LOUIS Newsletter Vol 20, No 1

I What a year and what a difference a year can make! Last year at this time we were frantic due to the massive budget cut. Fast forward to today and this amazing community of academic libraries spent a grueling year accomplishing 3 goals: finding funding for FY 11-12, branding LOUIS and highlighting the resources/ services and return on investment, and setting the stage to define a sustainable funding model for the future. Due to the hard work of so many, these goals have been achieved. How can I say that that there were any successes since we still don’t have the level of Regent’s funding we had in 09-10? Let’s start with what I consider the best news of the year: unanimous adoption of HCR 129 by the House and Senate. All of the year’s activities were summed up in this instrument. It was a beautifully written resolution by Rep. Michael Jackson (D District 61) using Faculty, Staff, and Student Government Resolutions and a letter written by Dr. Belle Wheelan, President, SACSCOC. Rep. Jackson used strong language to make a point. Those that read the resolution sat up and paid attention. He brought to light what the academic library community had been promoting all year through television, radio, newspaper and social media formats, namely that LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network was the perfect example of how to ―do more with less‖, collaborate, cooperate, ―level the playing field‖, spend tax payers’ dollars wisely, and create and share experts and resources within the academic library community. HCR 129 sets the stage for the formation of great partnerships. And the introduction of this resolution gathered enough attention to provide an additional appropriation in HB1 of $500,000. The partners will be the Regents, LOUIS, LALINC, Systems and the LLN Commission. LALINC will continue to be the experts that define services and resources while the LLN Commission will be in place to seek sustainable funding and fair distribution of fees. The Board of Regents will lead the funding effort and employ the system offices, LOUIS members and the state legislature to insure that this critical component in higher education continues to be equally available to all institutions in the community. So why exactly were we successful in achieving the 3 goals? Goal 1 was accomplished by a commitment of $500,000 from the Board of Regents, $500,000 from the state general fund, and the difference made up again by LOUIS libraries. Goal 2 was accomplished by each of you. The letters, emails, phone calls, television and radio interviews, news articles, resolutions and the SaveLOUIS.org site all contributed to putting LOUIS on the radar of all campuses, Systems, Regents, elected officials and the state in general. Goal 3 was accomplished by HCR 129 and the re-involvement of the LLN Commission. Having the Commission re- engage is crucial to solving the need for a sustainable funding model. During all this turmoil the libraries continued to provide outstanding service to faculty and students. How do I know this? Because these same faculty and students rose to the occasion and were engaged in helping us achieve the goals. That group would not have been as vocal had they not felt that they were being served well by the libraries. A year ago, we were all stunned by the significance of the funding reduction especially in light of all the successes. While I hoped we could shed light on LOUIS and the funding issue, I would not have believed the tremendous success that was achieved because of the hard work of so many who took this to heart and made a difference in so many ways. I am confident that LOUIS support is in place because HCR 129 states, ―the importance of LOUIS to Louisiana’s public postsecondary education institutions cannot be overstated and it is critical that it remain an available resource for the state’s higher education community,‖ and because the Board of Regents has ―determined that it is in the state’s best interest to formalize a funding mechanism to ensure the future of this critical resource for the state’s higher education community.‖ LOUIS Update: Sara Zimmerman, LOUIS AUGUST 8, 2011 VOLUME 20, ISSUE 1


August 8, 2011

Transcript of LOUIS Newsletter Vol 20, No 1

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What a year and what a difference a year can make! Last year at this time we were frantic due to the massive budget cut. Fast forward to today and this amazing community of academic libraries spent a grueling year accomplishing 3 goals: finding funding for FY 11-12, branding LOUIS and highlighting the resources/services and return on investment, and setting the stage to define a sustainable funding model for the future. Due to the hard work of so many, these goals have been achieved.

How can I say that that there were any successes since we still don’t have the level of Regent’s funding we had in 09-10? Let’s start with what I consider the best news of the year: unanimous adoption of HCR 129 by the House and Senate. All of the year’s activities were summed up in this instrument. It was a beautifully written resolution by Rep. Michael Jackson (D District 61) using Faculty, Staff, and Student Government Resolutions and a letter written by Dr. Belle Wheelan, President, SACSCOC. Rep. Jackson used strong language to make a point. Those that read the resolution sat up and paid attention. He brought to light what the academic library community had been promoting all year through television, radio, newspaper and social media formats, namely that LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network was the perfect example of how to ―do more with less‖, collaborate, cooperate, ―level the playing field‖, spend tax payers’ dollars wisely, and create and share experts and resources within the academic library community. HCR 129 sets the stage for the formation of great partnerships. And the introduction of this resolution gathered enough attention to provide an additional appropriation in HB1 of $500,000.

The partners will be the Regents, LOUIS, LALINC, Systems and the LLN Commission. LALINC will continue to be the experts that define services and resources while the LLN Commission will be in place to seek sustainable funding and fair distribution of fees. The Board of Regents will lead the funding effort and employ the system offices, LOUIS members and the state legislature to insure that this critical component in higher education continues to be equally available to all institutions in the community.

So why exactly were we successful in achieving the 3 goals? Goal 1 was accomplished by a commitment of $500,000 from the Board of Regents, $500,000 from the state general fund, and the difference made up again by LOUIS libraries. Goal 2 was accomplished by each of you. The letters, emails, phone calls, television and radio interviews, news articles, resolutions and the SaveLOUIS.org site all contributed to putting LOUIS on the radar of all campuses, Systems, Regents, elected officials and the state in general. Goal 3 was accomplished by HCR 129 and the re-involvement of the LLN Commission. Having the Commission re-engage is crucial to solving the need for a sustainable funding model.

During all this turmoil the libraries continued to provide outstanding service to faculty and students. How do I know this? Because these same faculty and students rose to the occasion and were engaged in helping us achieve the goals. That group would not have been as vocal had they not felt that they were being served well by the libraries.

A year ago, we were all stunned by the significance of the funding reduction especially in light of all the successes. While I hoped we could shed light on LOUIS and the funding issue, I would not have believed the tremendous success that was achieved because of the hard work of so many who took this to heart and made a difference in so many ways. I am confident that LOUIS support is in place because HCR 129 states, ―the importance of LOUIS to Louisiana’s public postsecondary education institutions cannot be overstated and it is critical that it remain an available resource for the state’s higher education community,‖ and because the Board of Regents has ―determined that it is in the state’s best interest to formalize a funding mechanism to ensure the future of this critical resource for the state’s higher education community.‖

LOUIS Upda te : S a r a Z immerman , LOUIS


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The 2011 COSUGI Conference was held April 19

– 21, at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown

Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona. The Opening Session began with a welcome by COSUGI Chair-Elect Brian Sherman, standing in for COSUGI Chair Coleen Neary, who was unable to attend the conference. The opening welcome stressed the importance of doing ―more with less,‖ a practice that Louisiana institutions have been made familiar with in the most recent year. SirsiDynix then showcased new and updated products that focused on integrating social networking and mobile applications with the OPAC. The Opening Session ended with Michael Porter’s presentation ―Libraries and eBooks,‖ in which he explored the issues shaping access rights in libraries. Porter is the President of Library Renewal, an organization offering research and support on how libraries offer their electronic content. Although the conference offered many useful presentations on support services, mobile solutions, and some discovery applications, it was apparent that SirsiDynix’s development of their core products has diminished over the past year. Many users criticized the lack of product enhancements, as well as the disappearance of the enhancements process itself and a formal product roadmap. These concerns

2 0 1 1 C OSU GI Con f e ren c e :

B r i a n S h e rm an , M c N ee s e

Sub j e c t P l u s : S i g r id Ke l sey, LSU

At LSU Libraries, we are testing SubjectsPlus (http://www.subjectsplus.com) as an option for managing our subject guides, database listings, frequently asked questions, and other components of our web site. SubjectsPlus is a free and open source management system, and I would recommend it over the proprietary LibGuides product.

It is easy to install, but requires some knowledge of mysql/php to install. Once installed, the system is simple to use. As an administrator, I can quickly add and delete staff members, give them various levels of permissions within the system, assign and reassign subject areas, and add resources to the database, all from an easy-to-navigate web interface. The css can be modified to coordinate with a web site design.

Subject librarians can have accounts that allow them to make professional-looking web guides and course guides using a drag-and-drop system, so

were shared with the company, who by the end of the conference, had begun discussion with the COSUGI Board on implementing a new product enhancement process. Since all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, attendees were able to play at ―Club Blue,‖ the theme of this year’s SirsiDynix party. Stages and cages draped with sheer curtains backlit by blue lighting paint the picture for this scene. While SirsiDynix employees painted fluorescent paint on partygoers, dancers in blue spandex performed routines on stage and in curtained cages. These

dancers later mingled with the crowd on a lighted dance floor, of which LOUIS members controlled a corner. Although attendance as a whole was down this year, a small number of public and

academic institutions from Louisiana attended the conference. LOUIS was represented by John Guillory, Mary ―Bron‖ Laird, Brian Sherman, and Cathy Sicard. During 2011 – 2012, LOUIS will be represented on the COSUGI Board by current COSUGI Chair-Elect, Brian Sherman, who will become COSUGI Chair in July. Make plans to attend the 2012 COSUGI Conference on May 3-5 at Disney’s’ Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida!

that guides can be tailored in a variety of ways, without requiring mark-up or programming knowledge.

There are some features that we would like to add, and because it is open source, we hope to be able to add features that are part of our current subject guides. The product has a Google group with members that help each other out and share ideas.

While we haven't decided for sure to go with SubjectsPlus, I like the program very much, and we will most likely adopt it. I would be happy to answer any questions about it.

In other related news, LSU Libraries has hired a new Computer Analyst, Robbie Gore, to help with the development of our web site. Robbie has already started looking at SubjectsPlus and we're glad to have him!

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Tulane University’s Louisiana Research Collection (LaRC) preserves possibly the largest collection of New Orleans Carnival paper and ephemera, including more than five thousand original designs for Carnival floats and costumes. Many of these are from the ―Golden Age‖ of Carnival, from the late 19th to early 20th centuries, and feature the work of noted designers such as Jennie Wilde, B. A. Wikstrom, and Charles Briton. LaRC also preserves the works of more contemporary designers, including Patricia Hardin, Olga Peters, and designer and noted Carnival historian Henri Schindler.

We are in the process of putting our entire Carnival design collection online through the LOUIS Digital Library and hope to complete the project by the end of 2012. The online collection currently consists of almost 900 float designs from Comus and Proteus, with more being added every day! We expect to have the complete sets of float and costume designs from Carnival's "Golden Age" online by the end of 2011.

You can get started with the Carnival collection here: http://larc.tulane.edu/exhibits/carnival. For more information, please contact Eira Tansey, [email protected], or [email protected].

Th e C a rn i v a l Co l l e c t i o n :

D ave Co mm eau x , Tu l a n e

N e w L O U I S i a n a D i g i t a l L i b r a r y C o l l e c t i o n a t U N O :

T h e M a r c u s C h r i s t i a n C o l l e c t i o n

L i s a W e r l i n g , U N O

The Earl K. Long Library at the University of New Orleans is excited to announce the creation of its newest LOUISiana digital library collection, The Marcus Christian Collection. Comprised of all 46 chapters of historian Marcus Christian’s seminal work, The Negro in Louisiana, it chronicles the history of slaves and African-Americans in Louisiana. Christian was a businessman, a writer and poet, historian, teacher, and head of the "Colored Project" of the Louisiana Federal Writers' Project (FWP) at Dillard University. Although he had a limited formal education, he served as a librarian at Dillard University upon the conclusion of the FWP, and later as a writer-in-residence and special lecturer at Louisiana State University in New Orleans (now the University of New Orleans). He was appointed to that unlikely post in 1972 after the late Dr. Joseph Logsdon

recognized Christian’s many contributions to the field of Louisiana history. However, Christian’s manuscript was never published, although he continuously revised it with

that intention until his untimely death in 1976.

The edition presented in the digital library is the definitive transcript, edited by UNO librarian and Louisiana historian Florence Jumonville, Ph.D. Interestingly, through her pre-editing research of

journal citations and the manuscripts many revisions, Dr. Jumonville uncovered the original name of the document. Over the years, as cultural norms and language usage changed, the manuscript had come to be known as ―A Black History of Louisiana.‖ The original title has now been restored and the contents meticulously compiled as an annotated transcript, with original typos, chapters, and paginations preserved.

Christian's extensive collection is one of the most popular in the Louisiana and Special Collection Departments holdings. Future additions to the digital library will include some of his nearly twelve-hundred poems, as well as lectures and other research materials pertaining to the African-American experience in Louisiana.

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Four From the Vaults:

Digital Projects at Rudolph Matas Library of Health Sciences:

Keith Pickett, Tulane

Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences at Tulane University in down-town New Orleans is in the midst of several digitization projects to provide access to items in the historical archives to the public. These items are of use not only to researchers in the fields of medi-cine and health, but also those research-ing the history and cultural impact of medical care in the New Orleans area. A collection of Charity Hospital Reports, produced regularly for the state govern-ment of Louisiana from 1842-1974, was digitized by the staff of Rudolph Matas Library under a National Library of Medicine (NLM) grant for a project titled Early Medical Journalism of Louisiana, A pilot project for the preserva-tion and sharing of Nineteenth Century Medical Publications of Louisiana [National Library of Medicine (NLM) Prime Contract No. N01-LM-6-3505; HHSN276200663505C]. These reports include a wealth of material on hospi-tal administration and disease epidemics as well as vital sta-tistics and public health infor-mation. The Charity Hospital Reports collection consists of 114 PDF items, each with searchable text and accessi-bility features. The John P.

Isché Library at Louisiana State University Health Sci-ences Center in New Orleans provided invaluable assis-tance by providing Rudolph Matas Library with several copies of the Charity Hospital Reports that were damaged or otherwise incomplete. The Charity Hospital Reports were added to the Louisiana Digital Library Collection of Collec-tions (LCOC) on May 23, 2011. Several other items in the historical archives of Ru-dolph Matas Library have been digitized for inclusion in the Louisiana Digital Library. The Registre du Comité Medi-cal de la Nouvelle Orleans, 1816-1854 includes 230 pag-es (including an index) listing the names of nearly 1200 physicians, nurses, and other health professionals petition-ing the Comité Medical

(medical licensing board) for the privilege of practicing medicine in the state of Loui-siana. The Registre is a handwritten manuscript in French and will provide gene-alogists and those research-ing the history of medicine in Louisiana with a unique and

vital resource. The Registre is currently available in the Louisiana Digital Library. Two new and exciting historical collections will soon be available through the Loui-siana Digital Library. The first is the Essai D’Anatomie, a full color mezzotint-print anatomy atlas published by Gautier D’Agoty in Paris in 1754. The Essai D’Anatomie con-tains remarkably detailed drawings of the head, neck, and shoulder anatomy with explanatory text. The other is a collection of historical pho-tographs of people and places of note in the fascinating his-tory of medical practice in the New Orleans area. The staff of Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences at Tulane University invites you to take a few minutes to browse our new collections in the Louisiana Digital Library. We look for-ward to digitizing more of our unique archival material in the near future to move our his-torical collections out of the vaults and into the hands of users everywhere.

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LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans recently completed the digitization of over 130 historical texts on yellow fever. Consisting of books and journal articles dating back to the 1790s, this collection examines the epidemiology and pathology of yellow fever in various locations of the southern United States as well as international locations. Books are included from authors such as Benjamin Rush, Carlos Finlay, the New Orleans Board of Health, and Aristides Agramonte. In addition to English works, materials in Spanish, French and German are also available. The entire collection is key-word searchable. Materials in the Aristides Agramonte Collection on Yellow Fever are freely available on the web through the Louisiana Digital Library.

Yellow fever was a scourge of tropical areas in the West Indies and North and South America for hundreds of years before the United States Army Yellow Fever Commission of 1900 (also known as ―The Reed Commission‖ after its leader, Walter Reed) proved the source of the disease once and for all. ―At experimental stations just outside Havana, Walter Reed and his assistants James Carroll, Aristides Agramonte, and Jesse Lazear proved that the Aedes aegypti mosquito was the vector for the yellow fever virus. Their work destroyed the popular notion that yellow fever spread by direct contact with infected people or ―contaminated‖ objects and focused the people’s efforts on the eradication of the Aedes mosquito.‖ After his work on the Yellow Fever Commission, Dr.

Aristides Agramonte’s dedication to the study of infectious disease eventually brought him to New Orleans, Louisiana, to head the Tropical Medicine Department at the newly established Louisiana State University School of Medicine. Shortly after his move to New Orleans in 1931, Dr. Agramonte died suddenly at the age of sixty-three. His personal library became the first materials acquired by the LSU School of Medicine and the foundation of the school’s first library. His collection included almost 150 books, periodicals, and pamphlets on yellow fever. Thanks to funding from the National Library of Medicine, these materials are now available online for the general public. ―Yellow jack,‖ as the yellow fever was called, first appeared in epidemic form in the United States in 1793 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where over 10,000 victims succumbed to the disease. New Orleans was also visited by several yellow fever epidemics: the summer of 1853 caused more than 7,000 deaths, while an 1878 epidemic took 4,600 more. Many other cities across the South suffered similar attacks before the mosquito was accepted as the sole cause of yellow fever: Bemiss’s Report upon yellow fever in Louisiana in 1878, and subsequently (1883) offers firsthand accounts of various local epidemics as well as morbidity statistics from many Louisiana towns and cities, while Toner’s Contributions to the study of yellow fever…on the natural history and distribution of yellow fever in the United States (1873), provides a comprehensive account of mortality from yellow fever on a national level. This collection will be of interest to those with an interest in medical and military history, contagious disease, the development of scientific theory as well as genealogists and local historians. This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. N01-LM-6-3505 with the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library. Notable and unusual books in the collection include: Yellow fever and malarial diseases embracing a history of the epidemics of yellow fever in Texas … by Greensville Dowell (1876): includes illustrations of yellow fever symptoms. http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,10241 (con’t)

Th e Ar i s t i d e s Ag r amon t e Co l l e c t i o n on Ye l l ow

Feve r n ow on LD L :

M au re en “ Mo l l y ” Kn ap p , L SU HSC -N O

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Official report of the deaths from yellow fever, as reported by the New Orleans Board of Health: Lists the name, age, nativity, residence, and date of death for victims of the 1878 yellow fever epidemic in New Orleans. The publication includes an appendix describing a treatment for yellow fever as well as advertisements for New Orleans businesses. http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,3753

The conquest of yellow fever by James Peabody (undated): An educational pamphlet for school children discussing the history of yellow fever, the yellow fever experiments in Cuba, and the later history of the yellow fever heroes of 1900. http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,3116

The inside history of a great medical discovery by Aristides Agramonte (1915) provides a history of the Yellow Fever Commission by one of its key players, Dr. Agramonte. http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,1252

Agramonte, Aristides. The inside history of a great medical discovery. (1915) http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,1252. Bemiss, Samuel M. Report upon yellow fever in Louisiana in 1878, and subsequently. (1883) http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,12185 Toner, Joseph M. Contributions to the study of yellow fever…on the natural history and distribution of yellow fever in the United States. (1873) http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,10240 Report upon yellow fever in Louisiana in 1878, and subsequently by Samuel Bemiss (1883) offers firsthand accounts of local epidemics as well as morbidity statistics from many Louisiana towns and cities. http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/u?/LSUBK01,12185

ILLiad Update 2011: Bron Laird and Zee Zee Zamin, LOUIS

The spring is always a busy time for LOUIS ILLiad users. The international ILLiad Users Conference is held in March followed by the North and South LOUIS ILLiad users meetings held in April. The spring of 2011 was no exception.

The international ILLiad Users Conference was held in Virginia Beach, Virginia on March 23-25, 2011. It was well attended with over 300 people from across the nation. As usual the conference sessions were excellent. They included presentations on ILLiad 8.1 which completes the move to a new platform using C#, routing rules, addons, updates by OCLC as well as by Atlas, and much more.

The North LOUIS ILLiad users meeting was held on April 7, 2011 at Louisiana Tech. ILLiad users from University of Louisiana at Monroe, Northwestern State

University, Louisiana State University at Shreveport, and Grambling State University attended. Even though they belong to the South group, both Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University also attended to share the tips and tricks they had developed.

The South LOUIS ILLiad users meeting was held on April 14, 2011 at LSU. Delgado Community College, Southern University at Baton Rouge, Southern University Law Center, University of New Orleans, Louisiana State University, Southeastern Louisiana University, Loyola University, Nicholls State University, and Louisiana State University Law School attended. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, who also uses ILLiad but is not a member of LOUIS ILLiad users group, attended as a guest

after learning how informative these meetings are.

The agenda for both the meetings included discussions about when to upgrade to ILLiad 8.1, how to use Direct Request, highlights from the ILLiad Users Conference, and tips and tricks from Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University. Of special interest were the routing rules presented at the international ILLiad Users Conference. After these meetings, LOUIS ILLiad sites have implemented many of the routing rules. They also implemented Southeastern Louisiana University’s use of search boxes on the patron webpages and the ―copy-to-clipboard‖ feature in the ILLiad client.

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Louisiana State Museum to Add Images of

Louisiana’s Priceless Colonial Court Records to LDL:

Anne Atkinson, Louisiana Museum Foundation

The Louisiana Historical Center located at the Old U.S. Mint in the New Orleans’ French Quarter houses in its climate controlled vault some 70,000 records from colonial Louisiana’s French Superior Council (1714-1769) and Spanish Judiciary (1769-1803).

Belonging to the Louisiana Historical Society and in the custody of the Louisiana State Museum since 1914, this aging archival treasure has long been essential to the study of American colonial history for the quantity, quality, depth, and diversity of the documentation it contains. It has provided generations of historians, students, sociologists and genealogists with a rich source of data on New Orleans’s earliest days, the Louisiana territory, the slave trade, Native American relations, the Atlantic World, Canada and the Caribbean, and other topics.

From our food, tools and weapons to our clothes and books, from courtroom activities to barroom activities, from how we treated land and water to how we treated other human beings, the manuscripts remind us in stark detail of where we came from and, to a degree, of who we still are.

In a race against time to save the documents, which in some cases are darkening, decaying and being eaten away by the acidic inks used in their creation, the Museum is rehousing the manuscripts with funding from the National

Endowment for the Humanities and has committed itself to a multi-year, half-million dollar digitization and online publication project. The project’s ultimate result will be a searchable online, database of scans of the records and extant finding aids.

The Museum’s Director of Collections, Greg Lambousy, and Archivist Howard Margot, Coordinator of The Historic New Orleans Collection’s Vieux Carré Survey Digitization Project since 2008, designed the colonial

documents digitization project. Funding from the William R. Irby trust will underwrite Margot’s contract for the next three years, and financial support from the Louisiana Historical Society has enabled the hiring of a part-time scanning manger and purchase of two state-of-the-art scanners for the project.

Louisiana State Museum Historical Center Curator, Sarah-Elizabeth Gundlach and scanning manager, Polly Rolman have so far overseen the digitization of almost 3,000 records by LSM interns. To make the images from these pilot efforts accessible to researchers and the general public, LSM will add them to LOUIS in the coming months. At the same time, LSM will post images of the WPA finding aids created in the

1930’s, and WPA and Louisiana Historical Society translations.

Included in the scans to be uploaded to LOUIS will be a promissory note from 1714 (the earliest document in the collection), the 1718 will of the colony’s first midwife, a murder trial from 1722 in which the defendant—who shot the decedent with the decedent’s gun—claimed self-defense, witness testimony in the case of the shipwreck of La Bellone in 1724, a 1728 trial dealing with

larceny of bacon and a knife-assault, a 1730 petition to recover a runaway slave who was apprehended by Indians, various sales of material goods and human property, and various successions with estate inventories that provide a wealth of information about daily life in 18

th century


The documents, penned in elaborate script, have never been fully transcribed and the translations that exist are synoptic and sometimes omit important information (such as slave names); recently a Tulane University French translation class transcribed and translated a handful of the newly digitized documents with great enthusiasm and success. Because the program generated so much positive feedback, LSM is forging relationships with French and Spanish departments at other schools, and is recruiting volunteers from the U.S. and abroad to expand transcription/translation efforts.

Completion of the colonial documents digitization and online publication (con’t)

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project will require sustained effort and several hundred thousand dollars in funding over the next few years. The Louisiana Museum Foundation, the Museum’s major non-profit donor support group, is soliciting supporters and seeking grants to complete the project within three years and to provide for management of the new digital resources to be created.

The Louisiana State Museum anticipates that it will complete scanning of the 100


document box sometime in early 2012. To celebrate and publicize the project, to encourage contributions to the effort, and to recruit transcription and translation volunteers, LMF will host an event showcasing the documents and digitization and online publication methodology.

Scholars who have used the documents in their research will be on hand to recount interesting findings and to support the Museum’s effort to make one of North America’s most significant (and heretofore most difficult to access) colonial archives available from anywhere in the world. Before, or as part of the 100 Boxes Celebration, the Foundation will launch a ―Sponsor-a-Box‖ program through which supporters may have their names inscribed on a colonial documents manuscript box in exchange for a donation that will pay the digitization/online publication costs for the box.

The French Superior Council and Spanish Judiciary records tell thousands of individual stories which, taken together, document the daily life of

Louisiana’s first permanent European and African inhabitants, and of their relations with allied and enemy Native tribes. They are a treasure-trove of information for historians and researchers studying Louisiana’s colonial period. The Louisiana State Museum is proud to announce this pilot initiative with LOUIS.

For more information about this project or to sign up as a transcription/translation volunteer, contact the Louisiana State Museum’s Director of Collections, Greg Lambousy, at [email protected] or 504-599-1946. To make a donation to the project, contact Anne Atkinson at the Louisiana Museum Foundation, [email protected] or 504-558-0493.

Louisiana Research Collection at Tulane:

David Comeaux, Tulane

With the support of Dave Comeaux and the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Web Services Department, the Tulane University Louisiana Research Collection (LaRC) has added two new pages to its website that highlight its cooperation with LOUIS and the LOUISiana Digital Library, ―Digital Collections‖ and ―Digital Initiatives.‖ Both pages are available under the ―Collections‖ tab at: http://larc.tulane.edu People often think of online access as involving only digital collections. The ―Digital Initiatives‖ page explains how LaRC pursues digital access and outreach in a number of areas, including online exhibits, web-searchable databases, consortial endeavors, and social media. A particularly important LaRC digital initiative is Archon, a web-searchable database of archival guides (or ―finding aids‖). Roughly 480+ finding aids are online so far. Digitizing collections is, however, a special mission of LaRC. The ―Digital Collections‖ page is a running list of what is available so far, from Louisiana political ephemera to political photographs to Civil War postal covers to Louisiana’s aviation history. The star of our online collections, however, is our original Carnival float and costume designs, of which we preserve the largest collection extant. Created as working drawings, these stunning artworks are used by researchers in many fields, including sociology, history, marketing, politics, and literary studies. By the time the Carnival project is finished in about two years, we hope to have about five thousand original designs online.

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In an effort to promote one of their many services, WorldCat Local "quick start‖, OCLC contacted me via e-mail and by phone to see if McNeese might be interested in taking advantage of their ―free‖ offer to utilize this service since we already had a subscription to First Search via our membership in LOUIS.

Knowing that our reference librarians were already using WorldCat.org and were promoting it in their classes as a way to link to our local holdings as well as many other libraries, I decided to see if this might be something that would benefit McNeese. I went to their website and began reading the extensive documentation they provide at: http://www.oclc.org/us/en/worldcatlocal/quickstart/default.htm

Our reference staff had already been reporting problems they were having with WorldCat.org showing we owned items and then clicking on the link to go to McNeese holdings and the link timed out and did not go directly to holdings for the items searched in the McNeese catalog. They were very frustrated by this happening and expected me, their system administrator to be able to just ―fix‖ it.

I recreated many of their searches and was able to ―fix‖ some by overlaying our existing records with an upgraded one in WorldCat that was not the original one we entered into our catalog years ago, and what seemed to be missing for many of them, according to OCLC was the proper ISBN that was a main matching factor used in making searches in WorldCat work properly.

I knew that there was no way we could take the time as catalogers and continue to ―fix‖ each search our reference staff continued to find by upgrading our existing records, so I looked into what OCLC offers to libraries that have a subscription to First Search, namely a ―reclamation project‖ that would involve ―fixing‖ all our records in OCLC such that the OCLC control numbers would be the main match points and would be in the same format on all our bibliographic records.

I filled out the forms from the links on their website and was assigned a ―project‖ number that would remain with me throughout the project. Next step would be for me to do an ―extract‖ of all our records and send them to OCLC via two different methods offered: one using a secure EDI site requiring my setting up an account for this, or by using their PSW site for uploading files to and from. I contacted LOUIS at this point to get some clarification as to what I should use for a ―start date‖ for extract of records. Much to my excitement and relief, LOUIS volunteered to do the extract for me and prepare the files to send to OCLC. All I would then be responsible for would be to re-load them into our catalog.

Having LOUIS helped me streamline the process such that I was able to complete the project sooner than I would have expected. One decision that had to be made was ―format‖ of the OCLC number and the field it should appear in for MARC records returned from OCLC. LOUIS asked me to request no leading zeros in the OCLC control number and to use the 035 field which is what finally was done with the records. Also, LOUIS asked me to have them send one TEST file that could be loaded into Training first such that if there were complications with the file, changes could be made before proceeding with production.

After a few quirks were ironed out, OCLC finally had the test file prepared, and I loaded it into Training and it did like it was supposed to, change all the records such that the OCLC control number worked properly for matches in WorldCatQuickStart Local searches.

When the files were all finally made ready and available for pickup from OCLC, I then downloaded them to my PC and began the process of loading them, one at a time back into our catalog. One decision I had to make was what DATE to use for date cataloged – either leave it as the original date cataloged on the records, or to change it to the date the records were re-loaded. This was a suggestion LOUIS made such that there would be a reference point from when all these records were ―reclamated‖. That is what my final decision was, and on Feb. 9

th, this past year, I re-loaded all our records into our catalog.

The extract included all records from all libraries we have except ECAT. That was what LOUIS and I worked out initially. In hind sight, if I could do it over again, I would have been more selective and NOT included the documents library because of how it fluctuates so much and because they are still involved in a full inventory because of items lost in Hurricane Rita, so some items were added to OCLC that really are not there. That is one thing that OCLC will do as part of the project, update your OCLC holdings on any records that do not already have your holdings attached. (con’t)

R e c l a m a t i o n ? W h a t ’ s T h a t ?

J o e M c N e i l , M c N e e s e

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OCLC sends back a large number of reports to you including a cross-match between the local control number and the OCLC number and exceptions such that no match could be made, and also ―errors‖ encountered in trying to make a match. These reports are very helpful in that we can go back and make corrections as we deem necessary on records not properly reclamated.

So what are some advantages to the reclamation project for us?

- Consistent format of our OCLC control numbers in our catalog such that records will indeed match in places such as WorldCat.org and QuickStart local

- Holdings will be more accurate when they show up in Google books and just Google searching in general

- Ability to correct errors from no-matches or incorrect matches

- Our OCLC symbol for holdings added to all records that for whatever reason we had not added to OCLC (Mostly our documents library)

- Ability to teach other staff how to do extracts and re-loads

Having LOUIS assist with this project is what made it succeed. I was able to re-learn so many things I have not done since the very early days of our using WorkFlows, namely extracts to send to a vendor. Also I was able to see problem areas with our records in our catalog that we have been able to resolve.


- Your local holdings are automatically added to every record for which there is a match even though you might not want it added; this was the case with our Documents Library

- Incorrect matches made on some records that were similar – I found a few just by searching in e-Library after the records were reloaded

- Shadowed locations were for which holdings had been deleted were added back; this happened with our WITHDRAWN items; our symbol was added back; fortunately there were NOT that many records so we were able to delete holdings again quickly

- A different OCLC control number is sometimes chosen than the one you had which is usually an upgraded one where there are multiple control numbers in an 019 field

- The long time it will take our cataloging staff to go through all the exceptions and error reports – but this will be a way to occupy cataloging staff when we are not having many new items to catalog

I would recommend reclamation to anyone wanting to provide improved and additional access to their holdings. If asked, would you do this again, I would say a definite YES!! It was well worth the time and effort involved.

LDL Update: John Guillory and Zee Zee Zamin, LOUIS

This is a big year for The Louisiana Digital Library: OCLC has produced a new public ―look and feel‖ to the CONTENTdm 6.x system in March of this year. LOUIS staff has been in almost daily consultation with OCLC to help us understand and prepare for the upgrade. One of the important features of the new system is the ability to run the current 5.4 ―look and feel‖ templates alongside the new 6.x

―look and feel‖ templates. This enables LOUIS staff to move customizations from 5.4 to 6.x and test with minimal interruption in service.

Marcy Stevens, Zehra Zamin, and John Guillory attended the South East CONTENTdm Users Group at which OCLC conducted a training class on CONTENTdm 6.0. In addition, at ALA in New Orleans LOUIS staff attended OCLC presentations

about CONTENTdm, and LOUIS staff presented to the attendees on how we are preparing for the migration.

Here is the upgrade schedule

so far:

June 20: upgrade the

development server to 6.0 while

keeping the 5.4 ―look and feel‖

alongside the new 6.x ―look and

feel‖. (con’t)

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July 15: add 2010-2019 to interface timeline and learn about custom home pages in


September 1: upgrade development server to 6.1.

September 30: upgrade production server to 6.1 while keeping the 5.4 ―look and feel‖

alongside the new 6.x ―look and feel‖.

October 30: upgrade the custom home pages to the 6.1 ―look and feel‖ and the LDL

custom interface.

November 15: ―cut over‖ to the 6.1 system on production.

Symphony Upgrade: John Guillory, LOUIS

In January 2011 at the LOUIS System Administrators Meeting, the LOUIS ―sys admins‖ established two dates on which to upgrade the SirsiDynix Symphony ILS from 3.1 to 3.4. The Symphony BETA server was upgraded in March, the Training server was upgraded on April 11 and the Production was upgraded six weeks later on May 23.

To ensure business continuity skills within the LOUIS staff, Cathy Sicard trained John Guillory in the upgrade of the Symphony system, which included re-writing the documentation steps to perform the upgrade and to establish a new working relationship with our SirsiDynix upgrade contact Chad Wright. Future upgrades will likely be performed by different LOUIS staff persons to spread the risk and skills.

One of the most important new features in 3.4 is the ability to edit groups of items, a feature called the Item Group Editor. This feature will make the ―move collection‖ report obsolete.

LUC 2011: Marcy Stevens, LOUIS

LOUIS Users Conference (LUC) is an annual conference, hosted by LOUIS, for member libraries. The two day conference includes many interesting topics presented by Louisiana library professionals, LOUIS staff and vendors. The Board of Regents’ Commissioner Jim Purcell will open the conference as the keynote speaker. The list of presentations can be found on the LUC registration page.

LUC will be held on Thursday Oct. 13, 2011 and Friday Oct. 14, 2011. Since the venue change last year worked out so well , we will again have LUC at Patrick F. Taylor Hall on the LSU Campus. This is the building that was formerly called CEBA. The format will be the same in that we will go all day on Thursday and half the day on Friday. We will offer breakfast both days, snacks both days and lunch on Thursday. Also, we had such a good response to our reception that we will again host a reception on Thursday evening. LUC will be two days of wonderful presentations and collaboration among LOUIS librarians around the state. You can register at http://www.regonline.com/luc2011. The LOUIS listservs, Facebook, Twitter, and webpage have the latest information in registration and the agenda. We hope to see you there.

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Like most people who work in education – elementary through higher – I expect that when budget cuts come down the pipes, education is going to take a hit. It’s never a surprise. In the realm of higher education, this oftentimes translates to institutions cutting from their libraries, considering the services and resources provided by the libraries as tasty but easily discarded fat. And though we hate it, and know that it’s wrong, those of us who work in academic libraries learn to subsist on lean budgets, doing more with less, a sort of institutional Jack Sprat.

Nevertheless, we were all, unequivocally, shocked by the Board of Regents’ inexplicable decision to cut the LOUIS budget. It was a bad dream, a proverbial, collective, communal nightmare from which we were unable to wake. But wake we did, not to discover that it had been a bad dream, but in order to rectify the situation. LOUIS and its constituents leapt into action, contacting the BoR, legislators, media – anybody who could help reverse this decision.

This terrible turn of events occurred last summer, the end of June 2010. At the time, I was serving on the Faculty Senate at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, on which I have served since 2005. I knew our faculty needed to know; I knew they would rise to the occasion and add their voices to ours. Unfortunately, the Senate does not meet over the summer, since most of the senators do not teach over the summer. I sent a message to the Senate President nevertheless, bringing the issue to her attention and asking that the issue be added to the agenda for the first meeting of the fall semester.

On August 19, 2010, the agenda indeed featured an item regarding the LOUIS cuts, and I spoke (passionately) on what impact this would have not only at the state level but what it would mean to ULM. I’m afraid, however, that the Senate – much like the BoR – didn’t fully appreciate what the cuts in funding to LOUIS meant. Or perhaps, like many of us, including myself, they secretly believed the cut would be reversed. However, in the following months, it became evident to everybody just how much was at stake. It became clear, too, that the BoR was not going to reinstate the funding,

beyond the laughably insufficient amount of $500,000.

On September 24, 2010, L.E. Fletcher Technical Community College’s Faculty Senate passed a resolution in support of reinstating funding to LOUIS. This appears to be the earliest resolution of its kind passed in the state.

On February 28, 2011, the University of New Orleans University Senate unanimously passed a resolution in support of LOUIS, highlighting the significant savings and services LOUIS provides to the UNO Library and urging the Board of Regents to ―restore full funding for LOUIS as an essential resource for students and faculty.‖ After UNO passed its resolution, ULM’s Faculty Senate President Anna Hill contacted me about presenting a similar resolution to the ULM Faculty Senate. Using the UNO resolution as a template, I drafted and submitted a resolution to

the ULM Senate. This resolution was passed on March 17, 2011.

The UNO resolution seems to have inspired and served as a template for other senates around the state. By the end of March, both Louisiana Tech and Southern University at Shreveport senates had passed similar resolutions.

But faculty senates weren’t the only ones getting involved. Students were concerned about what the LOUIS cuts would do. In March 2011 the Student Government Association of Louisiana State University-Shreveport also drafted a resolution in support of LOUIS. It did not use the UNO template, but it made a very specific point: students understood what LOUIS was and what it does, something the BoR didn’t appreciate when it made its decision.

Following the example of its student government, the Staff and Faculty Senates of LSU-S also drafted resolutions in support of LOUIS, both patterned after the UNO resolution. On March 23, 2011, the Staff and Faculty Senates of Louisiana State University at Alexandria passed a joint resolution in support of LOUIS, again using the UNO template. (con’t)

Resolve and Resolutions:

Megan Lowe, ULM

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The Faculty Senate at the main LSU campus also passed a resolution in support of LOUIS by the end of March; on March 25, 2011, Louisiana College passed a resolution in support of LOUIS, both using the UNO template. April 5, 2011, saw Grambling State University Faculty Senate pass a UNO-based resolution.

April 14, 2011, saw another student senate add its resolution to the list: Baton Rouge Community College’s Student Government Association unanimously passed a resolution. BRCC’s SGA used the UNO resolution as a template.

Northwestern State University’s Faculty Senate passed its resolution, based on the UNO template, on April 19, 2011. On April 25, 2011, Louisiana State University at Eunice’s Faculty Senate passed its UNO-based resolution, adding another two-year institution’s voice to the chorus. Southeastern State University Faculty Senate passed its resolution, based on the UNO template, on May 4, 2011.

In addition to these resolutions, a task force, composed of librarians from around the state and chaired by Mike Matthews (NSULA), sent out press kits with information about LOUIS and its significance to higher education to the press, to legislators, to anybody who could help reinstate the funding. Facebook pages in support of LOUIS have cropped up; students have written articles in student newspapers and published articles in major newspapers. Librarians have written opinions pieces and letters to the major newspapers. Students have drawn cartoons. Librarians have made videos. There have been television and radio interviews and letter-writing campaigns. There are two major websites dedicated to disseminating information about LOUIS and soliciting help to save LOUIS – the LOUIS site itself and SaveLouis.org, funded and run by Karen Niemla, a reference librarian at ULM and ACRL-LA’s webmaster.

All of these efforts – including the resolutions – have produced a promising fruit. Mike Matthews made contact with Representative Michael L. Jackson regarding the LOUIS situation. The result of that contact was that on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, Representative Jackson (Independent District 61) made a resolution, House Concurrent Resolution #129, directing the BoR to restore ―its funding of LOUIS, the La. Library Network, to at least the percentage provided for in FY 2009-2010 and expresses support for LOUIS as a critical component of the success of the state's public postsecondary education institutions.‖ The House Education Committee referred it to the

House Committee on Appropriations, where it passed on Monday, June 13, 2011 – but just barely.

This prompted the Regents to request to meet with LOUIS and Representative Jackson. During that meeting a compromise was discussed, and the wording of HCR #129 was amended. It then moved on to the House as a whole, where it was adopted on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, and ordered to the Senate. On Thursday, June 23, 2011, the Senate adopted HCR #129, meaning it passed!

Admittedly, the amendments to HCR #129 have affected the funding, but, as Sara Zimmerman pointed out in an email to LOUIS library directors, the adoption of the bill has provided solutions for three goals that LOUIS had going into 2010-2011: funding for 2011-2012; ―putting LOUIS on everyone’s radar‖ ; and providing LOUIS with ―sustainable funding‖ in the future. It is true that the funding provided for 2011-2012 will only apply to publicly-funded academic libraries. However, this has engendered a much more functional partnership with the BoR, and it is through this partnership (and others!) that the future of LOUIS will be secured.

So, here we are, a year out from our nightmare. A year ago, funding was snatched away. A year later, not only has disaster been averted, but the future of LOUIS has been more firmly ensured. I don’t think any of us will ever take that for granted again.

All of the resolutions mentioned in this article are available on the Funding Updates site on the LOUIS homepage and the SaveLouis.org site (http://savelouis.org/) http://savelouis.org/sites/default/files/129-louis.pdf http://savelouis.org/node/53

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EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) Pilot:

Lisa Stigall, LOUIS

LOUIS has just completed EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) pilot implementation. The product has not been purchased but there is an extended pilot (through 2011 at least) to see if it’s a product the LALINC Research and Development Committee would recommend for LOUIS to purchase.

EDS uses a knowledge base of pre-indexed records and this allows the user to have a faster response time for searches. All the EBSCOhost databases plus your catalog records are stored in this knowledge base and other non-EBSCO products are searched using EBSCOhost Integrated Search. They will appear on the right hand side of the results screen.

The implementation process included extracting and sending your non-shadowed MARC records to be stored in that knowledge base and records were extracted July 21, 2011. We will be updating these records on a regular basis, but the frequency of the record updates currently remains undetermined.

The authentication is handled by EBSCO AtoZ . There is a database listing for EBSCO Discovery Service and it has already been selected in all accounts. This means the URL for EDS will look like one of the URLs for ECAT records and will include each site’s AtoZ customer id and the EDS resource id. The proxy server information, stored in each site’s AtoZ account, is used for authentication.

The searching and viewing features are handled by EBSCOhost administrator accounts. Each site has an EBSCOhost EDS profile and this allows the site to make changes to EDS features. One such change is the Location Limiter under Search Options. Each site will have their site preselected so that when a search term is entered, only that catalog will be searched. This can be changed by the user at the time of the search or the Limiter can be changed using the EBSCOhost administrator account. This account can also be used to add any additional EBSCOhost resources you may purchase directly from EBSCO.

Please feel free to play around with this as much as you want. We ask that you leave LOUIS logo that appears on the right on all pages except the Basic Search page. Statistics are available in EBSCOhost administrator accounts.

Links for more information:

EBSCO Discovery Service information page: http://www.ebscohost.com/discovery

EBSCO Discovery Service Support page: http://support.ebsco.com/eds/


URL for your library web page: http://atoz.ebsco.com/link.asp?id=XXXXX&rid=2794470

(Replace the XXXX with your AtoZ Customer ID)

Base URL: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=eds

Please ask your system administrator to open a Footprints incident for any questions about EDS or if you need assistance modifying the EDS interface. We would like to take this opportunity to thank EBSCO for their continued support of LOUIS by allowing this pilot.

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To urge and request the Board of Regents to develop a permanent funding formula for LOUIS, the Louisiana Library Network and to express support and recognition for LOUIS as a critical component of the success of the state’s public postsecondary education institutions.

WHEREAS, LOUIS, the Louisiana Library Network, provides essential information, resources, and services to the public postsecondary education institutions of the state; and

WHEREAS, in 1992, LOUIS was formed by the Board of Regents in response to shrinking library funding in the effort to equalize technology

and resources in academic libraries across the state, and since then, LOUIS has contributed significantly to the success of the state’s public postsecondary education institutions as well as museums and archives; and

WHEREAS, LOUIS provides around-the-clock technology and enterprise solutions to students, faculty, and staff so that scholarly materials

can be purchased, identified, searched, and shared; and

WHEREAS, the essential resources and services that LOUIS offers include the library automation system and catalogs of library collections, electronic research databases and full-text journals, remote access to library resources twenty-four hours a day, interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing among all member libraries, and the Louisiana Digital Library, as well as centralized servers and an expert support staff; and

WHEREAS, LOUIS, a proven model of how to collaborate and consolidate, reduces duplication and saves the state millions of dollars annually; and (con’t)

House Concurrent Resolution 129:

Representative Michael Jackson


Marcy Stevens, LOUIS

EZproxy helps provide patrons with remote access to Web-based licensed content offered by libraries. LOUIS hosts EZproxy for electronic resources that the consortium purchases. Several sites have their own EZproxy server for their library specific electronic resources. Those sites that use the LOUIS EZproxy authenticate via the SirsiDynix Symphony user file. Sites who host their own EZproxy have their patrons authenticate either via the Syphony user file or their own form of authentication. Currently there are four sites that use alternate way to authenticate their patrons. All other use the SirsiDynix Symphony user file.

If your library is interested in hosting your own EZproxy server, the LOUIS office will help you get it setup. Open a footprint requesting help and someone from the LOUIS office will be in contact with you to start the configuration process.

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WHEREAS, LOUIS purchased more than nineteen million dollars worth of resources for member libraries in 2010 for only three million one hundred thousand dollars, representing a huge savings to each campus and to the state; and

WHEREAS, without LOUIS, Louisiana’s public postsecondary education institutions would have trouble meeting certain southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) core requirements and comprehensive standards, and the loss of SACS accreditation would negatively affect an institution’s ability to award degrees and students’ ability to receive financial aid and could also have a detrimental impact on its National Collegiate Athletic Association accreditation; and

WHEREAS, the importance of LOUIS to Louisiana’s public postsecondary education institutions cannot be overstated, and it is critical that it remain an available resource for the state’s higher education community, and

WHEREAS, Higher Education funding has been severely reduced during the past three years impacting all institutions, boards and systems; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Regents has fought to maintain funding for LOUIS, and has determined that it is in the state’s best interest to formalize a funding mechanism to ensure the future of this critical resource for the state’s higher education community.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the legislature of Louisiana does hereby urge and request the Board of Regents to develop a permanent funding formula for LOUIS, the Louisiana Library network, which shall include a centralized funding base from the Board of Regents, assessments to the management boards and individual user fees.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Regents shall continue to support and promote LOUIS as a critical component of the success of the state’s public postsecondary education institutions.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the chairman of the Board of Regents and to the commissioner of higher education.

A copy of the signed document can be viewed (here) on the LOUIS webpage.


LOUIS staff and consortium members would like to take this opportunity to thank all their

partners for working with the consortium during the past year’s fiscal crisis. We appreciate

your patience and look forward to years of success together!

We would also like to thank Representative Jackson, Commissioner Jim Purcell, and the

Louisiana House and Senate for their support!

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The most recent digitization project undertaken at the LSU Health Sciences Center Medical

Library was funded through a Technology Award from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine,

South Central Region. This digital initiative focused on the founding, development and progress of the

LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport.

The idea of a medical school located in north Louisiana was first discussed at a Shreveport

Medical Society meeting on April 4, 1950, but politics, funding, and other obstacles delayed the

establishment of this facility until June 7, 1965. The first class of 32 medical students began their

studies in September 1969 in temporary classrooms at the Veterans Administration Hospital. This first

class graduated in May 1973, two years before the medical school

building was completed, bringing the 25-year struggle to a successful

conclusion. Medical School alumni now number 3,300.

The primary source materials that formed the nucleus of this

project were drawn from the holdings of the Medical Library Archives

and include correspondence, photographs, slides, newspaper articles,

institutional publications, audio and videotapes, as well as three

dimensional artifacts. Specific resources include the Gordon W. Maxcy

Photograph Collection, several thousand newspaper clippings dating

from the early 1960s, taped oral history interviews with Medical School

founders and pioneers, and videotapes of memorable events including

Dr. Edgar Hull’s last Faculty Council Meeting as Dean and the School

of Medicine groundbreaking. More than 100 cubic feet of archival

resources were searched to provide a fascinating glimpse into our


The NN/LM SCR Technology Award provided funding for equipment and services, including

the digitization of the paper documents and the transfer of the audiovisual materials from analog to

digital format. Technical and descriptive metadata was created for these digital surrogates, supplying

much needed bibliographic control and subject access. These digital images provided unlimited

possibilities as vehicles for education and publicity. Two of the more important applications were the

Louisiana Digital Library www.louisianadigitallibrary.org and the Library’s history website, LSU Health

Sciences Center –Shreveport: A Chronological History www.lsuhscshistory.org. (con’t)

Project Spotlight: LSUHSC Shreveport, A Chronological History

Emily Hurst

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Our digital images can be accessed in three format-based collections in the Louisiana Digital

Library: the LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport Audiovisual Collection, the LSU Health Sciences

Center Shreveport Photograph Collection, and the LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport

Newspaper Clippings. Researchers will find extensive information and images that highlight the

people, places and events that document the history

of the LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport.

The LSU Health Sciences Center –

Shreveport: A Chronological History website

provides another graphically rich source of

information about the medical school’s history.

Newspaper clippings reveal the unflagging loyalty of

the local Shreveport physicians who fought long and

hard to establish a medical school. Photographs

document the groundbreaking, construction and

dedication of the Medical School building. Audio and video clips bring life to important events in the

medical school’s history.

While digitization efforts over the past five years have transformed a small portion of our

growing archive, future digital initiatives will be necessary to reveal the numerous treasures still

hidden in boxes and filing cabinet drawers. These newly digitized resources will be used to enhance

and expand the historical website and allow us to share more of our collections through the Louisiana

Digital Library.

For additional information, please contact Dee Jones at [email protected] or 318-675-5458.

Special thanks to guest author Dee Jones, Head of Cataloging, LSU HSC Shreveport Medical Library.

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Executive Director

Sara Zimmerman

(225) 578-3705

IT Consultant

Cathy Sicard

(225) 578-3751

Library Consortium Analyst

Mary Laird

(225) 578-3753

Library Consortium Analyst

Marcy Stevens

(225) 578-3771

Library Consortium Analyst

John Guillory

(225) 578-3758

Library Consortium Analyst

Lisa Stigall

(225) 578-3735

Library Consortium Analyst

Zehra Zamin

(225) 578-3747


LOUIS: The Louisiana Library


Information Technology Services

Louisiana State University

200 Frey Computing Services Center

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

EDITOR: Alex Zimmerman

Help us keep the LOUIS

Newsletter e-mail mailing list


If we have an outdated or incorrect

e-mail address for you, please send

corrections to John Guillory. Please

include your OLD and NEW e-mail
