAUDIUM ET SPES

    Peace = continually built-up

    Peace = respecting other people and their dignity and practice of solidarity

    Peace = fruit of Love

    Non-Violence and Conscientious Objection are legitimate options

    5.Gaudium et Spes

    Participation in the armed forces is allowed but not blind obedience to orders.

    5.Gaudium et Spes

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    Any act of war aimed at the destruction of cities/extensive areas along with their population is a crime against God and deserves condemnation


    Nuclear Deterrence and Arms Race is not the way to peace and development

    Everybody has the responsibility for disarmament

    5.Gaudium et Spes