Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hz39w/data/0139.pdf ·...

LO' lV;U.t; JOURNAL! &TS-- . ."in nor' (Inri ) iliirn fp-ri- a deMrue'i- j h til sio-- that viei.efl :h-t- place b days ag ar3 p.nt ts fury over a piece of cour.trv Mut tb rte tnilsa in length and one in breadth In ullieB and at the foot of hiUn the; liail fill to ih depth tf two or three feet. Grain of all kinds and rasa were entirely cut to pieces. From tlie Dublin Irishman, May 18 1 Tiik (Ir.i'.AT Kkpi'bmc in an Irish Point of Vii-.- sacred and peculiar bind in bonds of indissoluble friei.d hip, I he republic wf the West. An Iri--- l'arliiuiient chared the early stniiieles of the colonics; and tl at monument upn H mad way to the memory of the Irish Montgomery testifies that not firan urgriteful people did Irih blocd In h wir t f independence llow. In America million? of ihe purse uted Irih race have und a home, weil-h- . Ittrv, and honor; and if it be most true i b it lrMi I.ibor has contributed greatly to the erandisement of the republic, it is also most true that ,wiih no nijreard hind, hu that lalor bten rewarded. The oVfeatcd champions of many a K tropin struggle even oar own refu-ge- actors in the m at misers le attempt that the unnil of revolu'i'n record have ben re- wired in New York and other capital cities who the honors due nr,lv to corquerors ar.d heroes. Wh-- our country lay writhing in the agonies of famine, and when the Government which had produced that calamity refused to disarm it idle war ships in order to carry food to our perishing people, the American Government rushed to the rescue, and in sending the Macedonia frigate to tlork hartMtr deponed not merely to administer reli-- f to England 'a victim, hut to administer a wirninn to Knglai d herself. Ireland has not forgot ten these events; nor does the feel ieK warmly towards America y than she did lit' en year ago, when the people of Dublin, under the Presidency of the venerable Kichard U't'orman, rendered homage to the American Government, in the person of Capt. Clark, of the Victor. What Irish heart was there that did no' then thrill with emotion on beholding the stars aid stripes of the United States flying from the niathead of manv a gallant hip in the harbors and rivers of Ireland? And whit Irish heart is there can now contemplate unmoved the specta- cle of 'hit glorious L'Dion dismembered, and those star and stripes become general again exceiit in Inland, where it is preventtd by l,i srbsh law? We have alluded to foreign ictluence we wish to be precise Before Europe and America, and deliberated we lay the tremendous critno at the r of England. The South is but her gent in the buines. British intrigue, baik-- l bv British K'dd. has accompU-b- d that wh-c- Biui-- h arms could not effect in 1812: de- stroyed at one blow the American navy, crushed a rival manufacturing power, and regained fur herself her olden maritime supremacy. Yea, we mv it emphatically, the diprup'ion of the Ameri can Union (supposing it to be erfdcttd, which may God avert.) gives England a new 1 ase of power, throws into her hands the carrying trade of the w orld, leaves her wirhout a rival in every colonial market, gives her the ommand of California and its gulden treasures (for the country that has the iron will obtain the gohV), opens to her enterprise every highway of the Suw World, and humble to tlie du.t the only power on earth that for half a century has had the courage to stand up and singly to cm front her. The disruption of the Awrcan Union is worth more to England than twenty Waterloo. Well does the old hypocrite know thi-- ; and long therefore, and eirne-tl- y has ehi la rd iffett :ho ruin over which b now j . She bgan bv sending in'o the Northern States to excite the popular mind there on the su' j ct of tUvf-ry- wiih the view of ?xjsp'-ra'i;;- ih- - South. Having succeeded to a cei rain ex nt in th it. ahe next g8 to the South and makert an offer of free trde. "Throw open, " che. sa.d, your ports to Bii'ih manufac- turer, and we will take in exchange vour cotton, and import the same direct in B i ish bottoms." ihe Suu'h is caught by the biir, atid seeing not the fa'e which inevitably awars her, ah'U.d the t dious conspiracy eucc-c- a British pr dectorate i hrowg off hT alleiriance, and makws war tirxtn the Government. What now does Enirland do? But a short while ago and hsr horror of slavery was enly eqnJied by her haired of Popery sb new openly espvu-a- s the side of slavery, ar.d in.ik-- the Southern caue her own. Air. W. H Gregi.ry, M P. (we rofer to him in bis j'Unlic Ciip;ici y solely). U a gan;Kma'i of i d adrr 6.j, much clevern-..- , respedable con-- i cc i 'U. rio propei t v, ind le s principle. S me time 8o hn made tour through the Southern ?i:ite.s. We ( not say tha:e wis Sent i h ta, bii: ie 'A '!!, anJ iiio I'n'i.ce of Wnln hi.rt K "; ivirfb;. I'ha PaIo:er i( Ma.; h.oi ".'iii' b'd w!'?n .'K, Grjury g:ii: U w f it' t o- i the Uoii-- ot' - n,mo - I!,- - '", j rc . o i h- - pirt of t: e E'lli h G v(-- r ti ( . ti rne . ut lersi t cy. A; ;!i r qti i ' liiH Iii' .'0 n he ru 'iou wjh i'.- ), r ; li. g aj y? iipi. fort Sump et is t k,i, and Mr Gregory . be St Cretan for Eorei. n Affairs if tr.e ure preriartd to rwog'iize :he S. utLern Confeder- acy. Tno answer, though evasive, is favo.utde. Delegates trom tho Southern Con:leracy arrive ii L)i:do;i, ai d they &re presented to Lord John Kus-el- l by Mr. Gregory. The interview is moft satisfactory, for Lord John Russoll goes to the House and announces, in the face of Europe, that England is prepared to regard the South as a beliigorent Power, and acknowledge her right to isue letters of marque. The murder is out at lst. An alliance, based upon free trade, exists between England and the Southern Confederacy; the Suth iti fighting England's battle, and the of the South would be the iriumph of England. Pii-i- Hayti Spanish Demonstration' at The news from lUyti, brought by the brig Echo, which lefc on the 27ih ult., is important. Several large Spinhdi war frigates had arrived before that place, atid threatenfid to bombard it. All the vessels in the harbor were notified to leave. The cause of this demonstration was the act of President Gettrard in taking possession of the town of Hincha, mentioned in the Commercial of Tuesday. The Spanish commodore demanded its evacuation, which was refnaed by GerYrard, until he should hear from Franca and Eugland. The number of Ilytien soldiers in that place was two thousand. The Haytien journal expected much from their Mlliee on the other side of the Atlantic. Not a few pennons begin to fear that LouU Napoleon may see fit to make an efiVt to recover the Wes- tern part of the itlind to France, as Spain has recovered of Dominica. At the moment when iiayii is thus threatened with invasion, there has also been a revival of the unhappy disputes between tbe bbehs and the inu- la to population, the latter favoring a French protectorate as likelv to give them a greater pro-p- ion of the public offices. The blanks are loy- al. Trouble has also been experienced with the free people of color who migrated from this coun- try. It is charged thit they wire allowed only three d dlare per day Haytien currency, which is efjual to twenty-fiv- e cents of ours, wherewith to support their families. It mut be borne in mind, however, tht such a sum would go furtbe' in Hay i than here in pn curing the necessaries of lite. Hut the Rd-pat- h emigration scheme is considered dead for the present. It is also charged that the newly ar- rived emigrants were impressed into the array and placed in the front ranks on the frontier. The prostec 8 of maintaining Haytien independ- ence, except at a frightful sacrifice of life, are auiHciiDLly gloomy at the present moment. ITEMS. In New Orleans last week there were 10 deaths from yellow fover alone. The deaths in St. Louis, Mo., during the past week were eighty, of which twenty-nin- e were children under live years of age. J. Jdssoy & Co , bankers at Napierville, 111, have failed, all owiDg to the bad currency of that S'ate. Several hundred Norwegian emigrants pissed through Chicago on Tuesday, en route for Minne- sota, The ravage of the yellow fever are greatly feared this season in Nw Orleans, where it is ex- pected to rage dreadfully. The venerable Jcuiah Dow, father of Ne::l D.w, diuKn tre first instant. In Portland, M-- i , having reached the age of ne.-rl- ninety-liv- e years. In the Gurnev divorce case a d'ici ion of ab:o-lut- e cf rrarriago has been made. In Lansingburc, N. Y.. on Saturday, a man nam"d Huh D.d.m cut off the ear of a stranger and t.tbled him wi ha knife under the eve. C:unt Guroki, an expatriated nobleman, was, on Tuesday, dosigsattd to a confident il near Screury Seward. In Jamaica and o:hor of the i;Iands, in Guian, HoudnriB, Gautemala, Venezuela, and New Gren- ada, effort? are made, with more or less success, to ri-- e cotton. Fif:y more voluntee-- 9 from Southern I'linois have escaped ihe vigilarce of General Primiis at Ciro. IhL makes 300 that ha'. o escaped ar.d Jointd rhe S uthero army. J. D Pn'ley, ati IPinoi Senator, who was 'l ft;r treason, rntus-- d to take the oath of to the Chittd Sti'tes, and was put io k .ii 'h1 for:'tiica ions a; Gai-o- . I ',. fir.c-- l l'". .Siine y.o hI N-- op i h the Kre.n CiV'?:i.-- c;i e t. . ."l-.-- l !.iii-'!- i a iho r.;.il, A v. ' - in ' vi' North Aceic ;n K" iew. t ! e Am. c'-- ' nr. ibe Nw Yo. k tlff tl l a- i N'r':.'': i i ":f wted repu:u;i.it and ': h iij;h r.o precise '.aten'ent hjS Itati tod", we liiid iudic.va ns in the S.ui'hern ptcrs thit c very p riloii of the troops trnt were to cap- ture Fort Pickens have been sent to Virginia. While a uu r.hor of men were trying a gun at Macon, Ga., on Monduy, tho piece burst and killed three of the number and wouuded two others. Two drunken men lay down on a heap of straw on the track, near Edinburg Bridge, Va., on v, and were run over, instantly killed, and th.ir bodies dreadfully mangltd. It is stated that twelve of the friends of Jack- son, who was killed at Alexandria, Va., have b.iund the nSfdvee by oath lo slay one thousin 1 United States troops io avenge him. J L. Motley, one of the most celehrated his- -t irians of the age, has writ ion a splenoid letter to the London I inien, upholding the Government of the Uiiitod States in the present cri-i- It is sa:d to he an eta,"Hhed fact, that all sorts of brute anim Is attach themselves more readily to men thin women. We hardly know to which of tie sexes this preference is a ccmpliment. The first tri ii by jury ever allowed the citizens of Naplea took place in April lat. Everything was conducted with the greatest decorum, and the Judge's charge was eminently dignitied. An influential British journal is earnestly re- commending the substitution of tribunals of com- merce for the ordinary courts of justice, in conse- quence of th excessive fees now paid lawyers. The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser fays that liev. Pr. Pinckney was elected Bishop by the clergy, but that be was not acceptable to the I.lLv, and further election was pj6tponed. Predsnce. through the ground of misery, cufs river of pitience, where the mind swims in boats of tranquillity along the stream of life, until he - arrives at the haven of death. Heury Ward Beecber was presented, duriog Lib visit to Washington, with a huge ling and btaple, to which the negro now cooking for the MicbigaDders was found attached. The norlJ-fame- d h'ppopotaaius. which created sue j a furore in London at the ZjuiL-Ica- Gar-d- has boen cnughc to Montreal, and wiil b kI ibiied there next wetk 1 he Poll master General remarket!, in conver--a- 't 'ii raowniU, thru thcmailj would ba cirritd iegul.irly upii the haltunore and thio Uailnd ii H II e IfjhTm PROF. WOOD'S RESTORA z THE OEY AETICLE WORTHY UKIVEaSAL CONITDCTCEn AND THE ONLT ONE BAVtNtJ KO UK iSD EMOPEAKDEMAXD! IT IS El!?. WOOB'S See what a dbtiDguUhod St Louis Physi- cian 6&ys of it; Bt. Loins, Jnly 10, 10. O.J. Woon, Esq.: Dear 8in Allow me the plmmre and atiffHctiOQ to transmit to von the bf nticifU etlocte ot your Hair Knetorative, after a trial ot tive years. I cemmf iicti iiiiiiir your iUntorntive in Januaiy, 1S55, luce wliir-- time I have not bean without a bottle ou hftnd. WLho I coronieocfd tne uae, my hsiir wad jiiite thin, and at h'iwt irray. A tew applications ttoppt d it falling, and iti three weoka' time there waa ot a pray b&ir to be tound, oeither hat there been up to this time. After lay hir was completely restored, I continued its ue by applying two or thn-- timej per month. My hair baa ever continued soft, and elwy, and my cf perfectly frw from diudrutf. I do uot imtgine the fwtd above mentioned will ha of any particulnr advao- - tare to you. or even natter ycur vanity at Urn late day, j I am aware thry are all wi ll kuowu already, &Dd even morti woudrful one, throughout the L'uiou. I occupied ruy time in traveling tlie (rreater part of the time tlin r;it thre yo&ra, artd tiave t.ikeii pride and pVaeure in recomnioudiug your Restorative, anl exhib iting its euecT iu my own ciwe. lu several iiiTimcea i h;iVM met with people that have piououuwd it a hum- bug, saving thev hd used it and without effect. In ev ery inatauce, however, it proved, by probing the matter, that they had not used your article at all, but had used pouae uew article, oaid to be, aa good ax your, and selling at hair the pnen. I have noticed two or tliree ar tiller mvriflf, advertised fta above, which I hve no doubt ar.f huaibuit. It is th.ic people will patron Ize an article of no reputation, when there u one at hand that hw been proved b yond a Uouht. ApparenMy, some ot those ciiarlHtaiiri h.ive not braina enough to writ an advertisement, as I notice they have eopied your- -, word for word, iu eevernl intancea, mere- ly inserting tiie ot her name iu place of yourn. I have within the pat fiveyearij, seen and talked with mure than two thousand per-o- u that have us d your nvparation with periect ,ucopm onie for Italdneds, gray f inir, sca!d head, diniuff, and every diaeaae tlie scalp and head are subject to. I eal ed to yoa, personally, at your original place of bu.'iney hre, but learned you were now living iu New York. Vour, truly, WHITE, M. D. Waskxci Sraxifoa, Perry connty, Pa..( Ju..e 7th, J Pbof. Woo i Dear Sin I was indured, moie thau t year ago, to try your valuable Hair Ketoraf ive, f jrthe piu poiMi of clean iu g my o! daadmlf. I h:td suffer ed with it my bead lor years, and had never bt-- able to get anything to do me any good iu removing it, although I htid trie" mato" preparation until I w your advertise: ent iu a H:trri.jburg paper. Heine there at tit' tuue, I cal.ed at Oroc a Kunkli drug store. aja bought a botrp, and am no pn paii d to recommend it to universal ue: fir it hae oomph t y reinov- d all dan- - diurlfroGim' , and an appii aticn mice iu tvn. wcf.s keei" it trte iroin a y lie. ing or other unpica: antnej?. 1 miint aluo ett that my hair had become unite white m piaoe. and by ttu ot .. our nrepai it.ou Iijj b'Hi reutorod to i on? iial culor 1 atu now o.i in ye an J aUhou.;-l- 1 Jivo uh'h! 'wo botLl"! ot t!i- - .itivf-- . no i.'Ue nas ai: kuowl( il je of it, at" I n nify iiMr- - ti iri otd-rt- h;ve ruy n..; c witli ;i a,'e. Mv h Ad U now cf In. u'. - .j i.:.', it el :iU, .:.'. t tiiii at auv ti'He i utv I itav.-- j & lti. 1 cn'.iilt-- your pi.art ton t' irrm' va u . ji;d alt hong fi I do nut .:ke Ut expose I oni.l' : itmy d'ty Uj krv po. Vun can u.- - thU. orauypTt.M it, in auy shx-t- f tl link proper, il It If w th enrttilnw ti you VfM,ra. Sic . XL a. Bloom lnutom, Lkd., July ikrth, 1S5 Deab Sis I hrre nd you a stateroent that I think you are en'it f4 to the bene tit ot. I am a resident of blooimogtou, aud have beeu lor ovf-- r thirty years. I am now ovm tvj years of age. For about twenty year pat, my hair Iia. bt on turning gray, and was almost eutirely white, aud very still and unpliant. I hail ceu a number 01 cert nestle of tlie very wonder- ful etlect of your Ha;r ltetorafive but snppo-e- there was more rictio'j than truth in thfni; but on'ertainiutr a Btrou: desire to have m bair, if poeuible, restored to iu original und fintne, us it ww in my younter daye a beautil'til bltifk, I coucludid I would ml;e the experiment, commencing in a small way. 1 purchased oi'e of your email Itottlee, at one dollar, and d using, following directions aa i early as I could, I soou discovered the dandruff i and mv nuir, that waa falling orf n large imantitiety wan coniderahly tighten- ed, aud a radical cLiane tAkin-- phice iu tlie color. I have continued to uje it, t .ll 1 have used throe of your email bottle, andust lingua ou the fourth. I huvenow lb pretty a head ot dark brown or Hyht black hair as ny man, or as I had in my youthful days, v. hen a boy in the hills of W stern Virginia, il hef,d entirely free of daudi iifT, and the hair ceased entirely falling off. Bud is soft and tine, and j oilj , as though itwe-jus- from under the hands of a Freneh chimpo ner. Many of my ttcimaiutAuc'D ti 'wjuently p&y to me, Buth r, where did you that hue wigT" I tell them Itwas the effect ot' your ftetorative. It is almost impossible to conviuce them that it is the original hair ot the aaine old gray bead. Yours, truly, 1 KKDKRICK T. I1UTLKB, Blociningtoa, Mcnxoe county, Iudiana, PROF. O. J. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Ii the only reliable article for yon to dm, FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERQYSlb'S, La4ies and gentlemen. In all "rt ef the world, testify to the elucacy of Prof. O. J. Wcod's liair Hesiorative, and geutlemeu of the pre- - are unanimous iu its prai. A lew only can be hr given; see circular for more, and tt will be iuipoix-ibi- for you to doubt. PROrESSOR S. TUALBF.RO, pianist, tays on his arrival in the United States he whs rapidly becoming gray, but on applying Wood's Hair Ke?tor..tive his hair eoon re- covered ita original hue. CHARLES CARDKW, 1? NASSAU STREET, N. Y ecys tlie gray hairs on his vrtfe's head were, alter a few weeks' trial, turned into a dark brown, at the same time beautifing and thickening the hair. A. C. RAYMOND, DATH, MAINE, ays be l now sixty years old, and hie hair and whiskers weio grav, but liy tho use of two butt lea of Ktitorative, the pray hairs have disappeared, both on bis ntd aud tace, aud is more soft and glosy than for twenty-liv- e eavu previous. His wife, at the age of tiity-tw- has ued it with the B&me etlect. FINLEY JOHNSON, ESQ., NEW ORLEANS, eayi that he lost his hair by the Yellow Fe- ver, in He used Wood.' Hair Restora- tive, and his hair u now thick and glossy. U. J. MIDDLETON, LIVINGSTON, ALABAMA, eftye the Reiterative has done much go-- in his part of the couutiy. IU used it for balctnuse, and now has a fine head of hair. T. L. MORSE, LEBANON, KENTUCKY, says he baa seen Wood's Hair Restorative Ured in hundreda of cases, and never knew it to fail in accomplishing all it nrofewea to do. A. J. ALDEN, MoLANESBORO, ILLINOIS, ayr ho had the scald hp.ad eight years, and was bald, but hv the lltteral iixe of Wood's Hr.fr Restorative, he now has a rich, glossy bead of bair. LisowncB, Noble co., Ind., Feb. 8, lS. lrof. 0. ,1. Wood Dear Sin In the latter part of tho yer 152, while attending the State and National Law School of the State ot New York, my hair, from a caue titilcnown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so thHi In the short s'.wie nf si- - ni nth? thu whole npp;-- r pMt of my trulp was alnio--t entirely bereft of Its cover- ing. an.1 ruurti of the n maining upon the side and back part of mv heao shortly after became grav, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indi-ui- my more casual ac- quaintances were not w much at a loas to discover the Caiis ot th change in my iippearancc as mv more inti- mate acunaintance" were to ucot-iiii- mo at all. 1 it once mad' application t . th- - mo't s.tillful physi-cUn- s in the country, but, rt reiving no as urancj.s from them that lay hair uld ;ietin t rvtf.red. I was tor'.'ed to become re(v,ncil": to ni fate, ni.til. furtiMiatlj. in the istrte' p.'.rt of tne year oir Iw oral i ve v. as i'ec'i:, niei:'l d to nte by i - b"i:itt nor i liab.' Hair ri.. A trilivrt in r.e- 1 ti - d uui' bottle, and t'ouiitl to in;-- ,ri "t aatiici t.'.at v. i- - pr.xinc;;-- . dsin d .Since tl -- .t rim.., I tnv.; i e e.i ilh.i yenr ii ,.;;,r.i;n-M- ii,t haven coi.i t'. eV, Mii.-- it T, n n :o mon.j .' p a )! Trtit'n' f.T ''((' lufr ai'd skill In ')' . .c'.i u '.! wOoe-- MM art ir I hav- - recrr.-ine.i'-- 'j iri;i.!i-- . to L.anj ot i,L lrii rv HUd aoni'i.-'i-t'.o- e., v i'O. I it.;; py to vnn ar" usina it w:tr; .t.'? .'.'f- -. T. V j - ,:ir- -, A M. T.ATT.a itt.roe arti ' '"un.vllor at l aw. IF YOUR HAIR IS 0 A.R3H, Use Prof. Wood'a hair restorative. If your hair U gray, Use Prof. Wood's hair rostorailve. If ycur hair Is thin. Use Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If you are bald. Use Prof. Weed's hair restorative. If you have nervous heau,iehr, Ue Prof. Wood's hair retitoiative. If yoa nave dandruff, Usa ProC Wood's hair restorative. If yoa have eruptions, Use prof. Wood's hair restorative. If yoa desire glossy ba:r, e Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If yoa desire to preserve the color. Use Prof Wood's hair restorative. II yoa desire not to loe tii- - colors Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If yoa want a cheap arti- le. Use Pruf. Wood'a hair restorative. If you admire the beauti'iil trclc. Use pr f. Wood's hair restorative. If you admire the beautiful ringlet. Use Pro;'. Wood's hair restorative. If yoa wish a beautiful complexion, Ush Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If yoa wish a face fre from pimpiee. Use Prof. Wood s hair restorative. If you wish to appear young, Lse Prof. Wood's hair restorative. If yoa want testimony overwhelming. Read the circular of Prof. Wood's hair restorative. 0. J. WOOD & CO., IU Market street, 8U Lcjie; 444 Broadway, New Ycrk. Hauuiactoren and WTioiA.aly Dealers fat Patent Medlciue. SOLD IN SPRING FIELD, ILLINOIS, LV R-- W. Dillon, M. M. YanJuaeu, and by Aoalcn WTT,S')J, PFTFn, A CO., Wh jWr1 Agents in ltii.ville, Ky, f VT"ch1 at manufactMrers1 price. V" go id by all dealers lu diugs In f.olvili nnil Teunes-je- rntfH ddOddcoUUipAwlv CITY DIRKCTORT, AjTWiped AlphabeticftH f Kogafd to fli.'SINESS NA.MKS. nd it,. MMn.;b4th Kahn, I, A C. nnh side Anderxon, Tho A M 4Ul Hpencer, O. C. Mala et. fret, -- d l Ar!c.Urnl lilW" h 5rnt- - ILAC?-?- K tw . SUth and Seventh. J- - A k and Munn Co.. corn-r- Hvjn Pitkin, Wiard, 4 16vinaJL Carter & Buchanan, 4--4 "rlea. UnctierreotTL DmVD Gallery, Mala, be- - (formerly J. C. F.lmd's tween Fourth andtifthsts. Jourth and Fifth. Webster & Jlro., Main st., betwt a BookIlera, HtntXonm dV in dleal Healers R ttwrtsn, O. W . & Co., Fourth Ln et, near Main. Rpdtord. A. U., 333 Third street. PavidfOU, A., 3d st., bet. .letVrson Bt Market. Madden, 3d st., bet. Jefferson and lM -- ke. Bngfclnar niwt Uope. Hunt, Thoa. H. Co., Main tt., bet. 3d A 1 Sa. Hankrre. Cortij A Warren. 471 Main st. nonr.rt Blencher. Osborne Mrs. Wro., Jefferson st., bet. 3d and Clrti1nr iewtlFine,ns I'hrnlahlnjr "1 Mandr-ville- , J. C, 4 Co., Main, bet. Second arm.' Third. Armstrong, J. M., comer 4th and Main sts. Sprouie i Mandevllle, comer 4th and Main stf. 1'lnthn and (ientlonien'n FnmlMhlnir J. Yon Porries A Co.,46 Main sr., bet. Bullitt and t C'arpetts OH ('lolh. nnl Cmrtnln (Soodsx nitfl Smal!. Main st, bet. 3d ani 4th. Marshall & Dickinson, 4th, bet. M.rsolwd Mala. Cloalui, AlantlKaa, and fafflMRm Merriman, C. T., th st., near Main. Clears. Peynaao, Efl., Main rt., bet. 6th ana 7th. ('hlna and OlanawaF-Caweda- A Tlopkins, fi34 Maui st. Cmtchor A McOready, 413 Main e. Jaeger, A. A Uo., 4th st., bet. Market and Jeff&itoa, ConA Dealer. Crittenden St Ojitt, 3d et., bet. Main and MarkilL Kellogg, J. N., 3d st., bet. Jetfemon and Market. C'htmlts and A pot be carle. Dawes, B. F., corner 4th and Jefter-o- n tti. ('etnecC McHarry, F-- , Main st, bet. 7th and 5th sti. Cnrrlaire Itlannfactarers Stone, I. F. A Co., Mtic st., bet. 1st and Brooa Irua:, Oyeniurlo, OSIs, Palnta, 4s.. Morris, J. 8. Sons. 41 Main at. Kobiuson. R. A. A Co., Main t., lmt. 6th anfl S?eB Wilwo, Peter. A Co., 4i2 Main it. WUder, E., 44S Main st. Iry isooilu. Cloths, &.c Berry, J. Taylcr, Jefferson atrcet, Maeomn Trjpie. Duva'l, C. A ( k.. Main rtrect, between -- d aud Mark A Dovna, Main street, between 4th a'l ur!. Martin A Crurubaturh. 4th, between Aiurfcet & Tabb, O. B., comer 4tb and Market. Fun and Fur Coods. Craig, A., Main street, between 6th and 7th. Fancy floods. Km brori cries, ai;dTrlrnm1,. Itauchfuss, Charles F., 4th street, ttet. Market and Jeff. K In Tackle, imiH, end Pirttols. Dlckpon A Gilraoro, 3d street, bet. Main and Market. Gnlhth, Joseph, 6th street, bet. Main and Market. Foreign and Domestic Fruirg, Candle, &r. Gaetano, V. D. A Co., Main otreet, bjtween 7th and tth. Ktro, ftlnrlno, and IJfn Insurance Vo,m and A Rente. American Ins. Co., TT. Dent, Sec, Mln, bet. 3d and 4th Ins. Co., Win. Muir. Sec., Main, bt 3d ar.d 3d Louisville Ins. Co., Kobt. Atwood, Sec, Main, bet. 3d and 4th. Muir. John, Main st., rt. 21 and 23. Bob, Wm., Main st., bet.. 3d arid 3d Waahinrton Ins. Co., Wm. Ross, Hec, Mal st, bet. 3d aud 3d. (rnt I emeu's FiirnbthlPff ffofvdB. Armstrong, J. M., cor. 4th and Main sts. Blaucliard, Geo. A Son, cor. 3d and Main sts. Onm Fitter, Pltmihem, An. Donally A Strader, 3d st., bet. Market and Jefferson. (Jrocerle, IJoiioik, and Tobanoo. Btwart A Barter, 545 Main street. IJquoi-M- , Wines, and AlcohoL Hart A Clark, 3d r., bpt Mnin and Market. Monks, Jowph. olM Main btrtft. Schrot'der A Son, Wall ft., bet. Main and Warm Zanoue, A. A Son, 6rh et., b;t. Main and WaN r," l.utuhcr. Siu,h, Doors, Ac Alexander, Ellis, A ;o., cor. A Walnut A Main between 1st and 2d. Brederj J N, cor. Main A Wanzel and Walnut, between A b loyd. Charles, Stephen, Mhs, between CainpNul A Wenzell' 1IMI FnrnMilnaj. FIorbrt A WrUht, 16 :id Ttxi. PrliitlHV Pnper 3intuiraelarer. DnrOMt A Co., Main etreet. between 4th and B'lv. Powder, nnpoiil lA Co., Main treet, between 4th aud th, DavlB A Sp:ed, V;:i Main strift. I'utpul IciI:rlnf? aad 'rrfuair. Kvnjrnd A Tyr- - ihsrreot. betw-.e,- . Main A M.irket. itertitMirnnrM. Ciwp.n, J. A Co. (Walker's). 3d, btw,-v- Market A Msla. Ki!"Fr. C. C. 8t. Chariot, 5th, b- -t Market and Wain. Ntove Founders, '.vallw, Lithgow, A Co., comer 3d and Main street. riarnpr. C. T Asent tor Grower liaker's Sewing Ma cnini'. :iilS rourth et. Sumner A Co., street, bet. 4th and 5th. Steamboat A Rent nnd ( orrmiUvlon and For- - wanUiijv tferchantw. Beue lict, D. S. A Son, Main, bet 3d and 4th. Cart-- r Frauk, Main etreeU Erwin A Co., Wall street. Moorhead A Co., Wall street, bet. Ma!a and Watr. Toys, Vartetl;, and Fnney (iood. Cannon, Sherrill, A Co., 413 Main street. Tea nnd Fancy (Jrccerle. Lanham A Co., 2d street, bet. Market ind Jeffewo. Tobacconfrt. McGill, 8. B., 3o7 Green st., bt 3d and 4th, Tobacco CoGuuEmton. Nock, Wicks, A Co., 512 Main street. Undertaker. W Wyatt, eor. 7th and Jeffwreon street. Whliel.ead and Unseed OIL WUson, Peter, A Co., 482 Main street. Hardware and Cutlery, Ormeby, Collis, 6u8 Main street Hat and Cap iUiinufacturen. Crals;, A., cor. 4th and Main, and Main bet. nth and 7th. Piather, South. A Co., Main street, bet. Filth audSixth. Iron, Wieel, Nulls, JLc Belknap, W b Co., comer Third aud Maiu. Jewelry, Watchce, and I' l a. Fltchr A Bennett, Mf.in at., bet. 4th r.cd 5h. Kendnck, Wm., id et., bet. Market and Main. Ramsey, M. C, Main st., 4th. Voght A Klink, 3d st., bet. Main and Market. Iron DlHutlt, Fancy ('at!nrm Wallace, Lithow, A Co., corner 3d and Main stj. Lamp, Hurnluff Fluid, Coal Oil- -, A-- Hardy A Bektty, 4h street, between Main and Market. Kanawha Suit Ar,r.W Brooks, W. Cm 5d et, bet. Main aud ths river. (eaeral Produce and Provision Hrobra. Tait, Anderson, A Co., Fourth ptreet. Allen, Moore, A Hayoea, Main at, bet. 3d anC J Buchannn A Co.. 3d, bet. Main and rUe". Branmu A Siiromera, Miiu, It.. 1st andi'5. Burkhardt, W. A II., Maijt, 4th and fcia, CoNton, J. H Wall st. liibbitt A Sou, Market, bet. 2d and 3d. yooa a Mocay, v, all t i., b t. Miu and ths river. Castlem-- n A Torhitt, Mam at, Gardner A Co., 419 Main etreet. Ga)-- , Wm., 6tu Main etreet. ll'ilht'-r- , M. A Co., Mtm street. J;c A brother, 61 Main street. Morritt, Geo. W., Third sticet, bet. Mala and Water ' Nnwcomb, H. D. A Co., Val! ?trpet. Otter A Allen, Sixth street, het. Market and Siala. Rawson, , A Co., 514 Main street 8''yer, Jolm, Mnrket street, bet. First and Brook, Welhy, Geo., i&i Main street. O. jr. I1AISL,II3, Jefferson etreet, between Third and Fourth street, l.MPORTFB AJSU Mi N UTAOTITR FR "VF Bofts leave to announce to the ladifs of S Louisvilh; and vicinity thit he haw jimr hi-- stock ot SpriuK Goodf, ir.P of the richest and latpt stief of Prers Tiimroiu.-''- . Ge'mau Zephyr and Snttland "1 WooN, Canvas, (.henille Pat rem, Nee-f- z '"! Puree Floe., Filling and Knitnoideiy fTv Silks. Gold and Silver Lacrs, Bra-d.i- , (rd S' ;i'd t, and t rint!- - Nets; Conib. liaii ) ihns. B ads. Fans, a da great variety cl French I anoy Articles. iti'- Friuges, Buitocs, Ords, I'til Jfi'-- to ordrtr at the shortest notice and cn (Jj'-W- 1 'fA the mo-- t itasoiiahle tfim '. t 4U J C -- Country supplied at a Ilb-- O Weral discount. aplildlv WUGAIt 150 hhjj good fair and prime Sugar in etore and for sale by AT'W BITHANAN A CO RICK by 15 casks Bice received per mail boat and tor mya RAWSON. TODD. A CO. Jl'UAR Sf hlidr f:ilr to prime Sugar received por 3 Pej tona nnd ,Iohn Katne aud tor ale by TMfi '(i((') r VCMH'VV IINK TOBCCO Piown'e and llolUud's, of an quality, for sale by m!W TIinPTTT A SON. yUKSIl PKCANS lu budhels fresh Pecans Just re coiv;d and for d,le by W M. I). BfRKHARPT. 417 Marlrpt st. iltSll Salmon, MacKrnl, 11 -- rnus, aud oaidiuu in packages aud on retail by nilrt FTTRBITT A SON. 10LASSKS- - I'l w bbls Plantation: do; 50 bbt? Sugar-- ' locuo; Sid" do: 50 whole, H. ; Vbhls . Sirup; for ml C A ST1 .''M A ' VI KKIl.:.. ) I 2 H caas ijlsr'l. 'v. A 4 S r'0 II. .s; Si to ;.ir 'n d'" .Inies V. psjvs Prll.-- .j.i. n ,,n do In Htore fvid for ?iN bv JL1) eU.'i K'J'J.-- 'lisK i I' l:tt..- - i.J Vfl f'upe- - jt nuiii'v. and is ; r :orple by W ' 'MM 1 . wLGAR jo I't.J- - yn:i;t ni.gar receivi-- per st;aQei 1 Autocrat anc fr sale v lAMi'.lt llAM;i 1iu superior tamlly liauis, r M. tamlly u, iur sale by m4 r. vt"m HP'"r:r. M"it st Hailroad tor fcalo. WIX bilAKF-- Ls;ir;toii nnd traiikfnrt Railroad J Stock tor sate, QU1GLEY, LYONS, A CO. COFFKK 75 bags prime Itio Coffde in store and for M RP.f? T,Tj TTAt tt CO 1 'JIjAHSKS--i- l.Vi bblj prime Plantation Molawses: 160 4do do do d..: for sale by mfl AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. COUNTRY LARP-J.- wt received a quantity in kegf and on retail by mSO HIBBITT A SON. O AH WKLL HUCKK'IS dozeuOak vx Uucli. eta, variutu kindd, jut received and for 'ale low by ( iKltl ItAXA A, IN. an 3 MAtn hctwp-- n ThiM ntd Fon-t.- h. W ALAO OIL Pure Olive OU lor sale b the bottle O or basket by J. T. LA NTT AM A CO., ml ToiTortr- - TaK- - e TM'-t-- WINKS AND SPIRITS A Biiyply on h .no o- - p.ire and Spirit for sale ch?p r ca h by J. T. LAN HAM A CO., ml Importers nf Teti. Tl.ir1 I OVEKING'S KKFImFD SUGARS 5U bbls tjrtiehed nd Pulverizod received ppr mail boat and for sale by hn9rf RAWSON. TOIH). A CO. 31 GLASSES bbls PlanUtlon Mola-w- s in store anainr ain tv ,'Sf. (JAY. SJL'GAR S5J hhde fulr to priroa iur in slore and for salhv f:il3l AND'W KCi;ilANAN A CO. l AOKKRICL-S- uo bids Nos. 1, a, and a Mackerel io i' A stoie aud for Hale by '"a AND'W BPCHAWAN A CO. RKFINISD SUUAlU-lu- il bhli LoveriuK's Cru-he- and Powdered Siar In etore and iur sale by , m- -' ALLEN, MOORE, A BADSN. CMBtSB-- sa boies W. it Cheea juat received per tor sale by ia GARDNVR A TO. tor sale he a a HTPTIITT A BON. tjCGAR 44 hhd prime landing lr-- sU nmer j tona and for auie by hi: RAWSON. TODD. A CO. CBVK9K3f- hoea of fne ijualitv in n en.l for (nil'll iiiUvi f r ii. ,) Know Thyself. mMoCAJ, Is a reinilarly educated Physician and tmo condition and locality of disenea byfhpnise and Ita xvlthout afkin the pient Jiy queetiona. Some profe to do this, yet are carMfuI aek sr.iuw leafiinj qnt'sf ions In ordijr to obtain a doe the diseasfl. We do nothing of that kind, and haxw-- . t!avai iabiy givn satisfaction. Coaanitations and exjtn'ia' ions 2raX,-35- 3 OOF OUAIlGrE. T,IZTLBK3 OF T11R THROAT AND LUNGS treat. 0 bi' a r.sw method of Medicate Inhalation and treatment. We oiler yon new remedies, entirely vwtt-ibla- , which have proved a speedy and eflftual core In fDlIowicg diacpjs, vik: 15 rone hi ti. ail iji5eaM0 of l- - rUroat snrf Lnnps, DlsaiHs of the Heart, Stomach, :ir,acd Kulreya, , Saint Vitus's Dance, Can-o- oiula. Chronic Ulcers. Kenmatism, Neuralyia, PHr.:y.ia, Spasms, Fits, Diseases ot the Kye and Par, Smuis! Weakujsa, Skin Dineara, twir.tnre, Jjiar-rhe- and, in fhort, all curable diseaea. Y are not a "enre alP doctor, and will ruidwrtake no cue with- out a fair prospect of recovery. Femalrw trorbled with Suppressions, Irrern'arltiei, IjeaTTiioa or Whites, Fallinr of the Vimb, Pou-pn- s of the Ulfrns, Tinnon! of any kind. Uarrcanf. all 1 rinary Dieas, Puiofullor Diiucult MensTrn.-Uion- , Nervous De- bility, Ac, wail be spnodily cuxpd without the ure ot dmroor injnrioue or otipib table n.cl it insa of rjjy k.nd. no df licacy m calling no diiTcrenee what yonr trontjc rosy bp. I do not aipect you to place your-e!- f undr my treatment unless you prt'fi.r It. All coiomunicationfl otrictly confidential. The affict-e- t! ar3 c ardialiy Invited to call And satisfy themselvos. Oihce ':iiA Firrt st., between ftNret and Jefferson sts., Ky. All lcttr addtnwd to our care, a rtAmp, rivinp pymrtou-ari- nature of disea-- . will reijeire iTnmpt artenti-n- . MNlicin- - sent to all pfe oi tii United SUts. OrLa hoars trom 8 A. M. to S. ,1L Addruss J. H. lIcCAN, M. D., P'O d t'.ipAweowly Louiflvilie, Ky. SPniDIG MILLINERY. MRS. M. I WEAVER o. 4 13 Jeirersoo htM eoatli !de, below Fourth, O to the ladles a fine and carefully elected as- sort tueut of sf iiiK miUineiy, vli: Straw Bonnets, F'tucy do., i'S, II.ts, hlidreu' do., Kibhons, &C: AUtft PatvHroj ot" the lateot st) lea, ut receive!, du-- jj lien. tea or tut !o meaur-i- t f'. 'try attention ftiven to dress making. n?a!-:- s 33 21-- "IT GrZ O X S . 4.13 Main fcitreet. 413 Hire nov in storo a lull and complete stock of STAFLK AM) DOMESTIC (.OCDS Of the best: fabric, bath as -- TABLK LINENS; BED LlNKNN; SHIRTING LIM.V,NS; TOWKLINGS; FRUIT CLOTHS; FINK IHM1TIF.S: MAKSKILLK3 fPKKAPS; SlllHTING C01T0N8; 03NABUHGS, colored and whitr; FULL STOCK Cfl-- ' WIUTK GOODS; MOURNING GOODS of all kinds. Thene Good. w itg sll bought frr cah at the lowest ebb of tliH market, sind arn now orTorxd at fuch prices a mn.'-- t ple:wc atl par'tiea. Call and exainine stock aud priced at m2 413 MAIN STREET. TETH I OS1 TE3 SEASON, ""n hy Mudaine C. Varau James tn- - crtat tpnor, Mr. Adams, no ith Midrme Fabbrl- - - THOU All hy:f'TJfr SO FAK AND VKP SO FAR". ttom rlie lnumi oi wit Euli-- a"1 Grman woid. n.id on- - riellit-ln- i with an eltgant lithographic title. True only Also "STILL IN MY DREAMS," by FoV-- Hall, author f "iver of Tuee,"witU tauie lithographic title, ii i it. Tiies aVfi rem? of Song, and sellinp rapidlv. Call peon at th Central Murie Hou-- ", W. t HOU8E3EEPEIt3 Who are taking up Carpets should not put thfro down acaiu without the PA 'i ENT CARPET LINING, only at WILKIN6', west lido Fourth, be; ween Main and M ark 9t.t tree. i! mmm mm. m x- Zl RILHON3, ' . x FLOWJ'P.S CHILD HPN'S FLAT3 Uatet; i etvle), LONNLT WTRE3, nd A tnr& of LACK, HALF LA3K, and BUCKRAM always ou hand at the ioweat ca"h pricj. aiTliLlLACHTNG AND PRESSING at firs. WEI. CSSOISNE'S, a-- JerfiTon st rE ar now receiving a good of HONNFTS, RH'.HONS, S mid MISSICS' II ATS, MiLLI-NEK- GOODS, LACES, VEILS, FANCY GOODS, ar.d SHAKER GOODS, to which we iuvlto the attention of Milliners and Mer- chants. CANNON A BYKH8, No. GiS IHnln Klrrot, Nearly opposite Louisville UotL rt e ai o v a ij . 111 MOORE'S MAMMOTH FinxrrrRE DSrOT llis been removed to north sid ot" Market street, bet Third and Fnirrh. WHOLESALE AND RLTAIL. d'y rpn "VPr-.-S- HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS. TUP HoV!fl at Hotfii'rinPK (IIla Proctor Houses btea lucndtid and ir.1 prove! uents made to accommodate kiout hitnorkd VinoB: at auy time thi'Oiinnnt Mio 1 al. Thf? oiii!'."iu! ?pr:n:' positive- ly cure Contract' il Joiutfl, Luiubaco, Paralysis, Gur. St. Vitiis'd Daucs, Hysteria, Sterility, lmpotency from dlcHae, Venereal diea-iea- Merciui'iil rtfse.is'if, Scrrfnla and Glandular disei&es, and all forms ot Skin di.jeans. P.. S. CLAYTON, Froprietor. Dr. G. W. Lawrence, tha Medical examiner of Hot Springs wiil supply circulars to applicants. N. R Mercurial, Iofno, Sulnhur, and other d vapors fnrnishrHj whnn ffinired. jan3 dly New Importations. ORUTCsa n ITexcckeadt, At No. 377 Main street, three doors below tha Louisville Hotel, 4 KM now receiving tirpe additions to their stock of xa. China and 'iiHenswrR. On hand and arriving a larM aud handsome aufortuifnt cm' G1h.''"w rire, lirit. a:id Castors, Intu ns, Water-Cool- Toilet S?, and Fniit .Ip.i", ill f wiiich wiil be oilered at aa low ili;ures as can be found in the market. liail iSiitter JURT received from the North and for bale 10 bbls Koll Bulter for table use. UAMS-- 4,i ranvaed H.im!; 4'W p ain count ry do; In ptire aud for sale by GARDNER A CO. I LOSS. full 9?Bortment, of Silk, Linpp, and Cotton I losa. and a i'nl assort men t of Hoop Skirts ol all sizos, just received and tor h!c by JAMES LOW A CO., ttO 0B njj V - i,l Kih at. WASH-ltOARDS-l- dozen Zinc Wash-Boar- d Just and tor sale by OKHTN RAWSON, Main t. S. 8. MARK. F. DOWNS. RECEIVED this day a full assortment of GOODS, via: Summer Ronibazin Ben-g- Antilai" Black Point de Venice Tammarttnes, black and colored; Lert-gt- Hrnani Black Mouasellne. pTWc are dally adding to our stock. S.1' 'H K A' M. A.- SI- VKs-- su CZru ro.: ai.d pisxi Vv'iiv bieves y;.l i i v. d n or :Sit bv OK:, IN KAY. SON. Va:n t.. b- fti bird ri'ni Fonith. rio?? Books! Ke-- Bo?k?I nAKUY MAI, SON. b in i". irv;ilt:. 1 nee SI 2t AT'ORNEY, b. .I.,hi T. Win;. " 41 as ROSA SOMEKV1 I.E.. or a Husband's Myotery, by G V. N. !!.vi:n d. Pri r.uc. THE FliiST FALSE bTEP, or the Path to Cri-- r by G. V. M. Reynolds. PrK-- F. MADDEN-- 8 Bookstore, ml ;;J1 'l!:irdft. OOH DOZ MADRAS DANDKERCHIEF8; iOU in d'.zOll do. irtU pieces Silk do; Received and for sale b? JAM KS LOW ft CO., mt 'i'l- - d 21' Sixth et. 'IIOMATOKS FRESH TO lATOKS -- We have frT 1 (tula a quantity office Fresh Tomjtt!s, which we are selling cheap lor cadi. J. T. LANHAM A CO.. mlH Imooi-trT- of Third rf. WHEELED ;oRN 1.40 ban bite aud mixed shelled Corn in and for ale hy AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.. Til 17 Corner of Second and Waehineton sts. JUGK 50 bhds fully fair to prime landing from j hteamtr John Kaiue and fr Kilcby RAWSON. "TODD, ft fG. (CHAMPAGNE WINES a5 do Delincmi.o: 3n baskets Wrz-na- lb do Hied-ic- A Co.; ptore aud for sble in yuautities to sultpnrchaeer by J. P. THOMPSON. HARVEST KEGS15 doz.i oek Hirvert Kers, 1 a! o a full aort afut oi Demijohns, ill sizcB; jiidt received and for atp by OKKIN RAWSON, SS Main stbetwten Third and Fourth. N AILS 800 ke-- ' rVlmont for sale hv t t'AKTI.KMAN. MI'KRELL. CO KW FISH-N- os. I, 2. and S Mackerel in whole ?nd 1 half hbln and kit-- No. I Salmon In hi. Is aisJ kits; No 1 Whit Firfh in half bhls; a superior article Codijtih iu drums; ajj No. 1 scaled H err lag; iu store and for liiile by rnd W. A U. BURKHARDT, 417 Market st. OLD BOURBON WHISKY lnfl bbls fuulne comity copper aistilU-- Whinky, matie by Tl bot and fuh. In store and for ule by niW .T MOVITR. 'Ob'b EE-a- uo bagi Uiooortee just received pur steam- - beat Miyuta aod tor sul by tirst WM GA V Csdar Chests. 1 y CTSDAR CRLSiS in etore aud for sa!a at redaced 4. price to ciob the couaymnimt by Oiti'.JN B.W30N. p.n strffT..'1:e'w. ..i TMrd and F.virth. CLARET St. WINES riilicn; it do 1 Uiuc, 1". St. Y.j' r.p- - Jnt rocived and nl- - ml .1. p Tit iMf:iuM. -- 'I bhii AyyXf-- r m?t i ' vr ami fcr al- - by VPP1 AND W BUCHANAN CO. BUSINESS CARDS. W. WTATT, UNDSRTAEBR. Improved Metal Burial Cases ComMnln; Beauty, Durability, and Lightness rW"Ofnce corner Seventh and Jeflerton, Louisville. 1 THK above Caskets are made of CoTrnrated Sheet and lined with Gntta Pcrcha or India Rubber so as to be Air and Water Tijrht All orders promptly attended to. d!3dtf J. VON BOH HISS 6l CO., CLOTH UOUSE, wBouEaaut DZAXEita in CLOTH 9, CA8SIMERF8, VESTING 3, TATT.OB8 TRIMMINGS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH- ING GOODS OF KVERY DESCRIPTION. 466 M nln street, between Bullitt nnd Fifth. Onr stock is now very large and corcplf te, to whlf h however we are adding dally ail the latest styles of goods In our line. niK Just Received by Express. ,A A SECOND siiPDlv of that snlendld v .4. rem from the Gwmnn. "I'llnr A It T JF.St SO NEAR. AND YET SO 1" A It." with yfi r i in ii'tiri apnic in ie .v .i' '"Still in mv I Irfnms Thou 'rt Nr." hv aurnoroi ..verol Thw"-- 25 ctiit-- : llthoeraph-ictitic- . , a iot 0f I1(.w f,iL1C( TOC;i) a,i m. stiiiniental. hv coTnw--- as Itriulfy KicbauD, C. 3. Bramard. Dresh-r- , Iuplpr, Echard, A. W. lire, occ , to which thiMiitention of ihe munical public is es-- ciallrcalli d. Call soon, it yon would have a copy of that tiriK frrm the German. It is the Kcm of tho ssaeou, and is selling rapidly. . WM. McCARRFL, pU No. 310 West .Jerleron street. SLATS, SLATS, SIjATS, OF ALL SIZKS AND COLORS, OP ALL SIZES AND COLORS, OF ALL SI, Ed AND CoLOR-- i AT F. M ADDEN'S BOOKS'l'OKK, AT F" MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE; GOLD PENS1 GOLD PEN Si From the best manufacturers, A. MORTON & CO. and DAWSON, WARREN, & ITYDR, For siile chesip at F. MADDEN'S BOOKdTORK, mil 1 Main ' rwet. IMPORTED CIGARS! Directly Imported from Havana, COMPRISING A LOT OF THE FINEST BRANDS Londres Intlmidad, Brevaa Tntfrnidad, Londr M Wfc.ia, ltenlia S.n Roman, U (.. Porf-uo- , lt.:ca. Washiuston, Mriea Re?a. Heraldo, Londres Distraction, Kega. Luceio, tc.. In ttoro and for sale low by SDW, FSrNATJO, a' S!( Main st.. Basement In-s-ill- I tot!. RK) L'OFFKli 10 bses good to prime Rio Coileo in and for ralo bv AND'W Bt'CHANAN A CO., ml4 Corner Second nnd pts. REKINED SUGARS- - 2MI bbls Cm-he- Powdered, Loaf, and Soil Crushed Sugars in store and tor sale by aU AND'W BUCHANAN & CO. CHEESE A full supply just received of Hamburg, Reserve, Nutmeg, English Dairy, Pine-- pole, and Chepr-e- . ro W. A H. Bl'RKHAKDT, 417 Mnrket st. R EEINEO SUGARS 20 bbls Lover insfp's Cruh.-d- . Powdered, and Gruuulated in stnre and for by in'JT A L I, EN . MOORE. HADEN. KAILS! rJAILOI! TJAILS!!! JUST received per steriiuer LiiMer k'-- Natls now iu store and for ?ai a Ih" manufactu- rers' piics ii,'joi kepF, includtiiif the toiiowing Liad: Common sizes, trom i to Rod; Nails, ri, tf, and U'd; Nl-- , 5d. Fiooiing Mi'ads. ti, end likl; LaililnK Nail;, Sd, fine blin d; Wrought and Horee-Stio- e Naila. Wronpht aud Cut Spike?, all W. B. BELKNAP A f'O JUNDRIES- -J Mi hl.ds N. O. Sutrar; 3fn) bt'l Molassea; itll do do; 2n bhls Sujjttir noose Molasse"; &i Vs.io do do; 2a hll3 PhUair Iphla Golden Sirup; 5 bhl? f.. do di; 2o KegH Baltimore do do: for sale by a? GARDNER A CO. CLOTHS AND CAS31MERE3-- A very fine and ex assort mt'iit of Cloths and Fancy Cassi m'TdS for spring "d snmiuer use, of the latest and iahlp piittrn, in 'tore and fr ale hv ml JV-- BORiiTFS OO 411 Matn t FINE OHAiVir-AON- WLKS p cifes qts and jtd; do Widow Clicquot, do; itf basket Vwrzcnay rio: 1 do old Hiedlck & Co , qtp and pts: lu store and lor sale in quantities to mt purchaser- - by nia! I. P. THOMPSON. 7 Fourth at. pHOlOK FAMILY FLOUK-- 50 bhls No. 1 Extra V White What Flour, selected expressly for family e. for Ie hv n W. A H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market n RAISINS M. H. and Layer Ralolns; Lt io do do r.o rio; lo'l ; do do do per pteamer Diana and lor sale low to close consitmnieiit by ANTHONY ZAN'ONK A SON. m9 Fifth xtr.-.-- hi low Vain IBUP a rckay extra Golden Sirup, fn whole O and half bills and k'p3. received per mailboat and or sale by ANDREW BUCHANAN t:o., nvJtf ,jner Sevfi,d and -- -. LLOUK Slo bi)iB Arcane Mills clioue taiui!;- - iiwir l in sure ana ior s.te ny AND'W BUCHANAN A CO , mn Corner Roond and Wvbmet.-t- t JAVA COFFEE A supply of superior old Java Cof for bale by J. T. I HM CO., ml-- Tmrvwtr- - r.f T, P. Third t HAMS canvnsrd nam: SO'J country hstfFd Hams, In store ami lor aalc by il O RDWR A ''O .TUST RE';l-.lVEi- A El NE ir,. T7rr .1 !f LyaMrtuinnt of new and elegant SoofiS, by the best. auOior', em 7 J rfrr- - sacred and Secular, Son&w uinl . l, Oiritic and f.'ratoi ical, Ethiooian and Pt i.tic and Patheric, to Ft it, all tate. ; aloO Brinley Kichard 's H ant 1 raiiecripiions and Compo sitions, a's the iksT qdalitv of and Drums. Give uieacall. WM. McCARULLI , 310 JelTerson treet. west, TitlH I nuipiij, Kv, IRESH FRUITS, Ac Peaches, Green Gsyes, Clmr Apricot Tomatoes, Green Corn, Green Peas, alio Preserves, JeMies, Ac. for sale hy J. T. LANHAM A CO., m!4 Importers of Ti . c Third st. VCKKP.EL -- KM) kite No. 1 Mackerel frr sale loi tn ciOifK by WM. GAY. BRANDY A. Selpnette Brandy; 35 '..pipes Cocuac tio; tfi pii- -s di; lu vjj.'fea ;itard, Dupuy, A Co. Branny. i5 bhie N. Y. r. ?, bbis fiie old Peach rto; 5 bhlc oi J Aupla d; In stre and tor sai-- by rn ''7 MARHt T, RAT,nwRTrn. S. 8. MARK. O. F. DOWNS. fpfrX'MVHI) TilTM DAV-- A few patterns of Brocade Siiki ia sprinff colort; ( iik a?id cuiill piaid Spriug ilkj Kid Oiovefl, Ac. For Bale at very low pvires MA tor A nOWV(. 41S Vain t. SAND 25 bhls Sccuriuft Sand, which every houli ti.je. for eaie hy W. it. II. IU Kn HAKI t . I7 MarKT At 1 ENGLISH DAIRY CUEEBb Juu boxes tu store and J lor tiaie by JNO. F. HOWARD, m38 Mln, between Tiiii'd and Fourth sts. U L'GAK 40 hlids prime received per steamers Magen 15 ta and B. J. Adams aud for nib by mli RAWSON. TODD. A OO 1 IO COFFFE-3- -J bats good fsir Rio Cofi?e landing V v.'X sUmer Baltic and tor eil" and'w bl;hann A CO., nJl Cimier Seui.i nn.i 'A'ahinrton eta. Alt 3 bhds prime landing from eteameisWocd-f"r- d aud John haine and fnr nr.lp bv me-- RAWSON. TODD. f'O (CODFISH 15 hole and halt druma large arid for sale hv mil ANn'W PT01TAVV A f'O. H1TE WINE h bbls Uaut Sauterne !r- stcr- and I BLACKBERRY WINE-- A choice article of pure Black berry Wine in store and for sale by the bar- rel hy 1VHISKY- - 75 bbls extra Rectified WhUky; M bhls doubie xlra do; 4AI hbls copper do "5 bhl? nne old IVurboa do; 25 bhls fine old Rye do; In and for sale hy ru27 MARSHALL H AT. BERT A CO. OARAFTINE CANDLES cases Pararlta Candles - iu 'tore aud for sale by HTWmTT A SON. fOFKEK- - iiiu bftKe prime Rio received by Jno. Kaine v aud Woodlord aud tor sale uy II. W. COOP. IONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALIi Ijoudou Poiter; HU do Scotch Ale; Sold by th.., dtu or cask t wilt prchasers by m: i p THilV"i"J. T Fourth rt. Soma Xwino, iTot-Lmo- ti, fltc FULL assortment of Seine Twine, , A Su'.i.'iiift, i;hlk-Lins- , Fi Plow Lines, Flax, Hemp, and Cotton Twine, MauiUa, Oottoo, aud Hemp liope, Ac, in store and fo ale low bv ORR1N RAWSON. n.2 Main st.. between Third aud Fourth. M OLA 55 Ed lit inns pi imt1, in irood coopraiie; 4 X' do, do do; P.i!Cfi7ed the Douisvilie and J n acfl for sale hv i:nor A i V'.liL'o KAlki.D Vii'cll just revived aud for ale hy ,T. SMITH SPEED. Min t CHEESE Mcaeea Che, R. Nitoo nramt, for Ale hy nM W. A H. Krt.KHAKDT. 417 Market st L1NKN GOODS cis 4 superfine Tahle Damaek; 10 cases Irish Liru-nA- , assort e4; 5 do Spanirh Linen; 5 do Blouse do: 2,000 pair brown Linen Table-Clot- 3 cases brown Lluen DriHiug; 8 do bleached do; 2 do fancy do; Received and for sale by JAME3 LOW A CO. Tt23 2(a and lii t side Sixth st. "I1KEE - V Hm bxes Western Reserve Cheese; do Ham burp do; fi0 do Endli-- Dairy do; In store aud for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD A CO., nil Main, between Third and Fourth sts. FLol.Koi ditferent brands, all warranted IAMILY sale by .T. SMITH SPEED, Main st. FINK CLARET WINKS a casks St. lulteu, in qtr and pts; 15 do Flonac in qts only; 20 do Sf. E.tet-h- do; Iu store aud for sale to suit purchaser by my J. P. THOMPSON, 76 Fourth at. FLOUR Rushnile Mills Donble Extra Flo-ir- " " " ' 41 bhls Knijthtstown 7'J bbls WtMowGrove1' In store and for sale by AND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO., Iron, Nailfe, and Steel. TUNS Charcoal aud bwuecoal Iron, aMorted 700 ftiMfT) keeri Nails, from 2 to 60rJ 5 do Spines, cut and wrought: Ku tiius Steel, Caat, Slba, Wingf, and American InJSfSr Ml. v7 tar ft (x, D'fe1 Lalris brown, bleached, aud slats Pollings; Ui cHses Snper Idem 4 aud aud Lou dale bleauhed Cottons; B-- id fa. -- u JAMESL0W4C0., )LASSES i ooo bbls a.d i.i' .O half bbls prime fi y,tii:y, aui Ui Glare s rr.iperi'-- c fur caie by ii. it. MtWCQMH t, BKO. ilSS POitK in hbls ior sale by M Jt OARPVKR A f'O SE MOLASSES- - nnu t, .lames SUOAR-Ho- l Molasses in si"ie aud for ?ale hy Rj' AND'W KlCl'ANAN A CO. GOLDEN SIRUP, MAPLE MOLASSES, AND f'T. " I.ot'Ii SIRUP, in k'rs and on t4 i 1, for salt by Lm:j UlBBITf 4 SOI . BUSINESS CARDS. NOCK. WICKS. & CO.. awn GOZaSXZBSION MZIQOHANTa, A eontA fnr To bate cos, Liqnor, and Cotton Tarns, HO. II anfl 317 Main st., bet. Third and F earth, LOUTSVTLLR, KY. mil J. E. MOORE, (rjOOXMOB TO WTf Bmr.HAMl. rcrwardinf & Commission Merchant am STEAMBOAT AGENT. A LAO. Freight Agent fcr Penna. Centra Railroad. No. 41 FOURTH (OB WALL) STREET, Pi drf IonlpvilK Ky. H. W. PITKXM. WM. L. P. WLABD. PITKIN, WIARD, & CO, Pnccesrf to Pitkin Brothers, WITOIESALP, DEALERS IN SEED S, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEXTS, Machines, Trees, Plants Hydraulic Cemont, Imo, Plaster, &c 613 stroot, dlf ItV. raiLL ruaniBHiwa. F'EP.NOH anil kinds. CLOTHS All numtjor hestmkq. IMPP.OVED PoKTAPLE MI LLS-W- ith so:H bnhrs anil made on b"i known plan, SMU1' MACHINES -- Several different kinj. Mill Irons, Scroll?, Screons, , Pter Partj,aua Mill articles V7v havti on hand a larce ttctk of the ahovenamed articles. For sale lo and imaiiri- - Tvariantfi IIEKUEU 1' WRIGHT, w?27 fltf No. 15 Third t.. . Mnin a- -d rivflr JLrag& Prescription Store, t MOZART HALL, Comer Fourth and Jefferson street. t w Prcri i t Ions ear" fally and aceumU.iy eomponnfled at all hour .lay ornistt. IIIBBITT & SON, V.TioU-al- aod Rtf il GE0CBH'S,,ri.Ol7rartT3A CTOIiS, No. LV Market ft., bet. Second ani Tliird, TTAVE IN 6TORR A FULL STOCK OP FINE t'oerijs, and solicit the patiouags of tr.e jKiolic. (lay's Clilaa Palace, IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE, COH3V22H FOURTH AUD CHESStf. I have jast now opened aud ren!y fcr sale or Impoc-tlo- the largest and moat elegant Btoek of China, Glass, and Queens ware Erer offered in this or any ether city In the North or South. I Lave al?o on hand and intend always to have the d t.ck of SILVEU-PLATE- WARE, CUTLERY, P.HITANMA Vt'AKE, WOODEN AND WI1LLOW WARE, and OAS FIXTURES In the country, and which I ill at prices to suit the tima Pernonc havinp old Chard liers. Lamps, Ac , can net them cleaned and made look a well aa new at a very tritliiin expanse. I a n nUi prer.Rit-f- to run GA3 aud STKAM PIPE Into buildings or fit earn boat at tho abvrteat notice. LM3- H- 76 bhla Mackerel, N.v. 1. C, and 3; Eu Vrio do No- -. 1, a. and Si"' kit? .To No, j, j, J: 35 kiti No. laalmou. for naif hv tlARDNER 4 CO. "W. & H. CtTHEHAItDT, AGENTS FOR l.USSEli & C(t.'ri Sl'EAM DRIED BOLTED . veiy eup-- rior article. CORN-MEA- 80 Fhir A Co.'s Steam Iiclied Coru-M- . ,J, in bushel aud biiehbl bay?, iu store aid for enU- hy W. & H- HUKKH ARDT. 4)7 Market ct. MOL.V-SE- bhls choice Plantation Mola?pes; SoiJ Jft do do do do; In tnr rl for nr br Tnll IT. W. POOD JAVA by COFFKI-l-- ,u mat tiue old arriving aud Ior '7 RAVov, TOTin. ft CO R IO 'i)Fi i:gl'i1 bar; strict I v Prime Kaptem Hin Cv tfeo rtccived th: d:iv p- -r miMSnt ;ik1 t'.r ty and Wn.-(- i i t. Wl.NDKI- ?- O &') pkif? Prandl'f forae vtity 6ne; 2 v hbid Botirhoa V. hieky; 4 pippi- Gin; 4 puDchecna ew Rum; 5 iIh Jamaica do So cased Brr.ndy Cherries; 3 do Meearoui; Olive '!': fx do ii aini xi Rri'ie: fcr sale hv ANTHONY ZANONU A SON, 23 Kith rt., below Main. 1 7 csjks Madeira Wine; In casks Port do; lo s Muscat d; 2. bMs Mi la pa no; & hoi' Oinpr du; In store and for aale hy MARSHALL II ALBERT & CO. HAMS of varion? brand;, supar-cure- country, tnd Hiii:s, lor sale by T. tTTI SPFKD. LOVEK3 OP U?iION I lVOTK PAPKR AND KNVKLoPrt, beautiliillf cm- - 1" with the Fia el our Union printed iu colors, manulactaied and tor aie at F. MADDEN'S B00KSTOUE, :wi Third st. Mo?,A8i;S-- 1) James S'lspr-ILma- Molaj8ea; ltu hhlu prime Plants "ion do; In -- tre and tor sale by mil AND'W liUOHANAN A CO. J OLD FN SIi"P-5- J packftiet-- r Baltimore extra Gol- - riiiu binip in store a:-- fr fab- hr mff AND'W y.y.i nvN CO 1 i;HVEi HUtiARS 25i bhtMVii-h- Orminlatcd, I-- Loaf, and So;t Crti.ahej .snjf '.iv in ftor and fr alfby AND'W BCCHANAN A CO., mJi Oomr Brwrprni nd WftrfU'iiptn rlH SOLDICK'S OL HJK, a Cannier Mniinal and .1 Drijl Ur the n.-- e of all VoPintt-i-rt- , Militii, anil Iiwr,e O iard, by at Od'o-- of ti.e U. S. Aiuy. Pnco -- bcunr) iu nper, m c: 4'J cts. Copies eent per lu&i1, . I jr " Oe. Address k MADDLN"d HOOKSToKK, UiH :z:l Tnirttrt. pLOCR 75 bbls Krtra White V..ent: Fam 'vVlnnr I tnr'alaht- - f f. m v( A 0 . jloS Si.i0drii:naSi!!vni r ir- - in -- tire and tor -- ste by fii r.v.n m:. mop.kis. im Third st1 ITICK 10 tierces prim Rice received by mail boat for hv IrA''. II. W. CtK'O. IN Al 7j kei Nails, ainoi-tin- b)7.". i;i -- tore and for br fmlrtl HfUMITT i'. Has H1TK V. lNLft bhls H:uit Sa;it;riie in etore and fur .'Ie hv a .':!! ':W. rr.v. 1 LAKiCT i ;ipt;iior in utora and fnr cale bv niia WM. GAY. 60 Ijlids prime N. O. 75 bbl Powdered and Crushed ?.igar; bbls Lo!'i S;isar; In tore and ior sie. hy alfi MA USD ALT, Tl ALPORT VY R IO COFl El- - -' bacia fx' arriving an-- for sale by m-- ! AAWAkN. TOOJK CO. DRESS new g: vie Arancan Lwn?; a do do do Fifich do; I cHpe rio do do Chhi;i; 7 aborted IVoJin1: Revived tnd tor Aile chw.p bv T. 4 R SLl'VTN A TAIN. T)ltlNT- S- X causes new rtyle Prints; 6 do black and hlurk and a'hite Prints; 2 do 4 4 HovleV purple do; Received aud for tae chenn aS T. R. PCVVTV C IN. II ICE 3J cacks in store aud for ?n!e bp fil UAWSnN. TODD. CO "OFFKIC uOO baB for a!e by mil H. 1. NETVCOMB A PRO R I;H- - 15 cak.e received p"r ptomicr Eunice nnd for sale by RAWSON. Toil. A '(. Cl'.l SHE ) SUCiAR-- 75 hbl- - N,w York Circle A Sng;ii iu store and for enle by iti WM. DAY. CHAMPAGNE b 'x-- a pint and ipiarh in store low to cIoju coiidiumet bv aO1- WM. GAY. W1NE- S- f cases Claret Wino, for fumily nne; 60 do do do, vt-r- hut; 6i cacks no do; lu do do do, fine f r ti.hle uw; lu.i cases White do, Hunt San tt: run; a'y hhle do do, do uo; "n ca?ks I'urt d. So do SiK'iTv an Madeira Wine; a.S bxes Muacat Wiiit-- fo. do ih!ipm:ue, yta, pts, anil Vj pt.; In store and for ek1 bv ANTHONY ZANf)NK 4 SON, aJa Kilth rivet, helr.w Mi-- QUAKER liKO'.tMS !6 dozen of an extra quaht 0 Jntt received and for aale by al3 HTBHITT A SON. C OFFEK liio hags f;iir to prime Kio in 'tore and tor sal hy inlJJ WM. CAY. OJ " f TUNS COUNTRY HOLLOW-WAHI- urortid elz"?, for eal" fie l sle rt hw pi us bv WAi,:. u'V.. i,i W, rtl '!"). irass-bouu- tf Codar I'ails. - 50 DOZ.EN bra:! bound Cedar Fail, 3 ebjs, just re- ceived and tor sale low by OKKIN RAWSON. 30 fun between l oer'h and t HTh 11 OS1KKV Sou dozen Mie Lite Cotrrn Hose; 2,')' 'U do Lad uV do tio do; . 8,i MO do d j mixed do Ai SiM do do black do do, aft'OrtM; 8U0 do do elite do do, do; Received and for rale by JAMES LOW A CO., ml and 2 in Sixth e. ST. JAMES SUOAR-HOCS- MOf .ASSIES 75 btD Jrtirnitj Siiar-Uoif- n M'thioi in .Jtoro nnd farale by alij AND'W BLt.HANAN A CO. IOVKKING'S SUGARS tti bbl Loverint;' Cruahed, and Granulated Sugars received per steamer Eunice and for bv a4 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. POOL COTTON a,tiyU doeu Coste's S;ool Cotton, assorted; B,tM do Shadw. do do, do; Just received and tor sale by JA MVS LOW A CO., m 9'" in fH ?ih t. 11 EM P SEED 500 buehf new crop trta by A fi PITKIN, WIARD. A CO. iUGAR SuO bhds fair to choice Iu store and for ule ALLEN, MOORE. 4 HADEN. KAC 3.0U3 Iti bar Lead Juit r cived andir.re&le by ALLEN. MOORI ft 17 A DEV CODEY'S LADY'S BOOK for Aptil. Price 25c MGAINK for A;.ril. Pm 2f'e. FRANK LFSLIE'S ILLUS TJtATEl NEWsPAPl'.R, I coiitaiuing the ilhi tia'iou of the Raiinir cf the Stars and Stripes at the CourHioute. Pi ice luc r.er coty. At F. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE, mIS :1 Third st. SPRING DRKSS GOODS O 3 balea pliu Percald: 8 d colored Jaconets; ci C&40B uuw etyle Lawns; lo do piinted Organdice; Recti ved and for ealeb? JAMES LOW h CO., m93 Si and Jin wetT ni'Io Sixth ut. HKRRING No. 1 Eoton HrriuB; 1U0 boxe- - No. 1 Dried do; Ju?t received aud for ale by HI g:cq w. MOSPT3. i:Tb'-- a v. LE BON TON for April. ATLANl'lC iiONTHLY lr A.ri'., KOI; For sale at mil E MADOPVS. ?? TT,irii , n AM BURG DAIRY ClIEESK-2- -i k)xri H.iir.bcig Chttm tn ftore and tor sVe hy inM W. n. UULKHAKDT. 417 MarfcuT rt. iLOl R Hi bbls XXtra FIouj- just received and for L sale by imtfj CAHDNUR A CO. RAILROADS. FASTEST LINE EAST! VIA CirJCI3NT3JATIf COMMENCING APRIL 11, 1S1. LITTL3 imUMX JJfD Columbus and Xenia AND Cincinnati, SIam!!ton& Dayton 1861 mm i86i EAILROADS. FROM CINCINNATI TO Piston In 33"; bwn. New York In 31 hrnn. Philad-lrhl- a in S7lt h"rs. Haiti more In 59 hoT. 9arit'-;:f- v gprines in A' h'rs. Albany in 2F V hours. Ihitfalo in bonrs. D'inkirk in 14 honra. Clpvfland in "V hoar. Firteburir in 1.1V hoars. Wheeling In li honrs. Btenber-vill- in 11 honn. Crerline in f. hours. Zanesville in 7 hours. SiuduAy In c4 hour. Toli-d- in houii. Detroit In lii boure. Tbronffh Trains leave tinclirantl u followni :15 A. M. EXPRESS -- Frvn Cincinnati. .Hntn-iro- A Dep-jt- , connects via Toledo, ITetroit, and Cina'la. ":"0 A. M. CINCINNATI EXPRES- S- From l ittle Mrnni IVpit, connect.-- :n L'ohiinhna, Cleveland. Imn-kir- i, and via ('.iliml) ;e, CrMine, end Pitts-bar- vm Uohiiiibn?, pfriih; nvtlle, and Pittebure;; and via Cohimhiia, IVllnir, and Lvuwood. 9:2" A. M. EXPRESS MAIL Fnra Little Miami Opot, connect v.:i Cyldirhiis, Eellair, aiid Pin-bur- via Oliunhiip, Crcitlinf, and Pittshory; via Coluaibns, Cleveland, Uuuklrk, and Hnftalo. P. M. EXPRF33-Fro- m Cincinnati, Hamilton. A Dayton Di'pot, couuiK-t- via Toledo, Detroit, and Cana- da. 1" P- M. NIOHT ati, Ham- - llt.in. A Dai ion Dio', connects via C'jlurubiie, pid Pittriirit: v;a Columbia, Creetlio, nnd Piltsbiir?: via Coiur , Clttvf md, Pnnkirk, ai:d via Columbu-- , HLllair, and Bcnwood; and via Hfllair, and PitMrnrg. Modern Sletjnr.Q Cars cn this Train. rP-aMnfr- a forLako Steamers will take the mom-lu- g Tnin. riThe :: Id P. H . Etx, SaturJ.i-- s, for ToUdo only. The Xtoht E yress runt Dai'y, Saturdays, excepted. All other Travit run Daiiy Sundays except id, tiV' J'rain" run by Cl irohue time, irhich is 7 minute faster than Cincinnati lime. Baggage Checked tlironph to all Eastom Cities. should In thit th iu iheOLL and AVOKlTE KOUTK. n ar i,iad itothHIt, the Roads stv thoror.rhly BALLAiiiLD, and all modrrn improvement adopted IuLirii-- ijl, cuiiKoiiT. cod SAiEx Y. TJIHOCOM TICKETS Are MM s ail ths PRINCIPAL RAILROAD TTCKKT OFFICES m rse WEST aid SOUTH. Ask for Tick-el- s via CINCINNATI. P. V7. 8TRADER, General Tickent Aent, CillfiTltlAtl. Louisville nnd Frankfort ami Lex- ington anfl Frankfort RAILKOADS. o N AND AFTER MONDAY, AprdJ'tl, Tratiu Will leave IXiiliViile (Siimfava ttxrAA km ' ' follows; FIRjl TrtAIN f; A. M rtpniun at all idatlon whciirtecd. exr. pt K;iir Grounde, itace Course. Bmwns-hor- and Hftltiri-'w- . connect ing t Eminence with saght for Nt,w nt EraT.ki'.rt tor Lnwrenclwir?, Harrods-hury- , and D uivi'.ie; k Mi.'wy for Vr?aille; at Payn-s- ' Sf?.tian f v (ieorK-to-w- and at Lfxinfrtou via railroad aud stairs for Danville, Lancaster, Crab Orchard. 8o:nerU Ric:.nio,id, Mt. Sterling, aiid all in- -t nor tr.wiia. SECOND TRATV P. M..Ptowinr 11 tatirtr,- - wh'-- l!K;;p'-d- , eT.f pt Fair Grounds, Point, Rat Course, Ormshy'd. BrovrnplraH-irknr's- , and North IVnpon: con-- . necrms bv etce at Emiueuce for New Castle; and at Fri Tic P tor town. THIRD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION Leave at 5:00 P. M.. fropfhic at all Stations; and retuniiiif.'. will leave Lnttraupe at rX A. M.. ato.iug at all stations, and ar-- j rive at Louit-viJI- at ::"5 A. M. Train in IMbvIIIi-a- follows; Firet Train at l(:4 A. M.: wcond Train at &.2) P. M.; Lagrange Accom-- I mod Aticn at h:m A. M. Frnsnt Trains lavc Ism UvIIIp daily (Sundave except- ed; at 5:.) A. M.. arriving in Lxineron at 4::?. P. M. Fmigtit U receiveU and discharged from 7:3u A. M. to ) P. M. trr"Throiih Tickets for Danrilie, Harrodfbnrfr, Crab Orchard, Soiurs't, VcrouiileB, Georytown, and ail fur- ther mforniHtvu cnu at th-- Depot in Louisville, corner ot Jcliei'rfou and atroet. SAMUEL GILL. Superintendent, dlf L. & V. and L. A F. R. tt. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLfc AND Memphis and Louisville KAILKOAD XjTISTE COMPLETION OF THE MEMPHIS, CLARKS-V- I LLC, AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD, FORM- ING A DIUEOT LINE FROM LOUIS- VILLE TO MKMPHI3 AND NEW ORLEANS VIA CLARKuVILLK. CoinmeDcIr April 14, l.til. Trains will run ilb follows: Leave Louisville 12:00 cocq. H:(K) nljcht Arrive at Cave Citi- - p. u. a m noviiPt'-tiree- u b:3' " u Nichvilie k:u0 ( larkM i!le " Hi.n.ho!dt 4:M) a. m. 4: UJ p. H. 11 Mei'iptitd 11 Time (Lou id villa to Mempnie) 21 hours. CONNECTING at HUMBOLDT for NEW ORLEANS. LeAve Humboldt 4:35 a.m. 4:15 p m Arrive :it .Jack-o- Tenn P;15 A. m. 5:15 p. m. An ivc at Canton Mit 7:lp. m. 7:15 a m Arrive at New Orleans 6:15 a.m. t:ia r u Time (LouUWlle to New Orb-ant-) 4 2 If hourp. FOR BARDSTOVN, LFCAVON, AND ELIZABETH-TOWN- . Leave LOTiiavlllfl 7:oo A- - M p:f,u P Mt Arrive at - " ' Kli.ribethtowu 7:uo k Lebanon ! :r.i) a.m. :13 w The 7:0(i A. M. Train fropi cotinectf at Lfh- - anon with for dpnugtieid, Danville, and points in tho mterior of Kentuc'iy. RtTURTINO: Leave Lebr.aon F:W a. k. LOO r. u. Leave L'iin ethtovn i'i Lav Brtrdtovn t;. j Arrive at LouuviHe P:ou 6::;,) f. u. Train? f:om MemT.lii.- and Na-i- villa arrive at Louhv vi'ea :..u P. M. and 11:2 P. M. Thrt 12 no.m TuLa lrom ilM wlH yr.n ArV Tho 13 mht Tr.iin will Itvuve on Snrniay ni. ht. hut ill nt nin an Srttn.-Ji- v uijrhT. Tnrou:;h l'i?k-- r at the Depot, cimer of Ninth nnd Bi'id'i j'.y, and at No. 7 J 1 ourth rtreet, 0,.OHitj tha NfiTi'-';a- I I. mI .itf .in., ANrRSON. Stiperintendent. NKW TIME TABLE. LOUISVILLE. rr-- ALSANt, & CiZiCACiO KAILHOAD. F?cST. LGIIS,SL?CAC0, DETK0IT And ntl TointM Went nnd NortliTrenU TWS GREAT WKPTKRN AND NORTH WE3TKPN 3IiORT LINK ROUTifi. 1C50. Summer Arrangement. 1361. TWO DAILY TRAINS TO ST. LOUIS, CINCIN- - isiil, &yiJ ClliCAGO. O N and after Monday, April 15, 1WT, PAP"cneer Trains iriu leave Wmr AiD-u- v (oooosite a.a fol lows: 73' w.Y; ST- AND CHICAGO EXPRESS MAIL (ailyexceytSiindaye). 6:00 T. M. THROUGH ACCOMMODATION (Daily ex- - c jit Sfiturdar.'. 7:4a P. M. NIGHT EXPRTT, for St. Loirs, Csiro, Omcmn-.t- i. Pinr, RHltii-iore- , Cleveland, Duf- - falo, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston. Two Trains ddily (except Sundays) for St. Louts at A. M. and 7:15 P. M. Two Trains daily (exr.ept Snadaya) for Cairo at A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Tvo Train.- - dii'.y Sandays) for Memphis at 7:30 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Two Trams d:uiy leirt Sundays) for Kew Oileaui at 7:S ) A. M and 7:43 P. M. Two Trains dai'y 3und.yh) for Chicago at7:M A. M. and 7: P. M. 'iwoTrai'ii dailv ( -- cent Sundays) for Detroit at 7:0 A. M. and P. M. Two TraiiiKd- - ilr (excrpt Surdavpl for J?rr-i:"- City, Svracufe, St. J.'. nh, Hnnn.ir3l.Oi;icr7. RlorriIn ton, Spriti:n.'ld. , Peoria, Lurhnfon, Iowa City, and all points West and One Train cn S.ioday evening at 7;43. ISrime to St. Imip, home; to Jet'. rjun City, hmira: to St. 11 to Cairo, l.j hgurj; to Memphis, v hours; to New Orleans, 4! hour?. Only o.c Civtnee 0 Car to Ht. Louis, Cincinnati, or CtTwWO, SVB.iysae chocked turoun aud alt transfers free. s leave St. at A M. and 4:W P. M., couuecTitie ut Mit h. !i with Traiiw South; arriv-Li.- in LouUvilie at ti.i.i A. M. and P. M. All trains connect cloeely with all Pflpecrtger Trains on the Ohio aim Mi.idippi Railroad, and wait, indefinitely for O. and M. ttaintj when tb.ey are delayed, thereby to raMenc;eru Connections at Mitchell, to or f"rm St. l.ouinor ohicimmti. ai.'! jtapKifje taken to and from any part of the City and tho (Jar Free of Charge. Hoth Tnroi'eh Train couuertine clotty at Grwncao-tl-c with the IN.ute and Richmond RaUroati, West f'T Tene Haute ami l. Louis, nd F.ut for Indianano-lis- : at Limyctt with the 'lob-d- end Western Railway; nd at M. S. (VoroTiie with the Michigan Southern Rail road for Toledo and stations. Alw) st Michigan City v. ith the Michigan Cenrral Railroad for Ohicat-- and HlliHiintu Wert and Northwcat. Also for D' Trrit and all pointi Ewt. THROUGH TICKETS r.ad furthpr information n be obtained at th'.ir RAILROAD TICKET OFFI E, Soutb..ejf corner of Third and Mun streets, occupied oy A. D. Mausv-ld- Ky. HTrinr- - xrp run by Loiueviile time. 8. S. PARKER, Agent, Louisville. R. H. RICSER, 8up't. N'w Al'mnr. 1". ln f, f TKAiNSPOK'l Al iO;, Steam to Londonderry, Glas- gow, and Liverpool. ,J?..--- The Montreal Ocean titeanihip Cra- - Clyde t . built steaiueis; N. S.'otiau,Capt. McMaster. N. Ampricao, Capt. Alton. BoiiMiiian. C;i;:t. GrAiiKA. Anfclc-Saxo- "liallaiitiiie. No;1h lliitou, Eoi hind. Hiherniui uiow building). Candia:i, Capt. Giaham. Nonveciau (now lmildln). v.hit iii( inn v.auauian ana rmieu srarTj inis. One oi tlie pteaeu r? ot tlie line wiil cail from Liver-- p ol evf-- Thurcday, and from Qu bee every Satur- day, calHng at Loudondcrry to receive on hoard and land njails nnd to and lrom Ireland and Scotland. Glnow ptutseufc' rs are furumhed with free la.a3ae tickei to aud from Londonderry. RateB of pivHf?.;::- - tiom Quebec to Londondorry, G las-to- or Liverpool: First iXt.v farror!hig to accomroodat i on) . .$6 and $90 Strate 'found witn cooked provisions) "ay An eiperi-jnc- Surgeon attached to each steamer. Ketrrn tickets ut reduced rales. Cortifirrated israed for hriotrin out patenters from all the principal towns of Great Rritam and Ireland at the iollTwius low re'ep: V New York no (ilapgo' 33 60 Livparpoo ! From any R. R. Station in England 4'J U'J From " " " in Ireland Si tK From Antwerp. Bremen, Uambarg, and Rot-- twrdam to New York 45 00 Ticlt.'te at red ded rarea per Washiuctoa Lln of bailing lj.ca.et, leaving Liverpool "Xor New York weeklv. For passaA, app!y at tho office of th Companr S3 Brortday. York. BABEL A SR HLB. Aceni orR. II CauiU, cci ut-- of Main ami Third atretU', LouiviJ!e, R . jyiy dly Kew & iDiproved Sfatioaery Ranges, FOR HOTEL AND FAMILY USE. VKi are coustaat! y manu fa ctnriujE the above Cooking tilt o1 vanauB sie. adapted to family ue or Iawt cia. note!, and which have trivto auch uuL verwil a'ttiatacttoa siuce tlieir introduction in this city, i ftee Ramies are the moit complete and siiccen'ul ot tlie (iuJ ever otitied to the public. CdU aud ex- amine them at w4 WALLACE. LTTHOOW, ft fO.'S. CottoQ Rope, fitc. A FULL asrtrjeut of alt sizes Cottou, Manilla, Jute, aud bemp R."e: Cjttou, H-- . mp. and I lax Twine?: 8e;ue Twi;-- Ot"itk Lu.es, l'irib Liue, Trot Lilies, Status, tc.; juat received -- d for sale by UEI'JN RAWSUN. IQ13 S:. , b. t t. 'j ;.irj toJ Fo irrb. (pOK- N- V-- ' li'.i sa' ku el'e'.id Ciu; 4" Hj Wiiite d, d In i:' rcpt-w- ..n:iiHt; rctivLig ir Jtifciaonvlila RallrouU aud r.r ."ale fill IT ..vr., f'onier Sere.tJ a'i ".S"RJ!ili'tfTon e'.jt. IoLASES-:i:i- 3 r rii u Plantation leceived per 11 rtvamer E, U. Fa''chiid unl Ior sale bv tuli ALLEN, MOORE, A UADEN. RAILROADS. JflrrflHBONVILLB &AIZ.BOAD. Change of Time. RA.IN3 will leave Jeffersonvilie, opposite LoaUvtlle, 6::i A.M., 2::i0 P.m., nnd li:20 A. M. A M.-- ST. LOUIS AND CINCINNATI b Connect Rt Seymour for Vincenues, Evaua-vill- SandoFBl, Cairo, 8t Loui--- ; St. .losei.h, and hII point in the Wert and Northwert. and for (.,iiiciuti&tL conuectmg with local traiua ior all poluts in Southern mio. S;:w P. M. LIGHTNING EXPRESS FAST -- Dally (Sundays excepted) conncctint at with traina on the Ohio and Riilread for Cincinnati. Columbus.New York. Borton.Philadr-lphia- , Raltimor! and all Eastern Cities; andt Indianapolis w ith line for Cleveland. PifNburg. Philaaf h.hia, Ksltimore, and nil the principle cities in the Eart- - alo with 1 rams on the Terre Hmite and Lafajtte lor S. Louis Chicago, Rock Dland, Quipr,.r Ilanmhxl, Joseph, and ail the otucr principle cities iu the Wett nnd Nortlnvp-t- . 130 A. M. NIGHT EXPRF.SS-P- llr (Saturdays connecting at Seymour r. ith trains on tlw Ohio and Miseiiwippi Railrond for. incinntt and all Eartem cilie; at Indianapolis jrh the Bellelono-t- a no Line for Toledo. l)etrot4 Cleveland, New York. Roa'ou. Phihid' Iphin. Haltimoie, and all in the Cn-- t; and w ith the Cincm-int- and Chl aro air line. Ter-- Hute and Richmond and Itv-eil- e Railrortda for Cliicaci. Sr. Paul. ft. .Joseph St. Louie, and all point in the Wi-u- aud Norlhwert CLINTN .IOHNSON, Aient. al.' dtf A. 8. CROTHEU3, Snp't. MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI BALTIMORE0 AMD OHIO RAILROAD. Fast Freight Line TO Daltiinore, Philadelphia, XewTork, and Boston, via iacinaaii and rarkersbnrjr. FOCR DAYS TO AND KO.M HALTIMwkR. FOl'R AND A HALF DAYS To AND FROM PUILA DKLIMM A. FIVK DAY3 TO AND FROM VKW YORK. ArranemciT arecoi'jpieteil li v. hiclureicht is tran ported over thi Short Lme of Railway to and from Cin- cinnati in the time as stilted alore. riOver Charges and Damages Promptly Adjostfd. A. E. Wattre, General Freight Agent, Cincinnati Depot. G. B. Brown, A cent. No S Burnet UotUfl. R. T. Keys A. ut, Baltimore, Md. Calhoun Houston, Asunt, Sixth and Chetnot street, Philadelphia. C. W. Perrei!, Genernl Acnt, or X7, H. Darl:n(t, Agent, B. & o. R. R., bruadwfty, above Astor, Nw Yortt. Edwin 8. Coliw, Airent, 7 Watiiuefnn street, Eoaton. shippTng iMKw;rToNs. Pleace direct Eactern coiTeepondcntj- - to mark "VI B. o, & M. A. C. R R., and chip by Da'limore A Ohio LOUISVILLK SHIPPERS. For thronch bi - ladiup apply to II. Ii. CLIFFORD, Aireut, 143 Fourth street, betwneji Miin and V"ater. shippers can have their choice of ail rail or rail and water from Louisville. A. B. WATERS, Gen. Freight Aeent, CiuciniiatL E. n. Bbowm, Gen. Western Froight A sent, nlS dlr St. LomIs. Mo. 18601 I86OI ID PllSraili CESTRAl 11 I ROAD. 250 Miles Dosbls TracL Tb Capacity of this K?ad In now cqonl to In tbe CoanfTy. THREE TIIROl GJI Passenger Trains BETWEEN PIIKliEM AND PHILADELPHIA, C0N:ECTIN0 direct In tbe Colon Dppot, at trains from all Western cities for Philadelphia, New York, Boston, llaltimore aud u City, thus furnifibiug facilities for the transpor- tation of j'jipenpora unsurpassed for speod and comfort by anv other route. E sprees and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphia without change of cars or conductors. Smoking cam are attach d to mh train; WocdniTs Sleeping Curs to Exprota and Fast Trains. The EX- PRESS RUNS DAILY, Mail and Fat Line Sundays excepted. Threo Daily Trains connect direct for New York. Express aud Fast Line conntct for Baltimore and Washington. All Tlirough Pawnger Trains provided with Louph-Hdce'- a Patent Brake sped under perfect control of the Engineer, thus addius much to the safety of travelers. Six Dnily Trains between Philadelphia and New York. Two Daily Trains betveen New Bork and Ronton, l'hrouph Ticketa all rail) are good on eitlier of the HO AT TICKETS to Boston are good via Norwich, Fall River, or Stonineton Liues. liiiton passengerr transferred free of charge t.hroii(h New York. TICKETS EASTWARD may be obtained at ary of the important Railrond offices in the Wwt; also on board s.ny of the rrula.r Line of ou the and Ohio Rivers; and at the Oiiices of the Com- pany in Boston, New York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia. Far always aa low and time o quick aa by any other Kout. ASK FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURG. The completion of the Western conn actions of the Pennsylvania Railroad make this the Cirect Xaine Between the Bast and th ansAT wrBT. The connecting of tracks by tbe Railroad Bridge at Pttuburg, avoiding all dray are and feniape of Freight, torether itith the aviji(t of time, are advsjitaises readily appreciated by Shippori of Freight auJ the Traveliua Pnhiic. Fcr Freight Contracts or Shij-pln- Directions apply to or address either of the tollow:ng Agents of the Com-n- y D. A. STEWART, Pittsburgh: H. 8. Pierce A Co., ZaiiKsvillc, O.; J. J. Johnston, Rlvley. O.; R. McNely, Maysviile, Ky.; Omisby& Cropper. Portsmouth, Oiilo; Paddock A Co., Jnfiensonville, Ind.; II. W. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, O.: Alhern A Hihrert. Cincinnati, O.; R. C. Madieoo, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore. Louiavilln, Ky.; P. G. O'Rilev & O., Evanavilhi, Ind.; N. W. Graham A Co., Cairo, 111.: R. F. S.ws, Shaler A Glata, St. Louis, Mo.; .John II. Han is, Nashville. Tenn.; Harrit & Hunt, MrtTiyihis. Tenn.; Clark A Co., Chicago, III.; W. H. H. Kooutz, Alton, 111.; or to Freight Agouts of Raiiroada at diUvre.nt points in the WpsL The rnrett Faril'tlm offered for the Fro'r-tlo- n nnd i:ecdy TraDiioilatlon of LIVE teTDCK. And Good Accommodations, with nen&l privilege! for persona travelling in charge thereof. FREIGHTS. By this ronre treiphts of all descriptions can bo for- warded to and from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore, to and frm any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, or MLouri by raih-oa- direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad aIo connects st Pittsburg with by which roods can bo fnrwaided to any Poit on th-- Ohio, Kentucky, Ten oerie, (,'unib.rland, IilinoU. Mii!r-i- Wlwnsln, Khucu. Ark:.:eaj, and R d rivers; oua at (.levp-lttiid-, Sndi-ky- , and Chicago wi;h steamera to all ports on tlie Not tbweah'iu Lakea. Meirh&:it.- and Shippers ennWln(t the transport. Ion ol" their freight to this Company can rely with confi- dence on it nepdy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point tn the Weft by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are at sll tim.is ar favorable a; are charged by any other Railroad Companies. tE8 particular tn ma.'k "Yla Pfhka. B. R. P. J. SNKFDER, PhMadclphia. MAGRAW A KOONS. Hn N nth strft Baltimore. L;,Ecn Ai CO.. No i Astor Houe, or No. ii William streer, New York. LEECH ot CO., No. 77 gtat- - strpt. II. H. HOl'STON, Gonoral Freight Avent, Piiiladrlpbln. L L. fJeneral Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. TFT08. A. SCOTT, General Sup't, Altoona, Pa. j"i dtf MOLASSES Sot) bbls landing from Marenta nd for rnSSJ H. D. NEWCOMB A BltO. 5 bushels freah Pecans in etore aud for sale rECANS PfmU W. IT. BrRKTT ARDT. 417 Mart-p-t st AOKEKEL '5 kit- No. 1 Mackerel in store and fcr sale low ou condigument by ft WM. GAY. "1 OLDEN SIRCP-- 30 bbls ?nd Hvm Beklmr'i eu- - I perior Sirup received per Moor:iTor and for t le by mil H. D. NEWCOM1J A hKO. riAK, LIME, AND CEMENT 6 b'n). for ss hy I HIHHITT BOV. 'l.OLR Various brands constantly on liaud. t.4 .1. SMITH PPEKD. Mint. IAMILY FLOUR-ai- t) bbls No. 1 Extia (Ruehvllle in atore aud for ."ale bv mZ-- ALLEN. MOORF. A HADEN. SUGAR 3U hhd)? prim? Sugar receivnd per lialtie and h.- - hnl GAKONEK A CO. STLIKTG- - STOCK Men's Clothing, Youths' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Children's Clothing, Also MEN'S, ROYS', YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SHIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, CRA- VATS, UNDERWEAR, SUSPENDERS, &c, &c Fresh, nicp, full stock for Spring and Summer wear lust opened at J. M. ARMSTRONG'S, m2! On Main etiwt oppMte the NxHnnal Hotel. T HI I'D FRl'IT-- 75 bushels Dried Pea-h- in store if and m1) HI"BIKT SOM. WUGAR 2T(I bbls lyjverinfi'HCniehed, Powdered, and Granulated in store and tor pale bv in6 ALLEN, MOOKB, A HADEN. TON for May received at UON F. MADDEN'S BooWtore, .37 3iil Third rt RMN BAGS .W seamless Baes (3 and ay,' bushel I Frt Pitt brand! received per rtearr:boftt Marmora and for sale by JM. F. HOWARD A C J., ARentc for Manntacts rera, niS Main, between Tliird aid Fon th st. ItJEASSES 11 131 bhis Plantaticn: 75 ,ydo do; Landing from steamer John Rain and for sale by ml RAWSON, TODD, A CO. CANNfLTON SHEETINGS I'O hale for sale by H. I. NKWCoMH A HK't. 1 ATTING &UU balca No. 1 Cannlton for aale by ' I ni7 H. D. NEWCOMB A BRO. COTTON YARNS 20' bsc- for mIp hv H. D. NKWCOMU A BRO. II K FINED SUGARS-3- 00 bhl- - fnr sal1 hy H. D. NKWCOMH HKO. IHKEAD WAS TE, suitable foi machhiery, 1 forilehv rm71 H. 1). NEWCOMB HKO. LD BOURBON WHISKY loo bbls C years old aud " " of superior quality for sal bv m7 H. D. NEWCOMB A BRO. RIO COFFEE by WW bags fair to prime in store and for n.rt ALLEN, MOORE, A UADEN. T IO COFEEE 3b0 bags good fair and prime arriving 11 audi for aaJe by ml RAWSON. TQDP. CO. ,MS- H- 1 6u Vi bhls White FUh; JU bbls Trout: Jurt received pe railrsad and for sale bv n RAKUVRR A CO. IKANS AND LINSEY8 6 bales Phouulx Mills In ' store aud for sale low to close coujignment by mLi v m. itAY. WINE 10 bbls Bland's pure Catawba CATAWBA and for ?ale by ni2 W. A H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market tt. OF THEM, bv Chsc. Dickens". Piice 6oe. ONE 3 RIFLE AND LIMIT INFANTRY TAi;'i'li:fi P; te tl p0. v dTO1"r. MADDEN'S BOOKSTORE, Sal Third street. Agent for Beadle's Dime Publications and French' Minor and Standard Drama. COFFEE LO00 bags Rio Coffee, fair to prim equality C J iu etore and for sole by '2 WM. PAY. SCOTCH ALE. ECEIVED this day per in cake R. You-- t r er's Ale, St. Aau'u Brewery, and for nale hv a Jo .T. H. S' 'HKOEPV.lt .fe SON. Wall st. M bbU A No. 1 Family Flour for sale by FL'UR GAKPNEH ft CQ. 4 Ji Ubde fair to strictly prime e aiid SUGAR le hr- - ri2 If. W.'.C'OO. hhd prime receive! per stumer to. J. SUGAIC-- Hl aud John Kaiue and 'nhy OLSES I'M) bbl? prime N.O. Plantstion In stort IM and lor hv linli' WM. PAY. i- - si'CAi? n hhU Bhltimore B Cni-- h i A ed, received and for WSON. TODD i CO. BUSINESS CARDJs L. A, CIVILTj & WOOD Books, Stationery, WALL-PAPE- R, WINDOW-SHADE- S, D 1. J l i n , i rt t dwk ana jn rrioters ana isinaors, 4S1 MAIN 8T BETWEEN FOURTn AND FIFTH si8 JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, rioar nd Oom mivftion merchants, tu Main street, between Third and Fourth LOUISVILLE, KY. TARTT('TT W iTTffv GIVEN TO THE SAL of Flour and Produces to us. au2l J. II. CALDW2L. & CO- - 8SJ Chestnut street, opposite Girard Douse, PHILADELPHIA. NEW mPORTATlONH-KHS- K WATCIil Patek, Phillire, Co., Watrhes, in G nva, Charles Frodjhani's lxinion Tiine-Kf"- ', c- f- eerit all size in IbmtiuF C&-- t and Oi.a i ace. rSole Authorised Agents for alrove, PGoM and Silver, FnglUh and Swiss WATCH El Rich Jewelry, new deetrna. Diamonds, Pearls, and nil rhe Fashionable style. "" ttnm,rae1 in rt 'e, 'inalily, and fintsk. visiting Philadelphia are invited to amine tnir NEW MARBLE EFTABLI3HMENT. A visit entailine no obligation to purchase. VUiuforu PricM, in piain figures, and no variation. 'nlv3 d1v JOKLISr FLECK, Lard Oil and Candle MANUFACTURER, Ko. 1 Oft Tli'.rd sr., bee wren Halo nnd tbe Rive And No. 7i Jefferson at., north side, betweeo L;lay aud 3..cliiy, Ijouisvlllc. Iv. ' Jeai diy DUPONT'S RIFLE AD BL1ST'C PONDER, IN METau xhgs Wter-tl;- nt and Tix-- m proof. We have In maeazme II supply o tie above cele- brated brand of Powder, put up In pal&Hiron svvc, and for sale at same price as woodec keg? bf A. T. DuFONT cV CO, tWW. B. For sale bv all the Loui?viilp merrhnt K3DV GOODS. "re now in rcctijit ol a tine and w1t selected stock oi all articlc in our tine, comprising Oloths, Cashmeres, Wftirifrs. and f rimniiiigs, to whica we call the attention of the ind-'- . m4 VON HORRD'3 t CO.. 434 Main wt. WHITEWASH MKUSHES, Ac A full assortment IT of all sizes WhiUwah, Shoe, Scrub. Heart lu Paint. Parlor, and Dilating ltrit-hf- in etore Rnd for aalelowby OKKIN RAWSON, mS :W Main t.. between Third nnd Fourth FRESH TEAS "" IJ L' halt cheftn choice fi ren and Blaclt; ;i C 9 case and I ih .r a Crr-e- Teas. L'Thwe Tea are frefb and uue. Juet received and fcr kaIu by HrnmTT a son. HAHT & CLAUH, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN C10AKS, aud FANCY No. t'J Thi'- t''ix-tt- , have iu store and for sale 60 bhls superior Bonrbon Wldeky. ywri art; hi do do dn d la casks Cornac Brandies; Jl'J - do oo d.; 10 Ao do; 8 do Port Wine; 15 do Madeira do; 16 i do Siierry do; 9 bhls old Brandy, p"i 11 bbls oid Apple Biaudy, pi're; Champairno Wines, varioup hrr.nflr' N. Longworth A tlo.'e and J. MrM i leu's Native Wins Entfiiwli and Scotch Psle Alee and Porter; CiAret in ca&es; Anwet'e; AbFyutbe; MAraschlno: Curacoa, Ac Alo a larpe and stock of Frwb Fmttt, Picklea, and Hermetically Sealed Goods of ail desrrip tion at lowiwt market oriw tti WINK- S- i T .Ml cases (larpt Wine; ail Hcalcs Madeira Wine; 6 V do Sherry ft H do Malaga du; In store and tor nle hy J. MONKS, alii Nnrth fide Mam, bet. Seventh and Eiphth pts. MOLASSES 2S do do; 60 hhN Suar-Uou9- d Uolaisea; 40 bhls Siruf; In store and tor sain by 1S MAPnTT, fr LBS ENUiJSH RANCA BLOCK TIN 5((( beat quail tv, tor sale by al WALUAi E. L1THOQW, A CO. REFINED A SUGAR Cnuhed Baltimore Surar; 60 bhls Lovering's Cruehed do; 5 hhU do Granulated do: 40 bbls Soft Crushed do- for sale by a2 Gardner a co IOFFEE 17 bfis Rio received by matlboat andforeale by al.: H. W. COOP. ACK.EREL 300 whole snd M bhls Noa. L 2, and M Mackerel iu store and for file by ml4 AVTVW Hl'I'ITAVAN f'O COFr EE SW bags prime Rio received per Magenta for sale by mis 1 r VPWf'OMR BRO. INI 2D casks Port Wine- - 25 do Madeira Wine; 3 do Sherry do: 3 do Claret do: 6 do pure Malaga Win?; In "tore and f'T i'e hv fm3rtl iir-- DOX KAIL ROAD CORSETS AND BODICES 5U 75 &.)Z S'ilcox'e Hoop Skirt?, aJ.?o:ted; 3,(!'i:i pieces aesor ted Lrochot Braid; 800 do do do Yiimnjiiig; Received and for tale by JAM?S LOW A (JO., ml -- ""i sod 210 Main st. JAVA COFFEil 40 pockets prime Java CofTe or by .u1 HIBBITT & SON. SUGAR-CURE- HAMS in etu-- and for sale by - - W. tig H. BUHKUARDT. wkett, rUCPj-lf- ) tiorces prime landing from mailhoat and sale by fm COoD & MOi'DY C UNDRIE- S- k5 6" hbls No. I Ci.Irr Vinegar; 4i brire barret, Tar; 15 H do; EO ca?' Si'da; Imi bi'Xe do; In do Dried Herrin?: 2D do Nione Tip-- i So do Biarkinx; 8r.0,-- G. D. Caw; S'JOOO L. B. do; 20 boxes 'juiirt S do pint dn; 16 do y.pint bit dozen Heron do Or?s d;1: 5) do Cotuui s Si) ciiiJ Cotton F.oio; In store and lor sal- - by MARSHALL HALPRRT CO. r13 HI" Main st. JI'OAR M bhln Jjoveiinji's Crushed, (iranulated, O and Powdered Sugir just received and for sale by ml:) OAKONEK & CO FAMILY FI.OUR-5- 1' bbl choice WTiite tXTRA Floiir )iirJt r;eeivcd aod for eald by m36 W - H HI'it if H A KDT. 417 Market t. C COUNTRY MOLASSES-- A prime article ia (tore J and for sale by tn W. h H PITtKHARr.T. 417 Market C W UOAK bhds prime Sugar received per Diana and for sale by GARDNER A CO (OTIONADES. c Cottouade 4 do J aii-: ft do F.tnnera' Diilb ti do Negro Phtidd and Strifes; f bale" Deniint Received and for sale cht-a- hv 5 T. R fLKVIS CAIN. UNDRIE- S- C3 3m boxen No. 1 Fatilv" Soar; 12 do No. do; 12 do No 1 Plm do; Ij do No. 1 Fancy do: i( do No. 1 Star C.v.i J!??: 25 do andV.'iits Tallow Candle: aleo a few boes Paratliue do 35 do aud boxed Starch; for pale hv al3 HIBBITT A SOV. LLOUR---j bhl!" Iu rdnre and lor salt hy uiil TAIT, ANDERSON. A CO., 14u Fonrth st. SUGAR Soil hhde fsir to prime N. O. 8'iear in store naif- - by WM. GA V SUNDRIl'S P tails: I'l bhia Filberts 2r hhlP Tarrafiona Alinouds: 15 b;,- - Ahraut do; bbls Sicllv d : 10 hble EncU-- h W:,'.r.-.,- 20 kP8 French Priiiicd; 6 " In glass; 6 frails Datn: S;H) pa'.kaprs M. U. and Laysr Raisin; 6(1) drum Sniynia Fijca; 15 case Sardines, t and .i boxes; 10 carkd Zante Ourrante; In ftore aud for sale by m 8 OEO. W. MORRIS. 134 Third sr. IAISRS 1.4. i boxs London Layer; loo do M. aiK) ';do do and Layn: ro diums Sult ina: for sale by tti5 (;uo. W MORRIS, U4 Third st. NOTICE. rtO MY SLOW AND HAKOPAYTNG CUSTOM 1 EHS. Notice ie hereby civeti to all whose 1st Jan- uary atxountri art; net ptid, t.iat. il not paid bv the 1 itli, I shall p&as them out rf my ha ide for collection, ml .1. P. THo.MPM'N. Jiihtiirtntt BAGS A lull assortment of Paper and Ma 1)APER Bags, all lzes, just received aud ror sale by OKKIN HWrON. aI3 KT," Main t... befwen Third i td F nrth. IOTATATOKS-- 'J car lead prime Potatoes Jut sale by e,8 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. HARASS'S TACTICS! HARDSS'S tactics: ARB EE1 3 RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRY n TACTICS. Only a few come Prww J Pr set at MALI1JLN a wft0'' 'r1. rx20 Ml Third at. ACKER Eli M KiO bhls Nob. 1, X and 3; ldfl do do; SKiO kit do: 60 .Vibbls Whi Fish: for lalsi m25 tJASTLEMAN. M'TRRLL. A:KEKEI Lout) rackaees, bole half, and quai- 31 i ... v.v.l A U It. nil ii.m fnr le hv in? WUGAlt 37 bhds just receded on conigumtut pr "teainer Atlantic and forcalehv n,H J. 8Mim PPFEO. Mn " HIED PKAt:HE3 75 buehels prime Dried Pearlu D (halves) mceived on con-i- ? uni-t- it and s&.e by 14 w. H pcwrii APrvr i: Vif 413 Main street, NOW IN STORE THE I D HAVB of Fancy aud Staple Try Goods in the citv. and, having been purchased under tl "J0 vorableciixuuiUnces, ill be JJ1 K wS- New Books New Hooks. tJECESSION, COERCION, AND CIVIL WAR: The tory of Buud iu t?EA AND 'illBtNCOX-MLmet- c al TiiVelirby Ob. Diokeus Price THE CROSSED PATH, by Wukle Collins.. Eric ai " LA15 bbls strfctly priiae Leaf LJ: d0 d 0 A UGAR-- B'3 hiida piHwe acd choice received per Pey. tona and ior saie vy p rycoMB A PRO EFINFD BUGAR3- - bcls Crashed, Pon;d,rd K aixrvw Hi jr MA N Si M- -Ii half bhls Luke Hih for ale by I TAIT. ANhl'ltviriN. A n.. 'i" Percussion Cap. "APS, TriOiie kinds 800,000 Ki'Si lor "'e IO" rV (iIIN HXWflON. tu3 Jo" Maiu , bvWwui Thud aud Fourth

Transcript of Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hz39w/data/0139.pdf ·...

Page 1: Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hz39w/data/0139.pdf · Tiik (Ir.i'.AT Kkpi'bmc in an Irish Point of Vii-.-sacred and peculiar bind in bonds

LO' lV;U.t; JOURNAL!&TS-- . ."in nor' (Inri ) iliirn fp-ri- a

deMrue'i- j h til sio-- that viei.efl :h-t- place

b days ag ar3 p.nt ts fury over a piece of

cour.trv Mut t b rte tnilsa in length and one in

breadth In ullieB and at the foot of hiUn the;liail fill to ih depth tf two or three feet. Grain

of all kinds and rasa were entirely cut to pieces.

From tlie Dublin Irishman, May 18 1

Tiik (Ir.i'.AT Kkpi'bmc in an Irish Point ofVii-.- sacred and peculiar bind

in bonds of indissoluble friei.d hip,I he republic wf the West. An Iri---

l'arliiuiient chared the early stniiieles of thecolonics; and tl at monument upn H mad way tothe memory of the Irish Montgomery testifiesthat not firan urgriteful people did Irih blocdIn h wir t f independence llow. In Americamillion? of ihe purse uted Irih race have unda home, weil-h- . Ittrv, and honor; and if it be

most true i b it lrMi I.ibor has contributed greatlyto the erandisement of the republic, it is also

most true that ,wiih no nijreard hind, hu thatlalor bten rewarded. The oVfeatcd champions of

many a K tropin struggle even oar own refu-ge-

actors in the m at misers le attempt thatthe unnil of revolu'i'n record have ben re-

wired in New York and other capital cities whothe honors due nr,lv to corquerors ar.d heroes.Wh-- our country lay writhing in the agonies offamine, and when the Government which hadproduced that calamity refused to disarm it idle

war ships in order to carry food to our perishingpeople, the American Government rushed to therescue, and in sending the Macedonia frigate to

tlork hartMtr deponed not merely to administerreli-- f to England 'a victim, hut to administer awirninn to Knglai d herself. Ireland has notforgot ten these events; nor does the feel ieK

warmly towards America y than she did

lit' en year ago, when the people of Dublin,under the Presidency of the venerable KichardU't'orman, rendered homage to the AmericanGovernment, in the person of Capt. Clark, of theVictor. What Irish heart was there that did no'then thrill with emotion on beholding the starsaid stripes of the United States flying from theniathead of manv a gallant hip in the harborsand rivers of Ireland? And whit Irish heart is

there can now contemplate unmoved the specta-

cle of 'hit glorious L'Dion dismembered, andthose star and stripes become general againexceiit in Inland, where it is preventtd byl,i srbsh law?

We have alluded to foreign ictluence we wishto be precise Before Europe and America,

and deliberated we lay the tremendouscritno at the r of England. The South is buther gent in the buines. British intrigue,baik-- l bv British K'dd. has accompU-b- d thatwh-c- Biui-- h arms could not effect in 1812: de-

stroyed at one blow the American navy, crusheda rival manufacturing power, and regained furherself her olden maritime supremacy. Yea, wemv it emphatically, the diprup'ion of the American Union (supposing it to be erfdcttd, which mayGod avert.) gives England a new 1 ase of power,throws into her hands the carrying trade of thew orld, leaves her wirhout a rival in every colonialmarket, gives her the ommand of California andits gulden treasures (for the country that has theiron will obtain the gohV), opens to her enterpriseevery highway of the Suw World, and humbleto tlie du.t the only power on earth that for halfa century has had the courage to stand up andsingly to cm front her. The disruption of theAwrcan Union is worth more to England thantwenty Waterloo. Well does the old hypocriteknow thi-- ; and long therefore, and eirne-tl-y hasehi la rd iffett :ho ruin over which b now

j . She bgan bv sending in'othe Northern States to excite the popular mindthere on the su' j ct of tUvf-ry- wiih the view of

?xjsp'-ra'i;;- ih- - South. Having succeeded to acei rain ex nt in th it. ahe next g8 to the Southand makert an offer of free trde. "Throwopen, " che. sa.d, your ports to Bii'ih manufac-turer, and we will take in exchange vour cotton,and import the same direct in B i ish bottoms."ihe Suu'h is caught by the biir, atid seeing notthe fa'e which inevitably awars her, ah'U.d thet dious conspiracy eucc-c- a British pr dectorate

i hrowg off hT alleiriance, and makws war tirxtnthe Government. What now does Enirland do?But a short while ago and hsr horror of slaverywas enly eqnJied by her haired of Popery sbnew openly espvu-a- s the side of slavery, ar.din.ik-- the Southern caue her own.

Air. W. H Gregi.ry, M P. (we rofer to him inbis j'Unlic Ciip;ici y solely). U a gan;Kma'i of

i d adrr 6.j, much clevern-..- , respedable con-- i

cc i 'U. rio propei t v, ind le s principle. S metime 8o hn made tour through the Southern?i:ite.s. We ( not say tha:e wis Sent i h ta,bii: ie 'A '!!, anJ iiio I'n'i.ce of Wnln

hi.rt K "; ivirfb;. I'ha PaIo:er i( Ma.; h.oi".'iii' b'd w!'?n .'K, Grjury g:ii: U

w f it' t o- i the Uoii-- ot' - n,mo -

I!,-- '", j r c . o i h- - pirt of t: e E'lli h

G v(-- r ti ( . ti rne . ut lersi t cy. A;;!i r qti i ' liiH Iii' .'0 n he ru 'iouwjh i'.- ), r ; li. g aj y? iipi.fort Sump et is t k,i, and Mr Gregory . beSt Cretan for Eorei. n Affairs if tr.eure preriartd to rwog'iize :he S. utLern Confeder-acy. Tno answer, though evasive, is favo.utde.Delegates trom tho Southern Con:leracy arriveii L)i:do;i, ai d they &re presented to Lord JohnKus-el- l by Mr. Gregory. The interview is moftsatisfactory, for Lord John Russoll goes tothe House and announces, in the face of Europe,that England is prepared to regard the South asa beliigorent Power, and acknowledge her rightto isue letters of marque. The murder is out atlst. An alliance, based upon free trade, existsbetween England and the Southern Confederacy;the Suth iti fighting England's battle, and the

of the South would be the iriumph ofEngland.

Pii-i- Hayti Spanish Demonstration' atThe news from lUyti,

brought by the brig Echo, which lefcon the 27ih ult., is important. Several

large Spinhdi war frigates had arrived beforethat place, atid threatenfid to bombard it. Allthe vessels in the harbor were notified to leave.The cause of this demonstration was the act ofPresident Gettrard in taking possession of thetown of Hincha, mentioned in the Commercial ofTuesday. The Spanish commodore demanded itsevacuation, which was refnaed by GerYrard, untilhe should hear from Franca and Eugland. Thenumber of Ilytien soldiers in that place wastwo thousand.

The Haytien journal expected much fromtheir Mlliee on the other side of the Atlantic. Nota few pennons begin to fear that LouU Napoleonmay see fit to make an efiVt to recover the Wes-

tern part of the itlind to France, as Spain hasrecovered of Dominica.

At the moment when iiayii is thus threatenedwith invasion, there has also been a revival of theunhappy disputes between tbe bbehs and the inu-la to population, the latter favoring a Frenchprotectorate as likelv to give them a greater pro-p-

ion of the public offices. The blanks are loy-

al. Trouble has also been experienced with thefree people of color who migrated from this coun-try. It is charged thit they wire allowed onlythree d dlare per day Haytien currency, which isefjual to twenty-fiv- e cents of ours, wherewith tosupport their families.

It mut be borne in mind, however, tht sucha sum would go furtbe' in Hay i than here inpn curing the necessaries of lite. Hut the Rd-pat- h

emigration scheme is considered dead for thepresent. It is also charged that the newly ar-rived emigrants were impressed into the arrayand placed in the front ranks on the frontier.

The prostec 8 of maintaining Haytien independ-ence, except at a frightful sacrifice of life, areauiHciiDLly gloomy at the present moment.

ITEMS.In New Orleans last week there were 10 deaths

from yellow fover alone.The deaths in St. Louis, Mo., during the past

week were eighty, of which twenty-nin- e werechildren under live years of age.

J. Jdssoy & Co , bankers at Napierville, 111,have failed, all owiDg to the bad currency ofthat S'ate.

Several hundred Norwegian emigrants pissedthrough Chicago on Tuesday, en route for Minne-sota,

The ravage of the yellow fever are greatlyfeared this season in Nw Orleans, where it is ex-pected to rage dreadfully.

The venerable Jcuiah Dow, father of Ne::lD.w, diuKn tre first instant. In Portland, M-- i ,

having reached the age of ne.-rl- ninety-liv- e

years.In the Gurnev divorce case a d'ici ion of ab:o-lut- e

cf rrarriago has been made.In Lansingburc, N. Y.. on Saturday, a man

nam"d Huh D.d.m cut off the ear of a strangerand t.tbled him wi h a knife under the eve.

C:unt Guroki, an expatriated nobleman,was, on Tuesday, dosigsattd to a confident il

near Screury Seward.In Jamaica and o:hor of the i;Iands, in Guian,

HoudnriB, Gautemala, Venezuela, and New Gren-ada, effort? are made, with more or less success,to ri-- e cotton.

Fif:y more voluntee-- 9 from Southern I'linoishave escaped ihe vigilarce of General Primiisat Ciro. IhL makes 300 that ha'. o escaped ar.dJointd rhe S uthero army.

J. D Pn'ley, ati IPinoi Senator, who was 'l

ft;r treason, rntus-- d to take the oath ofto the Chittd Sti'tes, and was put io

k .ii 'h1 for:'tiica ions a; Gai-o- .

I ',. fir.c-- l l'". .Siine y.o hI N--

op i h the Kre.n CiV'?:i.-- c;i et. . ."l-.-- l !.iii-'!- i a iho r.;.il,

A v. ' - in ' vi' North Aceic ;n K" iew. t ! eAm. c'-- ' nr. ibe Nw Yo. k tlff tl la- i N'r':.'': i i ":f wted repu:u;i.it and

': h iij;h r.o precise '.aten'ent hjS Itati tod",we liiid iudic.va ns in the S.ui'hern ptcrs thit cvery p riloii of the troops trnt were to cap-ture Fort Pickens have been sent to Virginia.

While a uu r.hor of men were trying a gun atMacon, Ga., on Monduy, tho piece burst andkilled three of the number and wouuded twoothers.

Two drunken men lay down on a heap of strawon the track, near Edinburg Bridge, Va., on v,

and were run over, instantly killed, andth.ir bodies dreadfully mangltd.

It is stated that twelve of the friends of Jack-son, who was killed at Alexandria, Va., haveb.iund the nSfdvee by oath lo slay one thousin 1

United States troops io avenge him.

J L. Motley, one of the most celehrated his- -t

irians of the age, has writ ion a splenoid letter tothe London I inien, upholding the Government ofthe Uiiitod States in the present cri-i-

It is sa:d to he an eta,"Hhed fact, that all sortsof brute anim Is attach themselves more readilyto men thin women. We hardly know to whichof tie sexes this preference is a ccmpliment.

The first tri ii by jury ever allowed the citizensof Naplea took place in April lat. Everythingwas conducted with the greatest decorum, andthe Judge's charge was eminently dignitied.

An influential British journal is earnestly re-

commending the substitution of tribunals of com-

merce for the ordinary courts of justice, in conse-

quence of th excessive fees now paid lawyers.

The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser fays thatliev. Pr. Pinckney was elected Bishop by theclergy, but that be was not acceptable to theI.lLv, and further election was pj6tponed.

Predsnce. through the ground of misery, cufsriver of pitience, where the mind swims in boats

of tranquillity along the stream of life, until he- arrives at the haven of death.

Heury Ward Beecber was presented, duriogLib visit to Washington, with a huge ling andbtaple, to which the negro now cooking for theMicbigaDders was found attached.

The norlJ-fame- d h'ppopotaaius. which createdsue j a furore in London at the ZjuiL-Ica- Gar-d-

has boen cnughc to Montreal, and wiil bkI ibiied there next wetk

1 he Poll master General remarket!, in conver--a- 't

'ii raowniU, thru thcmailj would ba cirritdiegul.irly upii the haltunore and thio Uailnd

ii H II e IfjhTm









El!?. WOOB'S

See what a dbtiDguUhod St Louis Physi-

cian 6&ys of it;

Bt. Loins, Jnly 10, 10.O.J. Woon, Esq.: Dear 8in Allow me the plmmre

and atiffHctiOQ to transmit to von the bf nticifU etlocteot your Hair Knetorative, after a trial ot tive years. Icemmf iicti iiiiiiir your iUntorntive in Januaiy, 1S55,luce wliir-- time I have not bean without a bottle ou

hftnd. WLho I coronieocfd tne uae, my hsiir wad jiiitethin, and at h'iwt irray. A tew applicationsttoppt d it falling, and iti three weoka' time there waa

ot a pray b&ir to be tound, oeither hat there been up tothis time.

After lay hir was completely restored, I continued itsue by applying two or thn-- timej per month. My hairbaa ever continued soft, and elwy, and my

cf perfectly frw from diudrutf. I do uot imtgine thefwtd above mentioned will ha of any particulnr advao--tare to you. or even natter ycur vanity at Urn late day,j I am aware thry are all wi ll kuowu already, &Dd

even morti woudrful one, throughout the L'uiou. Ioccupied ruy time in traveling tlie (rreater part of

the time tlin r;it thre yo&ra, artd tiave t.ikeii pride andpVaeure in recomnioudiug your Restorative, anl exhibiting its euecT iu my own ciwe. lu several iiiTimcea ih;iVM met with people that have piououuwd it a hum-bug, saving thev hd used it and without effect. In every inatauce, however, it proved, by probing the matter,that they had not used your article at all, but had usedpouae uew article, oaid to be, aa good ax your, and sellingat hair the pnen. I have noticed two or tliree artiller mvriflf, advertised fta above, which I hve no doubtar.f huaibuit. It is th.ic people will patronIze an article of no reputation, when there u one athand that hw been proved b yond a Uouht.

ApparenMy, some ot those ciiarlHtaiiri h.ive not brainaenough to writ an advertisement, as I notice they haveeopied your- -, word for word, iu eevernl intancea, mere-ly inserting tiie ot her name iu place of yourn.

I have within the pat fiveyearij, seen and talked withmure than two thousand per-o- u that have us d yournvparation with periect ,ucopm onie for Italdneds, gray

finir, sca!d head, diniuff, and every diaeaae tlie scalpand head are subject to.

I eal ed to yoa, personally, at your original placeof bu.'iney hre, but learned you were now living iuNew York. Vour, truly,


Waskxci Sraxifoa, Perry connty, Pa..(Ju..e 7th, J

Pbof. Woo i Dear Sin I was indured, moie thaut year ago, to try your valuable Hair Ketoraf ive, f jrthepiu poiMi of clean iu g my o! daadmlf. I h:td suffered with it my bead lor years, and had never bt--

able to get anything to do me any good iu removing it,although I htid trie" mato" preparation until I w youradvertise: ent iu a H:trri.jburg paper. Heine there attit' tuue, I cal.ed at Oroc a Kunkli drug store. ajabought a botrp, and am no pn paii d to recommend itto universal ue: fir it hae oomph t y reinov- d all dan- -diurlfroGim' , and an appii aticn mice iu tvn.wcf.s keei" it trte iroin a y lie. ing or other unpica:antnej?. 1 miint aluo ett that my hair had becomeunite white m piaoe. and by ttu ot .. our nrepai it.ouIijj b'Hi reutorod to i on? iial culor 1 atu now o.i

in ye an J aUhou.;-l- 1 Jivo uh'h! 'wo botLl"! ott!i- - .itivf-- . no i.'Ue nas ai: kuowl( il je of it, at" I

n nify iiMr- - ti iri otd-rt- h;ve ruyn..; c witli ;i a,'e. Mv h Ad U now cf

In. u'. - .j i.:.', it el :iU, .:.'. t tiiii at auv ti'Hei utv I itav.-- j & lti. 1 cn'.iilt-- your pi.art tont' irrm' va u . ji;d alt hong fi I do nut .:ke Ut expose

I oni.l' : itmy d'ty Uj krv po. Vun can u.- - thU.orauypTt.M it, in auy shx-t- f tl link proper, il It Ifw th enrttilnw ti you

VfM,ra. Sic . XL a.

Bloom lnutom, Lkd., July ikrth, 1S5

Deab Sis I hrre nd you a stateroent that I thinkyou are en'it f4 to the bene tit ot. I am a resident ofblooimogtou, aud have beeu lor ovf--r thirty years. Iam now ovm tvj years of age. For about twenty yearpat, my hair Iia. bt on turning gray, andwas almost eutirely white, aud very still and unpliant.I hail ceu a number 01 cert nestle of tlie very wonder-ful etlect of your Ha;r ltetorafive but snppo-e- therewas more rictio'j than truth in thfni; but on'ertainiutr aBtrou: desire to have m bair, if poeuible, restored toiu original und fintne, us it ww in my younterdaye a beautil'til bltifk, I coucludid I would ml;e theexperiment, commencing in a small way. 1 purchasedoi'e of your email Itottlee, at one dollar, and dusing, following directions aa i early as I could, I sooudiscovered the dandruff i and mv nuir, that waafalling orf n large imantitiety wan coniderahly tighten-ed, aud a radical cLiane tAkin-- phice iu tlie color. Ihave continued to uje it, t .ll 1 have used throe of youremail bottle, andust lingua ou the fourth. I huvenowlb pretty a head ot dark brown or Hyht black hair as nyman, or as I had in my youthful days, v. hen a boy in thehills of W stern Virginia, il hef,d entirely free ofdaudi iifT, and the hair ceased entirely falling off. Bud is

soft and tine, and j oilj , as though itwe-jus-

from under the hands of a Freneh chimpo ner. Manyof my ttcimaiutAuc'D ti 'wjuently p&y to me, Buth r,where did you that hue wigT" I tell them Itwas theeffect ot' your ftetorative. It is almost impossible toconviuce them that it is the original hair ot the aaineold gray bead. Yours, truly,

1 KKDKRICK T. I1UTLKB,Blociningtoa, Mcnxoe county, Iudiana,


Ii the only reliable article for yon to dm,


La4ies and gentlemen. In all "rt ef the world, testifyto the elucacy of Prof. O. J. Wcod's liair Hesiorative,and geutlemeu of the pre- - are unanimous iu its prai.A lew only can be hr given; see circularfor more, and tt will be iuipoix-ibi- for you to doubt.

PROrESSOR S. TUALBF.RO, pianist,tays on his arrival in the United States hewhs rapidly becoming gray, but on applyingWood's Hair Ke?tor..tive his hair eoon re-covered ita original hue.


ecys tlie gray hairs on his vrtfe's head were,alter a few weeks' trial, turned into a darkbrown, at the same time beautifing andthickening the hair.


ays be l now sixty years old, and hie hairand whiskers weio grav, but liytho use of two butt lea of Ktitorative, thepray hairs have disappeared, both on bisntd aud tace, aud is more soft and glosythan for twenty-liv- e eavu previous. Hiswife, at the age of tiity-tw- has ued it withthe B&me etlect.


eayi that he lost his hair by the Yellow Fe-ver, in He used Wood.' Hair Restora-tive, and his hair u now thick and glossy.


eftye the Reiterative has done much go-- inhis part of the couutiy. IU used it forbalctnuse, and now has a fine head of hair.


says he baa seen Wood's Hair RestorativeUred in hundreda of cases, and never knewit to fail in accomplishing all it nrofewea todo.


ayr ho had the scald hp.ad eight years, andwas bald, but hv the lltteral iixe of Wood'sHr.fr Restorative, he now has a rich, glossybead of bair.

LisowncB, Noble co., Ind., Feb. 8, lS.lrof. 0. ,1. Wood Dear Sin In the latter part of thoyer 152, while attending the State and National Law

School of the State ot New York, my hair, from a cauetitilcnown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, sothHi In the short s'.wie nf si- - ni nth? thu whole npp;-- r

pMt of my trulp was alnio--t entirely bereft of Its cover-ing. an.1 ruurti of the n maining upon the sideand back part of mv heao shortly after became grav, sothat you will not be surprised when I tell you that uponmy return to the State of Indi-ui- my more casual ac-quaintances were not w much at a loas to discover theCaiis ot th change in my iippearancc as mv more inti-mate acunaintance" were to ucot-iiii- mo at all.

1 it once mad' application t . th- - mo't s.tillful physi-cUn- sin the country, but, rt reiving no as urancj.s from

them that lay hair uld ;ietin t rvtf.red. I was tor'.'edto become re(v,ncil": to ni fate, ni.til. furtiMiatlj. inthe istrte' p.'.rt of tne year oir I w oral i ve v. asi'ec'i:, niei:'l d to nte by i - b"i:itt nor i

liab.' Hair ri.. A trilivrt in r.e- 1 ti - d uui' bottle, andt'ouiitl to in;-- ,ri "t aatiici t.'.at v. i- - pr.xinc;;-- .

dsin d .Since tl --.t rim.., I tnv.; i e e.iilh.i yenr ii ,.;;,r.i;n-M- ii,t haven

coi.i t'. eV, Mii.-- it T, n n :o mon.j .' p

a )! Trtit'n' f.T ''((' lufr ai'd skill In')' . .c'.i u '.! wOoe-- MM art ir I hav- - recrr.-ine.i'-- 'j

iri;i.!i-- . to L.anj ot i,L lrii rv HUd aoni'i.-'i-t'.o-

e., v i'O. I it.;; py to vnn ar" usina it w:tr;.t.'? .'.'f- -. T. V j - ,:ir--,

A M. T.ATT.aitt.roe arti ' '"un.vllor at l aw.


Use Prof. Wood'a hair restorative.If your hair U gray,

Use Prof. Wood's hair rostorailve.If ycur hair Is thin.

Use Prof. Wood's hair restorative.If you are bald.

Use Prof. Weed's hair restorative.If you have nervous heau,iehr,

Ue Prof. Wood's hair retitoiative.If yoa nave dandruff,

Usa ProC Wood's hair restorative.If yoa have eruptions,

Use prof. Wood's hair restorative.If yoa desire glossy ba:r,

e Prof. Wood's hair restorative.If yoa desire to preserve the color.

Use Prof Wood's hair restorative.II yoa desire not to loe tii- - colors

Prof. Wood's hair restorative.If yoa want a cheap arti- le.

Use Pruf. Wood'a hair restorative.If you admire the beauti'iil trclc.

Use pr f. Wood's hair restorative.If you admire the beautiful ringlet.

Use Pro;'. Wood's hair restorative.If yoa wish a beautiful complexion,

Ush Prof. Wood's hair restorative.If yoa wish a face fre from pimpiee.

Use Prof. Wood s hair restorative.If you wish to appear young,

Lse Prof. Wood's hair restorative.If yoa want testimony overwhelming.

Read the circular of Prof. Wood's hair restorative.

0. J. WOOD & CO.,

IU Market street, 8U Lcjie; 444 Broadway, New Ycrk.

Hauuiactoren and WTioiA.aly Dealers fatPatent Medlciue.


LV R-- W. Dillon, M. M. YanJuaeu, and by Aoalcn

WTT,S')J, PFTFn, A CO.,Wh jWr1 Agents in ltii.ville, Ky,

fVT"ch1 at manufactMrers1 price.V" go id by all dealers lu diugs In f.olvili

nnil Teunes-je-

rntfH ddOddcoUUipAwlv

CITY DIRKCTORT,AjTWiped AlphabeticftH f Kogafd to

fli.'SINESS NA.MKS.nd it,.MMn.;b4thKahn, I, A C. nnh side

Anderxon, Tho A M 4Ul

Hpencer, O. C. Mala et. fret, --d l

Ar!c.Urnl lilW" h

5rnt- - ILAC?-?- K tw . SUth and Seventh.J- -

A kandMunn Co.. corn-r- HvjnPitkin, Wiard, 4 16vinaJLCarter & Buchanan, 4--4

"rlea.UnctierreotTLDmVD Gallery, Mala, be--(formerlyJ. C. F.lmd's

tween Fourth andtifthsts. Jourth and Fifth.Webster & Jlro., Main st., betwt aBookIlera, HtntXonm dV in dleal HealersR ttwrtsn, O. W . & Co., Fourth Ln et, near Main.Rpdtord. A. U., 333 Third street.PavidfOU, A., 3d st., bet. .letVrson Bt Market.Madden, 3d st., bet. Jefferson and lM --ke.

Bngfclnar niwt Uope.Hunt, Thoa. H. Co., Main tt., bet. 3d A 1 Sa.

Hankrre.Cortij A Warren. 471 Main st.

nonr.rt Blencher.Osborne Mrs. Wro., Jefferson st., bet. 3d andClrti1nr iewtlFine,ns I'hrnlahlnjr "1

Mandr-ville- , J. C, 4 Co., Main, bet. Second arm.' Third.Armstrong, J. M., comer 4th and Main sts.Sprouie i Mandevllle, comer 4th and Main stf.

1'lnthn and (ientlonien'n FnmlMhlnirJ. Yon Porries A Co.,46 Main sr., bet. Bullitt and t

C'arpetts OH ('lolh. nnl Cmrtnln (Soodsxnitfl Smal!. Main st, bet. 3d ani 4th.Marshall & Dickinson, 4th, bet. M.rsolwd Mala.

Cloalui, AlantlKaa, and fafflMRmMerriman, C. T., th st., near Main.

Clears.Peynaao, Efl., Main rt., bet. 6th ana 7th.

('hlna and OlanawaF-Caweda-

A Tlopkins, fi34 Maui st.Cmtchor A McOready, 413 Main e.Jaeger, A. A Uo., 4th st., bet. Market and Jeff&itoa,

ConA Dealer.Crittenden St Ojitt, 3d et., bet. Main and MarkilLKellogg, J. N., 3d st., bet. Jetfemon and Market.

C'htmlts and A pot becarle.Dawes, B. F., corner 4th and Jefter-o- n tti.

('etnecCMcHarry, F-- , Main st, bet. 7th and 5th sti.

Cnrrlaire ItlannfactarersStone, I. F. A Co., Mtic st., bet. 1st and Brooa

Irua:, Oyeniurlo, OSIs, Palnta, 4s..Morris, J. 8. Sons. 41 Main at.Kobiuson. R. A. A Co., Main t., lmt. 6th anfl S?eBWilwo, Peter. A Co., 4i2 Main it.WUder, E., 44S Main st.

Iry isooilu. Cloths, &.cBerry, J. Taylcr, Jefferson atrcet, Maeomn Trjpie.Duva'l, C. A ( k.. Main rtrect, between --d audMark A Dovna, Main street, between 4th a'l ur!.Martin A Crurubaturh. 4th, between Aiurfcet &Tabb, O. B., comer 4tb and Market.

Fun and Fur Coods.Craig, A., Main street, between 6th and 7th.

Fancy floods. Km brori cries, ai;dTrlrnm1,.Itauchfuss, Charles F., 4th street, ttet. Market and Jeff.

K In Tackle, imiH, end Pirttols.Dlckpon A Gilraoro, 3d street, bet. Main and Market.Gnlhth, Joseph, 6th street, bet. Main and Market.

Foreign and Domestic Fruirg, Candle, &r.Gaetano, V. D. A Co., Main otreet, bjtween 7th and tth.Ktro, ftlnrlno, and IJfn Insurance Vo,m and

A Rente.American Ins. Co., TT. Dent, Sec, Mln, bet. 3d and 4th

Ins. Co., Win. Muir. Sec., Main, bt 3d ar.d 3dLouisville Ins. Co., Kobt. Atwood, Sec, Main, bet. 3d

and 4th.Muir. John, Main st., rt. 21 and 23.Bob, Wm., Main st., bet.. 3d arid 3dWaahinrton Ins. Co., Wm. Ross, Hec, Mal st, bet. 3daud 3d.

(rnt I emeu's FiirnbthlPff ffofvdB.Armstrong, J. M., cor. 4th and Main sts.Blaucliard, Geo. A Son, cor. 3d and Main sts.

Onm Fitter, Pltmihem, An.Donally A Strader, 3d st., bet. Market and Jefferson.

(Jrocerle, IJoiioik, and Tobanoo.Btwart A Barter, 545 Main street.

IJquoi-M-, Wines, and AlcohoLHart A Clark, 3d r., bpt Mnin and Market.Monks, Jowph. olM Main btrtft.Schrot'der A Son, Wall ft., bet. Main and WarmZanoue, A. A Son, 6rh et., b;t. Main and WaN r,"

l.utuhcr. Siu,h, Doors, AcAlexander, Ellis, A ;o., cor. A Walnut A Mainbetween 1st and 2d.Brederj J N , cor. Main A Wanzel and Walnut, betweenA b loyd.Charles, Stephen, Mhs, between CainpNul A Wenzell'

1IMI FnrnMilnaj.FIorbrt A WrUht, 16 :id Ttxi.

PrliitlHV Pnper 3intuiraelarer.DnrOMt A Co., Main etreet. between 4th and B'lv.

Powder,nnpoiil lA Co., Main treet, between 4th aud th,DavlB A Sp:ed, V;:i Main strift.

I'utpul IciI:rlnf? aad 'rrfuair.Kvnjrnd A Tyr- - ihsrreot. betw-.e,- . Main A M.irket.

itertitMirnnrM.Ciwp.n, J. A Co. (Walker's). 3d, btw,-v- Market A Msla.Ki!"Fr. C. C. 8t. Chariot, 5th, b- -t Market and Wain.

Ntove Founders,'.vallw, Lithgow, A Co., comer 3d and Main street.riarnpr. C. T Asent tor Grower liaker's Sewing Ma

cnini'. :iilS rourth et.Sumner A Co., street, bet. 4th and 5th.Steamboat A Rent nnd ( orrmiUvlon and For- -

wanUiijv tferchantw.Beue lict, D. S. A Son, Main, bet 3d and 4th.Cart-- r Frauk, Main etreeUErwin A Co., Wall street.Moorhead A Co., Wall street, bet. Ma!a and Watr.

Toys, Vartetl;, and Fnney (iood.Cannon, Sherrill, A Co., 413 Main street.

Tea nnd Fancy (Jrccerle.Lanham A Co., 2d street, bet. Market ind Jeffewo.

Tobacconfrt.McGill, 8. B., 3o7 Green st., bt 3d and 4th,

Tobacco CoGuuEmton.Nock, Wicks, A Co., 512 Main street.

Undertaker.W Wyatt, eor. 7th and Jeffwreon street.

Whliel.ead and Unseed OILWUson, Peter, A Co., 482 Main street.

Hardware and Cutlery,Ormeby, Collis, 6u8 Main street

Hat and Cap iUiinufacturen.Crals;, A., cor. 4th and Main, and Main bet. nth and 7th.Piather, South. A Co., Main street, bet. Filth audSixth.

Iron, Wieel, Nulls, JLcBelknap, W b Co., comer Third aud Maiu.

Jewelry, Watchce, and I' l a.Fltchr A Bennett, Mf.in at., bet. 4th r.cd 5h.Kendnck, Wm., id et., bet. Market and Main.Ramsey, M. C, Main st., 4th.Voght A Klink, 3d st., bet. Main and Market.

Iron DlHutlt, Fancy ('at!nrmWallace, Lithow, A Co., corner 3d and Main stj.

Lamp, Hurnluff Fluid, Coal Oil- -, A--

Hardy A Bektty, 4h street, between Main and Market.Kanawha Suit Ar,r.W

Brooks, W. Cm 5d et, bet. Main aud ths river.(eaeral Produce and Provision Hrobra.

Tait, Anderson, A Co., Fourth ptreet.Allen, Moore, A Hayoea, Main at, bet. 3d anC JBuchannn A Co.. 3d, bet. Main and rUe".Branmu A Siiromera, Miiu, It.. 1st andi'5.Burkhardt, W. A II., Maijt, 4th and fcia,CoNton, J. H Wall st.liibbitt A Sou, Market, bet. 2d and 3d.yooa a Mocay, v, all t i., b t. Miu and ths river.Castlem-- n A Torhitt, Mam at,Gardner A Co., 419 Main etreet.Ga)-- , Wm., 6tu Main etreet.ll'ilht'-r- , M. A Co., Mtm street.J;c A brother, 61 Main street.Morritt, Geo. W., Third sticet, bet. Mala and Water 'Nnwcomb, H. D. A Co., Val! ?trpet.Otter A Allen, Sixth street, het. Market and Siala.Rawson, , A Co., 514 Main street8''yer, Jolm, Mnrket street, bet. First and Brook,Welhy, Geo., i&i Main street.

O. jr. I1AISL,II3,Jefferson etreet, between Third and Fourth street,


Bofts leave to announce to the ladifs ofS Louisvilh; and vicinity thit he haw jimr

hi-- stock ot SpriuK Goodf,ir.P of the richest and latpt stief of PrersTiimroiu.-''- . Ge'mau Zephyr and Snttland

"1 WooN, Canvas, (.henille Pat rem, Nee-f- z'"! Puree Floe., Filling and Knitnoideiy

fTv Silks. Gold and Silver Lacrs, Bra-d.i- , (rdS' ;i'd t, and t rint!- - Nets; Conib. liaii

) ihns. B ads. Fans, a d a great variety clFrench I anoy Articles.

iti'- Friuges, Buitocs, Ords,I'til Jfi'-- to ordrtr at the shortest notice and cn(Jj'-W-1 'fA the mo-- t itasoiiahle tfim '.t 4U J C

-- Country supplied at a Ilb--O Weral discount. aplildlv

WUGAIt 150 hhjj good fair and prime Sugar in etoreand for sale by


RICK by15 casks Bice received per mail boat and tor


Jl'UAR Sf hlidr f:ilr to prime Sugar received por3 Pej tona nnd ,Iohn Katne aud tor ale byTMfi '(i((') r VCMH'VV

IINK TOBCCO Piown'e and llolUud's, of anquality, for sale by


yUKSIl PKCANS lu budhels fresh Pecans Just recoiv;d and for d,le by

W M. I). BfRKHARPT. 417 Marlrpt st.

iltSll Salmon, MacKrnl, 11 -- rnus, aud oaidiuu inpackages aud on retail by



I'l w bbls Plantation:do;

50 bbt? Sugar-- ' locuo;Sid" do:

50 whole, H. ; Vbhls . Sirup; for mlC A ST1 .''M A ' VI KKIl.:.. )

I 2 H caas ijlsr'l. 'v. A4 S r'0 II. .s;

Si to ;.ir'n d'" .IniesV. psjvs Prll.-- .j.i.n ,,n do

In Htore fvid for ?iN bv

JL1) eU.'i K'J'J.-- 'lisK i I' l:tt..- - i.J Vfl f'upe- -

jt nuiii'v. and is ; r :orple byW ' 'MM 1 .

wLGAR jo I't.J- - yn:i;t ni.gar receivi-- per st;aQei1 Autocrat anc fr sale v

lAMi'.lt llAM;i 1iu superior tamlly liauis, rM. tamlly u, iur sale by

m4 r. vt"m HP'"r:r. M"it st

Hailroad tor fcalo.WIX bilAKF-- Ls;ir;toii nnd traiikfnrt RailroadJ Stock tor sate, QU1GLEY, LYONS, A CO.

COFFKK 75 bags prime Itio Coffde in store and for

M RP.f? T,Tj TTAt tt CO

1 'JIjAHSKS--i-

l.Vi bblj prime Plantation Molawses:160 4do do do d..: for sale by


COUNTRY LARP-J.- wt received a quantity in kegfand on retail by


O AH WKLL HUCKK'IS dozeuOak vx Uucli.eta, variutu kindd, jut received and for 'ale low by

( iKltl ItAXA A, IN.an 3 MAtn hctwp-- n ThiM ntd Fon-t.- h.

W ALAO OIL Pure Olive OU lor sale b the bottleO or basket byJ. T. LA NTT AM A CO.,

ml ToiTortr- - TaK- - e TM'-t--

WINKS AND SPIRITS A Biiyply on h .no o- - p.ireand Spirit for sale ch?p r ca h by

J. T. LAN HAM A CO.,ml Importers nf Teti. Tl.ir1

I OVEKING'S KKFImFD SUGARS 5U bbls tjrtiehednd Pulverizod received ppr mail boat and for saleby hn9rf RAWSON. TOIH). A CO.

31 GLASSES bbls PlanUtlon Mola-w- s in storeanainr ain tv ,'Sf. (JAY.

SJL'GAR S5J hhde fulr to priroa iur in slore and forsalhv f:il3l AND'W KCi;ilANAN A CO.

l AOKKRICL-S- uo bids Nos. 1, a, and a Mackerel ioi' A stoie aud for Hale by'"a AND'W BPCHAWAN A CO.

RKFINISD SUUAlU-lu- il bhli LoveriuK's Cru-he-

and Powdered Siar In etore and iursale by ,m- -' ALLEN, MOORE, A BADSN.

CMBtSB-- sa boies W. it Cheea juat received pertor sale by


tor sale hea a HTPTIITT A BON.

tjCGAR 44 hhd prime landing lr-- sU nmerj tona and for auie byhi: RAWSON. TODD. A CO.

CBVK9K3f- hoea of fne ijualitv in n en.l for(nil'll iiiUvi f r ii. ,)

Know Thyself.mMoCAJ, Is a reinilarly educated Physician and

tmo condition and locality of diseneabyfhpnise and Ita xvlthout afkin thepient Jiy queetiona. Some profe to do this, yet arecarMfuI aek sr.iuw leafiinj qnt'sf ions In ordijr to obtaina doe the diseasfl. We do nothing of that kind, andhaxw-- . t!avai iabiy givn satisfaction. Coaanitations andexjtn'ia' ions2raX,-35- 3 OOF OUAIlGrE.

T,IZTLBK3 OF T11R THROAT AND LUNGS treat.0 bi' a r.sw method of Medicate Inhalation and

treatment. We oiler yon new remedies, entirelyvwtt-ibla- , which have proved a speedy and eflftual coreIn fDlIowicg diacpjs, vik: 15 rone hi ti. ail iji5eaM0 ofl-

- rUroat snrf Lnnps, DlsaiHs of the Heart, Stomach,:ir,acd Kulreya, , Saint Vitus's Dance, Can-o-

oiula. Chronic Ulcers. Kenmatism, Neuralyia,PHr.:y.ia, Spasms, Fits, Diseases ot the Kye andPar, Smuis! Weakujsa, Skin Dineara, twir.tnre, Jjiar-rhe-

and, in fhort, all curable diseaea. Y are nota "enre alP doctor, and will ruidwrtake no cue with-out a fair prospect of recovery.

Femalrw trorbled with Suppressions, Irrern'arltiei,IjeaTTiioa or Whites, Fallinr of the Vimb, Pou-pn- s ofthe Ulfrns, Tinnon! of any kind. Uarrcanf. all 1 rinaryDieas, Puiofullor Diiucult MensTrn.-Uion- , Nervous De-bility, Ac, wail be spnodily cuxpd without the ure ot

dmroor injnrioue or otipib table n.cl it insa of rjjyk.nd. no df licacy m calling no diiTcrenee whatyonr trontjc rosy bp. I do not aipect you to place your-e!- fundr my treatment unless you prt'fi.r It.All coiomunicationfl otrictly confidential. The affict-e- t!

ar3 c ardialiy Invited to call And satisfy themselvos.Oihce ':iiA Firrt st., between ftNret and Jefferson sts.,

Ky. All lcttr addtnwd to our care,a rtAmp, rivinp pymrtou-ari- nature of disea-- .

will reijeire iTnmpt artenti-n- . MNlicin- - sent to allpfe oi tii United SUts. OrLa hoars trom 8 A. M. toS. ,1L Addruss

J. H. lIcCAN, M. D.,P'O d t'.ipAweowly Louiflvilie, Ky.


MRS. M. I WEAVERo. 4 13 Jeirersoo htM eoatli !de, below Fourth,

O to the ladles a fine and carefully elected as-sort tueut of sf iiiK miUineiy, vli:

Straw Bonnets,F'tucy do.,

i'S, II.ts,hlidreu' do.,

Kibhons, &C:AUtft PatvHroj ot" the lateot st) lea, ut receive!, du-- jj

lien. tea or tut !o meaur-i-tf'. 'try attention ftiven to dress making.n?a!-:- s

33 21-- "IT GrZ O X S .4.13 Main fcitreet. 413

Hire nov in storo a lull and complete stock of

STAFLK AM) DOMESTIC (.OCDSOf the best: fabric, bath as --


Thene Good. w itg sll bought frr cah at the lowestebb of tliH market, sind arn now orTorxd at fuch prices amn.'-- t ple:wc atl par'tiea. Call and exainine stock audpriced at


TETH I OS1 TE3 SEASON,""n hy Mudaine C. Varau James

tn- - crtat tpnor, Mr. Adams, noith Midrme Fabbrl- - - THOU All

hy:f'TJfr SO FAK AND VKP SO FAR".ttom rlie lnumi oi witEuli-- a"1 Grman woid. n.id on- -

riellit-ln- i with an eltgant lithographic title. True only

Also "STILL IN MY DREAMS," by FoV-- Hall,author f "iver of Tuee,"witU tauie lithographic title,ii i it.

Tiies aVfi rem? of Song, and sellinp rapidlv. Callpeon at th Central Murie Hou-- ", W. t

HOU8E3EEPEIt3Who are taking up Carpetsshould not put thfro downacaiu without the PA 'i ENTCARPET LINING,

only at WILKIN6', westlido Fourth, be; ween Mainand M ark 9t.t tree.

i! mmm mm. mx- Zl RILHON3,'


Uatet; i etvle),LONNLT WTRE3, nd

A tnr& of LACK, HALF LA3K, andBUCKRAM always ou hand at the ioweatca"h pricj.


a-- JerfiTon st

rE ar now receiving a good ofHONNFTS, RH'.HONS, S



SHAKER GOODS, to which we iuvltothe attention of Milliners and Mer-chants.

CANNON A BYKH8,No. GiS IHnln Klrrot,

Nearly opposite Louisville UotL

rt e ai o v a ij .



llis been removed to north sid ot" Market street,bet Third and Fnirrh.



TUP HoV!fl at Hotfii'rinPK (IIla Proctor Housesbtea lucndtid and ir.1 prove! uents made to

accommodate kiout hitnorkd VinoB: at auy timethi'Oiinnnt Mio 1 al. Thf? oiii!'."iu! ?pr:n:' positive-ly cure Contract' il Joiutfl,Luiubaco, Paralysis, Gur. St. Vitiis'd Daucs, Hysteria,Sterility, lmpotency from dlcHae, Venereal diea-iea-

Merciui'iil rtfse.is'if, Scrrfnla and Glandular disei&es,and all forms ot Skin di.jeans.

P.. S. CLAYTON, Froprietor.Dr. G. W. Lawrence, tha Medical examiner of Hot

Springs wiil supply circulars to applicants.N. R Mercurial, Iofno, Sulnhur, and other d

vapors fnrnishrHj whnn ffinired. jan3 dly

New Importations.ORUTCsan ITexcckeadt,

At No. 377 Main street, three doors below tha LouisvilleHotel,

4 KM now receiving tirpe additions to their stock ofxa. China and 'iiHenswrR. On hand and arriving alarM aud handsome aufortuifnt cm' G1h.''"w rire, lirit. a:id

Castors, Intu ns, Water-Cool-

Toilet S?, and Fniit .Ip.i", ill f wiiich wiil beoilered at aa low ili;ures as can be found in the market.

liail iSiitterJURT received from the North and for bale 10 bbls

Koll Bulter for table use.

UAMS-- 4,i

ranvaed H.im!;4'W p ain count ry do;

In ptire aud for sale byGARDNER A CO.

I LOSS. full 9?Bortment, of Silk, Linpp, andCotton I losa. and a i'nl assort men t of Hoop Skirts

ol all sizos, just received and tor h!c byJAMES LOW A CO.,

ttO 0B njj V - i,l Kih at.

WASH-ltOARDS-l- dozen Zinc Wash-Boar- d Justand tor sale by



RECEIVED this day a full assortment ofGOODS, via:

Summer RonibazinBen-g- Antilai"

Black Point de VeniceTammarttnes, black and colored;

Lert-gt- HrnaniBlack Mouasellne.

pTWc are dally adding to our stock.

S.1' 'H K A' M. A.- SI- VKs-- su CZru ro.:ai.d pisxi Vv'iiv bieves y;.l i i v. d n or :Sit bv

OK:, IN KAY. SON.Va:n t.. b- fti bird ri'ni Fonith.

rio?? Books! Ke-- Bo?k?InAKUY MAI, SON. b in i". irv;ilt:. 1 nee SI 2t

AT'ORNEY, b. .I.,hi T. Win;. " 41 asROSA SOMEKV1 I.E.. or a Husband's Myotery, by G

V. N. !!.vi:n d. Pri r.uc.THE FliiST FALSE bTEP, or the Path to Cri-- r by

G. V. M. Reynolds. PrK--

F. MADDEN-- 8 Bookstore,ml ;;J1 'l!:irdft.

OOH DOZ MADRAS DANDKERCHIEF8;iOU in d'.zOll do.irtU pieces Silk do;

Received and for sale b?JAM KS LOW ft CO.,

mt 'i'l- - d 21' Sixth et.

'IIOMATOKS FRESH TO lATOKS -- We have frT1 (tula a quantity office Fresh Tomjtt!s, which we

are selling cheap lor cadi.J. T. LANHAM A CO..

mlH Imooi-trT- of Third rf.

WHEELED ;oRN 1.40 ban bite aud mixedshelled Corn in and for ale hy

AND'W BUCHANAN A CO..Til 17 Corner of Second and Waehineton sts.

JUGK 50 bhds fully fair to prime landing fromj hteamtr John Kaiue and fr KilcbyRAWSON. "TODD, ft fG.


a5 do Delincmi.o:3n baskets Wrz-na-

lb do Hied-ic- A Co.;ptore aud for sble in yuautities to sultpnrchaeer by


HARVEST KEGS15 doz.i oek Hirvert Kers, 1a! o a full aort afut oi Demijohns,

ill sizcB; jiidt received and for atp byOKKIN RAWSON,

SS Main stbetwten Third and Fourth.

N AILS 800 ke-- ' rVlmont for sale hvt t'AKTI.KMAN. MI'KRELL. CO

KW FISH-N- os. I, 2. and S Mackerel in whole ?nd1 half hbln and kit-- No. I Salmon In hi. Is aisJ kits;No 1 Whit Firfh in half bhls; a superior article Codijtihiu drums; ajj No. 1 scaled H err lag; iu store and forliiile by

rnd W. A U. BURKHARDT, 417 Market st.

OLD BOURBON WHISKY lnfl bbls fuulnecomity copper aistilU-- Whinky, matie by Tl

bot and fuh. In store and for ule byniW .T MOVITR.

'Ob'b EE-a- uo bagi Uiooortee just received pur steam- -

beat Miyuta aod tor sul bytirst WM GA V

Csdar Chests.1 y CTSDAR CRLSiS in etore aud for sa!a at redaced4. price to ciob the couaymnimt by

Oiti'.JN B.W30N.p.n strffT..'1:e'w. ..i TMrd and F.virth.


riilicn;it do 1 Uiuc,1". St. Y.j' r.p- -

Jnt rocived and nl- -

ml .1. p Tit iMf:iuM.

-- 'I bhii AyyXf-- r m?t i' vr ami fcr al- - by



Improved Metal Burial CasesComMnln; Beauty, Durability, and Lightness

rW"Ofnce corner Seventh and Jeflerton, Louisville. 1

THK above Caskets are made of CoTrnrated Sheetand lined with Gntta Pcrcha or India Rubber

so as to be Air and Water TijrhtAll orders promptly attended to. d!3dtf




ING GOODS OF KVERY DESCRIPTION.466 M nln street, between Bullitt nnd Fifth.Onr stock is now very large and corcplf te, to whlf h

however we are adding dally ail the latest styles of goodsIn our line. niK

Just Received by Express.,A A SECOND siiPDlv of that snlendld

v .4. rem from the Gwmnn. "I'llnr A It T

JF.St SO NEAR. AND YET SO 1" A It." withyfi r i in ii'tiri apnic in ie .v.i' '"Still in mv I Irfnms Thou 'rt Nr." hv

aurnoroi ..verol Thw"-- 25 ctiit-- : llthoeraph-ictitic- ., a iot 0f I1(.w f,iL1C( TOC;i) a,i m.

stiiiniental. hv coTnw--- as Itriulfy KicbauD, C.3. Bramard. Dresh-r- , Iuplpr, Echard, A. W. lire,occ , to which thiMiitention of ihe munical public is es--

ciallrcalli d. Call soon, it yon would have a copy ofthat tiriK frrm the German. It is the Kcm of thossaeou, and is selling rapidly.

. WM. McCARRFL,pU No. 310 West .Jerleron street.




GOLD PENS1 GOLD PEN SiFrom the best manufacturers,

A. MORTON & CO.and

DAWSON, WARREN, & ITYDR,For siile chesip at

F. MADDEN'S BOOKdTORK,mil 1 Main ' rwet.

IMPORTED CIGARS!Directly Imported from Havana,


Londres Intlmidad, Brevaa Tntfrnidad,Londr M Wfc.ia, ltenlia S.n Roman,

U (.. Porf-uo- , lt.:ca. Washiuston,Mriea Re?a. Heraldo, Londres Distraction,

Kega. Luceio, tc..In ttoro and for sale low by

SDW, FSrNATJO,a' S!( Main st.. Basement In-s-ill- I tot!.

RK) L'OFFKli 10 bses good to prime Rio Coileo inand for ralo bv

AND'W Bt'CHANAN A CO.,ml4 Corner Second nnd pts.

REKINED SUGARS- - 2MI bbls Cm-he- Powdered,Loaf, and Soil Crushed Sugars in store

and tor sale byaU AND'W BUCHANAN & CO.

CHEESE A full supply just received of Hamburg,Reserve, Nutmeg, English Dairy, Pine--

pole, and Chepr-e- .ro W. A H. Bl'RKHAKDT, 417 Mnrket st.

REEINEO SUGARS 20 bbls Lover insfp's Cruh.-d- .

Powdered, and Gruuulated in stnre and for byin'JT A L I , E N . MOORE. HADEN.

KAILS! rJAILOI! TJAILS!!!JUST received per steriiuer LiiMer k'-- Natls

now iu store and for ?ai a Ih" manufactu-rers' piics ii,'joi kepF, includtiiif the toiiowing Liad:

Common sizes, trom i to Rod;Nails, ri, tf, and U'd;Nl-- , 5d.

Fiooiing Mi'ads. ti, end likl;LaililnK Nail;, Sd, fine blin d;Wrought and Horee-Stio- e Naila.Wronpht aud Cut Spike?,

all W. B. BELKNAP A f'O

JUNDRIES- -JMi hl.ds N. O. Sutrar;

3fn) bt'l Molassea;itll do do;2n bhls Sujjttir noose Molasse";&i Vs.io do do;2a hll3 PhUair Iphla Golden Sirup;

5 bhl? f.. do di;2o KegH Baltimore do do: for sale by


CLOTHS AND CAS31MERE3-- A very fine and exassort mt'iit of Cloths and Fancy Cassi m'TdS

for spring "d snmiuer use, of the latest andiahlp piittrn, in 'tore and fr ale hv

ml JV-- BORiiTFS OO 411 Matn tFINE OHAiVir-AON- WLKSp cifes qts and jtd;

do Widow Clicquot, do;itf basket Vwrzcnay rio:1 do old Hiedlck & Co , qtp and pts:

lu store and lor sale in quantities to mt purchaser- - bynia! I. P. THOMPSON. 7 Fourth at.

pHOlOK FAMILY FLOUK-- 50 bhls No. 1 ExtraV White What Flour, selected expressly for family

e. for Ie hvn W. A H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market n

RAISINS M. H. and Layer Ralolns;Lt io do do r.o rio;lo'l ; do do do

per pteamer Diana and lor sale low to closeconsitmnieiit by

ANTHONY ZAN'ONK A SON.m9 Fifth xtr.-.-- hi low Vain

IBUP a rckay extra Golden Sirup, fn wholeO and half bills and k'p3. received per mailboat andor sale by ANDREW BUCHANAN t:o.,

nvJtf ,jner Sevfi,d and -- -.

LLOUK Slo bi)iB Arcane Mills clioue taiui!;- - iiwirl in sure ana ior s.te ny

AND'W BUCHANAN A CO ,mn Corner Roond and Wvbmet.-t- t

JAVA COFFEE A supply of superior old Java Coffor bale by

J. T. I HM CO.,ml-- Tmrvwtr- - r.f T, P. Third t

HAMS canvnsrd nam:SO'J country hstfFd Hams,

In store ami lor aalc byil O RDWR A ''O

.TUST RE';l-.lVEi- A El NE ir,. T7rr .1!f LyaMrtuinnt of new and elegant

SoofiS, by the best. auOior', em 7 Jrfrr- - sacred and Secular, Son&w uinl .

l, Oiritic and f.'ratoi ical, Ethiooian andPt i.tic and Patheric, to Ft it, all tate. ; aloO

Brinley Kichard 's H ant 1 raiiecripiions and Compositions, a's the iksT qdalitv of and Drums.Give uieacall. WM. McCARULLI ,

310 JelTerson treet. west,TitlH I nuipiij, Kv,

IRESH FRUITS, Ac Peaches, Green Gsyes, ClmrApricot Tomatoes, Green Corn,

Green Peas, alio Preserves, JeMies, Ac. for sale hyJ. T. LANHAM A CO.,

m!4 Importers of Ti . c Third st.

VCKKP.EL -- KM) kite No. 1 Mackerel frr sale loitn ciOifK by WM. GAY.

BRANDY A. Selpnette Brandy;35 '..pipes Cocuac tio;tfi pii- -s di;lu vjj.'fea ;itard, Dupuy, A Co. Branny.i5 bhie N. Y. r.

?, bbis fiie old Peach rto;5 bhlc oi J Aupla d;

In stre and tor sai-- byrn ''7 MARHt T, RAT,nwRTrn.

S. 8. MARK. O. F. DOWNS.

fpfrX'MVHI) TilTM DAV-- A few patterns ofBrocade Siiki ia sprinff colort;

( iik a?id cuiill piaid Spriug ilkjKid Oiovefl, Ac.

For Bale at very low pviresMA tor A nOWV(. 41S Vain t.

SAND 25 bhls Sccuriuft Sand, which everyhouli ti.je. for eaie hyW. it. II. IU Kn HAKI t . I7 MarKT At

1ENGLISH DAIRY CUEEBb Juu boxes tu store andJ lor tiaie by

JNO. F. HOWARD,m38 Mln, between Tiiii'd and Fourth sts.

U L'GAK 40 hlids prime received per steamers Magen15 ta and B. J. Adams aud for nib by


1 IO COFFFE-3- -J bats good fsir Rio Cofi?e landingV v.'X sUmer Baltic and tor eil"

and'w bl;hann A CO.,nJl Cimier Seui.i nn.i 'A'ahinrton eta.

Alt 3 bhds prime landing from eteameisWocd-f"r- d

aud John haine and fnr nr.lp bvme-- RAWSON. TODD. f'O

(CODFISH 15 hole and halt druma largearid for sale hv

mil ANn'W PT01TAVV A f'O.

H1TE WINE h bbls Uaut Sauterne !r- stcr- and

IBLACKBERRY WINE-- A choice article of pureBlack berry Wine in store and for sale by the bar-

rel hy


75 bbls extra Rectified WhUky;M bhls doubie xlra do;4AI hbls copper do"5 bhl? nne old IVurboa do;25 bhls fine old Rye do;

In and for sale hyru27 MARSHALL H AT. BERT A CO.

OARAFTINE CANDLES cases Pararlta Candles- iu 'tore aud for sale by


fOFKEK- - iiiu bftKe prime Rio received by Jno. Kainev aud Woodlord aud tor sale uy



HU do Scotch Ale;Sold by th.., dtu or cask t wilt prchasers by

m: i p THilV"i"J. T Fourth rt.

Soma Xwino, iTot-Lmo- ti, fltcFULL assortment of Seine Twine, ,

A Su'.i.'iiift, i;hlk-Lins- , Fi Plow Lines,Flax, Hemp, and Cotton Twine, MauiUa, Oottoo,aud Hemp liope, Ac, in store and fo ale low bv

ORR1N RAWSON.n.2 Main st.. between Third aud Fourth.

M OLA 55 Edlit inns pi imt1, in irood coopraiie;

4 X' do, do do;P.i!Cfi7ed the Douisvilie and J n acfl for salehv i:nor A

i V'.liL'o KAlki.D Vii'cll just revived aud forale hy


CHEESE Mcaeea Che,R. Nitoo nramt, for Ale hy

nM W. A H. Krt.KHAKDT. 417 Market st

L1NKN GOODScis 4 superfine Tahle Damaek;

10 cases Irish Liru-nA- , assort e4;5 do Spanirh Linen;5 do Blouse do:

2,000 pair brown Linen Table-Clot-

3 cases brown Lluen DriHiug;8 do bleached do;2 do fancy do;

Received and for sale byJAME3 LOW A CO.

Tt23 2(a and lii t side Sixth st.

"I1KEE -V Hm bxes Western Reserve Cheese;

do Ham burp do;fi0 do Endli-- Dairy do;

In store aud for sale byJNO. F. HOWARD A CO.,

nil Main, between Third and Fourth sts.

FLol.Koi ditferent brands, all warrantedIAMILY sale by

.T. SMITH SPEED, Main st.

FINK CLARET WINKSa casks St. lulteu, in qtr and pts;15 do Flonac in qts only;20 do Sf. E.tet-h- do;

Iu store aud for sale to suit purchaser bymy J. P. THOMPSON, 76 Fourth at.

FLOUR Rushnile Mills Donble Extra Flo-ir-

" " " '41 bhls Knijthtstown7'J bbls WtMowGrove1'

In store and for sale byAND'W BUCHANAN 4 CO.,

Iron, Nailfe, and Steel.TUNS Charcoal aud bwuecoal Iron, aMorted700

ftiMfT) keeri Nails, from 2 to 60rJ

5 do Spines, cut and wrought:Ku tiius Steel, Caat, Slba, Wingf, and American

InJSfSr Ml. v7 tarft (x,

D'fe1 Lalris brown, bleached, aud slats Pollings;Ui cHses Snper Idem 4 aud aud Lou dale

bleauhed Cottons;B-- id fa. --u


)LASSES i ooo bbls a.d i.i' .O half bbls primefi y,tii:y, aui Ui Glare s rr.iperi'-- c fur caie

by ii. it. MtWCQMH t, BKO.

ilSS POitK in hbls ior sale byM Jt OARPVKR A f'O

SE MOLASSES- - nnu t, .lamesSUOAR-Ho- l

Molasses in si"ie aud for ?ale hyRj' AND'W KlCl'ANAN A CO.

GOLDEN SIRUP, MAPLE MOLASSES, AND f'T." I.ot'Ii SIRUP, in k'rs and on t4 i 1,

for salt by Lm:j UlBBITf 4 SOI .



A eontA fnrTo bate cos, Liqnor, and Cotton Tarns,

HO. II anfl 317 Main st., bet. Third and F earth,LOUTSVTLLR, KY. mil


rcrwardinf & Commission Merchantam


Freight Agent fcr Penna. Centra Railroad.No. 41 FOURTH (OB WALL) STREET,

Pi drf IonlpvilK Ky.


PITKIN, WIARD, & CO,Pnccesrf to Pitkin Brothers,


Machines, Trees, PlantsHydraulic Cemont, Imo, Plaster, &c

613 stroot,dlf ItV.

raiLL ruaniBHiwa.F'EP.NOH anil kinds.

CLOTHS All numtjor hestmkq.IMPP.OVED PoKTAPLE MI LLS-W- ith so:H

bnhrs anil made on b"i known plan,SMU1' MACHINES --Several different kinj.Mill Irons, Scroll?, Screons, , Pter Partj,aua

Mill articlesV7v havti on hand a larce ttctk of the ahovenamed

articles. For sale lo and imaiiri-- TvariantfiIIEKUEU 1' WRIGHT,

w?27 fltf No. 15 Third t.. . Mnin a- -d rivflr

JLrag& Prescription Store, tMOZART HALL,

Comer Fourth and Jefferson street.t w Prcri i t Ions ear" fally and aceumU.iy eomponnfled

at all hour .lay ornistt.

IIIBBITT & SON,V.TioU-al- aod Rtf il

GE0CBH'S,,ri.Ol7rartT3A CTOIiS,No. LV Market ft., bet. Second ani Tliird,

TTAVE IN 6TORR A FULL STOCK OP FINEt'oerijs, and solicit the patiouags of tr.e jKiolic.

(lay's Clilaa Palace,IN THE MASONIC TEMPLE,


I have jast now opened aud ren!y fcr sale or Impoc-tlo-

the largest and moat elegant Btoek of

China, Glass, and Queens wareErer offered in this or any ether city In the North orSouth. I Lave al?o on hand and intend always to havethe d t.ck of SILVEU-PLATE- WARE,CUTLERY, P.HITANMA Vt'AKE, WOODEN ANDWI1LLOW WARE, and OAS FIXTURES In thecountry, and which I ill at prices to suit the tima

Pernonc havinp old Chard liers. Lamps, Ac , can netthem cleaned and made look a well aa new at a verytritliiin expanse.

I a n nUi prer.Rit-f- to run GA3 aud STKAM PIPEInto buildings or fit earn boat at tho abvrteat notice.

LM3- H-

76 bhla Mackerel, N.v. 1. C, and 3;Eu Vrio do No- -. 1, a. and

Si"' kit? .To No, j, j, J:35 kiti No. laalmou. for naif hv



BOLTED . veiy eup-- rior article.

CORN-MEA- 80 Fhir A Co.'s SteamIiclied Coru-M- . ,J, in bushel aud biiehbl

bay?, iu store aid for enU- hyW. & H- HUKKH ARDT. 4)7 Market ct.

MOL.V-SE-bhls choice Plantation Mola?pes;

SoiJ Jft do do do do;In tnr rl for nr br Tnll IT. W. POOD

JAVA byCOFFKI-l-- ,u mat tiue old arriving aud Ior

'7 RAVov, TOTin. ft CO

RIO 'i)Fi i:gl'i1 bar; strict I v Prime Kaptem HinCv tfeo rtccived th: d:iv p- -r miMSnt ;ik1 t'.r ty

and Wn.-(- i i t.Wl.NDKI- ?-O &') pkif? Prandl'f forae vtity 6ne;

2 v hbid Botirhoa V. hieky;4 pippi- Gin;4 puDchecna ew Rum;5 iIh Jamaica do

So cased Brr.ndy Cherries;3 do Meearoui;

Olive '!':fx do ii aini xi Rri'ie: fcr sale hv

ANTHONY ZANONU A SON,23 Kith rt., below Main.

1 7 csjks Madeira Wine;In casks Port do;lo s Muscat d;2. bMs Mi la pa no;

& hoi' Oinpr du;In store and for aale hy


HAMS of varion? brand;, supar-cure- country, tndHiii:s, lor sale by


LOVEK3 OP U?iION IlVOTK PAPKR AND KNVKLoPrt, beautiliillf cm- -

1" with the Fia el our Union printed iucolors, manulactaied and tor aie at

F. MADDEN'S B00KSTOUE,:wi Third st.

Mo?,A8i;S-- 1)

James S'lspr-ILma- Molaj8ea;ltu hhlu prime Plants "ion do;

In --tre and tor sale bymil AND'W liUOHANAN A CO.

J OLD FN SIi"P-5-J packftiet-- r Baltimore extra Gol- -riiiu binip in store a:-- fr fab- hr

mff AND'W y.y.i nvN CO

1 i;HVEi HUtiARS 25i bhtMVii-h- Orminlatcd,I-- Loaf, and So;t Crti.ahej .snjf '.iv in ftor and f r

alfby AND'W BCCHANAN A CO.,mJi Oomr Brwrprni nd WftrfU'iiptn

rlH SOLDICK'S OL HJK, a Cannier Mniinal and.1 Drijl Ur the n.--e of all VoPintt-i-rt- , Militii,anil Iiwr,e O iard, by at Od'o-- of ti.e U. S. Aiuy.Pnco -- bcunr) iu nper, m c: 4'J cts.

Copies eent per lu&i1, . I jr " Oe. Addressk MADDLN"d HOOKSToKK,

UiH :z:l Tnirttrt.pLOCR 75 bbls Krtra White V..ent: Fam 'vVlnnrI tnr'alaht- - f f. m v( A 0 .

jloS Si.i0drii:naSi!!vni r ir- - in --tire and tor --ste byfii r.v.n m:. mop.kis. im Third st1

ITICK 10 tierces prim Rice received by mail boatfor hv IrA''. II. W. CtK'O.

IN Al 7j kei Nails, ainoi-tin- b)7.". i;i -- tore and forbr fmlrtl HfUMITT i'. Has

H1TK V. lNLft bhls H:uit Sa;it;riie in etore andfur .'Ie hv a .':!! ':W. rr.v.

1 LAKiCT i ;ipt;iior in utora and fnr cale bvniia WM. GAY.

60 Ijlids prime N. O.75 bbl Powdered and Crushed ?.igar;

bbls Lo!'i S;isar;In tore and ior sie. hy


R IO COFl El- - -' bacia fx' arriving an-- for sale bym-- ! AAWAkN. TOOJK CO.

DRESS new g: vie Arancan Lwn?;a do do do Fifich do;I cHpe rio do do Chhi;i;7 aborted IVoJin1:

Revived tnd tor Aile chw.p bvT. 4 R SLl'VTN A TAIN.

T)ltlNT- S-X causes new rtyle Prints;

6 do black and hlurk and a'hite Prints;2 do 4 4 HovleV purple do;

Received aud for tae chennaS T. R. PCVVTV C IN.

II ICE 3J cacks in store aud for ?n!e bpfil UAWSnN. TODD. CO

"OFFKIC uOO baB for a!e bymil H. 1. NETVCOMB A PRO

R I;H- - 15 cak.e received p"r ptomicr Eunice nnd forsale by RAWSON. Toil. A '(.

Cl'.l SHE ) SUCiAR-- 75 hbl- - N,w York Circle ASng;ii iu store and for enle by

iti WM. DAY.

CHAMPAGNE b 'x-- a pint and ipiarh in storelow to cIoju coiidiumet bv

aO1- WM. GAY.

W1NE- S-f cases Claret Wino, for fumily nne;60 do do do, vt-r- hut;6i cacks no do;lu do do do, fine f r ti.hle uw;

lu.i cases White do, Hunt San tt: run;a'y hhle do do, do uo;"n ca?ks I'urt d.So do SiK'iTv an Madeira Wine;a.S bxes Muacat Wiiit--fo. do ih!ipm:ue, yta, pts, anil Vj pt.;

In store and for ek1 bvANTHONY ZANf)NK 4 SON,

aJa Kilth rivet, helr.w Mi--

QUAKER liKO'.tMS !6 dozen of an extra quaht0 Jntt received and for aale by


C OFFEK liio hags f;iir to prime Kio in 'toreand tor sal hy inlJJ WM. CAY.

OJ "f TUNS COUNTRY HOLLOW-WAHI- urortidelz"?, for eal" fie l sle rt hw pi us bv

WAi,:. u'V.. i,i W, rtl '!").

irass-bouu- tf Codar I'ails. -

50 DOZ.EN bra:! bound Cedar Fail, 3 ebjs, just re-ceived and tor sale low by

OKKIN RAWSON.30 fun between l oer'h and t HTh

11 OS1KKVSou dozen Mie Lite Cotrrn Hose;

2,')' 'U do Lad uV do tio do;. 8,i MO do d j mixed do Ai

SiM do do black do do, aft'OrtM;8U0 do do elite do do, do;

Received and for rale byJAMES LOW A CO.,

ml and 2 in Sixth e.

ST. JAMES SUOAR-HOCS- MOf .ASSIES 75 btDJrtirnitj Siiar-Uoif- n M'thioi in .Jtoro nnd farale

by alij AND'W BLt.HANAN A CO.

IOVKKING'S SUGARS tti bbl Loverint;' Cruahed,and Granulated Sugars received per

steamer Eunice and for bva4 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

POOL COTTONa,tiyU doeu Coste's S;ool Cotton, assorted;B,tM do Shadw. do do, do;

Just received and tor sale byJA MVS LOW A CO.,

m 9'" in fH ?ih t.

1 1 EM P SEED 500 buehf new crop trta byA fi PITKIN, WIARD. A CO.

iUGAR SuO bhds fair to choice Iu store and for uleALLEN, MOORE. 4 HADEN.

KAC 3.0U3 Iti bar Lead Juit r cived andir.re&leby


CODEY'S LADY'S BOOK for Aptil. Price 25cMGAINK for A;.ril. Pm 2f'e.


coiitaiuing the ilhi tia'iou of the Raiinir cf theStars and Stripes at the CourHioute. Pi ice lucr.er coty.


SPRING DRKSS GOODSO 3 balea pliu Percald:

8 d colored Jaconets;ci C&40B uuw etyle Lawns;lo do piinted Organdice;

Recti ved and for ealeb?JAMES LOW h CO.,

m93 Si and Jin wetT ni'Io Sixth ut.

HKRRING No. 1 Eoton HrriuB;1U0 boxe- - No. 1 Dried do;

Ju?t received aud for ale byHI g:cq w. MOSPT3. i:Tb'-- a v.

LE BON TON for April.ATLANl'lC iiONTHLY lr A.ri'., KOI;

For sale atmil E MADOPVS. ?? TT,irii ,

n AM BURG DAIRY ClIEESK-2- -i k)xri H.iir.bcigChttm tn ftore and tor sVe hy

inM W. n. UULKHAKDT. 417 MarfcuT rt.

iLOl R Hi bbls XXtra FIouj- just received and forL sale by imtfj CAHDNUR A CO.




Columbus and XeniaAND

Cincinnati, SIam!!ton& Dayton

1861 mm i86iEAILROADS.

FROM CINCINNATI TOPiston In 33"; bwn. New York In 31 hrnn.Philad-lrhl- a in S7lt h"rs. Haiti more In 59 hoT.9arit'-;:f- v gprines in A' h'rs. Albany in 2F V hours.Ihitfalo in bonrs. D'inkirk in 14 honra.Clpvfland in "V hoar. Firteburir in 1.1V hoars.Wheeling In li honrs. Btenber-vill- in 11 honn.Crerline in f. hours. Zanesville in 7 hours.SiuduAy In c4 hour. Toli-d- in houii.

Detroit In lii boure.

Tbronffh Trains leave tinclirantl u followni:15 A. M. EXPRESS -- Frvn Cincinnati. .Hntn-iro-

A Dep-jt- , connects via Toledo, ITetroit,and Cina'la.

":"0 A. M. CINCINNATI EXPRES- S- From l ittleMrnni IVpit, connect.-- :n L'ohiinhna, Cleveland. Imn-kir- i,

and via ('.iliml) ;e, CrMine, end Pitts-bar-

vm Uohiiiibn?, pfriih; nvtlle, and Pittebure;; andvia Cohimhiia, IVllnir, and Lvuwood.

9:2" A. M. EXPRESS MAIL Fnra Little MiamiOpot, connect v.:i Cyldirhiis, Eellair, aiid Pin-bur-

via Oliunhiip, Crcitlinf, and Pittshory; via Coluaibns,Cleveland, Uuuklrk, and Hnftalo.

P. M. EXPRF33-Fro- m Cincinnati, Hamilton. ADayton Di'pot, couuiK-t- via Toledo, Detroit, and Cana-da.

1" P- M. NIOHT ati, Ham- -llt.in. A Dai ion Dio', connects via C'jlurubiie,

pid Pittriirit: v;a Columbia, Creetlio, nndPiltsbiir?: via Coiur , Clttvf md, Pnnkirk, ai:d

via Columbu-- , HLllair, and Bcnwood; and viaHfllair, and PitMrnrg.Modern Sletjnr.Q Cars cn this Train.

rP-aMnfr- a forLako Steamers will take the mom-lu- g

Tnin.riThe :: Id P. H . Etx, SaturJ.i-- s, for ToUdo


The Xtoht E yress runt Dai'y, Saturdays, excepted.All other Travit run Daiiy Sundays except id,tiV' J'rain" run by Cl irohue time, irhich is 7 minute

faster than Cincinnati lime.

Baggage Checked tlironph to all Eastom Cities.should In thit th

iu iheOLL and AVOKlTE KOUTK. n

ar i,iad itothHIt, the Roads stv thoror.rhlyBALLAiiiLD, and all modrrn improvement adoptedIuLirii-- ijl, cuiiKoiiT. cod SAiEx Y.


OFFICES m rse WEST aid SOUTH. Ask for Tick-el- s


General Tickent Aent,CillfiTltlAtl.

Louisville nnd Frankfort ami Lex-ington anfl Frankfort

RAILKOADS.o N AND AFTER MONDAY, AprdJ'tl, TratiuWill leave IXiiliViile (Siimfava ttxrAA km' 'follows;

FIRjl TrtAIN f; A. M rtpniun at all idatlonwhciirtecd. exr. pt K;iir Grounde, itace Course. Bmwns-hor-

and Hftltiri-'w- . connect ing t Eminence with saghtfor Nt,w nt EraT.ki'.rt tor Lnwrenclwir?, Harrods-hury- ,and D uivi'.ie; k Mi.'wy for Vr?aille; at Payn-s- '

Sf?.tian f v (ieorK-to-w- and at Lfxinfrtou via railroadaud stairs for Danville, Lancaster, CrabOrchard. 8o:nerU Ric:.nio,id, Mt. Sterling, aiid all in- -tnor tr.wiia.

SECOND TRATV P. M..Ptowinr 11 tatirtr,- -wh'-- l!K;;p'-d- , eT.f pt Fair Grounds, Point, Rat Course,Ormshy'd. BrovrnplraH-irknr's- , and North IVnpon: con-- .necrms bv etce at Emiueuce for New Castle; and atFri Tic P tor town.

THIRD TRAIN ACCOMMODATION Leave at 5:00P. M.. fropfhic at all Stations; and retuniiiif.'. will leaveLnttraupe at rX A. M.. ato.iug at all stations, and ar-- jrive at Louit-viJI- at ::"5 A. M.

Train in IMbvIIIi-a- follows; Firet Train atl(:4 A. M.: wcond Train at &.2) P. M.; Lagrange Accom--Imod Aticn at h:m A. M.Frnsnt Trains lavc Ism U vIIIp daily (Sundave except-

ed; at 5:.) A. M.. arriving in Lxineron at 4::?. P. M.Fmigtit U receiveU and discharged from 7:3u A. M. to

) P. M.trr"Throiih Tickets for Danrilie, Harrodfbnrfr, Crab

Orchard, Soiurs't, VcrouiileB, Georytown, and ail fur-ther mforniHtvu cnu at th-- Depot in Louisville,corner ot Jcliei'rfou and atroet.

SAMUEL GILL. Superintendent,dlf L. & V. and L. A F. R. tt.


Memphis and Louisville



CoinmeDcIr April 14, l.til. Trains will runilb follows:

Leave Louisville 12:00 cocq. H:(K) nljchtArrive at Cave Citi- - p. u. a m

noviiPt'-tiree- u b:3' "u Nichvilie k:u0( larkM i!le "Hi.n.ho!dt 4:M) a. m. 4: UJ p. H.11 Mei'iptitd 11

Time (Lou id villa to Mempnie) 21 hours.CONNECTING at HUMBOLDT for NEW ORLEANS.LeAve Humboldt 4:35 a.m. 4:15 p mArrive :it .Jack-o- Tenn P;15 A. m. 5:15 p. m.An ivc at Canton Mit 7:lp. m. 7:15 a mArrive at New Orleans 6:15 a.m. t:ia r u

Time (LouUWlle to New Orb-ant-) 4 2 If hourp.FOR BARDSTOVN, LFCAVON, AND ELIZABETH-TOWN- .

Leave LOTiiavlllfl 7:oo A- - M p:f,u P MtArrive at - "' Kli.ribethtowu 7:uo k

Lebanon ! :r.i) a.m. :13 w

The 7:0(i A. M. Train fropi cotinectf at Lfh- -anon with for dpnugtieid, Danville, and points intho mterior of Kentuc'iy.

RtTURTINO:Leave Lebr.aon F:W a. k. LOO r. u.Leave L'iin ethtovn i'iLav Brtrdtovn t;. j

Arrive at LouuviHe P:ou 6::;,) f. u.Train? f:om MemT.lii.- and Na-i- villa arrive at Louhvvi'ea :..u P. M. and 11:2 P. M.Thrt 12 no.m TuLa lrom ilM wlH yr.n ArV

Tho 13 mht Tr.iin will Itvuve on Snrniayni. ht. hut ill nt nin an Srttn.-Ji- v uijrhT.

Tnrou:;h l'i?k-- r at the Depot, cimerof Ninth nnd Bi'id'i j'.y, and at No. 7 J 1 ourth rtreet,0,.OHitj tha NfiTi'-';a- I I.

mI .itf .in., ANrRSON. Stiperintendent.



F?cST. LGIIS,SL?CAC0, DETK0ITAnd ntl TointM Went nnd NortliTrenU


1C50. Summer Arrangement. 1361.TWO DAILY TRAINS TO ST. LOUIS, CINCIN- -

isiil, &yiJ ClliCAGO.

O N and after Monday, April 15, 1WT, PAP"cneer Trainsiriu leave Wmr AiD-u- v (oooosite a.a fol


MAIL (ailyexceytSiindaye).6:00 T. M. THROUGH ACCOMMODATION (Daily ex- -

c jit Sfiturdar.'.7:4a P. M. NIGHT EXPRTT, for St. Loirs, Csiro,

Omcmn-.t- i. Pinr, RHltii-iore- , Cleveland, Duf- -falo, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.

Two Trains ddily (except Sundays) for St. Louts atA. M. and 7:15 P. M.

Two Trains daily (exr.ept Snadaya) for Cairo at A.M. and 7:45 P. M.

Tvo Train.-- dii'.y Sandays) for Memphis at 7:30A. M. and 7:45 P. M.

Two Trams d:uiy leirt Sundays) for Kew Oileaui at7:S ) A. M and 7:43 P. M.

Two Trains dai'y 3und.yh) for Chicago at7:MA. M. and 7: P. M.

'iwoTrai'ii dailv ( -- cent Sundays) for Detroit at 7:0A. M. and P. M.

Two TraiiiKd- - ilr (excrpt Surdavpl for J?rr-i:"- City,Svracufe, St. J.'. nh, Hnnn.ir3l.Oi;icr7. RlorriInton, Spriti:n.'ld. , Peoria,Lurhnfon, Iowa City, and all points West and

One Train cn S.ioday evening at 7;43.

ISrime to St. Imip, home; to Jet'. rjun City,hmira: to St. 11 to Cairo, l.j hgurj; to

Memphis, v hours; to New Orleans, 4! hour?.Only o.c Civtnee 0 Car to Ht. Louis, Cincinnati, or

CtTwWO,SVB.iysae chocked turoun aud alt transfers free.

s leave St. at A M. and 4:W P. M.,couuecTitie ut Mit h. !i with Traiiw South; arriv-Li.-

in LouUvilie at ti.i.i A. M. and P. M.All trains connect cloeely with all Pflpecrtger Trains on

the Ohio aim Mi.idippi Railroad, and wait, indefinitelyfor O. and M. ttaintj when tb.ey are delayed, thereby

to raMenc;eru Connections at Mitchell, toor f"rm St. l.ouinor ohicimmti.

ai.'! jtapKifje taken to and from anypart of the City and tho (Jar Free of Charge.

Hoth Tnroi'eh Train couuertine clotty at Grwncao-tl-cwith the IN.ute and Richmond RaUroati, West

f'T Tene Haute ami l. Louis, nd F.ut for Indianano-lis- :at Limyctt with the 'lob-d- end Western Railway;

nd at M. S. (VoroTiie with the Michigan Southern Railroad for Toledo and stations. Alw) stMichigan City v. ith the Michigan Cenrral Railroad forOhicat-- and HlliHiintu Wert and Northwcat. Also forD' Trrit and all pointi Ewt.

THROUGH TICKETS r.ad furthpr information nbe obtained at th'.ir RAILROAD TICKET OFFI E,Soutb..ejf corner of Third and Mun streets,

occupied oy A. D. Mausv-ld- Ky.HTrinr- - xrp run by Loiueviile time.8. S. PARKER, Agent, Louisville.

R. H. RICSER, 8up't.N'w Al'mnr. 1". ln f, f

TKAiNSPOK'l A l iO;,Steam to Londonderry, Glas-

gow, and Liverpool.,J?..--- The Montreal Ocean titeanihip Cra- -

Clydet . built steaiueis;

N. S.'otiau,Capt. McMaster. N. Ampricao, Capt. Alton.BoiiMiiian. C;i;:t. GrAiiKA. Anfclc-Saxo- "liallaiitiiie.No;1h lliitou, Eoi hind. Hiherniui uiow building).Candia:i, Capt. Giaham. Nonveciau (now lmildln).

v.hit iii( inn v.auauian ana rmieu srarTj inis.One oi tlie pteaeu r? ot tlie line wiil cail from Liver-- p

ol evf-- Thurcday, and from Qu bee every Satur-day, calHng at Loudondcrry to receive on hoard andland njails nnd to and lrom Ireland andScotland. Glnow ptutseufc' rs are furumhed with freela.a3ae tickei to aud from Londonderry.

RateB of pivHf?.;::- - tiom Quebec to Londondorry, G las-to-

or Liverpool:First iXt.v farror!hig to accomroodat i on) . .$6 and $90Strate 'found witn cooked provisions) "ay

An eiperi-jnc- Surgeon attached to each steamer.Ketrrn tickets ut reduced rales.Cortifirrated israed for hriotrin out patenters from all

the principal towns of Great Rritam and Ireland at theiollTwius low re'ep:V New York no

(ilapgo' 33 60Livparpoo !

From any R. R. Station in England 4'J U'JFrom " " " in Ireland Si tKFrom Antwerp. Bremen, Uambarg, and Rot--

twrdam to New York 45 00Ticlt.'te at red ded rarea per Washiuctoa Llnof bailing lj.ca.et, leaving Liverpool "Xor New Yorkweeklv.For passaA, app!y at tho office of th Companr S3Brortday. York. BABEL A SR HLB.Aceni orR. II CauiU, cci ut-- of Main ami ThirdatretU', LouiviJ!e, R . jyiy dly

Kew & iDiproved Sfatioaery Ranges,FOR HOTEL AND FAMILY USE.

VKi are coustaat! y manu fa ctnriujE the above Cookingtilt o1 vanauB sie. adapted to family ue orIawt cia. note!, and which have trivto auch uuLverwil a'ttiatacttoa siuce tlieir introduction in this city,i ftee Ramies are the moit complete and siiccen'ulot tlie (iuJ ever otitied to the public. CdU aud ex-amine them at


CottoQ Rope, fitc.A FULL asrtrjeut of alt sizes Cottou, Manilla,

Jute, aud bemp R."e: Cjttou, H-- . mp. and I laxTwine?: 8e;ue Twi;-- Ot"itk Lu.es, l'irib Liue, TrotLilies, Status, tc.; juat received -- d for sale by

UEI'JN RAWSUN.IQ13 S:. , b. t t. 'j ;.irj toJ Fo irrb.

(pOK- N-V-- ' li'.i sa' ku el'e'.id Ciu;

4" Hj Wiiite d, dIn i:' rcpt-w- ..n:iiHt; rctivLig ir JtifciaonvlilaRallrouU aud r.r ."ale

fill IT ..vr.,f'onier Sere.tJ a'i ".S"RJ!ili'tfTon e'.jt.

IoLASES-:i:i- 3 r rii u Plantation leceived per11 rtvamer E, U. Fa''chiid unl Ior sale bv



Change of Time.

RA.IN3 will leave Jeffersonvilie, opposite LoaUvtlle,

6::i A.M., 2::i0 P.m., nnd li:20 A. M.A M.-- ST. LOUIS AND CINCINNATI b

Connect Rt Seymour for Vincenues, Evaua-vill-

SandoFBl, Cairo, 8t Loui--- ; St. .losei.h, and hIIpoint in the Wert and Northwert. and for (.,iiiciuti&tLconuectmg with local traiua ior all poluts in Southern

mio.S;:w P. M. LIGHTNING EXPRESS FAST -- Dally(Sundays excepted) conncctint at with trainaon the Ohio and Riilread for Cincinnati.Columbus.New York. Borton.Philadr-lphia- , Raltimor!

and all Eastern Cities; andt Indianapolis w ithline for Cleveland. PifNburg. Philaaf h.hia,Ksltimore, and nil the principle cities in the Eart- - alowith 1 rams on the Terre Hmite and Lafajtte

lor S. Louis Chicago, Rock Dland, Quipr,.rIlanmhxl, Joseph, and ail the otucr principle citiesiu the Wett nnd Nortlnvp-t- .

130 A. M. NIGHT EXPRF.SS-P- llr (Saturdaysconnecting at Seymour r. ith trains on tlw

Ohio and Miseiiwippi Railrond for. incinntt and allEartem cilie; at Indianapolis jrh the Bellelono-t- ano Line for Toledo. l)etrot4 Cleveland,

New York. Roa'ou. Phihid' Iphin. Haltimoie, and allin the Cn-- t; and w ith the Cincm-int- and Chl

aro air line. Ter-- Hute and Richmond and Itv-eil- eRailrortda for Cliicaci. Sr. Paul. ft. .Joseph St.

Louie, and all point in the Wi-u- aud NorlhwertCLINTN .IOHNSON, Aient.

al.' dtf A. 8. CROTHEU3, Snp't.



RAILROAD.Fast Freight LineTO

Daltiinore, Philadelphia, XewTork,and Boston, via iacinaaii and



ArranemciT arecoi'jpieteil li v. hiclureicht is tranported over thi Short Lme of Railway to and from Cin-cinnati in the time as stilted alore.

riOver Charges and Damages Promptly Adjostfd.A. E. Wattre, General Freight Agent, Cincinnati

Depot.G. B. Brown, A cent. No S Burnet UotUfl.R. T. Keys A. ut, Baltimore, Md.Calhoun Houston, Asunt, Sixth and Chetnot street,

Philadelphia.C. W. Perrei!, Genernl Acnt, or X7, H. Darl:n(t,

Agent, B. & o. R. R., bruadwfty, above Astor,Nw Yortt.

Edwin 8. Coliw, Airent, 7 Watiiuefnn street, Eoaton.shippTng iMKw;rToNs.

Pleace direct Eactern coiTeepondcntj- - to mark "VI B.o, & M. A. C. R R., and chip by Da'limore A Ohio

LOUISVILLK SHIPPERS.For thronch bi - ladiup apply to II. Ii. CLIFFORD,

Aireut, 143 Fourth street, betwneji Miin and V"ater.shippers can have their choice of ail rail or rail andwater from Louisville.

A. B. WATERS, Gen. Freight Aeent,CiuciniiatL

E. n. Bbowm, Gen. Western Froight A sent,nlS dlr St. LomIs. Mo.

18601 I86OIID PllSraili CESTRAl

11 I ROAD.250 Miles Dosbls TracL

Tb Capacity of this K?ad In now cqonl toIn tbe CoanfTy.



C0N:ECTIN0 direct In tbe Colon Dppot, attrains from all Western cities for

Philadelphia, New York, Boston, llaltimore aud u

City, thus furnifibiug facilities for the transpor-tation of j'jipenpora unsurpassed for speod and comfortby anv other route.

E sprees and Fast Lines run through to Philadelphiawithout change of cars or conductors.

Smoking cam are attach d to mh train; WocdniTsSleeping Curs to Exprota and Fast Trains. The EX-

PRESS RUNS DAILY, Mail and Fat Line Sundaysexcepted. Threo Daily Trains connect direct for NewYork. Express aud Fast Line conntct for Baltimoreand Washington.

All Tlirough Pawnger Trains provided with Louph-Hdce'- a

Patent Brake sped under perfect control of theEngineer, thus addius much to the safety of travelers.

Six Dnily Trains between Philadelphia and New York.Two Daily Trains betveen New Bork and Ronton,l'hrouph Ticketa all rail) are good on eitlier of the

HO AT TICKETS to Boston are good via Norwich,Fall River, or Stonineton Liues. liiiton passengerrtransferred free of charge t.hroii(h New York.

TICKETS EASTWARD may be obtained at ary ofthe important Railrond offices in the Wwt; also onboard s.ny of the rrula.r Line of ou the

and Ohio Rivers; and at the Oiiices of the Com-pany in Boston, New York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia.

Far always aa low and time o quick aa byany other Kout.

ASK FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURG.The completion of the Western conn actions of the

Pennsylvania Railroad make this theCirect Xaine Between the Bast and th

ansAT wrBT.The connecting of tracks by tbe Railroad Bridge at

Pttuburg, avoiding all dray are and feniape of Freight,torether itith the aviji(t of time, are advsjitaises readilyappreciated by Shippori of Freight auJ the TraveliuaPnhiic.

Fcr Freight Contracts or Shij-pln- Directions apply toor address either of the tollow:ng Agents of the Com-n- y

D. A. STEWART, Pittsburgh: H. 8. Pierce A Co.,ZaiiKsvillc, O.; J. J. Johnston, Rlvley. O.; R. McNely,Maysviile, Ky.; Omisby& Cropper. Portsmouth, Oiilo;Paddock A Co., Jnfiensonville, Ind.; II. W. Brown A Co.,Cincinnati, O.: Alhern A Hihrert. Cincinnati, O.; R. C.

Madieoo, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore. Louiavilln, Ky.;P. G. O'Rilev & O., Evanavilhi, Ind.; N. W. Graham ACo., Cairo, 111.: R. F. S.ws, Shaler A Glata, St. Louis,Mo.; .John II. Han is, Nashville. Tenn.; Harrit & Hunt,MrtTiyihis. Tenn.; Clark A Co., Chicago, III.; W. H. H.Kooutz, Alton, 111.; or to Freight Agouts of Raiiroada atdiUvre.nt points in the WpsLThe rnrett Faril'tlm offered for the Fro'r-tlo- n

nnd i:ecdy TraDiioilatlon of LIVEteTDCK.

And Good Accommodations, with nen&l privilege! forpersona travelling in charge thereof.

FREIGHTS.By this ronre treiphts of all descriptions can bo for-

warded to and from Philadelphia, New York, Boston, orBaltimore, to and frm any point on the Railroads ofOhio. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, orMLouri by raih-oa- direct.

The Pennsylvania Railroad aIo connects st Pittsburgwith by which roods can bo fnrwaided to anyPoit on th-- Ohio, Kentucky, Ten oerie,(,'unib.rland, IilinoU. Mii!r-i- Wlwnsln,Khucu. Ark:.:eaj, and R d rivers; oua at (.levp-lttiid-,

Sndi-ky- , and Chicago wi;h steamera to all ports on tlieNot tbweah'iu Lakea.

Meirh&:it.- and Shippers ennWln(t the transport. Ionol" their freight to this Company can rely with confi-dence on it nepdy transit.

THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any pointtn the Weft by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are at slltim.is ar favorable a; are charged by any other RailroadCompanies.tE8 particular tn ma.'k "Yla Pfhka. B.

R.P. J. SNKFDER, PhMadclphia.MAGRAW A KOONS. Hn N nth strft Baltimore.L;,Ecn Ai CO.. No i Astor Houe, or No. ii William

streer, New York.LEECH ot CO., No. 77 gtat-- strpt.

II. H. HOl'STON,Gonoral Freight Avent, Piiiladrlpbln.

L L.fJeneral Ticket Agent, Philadelphia.

TFT08. A. SCOTT, General Sup't, Altoona, Pa. j"i dtf

MOLASSES Sot) bbls landing from Marenta nd forrnSSJ H. D. NEWCOMB A BltO.

5 bushels freah Pecans in etore aud for salerECANSPfmU W. IT. BrRKTT ARDT. 417 Mart-p-t st

AOKEKEL '5 kit- No. 1 Mackerel in store and fcrsale low ou condigument by

ft WM. GAY.

"1 OLDEN SIRCP-- 30 bbls ?nd Hvm Beklmr'i eu- -

I perior Sirup received per Moor:iTor and for t le bymil H. D. NEWCOM1J A hKO.

riAK, LIME, AND CEMENT 6 b'n). for ss hyI HIHHITT BOV.

'l.OLR Various brands constantly on liaud.t.4 .1. SMITH PPEKD. Mint.

IAMILY FLOUR-ai- t) bbls No. 1 Extia (Ruehvlllein atore aud for ."ale bv


SUGAR 3U hhd)? prim? Sugar receivnd per lialtie andh.- - hnl GAKONEK A CO.

STLIKTG- - STOCKMen's Clothing,

Youths' Clothing,

Boys' Clothing,

Children's Clothing,



Fresh, nicp, full stock for Spring and Summer wearlust opened at

J. M. ARMSTRONG'S,m2! On Main etiwt oppMte the NxHnnal Hotel.

T HI I'D FRl'IT-- 75 bushels Dried Pea-h- in storeif and m1) HI"BIKT SOM.

WUGAR 2T(I bbls lyjverinfi'HCniehed, Powdered, andGranulated in store and tor pale bv


TON for May received atUON F. MADDEN'S BooWtore,.37 3iil Third rt

RMN BAGS .W seamless Baes (3 and ay,' bushelI Frt Pitt brand! received per rtearr:boftt Marmora

and for sale by JM. F. HOWARD A C J.,ARentc for Manntacts rera,

niS Main, between Tliird aid Fon th st.ItJEASSES

11 131 bhis Plantaticn:75 ,ydo do;

Landing from steamer John Rain and for sale byml RAWSON, TODD, A CO.

CANNfLTON SHEETINGS I'O hale for sale byH. I. NKWCoMH A HK't.

1 ATTING &UU balca No. 1 Cannlton for aale by '


COTTON YARNS 20' bsc- for mIp hvH. D. NKWCOMU A BRO.

II K FINED SUGARS-3- 00 bhl- - fnr sal1 hyH. D. NKWCOMH HKO.

IHKEAD WAS TE, suitable foi machhiery,1 forilehv rm71 H. 1). NEWCOMB HKO.

LD BOURBON WHISKY loo bbls C years old aud" " of superior quality for sal bv



WW bags fair to prime in store and for


T IO COFEEE 3b0 bags good fair and prime arriving11 audifor aaJe by


,MS- H-1 6u Vi bhls White FUh;

JU bbls Trout:Jurt received pe railrsad and for sale bv


IKANS AND LINSEY8 6 bales Phouulx Mills In' store aud for sale low to close coujignment bymLi v m. itAY.

WINE 10 bbls Bland's pure CatawbaCATAWBA and for ?ale by

ni2 W. A H. BURKHARDT. 417 Market tt.

OF THEM, bv Chsc. Dickens". Piice 6oe.ONE 3 RIFLE AND LIMIT INFANTRYTAi;'i'li:fi P; te tl p0.


Sal Third street.Agent for Beadle's Dime Publications and French'

Minor and Standard Drama.

COFFEE LO00 bags Rio Coffee, fair to prim equalityCJ iu etore and for sole by

'2 WM. PAY.

SCOTCH ALE.ECEIVED this day per in cake R. You-- tr er's Ale, St. Aau'u Brewery, and for nale hv

a Jo .T. H. S' 'HKOEPV.lt .fe SON. Wall st.

M bbU A No. 1 Family Flour for sale byFL'UR GAKPNEH ft CQ.

4Ji Ubde fair to strictly prime e aiidSUGAR le hr- - ri2 If. W.'.C'OO.

hhd prime receive! per stumer to. J.SUGAIC-- Hl

aud John Kaiue and 'nhy

OLSES I'M) bbl? prime N.O. Plantstion In stortIM and lor hv linli' WM. PAY.

i- - si'CAi? n hhU Bhltimore B Cni-- h

i A ed, received and forWSON. TODD i CO.


Books, Stationery,WALL-PAPE- R, WINDOW-SHADE- S,

D 1. J l i n , i rt tdwk ana jn rrioters ana isinaors,


JOHN SNYDER & CO.,Wholesale Grocers, rioar nd Oom

mivftion merchants,tu Main street, between Third and Fourth

LOUISVILLE, KY.TARTT('TT W iTTffv GIVEN TO THE SALof Flour and Produces to us. au2l

J. II. CALDW2L. & CO--8SJ Chestnut street, opposite Girard Douse,


Patek, Phillire, Co., Watrhes, in G nva,Charles Frodjhani's lxinion Tiine-Kf"- ', c- f- eeritall size in IbmtiuF C&-- t and Oi.a i ace.rSole Authorised Agents for alrove,

PGoM and Silver, FnglUh and Swiss WATCH ElRich Jewelry, new deetrna.Diamonds, Pearls, and nil rhe Fashionable style.

"" ttnm,rae1 in rt 'e, 'inalily, and fintsk.visiting Philadelphia are invited toamine tnir

NEW MARBLE EFTABLI3HMENT.A visit entailine no obligation to purchase.

VUiuforu PricM, in piain figures, and no variation.'nlv3 d1v

JOKLISr FLECK,Lard Oil and Candle

MANUFACTURER,Ko. 1 Oft Tli'.rd sr., bee wren Halo nnd tbe Rive

And No. 7i Jefferson at., north side, betweeoL;lay aud 3..cliiy,Ijouisvlllc. Iv.'Jeai diy


IN METau xhgsWter-tl;- nt and Tix-- m proof.

We have In maeazme II supply o tie above cele-

brated brand of Powder, put up In pal&Hiron svvc, andfor sale at same price as woodec keg? bf

A. T. DuFONT cV CO,tWW. B. For sale bv all the Loui?viilp merrhnt

K3DV GOODS."re now in rcctijit ol a tine and w1t selected

stock oi all articlc in our tine, comprising Oloths,Cashmeres, Wftirifrs. and f rimniiiigs, to whica we callthe attention of the ind-'- .

m4 VON HORRD'3 t CO.. 434 Main wt.

WHITEWASH MKUSHES, Ac A full assortmentIT of all sizes WhiUwah, Shoe, Scrub. Heart lu

Paint. Parlor, and Dilating ltrit-hf- in etore Rnd foraalelowby OKKIN RAWSON,

mS :W Main t.. between Third nnd Fourth


IJ L' halt cheftn choice fi ren and Blaclt;;i C 9 case and I ih .r a Crr-e- Teas.

L'Thwe Tea are frefb and uue.Juet received and fcr kaIu by

HrnmTT a son.


C10AKS, aud FANCYNo. t'J Thi'- t''ix-tt- , have iu store and for

sale60 bhls superior Bonrbon Wldeky. ywri art;

hi do do dn dla casks Cornac Brandies;

Jl'J - do oo d.;10 Ao do;

8 do Port Wine;15 do Madeira do;16 i do Siierry do;

9 bhls old Brandy, p"i11 bbls oid Apple Biaudy, pi're;Champairno Wines, varioup hrr.nflr'N. Longworth A tlo.'e and J. MrM i leu's Native WinsEntfiiwli and Scotch Psle Alee and Porter;CiAret in ca&es; Anwet'e; AbFyutbe;MAraschlno: Curacoa, Ac

Alo a larpe and stock of Frwb Fmttt,Picklea, and Hermetically Sealed Goods of ail desrription at lowiwt market oriw ttiWINK-S-i T .Ml cases (larpt Wine;

ail Hcalcs Madeira Wine;6 V do Sherryft H do Malaga du;

In store and tor nle hy J. MONKS,alii Nnrth fide Mam, bet. Seventh and Eiphth pts.

MOLASSES2S do do;60 hhN Suar-Uou9- d Uolaisea;40 bhls Siruf;

In store and tor sain by1S MAPnTT, fr

LBS ENUiJSH RANCA BLOCK TIN5((( beat quail tv, tor sale byal WALUAi E. L1THOQW, A CO.


Cnuhed Baltimore Surar;60 bhls Lovering's Cruehed do;

5 hhU do Granulated do:40 bbls Soft Crushed do- for sale by

a2 Gardner a coIOFFEE 17 bfis Rio received by matlboat

andforeale by al.: H. W. COOP.

ACK.EREL 300 whole snd M bhls Noa. L 2, andM Mackerel iu store and for file byml4 AVTVW Hl'I'ITAVAN f'O

COFr EE SW bags prime Rio received per Magentafor sale by

mis 1 r VPWf'OMR BRO.

INI2D casks Port Wine- -

25 do Madeira Wine;3 do Sherry do:3 do Claret do:6 do pure Malaga Win?;

In "tore and f'T i'e hv fm3rtl

iir-- DOX KAIL ROAD CORSETS AND BODICES5U75 &.)Z S'ilcox'e Hoop Skirt?, aJ.?o:ted;

3,(!'i:i pieces aesor ted Lrochot Braid;800 do do do Yiimnjiiig;

Received and for tale byJAM?S LOW A (JO.,

ml -- ""i sod 210 Main st.

JAVA COFFEil 40 pockets prime Java CofTe orby .u1 HIBBITT & SON.

SUGAR-CURE- HAMS in etu-- and for sale by- - W. tig H. BUHKUARDT. wkett,rUCPj-lf- ) tiorces prime landing from mailhoat and

sale by fm COoD & MOi'DY

C UNDRIE- S-k5 6" hbls No. I Ci.Irr Vinegar;

4i brire barret, Tar;15 H do;

EO ca?' Si'da;Imi bi'Xe do;In do Dried Herrin?:2D do Nione Tip-- i

So do Biarkinx;8r.0,-- G. D. Caw;S'JOOO L. B. do;

20 boxes 'juiirtS do pint dn;16 do y.pintbit dozen Heron

do Or?s d;1:5) do Cotuui s

Si) ciiiJ Cotton F.oio;In store and lor sal- - by


JI'OAR M bhln Jjoveiinji's Crushed, (iranulated,O and Powdered Sugir just received and for sale by


FAMILY FI.OUR-5- 1' bbl choice WTiitetXTRA Floiir )iirJt r;eeivcd aod for eald bym36 W - H HI'it if H A KDT. 417 Market t.

CCOUNTRY MOLASSES-- A prime article ia (toreJ and for sale bytn W. h H PITtKHARr.T. 417 Market C

W UOAK bhds prime Sugar received per Diana andfor sale by GARDNER A CO

(OTIONADES. cCottouade

4 do J aii-:

ft do F.tnnera' Diilbti do Negro Phtidd and Strifes;f bale" Deniint

Received and for sale cht-a- hv5 T. R fLKVIS CAIN.

UNDRIE- S-C3 3m boxen No. 1 Fatilv" Soar;

12 do No. do;12 do No 1 Plm do;Ij do No. 1 Fancy do:i( do No. 1 Star C.v.i J!??:25 do andV.'iits Tallow Candle:

aleo a few boes Paratliue do35 do aud boxed Starch; for pale hv


LLOUR--- j bhl!" Iu rdnre and lor salt hyuiil TAIT, ANDERSON. A CO., 14u Fonrth st.

SUGAR Soil hhde fsir to prime N. O. 8'iear in storenaif- - by WM. GA V

SUNDRIl'S P tails:I'l bhia Filberts2r hhlP Tarrafiona Alinouds:15 b;,- - Ahraut do;

bbls Sicllv d :

10 hble EncU-- h W:,'.r.-.,-

20 kP8 French Priiiicd;6 " In glass;6 frails Datn:

S;H) pa'.kaprs M. U. and Laysr Raisin;6(1) drum Sniynia Fijca;

15 case Sardines, t and .i boxes;10 carkd Zante Ourrante;

In ftore aud for sale bym 8 OEO. W. MORRIS. 134 Third sr.

IAISRS1.4. i boxs London Layer;

loo do M.aiK) ';do do and Layn:ro diums Sult ina: for sale by

tti5 (;uo. W MORRIS, U4 Third st.

NOTICE.rtO MY SLOW AND HAKOPAYTNG CUSTOM1 EHS. Notice ie hereby civeti to all whose 1st Jan-

uary atxountri art; net ptid, t.iat. il not paid bv the 1 itli,I shall p&as them out rf my ha ide for collection,

ml .1. P. THo.MPM'N. JiihtiirtnttBAGS A lull assortment of Paper and Ma1)APER Bags, all lzes, just received aud ror sale by

OKKIN HWrON.aI3 KT," Main t... befwen Third i td F nrth.

IOTATATOKS-- 'J car lead prime Potatoes Jutsale by



ARB EE1 3 RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRYn TACTICS. Only a few come Prww J Prset at MALI1JLN a wft0'' 'r1.

rx20 Ml Third at.

ACKER EliM KiO bhls Nob. 1, X and 3;ldfl do do;SKiO kit do:60 .Vibbls Whi Fish: for lalsi


A:KEKEI Lout) rackaees, bole half, and quai-31 i ... v.v.l A U It. nil ii.m fnr le hv


WUGAlt 37 bhds just receded on conigumtut pr"teainer Atlantic and forcalehv

n,H J. 8Mim PPFEO. Mn "HIED PKAt:HE3 75 buehels prime Dried Pearlu

D (halves) mceived on con-i- ? uni-t- it and s&.e by14 w. H pcwrii APrvr i: Vif

413 Main street,NOW IN STORE THE I D


Fancy aud Staple Try Goodsin the citv. and, having been purchased under tl "J0

vorableciixuuiUnces, ill be JJ1 K wS-


tory of Buud iut?EA AND 'illBtNCOX-MLmet- c

al TiiVelirby Ob. Diokeus Price

THE CROSSED PATH, by Wukle Collins.. Eric

ai "

LA15 bbls strfctly priiae Leaf LJ:d0 d 0A

UGAR--B'3 hiida piHwe acd choice received per Pey.

tona and ior saie vy p rycoMB A PRO

EFINFD BUGAR3- - bcls Crashed, Pon;d,rdK aixrvw Hi jr M A N Si

M- -Ii half bhls Luke Hih for ale byI TAIT. ANhl'ltviriN. A n.. 'i"

Percussion Cap."APS, TriOiie kinds

800,000 Ki'Si lor "'e IO" rV(iIIN HXWflON.

tu3 Jo" Maiu , bvWwui Thud aud Fourth