Loretto Academy Annual Report 2011-2012

President’s Report 2011 - 2012


The President's Report 2011-2012

Transcript of Loretto Academy Annual Report 2011-2012

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President’s Report

2011 - 2012

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Table of ConTenTs

02 Mission statement

04 President’s letter

06 Chairperson’s letter

08 board of Trustees

09 leadership Team

10 learning service

12 Jubilee Celebration

16 fine arts

18 90 Years at loretto

20 academic Highlights

22 financial Report

28 Your Investment

46 Giving to loretto

48 legacy society

49 Upcoming events

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fostering relationships with God and all of creation

academic excellence

Developing the whole person as individuals of conscienceness

Respect for all individuals, styles and cultures

leadership through collaboration

founded by the sisters of loretto in 1923, loretto academy is an independent, Catholic institution committed to:


VisionLoretto Academy – Developing Leaders through Faith, Justice, Community, and Respect.

Faith Experiencing the enduring love

of God, we build hope, foster

community and act in charity.

Community We strive to build interdependent

relationships that are affirming,

inclusive, empowering, and


JustiCEWe promote change in systems

and relationships that are

oppressive. We work to create

systems in which people are

treated fairly and impartially.

REspECt We are open to differences and

believe in the potential of each

person. We promote the dignity

of each person and protect the

sacredness of all creation.

CoreValuesloretto encourages an approach to all of life that promotes mutuality, collaboration, and compassion. We reject relationships based on dominance or submission and embrace the following values

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Dear Friends and Supporters of Loretto Academy,

As I look back on the 2011-2012 academic year, there is so much for which I am grateful. Your generosity and sharing of your time, your talent and treasure are among our blessings. In particular the young people, who are the reason for Loretto’s existence, are a source of joy and pleasure. There are days that I think I may take for granted all our gifts. I am grateful for:

• The 650 students who study, play & pray here. • The gift of the sacraments we are able to celebrate with the 31 students who were given the gift of Reconciliation and Communion. • The gift of the energetic youngsters who participated in our athletic programs. • Our first robotics team of 4th and 5th graders, who did a wonderful job of competing at UTEP in their competition. Ours was the youngest team in competition- Go Angels!! • The celebration of the Sisters of Loretto’s 200th anniversary was inspiring and life giving as we enter this 21st century. • Loretto’s choir director led in the Diocesan Choir at the City’s Tree Lighting Ceremony and parade.

I have immense pride by the activity, academic accomplishments, and creativity that our students exemplify every day. When I hear of our students initiating community service projects on their own, I know that our mission to educate the whole child is being carried out. We continue to receive updates about our alumnae continuing to serve God and each other. Hopefully, the following pages will give you a glimpse of our days here. What you will read in this report which is a reflection of your generosity and the dedication of our faculty and staff, and our attempt at fiscal responsibility.

These days I find myself reflecting on Margaret Wheatley’s quote, “After all is said and done, we have the gift of each other. We have each other’s curiosity, wisdom and courage.” These gifts and more make me grateful for Loretto - a wonderful place for our children.

My prayers continue to be; that we trust in God and serve with the gifts we have been given.

With a heart filled with gratitude. I remain,

Sr. Mary E. (Buffy) Boesen, SLPresident

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“trust in God

and serve with the gifts

we have been given.”

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Dear Loretto Family and Friends,

More than fifty years ago my parents, believing in the lasting value of a Catholic School Education,

sent their daughters to parochial school. We took all of the standard academic subjects of that time,

but were also taught personal discipline, good manners, respect for people and their property and

faith in God. Those core tenets have served me well throughout my life.

Now, years later I find myself blessed to be at the helm of the Board of Trustees of Loretto

Academy and a front-seat witness that those core values of Faith, Justice, Respect and Service to

others are still the firm foundation of the education every Loretto student receives.

The challenges of educating 21st century students include readying them for competing in a global

economy that requires critical thinking, problem solving, excellent communication and fluency in

technology. A Loretto Academy education provides all this but also ensures that the student knows

the value of service to others, the importance of respect for all living things and that strong faith is

at the center of all successes.

As you review the impressive graduation and scholarship statistics within the annual report, know

that every level of education at Loretto – from Pre-K to high school graduation, is supported by

dedicated and inspiring teachers, counselors and administrators whose sole purpose is to awaken

each student’s own expectations.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, many of whom are graduates or spouses or parents of Loretto

Academy students, thank you for your continued confidence in Loretto’s work. Our ongoing needs

are many and we could not accomplish our mission of excellence without the generosity of you, our

extended Loretto family.

God Bless You,

Patty Tiscareño, Chair

Board of Trustees 2012-2013

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“we could not

accomplish our mission

of excellence without

the generosity of you”

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leaDeRsHIP TeaM - aCaDeMICs anD oPeRaTIonsloReTTo aCaDeMY boaRD of TRUsTees

sisterMaryelizabeth“Buffy”Boesen, sL, president

aberamirez, high school/ middle school principal

JaneGerman,Elementary school principal

ricardoenriquez,Director of Finance

angelaGlover,athletics Director

analisaCordova‘03, advancement Director

lilyMiranda,admissions and public Relations Coordinator

irmasamaniegoPortillo’55 alumnae Director and Executive assistant to the president

Dr.ivansandlin,Director of student activities

sandraalmanzan‘87*Credit, national servicing organization, Fannie may, DirectorEl paso, tX

Marye.(Buffy)Boesen,sLEx-officioLoretto academy, president El paso, tX

ernestoCentenoEl paso, tX

YvonneCondeCurry ‘69trConde inc. - CE Consulting, principal EngineerEl paso, tX

PaulaFeinberg ‘83morgan stanley smith Barney El paso, tX

samuelWhiddenForsytheEpisD, Director of special Education El paso, tX

JoyGerityLoretto CommunityEnglewood, Co

Dr.olgaZ.liguori, ‘61Retired EducatorEl paso, tX

MaryMargaretMurphy, sLVilla maria transitional Living, social Workersunland park, nm

normaC.navaDelphiEl paso, tX

our academic leadership team is comprised of the President, High school and Middle school Principal, and the elementary Principal.

CecenealFirst presbyterian Christian preschool, DirectorEl paso, tX

rosemaryneillBoard Vice-ChairEl paso County, Director of Family & Community servicesEl paso, tX

Veronicarayas,PH.D. ‘90Diocese of El paso El paso, tX

rebeccasalcidotreasurertexas tech university health science CenterEl paso, tX

Vicki“sisterJude”schwartz,sLpresident’s RepresentativeLoretto CommunityLittleton, Co

PatriciaTiscareno ‘71Board Chair/Chairtrustee/ EndowmentRio Grande Cancer Foundation, Executive DirectorEl paso, tX

armandouriassap america, Executive solutions EngineerEl paso, tX

ramonVillaverdeVillaverde, inc. Civil Engineers, presidentEl paso, tX

JenniferChristineVanVelkinburgh‘91santa Fe, nm

* New to the Board in 2012-2013 School year

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eevery year, each class and service student organization chooses a service

project. Teachers and students coordinate with the non-profit in need, and

for that year, the class assists the non-profit with their areas of need. at the

end of the year, students write a reflection paper on what they learned, and

how they will incorporate the value of community in their everyday lives.

In high school, every student is responsible for committing 20 hours of their

free time to serving others. loretto also has ten students organizations

committed to serving the community on both sides of the border. every

spring, the High school organizes a week of giving back called s.H.o.U.T.

Week, also known as students Helping out Week. During this week the

student Council organizes a school wide drive to collect items needed by

local non-profits. below is a list of some of the projects that the students

coordinated this year to serve the community. Due to it being the sisters of

loretto 200 Year anniversary, many of the service learning projects were

geared toward the sisters of loretto Mission Projects.


loretto has lead a legacy in Giving back

SECONDGRADEThey collected items to deliver to the San Juan Diego Parish families.

The Middle School collected enough Thanksgiving Dinners to feed 90 families in the Sacred Heart Parish Community in South El Paso. The students also assisted families at the Center Against Family Violence.

THIRDGRADECollected food for West Texas Food Bank

FIFTHGRADEThis class lead a drive to collect

items needed for the women living at the women’s transitional

living center, Villa Maria.

KINDERGARTENThis class also donated their time and efforts

to the children at the Reynolds Home.

9THGRADEThe Freshman class organized a

garage sale to raise money for Villa Maria. They were able to

donate a check over $1,000.


HIGHSCHOOLCollectively made baskets during October-April for the following organizations: Dame La Mano, Villa Maria, Ronald Mc Donald House and Sigiendo los Pasos de Jesus (Juarez).

10THGRADEThese students spent the

entire year preparing for the Sisters of Loretto Foundation Day at Loretto Academy, and

donated their time educating the community about the works of

the Sisters on the Border.

PRE-KINDERGARTEN4The Pre-Kinder collected Easter baskets for children in local area non-profits. They also collected teddy bears for the pre-mature babies at Providence Hospital.

FOURTHGRADEThe students knitted scarves for children that are about 5 to 6 years old (mostly Spanish speaking) immigrant children that Sr. Lupe Arciniega works with in Kentucky, and for Sisters of Loretto living in the Loretto Motherhouse.

11THGRADEThis class delivered scarves they knitted on Valentine’s Day to the El Paso Rescue Mission, home for the Homeless.

12THGRADEOrganized the Second Annual Nun Run to raise money for the Sisters of Loretto service mission projects which include Akokoamong school in Ghana, Africa, and St. Alberts School in Faisalabad, Pakistan, and Villa Maria. We know that part of the money raised by our school this year, helped the Sisters of Loretto in Pakistan buy chairs and desks for their students.

PRE-KINDERGARTEN3The students donated their time to collect items for children living at the Reynolds Home, a homeless shelter for women and children.

FIRSTGRADEThey collected items, and put together care packages of blankets, socks, and toiletries for the elderly residents at Nazareth Hall. They delivered the packages during Christmas, and sang carols to them.

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The El Paso Times were generous enough to print an article every Monday, about a different Sister of Loretto and the impact that she made in the community. Eva Antone Ross ’65 and Irma Portillo ’55 researched and wrote the articles that were featured in the El Paso Times. Today, they are compiling the articles into an e-book, which will be available on www.loretto.org in the summer.

Eva also coordinated volunteers and resources to display Sisters of Loretto artifacts and historical boards in an exhibit dedicated to the Sisters of Loretto on the Borderplex. The exhibit was open for two weeks, and many alumnae came to see the exhibit and share stories about their favorite sisters of Loretto.

In efforts to record the oral history of the Sisters of Loretto, Eva Antone Ross ‘65, contacted alumna Dr. Kristine Navarro-McElhaney ‘84, from UTEP’s Oral History Department; together they coordinated interviews that are available for the public to hear about the history of the Sisters of Loretto. Since the Sisters were celebrating such an important benchmark, the two of them along with Analisa Cordova ’03, submitted a proposal to StoryCorps so that when they traveled through El Paso, Loretto would be the location they chose to conduct the oral histories. From Loretto, we were able to share stories of Mother Praxedes, Sr. Pat Joyce ‘60, and many memorable stories from alumnae that will now be archived in the US Library of Congress.

SISTERSOFLORETTOCELEBRATE200YEARS2012 was all about the Sisters of Loretto Jubilee celebration. The Sisters of Loretto were recognized at the City, County, State, and Federal level in January.


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sIsTeRs of loReTTo JUbIlee CelebRaTIon

on Foundation Day, the sisters of Loretto celebrated with the El paso Community, and renewed their vows. the sophomore Class coordinated a day of fun activities for the students, and performed the reader’s theater, “Beyond the adobe Wall.” the ended in an ice-Cream social, and students were able to tour the exhibit. the sisters, traveled to nerinx, Ky to be celebrate the jubilee with the entire Loretto Community and Co-members.

in september, El paso celebrated the sisters of Loretto at a mass and Luncheon at the El paso Country Club. Well over 300 patrons were in attendance. Fr. Buzz hall and Fr. Louis Lambert celebrated the mass. the liturgical dancers from orchesis performed and filled us with their grace. the Loretto choir lead by Lynne plote and michael hernandez set the tone of our blessed mass. after the mass, everyone rushed inside to eat brunch and hear the stories of the sisters of Loretto. at the event, Lupe Casillas Lowenberg presented her digital art piece of art dedicated to the sister of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross.

the committee that put this lovely event together was Luz Diaz, monica moreno ‘77, sr. helen santamaria ’61, alama oaxaca ’71, and Laura Baylon ‘72. We thank them for their time and dedication. this event raised just over $5,000 which we were able to give to the sisters of Loretto on the Border that dedicate their lives to helping others and education.

it was a wonderful year, and we hope that everyone enjoyed all of the celebrations.

There, the loretto legacy awards were

presented as a lifetime achievement award

to those that were educated by the sisters of

loretto, and have demonstrated the values of

the sisters of loretto throughout their careers

and life’s philosophies. The awardees were:



The Honorable Richard barajas – st. Marys elementary, Political/Government

nancy Pineda Madrid ‘77, Religion

Dr. Rita Don ‘39, science and Medicine

Dr. susanna navarro ’64, education

Pat Mora ’60, arts and literature


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THEATREARTSTheatre at Loretto Academy has always been an important part of the school’s curriculum and culture. Musical Theatre is now being offered as a course. All Loretto students who study, and perform with the Loretto theatre program, will be ready for any BFA and MFA theatre program at any University! The International Thespians Honor Society chapter at Loretto is currently 50 students strong and growing! The Fall production was a dramatic interpretation of The House of Bernarda Alba, and the Spring Musical was Flashdance. Every year, they are adding new productions for our general public to see the exuberant talent our students have.

ARTMrs. Coral Jensen ’76, the middle/high school art teacher, leads our Art Honor Society, AP, and art classes. Last year the girls displayed their talents at the International Extravaganza. The girls designed and modeled dresses made out of recycled materials. They also sold art rendering from the mid-evil era at the Renascence Fair.

MUSICALARTSOur middle school will be eligible to participate in 2012/2013 TMEA Middle School District and Region Competition. This is a great opportunity for our girls to experience choral singing competition with the other public schools in El Paso.

Another goal for the Loretto Middle School, is to enter some of the local district solo/ensemble and choral competitions with approval of the fine arts directors. These productive steps will encourage our middle school to strive for extreme excellence and help improve classroom academic/test scores.

Our elementary arts program really shined bright this year. Our students celebrated Dia de Los Muertos through art altars and songs that they learned in Spanish. Every Christmas, the students perform a lovely array of song and dance taught by their music instructor Lynn Plote. In the Spring, Reyna Hernandez, our Art Teacher organizes an Art Auction and Lynn coordinates the performances for the Spring Show.

DANCELoretto has a modern, lyrical, and classical dance club, Orchesis, which is directed by Ceci Franco Cortez ‘85. Ceci also instructs the dance class elective in the Francis Dance Studio.


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a campaign was launched by hotel entrepreneur,

Conrad hilton, who was educated by the sisters

of Loretto while he was growing up in socorro,

nm. Conrad hilton donated a crucifixion group

statue in the rose garden in honor of his father,

and challenged his friend sam F. young sr. to

match his donation for a new auditorium building.

together they raised $100,000 of the half

million spent on hilton-young hall, our Lady of

Guadalupe hall (Cafeteria) and the connecting

pool and covered patio.


the boarding school discontinued in 1975 and

dormitory area converted into the middle school.


the sisters of Loretto moved out of the

Convent, and into homes in the neighborhood.

presently El Convento provides rental office

space, meeting rooms, and event space that is

open to the community.


there were 78 sisters living at the Loretto Convent. nineteen sisters were on the faculty of Loretto academy which

offered classes from K-12th grade. the building had seven wings with two large student dining rooms, a cafeteria, three

smaller guest dining rooms, a chorus room, office and parlors, as well as a music department with two baby grand pianos

and 10 upright pianos with three music teachers who offered piano, violin and voice. the school also had an orchestra,

drama classes and the kindergarten had a band. French, spanish and Latin were taught, as were dance classes and the

academy included a domestic arts department. the school also had tennis courts and a basketball court and the girls

could take horseback riding classes. the student dormitories had private rooms with individual dressing rooms.


nazareth hall, originally built as a

retirement center for the sisters

of Loretto, was dedicated. it now

is a nursing home facility for the

local community.


Boys through grade 3 were accepted, and then through grade 5 in 1976.


the elementary school added a pre-K3 program.1879

the sisters of Loretto arrived in san Elizario,

tX, and opened st. Joseph academy under

sr. mary Kotska.


mother praxedes Carty built

Loretto College and academy in

1923 in the historic austin terrace

area and transferred st. Joseph’s

to the current location.


the school opened with

accommodations for 500 students,

though construction on the chapel

and present high school were not

finished until the 1930s.

By1931, mother praxedes was the

superior of a large community

of nuns teaching at Loretto

academy and seven local

parish schools.


mother praxedes passed away

in the Convent, and a mass was

held for her in the Chapel, she was

laid to rest at the motherhouse in

nerinx, Kentucky.


st. Joseph’s academy reopened in El paso

and the boarding students from san Elizario

were brought by sister magdalene who joined

sister mary Bernard Doyle who had already

opened the school. When the school closed,

students attended Loretto academy.


mother praxedes bought the

land for Loretto academy that

was chosen by famed architects,

trost and trost, and local

contractor, Joseph E. morgan,

both friends of mother praxedes.


the austin terrace land for Loretto was purchased and consisted

of 19.5 acres and two bungalows on trowbridge. mother praxedes

and two sisters moved into one of bungalows, and from there

watched the construction of the school over several years.


1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000






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re21.4For the second year in a row, our senior class surpassed the national and state average.






2010 2011 2012

958776 $5.1 mil $7.1 mil $7.7 mil

eleMenTarYsCHoolour first robotics team of 4th and

5th graders, who did a wonderful

job of competing at utEp in their

competition. ours was the youngest

team in competition, and won second

place for research and presentation.

of the Class of 2012 received merit

scholarships totaling $2,832,104 to

be distributed during their four years

in college. some are still pending.

of the Class of 2012 received financial

aid packages (work study, grants,

loans, and scholarships) totaling

$7,755,586 to be distributed during

their four years in college.



Class of 2012 Graduates were aCCepted by the followinG sChools:* university of texas at austin • university of texas at El paso • trinity university

• Berklee College of music • Boston university • Embry-Riddle aeronautical university • pepperdine university • texas a & m university • southwestern university •

Fordham university • Catholic university • Brown university • Columbia university • university san Francisco • Xavier university

100%of the senior class (76 students) applied

for college and accepted in at least one college or university.

92% were accepted by colleges that were their first or second choice.

MiDDlesCHoolthe fifth grade class of 2012 gave

the gift of a Weatherbug at our

school, and our elementary students

will now be meteorologists as this

new tool is implemented in their

science curriculum.


Valeria mendoza - 1st & 4th place

madeline Brasgalla - 3rd place

Jamie mcKay - 2nd place


andrea aldaz &

audrey mcCool - 2nd place

ms. terry Franco, ‘77, was a Diocesan middle school coach since 1995, and

coached winning teams at Loretto since 2002. ms. Franco’s teams won first

place in overall sweepstakes several times, and dozens of speech participants

won first place trophies over the years. ms. Franco’s last year as a speech

coach was the 2011-2012 school year, and again, her team was chock full of

first place winners! the middle school speech contestants, under ms. Franco’s

tutelage, have displayed competence and confidence at the tournaments, and

they have the trophies to prove it!

43seniors (57%) were enrolled in at least one aP class.

31seniors (41%) were enrolled in two or more aP classes.

*not all schools are listed.

AriA BorundA ‘12 was nominated into the airforce and naval academy

students participated

in an athletic program

throughout the

entire academy.


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The following financial information has been approved by the loretto board of Trustees and was audited and prepared by the certified public accounting firm, Gibson, Ruddock, Patterson llC (GRP).

CuRREnt LiaBiLitiEs 2012

accounts payable $35,264

accrued salaries 421,962

other accrued Expenses 79,126

Deferred tuition Expenses 610,135

Due to student Clubs 84,056

TotalCurrentliabilities $1,230,543

nEt assEts unrestricted $3,444,966

temporarily Restricted 7,630,016

permanently Restricted 1,085,225

Totalnetassets $12,160,207

totaL LiaBiLitiEs & assEts $13,390,750

CuRREnt assEts 2012

Cash and cash equivalents $1,545,435

accounts Receivable (Net of Allowances) 71,230

accrued interest Receivable 7,099

pre-paid Expense 5,220

investments 1,781,170

assets temporarily Restricted

Cash and Cash Equivalents 262,515

accrued interest Receivable 9,197

Contributions Receivable (Current, net of Discount, and allowance) 24,060

Contributions Receivable (use of Facilities) 297,750

investments 1,094,990

TotalCurrentassets $5,098,666

tEmpoRaRiLy REstRiCtED assEts Contributions Receivable (Non-Current, Net of Discount, and Allowance) $11,316

Contributions Receivable (Current, Net of Discount, and Allowance) 5,930,188

TotalTemporarilyrestrictedassets $5,941,504

pERmanEntLy REstRiCtED assEts Cash and Cash Equivalents $0

investments 1,085,225

TotalPermanentlyrestrictedassets $1,085,225

Propertyandequipment(netofDepreciation) $1,265,355

Totalnon-Currentassets $8,292,084

totaL assEts $13,390,750

sTaTeMenTs oFFinanCial PosiTion

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REVEnuEs, Gains, & othER suppoRt 2012

tuition and Fees (net of student aid) $4,155,008

Rental Revenue and subsidies 167,183

other Revenue 45,358

interest and Dividends 119,477

Realized net Capital Gains (Losses) 49,318

unrealized net Capital Gains (Losses) (151,132)

Contributions and Grants 721,855

in-Kind 207,072

Totalrevenues,Gains,andothersupport $5,314,139

EXpEnsEs & LossEs instructional $4,384,546

General and adminstrative 851,888

Development 250,059

Totalexpensesandlosses $5,486,493

increase(Decrease)innetassetsUnrealized capital gains (Losses) ($164,153)

BeginningofYearnetassets $12,324,360

endofYearnetassets $12,160,207













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Cash :: Restricted


investments :: Restricted




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YoUR InvesTMenT In loReTTo aCaDeMY

The board of Trustees would like to thank all of the donors that made gifts this year. Your time, faith, and investment to this institution is truly appreciated. In the following pages, you will be able to read about each one of our funds, and how the gifts are put into action.


n Ka

o uY

! !! *Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

aluMnaeGeneralreVenueFunDThese funds help support alumnae activities such as the senior/alumna luncheon. This tradition is when seniors make the transition from student to an alumna and makes a vow to always remember to be true to their alma matter.

senior/alumnae–luncheon alejandra Bonilla 2011

alejandra Gonzalez

alejandra sandoval 2009

alma Gutierrez 2009

amanda Escobar 2006

ana Rayas martinez 1980

analisa Cordova 2003

analuisa Waren 1988

andrea Liano 2011

andrea moreno

Bernadette sanchez 1997

Bobby sims & susan Lynch sims 1965

Carolina Franco 2009

Chris Borunda JD 1986

Christina Ruiz 2005

Coral Jensen 1976

Daniela Garcia del Rivero 2009

Danielle hester 2009

Delilah Carrillo 2001

Dr. Ralph Liguori & Dr. maria “olga” Zunzunegui Liguori 1961*

Edward soto & Josefina “Jo” alvillar soto 1970

Elizabeth Cordova 1965

Cecilia Franco Cortez 1985

Jacqueline sanchez 2009

Jennifer Betancourt 2010

John “JD” Douglass &

maria De Jesus olivas-ochoa Douglass 1955

Celeste Gonzalez Blot 1966

John moore† & Elizabeth nelan moore 1965

Jose Luis hernandez & marcela Davila hernandez 1984

Karla pasaret 2011

Kristina Kniest 2005

marcela Dominguez 2002

maria-Fernanda padierna

marisa montoya

martamaria Gomez

martha pasaret 2009

martina Rivera 2005

melissa Barba-Espinoza 1995

michael Blette & Lourdes perea Blette 1971

Rebecca Esparza Friesenhahn 1981

michael shahan & Cynthia mcDonald shahan 1978

michelle mata 1991

monica pappatheodorou-Ramos 2011

ms. melissa marie santos 2007

patricia tiscareno 1971*

steven Lindsley & Lilia Valdez Lindsley 1965

sylvia hernandez 1981

teresa Franco 1977

sylvia Borunda Firth 1977

marsha Emmett Daw 1971

Elizabeth munoz

Gregory & susan Daw

Jose & maritza almada

mr. Bruce a. Broillet JD

ParenTsaTloreTTo(Pal)Parents at loretto provide so many services to our students, teachers, and staff; these funds go to support those efforts. Many Pal traditions such as the Pie Drive, Ice Cream social, book fair, Teacher appreciation activities are funded by Pal.


General mills Box tops for Education

the andritsos Family

the Rome Family

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TuiTionassisTanCefor the 2011-2012 school year we raised $512,886 in financial assistance and gave out aid to 72 students. With exception to the Miles and Challenge foundation, the money we receive from donors if not specified for a specific student, and is spread out among those students that apply for aid and qualify during the time of registration. There are some circumstances, where we need to take from our general fund to help families in emergency.

mary Lourdes Villalobos henry 1955

Dan Davis & patricia Chipman 1965

Daniel Bentley† & mary Rita Garcia Bentley 1957

Dr. Rita Don 1939

irene De La torre 1966

Joe Fischetti & Lisa White Fischetti 1982

Laura Cavaretta JD 1979

mark Ceglio & mary schatzman Ceglio 1982

paula Elerick Feinberg 1983*

Ray Luterbach & teresa Cavaretta Luterbach 1982

Robert manzanares & Cynthia silva manzanares 1971

sister Kathleen Corbett sL 1966

sister susan E. Charmley sL

Wayne Dennis & Laurie schatzman Dennis 1985

Jennifer Van Velkinburgh 1991*

Dennis uniform manufacturing Company

El paso Electric Co.

Lenora Blanchard

pecos air Center

Roberto G. torres & Co. pC

terrapin systems LLC

VisionQuest technology, inc.

El paso Community Foundation

michael m. & Clara a. miles Foundation

Jessica Escalante

Robert Davis

Diocese of El paso - Diocesan Grant

Knights of Columbus General assembly 1113

saint Raphael parish

sisters of Charity of the incarnate Word

obed De La Garza

Claudia tarin

Daniel Ramirez

Dr. Leida perez

Gregory Ford

Jaime herrera

Leticia Ramirez

meredith Garcia

mr. Bruce C. abbott & mrs. Jenny abbott

John & Doris Ryan scholarship trust

mr. arturo & Rosa arrambide saenz 1972

adrian & meredith Garcia

ana Luisa “Lulu” Valdez 1983

andrea montoya 2010

anita Gonzalez Valdez 1956

arturo saenz & Rosa arrambide saenz 1972

Claudia millan

Daniel tirres & maria Luisa tinajero tirres 1967

Dorothy ainsa schatzman 1959

Edward soto & Josefina “Jo” alvillar soto 1970

Felipe D.J. millan, pC

Jeri Fielder

Jesse Guzman

Jim neessen & Virginia Gallegos Kriz neessen 1951

Kent Warren

Leah & tom masters

mr. sam Lightbourn

mrs. Christine santoyo & mr. Raul santoyo

ms. susan summers hmCs usn Ret. 1960

patricia tiscareno 1971*

paula marchioni 1966

R.J. szucs & Loretto Dennis szucs 1959

Randy speer & Jasminka macias speer 1994

Robert pell & Carmen aceves pell 1967

Robert tapscott & mary summers tapscott 1962

Dr. Roberto olivares &

the honorable Kathleen hartnett olivares 1972

sister C. Rose miles sFCC 1966

Vernon L. scarborough & pat mora 1960

William sinkler & Beth Logan sinkler 1986

William White & angelina Velarde White 1959

ms. Judith t. Bukowski - Rebecca thomas memorial Fund

*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

CHariTaBleGiVinG–nunrunThese funds help support various student service activities and programs throughout the year.

BuilDinGanDGrounDsThe funds for our building and grounds help maintain the timeless look of the academy. any additions or maintenance to the grounds come out of this fund.

Eugenia Caballero Espindola 1962

The francis Dance studio L. Frederick Francis & Ginger Gurss Francis 1975

melissa Williams o’Rourke 1966

miss Laura Kost 2012

mr. Carl Russell

mr. Eddy Rodriguez

ms. Lillie singleton

ms. Emma hagar ochoa

Eduardo & isabel Fuentes

Fernando & imelda Diaz

Gregory & susan Daw

Librado & Esperanza Reyes

mr. & mrs. Federico hurtado

mr. & mrs. Gustavo Gutierrez

mr. & mrs. Jose E. munoz

mr. Felipe millian

mr. Jesus Gonzalez

mr. Richard ortiz Jr.

mrs. Elva s. herrera

mrs. Emma Lopez

ms. Claudia millan

ms. Gorgina munoz 1983

ms. maricela hinojosa

ms. susan i. De la paz

Elma smith 1987

Escondido mobile park, LLC

amor personal assistance service inc.

Charlotte’s Furniture & Gifts

Daw’s Lakeside Furniture Gallery

La Llanta Co. tires & Wheels, inc.

paso Del norte materials, LLC

price’s Creameries

VR printing

Eduardo miranda attorney at Law

paws off Computer

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alfred saucedo & mary Carmen De la Vega saucedo 1943

William pearson & Carol Fowler pearson 1946

alyn Brown morton 1949

margarita Burciaga Kanavy 1956

ted Dickard & Barbara Roddy Dickard 1957

Luis Fresquez & Cecilia Castro Fresquez 1958

mario Griffin & martha martinez Griffin 1960

oscar ortiz & Elsa Bunsow ortiz 1961

Dr. Ralph Liguori & Dr. maria “olga” Zunzunegui Liguori 1961*

ms. mary Lou Withholder 1962

Corine prieto 1964

Daniel sanchez & Rebecca saucedo sanchez 1966

Robert pell & Carmen aceves pell 1967

Bryan aguilar-shiloff & sylvia aguilar-shiloff 1976

michael Gailey & Rose Raschbaum Gailey 1977

paul Escobar & amy Gutierrez Escobar 1982

angelica marrufo 2005

Carmen Cardenas 2012

mary horan

mr. Juan ortega

mrs. angie Rojas

El paso Community Foundation

Joan mcLaughlin

Raymundo & anna aguilar

yoko Farrel

armando & maria Guadalupe Chavez

armando & monica Cadena

olga macias

mr. Bruce abbott & mrs. Jenny abbott

Rowena apodaca

mr. abe Ramirez & mrs. Loretta young Ramirez

ms. Jane Elizabeth German

mr. R.a.D. morton iii

mrs. irma saucedo

CHaPelFunDst. Joseph Chapel Renovation Campaign

on august 4, 2012 the $250,000 Chapel Campaign was launched. There were approximately 150 guests in attendance for the PT and the Cruisers benefit Concert on the lawn at loretto academy. $2,674.44 was raised at this beautiful summer evening event.

The st. Joseph Chapel hosts over 120 masses annually. It was built by Henry Trost in 1924 under the direction of Mother Praxedes. The original tiger print wood, grand organ, and structure stands today, as it has since 1923.

The goal of the campaign will be to raise $250,000 to cover the expenses of:

To date, the air blower installation, the roof, and some electrical has been installed. This campaign will be on-going into the next year. any services, or donations are welcome to help us complete this initiative.

• air installation

• repairing the roof

• electrical and sound upgrade

• painting

• scaffolding

• refinishing pews

*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

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*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

in honor of Georgina Joan Grau,

William mcCloughan & mercedes martinez mcCloughan 1960

in honor of margaret pyburn: R.J. szucs & Loretto Dennis szucs 1959

in honor of mother in law Rhoda natowitz Kotok: alan Kotok & sharon Bandy Kotok 1964

in memory of Linda Daw hudson ‘73

Richard Bechtel & Bernadette Del Castillo Bechtel 1973

in honor of the tinajero daughters & sisters: Lourdes tinajero 1970

Bricks for pablo & ivette s. alvarado: isela segovia 1957

Clare Esparza celebrated her 9th anniversary with our company & instead

of taking the anniversary gift; she wished that a donation be sent to Loretto instead.

terrapin systems LLC on behalf of Clare Esparza

in memory of sr. marie patrice: Bryan aguilar-shiloff & sylvia aguilar-shiloff 1976

Corine prieto 1964

margarita Burciaga Kanavy 1956

Rebecca Kelleher Devillier 1988

Robert pell & Carmen aceves pell 1967

the Breen Family

in honor of 200th anniversary of sisters of Loretto

Jim Fischer† & Elizabeth Josephine “Jo” Wegstein 1964

in honor of Eva antone Ross, Class of ‘65: suzanne antone

in honor of irma portillo: mr. henry Benning iii & mrs. mary Etzold Benning

in honor of mrs. yvonne Elenez smith, Class of 1976 - Jeri Fiedler

Kent Warren

in honor of patricia Chipman’s birthday - Robert Davis

in honor of sr. Rose anthony & sr. marie patrice

mrs. Joann m. mcElroy & mr. Ed mcElroy

in honor of the olivas Women; in the name of the olivas Family: Barbara Walker

in memory of Carlotta Ramirez: mr. abe Ramirez & mrs. Loretta young Ramirez

in memory of Elizabeth De La Fuente, st Joseph’s academy alum

steve Ross & Eva antone Ross 1965

in memory of Fr. al nondorf: margaret Lang

in memory of her mother, sandra stone nagy: nina Galanti

in memory of mrs. George oursland: Dr. harry silsby & mrs. Jan niland silsby 1971

in memory of olga alcantar, mother of sylvia alcantar & yolanda alcantar navarro

armando telles & Beatriz Garcia telles 1963

in memory of Ray portillo - Joe Fischetti & Lisa White Fischetti 1982

Leah & tom masters

patricia tiscareno

William White & angelina Velarde White 1959

in memory of sr. Rose anthony mcintyre – Joan mcLaughlin

William pearson & Carol Fowler pearson 1946

in memory of sr. Rose Clare mcWorter - Winifred Watson

in memory of uranga, maria antonieta “toni” - William pearson & Carol Fowler

pearson 1946

in memory of yvonne Elenaz smith 1976 - Jeri Fielder & Kent Warren

in honor of/Carmen maria/Kotalik - mr. John Kotalik

in honor of Dr. Lillian abrego skogsberg 1965 - steve Ross & Eva antone Ross 1965

in memory of sr. marie patrice hoare, sL – the shiloff Family

loreTToaCaDeMYTriBuTeGiFTsThe following gifts have been made during the 2011-2012 year to honor their friends, family, and loved ones. In honor and memory of...

MeMorialBriCKsMemorial bricks are a great way to leave your legacy at loretto for generations to come. The following bricks were installed this fall, we would like to thank every one that participated in this year’s annual memorial brick fund.

Country Club optimists - In memory of Carolyn Velarde Tromer 1961

ann Blumensaadt 1963

Dr. Jose G. Betancourt†and mrs. maria Espinoza Carrera Betancourt

Dr. Rita Don 1939

Gerald Brisson & Elsa Ramirez Brisson 1972

helmut schreiner & andrea Gagsteiger

isela segovia 1957

Jonathan & thelma Gaumer

Lourdes tinajero 1970

mark Weir & Rita haling Weir 1973

mary Francis Benning 2008

mary Lou mckemy smith 1947

mr. henry Benning iii & mrs. mary Etzold Benning

mr. John Kotalik

mr. Lewis R. hays & Col. Flavia Diaz-hays

ms. andrea Gagsteiger & mr. helmut schreiner

ms. Jane Elizabeth German

noubassem & Joyce namde

irene Ramirez, Gerald Brisson & Elsa Ramirez Brisson 1972

Rebekah Wierson 2008

Rose marie porter Baumann 1957

Carolyn Zumr 1966

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the Challenge Foundation

mr. & mrs. Don mcFall

ana maria adauto ortega 1961

armando telles & Beatriz Garcia telles 1963

Luz Elena taboada 1970

Robert Robson & susanna Castillo Robson 1970

tom Corrigan & maria Del Refugio mendoza Corrigan 1970

nicholas Costanzo & martha Rayas Costanzo 1978

miss Jocelyn martinez 2007

mr. Robert Cameron

ms. palmyra morgan

mr. Billie Ellis

mr. abe Ramirez & mrs. Loretta young Ramirez

Chevron humankind matching Gift program

Dean Foods

maxmina Boutique LLC

price’s Creameries

Diocese of El paso

hervey Foundation

Richard G. miller memorial Foundation

*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

36 Loretto Academy President’s Report 2011-12Leading a Legacy of Academic Excellence


THECHALLENGEFOUNDATIONSCHOLARSHIPLoretto Academy is an active partner with the Challenge Foundation Program that provides realistic pathways out of long standing environments of poverty and need.

The Challenge Foundation, developed by Don McFall of Denver, CO, was established to create a unique program to provide at-risk young women a legitimate opportunity to escape their impoverished environments. The Challenge Foundation approach is to educate the whole child, not only academically, but to provide experiences that reveal a world of opportunity. Beginning in the 6th grade, the Challenge Foundation program provides for rigorous academics and personal growth opportunities for disadvantaged students to empower them to attend and graduate from college and to make a positive impact in their own communities.

Loretto Academy selects six students every year to participate in the full program and supportive activities. These bright students are provided 100% tuition assistance, school uniforms, personal computers, tutoring, mentoring, and other supportive care provided through the program. The academic achievements and personal growth of the Loretto Challenge students is remarkable, and makes this one of the most successful programs on our campus. Our first student will graduate in 2013. Loretto intends to follow and support her through college. Loretto’s commitment to the Challenge Foundation Program is to match their gift of raising funds for the scholarship program, so that every Challenge student’s tuition is paid for.

Process of the ProgramThere are two part-time directors, Connie Perez and Jo Soto ‘71, that oversee the success of our students, communicate with parents and mentors, to insure the success of the program.

The core components of this opportunity are as follows:

• Long Term Commitment – We invite students to interview with us during their fifth-grade year. Once selected, Loretto makes a long term commitment to educate them through their 12th grade graduation. The philosophy behind starting them at 6th grade is to help mold their self-esteem and values, as they prepare to enter their teenage years.

• Summer Program – The girls attend a cultural and academic enrichment summer program that helps them build their knowledge base, develop study-skills, build confidence needed for leadership, and exposure to positive social experiences and academic environments. This is offered for the students entering the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.

• Tutoring – Students are provided one-on-one tutoring to support academic success, and a safe environment that is rarely available to economically disadvantaged children.

• Mentoring – Each student is provided a mentor for the full seven years, and beyond college. These mentors are volunteers who serve as role-models, provide personal support to the student and their family to encourage academic success, and help in the student’s personal development.

The faculty/staff and volunteers of Loretto Academy fully understand and embrace this program, and understand the concept that human success requires the blending of the science of education with heavy doses of Catholic compassion, caring, and service to all of God’s creation. This last summer two girls volunteered in Costa Rica, and this next year two other girls will be volunteering in Peru. These service learning trips are funded by the Challenge Foundation program.

Loretto_AR_Body_Mar13.indd 36 3/15/13 10:03 AM

loretto’s endowment nina Galanti

Winfred Watson

Loretto Literary & Benevolent institution

Tuition assistance Class of 1967

enDoWMenTGiFTsloretto academy’s endowment fund consists of the reserve fund, scholarship funds, an alumnae fund, and a the board designated fund. The endowment includes both donor restricted and donor designated funds, and a fund designated by the board of Trustees.

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loreTToaTHleTiCsProGraMsloretto’s athletics Program includes elementary, middle, and 5a high school programs. The high school division is governed under TaPPs and the girls often travel for tournaments and games.

advanced paperworks inc.

amex properties

Border Demolition & Environmental, inc.

Conde, inc.*

Daw’s Lakeside Furniture Gallery

DWs Building supply

ECm international

Eduardo miranda attorney at Law

EEs, s.a. DE C.V.

El paso Electric Co.

El paso iron & metal i. LtD.

F.a.L.C. Enterprises

Food City

George p. andritsos, attorney at Law

Gibson, Ruddock, patterson LLC

GLoBo usa, LLC

GolFTournaMenTat this year’s tournament we were able to raise enough money to purchase a new scoreboard for the athletic Program. The remaining revenue, went to fund student scholarships.

Bergen County united Way’s Charitable Flex Fund

andres and magdalena payan

Dr. Richard V. montoya & mrs. marti montoya

mr. & mrs. Jaime natividad

mr. Jose ines perez

ms. martha mata

ms. martha Vargas

Ricardo & norma nava*

Richard & Rebecca Daniel

Robert nieto & yolanda Lombrana nieto 1975

shannon stokes 1996

the honorable Luis aguilar

hunt administrative services

impulse Development, LLC

JaR Construction inc.

Lopez scrap metal

moreno Cardenas, inc

mr. tomas Cardenas, Jr. & mrs. Carmen ochoa Cardenas

neill, strelitz, moore-Duarte attorneys at Law

new Deal Furniture

paso del norte Business solutions, LLC

pBC marketing, inc. dba professional Brokerage Concepts

plaza properties

Ransom Lawn service

segovias Distributing, inc.

state Line Restaurant

sunset pizzeria

three mission Construction

Villaverde inc.*

West star Bank

Western Janitorial service, inc.

Gilbert Cordova & Elizabeth salcido Cordova 1965

yvonne Conde Curry 1969*

paula Elerick Feinberg 1983*

Lianna adauto 1999

sylvia Chavez 2002

Dr. Roberto Canales mD

Jaime Gonzalez Lobo

Veronica Flaughrty

nazareth Living Care Center

saint Raphael parish

Eduardo & isabel Fuentes

antonio Giner & maria Elena medina Giner 1985

Gregory & susan Daw

Guillermo & Leticia Lopez

Keli & Calvin Griffin

Kenneth & melanie Bailey

mr. abelardo Bernal Jr. & mrs. Barbara Bernal

mrs. patricia herrera & mr. Reynaldo herrera Jr.

Richard Gaumer

Robert & Juanita Falvey

Wililam Filetti

mr. alejandro Gonzalez & mrs. Rosa Gonzalez

arturo saenz & Rosa arrambide saenz 1972

Cesar & maricela Lopez

Clarissa tapia & Kristopher tapia

David saucedo & patricia sanchez saucedo

Dr. arthur L. Ramirez, mD & mrs. irma Ramirez

Dr. Frederick pirk & mrs. yolanda pirk

Fernando & Barbara Rodriguez

isidro & Elizabeth Lopez

mr. & mrs. Don mcFall

mr. & mrs. Jose E. munoz

mr. Robert sesich

mr. sam Lightbourn

ms. Lilia B. abbud & mr. mario modesto

pamela Ryherd & anthony Ryherd

patrick & Elizabeth Rome

Robert & Rosemary neill*

Robert Rangel

mr. Ron J. mulvihill & mrs. Ceci miles mulvihill

mr. Lewis E. & Jane LaRocca parker ‘66

mrs. Elizabeth s. Rome

monsignor Francis smith

mr. and mrs. Kristopher J. tapia

*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

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*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

Dr. Rita Don 1939

Lupe Casillas Lowenberg 1960 & Cecilia Concha 1945

Wilder snodgrass & Enedina Garcia snodgrass 1953

Emma Jean apodaca Cervantes 1953

Richard Berton & Celia Castro Berton 1953

David Davis & paula Edens Davis 1962

Dr. irene soriano ph.D. 1962

ms. mary Lou Withholder 1962

steve Ross & Eva antone Ross 1965

Gilbert Cordova & Elizabeth salcido Cordova 1965

Daniel sanchez & Rebecca saucedo sanchez 1966

ms. teresa Campos

Roberto moreno & monica Villaverde moreno 1977

teresa Franco 1977

Virginia santana 1977

Gabriel narvaez† & monica salaiz narvaez 1981

Jamie amezaga & patricia Luna amezaga 1981

mr. Cole holderman

mr. & mrs. pedro Diaz

ms. Jane Elizabeth German

JuBileeonTHeBorDerThe names shown below, are those that had supported Jubilee events or purchased tickets by June 1, 2012. If you do not see your name, it will come out in next year’s annual report.

mr. & mrs. samuel W. Forsythe*

PresiDenT’sFunDThese funds specifically help administrative expenses for the president.

eleMenTarYsCHoolThis year funds raised for the elementary school went to support the library, educational programs, technology, and the 5th Grade class raised money to purchase a weather bug.

activities Food City

Daw’s home Furnishings

Delectable D’Lites

Ella Blu Bridal Boutique

insurance services of El paso

mcCrory’s pharmacy

new Deal Furniture

shortcode 7, LLC

Elia Valverde

mr. scott Butler aams

mrs. isura sanchez

Raymond n. herrera Jr.

Robert & Juanita Falvey

Rudy saucedo

William pearson & Carol Fowler pearson 1946

senior Retreat angels Donn slizeski &

Estela Genevieve “Jennie” navar slizeski 1970

Drew Bodin & patricia nolan Bodin 1971

maria nunez 1975

mr. Bernardino olivas Jr. &

mrs. patsy maese olivas aBR, tahs, GRi 1971

R.J. szucs & Loretto Dennis szucs 1959

Richard Bechtel & Bernadette Del Castillo Bechtel 1973

theresa Crow

William mcCloughan & mercedes martinez mcCloughan 1960

mr. thomas Flammang

loretto fine arts and the little Theater the Fine arts Fund supports Fine arts Classes, Clubs, and

maintains the beauty and charm of the Little theater, home

to many dramatic performances, recitals, and other staged

activities for the entire academy. there have also been

some designated funds that go toward supporting our arts

students and providing them with tuition assistance to help

flourish their talents.

antonio Giner & maria Elena medina Giner pE 1985

mr. Bruce abbott & mrs. Jenny abbott

myron & maria Lewis

Gerald Brisson & Elsa Ramirez Brisson 1972

mr. andres Lopez

mr. oscar aguilar

mrs. Christine santoyo & mr. Raul santoyo

Rogelio prieto & adriana Lopez-prieto 1988

sallie medrano 1967

Technologyscanlan Foundation

Christopher & Elizabeth Espinoza

Bill Rivas

Cesar & maricela Lopez

mrs. Diana L. Vasquez

mrs. Elsa Dominguez

HiGHsCHoolProGraMsThese funds specifically help in the costs of academic costs, club support, and other support needs of these schools.

steve Ross & Eva antone Ross 1965

B.G. sinclair & Rosa Duran sinclair 1961

ms. Jane Elizabeth German

Class of 2012 5th Grade

mr. Edward soto

DeVeloPMenTProGraMsThis fund supports activities organized and carried out by the Development office. activities include the scholarship luncheon, Homecoming, Golden Grad luncheon, alumnae friendraisers, and other fundraising activities.

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Bryan aguilar-shiloff & sylvia aguilar-shiloff 1976

michael Gailey & Rose Raschbaum Gailey 1977

David Key & sharon skov Key 1978

ms. Rebecca Castro seufert 1978

nicholas Costanzo & martha Rayas Costanzo 1978

Caroline placencia placencia 1979

Cesar olivas & Charlene Lloveras olivas 1979

Frank Gonzalez & maria martinez Gonzalez 1979

oscar sotelo & hilda Lombrana sotelo 1980

Gabriel narvaez† & monica salaiz narvaez 1981

michael Friesenhahn & Rebecca Esparza Friesenhahn 1981

patricia Rodriguez martinez 1981

sylvia hernandez 1981

Keith mcKay & Belinda mcKay 1982

Laura allen allen 1982

theresa Crow 1983

Jose Luis hernandez & marcela Davila hernandez 1984

antonio Giner & maria Elena medina Giner pE 1985

George Cortez & Cecilia Franco Cortez 1986

Ramzi skaf & Lisa nunez skaf 1986

mr. David appleby Cpa & sofia Elerick appleby 1987

Reuben ontiveros & Celeste Carrasco-ontiveros 1987

Robert almanzan & sandra sanchez almanzan 1987*

sofia Elerick Larkin appleby 1987

sabrina Campbell 1988

Rebecca Kelleher Devillier 1988

Emily Vargas 1989

Dr. Veronica Rayas ph.D. 1990*

Christina arellano 1991

margaret Bornstein saulsby 1995

michael puga & Renee telles-puga 1995

Julia prieto 2001

sylvia Chavez 2002

analisa Cordova 2003

Jaime mata & Jacqueline yapor mata 2004

isabel murguia 2007

Jocelyn martinez 2007

Jane Concha 2008

alina Rayas 2011

ana irigoyen 2011

paloma Zamarripa 2011

andrea Guzman 2011

andrea Liano 2011

Cassandra arredondo 2011

Catalina Guerra 2011

Catherine ortega 2011

Erica aschbacher 2011

Jelina Castillo 2011

melissa Romero 2011

ms. Daniela silva 2011

natalia ostos 2011

pamela Gomez 2011

Valeria Chavez 2011

arantxa Valverde 2012

stephanie martinez 2012

alejandra Lopez 2012

alexa parilla 2012

alexia Guillen 2012

amanda hurtado 2012

ana acosta 2012

ana saenz 2012

anaise Escobar 2012

anaith indjeian 2012

arantxa Valverde 2012

aria Borunda 2012

Bertha Cuaron de hayen 2012

Carmen Cardenas 2012

Carolina Reyes 2012

Cassandra Ramirez 2012

Cassidy Daw 2012

Celeste Carrillo 2012

Claudia Garza 2012

Cristina munoz 2012

Cynthia Gutierrez 2012

Danielle De la paz 2012

Edith hernandez 2012

Emma Lopez 2012

Elsa ortiz 2012

Erika ortiz 2012

Estefania seyffert 2012

Eugenia Carmona 2012

Gabrielle Diaz 2012

hilda millan 2012

Jacqueline Betancourt 2012

Joann navar 1987

Julie hamilton 2012

Karina Valverde 2012

Karissa natera 2012

Krystal pimentel 2012

Laura Kost 2012

Lauren antcliff 2012

Leslie munoz 2012

maggie payan 2012

mara Rivera 2012

mariana Dominguez 2012

mariana hernandez 2012

mariana mendoza 2012

mariana schenk 2012

miriam mendoza 2012

monica Diaz 2012

monica Gamboa 2012

nayeli perez 2012

nicole herrera 2012

nicole montoya 2012

loretto alumnae & students

amalia mcCammon 1933

Virginia Leyva 1944

Cecilia Concha 1945

William pearson & Carol Fowler pearson 1946

mary Lou mckemy smith 1947

angela Fernandez Borreguero 1950

Gloria tabacchi 1950

oscar Gonzalez† & maria Romero Gonzalez 1950

Luis melendez & Dora segovia melendez 1951

mary ikard salopek 1951

Dr. m. Lopez urrutia 1953

Gertrude Walsh anderson 1953

Richard Berton & Celia Castro Berton 1953

mary Lourdes Villalobos henry 1955

mr. John D. Douglass

and mrs. maria De Jesus “Chita” olivas Douglass 1955

anna mae Vetter Donnelly 1956

Luis Rosas & Concepcion “Concha” martinez Rosas 1956

Robert Bendalin & martha aun Bendalin 1956

isela segovia 1957

Robert Becker & aggie martin Becker 1957

John Linsenmeyer & Virginia Caballero Linsenmeyer 1958

John mcElrath & Estella Castaneda mcElrath 1959

Wendell montandon & Barbara Coy montandon 1959

Lupe Casillas Lowenberg 1960

thomas Englehardt & nancy Garrity 1960

William mcCloughan & mercedes martinez mcCloughan 1960

Dale Baugh & patricia Connolly Baugh 1961

Dr. Ralph Liguori & Dr. maria “olga” Zunzunegui Liguori 1961*

mary scott 1961

arthur schaut & Judith mormillo schaut 1962

Dr. irene soriano ph.D. 1962

alfredo moreno & helen Gomez moreno 1963

margarita hernandez Gorissen 1963

alan Kotok & sharon Bandy Kotok 1964

David manuszak & mary Rister manuszak 1964

Ricardo medina & Elena sada medina 1964

Dan Davis & patricia Chipman 1965

John mcGuire & Victoria monteros mcGuire 1965

Robert summers & Barbara summers summers 1965

the honorable Gary Crawford

& Dr. agnes ormsby Crawford ph.D. 1965

steve Ross & Eva antone Ross 1965

Esther navar noyola 1966

harry Whitehill & Deborah mcCabe Whitehill 1966

Jerry schuchardt & irma Berroteran schuchardt 1966

Jim Fischer† & Elizabeth Josephine “Jo” Wegstein 1966

Lewis parker & Jane La Rocca parker 1966

melissa Williams o’Rourke 1966

ms. Cynthia Valles 1966

ms. Dolores iannone 1966

natalia Escandon 1966

norbert Welk & helen Cabatu Welk 1966

patricia Chatfield 1966

Robert Garibay & yvonne Valenzuela Garibay 1966

Wayne may & patricia ivy may 1966

sallie medrano 1967

James Lattimer & Enriqueta paniagua Lattimer 1968

Eduardo Rodela & Carlota arriola Rodela 1969

Janet monteros 1969

Carlos Fernandez & sara prieto Fernandez 1970

Donn slizeski

and Estela Genevieve “Jennie” navar slizeski 1970

Edward soto & Josefina “Jo” alvillar soto 1970

Luz Elena taboada 1970

Dr. harry silsby & mrs. Jan niland silsby 1971

Drew Bodin & patricia nolan Bodin 1971

John Bash & Camille Broillet Bash 1971

mr. Bernardino olivas Jr.

and mrs. patsy maese olivas aBR, tahs, GRi 1971

patricia tiscareno 1971*

Robert Cerveny & Janice French Cerveny 1971

Laura Lizarraga adauto 1972

marie tirres 1972

norma Jean Fries 1972

Rene pena & Katherine Farrish pena 1972

Dr. J. Dean Brock ph.D.

and Dr. Rebecca Bruce Brock ph.D. 1973

Jeanne Reardon 1973

mark Weir & Rita haling Weir 1973

phillip tursic & Katherine acosta tursic 1973

Richard Bechtel & Bernadette Del Castillo Bechtel 1973

Robert Lunn & patricia Downey-Lunn 1973

suzanne antone 1973

marguerite Rivera houze 1974

B.h. Burdick & patricia saucedo Burdick 1975

L. Frederick Francis & Ginger Gurss Francis 1975

maria nunez 1975

marilu Escobar ostos 1975

mike mcKee & tracy thomas mcKee 1975

annualGeneralFunDThese funds are designated toward areas in the academy that are in need the most.

*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

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YoUR InvesTMenT In loReTTo aCaDeMYa leTTeR fRoM THe PResIDenT

Gebhard Erler

George & Jennifer andritsos

George Cortez & Cecilia Franco Cortez 1985

mr. George Lang

Gerardo & Esperanza ortiz

Gilberto & Betsy arias

Gilberto Garcia

Gregory & susan Daw

Guadalupe arellano

mr. henry Benning iii & mrs. mary Etzold Benning

mr. hector marquez

hugo & hilda Gamez

ignacio & alicia acosta

ignacio & marissa Gomez

isaura sanchez

Jaime & araceli Corona

James mingo

mr. & mrs. Javier Loya

Jeffe Garay

Jesus & Renee Diaz

Jesus Bacera

mrs. Joann m. mcElroy & mr. Ed mcElroy

mr. John Leoni

mr. John henry houze

Jonathan & thelma Gaumer

Jose & nora hernandez

Joseph & Kathryn Rosales santos

Juan Figueroa-Casas & Gabriela Erhardt Figueroa-Casas

Just Give

Kenneth & marina purcell

Lara armida

Leanne palisoc 2015

marion C. Resch Fund

mrs. Leona Jewett

margarita Chapa

maria mendoza

mary Lou Gomez-Leon

mario & norma Garcia

martin & Judy Deharo

martin & sandra Ventura

michael shahan & Cynthia mcDonald shahan 1978

mitchell morrow

mr. & mrs. David Carrillo

mr. & mrs. German trejo

mr. Jesus m. marrufo & mrs. Grace marrufo

mr. & mrs. Kenneth h. hill

mr. & mrs. mike tolliver

mr. & mrs. oscar F. Garza

mr. Francisco Valenzuela

mr. Gregory Deitch

mr. Jamez p. Belknap Jr. & mrs. sandra Belknap

mr. Jorge m. Bustamante†

and mrs. ana maria palacios Bustamante

ms. Joy Gerity*

mr. Lewis hays & Col./Flavia Diaz-hays

mr. Reynaldo a. parilla & mrs. Edna parilla, Rn

mr. Richard Cobos

mr. Robert a. Garcia & mrs. Jennifer armendariz-Garcia

mr. Roman Bustillos

ms. Rosa hinojos

mrs. Rosemary V. neill & mr. Robert neill, Jr.*

mr. & mrs. samuel W. Forsythe*

mr. William Filetti

mr. William Roat & ms. michele stimac

mrs. Elizabeth mariscal-mora

msG Christopher C. sims & mrs. shannon sims

noubassem & Joyce namde

palmyra morgan

parents at Loretto

Ralph & Linda schmidt

Rene aguilar & yolanda talamantes aguilar 1975

Reynaldo & Edna parilla

Reynaldo & yvette Chavez

Robert & Jennifer Garcia

Roberto & michelle Fierro

Rodolfo “Rudy” & martha murillo

Roddy & ilean Rodriguez

Ron mulvihill & Ceci miles mulvihill

Rosa Bandy

Ruben & Barbara nunez

salvador & amanda Beltran

scanlan Foundation

the schmidt Family Foundation

Victor & Christina Ledesma

Walt & Jeanette Case

businessesachilles studios

allegra marketing print mail

angel m. Rios, m.D.

Chamizal athletic supply

Daw’s Lakeside Furniture Gallery

Desert heaven assisted Living

Fannie mae Border Region

Gibson, Ruddock, patterson LLC

nestle Foundation

sun City pediatrics, pa

the madonna shop

Villaverde inc.

Western Janitorial service, inc.

nitza Chavez 2012

paola armendariz 2012

Reuben ontiveros & Celeste Carrasco-ontiveros 1987

sara sanchez 2012

stephanie martinez 2012

stephanie skokowski 2012

stephanie Vazquez 2012

susan Foster 1969

tamara Barriot 2012

tiahana ontiveros 2012

Victoria Centeno 2012

Victoria Ryherd 2012

Virdriana Falliner 2012

yvette Lopez 2012

staff Dr. Lydia E. Baca

mr. abe Ramirez & mrs. Loretta young Ramirez

mr. héctor Javier sanchez

mr. Ricardo Enriquez & mrs. nancy Enriquez

mrs. adela urias

mrs. Carmen C. pallares

mrs. Christine santoyo & mr. Raul santoyo

mrs. Lina ng & mr. alister ng

mrs. Linda hall & mr. Carl hall

mrs. maria C. scenters-Zapico & Dr. John scenters-Zapico

mrs. pilar Gonzalez

ms. Jane Elizabeth German

ms. Karly Dreher

ms. sara Dow

mrs. adriana aguilar

mrs. Dianne & Larry Kimpell

mr. henry Jurado & mrs. Luz Jurado

mr. Jesse albert Reade

mr. michael hernandez

mr. Raymond James “RJ” Bustillos

mrs. Connie hartley & mr. Wally hartley

mrs. marianne portillo & mr. Raul “Ray” portillo†mrs. mary C. Kelly

ms. angela Glover

ms. Liza ann harvey

sisters of loretto sister mary E. Boesen sL

sister Frances Ratermann sL 1950

sister mary margaret murphy, sL*

sister pat Joyce sL 1960

sister Vicki schwartz sL (sister Jude schwartz)*

family, friends, & organizationsRamon Villaverde & amelia Castaneda Villaverde 1983*

mr. mario Vozza & mrs. hillary Vozza 1990

Brigido & Liliana trillo

Carlos & Cecilia Rubio

Christopher & Elizabeth Cruz Cruz-Espinoza

mr. Chuck Rodriguez

Liliana acosta Bustillos

Luis & anabell saenz

Luis & Lilia Fernandez

mr. & mrs. arturo munoz

mr. abraham thomas & ms. usha tobias

mr. & mrs. Brian Cupp

mr. & mrs. Vitus palisoc

mr. Joaquin montes

mr. Jorge Rubio

mr. Jorge Ruiz & mrs. Elsa ortiz Ruiz

mr. Victor & martha Ramirez

mrs. Gloria i. Vazquez

ms armida spade

ms. traci presley

ms. Vianey martinez

Ray neal & Cecilia “Cece” santamaria neal*

sergio & teresita tanino

adrian & maria del Carmen Lugo

ana Rayas martinez 1980

alvaro Loya

andres payan & magdalena payan

andrew Ratermann

armando & Luz maria Espinosa

arturo & ildefonsa Berumen

mrs. Barbara B. Walker

Behrouz & araceli hamed-Zanjani

Brigido trillo & Liliana Cruger trillo

Carlos & Carmen Franco

Cesar & maricela Lopez

ms. Christina melendez

Dr. Jose Rodriguez & mrs ana nunez Rodriguez

Dr. mark F. DuVernois & mrs Laura DuVernois

Dominion Foundation

ms. Dona Fox

Ernesto holguin

Ernest & Erika Rabattini

Felipe D. J. millan, pC

Fernando & Elena Gallardo

Fransisco & Esmeralda munoz

Francisco & mary Fernandez Gamboa

Francisco Burciaga

mr. G. phillip Bennett

mr. Frank Gorman Jr.

ms. Gabriela Vargas

*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.*Board of trustees member. †Deseased.

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MeTHoDs of GIvInGMeTHoDs of GIvInG

for more information about

how to make a gift and becoming

a legacy society Member at

loretto academy, please contact

analisa Cordova ‘03, advancement

Director, at (915)566-8400 or

[email protected].

at loretto academy every gift given to our institution is appreciated and helps keep the sisters of loretto tradition of education excellence alive. below are some ways that you can help keep loretto being loretto forever!

This information is not intended as financial or tax advice. Please consult with your financial or tax advisor to determine specific tax implications and the right strategy for you.


Gifts of Cashthe most direct and easiest way to provide immediate

support to Loretto is to make a gift by cash, credit card,

or check. spreading out the payment terms of your

investment, with the flexible option of making annual,

semiannual, quarterly, or monthly payments. Gifts are

tax deductible for federal income tax purposes to the

extent allowed by law.

Credit Card Paymentsthis is a flexible, secure, and convenient method of

payment that lends itself to a single gift or a series

of periodic gifts. We also have a square device that

allows us to accept credit card gifts on the go and at

events. you can also call our office and we will be able

to accept your gift over the phone.

online Payments you may make a gift using a credit

card or a paypal account at our secure

website www.loretto.org.

ChecksChecks should be made payable to

“Loretto academy.”

ask your company to match your giftmany companies offer matching gift programs that allow

their employees to double or even triple their gifts. Current

and retired employees, or sometimes even their spouses,

may be eligible for matching gifts programs. please visit

your company’s human resources department and ask

for a matching gift form to include with your charitable

contribution to Loretto.

Gifts of securitiesstocks, mutual funds, bonds and other securities

given to Loretto academy may provide a

considerable savings in capital gains taxes for

the donor. please notify Loretto’s advancement

office if you are making a securities gift so we may

appropriately recognize your gift as well as place it

in a designated fund.

Gifts of Real estateGifts of real estate provide the same advantages as

gifts of securities. By deeding real property directly

to Loretto academy, the donor provides a meaningful

impact on the school mission, benefits from significant

tax savings, and does not suffer any decrease in regular

cash flow.

Gifts In Kind and Talent any trade of services or goods can be accepted

and given accredited fair market value.

Planned Gifts and long Term Investments planned gifts, including bequests, trust arrangements, life income gifts, and gifts of life insurance are an excellent

way to make a lifelong testimony to an institution that has profoundly impacted your life. these types of charitable

contributions are important to the longevity of the institution and provide support for endowments, scholarships and

special projects.

endowment scholarships Classes, friends, families, individuals can all have an

opportunity to start an endowed scholarship or fund.

bequests and Testamentary TrustsGiving through an estate gift provides the school with a

gift of a lifetime. Gifts can be made by adding a codicil

to an existing will or by writing a new will. this method

of giving is fairly simple and may reduce the federal

estate tax liability for your heirs. please consider leaving

a legacy at Loretto academy!

Charitable Gift annuitiesCharitable gift annuities (CGa, a life income gift,

are win-win investment options for donors. through

a CGa, a donor receives an immediate charitable

income tax deduction as well as an annuity

payment over the remainder of the donor’s life.

life Insuranceyou may name Loretto as a

beneficiary under your policy.

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The Legacy Society, established in 2010, honors those who have made charitable gifts to Loretto Academy through bequests, trusts, life income gifts, insurance policies, and other estate planning vehicles or who have named Loretto Academy as a beneficiary in their wills.

The following individuals and families have built a legacy at Loretto Academy by making testamentary gifts that will enable the school to provide quality Catholic education for future generations to come.


Judith T. Bukowski

Sylvia Chavez ‘02

Georgia “Jeane” Collins ‘60

Anne Condon†

Dr. Rita Don ‘39

Lillian Henning†

Jeanne Reardon ‘73

Marion Resch†

John† and Doris† Ryan

Margaret Mary Trachsel Snyder† ‘29 and the Snyder Family

Edith Schell Zanker† ‘32


Loretto_AR_Body_Mar13.indd 48 3/15/13 10:03 AM

†Winfred Watson

ConnECt onLinE! Loretto has over 2000 Facebook Fans. Become a Fan and Like us on Facebook - Loretto academy

Follow us on Twitter @Lorettoacademy

e-news - monthly newsletters are being sent online in efforts to be green and update all of Loretto’s constituencies. if you do not receive monthly emails from Loretto academy, please fill out the contact form at loretto.org to be added to the e-newsletter.

the advancement office has made every effort to make this report factual, if you have found an error in the spelling of your name or do not see your name, please let us know so that we may correct the records in our system. please accept our apologies and you can contact the advancement office during normal business hours at 566-8400.

DesignbyViva+impulseCreative•PrintingbyMonarchlithoinc.2013 © Loretto academy

senior/alumnaeluncheonapril 17: Camino Real hotel, RsVp with irma portillo if you would like to sponsor a senior.

FoundationDayMassapril 26, 2013, 8:30am, hilton young hall, Loretto academy

FriendraiserWe will have a Friendraiser at the home of advancement Chair, paula Feinberg ‘83. april 27:

5:30pm– 8:30pm

ClassreunionsClass of 1963: april 22-28, 2013 Class of 1973: may 24-26, 2013 Class of 1988: august 11, 2013

Class of 2003: november 8-10, 2013

Classof2013GraduationWeekendmay 24-26, 2013

loretto’s90thanniversaryandHomecomingWeekend october 11-13 2013

Friday, october 11 – alumnaeMixerandshoppingnightEl Convento, 1300 hardaway, 4:30pm-7:30pm

sunday, october 13 – HomecomingMassandreceptionLoretto st. Joseph Chapel, 10:30am

Reception will follow in El Convento, families are welcome!



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1300 hardawayEl paso, texas 79903-1398

Faith • Community • Justice • Respect