Lori intro

Hello... My name is Lori


WS 420 Intro

Transcript of Lori intro

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My name is Lori

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About me…

I live in the Twin Cities with my husband Patrick, our son Sean, our two cats - Bob & Milo, and lots of fish.

I grew up in Ames, Iowa. We moved to Minnesota in 1998. I went back to school a few years ago and became an R.N. in 2007. I plan to complete the R.N. to B.S.N. program here at MSUM.

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In my spare time I like to read, knit, walk, cook, spend time with family & friends and garden. I tried container gardening for the first time this year. So far everything is growing!

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Indonesia• Located in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is made up of more than 17,000 islands, 6,000 of which are inhabited•With over 240 million people, Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populated country•Life Expectancy: 71 years•Adult Literacy Rate

Male 95%Female 89%

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The Women of Indonesia

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Reproduction & Family Planning•The average Indonesian

woman is a mother by the age

of 21.•More than one-fifth of women

of reproductive age have four or

more children.•Contraceptive use more than

tripled from 19% in 1976 to

over 60% in 2003.•Abortion is illegal. It is

estimated that 15 - 30% of

pregnancy related deaths are

the result of unsafe abortions.

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Women and Work

•Estimated that 6 million women - 90% of Indonesia’s migrant workers - now work overseas.•Migrant workers send home more than 6 billion dollars each year, the country’s second highest source of income after oil and gas.•Many of these women live in horrible conditions. Some are forced to sleep in cupboards, most have no private space at all. They work extremely long hours. It is estimated that 20% come back unpaid, abused or raped.

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Women and the 2004 Tsunami

•More than 170,000 people died in the December 26, 2004 tsunami.•Male survivors outnumbered women more than 3 to 1. In the worst affected village, Kuala Cangkey, 80% of the people who died were women.

Why did more women die? •Many stayed behind to look for children and relatives.•Men are more often able to swim.•Many women work; the tsunami occurred on a Sunday when women were home and men were away.

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