Lose Weight Easily With The Low Calorie Diet Plan

1 Brought To You By http://quickeasydietsthatwork.com/ Lose Weight Easily With The Low Calorie Diet Plan Weight loss can be a difficult. It does not help when you are cutting corners with your present diet. To learn an effective way of shedding that darn stubborn body fat, check out this diet To learn more about Easy Diets That Can Work for you, click on our site below http://quickeasydietsthatwork.com


To lose weight effectively, you need to create a calorie defict. Here is one diet that will show you how.

Transcript of Lose Weight Easily With The Low Calorie Diet Plan

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Lose Weight Easily

With The Low

Calorie Diet Plan

Weight loss can be a difficult. It does not help when you are

cutting corners with your present diet. To learn an effective

way of shedding that darn stubborn body fat, check out this


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If it has been sometime since you were last capable of fitting into that figure hugging dress, it's time

to drop some weight successfully. Diets that are advertising very quick results without any work on

your part are a cause of concern. I get agitated upon reading or hearing such claims as I know many

are just marketed as 'snake oil'. The low calorie diet plan comes to mind when it comes to easy diets

that work. Research has shown that this diet works well and should be strongly taken into

consideration for a weight loss plan.

To understand what this diet is about, you need to know about the basic terminology. The energy

that we require for our daily bodily functions come from the food we eat and this can be computed

in calories(kcal). Why do calories play such an vital role in a diet? You will put on weight if you do not

watch your calories and eat more than what your body needs.

Calorie in > Calorie out = Weight gain

If you wish to maximize the full potential of the low calorie diet plan you will have to follow the

following 3 steps rule.

Step 1: How many calories do you need in a day

This will be determined by your activity level and basic metabolic rate (BMR). Take note that the

BMR for a man and woman is determined differently.


BMR = 655 + (9. 6 X weight in kilos) + (1. 8 X height in cm) - (4. 7 X age in years)


BMR = 66 + (13. 7 X weight in kilos) + (5 X height in cm) - (6. 8 X age in years)

You can then do a rough evaluation of your daily calorie needs by using these formulas.

Total Daily Calorie Requirement :

Sedentary (BMR x 20 percent) + BMR

Lightly active (You exercise 1-3 times a week) (BMR x 30 percent) + BMR

Moderately active (You exercise 3-5 times a week) (BMR x 40 percent) + BMR

Very active (You exercise intensely on a daily basis) (BMR x 50 percent) + BMR

Extra active (You do hard labor or are in athletic training) (BMR x 60 percent) + BMR

Let's not kid ourselves. If you want this diet to work you have to use the formula based on the RIGHT

activity level. Here's how you can compute your required calorie intake. The estimated calorie

requirement for a 47 year old sedentary woman who is 68kg and 163cm tall will be:

BMR = 655 + (9. 6 X 68) + (1. 8 X 163) - (4. 7 X 47) = 1380 kcal

Total daily calorie requirement = (1380 x 0. 2) + 1380 = 1656 kcal

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A regular western diet contains about 3000-3500kcal and that is much more than what an average

female needs to have daily. Now you know why the number of obese or overweight people is rising

at steady rate.

Step 2: Determine how many calories you will cut out from your diet

In order for you to burn off your fats, you daily calorie intake needs to be less than what you worked

out. You can strive for a calorie deficit of about 300-500kcal.

A female that needs 1656kcals daily will shed off about 1 pound in a week if she lowers her daily

intake to just 1150kcal. This is in theory. Try to keep your daily calorie intake to more than 1200kcal

or your body will respond by holding on to the fat cells more stubbornly.

3500kcal deficit = 1 pound of weight loss

You will need to cut off 70000kcal from your diet if you plan to lose 20 pounds. Do not go starving

yourself just to lose weight quickly as this will work against you.

If you are cutting your calories the right way, you weight should come off about 1-3 pounds a week.

Anything more than a weight loss of 1-3 pounds a week is too drastic.

Step 3: Keep precise notes of what you consume

You will get better success from your diet if you note down what you eat. It might shock you to

discover what your actual eating habits are.

Make it a point to note down what you have eaten for 3 straight days. Leave no meal, snack or bite

unrecorded. Do include condiments you may consume (e.g. sauces, creamers).

There are online calorie databases for you to know how many calories there are in the food you


From your food journal you will be able to have a clearer picture of your eating habits. You can easily

plan a calorie deficit by reducing the portions from your recorded meals or by cutting out fatty stuff.

As a dietitian, writing meal plans is something I enjoy doing. Here is a sample of a nutritionally

balanced low-calorie meal plan.


½ a wholegrain bagel with a thin spread of light cream cheese (300kcal)

1 glass of low fat milk (90kcal)

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Mid-morning snack:

1 cup of Low-fat yoghurt (130kcal)


Wholegrain sandwich bread, with a spread of mustard, salad veggies and lean meat (chicken/beef)


1 serving Minestrone soup (150 kcal)

Afternoon snack:

1 serving of fresh fruit (70 kcal)


½ cup of pasta with tomato sauce + 1 palm size grilled meat/fish or chicken OR ½ cup of lean mince


Side salad with fat-free dressing (70 kcal)

1 serving of fresh fruit (70 kcal)

Total Calories: 1630 kcal

From the above meal plan it should give you a rough idea as to how to construct your own diet plan.

Familiarize yourself with the calorie content of the food you usually eat so that you can determine

what you need to exclude to have a calorie deficit.

Here's what you can do to create a calorie deficit

1) Have a diet soda instead of a regular one

2) Use fat free salad dressings

3) Replace processed fruit juices with the real fruit

4) Use healthier cooking oils like sunflower or olive oil for cooking

5) Cut away the fats and skin when buying meat

6) Reduce the food portions you usually eat

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7) Consume less fried stuff

8) Use low fat dairy products

9) No excessive drinking at parties or when with friends

Consistency is key for the low calorie diet plan to be successful. Remember to treat yourself to

something yummy if you've been consistent with your diet for a couple of weeks. If you happened to

consume more than you need for the day, don't lose sleep over it. Continue to push on even if you

slip up on certain days. Do not give up and you will find yourself looking happy in the mirror three

months down the road.

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