Lorraine Ryan Notes

Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010 1 ACCA - F1 Accountant in Business Lorraine Ryan


Lecturer: Lorraine Ryan

Transcript of Lorraine Ryan Notes

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


ACCA - F1Accountant in Business

Lorraine Ryan

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


ACCA - F1 - Accountant in Business

• Aim of the F1 Syllabus:• “To introduce knowledge and understanding of the

business and its environment and the influence this has on how organisations are structured and on the role of the accounting and other key business functions in contributing to the efficient, effective and ethical management and development of an organisation and its people and systems.”


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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Format of the Computer-based exam

• Section A: 40 compulsory multiple- choice questions (2 marks each).

• Section B; 10 compulsory short-form questions (1 mark each).

• Total time allowed: 2 hours.

• Number of Marks 80


Total 90

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Approach• There are 29 chapters in the Kaplan textbook to

accompany this subject.• ACCA has organised the syllabus in six sections.• Approach to teaching is that students are expected to

read the relevant chapters of the study text before coming to class, detailed notes are posted each week - which are a rolled up version of the textbook chapter -to accompany the lecture.

• After completing teaching the full course is revised following the syllabus classifications.

• After revising each of the individual syllabus sections students take a bank of practice questions.

• Once the course revision is complete students take an unseen mock exam.

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Approach• There is a lot of material in this subject, but no

area of the course can be ignored as the objective of the exam is to test students knowledge of the entire syllabus using the multiple-choice question format.

• However, the time students invest in preparing for their F1 examination will be repaid when students come to the F8 paper - Audit and Assurance; which is a highly specialised paper but the groundwork has been prepared in F1’s syllabus Section’s A, C and D. F1 also lays the foundation for paper P3 - Business Analysis.

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Introduction to Tuckman’s Theory of Team Development Teamwork

• In today’s workplace the successful functioning of teams provides a source of competitive advantage for the firm - successful teams achieve synergy (simply put synergy means 2+2 = 5 the output (results) are greater than the inputs)

• Tuckman has put forward the following theory in relation to the stages of team development.

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


The Role of Teamwork Within the Organisation

• Outperform individuals• Higher degree of

flexibility• Democratise an

organisation• Develop trust• Informal atmosphere• Aid conflict resolution

• Better use of talent• Increase motivation• Clear unity of purpose• Develop consistent

goals• Better communication• Provide strategic vision

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Stages of Team Development - Tuckman

• Stage 1: Forming - finding out about group members and the task.

• Stage 2: Storming - conflict about leadership and the task.

• Stage 3: Norming- developing norms and cohesion.

• Stage 4: Performing - getting the job done.• Stage 5: Dorming (Adjourning) -

reposing/leaving the group.

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Team Stages: Forming

• Determining task ahead;• Team members getting acquainted;• Excitement, pride in participation, anxiety

about unknowns;– determine acceptable behaviours– determine how to deal with problems– identify roles of team members – develop trust and communication– develop norms

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Team Stages: Storming• Chaotic, not functioning as team yet

Resistance to trying new approaches, concern over workload

– arguing

– blaming instructors for unrealistic expectations

– competition within team

– Realise that the task is more difficult than they imagined

– Have fluctuations in attitude about chances of success

– May be resistant to the task

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Team Stages: Norming• Team comes together and accept ground rules, conflict

reduced.• Feeling of team cohesion and pride

– Feeling that work will get done– Increased collaboration and sharing– Constructive, positive use of feedback

• Members accept:• Their team• Team rules and procedures• Their roles in the team• The individuality of fellow members• Team members start helping each other

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Team Stages: Performing Team members have:• Gained insight into personal and team processes• A better understanding of each other’s strengths and

weaknesses• Gained the ability to prevent or work through group conflicts and

resolve differences• Developed a close attachment to the team Performing thr stage where the team is at it’s most

productive:• Team recognises strengths, overcomes weaknesses to

complete project;• Better insight into group processes;• Stronger relationships with team members:

– Members learn to self-correct.– Team learns to prevent or solve team problems.

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Team Stages: Dorming/Adjourning/Completing

  Dorming/Adjourning:• Team prepares for end of project;• Sense of satisfaction;• Sadness due to ending group interaction:

– Analysis of team strengths/weaknesses;– Review of project history, ways to improve.

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Sample Exam Question 1

• At which stage of team development, according to Tuckman, will the effectiveness of work be at the lowest point?

A Forming B Storming C Norming D Performing

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Sample Exam Question 2

• The fifth stage which has been added to Tuckman’s four stages of team development is:

A Warming B Reforming C Dorming D Leading

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Solution to Sample Exam Question 1

• Answer = B - Storming

• This is a conflict stage when people start to withdraw their co-operation and therefore jobs are not completed to the expected standard.

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Author - Lorraine Ryan - January 2010


Solution to Sample Exam Question 2

• Answer = C - Dorming

• Dorming refers refers to the danger that the team will be operating on automatic pilot. Tuckman’s first four stages are Forming; Storming; Norming and Performing.