Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (Los ... · that memorable initial presentation,...

FERRIS HARTMAN KEEPS UP THE FUN AT GRAND "The Office Boy" Has Tuneful Bits of Music and Sev- eral Good Hits "Tho Office Boy," In the person of Ferris Hartman, romped through two merry, actl at the Grand yesterday af- ternoon to the accompaniment of an ...'t'iiHional tuneful bit of music. "Com- parisons are odorous," remarked a Mia. Malaprop, but it must be said that Hartman gets as many laughs out of the part of Noah Little as did Prank Daniels, who, while traveling in the vehicle under discussion, tickled thn risibilities of a multitude. "Muggins "Davies captured tho major portion of the applause, performing In her usual magnetic fashion. Myrtle Olngwall, sweet of voice, but with a trngedy-'iueen air (never-absent) pleated in the solos she offered. Carmen Phillips In a short scene with Hartman in the first act seemed to ?how that perhaps she is not destined to remain in the chorus for any great length of time. Hartman never grows tiresome to an audience. His face is his fortune, to nsn a trite saw, but he would starve to death on the stage with his voice'as n. means of livelihood. The Hartman face and craoked voice is a combina- tion which makes box office men smile and audiences to go into ecstasies of laughter. Walter do Leon in a topical song filled with local references took numerous encores. The balance of the company's favorites were fittingly cast. Ellen Terry, who will appear at thu Auditorium tonight under the manage- ment of Frank Egan of the Evan Dramatic school, will arrive in Los Angela! this morning. Her manager, A. R. Priest, arrived in the city yep- torday to make final arrangements for Miss Terry's lecture on "Shakespeare 1\u25a0•. Heroines —Triumphant." Oen. Adna R. Chaffee will introduce the noted Kni?- lish actress tonight. Following the performance Miss Terry will be pre- sented with a golden wreath, the gift of her many admirers in Los Angeles. John G. Mott will make the presenta- tion speech, which will be ended with a reading of Percy Mackuyo's poem dedicated to Miss Terry. From Indications the Auditorium Will bo jammed tonight. AH the boxes have been secured by well known so- ciety leaders. Twenty-four of Mr. Egan's Jonathan club friends have se- rured boxes. Majestic theater this week for his first visit to Los Angeles in three years, Willißm Faversham returns to the bringing a play never before seen here, "The World and His Wife," adapted by Charles Frederic Nirdlinger from Jose Echegaray's drama, "El Gran , Galeoto." This will be the first ap- pearance In this city of Mr.-. Paver- sham's beautiful wife, known to the stage as Julie Opp, who has won groat renown in the east and in England. There will be the usual Wednesday and Saturday matinees. For this week's bill at the Los An- geles theater, commencing with the matinee thlK afternoon, Sullivan & Considine are sending the most ex- pensive bill of vaudeville that has ever played this house. The stellar attrac- tions are Rice and Prevost, exponents of acrobatic comedy, who offer their famous "Bumpity Bumps"; the Carl Pantzer trio of acrobats and contor- tionists: Nat Lefflngwell and his com- pany, offering the humorous sketch, \u25a0A Night at the Lodge"; La Belle Meeker, the captivating physical cul- ture maid: John and Bertha Gleeson and Fred Houlihan in a potpourri of \u25a0Hi jets and dances; Bea Verera, the It/.linn nightingale; Harry Bloom with his ragtime melodies, and comedy mo- tion pictures. *> Sullivan & Considine have just se- cured new theaters in Dcs Moines and Omaha. With an "all-star cast." the first in vaudeville, heading its new list, the Orpheum bill opening matinee today takes a commanding position in the iveck's theatrical affairs. This cast is composed of Lionel Barrymore, Me- Kee Rankin and Miss Doris Rankln. They will present Mr. Barrymore's "The White Slave," which really means the introduction of tho problem play to vaudeville. The "Old Soldier Fid- dlers," four veterans, two of the blue and two of the gray, will fiddle on their wartime Instruments the old tunes popular to a generation agon(\ Frank Morrell, the California boy, will deliver himself of the latest kinks in minstrelsy, and the Gus Onlaw trio will do wire work. Augusta Glose, Wlllard Simms and his wallpaper stunt, Spissell brothers and their "Continental Waiter" and Thurber and Madison are the holdovers. New mo- tion pictures will show the downfall of King Manuel In Portugal. "The Test" will be played at the Belasco theater this week, with Lewis S. Stone In the role of Richard Tret- man, which he created when the play was given for the first time on any stage by Mr. Stone and his associates In this city two seasons ago. Since that memorable initial presentation, "The Test" has enjoyed a remarkably successful career with Blanche "Walsh in the principal feminine role—the part that Eleanor Gordon will play in the Belasco production. To the host of admirers of the jolly eompdientu', Sophia Tucker, there is no one like her. The young woman can "put over" a coon pong in such a manner as to have every man in the audience whistling it as he flies out of the theater. This will be Miss Tucker's final appearance In Los Angeles, for she is booked for long engagements abroad. Other artists on the Pantages bill lor the week starting Monday aft- ernoon are the Schenk troupe of six cirrus acrobats; Charles Burko ami company, comedians, singers and dancers, in the farce "The Silver Moon"; Andy McLeod, the "li*teh min- strel"; the London quartet and lirst run motion pictures. Alexander Pantages has taken over the Pickwick theater property at San Diego and is remodeling it into a class A fireproof structure. Mr. Pantages has accepted the plans for the house to be erected at Portland, Ore., and work will proceed Immediately. It's pistols and knives and cowboys and dialects from the broadest British to the softest southern at the Burbank this week, for "Texas." that excellent Urama of the plains, is the bill. We haven't been allowed to feel all the elemental impulses surge through us -at the sight of gunplay and heroics. In some months, so "Texas" is a welcome offering. Judging from the manner in - which yesterday's audience laughed heartily at the queerest of jokes, ap- plauded the hero and heroine and hissed the wicked "bad" man, "Texan" was thoroughly enjoyed. And that means enjoyment for many others dur- ing the week. Liko all well regulated plays of the . . plains, "Texas" tells the story of a pel - ub v foctly useful and exceptionally brave cowboy who pursues with relentless determination cattle rustlers and other "bad men." He, though HI, even goes so far as to rlsi from his lied to plunge a knife into the arch-rustler. Of course the cowboy loves a daughter of the plains and she loves him. An Eng- lish nobleman (?) trips to get the girl's father to sell his ranch, for there is gold on the property. The Britisher and tho arch-rustler are in league. After half a dozen killings and near- killings and after everything seems to be going to the demnltlon bow wows for all the decent persons in the piny there's a change In the run .of luck. The cowboy gets his cowgirl; the father saves his ranch; the "bad men" are I either killed or chased over the border into Mexico, and everybody seems happy and satisfied. Marjorte Rambeau makes a very lovely Texas West and pleases Im- mensely. Byron Beasley. as the per- fectly useful cowboy, is heroic in the extreme. David Hartford gives a life- like imitation of a halfbreed cattle rustler and Willis Marks, another of a peon servant of the Wests. Harmon MacGregor is a real "dude" cowboy, and Howard Scott the reverse. Ethel yon Waldron, as Lady Cecelia Trevor, is quite properly ingenue and en- thusiastic in her admiration of tho cowboys. David Landau looks i.nd acts bored ns Lord Angus Trevor, and G^ace Travers, ;;s Lady Francis Mc- Kenzie, is superbly disdainful of the "common people." Others I" the cast depict Texan types found only in dramas. S. O. So much has been published concern- ing the wonderful work of Anna Pav- lowa and Mikail Mordkln, the beauty of the Imperial Russian ballet and the artistry of the Metropolitan Opera House orchestra, that almost all are advised concerning the four nights and two matinees in which the ballets are to be given at the Auditorium, commencing next Wednesday night, November 30. Wednesday night. Thursday night and Saturday matinee will be given over to the romantic ballet in two acts, "Gtselle," with Polish and Rus-1 sian dances, the "Coppelia" ballet, the Bacchanale, tho Swan and other cre- ations of these Imperial entertainers. Thursday matine', Friday and Satur- day nights will witness the Oriental ballet of the "Legend of Azyiade," the "Coppelia" ballot, the Arabian Nights, the Grand Valse from "Raymonda," the Pas-de-deux and other equally meritorious compositions. WOMEN DRIVE RED CROSS CORPS OUT OF CATHEDRAL Religious Fanatics Cause Italian Cholera Riots MILAis Nov. 27.—Bisceglia cathe- dral in the province of Barl, has been desecrated by shocking cholera riots. The city was just beginning to re- cover from commercial depression ! when a fresh outbreak of Asiatic i cholera occurred. The Red Cross corps j was hastily summoned and began a j thorough disinfection of the cathedral. I which apparently was the scene of contagion. Soon after a howling crowd of women broke down the closed doors of the church and rushed upon the Red Cross officials, trampling them under foot and destroying the disinfec- tion material and pumps. The fanatics thon persuaded them- selves that the imagos of tho saints were scowling and sweating with rage, so tearing out their own tresses they began washing and polishing the faces of the statues. About 300 lshermen, whose calling Is languishing because of the general prohibition against the sale and con sumption of fish, came upon the scene and turned the Red Cross out of the building. Some ascended the belfry and set all the bells ringing violently. In a few minutes practically the whole of the population assembled eager for the opportunity of attacking the local authorities for their vexatious cholera measures. Reinforcements arrived, and a piti- less hail of stones and missiles of divers kinds was hurled upon the heads of the soldiers from the upper windows and balconies of tho adjacent streets. Once Inside the cathedral they were confronted by a mob armed with dag- gers and revolvers. During a fright- ful display of barbarity that ensued one man was thrust through with a bayonet, and there was a pool of blood at the. foot of the high altar.. The edifice resounded with the roar of firearms and the piercing shrieks of the fanatical throng. Besides casual- ties among the civilians, a number of soldiers fell wounded with bullets and knife thrusts in various parts of the church. The populuce were left in un- disputed possession. PRECAUTION "Why have you removed the Sevres vaße from the parlor?" . "The i:i'\v maid said she probably would break something, and I was afraid it might be that." Ellen Terry, Who Is to Appear at the Auditorium This Evening Clubs Officers for the Robert E. Lee chap- ter. United Daughters of the Confed- eracy, recently elected, are: President, Mrs. H. C. Warden; first vice president, Mrs. C. S. Stewart; second vice presi- dent. Miss Eva Kerns; treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Hutton; recording pecreta^, Miss Katherine E. Entler; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. L. W. Westphaling; historian, Miss Francis Stancill; reg- istrar, Mrs. P. H. Brady; directors, Mrs. E. Loy and Mrs. W. E. Martin. The next meeting of the chapter will be held at Ebell club Thursday at 2 o'clock. Arkansas day will be observed and the program will be under the di- rection of Mrs. C. C. Stephenson and Miss Eva Kerns. Judge E. A. Mc- Culloch of Arkansas has prepared a paper on the life of Gen, Daniel C. Gowan, which Mrs. M. G. Toland wlil read. Mrs. C. C. Stephenson will read a paper on the life of Gen. Patrick R. Clasbourni'. Other numbers on the pro- gram include a poem by Miss Madelyn Brown, violin and piano duet by the Misses Clara and Effie Stephenson. STRAXCKKS IN TI^E CITY Strangers are Invited to viftit the exhibits of California products at th*» Chamber of Com- merce building on Broadway, between First and Second streets, where free information will be given on all subjects pertaining to this section. ••• Society last week was that with which Elsio Esmond entertained at her bungalow on Western avenue Friday afternoon. The house was decorated with pepper boughs and ferns. Forty guests called during the reception hours. Miss Esmond was assisted in receiv- ing by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Sturkow. Among the charming receptions of Mrs. Emma Heckman and Mrs. Lou- isa R. Quint gave a Thanksgiving din- ner to a ffcw friends nt the home of Mrs. E. Heckman, 1186 West Thirty- fifth street. Among tho guests worn Prince Henry H. Colpus, half brother to Prince John De Guelph, and Mlsh Mary E. Walther of the Blhlo Insti- tute. The house was tastefully decor- ated. Tho table was adorned With beautiful roses and placo cards repre- senting autumn leaves, each having sentiments written on them appropri- ate to the day. The musical and lit- erary program was much enjoyed, es- pecially tho German dialect of Miss Walther, and the rendering of selec- tions from tho opera by Prince Henry, and also his graceful dances. Mrs. L. R. Quint recited an oVlginal Ftory, "A Child's Question," Mrs. E. Heckman recited "The Little Boy's Troubles." Childhood songs were sung, thus end- ing a delightful Thanksgiving party. CALIFORNIA RED MEN AID INDIAN STATUE MOVEMENT Memorial to Aborigines Is to Be Erected in N. Y. Harbor WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.—The Red Men of California are giving active support to the movement to erect a gi- gantic memorial to the American In- dian in New York harbor, and many of the most prominent tribes in the states have passed resolutions supporting the project and pledging their active co- operation with Rodman Wanamaker of Philadelphia, with whom the idea of n memorial to the "vanishing race" originated. The bill providing for this memorial at the entrance of the nation was in- troduced in the house of representa- tives at the last session of congress by Joseph C. Goulden of New York and was reported favorably from the com- mittee on library, to which it was re- ferred. At the same timo a similar bill was introduced in the senate by Senator Depew. These bills provide for no congressional appropriation, simply authorizing the secretary of war and the ."secretary of the navy to designate a suitable site on some government reservation in New York harbor for the erection of a statue to commemorate the North American Indian, funds to be furnished by Hodman Wanamaker and others. (Special »o The Herald) Mr. Wanamaker's original idea was to contribute all the funds necessary himself, but it is the general opinion of those interested in the project that this monument should be the gift of the entire country and that those who desire to participate, particularly the various tribes of Red Men throughout the country, should be allowed to do so. As soon as the bill is enacted into law, which is expected early in the coming session, steps will be taken to give all who desire an opportunity to contribute. To Arrowhead Spring* Fine auto road. Go today. *** ELSIE ESMOND, WHO WAS HOSTESS AT A CHARMING AFFAIR KLBIE ESMOND Music The faculty of the College of Musi- cians gave a recital Friday evening at the Magnolia Christian church, with this program: Piano—"L/Alloutto" ("The Lark")...Balekrrew Aria for Sonata in F sharp minor. .Schumann Etude op. 23, No. 4 1 Rubenstcin Hugo Grunn Vloltn-rConcerto In F sharp minor Ernst Ralph Wylla Voice—Cavatlna from "Lucrezla Borgia".. .... Donizetti Serenade from "Faust" « Gounod i Senor Calvo Dramatic readings—Three character sketches Kavanaugh MU& Anne Kavar.agii 'Cello—Cavatlna Tartlnl Tarantella Popper SHIPBUILDING STRIKERS IN GERMANY WIN VICTORY BERLIN, Nov. 27.—The settlement of the dispute between employers and men in the shipbuilding trades has pro- duced universal satisfaction among the workmen, especially as no reprisals are to be taken. •Vorwarts,' the organ of the So- cialist party, claims that the men have won all along the line, and assumes a rather boastful attitude. The ma- terial gains of the men are contained in the concessions that wages are to be raised by two pfennigs per hour from January 1, and by another pfen- nig from April 1 next, anil that the hours of work are reduced from 56 to 55 a week. This is about one-third of what the strikers demanded and the regulations concerning piece work re- main as they were. It may be assumed from the atti- tude of the Socialist party that there will be no further disturbance of the peace for some time to come, though a later opportunity will undoubtedly be taken to demand further conces- sions. American Women's Le Miss Margaret Syauldlng of the Los Angeles chapter, and youngest honor student at the People's university, uni- versity City, St. Louis, Mo., is the first honor student to receive a com- mission to execute a memorial in the heud chapter house of the American Womat.'a league which Edward Gard- ner Lewis is planning to make the most beautiful building in tho world. Mr. Lewis is perfecting elaborate plans for the erection of the chapter house to be built on tho lines of the famous Taj Mahal at Agra, India. Tablet* in bronze, marblt; and porcel- ain will thus serve as memorials to loved ones Instead of humble grave stones or a stately sarcophagus. It will bring Into existence a, new era, producing memorials that shall exist for generations as th<? entire ornamen- tation and decoration, both interior and exterior, sculpture, mosaic, stained . mural painting, metal work and ceramic a will be the work of succes- sive classes of honor student;) in the several divisions in the Academy of Fine Arts, under the most brilliant and famous masters in the world. Everything entering into the decora- tion of this building will be a mas- terpiece— memorial not alone to the giver but to the genius of the design- er. It will become, the great monument to women in the world; but about it will also cling a sentiment so beautiful that it will never die. Every part of the most superb structure ever erected by human hands, will live in its beauty i for a thousand years and the memorial will be tin apotheosis of the fine, arts. APPEAL TO WOMAN'S LEAGUE Mr. Lewis has made an appeal to the members of the American Woman's league to have a memorial in this mag- nificent building to some loved one that has passed out of this lite, and Miss Spaulding has been commissioned to execute a memorial to Martin and Mar- tha Van Allen, the parents of Jennie Van Allen. It is expected that there will be commissions ranging from 10,« 000 small memorials to memorials of $25,000, from the members of the Amer- ican Woman's league in the United States. The six weeks' course In ornamental lettering, under the direction of Miss Emilie S. Perry, closed Saturday, but will be resumed after the holidays. The members are delighted with the prog- ress they have made in an art that will be a delight to them either in addressing a package or in- illuminat- ing a card. The class in home eco- nomics, held every Thursday afternoon in the beautiful reception room of Dr. Adolph J. Potter, on the seventh floor of the Pantages theater building, had a vacation on Thursday, a legal holi- day. This class is one that is meet- Ing with the unqualified approval of the husbands of the members of the Los Angeles chapter. It gives scien- tific methods for the conduct of the home; it dignities the most important profess-.^! in the —that of the home maker, for as Owens says, "One may live without books —what is knowledge but grieving? One may live without hope; what is hope but de- ceiving? One may live without love; what is passion but pining? But where is the man that can live with- out dining?" This class will teach a science of economy in every depart- ment of household matters, as the uni- versity is affiliated with the American School of Home Economics of Chicago. The most accomplished housekeepers are delighted to learn methods that are revolutionizing habits of a life- time. MODELS OF CHAPTER HOUSES All business of the Los Angeles chap- ter may be transacted at the Chapter House, 1832 West Forty-ninth street, , personally, by correspondence or by telephone, 26484; but it has been ad- \u25a0" \u25a0 vtsable to give-an; hou \u25a0•\u25a0*:•»• \u25a0"..' cnce a week. The .Aiacr league is Indebted to tt - commerce and tho Ville .-.«. ' \u25a0,< the privilege of exhlbitir 1?' \u25a0\u25a0 .1; C , tor house models—the i '.: chapter houses now fe'li every state>in the uolo \u0084 \u25a0 t \u25a0 \u25a0>• \u25a0 exhibited at the Seattle 1; - V,; close were brought; to Ia \u25a0 . . «4 /«' tly headquarters of the - . vision. For the convenience I - ,\u25a0:-;.-, Miss Van Allen will ibe at of commerce Tuesday aft •\u25a0<*>• 3:80 to 5. ; 1 R. B. Hallett, a mem r \u25a0\u25a0-£ v. of the executive board of geles chapter Is now in ] authority to select the loi Los Angeles Herald's g contest. The choice of \u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0. ;•., t has been pending for mom ' \u25a0 \u25a0. the possibility of the 1 Bra \u25a0 . •\u25a0 ( ',r.-.: of the American i' Worn \u25a0 \u0084. buying It. as a site for t house. But the price of \u0084• \u25a0-\u25a0 w advancing rapidly in the 1 ley, and a new schedule , being arranged by tho real >•\u25a0.. .'.,. >; :'\u25a0•\u25a0 rany, so It has been deem, i r. '.\l,. \u25a0 I to secure the title under, \u25a0 , sfc£* valuation. Mr. Hallett la i ;\u25a0-.>, Es>fti expert, and the chapter is '\u25a0;•>' tniiaUi in'sS being able to profit by hi ,->\u25a0 ;v. t*.-•'~«- In choosing the most destra I ;v. ;-,.y tj-.\u25a0 among the lots retnainlnt f...v; i "v Brawley. Mr. Lewis has - .-.nii: ' instructed the local repro ' .'\u25a0• > ;,•'• i have this title vested in t :?''.>'i -A:;-. I geles chapter, and it will I !•\u25a0.- b, -v/l \ for the benefit of the'ehii:-.- n- <..* fund. It is hoped that tl •\u25a0\u25a0.l diamond ring won in the j test will bo chosen as i a ; ' ; >.: . gift for some fortunate me . r -,r \ij chapter. OUTS KKCEIVED BY C ; »,> The chapter received art. '\u25a0:; ni,w.-4 clock from the publisher o t«« teur Sportsman, who alst '• ".« .;i colonial tea Bet when th? '.!;;.j '\u25a0 qualifies for It. The chSpr;\u25a0> ' 1 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-.'tM;>-;*v now has two clocks, the '• •.-...vft/i k\u25a0'\u25a0'-', a gift from Mrs. M. M. ] :-:..\u25a0. o. \u25a0 - who also contributed to t?i« Cwriaiijt-; ings by the gift of tables; •',•(•:-<.:-: Dr. Mabel B. Anthony, j .-.-\u25a0 ••, r,. '^ tho San Francisco chapter, >.i- jv' ings to the Los Angeli *;•:.";?\u25a0 through Mrs. Leslie Marl( a <iMi>>:>/ who has just returned from >Uq frxUfM Dr. Anthony is conspicuous an n \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0. wbft- coterie of brilliant women wij \u25a0i( > '; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ing the best of their live* American Woman's league; „* young woman of literary i sional attainments, and has brilliantly in the up-bulid league movement in the noi Dr. George W. Carey ol .!\u25a0:<, *> will deliver a lecture on ""» <' •• < \u25a0** the Human Body" Wednesd Burbank hall, 542 South X at 8 o'clock. NORWEGIANS TAKE IS WITH NANSEN ON COPENHAGEN, Nov. : Nansen, In a lecture before tiflc Society of Copenhag himself skeptical as to th of the early history of S< especially the accounts cc tho Icelandic sagas. He ci denied that the Icelander, lr discovered America some 60 fore Columbus, as has alwa lieved here, and he made i ments of an equally swee acter. The lecture, which wa's a King Haakon, has excited diprnation. and many proi made by the university present. LOS AN^ES HERALD: MONT DAY MA NOVEMBER 28, 1910. 5 __^_ ' M _ OSTERMOOR .Z^ >^ V^^ X^f /^ PATTERNS MATTRESSES .2,9- 229 S. BROADWAY (^/ / H.LL ST. i " \u25a0 \u25a0 4th FLOOR CAFE AND MEN'S GRILL—OPEN FROM 11:3O TO S:OO Buy Dolls, Toys and ASale of Silk Waist g~\ lgrv^ IT ir% ' Now is the season of the year when samples may VJOIITCVCS IICrC I bought most advantageously by us, because traveli *, t.j ..- i^, 14,u rt u,, ftn m K rtlir f^r th^ca nf v rt n : men have practically completed their season, and have no further use , ? It's getting almost the eleventh hour for those Ot you ; their g Ood <r Such purchases recently result in these savings to yo > who are planning to dress dolls for some youngster's sales which concern the entire second floor: Christmas gift, with all the other thousand s SILK WAISTS REDUCED a THIRD f Christmas gin, witn an tne otner tnousana or even more; new Persians, chiffon messahnes, taffetas, | and One details On yOUr mind at this time iS?^% etc -' from a manufacturer who makes a specialty of high- ' r>»ii'jii x* v f^fJuOs grade waists. Every garment is perfect, and to the 36 and ,1 Of year. DollS and all SOrtS OI tOyS may De ®WFJ^^&«. 38 sizes we have added styles from our own stock to make I purchased here to advantage: " IEIt °£^Z^o »* now... ,ss. s o I JOINTED DOLLS ' - v ' /^f^r^^v^ $7.50 waists now. . .$5.00 $15 waists now. . .$lO.OO with knitted dresses, sc, 10c and 15c. >O^V « " rf^^s, —v-^ $8.50 waists now. . .$6.50 $18 waists now.. .$12.00 DOLL DISHES * . feNj- $CJ ii \ Jk^^PCJ $10.00 waists now. .$7.50 $20 waists now. . .$14.00 ' at 25c a set and higher. ( —*• JJ^ \*" J |[- _ __ —^ p^s^^^o be , 15 HI 1 I! [I I Reduced Drapery Ooc ?> ; DOLL 1 FURNITURE ; Jl lift. Hints, only, of what the Drapery Section contains in the w | much of it large enough for little girls'rooms— rock- f| I|l high-class decorative articles, and devices for lessening the |i ers, straight chairs, dressers, bedsteads, etc., in wide va- l'Jffl (Bjf of good housekeeping: » riety. . . M\ \ , \W ' DRAPERY SILKS J . | CHESTS FOR HOLDING TOYS •\u25a0 /fl* i; \ I |H Heavy Shikii and satins in Oriental patterns; for kimono C Some of them on wheels. ° (| | | j 11 . and draperies or fancy pillows regular price $1.25 a yard - q Awn R rtAwo '\u25a0' ""I |1 j % Iml on special sale at, yard G^ah's Arks, 25? and higher; games at 5c and higher; I^^-^^ SHORT LENGTHS OF DRAPERY NETS . | books of all sorts, untearable linen, calico and paper, 5c VIM MHf Ends of bolts from the cream of our stock '' choice, yard, 25 I and higher. , //LJltiJp ELECTRIC VACUUM SWEEPERS j J MECHANICAL TOYS Wl * lIP A supply now on hand of these splendid sweepers; the of all sorts; stationary engines, pile drivers, etc., 25c and W W run on wheels, and are easier to operate than the fines - ngh er> J?\ M carpet sweeper price, complete .$38.0 | MAGIC LANTERNS © WILTON VELVET RUGS . t . of practical sorts, 65c to $5.00. . - . \u25a0 Now on display in aHill street window ; 3x6 size and 9xl ; colst Ers:hobbv horses, etc. . <>nly Doilar S.'SlSar 1"and S'"' °™WUh UrBC " COC° New styles shown this year for the first time. "ia"" LACET FRINGE IS NEW \u25a0 .^^^ , \u0084• t t r •\u25a0\u25a0 v- v »,^ fr.r tV.p first time in the Trimming Section: No novelty in trimmings promises to attain greater popularity than this lacet fringe which we show (or the first time in the Tnmm.ng Secfon: |||| FOR TRIMMING SCARFS OR TUNICS », U and .8 inch,.; white and bU.Cc on ly . You are invited to see it while we have al. widths in stock. ... fl it is beautifully adapted; in three widths, 9, 12 and 18 inches; white and black only. You are invited to see k, wnuc we . . . FUR AND MARABOUT .ringing purposes; jus, now m any women are buying mara hout for the new scarfs in trimmed effects. Whole skins of variou - animals and good imitation skins of all sorts, together with bands, heads and claws, make up a satisfactory assortment

Transcript of Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (Los ... · that memorable initial presentation,...

Page 1: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (Los ... · that memorable initial presentation, "The Test" has enjoyed a remarkably ... determination cattle rustlers and other "bad


"The Office Boy" Has TunefulBits of Music and Sev-

eral Good Hits

"Tho Office Boy," In the person ofFerris Hartman, romped through twomerry, actl at the Grand yesterday af-ternoon to the accompaniment of an...'t'iiHional tuneful bit of music. "Com-parisons are odorous," remarked aMia. Malaprop, but it must be saidthat Hartman gets as many laughsout of the part of Noah Little as didPrank Daniels, who, while traveling inthe vehicle under discussion, tickledthn risibilities of a multitude.

"Muggins "Davies captured tho majorportion of the applause, performing Inher usual magnetic fashion. MyrtleOlngwall, sweet of voice, but with atrngedy-'iueen air (never-absent)pleated in the solos she offered.

Carmen Phillips In a short scene withHartman in the first act seemed to?how that perhaps she is not destinedto remain in the chorus for any greatlength of time.

Hartman never grows tiresome to anaudience. His face is his fortune, tonsn a trite saw, but he would starve todeath on the stage with his voice'asn. means of livelihood. The Hartmanface and craoked voice is a combina-tion which makes box office men smileand audiences to go into ecstasies oflaughter.

Walter do Leon in a topical songfilled with local references tooknumerous encores. The balance of thecompany's favorites were fittingly cast.

• • •Ellen Terry, who will appear at thu

Auditorium tonight under the manage-ment of Frank Egan of the EvanDramatic school, will arrive in LosAngela! this morning. Her manager,A. R. Priest, arrived in the city yep-torday to make final arrangements forMiss Terry's lecture on "Shakespeare 1\u25a0•.

Heroines —Triumphant." Oen. Adna R.Chaffee will introduce the noted Kni?-lish actress tonight. Following theperformance Miss Terry will be pre-sented with a golden wreath, the giftof her many admirers in Los Angeles.John G. Mott will make the presenta-tion speech, which will be ended witha reading of Percy Mackuyo's poemdedicated to Miss Terry.

From Indications the AuditoriumWill bo jammed tonight. AH the boxeshave been secured by well known so-ciety leaders. Twenty-four of Mr.Egan's Jonathan club friends have se-rured boxes.

Majestic theater this week for his firstvisit to Los Angeles in three years,

• • •Willißm Faversham returns to the

bringing a play never before seen here,

"The World and His Wife," adaptedby Charles Frederic Nirdlinger fromJose Echegaray's drama, "El Gran

, Galeoto." This will be the first ap-pearance In this city of Mr.-. Paver-sham's beautiful wife, known to thestage as Julie Opp, who has won groat

renown in the east and in England.There will be the usual Wednesdayand Saturday matinees.

For this week's bill at the Los An-geles theater, commencing with thematinee thlK afternoon, Sullivan &Considine are sending the most ex-pensive billof vaudeville that has everplayed this house. The stellar attrac-tions are Rice and Prevost, exponentsof acrobatic comedy, who offer theirfamous "Bumpity Bumps"; the CarlPantzer trio of acrobats and contor-tionists: Nat Lefflngwell and his com-pany, offering the humorous sketch,\u25a0A Night at the Lodge"; La BelleMeeker, the captivating physical cul-ture maid: John and Bertha Gleesonand Fred Houlihan in a potpourri of\u25a0Hi jets and dances; Bea Verera, theIt/.linn nightingale; Harry Bloom withhis ragtime melodies, and comedy mo-tion pictures. *>

Sullivan & Considine have just se-cured new theaters in Dcs Moines andOmaha.

With an "all-star cast." the first invaudeville, heading its new list, theOrpheum bill opening matinee todaytakes a commanding position in theiveck's theatrical affairs. This cast iscomposed of Lionel Barrymore, Me-Kee Rankin and Miss Doris Rankln.They will present Mr. Barrymore's"The White Slave," which really meansthe introduction of tho problem playto vaudeville. The "Old Soldier Fid-dlers," four veterans, two of the blueand two of the gray, will fiddle ontheir wartime Instruments the oldtunes popular to a generation agon(\Frank Morrell, the California boy, willdeliver himself of the latest kinks inminstrelsy, and the Gus Onlaw triowill do wire work. Augusta Glose,Wlllard Simms and his wallpaperstunt, Spissell brothers and their"Continental Waiter" and Thurber andMadison are the holdovers. New mo-tion pictures will show the downfallof King Manuel In Portugal.

• • •"The Test" will be played at the

Belasco theater this week, with LewisS. Stone In the role of Richard Tret-man, which he created when the playwas given for the first time on anystage by Mr. Stone and his associatesIn this city two seasons ago. Sincethat memorable initial presentation,"The Test" has enjoyed a remarkablysuccessful career with Blanche "Walshin the principal feminine role—the partthat Eleanor Gordon will play in theBelasco production.

• • •To the host of admirers of the jolly

eompdientu', Sophia Tucker, there isno one like her. The young womancan "put over" a coon pong in such amanner as to have every man in theaudience whistling it as he flies out ofthe theater. This will be Miss Tucker'sfinal appearance In Los Angeles, forshe is booked for long engagementsabroad. Other artists on the Pantagesbill lor the week starting Monday aft-ernoon are the Schenk troupe of sixcirrus acrobats; Charles Burko amicompany, comedians, singers anddancers, in the farce "The SilverMoon"; Andy McLeod, the "li*teh min-strel"; the London quartet and lirstrun motion pictures.

Alexander Pantages has taken overthe Pickwick theater property at SanDiego and is remodeling it into a classA fireproof structure. Mr. Pantageshas accepted the plans for the houseto be erected at Portland, Ore., andwork will proceed Immediately.

• • •It's pistols and knives and cowboys

and dialects from the broadest Britishto the softest southern at the Burbankthis week, for "Texas." that excellentUrama of the plains, is the bill. Wehaven't been allowed to feel all theelemental impulses surge through us-at the sight of gunplay and heroics. Insome months, so "Texas" is a welcomeoffering. Judging from the manner in- which yesterday's audience laughedheartily at the queerest of jokes, ap-plauded the hero and heroine andhissed the wicked "bad" man, "Texan"was thoroughly enjoyed. And thatmeans enjoyment for many others dur-ing the week.

Liko all well regulated plays of the. . plains, "Texas" tells the story of a pel -ub v foctly useful and exceptionally brave

cowboy who pursues with relentless

determination cattle rustlers and other"bad men." He, though HI, even goesso far as to rlsi from his lied to plungea knife into the arch-rustler. Ofcourse the cowboy loves a daughter ofthe plains and she loves him. An Eng-lish nobleman (?) trips to get the girl'sfather to sell his ranch, for there isgold on the property. The Britisherand tho arch-rustler are in league.

After half a dozen killings and near-killings and after everything seems tobe going to the demnltlon bow wowsfor all the decent persons in the pinythere's a change In the run .of luck.The cowboy gets his cowgirl; the fathersaves his ranch; the "bad men" are

I either killed or chased over the borderinto Mexico, and everybody seemshappy and satisfied.

Marjorte Rambeau makes a verylovely Texas West and pleases Im-mensely. Byron Beasley. as the per-fectly useful cowboy, is heroic in theextreme. David Hartford gives a life-like imitation of a halfbreed cattlerustler and Willis Marks, another ofa peon servant of the Wests. HarmonMacGregor is a real "dude" cowboy,and Howard Scott the reverse. Ethelyon Waldron, as Lady Cecelia Trevor,

is quite properly ingenue and en-thusiastic in her admiration of thocowboys. David Landau looks i.ndacts bored ns Lord Angus Trevor, andG^ace Travers, ;;s Lady Francis Mc-Kenzie, is superbly disdainful of the"common people." Others I" the castdepict Texan types found only indramas. S. O.

• • •So much has been published concern-

ing the wonderful work of Anna Pav-lowa and Mikail Mordkln, the beautyof the Imperial Russian ballet and theartistry of the Metropolitan OperaHouse orchestra, that almost all areadvised concerning the four nightsand two matinees in which the balletsare to be given at the Auditorium,commencing next Wednesday night,November 30.

Wednesday night. Thursday nightand Saturday matinee will be givenover to the romantic ballet in twoacts, "Gtselle," with Polish and Rus-1sian dances, the "Coppelia" ballet, theBacchanale, tho Swan and other cre-ations of these Imperial entertainers.

Thursday matine', Friday and Satur-day nights will witness the Orientalballet of the "Legend of Azyiade," the"Coppelia" ballot, the Arabian Nights,the Grand Valse from "Raymonda,"the Pas-de-deux and other equallymeritorious compositions.


Religious Fanatics Cause ItalianCholera Riots

MILAis Nov. 27.—Bisceglia cathe-dral in the province of Barl, has beendesecrated by shocking cholera riots.

The city was just beginning to re-cover from commercial depression

! when a fresh outbreak of Asiatici cholera occurred. The Red Cross corpsj was hastily summoned and began aj thorough disinfection of the cathedral.I which apparently was the scene ofcontagion. Soon after a howling crowdof women broke down the closed doorsof the church and rushed upon theRed Cross officials, trampling themunder foot and destroying the disinfec-tion material and pumps.

The fanatics thon persuaded them-selves that the imagos of tho saintswere scowling and sweating with rage,so tearing out their own tresses theybegan washing and polishing the facesof the statues.

About 300 lshermen, whose calling Islanguishing because of the generalprohibition against the sale and consumption of fish, came upon the sceneand turned the Red Cross out of thebuilding. Some ascended the belfryand set all the bells ringing violently.In a few minutes practically the wholeof the population assembled eager forthe opportunity of attacking the localauthorities for their vexatious cholerameasures.

Reinforcements arrived, and a piti-less hail of stones and missiles ofdivers kinds was hurled upon the headsof the soldiers from the upper windowsand balconies of tho adjacent streets.Once Inside the cathedral they wereconfronted by a mob armed with dag-gers and revolvers. During a fright-ful display of barbarity that ensuedone man was thrust through with abayonet, and there was a pool of bloodat the. foot of the high altar..

The edifice resounded with the roarof firearms and the piercing shrieks ofthe fanatical throng. Besides casual-ties among the civilians, a number ofsoldiers fell wounded with bullets and

knife thrusts in various parts of thechurch. The populuce were left in un-disputed possession.


"Why have you removed the Sevresvaße from the parlor?". "The i:i'\v maid said she probably

would break something, and I wasafraid it might be that."

Ellen Terry, Who Is to Appear atthe Auditorium This Evening

ClubsOfficers for the Robert E. Lee chap-

ter. United Daughters of the Confed-eracy, recently elected, are: President,Mrs. H. C. Warden; first vice president,Mrs. C. S. Stewart; second vice presi-dent. Miss Eva Kerns; treasurer, Mrs.W. B. Hutton; recording pecreta^,Miss Katherine E. Entler; correspond-ing secretary, Mrs. L. W. Westphaling;historian, Miss Francis Stancill; reg-istrar, Mrs. P. H. Brady; directors,Mrs. E. Loy and Mrs. W. E. Martin.

The next meeting of the chapter willbe held at Ebell club Thursday at 2o'clock. Arkansas day will be observedand the program will be under the di-rection of Mrs. C. C. Stephenson andMiss Eva Kerns. Judge E. A. Mc-Culloch of Arkansas has prepared apaper on the life of Gen, Daniel C.Gowan, which Mrs. M. G. Toland wlilread. Mrs. C. C. Stephenson will reada paper on the life of Gen. Patrick R.Clasbourni'. Other numbers on the pro-gram include a poem by Miss MadelynBrown, violin and piano duet by theMisses Clara and Effie Stephenson.

STRAXCKKS IN TI^E CITYStrangers are Invited to viftit the exhibits

of California products at th*» Chamber of Com-merce building on Broadway, between Firstand Second streets, where free informationwill be given on all subjects pertaining to thissection. •••


last week was that with which ElsioEsmond entertained at her bungalow

on Western avenue Friday afternoon.The house was decorated with pepperboughs and ferns. Forty guests

called during the reception hours.Miss Esmond was assisted in receiv-ing by her mother, Mrs. ElizabethSturkow.

Among the charming receptions of

Mrs. Emma Heckman and Mrs. Lou-isa R. Quint gave a Thanksgiving din-ner to a ffcw friends nt the home ofMrs. E. Heckman, 1186 West Thirty-fifth street. Among tho guests wornPrince Henry H. Colpus, half brotherto Prince John De Guelph, and MlshMary E. Walther of the Blhlo Insti-tute. The house was tastefully decor-ated. Tho table was adorned Withbeautiful roses and placo cards repre-senting autumn leaves, each having

sentiments written on them appropri-ate to the day. The musical and lit-erary program was much enjoyed, es-pecially tho German dialect of MissWalther, and the rendering of selec-tions from tho opera by Prince Henry,

and also his graceful dances. Mrs. L.R. Quint recited an oVlginal Ftory, "AChild's Question," Mrs. E. Heckmanrecited "The Little Boy's Troubles."Childhood songs were sung, thus end-ing a delightful Thanksgiving party.


Memorial to Aborigines Is to BeErected in N. Y. Harbor

WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.—The RedMen of California are giving activesupport to the movement to erect a gi-gantic memorial to the American In-dian in New York harbor, and many ofthe most prominent tribes in the stateshave passed resolutions supporting theproject and pledging their active co-operation with Rodman Wanamaker ofPhiladelphia, with whom the idea of nmemorial to the "vanishing race"originated.

The bill providing for this memorialat the entrance of the nation was in-troduced in the house of representa-

tives at the last session of congress byJoseph C. Goulden of New York andwas reported favorably from the com-mittee on library, to which it was re-ferred. At the same timo a similarbill was introduced in the senate bySenator Depew. These bills provide forno congressional appropriation, simplyauthorizing the secretary of war andthe ."secretary of the navy to designatea suitable site on some governmentreservation in New York harbor for theerection of a statue to commemoratethe North American Indian, funds tobe furnished by Hodman Wanamakerand others.

(Special »o The Herald)

Mr. Wanamaker's original idea wasto contribute all the funds necessaryhimself, but it is the general opinionof those interested in the project thatthis monument should be the gift ofthe entire country and that those whodesire to participate, particularly thevarious tribes of Red Men throughoutthe country, should be allowed to doso. As soon as the bill is enacted intolaw, which is expected early in thecoming session, steps will be taken togive all who desire an opportunity tocontribute.

To Arrowhead Spring*

Fine auto road. Go today. ***




MusicThe faculty of the College of Musi-

cians gave a recital Friday evening atthe Magnolia Christian church, withthis program:Piano—"L/Alloutto" ("The Lark")...Balekrrew

Aria for Sonata in F sharp minor. .SchumannEtude op. 23, No. 4 1 Rubenstcin

Hugo GrunnVloltn-rConcerto In F sharp minor Ernst

Ralph Wylla

Voice—Cavatlna from "Lucrezla Borgia"..•.... Donizetti

Serenade from "Faust" « Gounodi Senor Calvo

Dramatic readings—Three character sketchesKavanaugh

MU& Anne Kavar.agii

'Cello—Cavatlna TartlnlTarantella Popper


BERLIN, Nov. 27.—The settlement of

the dispute between employers andmen in the shipbuilding trades has pro-

duced universal satisfaction among

the workmen, especially as no reprisals

are to be taken.•Vorwarts,' the organ of the So-

cialist party, claims that the men havewon all along the line, and assumesa rather boastful attitude. The ma-terial gains of the men are containedin the concessions that wages are to

be raised by two pfennigs per hourfrom January 1, and by another pfen-nig from April 1 next, anil that thehours of work are reduced from 56to 55 a week. This is about one-thirdof what the strikers demanded and theregulations concerning piece work re-main as they were.

It may be assumed from the atti-tude of the Socialist party that therewill be no further disturbance of thepeace for some time to come, thougha later opportunity will undoubtedly

be taken to demand further conces-sions.

American Women's LeMiss Margaret Syauldlng of the Los

Angeles chapter, and youngest honorstudent at the People's university, uni-versity City, St. Louis, Mo., is thefirst honor student to receive a com-mission to execute a memorial in theheud chapter house of the AmericanWomat.'a league which Edward Gard-ner Lewis is planning to make the mostbeautiful building in tho world.

Mr. Lewis is perfecting elaborateplans for the erection of the chapterhouse to be built on tho lines of thefamous Taj Mahal at Agra, India.Tablet* in bronze, marblt; and porcel-ain will thus serve as memorials to

loved ones Instead of humble gravestones or a stately sarcophagus. Itwill bring Into existence a, new era,producing memorials that shall existfor generations as th<? entire ornamen-tation and decoration, both interior andexterior, sculpture, mosaic, stained. mural painting, metal work andceramic a will be the work of succes-sive classes of honor student;) in theseveral divisions in the Academy ofFine Arts, under the most brilliantand famous masters in the world.

Everything entering into the decora-tion of this building will be a mas-terpiece— memorial not alone to thegiver but to the genius of the design-er. It will become, the great monumentto women in the world; but about itwill also cling a sentiment so beautifulthat it will never die. Every part ofthe most superb structure ever erectedby human hands, will live in its beauty i

for a thousand years and the memorialwill be tin apotheosis of the fine, arts.

APPEAL TO WOMAN'S LEAGUEMr. Lewis has made an appeal to the

members of the American Woman'sleague to have a memorial in this mag-nificent building to some loved one thathas passed out of this lite, and MissSpaulding has been commissioned toexecute a memorial to Martin and Mar-tha Van Allen, the parents of JennieVan Allen. It is expected that therewill be commissions ranging from 10,«000 small memorials to memorials of$25,000, from the members of the Amer-ican Woman's league in the UnitedStates.

The six weeks' course In ornamentallettering, under the direction of MissEmilie S. Perry, closed Saturday, butwill be resumed after the holidays. Themembers are delighted with the prog-ress they have made in an art thatwill be a delight to them either inaddressing a package or in- illuminat-ing a card. The class in home eco-nomics, held every Thursday afternoonin the beautiful reception room of Dr.Adolph J. Potter, on the seventh floorof the Pantages theater building, hada vacation on Thursday, a legal holi-day. This class is one that is meet-Ing with the unqualified approval ofthe husbands of the members of theLos Angeles chapter. It gives scien-tific methods for the conduct of thehome; it dignities the most importantprofess-.^! in the —that of thehome maker, for as Owens says, "Onemay live without books —what isknowledge but grieving? One may livewithout hope; what is hope but de-ceiving? One may live without love;what is passion but pining? Butwhere is the man that can live with-out dining?" This class will teach ascience of economy in every depart-ment of household matters, as the uni-versity is affiliated with the AmericanSchool of Home Economics of Chicago.The most accomplished housekeepersare delighted to learn methods thatare revolutionizing habits of a life-time.

MODELS OF CHAPTER HOUSESAll business of the Los Angeles chap-

ter may be transacted at the ChapterHouse, 1832 West Forty-ninth street,

,personally, by correspondence or bytelephone, 26484; but it has been ad-

\u25a0" \u25a0

vtsable to give-an; hou \u25a0•\u25a0*:•»• \u25a0"..'cnce a week. The .Aiacrleague is Indebted to tt -commerce and tho Ville .-.«. ' \u25a0,<

the privilege of exhlbitir 1?' \u25a0\u25a0 .1; C ,tor house models—the i '.:chapter houses now fe'li •every state>in the uolo \u0084

\u25a0 t \u25a0\u25a0>• \u25a0

exhibited at the Seattle 1; - V,;close were brought; to Ia \u25a0 . . • «4 /«'tly headquarters of the - .vision.

For the convenience I - ,\u25a0:-;.-,Miss Van Allen will ibe atof commerce Tuesday aft •\u25a0<*>•3:80 to 5. ; 1

R. B. Hallett, a mem r \u25a0\u25a0-£ v.of the executive board ofgeles chapter Is now in ] •authority to select the loiLos Angeles Herald's • gcontest. The choice of \u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0. ;•., thas been pending for mom ' \u25a0 \u25a0.

the possibility of the 1 Bra \u25a0 . •\u25a0 ( ',r.-.:of the American i' Worn \u25a0


buying It. as a site for thouse. But the price of \u0084• \u25a0-\u25a0 wadvancing rapidly in the 1ley, and a new schedule ,

being arranged by tho real >•\u25a0.. .'.,. >; :'\u25a0•\u25a0rany, so It has been deem, i r. '.\l,. \u25a0 Ito secure the title under, \u25a0 , sfc£*valuation. Mr. Hallett la i ;\u25a0-.>, Es>ftiexpert, and the chapter is '\u25a0;•>' tniiaUi in'sSbeing able to profit by hi ,->\u25a0 ;v. t*.-•'~«-

In choosing the most destra I ;v. ;-,.y tj-.\u25a0among the lots retnainlnt f...v; i "vBrawley. Mr. Lewis has - .-.nii: 'instructed the local repro ' .'\u25a0• > ;,•'•

i have this title vested in t :?''.>'i -A:;-.

I geles chapter, and it will I !•\u25a0.- b, -v/l \for the benefit of the'ehii:-.- n- <..*fund. It is hoped that tl • •\u25a0\u25a0.ldiamond ring won in the j

test will bo chosen as i a ; ' ; >.: .gift for some fortunate me . r -,r \ijchapter.


The chapter received art. '\u25a0:; ni,w.-4

clock from the publisher o t««teur Sportsman, who alst '• ".« .;i

colonial tea Bet when th? '.!;;.j '\u25a0

qualifies for It. The chSpr;\u25a0> ' 1\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-.'tM;>-;*vnow has two clocks, the '• •.-...vft/i k\u25a0'\u25a0'-',a gift from Mrs. M. M. ] :-:..\u25a0. o. \u25a0 -who also contributed to t?i« Cwriaiijt-;ings by the gift of tables; • •',•(•:-<.:-:

Dr. Mabel B. Anthony, j.-.-\u25a0 ••, r,. '^tho San Francisco chapter, >.i- jv'ings to the Los Angeli *;•:.";?\u25a0through Mrs. Leslie Marl( a <iMi>>:>/who has just returned from >Uq frxUfMDr. Anthony is conspicuous an n \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0. wbft-coterie ofbrilliant women wij \u25a0i( > '; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

ing the best of their live*American Woman's league; „*young woman of literary i

sional attainments, and hasbrilliantly in the up-bulidleague movement in the noi

Dr. George W. Carey ol .!\u25a0:<, *>

will deliver a lecture on ""» <' •• < \u25a0**the Human Body" WednesdBurbank hall, 542 South Xat 8 o'clock.


COPENHAGEN, Nov. :Nansen, In a lecture beforetiflc Society of Copenhaghimself skeptical as to thof the early history of S<especially the accounts cctho Icelandic sagas. He cidenied that the Icelander, lrdiscovered America some 60fore Columbus, as has alwalieved here, and he made i

ments of an equally sweeacter.

The lecture, which wa's aKing Haakon, has exciteddiprnation. and many proi

made by the universitypresent.






.2,9- 229 S. BROADWAY(^/ / H.LL ST.

i " \u25a0 \u25a0 4th FLOOR CAFE AND MEN'S GRILL—OPEN FROM 11:3O TO S:OO —Buy Dolls, Toys and ASale of Silk Waist

g~\ lgrv^ IT ir%' Now is the season of the year when samples may

VJOIITCVCS IICrC I bought most advantageously by us, because traveli *,

t.j ..- i^, 14,u rtu,, ftn m K rtlir f^r th^ca nf vrtn : men have practically completed their season, and have no further use , ?It's getting almost the eleventh hour for those Ot you ; their g Ood <r Such purchases recently result in these savings to yo >

who are planning to dress dolls for some youngster's sales which concern the entire second floor:

Christmas gift, with all the other thousand s SILK WAISTS REDUCED a THIRD fChristmas gin, witn an tne otner tnousanaor even more; new Persians, chiffon messahnes, taffetas, |

and One details On yOUr mind at this time iS?^% etc-' from a manufacturer who makes a specialty of high-' r>»ii'jii x* v f^fJuOs grade waists. Every garment is perfect, and to the 36 and ,1Of year. DollS and all SOrtS OI tOyS may De ®WFJ^^&«. 38 sizes we have added styles from our own stock to make Ipurchased here to advantage: " IEIt °£^Z^o »* now... ,ss. s o I

JOINTED DOLLS ' - v' /^f^r^^v^ $7.50 waists now. . .$5.00 $15 waists now. . .$lO.OO

with knitted dresses, sc, 10c and 15c. >O^V « " rf^^s, —v-^ $8.50 waists now. . .$6.50 $18 waists now.. .$12.00

DOLL DISHES * . feNj- $CJ ii\ Jk^^PCJ $10.00 waists now. .$7.50 $20 waists now. . .$14.00' at 25c a set and higher. ( —*• JJ^ \*" J |[- _ __

—^p^s^^^o be , 15 HI 1 I! [I I Reduced Drapery Ooc ?> ;DOLL1 FURNITURE ; Jl lift. Hints, only, of what the Drapery Section contains in the w |

much of it large enough for little girls'rooms— rock- f| I|l high-class decorative articles, and devices for lessening the |iers, straight chairs, dressers, bedsteads, etc., in wide va- l'Jffl (Bjf of good housekeeping: »

riety. . . M\ \ , \W ' DRAPERY SILKS J . |CHESTS FOR HOLDING TOYS •\u25a0 • /fl* i;\ I |H Heavy Shikii and satins in Oriental patterns; for kimonoC

Some of them on wheels. ° (| | | j 11 . and draperies or fancy pillows regular price $1.25 a yard

- q Awn RrtAwo '\u25a0' • ""I|1 j % Iml on special sale at, yard ™

G^ah's Arks, 25? and higher; games at 5c and higher; I^^-^^ SHORT LENGTHS OF DRAPERY NETS . |books of all sorts, untearable linen, calico and paper, 5c VIM MHf •

Ends of bolts from the cream of our stock ''choice, yard, 25 I

and higher. , //LJltiJp ELECTRIC VACUUM SWEEPERS j JMECHANICAL TOYS Wl * lIP A supply now on hand of these splendid sweepers; the

of all sorts; stationary engines, pile drivers, etc., 25c and • W W run on wheels, and are easier to operate than the fines -ngher> • J?\ M carpet sweeper price, complete .$38.0 |

MAGIC LANTERNS © WILTON VELVET RUGS . t .of practical sorts, 65c to $5.00. . - . \u25a0 „ Now on display in aHill street window ; 3x6 size and 9xl ;

colst Ers:hobbv horses, etc. . <>nly • Doilar S.'SlSar 1"and S'"' °™WUh UrBC "COC°

New styles shown this year for the first time. "ia""

LACET FRINGE IS NEW\u25a0 .^^^ , \u0084• t t r •\u25a0\u25a0 v- v »,^ fr.r tV.p first time in the Trimming Section:

No novelty in trimmings promises to attain greater popularity than this lacet fringe which we show (or the first time in the Tnmm.ng Secfon: ||||FOR TRIMMING SCARFS OR TUNICS

», U and .8 inch,.; white and bU.Cc on ly. You are invited to see it while we have al. widths in stock. ... flit is beautifully adapted; in three widths, 9, 12 and 18 inches; white and black only. You are invited to see k, wnuc we . . .

FUR AND MARABOUT.ringing purposes; jus, now many women are buying mara hout for the new scarfs in trimmed effects. Whole skins of variou -

animals and good imitation skins of all sorts, together with bands, heads and claws, make up a satisfactory assortment