Looking Into Global Warming “Zooming Out for a Better View”

Looking Into Global Warming Looking Into Global Warming Zooming Out for a Better View” Zooming Out for a Better View”
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Transcript of Looking Into Global Warming “Zooming Out for a Better View”

Page 1: Looking Into Global Warming “Zooming Out for a Better View”

Looking Into Global WarmingLooking Into Global Warming

““Zooming Out for a Better View”Zooming Out for a Better View”

Page 2: Looking Into Global Warming “Zooming Out for a Better View”

What is Global Warming?What is Global Warming?

An increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from Pollution.

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How is Global Warming Forming?How is Global Warming Forming?

According to scientist, human activities is the major contribution to Global Warming. With our excessive use of Non-Renewable Energy we have caused Greenhouse Gases to produce Global Warming.

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There are 2 types of Energy:There are 2 types of Energy:

1)1) Non- Renewable EnergyNon- Renewable Energy

2)2) Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy

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Is this the Right Energy for Us?Is this the Right Energy for Us?

Non- Renewable Energy is a source of energy that can not be recreated once used up or can not be recreated in a short period of time. There are only four types of Non-Renewable energy: Coal, Oil, Nuclear and Natural Gases. Scientist have learned that the dependence on these energies can harm not only our health and atmosphere but also the climate to. If the climate can not support the life style we need to survive the climate will involve into a climate that will eventually turn on the human race.

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Or Is this the Right Energy for Us?Or Is this the Right Energy for Us?

• Renewable Energy is derived from sources that are constantly replenished by natural processes. There are five types of Renewable Energies: Wind, Water, Solar, Geothermal, and Biomass. Unlike Non-Renewable Energy, these energies can better not just health for humans but also benefit the climate by stop Greenhouse Gases from trapping the infra- red radiation that is meant to be sent back up to the sun.

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Which Energy Will You Choose?Which Energy Will You Choose?

“Non- Renewable”

1. Rising Sea Levels

2. Artic Shrinkage

3. Extreme Weather

4. Spread of Disease

5. Habitats Disappearing

6. Changes in the timing of seasonal pattern in the ecosystem

7. Economic Failure


1. Having a little control over the planet we call home.

2. Enjoying the beautiful scenario here on Earth.

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“Touching the Views of Global Warming with Nasa””

Nasa have been recording the Climate Changes that Nasa have been recording the Climate Changes that are caused by Global warming. Scientists at Nasa are caused by Global warming. Scientists at Nasa say that the air in Earth’s upper atmosphere is say that the air in Earth’s upper atmosphere is getting less dense which would mean a less drag on getting less dense which would mean a less drag on satellites. This will cause satellites to come crushing satellites. This will cause satellites to come crushing to the Earth’s surfaces or the Satellites will just float to the Earth’s surfaces or the Satellites will just float off in space.off in space.

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“ “ Satellites Pictures of Earth”Satellites Pictures of Earth”

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““Impacts on Medicine with Global Warming”Impacts on Medicine with Global Warming”

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“The Spread Of Diseases”The Infect Medicine has on Global Warming; the rise in The Infect Medicine has on Global Warming; the rise in atmospheric temperature (this is when the temperature on Earth atmospheric temperature (this is when the temperature on Earth changes). When this occurs it directly effects the tropics. Many of changes). When this occurs it directly effects the tropics. Many of the widespread diseases that could be acquired, will be spread by the widespread diseases that could be acquired, will be spread by intermediate hosts such as : Snails, Insects and Small Arthpods. intermediate hosts such as : Snails, Insects and Small Arthpods. There are many types of disease that can spread because of the There are many types of disease that can spread because of the effect on the tropics such as Yellow Fever, Malaria and another effect on the tropics such as Yellow Fever, Malaria and another form of an African Sleeping Disease. Also, Global Warming can form of an African Sleeping Disease. Also, Global Warming can cause low rainfall, this will increase periodic droughts this could cause low rainfall, this will increase periodic droughts this could have an direct impact on agriculture and increase the risk of have an direct impact on agriculture and increase the risk of malnutrition. Increased malnutrition can increase chance of malnutrition. Increased malnutrition can increase chance of tuberculosis, leprosy, and polio. Drought will cause water shortage tuberculosis, leprosy, and polio. Drought will cause water shortage that can be a direct affect on public health. Deterioration, that can be a direct affect on public health. Deterioration, sanitation, and contaminated water will cause the spread of sanitation, and contaminated water will cause the spread of cholera and typhoid. cholera and typhoid.

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““The Effects on Global Warming and Your Health”The Effects on Global Warming and Your Health”

• In addition pollution has effects on global warming with In addition pollution has effects on global warming with increased traffic that has produce excess urban increased traffic that has produce excess urban atmospheres with nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons. The atmospheres with nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons. The effect of ultraviolet light and motor exhaust causes certain effect of ultraviolet light and motor exhaust causes certain reaction with the ozone. These same products can cause reaction with the ozone. These same products can cause damage to the delicate membranes in a human’s airway damage to the delicate membranes in a human’s airway and increase the amount of people who suffer from and increase the amount of people who suffer from asthma. asthma.

• The damage being caused by the ozone layer has increased The damage being caused by the ozone layer has increased the number of people developing skin cancer in some the number of people developing skin cancer in some areas of the world. Scientist believe the increased exposure areas of the world. Scientist believe the increased exposure to ultraviolet light hinders the immune response gradually. to ultraviolet light hinders the immune response gradually.

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““Pictures of Disease that Global Warming Can Cause”Pictures of Disease that Global Warming Can Cause”

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““Let’s Shine with Solar Power”Let’s Shine with Solar Power”

Solar Panels is a form Solar Panels is a form of active Solar Power. of active Solar Power. They harvest sunlight They harvest sunlight and actively convert it and actively convert it into electricity for daily into electricity for daily needs. In direct needs. In direct sunlight a solar panel sunlight a solar panel can create a current of can create a current of approximately 2 amps approximately 2 amps at 2 volts. at 2 volts.

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““Keeping our Wind Blowing Gracefully with Keeping our Wind Blowing Gracefully with

Wind Turbine”Wind Turbine”

Wind Turbine is another name for our modern day Wind Turbine is another name for our modern day windmills. They are rotating machines that can windmills. They are rotating machines that can convert kinetic energy in wind into mechanical convert kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is then converted energy. The mechanical energy is then converted into electricity that humans can use. into electricity that humans can use.

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““Take a New, Fresh, Ride in a Hybrid”Take a New, Fresh, Ride in a Hybrid”

Hybrid cars are the new generation of cars that help Hybrid cars are the new generation of cars that help the causes against Global Warming. Hybrid are cars the causes against Global Warming. Hybrid are cars that run on at least one alternate source of energy that run on at least one alternate source of energy and gasoline. Most of the time that alternate sources and gasoline. Most of the time that alternate sources of energy for hybrid cars is electricity (rechargeable of energy for hybrid cars is electricity (rechargeable batteries). Hybrid cars reduce pollution by 90 batteries). Hybrid cars reduce pollution by 90 percent and they also are longer running then percent and they also are longer running then normal cars. Hybrid also make you less dependent normal cars. Hybrid also make you less dependent on fossil fuel which is one major cause of Global on fossil fuel which is one major cause of Global Warming. Warming.

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““Pictures of Hybrid Cars”Pictures of Hybrid Cars”

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““A Space Ring for Earth”A Space Ring for Earth”

Scientists are thinking about an outrageous Scientists are thinking about an outrageous idea that could possibly help against Global idea that could possibly help against Global Warming. They are suggesting that we create Warming. They are suggesting that we create an artificial ring of small particles or an artificial ring of small particles or spacecrafts around Earth to moderate climate spacecrafts around Earth to moderate climate extremes. This project will cost Nasa agency extremes. This project will cost Nasa agency anywhere between the cost of $6 trillion to anywhere between the cost of $6 trillion to $200 trillion for a basic, non-complex, $200 trillion for a basic, non-complex, working ring. Deploying the tiny spacecrafts working ring. Deploying the tiny spacecrafts would come to a relative bargain of $500 would come to a relative bargain of $500 billion tops. billion tops.

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““A Blueprint of Earth with Space Rings”A Blueprint of Earth with Space Rings”

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“ “ The End”The End”

What choice will you Make?What choice will you Make?