Los Angeles daily herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1884) (Los ... · DAILY REAL ESTATE RECORD....

DAILY REAL ESTATE RECORD. Published by the Abstract and Title Company of Loa \ nirclc*. CONVEYANCES. Weiinehiiay, August IU. Nicholas Martin to E M Adlor and MGold- \u25a0chmidt-E\ of NA' 4 ol are 7, Tp 1 8, X 14 W i.iz/iVCirlttl nnd W H CtrUn to I M Ad- ler and MGoldschmidt-E', of NX', of sec 7, T 1 I, X 14 W; $1000. Lvmiui Allan to llarrv Hnsklns and Kose Ilnskins?Agreement to convey lot 4, Clare- mont tract, Pasadena; MOOO, Beman Dyer, I ii Worrell and j F Church to Henry Nichols-Agreement to convey 20.52 acres iv Gmgnu tract; $25,000. James Hewitt tv Frances Wilson?Cud '~ interest in lots 1 2 anil 1 of lots 1 and II block s, Sun Paacual tract! $isoo. Henry CFTory toW ii Lamon?Lot 19 Al- bert Nlndcs subdn of lot 5 block C, Sau Fus- cual tract; $1000. I) Freeman to R F Lotspeich trustee-SF.'.. of NE' 4 of sec 34, T2 8, ft 15 W: $6000. Thos Frazler to Alice Mencham?72x27o feet ; $1000. AM Hough to A I I'ark and S II Wheeler ?LoUB9MSB and 30, block llti, lAing Beach; $2000. Henry T Newell. M F ODea nnd Frank Rader to AX Ditch?Lot t! block D, Newell Si Kader's sub of part of t ells Vnyrd tract; «ti 000. Martha Brown, Han McFarlrnd, Theo Wlesendanger and Wm II Ilonsall to Mrs Mary Kent?Lot 44, Turk Villa tract; $1000. Jacob Weber to E L Snvder?o acres of lot ft. Lotspeich &Co tract, Ko Suntlugo de San- ta Ana; $1500. Azusa Lnnd and Water Company to Kate Slauson Vosburg?Lots 1 2 aud 3 block 09, and lots 1 2 aud a block 29, Azusa; $1550. Alden Uetchell to Valentine Peter?Lot 7 block L, Moore Si Kelleher's sub of lot ti blk 1)0. H8; $2800. Edward Haworth lo tieorge A Bunch?Lot 5 Maple avenue tract; MOV, Thomas Smith to C A McDonnell?Assign- ment of interest in agreement to convey lots 5. 0, and 7 block a W llllauison tract; 2*oo. 1> Beatldrv to Mrs Auguste Duchrlng? Bond for deed to lots 5 and 8 block 20 Park tract; 2800 Minna Jereslaw to Hen Kingslraker?Pud 5 acres in NE' 4 of NW' 4 of section 18 town- ship 2 south range 13 west; 4500. Jennie L Wicks totieorge J Brown?Agree- ment to convey W!-i of section 8, township ti north, range 13 west; 1600, Theodore Wiesendaugcr and Dan McFar- land to T D Cheney?Lots B C 1) and E, Wie- senaanger tract addn; 1327. Van H Liddcll to Alfred James?Lot 3 Shaw tract;2soO. Coruelia HScarborough to Thomas Dorsey ?Agreement to convey lot 7 Mever Block: $2500. Athie E Sale and Howard M Sale toGeorge F Mohn Sr and tieorge F Mohu Jr?lxrt 33 Banburys sub of lot 12 and part of lot 9 block II San Paacual tract: $0250. Eugene I, Evarts and Mary E Evarts to Mary Hartuett?Uit ti Kittredges sub of part of lot 5 block 73 II S; $21100. Mrs IILiddell to Alfred James?l-ot3 Shaw tract; $2500. Porter Land and Water Company to J Hays?Block B San Fernando: #2000. A J Sanborn to Kubie E Dill?Agreement to convey lots 7, 8 aud 9 Sanborn tract; $1500. C L Caldwell and M 0 Ray to IIF Goodwin trustee?Lots' 1 aud 2 Goodwins sub of 84 of lot 8 block B San Pascual tract; $3500. A X Lett to John X Mathews, Lawrence J Mathews and H Bartning?4o acres in sec 12 Till 13 Wi $45,000. Agnes C Dacy and Jumes Daey to WL Cun- ningham?l.ots 4 and 5 block D, Brown and Adams subdn E l'icost; $2000. Estate of Charles F J Kitchener?Order confirming sale of lotß 59 49 so 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 4ti 43 50 7 89 10 11 12 15 and 10 Joseph Wallace subdn Pasadena to C J Mc- Connell, Johu McDonald, W J Stewart and R P Foreman; $7075. Ellen F Brickett to A P Hoffman?Agree- ment tjconvey lot 1 block 140 Long Beach: Charles C Brown to F Bruce Wetherby and Emil Kayser?lxits 24 and 25 B J Hulls sub Pasadena; $3280. Dan McFarland and Kdward Records to John A Keiley?Lots 31 to 40, Inclusive Bonito tract: $3250. Thomas Frasur to C F Biiliugs?l acre??; $1800 Geo WMlnter to William R Palm?Agreem- ent to convey lots 89 and 10, block 5, Fruit's addn, Santa Ana; $3600. Bell C Knox to Mrs Laura M Nadeau?Lot 15, Meyer block; $3500. George steins and Henry Meine to Mrs A M Horton?Lot 2, E H Dontlcv's subdn of block X, Mott tract; $2000. San Fernando Valley Improvement Co to B O Kendall aud Theo Harrington?Agree- ment to convey E U of sec 23, and S and E[W of NX )4 of sec 21, twp 2N,K10 ft W; *'\V°H R Montague, N8 Montague, A CWha- ler and F I)Lanterman to W C Cunningham and I HNoble?l-ot» 28 and 29 block D, Sha- fer and Lanterman subdn of Moutugue tract ; $2000. James Finlev to Garrett W McGni y-ti a res lv Ireland tract; $1800. Andrew Glasscll to Joseph Hyans and G A Fudickar?All interest in lot 0 block 27 II 8, now known as ( able Road tract, less lots 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 block D, lots 0 7 8 9 10 11 18 lit 2(1 21 22 23 24 and 25 block E and lots 4 6 8 78 0 10 and 11 block ft. Cable Road tract; $17,500. Henry Ureenawalt to Richard Dunnignn? Lots 3 and 4 subdu of Mrs Elmiru Halls Hills tract; $500(1. Lewis shlvclv and Amy Sbively to Richard Punnigan?Lots 5 (17 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 and 19 subdu of ixrs Elmira Halls Hill land; $15,050. Daniel Gridlev to Itichaid Dunnigan?XL, ot lot 20 Mrs Elmira Halls Hill land; $2500. 9 AWidnev to Mrs Mary Moser?Lots 10 and 18, 8 A \vtdney tract; $2000. Andrew McNally to R 8 Poule-Ixits 23 and 4 block 2, Altadena Map 4; $3100. Horace B Adams and P T Ward vs Henry G Bennett, Mary A Bennett individually and as administratrix of estate of William J Bennett, deceased, Agness Mary Bennett and James Henry Bennett, minors?Decree quieting title to 18.31 acres in Illy F, 8 G0 0 Asstl lands, Ro San Paacual. F H Ferine to C 8 Richmond?Agree- ment to convey lot 10 block B, Martin tract; $3000. Claiborne Vaugh to San ford Newton? |U of W, of SE' 4 of SK' 4 of Sec 11, Tp 1 8, R R 10 W; $200(1. 8 W Boise and Celestla E Boise to Paul II French?Lot 128, Ellis tract; $310(1. L II Conn to Margaret Yon der Kuhlen? Lot o block 16, Park tract: 91000. George Hansen to Alfred Solano? Lots 14 and 15 block G. Fort Hill tracl; $9000. Wm J McCuldin to Frank M Ward, W R E Ward, G 8 Terry aud J B Young?Agreement to convey lot on N line of Colorado Btreet, west of lie Lacy street; $3062. C X Worrell to Jennie Cochran?Agree ment to convey lot 31, Dr Cougar tract; $1000. Robert J Mockenhaupt to Cal F Hunter and Frank E Walsh-Lot 28, subdn of lot 4 block 1, H S; $2000. Margaret Yon der Kuhlen and Charles Yon der Kuhlen to L B Conn?Agreement to con- vey loton Nline of First st; $9000. Emeric I, Purely and Allie M Purdy to G 8 Young?Agreement to convey lot 47, Long- street tract; $1300. C H Slmpkins, trustee, to R A Ling? Lot on S lineof Aliso st; $7500. C w Green and W G Krutz, Jr, to Mrs I M Patterson?Lot 2-1, liege tract; $2200. AW Worm to Jns A Grifl'es?Lot 2 block 9, Los Augeles Homestead tract; $1150. Geo Zobelin to Isaac, Norton ?Agt to con- vey lots 19 20 21 22 23 and 24 blk 4. Koba- iel'n's Maiu St tract; $4875 Mrs E I. Taney to C P Crimmins?Lot 27, Abbot Kinney tract: $050 , Benj F on- to A X Crawford?Lot 12 block 3, Angeleno Heights tract; $2500. Alice M McNamer to Mrs Maggie McCor- mack?Lotl4 block 2, Nile*' mid, Morris Vnyrd tract; $1500. 1) Freeman and Ballona Harbor and Im- provement Company to Roan Waghorn and Ernest Waghort?Lot 5 block 2,Pert Ballona; si 000. . , ? H rriet Cuddeback, formerly Shaw, to Theo Bossier?Lots 11 and 12 block 4, Shaw tract; $1900. . . ,, Leafy A Cleland to I. A Orphans' Home Society?Lot 12 block 1, Beaudry tract No 2: * 2 M s L'wicks to Mrs E J Keller?Lots 2U4, 866, 968 and 27, Conner! subun of Johann- sen tract; $100(1. Max Meyberg to J A Henderson-Lot 8, Speucers BUbdn of block 80, O 8; $3250 Nelson Whittlesey to WS knott iuid Lizzie D Hollenbeck-Lots 89 10 1114 15 16 and 17, Stevenson's subdu of pt of Garey Place tract; $480(1. _ , . _ Martha Brown, Dan McFarland, Theodore Wlseudumtcr and William 11. Bonsa ito Henry Martz-t.ots 11 12 13 14 and 80, Park Villa tract; $4000. Lemun TOarnsey aud I hoinas \\ 1 l icit ; rds to M F O'Dea? Lots 42 and 43, Arling- ton tract; $3100. ~,?._. Frank Rader to A II Sanborn?Lots 10 and 12 block 11, Moore and Kellehers subdu of lot 2 blk (it), 11 S; $21.00. HH Wilcox to Selah W Brown?Lots 8 und 31 block .1, W I. A tract; 2000. W HX Montague, N 8 Montague, A Shafer and F I) Lanterman to Richard Ball and James Haw lev?Lots 1 2 and 3 block 11, Shafer and Lanteainan's subdn of Montague 'To MUUmore to L J P Morrlll-Lots 20 21 22 23 31 29 30 33 37 38 44 45 4(1 47 48 51 52 53 54 and 55 Miltimorotract; 15,000. Florence A Dunham to Edward Records- All lots ivsubdn of W' v of lot 7 block 74 II H' H2OO W HX Montague, N 8 Montague, A 0 Shafer and F 1) Lanterman to W J Daggett? l-ots 30 and 31 block C and lots 9 ami 10 block B, Bhafer and Laiitermau'B subdn of Montague tract; 4500. Florence A Dunham and WW Rodehaver to Edward Records?l-ots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Btth of WU of lot 7 block 74 II 8; $2400. Charles AGardner and Edwin L Fnrrls to Miss Emma M Graham?Agreement to con- vey lota 5 and 6 Gardner and Farrlß sub of part of lota 4 and 5 block Q, San Pascual tract; 614000. James Nlmock to Albert V Jone?Part of lots 3 und 5 and ull of lot 4 block 18 O W Chllds tract; $3000. John P Thielcn to still* Orruhlcr?Lot 18 block 4 Angeleno Heights; $1800. Henry Nlemeyer to John P Goldsworthy? Agreement to convey 8 acres of Nlemeyer true!; $20000. SUMMARY. Number of transfers in alane list, 85. Total amount of consideration, 0418,699. Number of transfers under $1000 each, 49. Total amount of consideration, $23,902. Transfers for a nominal consideration, 13. Aggregate of day's transfers, $437,544. [Note.?Transfers of which the considera- tion is less than $1000 arc not published In the above list). HOTEL ARRIVALS YESTERDAY. St. Ei.mo Hotel.?L V Olcese, Sumner; H T Curtlss, (i S Fish. Oakland: 8 chenev, R A l.indsey, San Francisco: R D Kay, Jefferson City; A0 King, 1. Arnold. Azusa; O O Matt- son, WTvler. BakcisMcld: N Mattson, Chi- cago: C Olmsted, C E Sumner, E F Storrs, Pomona; 8 AWilliams, Covina; JM Hilbish, Long Reach; J LCarver, Boston; J II Smith, W 11 Frlnk, San Bernardino: Mrs E M Hln- ton, 8t Louis; W II Willie. Ventura: C A Mentryand wife, W E Pardee and wife, LP Hausconi and wife, Newhnll; E Tomkiusou, Santa Monica; J W Brodcd, P Pen fold. J 8 Lnugstadter, El Monte; J D James, Arkan- sas; C P Drake, New York City; A Ray, Wi- chita, Kan; AB Banning, Wilmington; H C Fidler, B F Brooke, Fresno: F Seaman, San Diego; E Kusßcp, A Alvarado, Colton; A clarksoti. Monrovia. Pico Hocse?R II Richardson, Tucson, A T; P II Gallagher and wife, Paris, Tex; W F Patterson aiid wife, Fort Worth. Tex: A Bloom, New York city; Fred T Ferris, LI Lyman, San Bernardino; G W Cody, city; G L Faiißt, wife and child. Mitt hell, D T; Ira I. Carver, Boston; Mrs C Cishiug, San Joaquin city; HS Williams, San Francisco; Mrs Rop and friend, San Diego; TS Moser, Alameda; J T Murphy, Elko, Nev. 8t Charles?J J O'Donnell, Kansas; MI) Francis and wife. New York; J D Giaidlu, Boston; B Schlndler and wife, San Ber- nardiuo; Frank Gilespie, Visalia; Wm More- head, Indianapolis. Ind. L H Stratt, Boom- ing City; John Reily, San Pedro; E II Mayo, city; J H Warden, Needles; Charles How- ard, Santa Monica; J J Hussy, city; Billy Murphy, Pasadena; Charles Mayo. Wilkes- barre, Pa; W H Bennett, Red Bluff! Thomas I.avella, Fall River; Francis Ames, Seran- ton, Pu; E J Tally, South Port, La; E M Cmphrey, Atlantic, la; Mrs Secley, San Diego; J D Houghton, Lexington: F 0 Wvtnan, Genoa, O; CA Wason, Lexington; Jake Levison, San Francisco; W Waggoner, Bakcrsfteld. Nadeau House.?|No arrivals reported.] St. Augustine Church. The entertainment to-night at Santa Monica, for the benefit of St. Augus- tine Church, will consist of tbe follow- ingprogramme: 1. Song? "Hest of All," Mr. A. F. T. McKiernan. 2. Grand Aria, from Tonjuato Tasso ? (Donizetti) ? .Madame Marra-Vor- ron. :i. Solo?" The VillageBlacksmith," Mr. George L. Waring. 4. Song?" Primrose Farm," Mrs. K. Templer Allen. 5. Selection ? " Convien Partir" (Donizetti), Mrs. Abbot Kinney. »>. Song?"Last night," Mr. A. F. T. McKiernan. 7. " Magnetic Waltz " (Arditi), Mrs. Abbot Kinney. Accompanist, Mrs. G. L. Waring. The charming play, "The Loanoi a Lover," will also be given. If yen want a gooa appetite drink Daml- nna Bitters. Michel Levy St Co., wholesale lqordealers, agents. RKV. H. U. EWELL, of Pavilion, N. V.' says of (Jllmore's Aromatic Wine; "I be- llevel', tobe the a most desirable remedy to be placed inovery family." C. V. HEIN2K- MAN,Agent, Los Angeles. You Who Lead Sedentary Lives Will find great relief from constipation, headache and nervousness, by taking Sim- mons Liver Regulator. It is a simple, harm- less vegetable compound, sure to relieve you, Persons of sedentary habits often suf. fer with kidney affections. If they would maintain the strength of the digestive or- gans und improve the quality of the blood by taking tbe Regulator it would restore the kidneys to health and vigor. Burbauk Improvements; Street railways ami buildings to be built By a resolution passed by the Board of Di- rectors * atreet railway Is to be commenced Immediately on Olive avenue, and com- pleted as soou as possible; also ten mare new buildings to be commenced and com- pleted as faßt as men and material can be provided, aa the demand lor buildlngß is jKjiu excess of the supply. The Porter Land aud Water Company. Mean business. They are making Immense improvements at San Fernando nnd the Rancho Ex-Mission. They have been hav- ing Immense gales The property has un- usual merit and deserves all the bucccbb It Is meeting with. That section is one of the few where scale bugs do not exist. LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1887. 11 Wanting Diseases. How many hundreds and thousands ef pOOpIs inthe world drag out a miserable ex- istence through suffering from the many ills flesh is heir to, simply because they have not been able to find the right remedies. Firßt OOmea. loss of appetite; then begins a dimin- ishing of nerve power, the blood becomes disordered, and tne whole system Is soon disorganized. Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Iron would restore the sufferer In a short time, the celery strengthening the nerves, the beef giving nourishment and the Iron toning up the stomach. Thomson's Improved Patent jfffffk Glove-Filling ! Never have been llnl Equal to Prcs* Mill " a '* c " Am 11-1 ! More PO Pi:LAII W. < 'I ill ' r, * , ' n Kv ' r « Ifclll 1 ll'A A PERFECT FIT ssil'iUWs " 4wsrg#gW *" naran teed. I':'- I\\ v' , '* nrcc Length*. Twc,ve wrndcB - Highest Awards Granted The Best Goods and Cbcapest for Quality. COMPLETE LINES ?FOR SALE BY? J. If. HALE & CO. J. W. ROBINSON. STERN, CAHN & LOEB, (CITY OF PARIS.) jy2-eod6m a, is nil tt. «]( i IfII iG on £n >, .6, _ \u25a0 a* m I | H,j KM jS B £ J jfl| \mih _**\\9 r- »s I,J? I st .*| ts-t £ i I ,4i% § k^S \u25a0 r. § **J JI I ?iSS ml.i T r l j I 301 M $i flu ii ;sn m| Electro-Magnetism, THE NEW MEAN'S OF Ct'RE?DR. E. Robblns' Electro-Magnetic Institute, corner of First and Spring streets (entrance on First street) is now fitted up, at consider- able expense, with everything that is neecs sarv to Car* chronic and so-called incurable diseases, by the finest electrical apparatu ** in the world. Turkish and Russian baths; also Eclectic, Sulphur and Eucalyptus baths. Dr. Robbins has had several years' experi- ence in th,' Australian Colonies, San Fran Cisco, Salt Lake City. Denver, and four years in Los Angeles, and hundreds of leading citi- zens can testify to the wonderful effects of elcctricilv in curing cases of chronic dis- cuses when all else had failed, and therefore all persons suffering should try this new remedy before abandoning all hope. After every medical treatment the patients are given the Massage Treatment by perßous of their own sex. The Doctor diagnoses diseases without ex- planation from the patient, free of charge. His ottice hours are 9 till 12; 1 tos, 7 to 9. Ag7-tf IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COt'NTY OF LOS ANGELES, State of California.?ln the matter of the Kstate of Anita F. Trudel, deceased. Order to show cans,' wiiv order of sale of real estate should not IK' made. George H. Smith, the Executor of the last will and testament of Anita F. Trudel, deceased, having tiled his petition herein praying for an order of sale of certain of the real estate of said deceased, for the purposes therein set forth. It is therefore ordered hy the said Court that all peruM interested in the estate of said deceased appear lieforc the said Supe- rior Court, on Tuesday, the 13th day of Sep- tember, 1887, nt 10o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of Depart incut 2 of said Superior Court, in tile Joues block, on Spring street, in tlie City of Ix)S Angeles, County of l.os Angeles, to show cause why unorder should not be granted to tlie said Kxecutor to sell so much of the real estate of said deceased as shall be necessaey. And that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks In the Los An- geles RIBALD, a newspaper printed and pub- lished insnid l.os Angeles county. W. P. GARDINER, ug9-lm Judge of the Superior Court. St. Vincent's College. ORAND AVENUE AND WASIUNIi. TON STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. COURSE?CLASSIC ALAND COMMERCIAL, with a Preparatory Department. FALL TERM WILLOPEN ON THE FIRST Monday In September. TEUMS?Board and tuition, $280 per an- num. Half boarders (dinner at College), $10 per mouth. Day scholars, $5 per month. Spanish, German and French taught with- out extra charge. fjajr-SKND FOR CATALOGUE. y3l-lm THE Iron Sulphur Springs Hotel AT FULTON WELLS, Will bo closed after August Ist. The houso will be thoroughly renovated and refitted, after which It will be reopened. GEO. H. FULLERTON, y29-lm Pres. Facluc Land Improv«met Co, 111 II \u25a0>\u25a0><\u25a0 SOC'IETIf. FIFTHOEHIES, ( AAA SHAKES !FTnS^!^,looo-AHEs Ravines Fund & BuilfliflcSucy OF LOS ANUELES. NOW FOR SALE. APPLY to? E. H. GRASETT, Secretary. Rooms 14 and 15, Roeder Block, 23 S. Spring Street, l.os Angeles. aug7 1 m Notice tor Publication. I- AND OFFICE AT I.OS ANGELES, CAL., i June 4. 1887. Notlc* is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ntul that said proof will be made liefore Register and Receiver ut Los Angeles, Cal., on October 14, 1887, viz \u25a0 W 11. Moore, Pre. I) S.. No 3117, for the 8K >< sec. 14, Tp 8 N, R 18 W, S h M. He names the followingwitnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva- tion of, said laud, viz.: William Bayly, M. Huvly. Alex. Eraser, William C. Saxton, of Gorman's Station. J. D. BETHI NX, agl3-wst Register. Notice for Publication. I WD OFFICE AT LOS ANGELES, CAL., J lugttsl 5, 1887.?Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of ills claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register nnd Receiver at Loa Angeles, Cal., on January 6, 1888, viz; William II Thomas; 11. S. No. 3522, for the NX', NX', W'.. NE', iindNW" 4 SK' 4 ,Sec2,T 4 Nil 15 W. He n*m*S the following wit- nesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Ed ward Lyon, George Howe, T. Mitchell and James iK.ukinson, N«*r§HP. 0., auia-fltw l<c * l '- t -' r - D. F. DONEGAN, trading Contractor and Dealei In Horses, Will make estimates on all klnda of work. Large contracts a Btisoialty. Stables aud ol- dee oo'uer ot Buukor Hill avenue and Mon- treal street. Residence »7 East Booond street mMta COUPLAND THOMAS, ARCHITECT, 28 N. SPRING STREET, LOS ANGELES. au4-lm To Bakers, confectioners, Hotels, etc. IP TOD W*NT ANYBAKER, PASTRY cook or coufuotlou«r, address the BAKERS* UNION, No. 4S, PoatoOoe box 11)59, or o*ll at JACOB REUBCH, 1M South Bprtniitreet Ko*ter's Bakery, oil ly \u25a0'"S"-' c * | 'ajfg £ I ililllika|ll*,6>f I F O IFt SALE LAND and WATER! Suitable for Colony or Subdivision. 3,800 Acres of Land in the Tejunga Rancho Lying East of San Fernando Rancho, Adjoining Monte Vista, 16 Miles Northwest of Los Angeles. LARGE IRRIGATION STREAM! LIBERAL TERMS! Price, $20 Per Acre. Price, $20 Per Acre LANDS RELEASED AS SOLD. The Cheapest Lands in the Foot Hills. lVt. Kg. WICKS. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS! WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF ARCHITECTS TO THE FOLLOWING: WE PROPOSE BUILDING AT REDOiNDO BEACH, Formerly the Dominguez Property, Near the SALT WORKS, A Large First-Class Hotel, To t« equal in all respects to the DEL MONTE, at Monterey. We invite architects to submit, before September 20th, 1887, Plans and Estimates for Such a Hotel, The building to contain not less than 400 rooms and to cost not less than $100,000, and to be in every respjct suitable for a First-Class Seaside Resort. WE WILL PAY A PREMIUM OF $1000 FOR THE PLANS ADOPTED. , FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALL AT THE OFFICE OF THE REDONDO BEACH COMPANY, Corner Court and Main Streets, Los Angeles. Silent, Vail & McFarland. Au,ust 10th, 1887. . WHAT THE PAPERS SAY ABOUT SOUTH RIVERSIDE! "GEM OF THE ORANGE BELT." "Phenomenal in growth and pros]>erity." gg- "Home-Heekern are there to stay." see tlie outlook means to purchase." HO am * I ,ure water." and moderate prices." are spending mints of money." "The elegant new hotel ie» now open." "Dwelling*;, business blocks, schools and churches." "Over $100,000 improvements in six months." "A new important railroad center." "A delightful health and pleasure resort." "Rare chance for homes and profit." "PRICES ADVANCING FAST" FOX MAI'S AND FUI.I. I'AKTK'ULAKB ADDBKSB South Riverside Land and Water Company, R. B. TAYLOR, Superintendent, SOUTH RIVERSIDE, Cal. F. M. CHOGUILL, U North Spring St., Los Angeles.

Transcript of Los Angeles daily herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1884) (Los ... · DAILY REAL ESTATE RECORD....

Page 1: Los Angeles daily herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1884) (Los ... · DAILY REAL ESTATE RECORD. Published by the Abstract and TitleCompany of Loa \ nirclc*. CONVEYANCES. Weiinehiiay,


Published by the Abstract andTitle Company of Loa \ nirclc*.

CONVEYANCES.Weiinehiiay, August IU.

Nicholas Martin to E M Adlor and M Gold-\u25a0chmidt-E\ of NA'4 ol are 7, Tp 1 8, X 14Wi.iz/iVCirlttl nnd W H CtrUn to IM Ad-ler and M Goldschmidt-E', of NX', of sec7, T 1 I, X 14 W;$1000.

Lvmiui Allan to llarrv Hnsklns and KoseIlnskins?Agreement to convey lot 4, Clare-mont tract, Pasadena; MOOO,

Beman Dyer, IiiWorrell and jF Churchto Henry Nichols-Agreement to convey20.52 acres iv Gmgnu tract; $25,000.

James Hewitt tv Frances Wilson?Cud '~interest in lots 1 2 anil 1 of lots 1 and IIblock s, Sun Paacual tract! $isoo.

Henry CFTory toW ii Lamon?Lot 19 Al-bert Nlndcs subdn of lot 5 block C, Sau Fus-cual tract; $1000.

I)Freeman to RF Lotspeich trustee-SF.'..of NE'4 of sec 34, T2 8, ft 15 W: $6000.

Thos Frazler to Alice Mencham?72x27ofeet ; $1000.

AM Hough to AI I'ark and S II Wheeler?LoUB9MSB and 30, block llti, lAingBeach; $2000.

Henry T Newell. M F ODea nnd FrankRader to A X Ditch?Lot t! block D, NewellSi Kader's sub of part of t ells Vnyrd tract;«ti 000.

Martha Brown, Han McFarlrnd, TheoWlesendanger and Wm II Ilonsall to MrsMary Kent?Lot 44, Turk Villa tract;$1000.

Jacob Weber to E L Snvder?o acres of lotft. Lotspeich & Co tract, Ko Suntlugo de San-ta Ana; $1500.

Azusa Lnnd and Water Company to KateSlauson Vosburg?Lots 1 2 aud 3 block09, and lots 1 2 aud a block 29, Azusa;$1550.

Alden Uetchell to Valentine Peter?Lot 7block L, Moore Si Kelleher's sub of lot tiblk1)0. H8; $2800.

Edward Haworth lo tieorge A Bunch?Lot5 Maple avenue tract; MOV,

Thomas Smith to C AMcDonnell?Assign-ment of interest in agreement to convey lots5. 0, and 7 block a W llllauison tract; 2*oo.

1> Beatldrv to Mrs Auguste Duchrlng?Bond for deed to lots 5 and 8 block 20 Parktract; 2800

Minna Jereslaw to Hen Kingslraker?Pud5 acres in NE'4 of NW'4 of section 18 town-ship 2 south range 13 west; 4500.

Jennie L Wicks totieorge J Brown?Agree-ment to convey W!-i of section 8, townshiptinorth, range 13 west; 1600,

Theodore Wiesendaugcr and Dan McFar-land to T D Cheney?Lots B C 1)and E, Wie-senaanger tract addn; 1327.

Van H Liddcll to Alfred James?Lot 3Shaw tract;2soO.

Coruelia HScarborough to Thomas Dorsey?Agreement to convey lot 7 Mever Block:$2500.

Athie E Sale and Howard M Sale toGeorgeF Mohn Sr and tieorge F Mohu Jr?lxrt 33Banburys sub of lot 12 and part of lot 9block IISan Paacual tract: $0250.

Eugene I, Evarts and Mary E Evarts toMary Hartuett?Uit ti Kittredges sub of partof lot 5 block 73 II S; $21100.

Mrs IILiddell to Alfred James?l-ot3 Shawtract; $2500.

Porter Land and Water Company to JHays?Block B San Fernando: #2000.

A J Sanborn to Kubie E Dill?Agreementto convey lots 7, 8 aud 9 Sanborn tract;$1500.

C L Caldwell and M 0 Ray to IIF Goodwintrustee?Lots' 1 aud 2 Goodwins sub of 84 oflot 8 block B San Pascual tract; $3500.

A X Lett to John X Mathews, Lawrence JMathews and H Bartning?4o acres in sec12 Till13 Wi $45,000.

Agnes C Dacy and Jumes Daey to WL Cun-ningham?l.ots 4and 5 block D, Brown andAdams subdn E l'icost; $2000.

Estate of Charles F J Kitchener?Orderconfirming sale of lotß 59 49 so 51 52 53 5455 50 57 4ti 43 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 and 10Joseph Wallace subdn Pasadena to C J Mc-Connell, Johu McDonald, W J Stewart andR P Foreman; $7075.

Ellen F Brickett to A P Hoffman?Agree-ment tjconvey lot 1 block 140 Long Beach:

Charles C Brown toF Bruce Wetherby andEmil Kayser?lxits 24 and 25 B J Hulls subPasadena; $3280.

Dan McFarland and Kdward Records toJohn A Keiley?Lots 31 to 40, InclusiveBonito tract: $3250.

Thomas Frasur to C F Biiliugs?l acre??;$1800

Geo W Mlnter to William R Palm?Agreem-ent to convey lots 8 9 and 10, block 5,Fruit's addn, Santa Ana; $3600.

Bell C Knox to Mrs Laura M Nadeau?Lot15, Meyer block; $3500.

George steins and Henry Meine to Mrs AM Horton?Lot 2, E H Dontlcv's subdn ofblock X, Mott tract; $2000.

San Fernando Valley Improvement Co toB O Kendall aud Theo Harrington?Agree-ment to convey E U of sec 23, and S '» andE[W of NX)4 of sec 21, twp 2N,K10 ft W;

*'\V°H R Montague, N8 Montague, A CWha-ler and F I)Lanterman to W C Cunninghamand I HNoble?l-ot» 28 and 29 block D, Sha-fer and Lanterman subdn of Moutuguetract ; $2000.

James Finlev to Garrett W McGni y-tia res lv Ireland tract; $1800.

Andrew Glasscll to Joseph Hyans and G AFudickar?All interest in lot 0 block 27 II8,now known as ( able Road tract, less lots 1819 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 block D, lots 0 7 8

9 10 11 18 lit2(1 21 22 23 24 and 25 block Eand lots 4 6 878 0 10 and 11 block ft. CableRoad tract; $17,500.

Henry Ureenawalt to Richard Dunnignn?

Lots 3 and 4 subdu of Mrs Elmiru HallsHillstract; $500(1.

Lewis shlvclv and Amy Sbively to RichardPunnigan?Lots 5 (17 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 and 19 subdu of ixrs Elmira HallsHillland; $15,050.

Daniel Gridlev to Itichaid Dunnigan?XL,ot lot 20 Mrs Elmira Halls Hillland; $2500.

9 AWidnev to Mrs Mary Moser?Lots 10and 18, 8 A \vtdney tract; $2000.

Andrew McNally to R 8 Poule-Ixits 2 3and 4 block 2, Altadena Map 4; $3100.

Horace B Adams and P T Ward vs HenryG Bennett, Mary A Bennett individuallyand as administratrix of estate of WilliamJ Bennett, deceased, Agness Mary Bennettand James Henry Bennett, minors?Decreequieting title to 18.31 acres in IllyF, 8 G00 Asstl lands, Ro San Paacual.

F H Ferine to C 8 Richmond?Agree-ment to convey lot 10 block B, Martin tract;$3000.

Claiborne Vaugh to San ford Newton? |Uof W, of SE' 4 of SK' 4 of Sec 11, Tp 1 8, RR 10 W; $200(1.

8 W Boise and Celestla E Boise to Paul IIFrench?Lot 128, Ellis tract; $310(1.

L IIConn to Margaret Yon der Kuhlen?Lot o block 16, Park tract: 91000.

George Hansen to Alfred Solano? Lots 14and 15 block G. Fort Hilltracl; $9000.

Wm J McCuldin to Frank M Ward, W R EWard, G 8 Terry aud J B Young?Agreementto convey lot on N line of Colorado Btreet,

west of lie Lacy street; $3062.C X Worrell to Jennie Cochran?Agree

ment to convey lot 31, Dr Cougar tract;$1000.

Robert J Mockenhaupt to Cal F Hunterand Frank E Walsh-Lot 28, subdn of lot 4block 1, H S; $2000.

Margaret Yon der Kuhlen and Charles Yonder Kuhlen to L B Conn?Agreement to con-vey loton Nline of First st; $9000.

Emeric I,Purely and Allie M Purdy to G 8Young?Agreement to convey lot 47, Long-

street tract; $1300.C H Slmpkins, trustee, to R A Ling? Lot

on S lineof Aliso st; $7500.C w Green and W G Krutz, Jr, to Mrs IM

Patterson?Lot 2-1, liege tract; $2200.AW Worm to Jns A Grifl'es?Lot 2 block 9,

Los Augeles Homestead tract; $1150.Geo Zobelin to Isaac, Norton ?Agt to con-

vey lots 19 20 21 22 23 and 24 blk 4. Koba-iel'n's Maiu St tract; $4875

Mrs E I. Taney to C P Crimmins?Lot 27,Abbot Kinney tract: $050 ,

Benj F on- to A XCrawford?Lot 12 block3, Angeleno Heights tract; $2500.

Alice M McNamer to Mrs Maggie McCor-mack?Lotl4 block 2, Nile*' mid, MorrisVnyrd tract; $1500.

1) Freeman and Ballona Harbor and Im-provement Company to Roan Waghorn andErnest Waghort?Lot 5 block 2,Pert Ballona;

si 000. . ,?

H rriet Cuddeback, formerly Shaw, toTheo Bossier?Lots 11 and 12 block 4, Shawtract; $1900. . . , ,

Leafy A Cleland to I. A Orphans' HomeSociety?Lot 12 block 1, Beaudry tract No 2:


sL'wicks to Mrs E J Keller?Lots 2U4,

866, 968 and 27, Conner! subun of Johann-sen tract; $100(1.

Max Meyberg to J A Henderson-Lot 8,Speucers BUbdn of block 80, O 8; $3250

Nelson Whittlesey to W S knott iuid LizzieD Hollenbeck-Lots 89 10 1114 15 16 and17, Stevenson's subdu of pt of Garey Placetract; $480(1.

_ , . _Martha Brown, Dan McFarland, Theodore

Wlseudumtcr and William 11. Bonsa itoHenry Martz-t.ots 11 12 13 14 and 80, ParkVilla tract; $4000.

Lemun TOarnsey aud Ihoinas \\ 1 l icit; rds to M F O'Dea? Lots 42 and 43, Arling-

ton tract; $3100. ~,?._.Frank Rader to A IISanborn?Lots 10 and

12 block 11, Moore and Kellehers subdu oflot 2 blk (it), 11 S; $21.00.

HH Wilcox to Selah WBrown?Lots 8 und31 block .1, W I. A tract; 2000.

W H X Montague, N 8 Montague, AShafer and F I)Lanterman to Richard Balland James Hawlev?Lots 12 and 3 block 11,Shafer and Lanteainan's subdn of Montague

'To MUUmore to L J P Morrlll-Lots 2021 22 23 31 29 30 33 37 38 44 45 4(1 47 4851 52 53 54 and 55 Miltimorotract; 15,000.

Florence A Dunham to Edward Records-Alllots ivsubdn of W' v of lot 7 block 74 IIH' H2OO

W H X Montague, N 8 Montague, A 0Shafer and F 1) Lanterman to W J Daggett?l-ots 30 and 31 block C and lots 9 ami 10block B, Bhafer and Laiitermau'B subdn ofMontague tract; 4500.

Florence A Dunham and W W Rodehaverto Edward Records?l-ots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12Btth of WU of lot 7 block 74 II 8; $2400.

Charles AGardner and Edwin L Fnrrls toMiss Emma M Graham?Agreement to con-vey lota 5 and 6 Gardner and Farrlß sub ofpart of lota 4 and 5 block Q, San Pascualtract; 614000.

James Nlmock to Albert V Jone?Part oflots 3 und 5 and ull of lot 4 block 18 O WChllds tract; $3000.

John P Thielcn to still*Orruhlcr?Lot 18block 4 Angeleno Heights; $1800.

Henry Nlemeyer to John P Goldsworthy?Agreement to convey 8 acres of Nlemeyertrue!; $20000.


Number of transfers in alane list, 85.Total amount of consideration, 0418,699.Number of transfers under $1000 each, 49.Total amount of consideration, $23,902.Transfers for a nominal consideration, 13.Aggregate of day's transfers, $437,544.[Note.?Transfers of which the considera-

tion is less than $1000 arc not published Inthe above list).

HOTEL ARRIVALS YESTERDAY.St. Ei.mo Hotel.?L V Olcese, Sumner; H

T Curtlss, (i S Fish. Oakland: 8 chenev, R Al.indsey, San Francisco: R D Kay, JeffersonCity; A0 King, 1. Arnold. Azusa; O O Matt-son, W Tvler. BakcisMcld: N Mattson, Chi-cago: C Olmsted, C E Sumner, E F Storrs,Pomona; 8 AWilliams, Covina; JM Hilbish,Long Reach; J LCarver, Boston; J IISmith,W 11 Frlnk, San Bernardino: Mrs E M Hln-ton, 8t Louis; W II Willie. Ventura: C AMentryand wife, W E Pardee and wife, LPHausconi and wife, Newhnll;E Tomkiusou,Santa Monica; J W Brodcd, P Pen fold. J 8Lnugstadter, El Monte; J D James, Arkan-sas; C P Drake, New York City; A Ray, Wi-chita, Kan; AB Banning, Wilmington; H CFidler, B F Brooke, Fresno: F Seaman, SanDiego; E Kusßcp, A Alvarado, Colton; Aclarksoti. Monrovia.

Pico Hocse?R II Richardson, Tucson, AT; P II Gallagher and wife, Paris, Tex; W FPatterson aiid wife, Fort Worth. Tex: ABloom, New York city; Fred T Ferris, LILyman, San Bernardino; G W Cody, city; GL Faiißt, wife and child. Mitthell, D T; Ira I.Carver, Boston; Mrs C Cishiug, San Joaquincity; HS Williams, San Francisco; Mrs Ropand friend, San Diego; TS Moser, Alameda;J T Murphy, Elko, Nev.

8t Charles?J J O'Donnell, Kansas; MI)Francis and wife. New York; J D Giaidlu,Boston; B Schlndler and wife, San Ber-nardiuo; Frank Gilespie, Visalia; Wm More-head, Indianapolis. Ind. L H Stratt, Boom-ing City; John Reily, San Pedro; E II Mayo,city; J H Warden, Needles; Charles How-ard, Santa Monica; J J Hussy, city; BillyMurphy, Pasadena; Charles Mayo. Wilkes-barre, Pa; W H Bennett, Red Bluff! ThomasI.avella, Fall River; Francis Ames, Seran-ton, Pu; E J Tally, South Port, La; E MCmphrey, Atlantic, la; Mrs Secley, SanDiego; J D Houghton, Lexington: F 0Wvtnan, Genoa, O; CA Wason, Lexington;Jake Levison, San Francisco; W Waggoner,Bakcrsfteld.

Nadeau House.?|No arrivals reported.]

St. Augustine Church.The entertainment to-night at Santa

Monica, for the benefit of St. Augus-tine Church, will consist of tbe follow-ingprogramme:

1. Song? "Hest of All," Mr. A. F.T. McKiernan.

2. Grand Aria, from Tonjuato Tasso? (Donizetti) ? .Madame Marra-Vor-ron.

:i. Solo?" The VillageBlacksmith,"Mr. George L. Waring.

4. Song?" Primrose Farm," Mrs. K.Templer Allen.

5. Selection ? " Convien Partir"(Donizetti), Mrs. Abbot Kinney.

»>. Song?"Last night," Mr. A. F.T. McKiernan.

7. "Magnetic Waltz " (Arditi), Mrs.Abbot Kinney.

Accompanist, Mrs. G. L. Waring.The charming play, "The Loanoi

a Lover," will also be given.

Ifyen want a gooa appetite drink Daml-nna Bitters. Michel Levy St Co., wholesalelqordealers, agents.

RKV. H. U.EWELL, of Pavilion, N. V.'says of (Jllmore's Aromatic Wine; "I be-llevel', tobe the a most desirable remedy tobe placed inovery family." C. V. HEIN2K-MAN,Agent, Los Angeles.

You Who Lead Sedentary LivesWill find great relief from constipation,headache and nervousness, by taking Sim-mons Liver Regulator. It is a simple, harm-less vegetable compound, sure to relieveyou, Persons of sedentary habits often suf.fer with kidney affections. If they wouldmaintain the strength of the digestive or-gans und improve the quality of the bloodby taking tbe Regulator itwould restore thekidneys to health and vigor.

Burbauk Improvements;

Street railways ami buildings to be builtBy a resolution passed by the Board of Di-rectors *atreet railway Is to be commencedImmediately on Olive avenue, and com-pleted as soou as possible; also ten marenew buildings to be commenced and com-pleted as faßt as men and material can beprovided, aa the demand lor buildlngß isjKjiuexcess of the supply.

The Porter Land aud WaterCompany.

Mean business. They are making Immense

improvements at San Fernando nnd the

Rancho Ex-Mission. They have been hav-ing Immense gales The property has un-usual merit and deserves all the bucccbb ItIs meeting with. That section is one of thefew where scale bugs do not exist.


Wanting Diseases.How many hundreds and thousands ef

pOOpIs inthe world drag out a miserable ex-istence through suffering from the many illsflesh is heir to, simply because they have notbeen able to find the right remedies. FirßtOOmea. loss of appetite; then begins a dimin-ishing of nerve power, the blood becomesdisordered, and tne whole system Is soondisorganized. Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef andIron would restore the sufferer In a shorttime, the celery strengthening the nerves,the beef giving nourishment and the Irontoning up the stomach.

Thomson's Improved Patentjfffffk Glove-Filling

!Never have been

llnl Equal to Prcs*

Mill "a '*c

"Am 11-1 ! More PO Pi:LAII

W.<'I ill 'r,*

,' n Kv'r«

Ifclll 1 ll'A A PERFECT FITssil'iUWs "4wsrg#gW *"naran teed.I':'- I\\ v'

,'*nrcc Length*.

Twc,ve wrndcB -Highest Awards Granted

The Best Goods and Cbcapest forQuality.


J. If. HALE & CO.


OF PARIS.)jy2-eod6m


is nil tt.«]( i IfII iGon £n >, .6, _ \u25a0 a*

m I | H,j KMjS B £ J jfl|\mih_**\\9 r- »s I,J? I st .*|ts-t £ i I ,4i% § k^S\u25a0 r. § **J JI I ?iSSml.i T r l j I301 M $iflu ii ;sn m|


THE NEW MEAN'S OF Ct'RE?DR. E.Robblns' Electro-Magnetic Institute,

corner of First and Spring streets (entranceon First street) is now fitted up, at consider-able expense, with everything that is neecssarv to Car* chronic and so-called incurablediseases, by the finest electrical apparatu **in the world. Turkish and Russian baths;also Eclectic, Sulphur and Eucalyptus baths.Dr. Robbins has had several years' experi-ence in th,' Australian Colonies, San FranCisco, Salt Lake City. Denver, and four yearsin Los Angeles, and hundreds of leading citi-zens can testify to the wonderful effects ofelcctricilv in curing cases of chronic dis-cuses when all else had failed, and thereforeall persons suffering should try this newremedy before abandoning all hope. Afterevery medical treatment the patients aregiven the Massage Treatment by perßous oftheir own sex.

The Doctor diagnoses diseases without ex-planation from the patient, free of charge.His ottice hours are 9 till 12; 1 tos, 7 to 9.



OF THE COt'NTY OF LOS ANGELES,State of California.?ln the matter of the

Kstate of Anita F. Trudel, deceased. Orderto show cans,' wiiv order of sale of real estateshould not IK' made. George H. Smith, theExecutor of the last will and testament ofAnita F. Trudel, deceased, having tiled hispetition herein praying for an order of saleof certain of the real estate of said deceased,for the purposes therein set forth.

It is therefore ordered hy the said Courtthat all peruM interested in the estate ofsaid deceased appear lieforc the said Supe-rior Court, on Tuesday, the 13th day of Sep-tember, 1887, nt 10o'clock in the forenoonof said day, at the Court room of Depart incut2 of said Superior Court, in tile Joues block,on Spring street, in tlie City of Ix)S Angeles,County of l.os Angeles, to show cause whyunorder should not be granted to tlie saidKxecutor to sell so much of the real estate ofsaid deceased as shall be necessaey.

And that a copy of this order be publishedat least four successive weeks In the Los An-geles RIBALD,a newspaper printed and pub-lished insnid l.os Angeles county.

W. P. GARDINER,ug9-lm Judge of the Superior Court.

St. Vincent's College.ORAND AVENUE AND WASIUNIi.



COURSE?CLASSIC ALANDCOMMERCIAL,with a Preparatory Department.


TEUMS?Board and tuition, $280 per an-num. Halfboarders (dinner at College),

$10 per mouth. Day scholars, $5 permonth.

Spanish, German and French taught with-out extra charge.

fjajr-SKND FOR CATALOGUE. y3l-lm


Iron Sulphur Springs HotelAT FULTON WELLS,

Willbo closed after August Ist. The housowill be thoroughly renovated and refitted,after which Itwillbe reopened.

GEO. H. FULLERTON,y29-lm Pres. Facluc Land Improv«met Co,

111 II \u25a0>\u25a0><\u25a0 SOC'IETIf.


Ravines Fund & BuilfliflcSucyOF LOS ANUELES.



E. H. GRASETT, Secretary.Rooms 14 and 15, Roeder Block,

23 S. Spring Street, l.os Angeles.aug7 1 m

Notice tor Publication.

I- AND OFFICE AT I.OS ANGELES, CAL.,i June 4. 1887. Notlc* is hereby given

that the following named settler has tilednotice of his intention to make final proofin support of hisclaim, ntul that said proofwillbe made liefore Register and Receiverut Los Angeles, Cal., on October 14, 1887,viz\u25a0 W 11. Moore, Pre. I) S.. No 3117, forthe 8K >< sec. 14, Tp 8 N, R 18 W, S h M.

He names the followingwitnesses to provehis continuous residence upon, and cultiva-tion of, said laud, viz.: William Bayly, M.Huvly. Alex. Eraser, William C. Saxton, ofGorman's Station. J. D. BETHI NX,

agl3-wst Register.

Notice for Publication.I WD OFFICE AT LOS ANGELES, CAL.,

J lugttsl 5, 1887.?Notice is hereby given

that the following named settler has tilednotice of his intention to make final proof insupport of illsclaim, and that said proof willbe made before the Register nnd Receiver atLoa Angeles, Cal., on January 6, 1888, viz;

William II Thomas; 11. S. No. 3522, for theNX', NX',W'.. NE', iindNW" 4 SK' 4,Sec2,T

4 Nil15 W. Hen*m*S the following wit-nesses to prove his continuous residenceupon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Edward Lyon, George Howe, T. Mitchell andJames iK.ukinson, N«*r§HP. 0.,

auia-fltw l<c *l'-t-'r-D. F. DONEGAN,trading Contractor and Dealei

In Horses,

Willmake estimates on all klnda of work.Large contracts a Btisoialty. Stables aud ol-dee oo'uer ot Buukor Hillavenue and Mon-treal street. Residence »7 East Booondstreet mMta



To Bakers, confectioners, Hotels, etc.

IP TOD W*NT ANYBAKER, PASTRYcook or coufuotlou«r, address the

BAKERS* UNION, No. 4S, PoatoOoe box11)59, or o*llat JACOB REUBCH, 1M SouthBprtniitreet Ko*ter's Bakery, oil ly


c* | 'ajfg £ I



LAND and WATER!Suitable for Colony or Subdivision.

3,800 Acres of Land in the Tejunga RanchoLying East of San Fernando Rancho, Adjoining Monte Vista, 16 Miles Northwest ofLos Angeles.


Price, $20 Per Acre. Price, $20 Per AcreLANDS RELEASED AS SOLD.

The Cheapest Lands in the Foot Hills.lVt. Kg. WICKS.




REDOiNDO BEACH, Formerly the Dominguez Property, Near the SALT WORKS,

A Large First-Class Hotel,To t« equal in all respects to the DEL MONTE, at Monterey. We invite architects to submit, before September 20th, 1887,

Plans and Estimates for Such a Hotel,

The building to contain not less than 400 rooms and to cost not less than $100,000, and to be in every respjct suitable for a

First-Class Seaside Resort.


THE REDONDO BEACH COMPANY,Corner Court and Main Streets, Los Angeles.

Silent, Vail & McFarland.Au,ust 10th, 1887. .


SOUTH RIVERSIDE!"GEM OF THE ORANGE BELT.""Phenomenal in growth and pros]>erity."

gg- "Home-Heekern are there to stay."see tlie outlook means to purchase."

HO am* I,ure water."and moderate prices."are spending mints of money."

"The elegant new hotel ie» now open.""Dwelling*;, business blocks, schools and churches.""Over $100,000 improvements in six months.""A new important railroad center.""A delightful health and pleasure resort.""Rare chance for homes and profit.""PRICES ADVANCING FAST"


South Riverside Land and Water Company,R. B. TAYLOR, Superintendent, SOUTH RIVERSIDE, Cal.

F. M. CHOGUILL, U North Spring St., Los Angeles.