Looking for Eric Work

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Transcript of Looking for Eric Work

  • 8/4/2019 Looking for Eric Work


    Looking For Eric

    Looking for Eric is directed by Ken Loach, automatically assuming the conventions of the film to be

    dramatic as he is known for his social realist directing style and socialist beliefs. However, the

    narrative of the film is based upon two men. Eric, a postman whose life is descending into crisis and

    has reached breaking point, the protagonist who we follow and egg on as the audience because we

    are so desperate for him to turn his life around and win back the woman of his dreams, his ex-wife

    Lily; and Eric Cantona, the hero who turns into a life coach for Eric. Eric and his family are of the

    working class background, his two teenage sons with respect issues represent how northern families

    from broken homes are stereotypically seen. Lily is of a higher domain and acts as if she is more

    superior to them; this is addressed through her costumes. There is a lot of laugher balanced out

    with darker moments throughout the film. The areas of comedy lay mostly with Erics mates who we

    often see in the pub. At the beginning of the film, we explore the depressing sides of the narrative

    and some troubling plot developments however, this is turned around through the charm of the

    characters, who each aim for their turn in the humour spotlight and the sensitivity of theirperformance, it is pulled off.

    What was good about the film?

    I think that the film was good because the narrative didnt fit the conventions that we associate with

    the director Ken Loch. As the narrative develops, we learn more about the reasons that Erics life is

    falling apart, as initially, this is quite difficult to understand. We are introduced to the character of

    Eric who has no self confidence or happiness in himself. We are therefore expecting this to be one of

    the main features in the film. Also, the relationship that he has with his sons is an apparent factor

    which causes drama so is going to be pin-pointed in the film. The film is good because it keeps its

    focus on the main points of Erics life, the life coaching that he receives from his hero is relevant and

    fitting because it suggests that there is a hero inside of us all and that it is possible to turn your life

    around. Despite some comedic moments between both Eric and Eric Cantona, the way that it is

    director doesnt make us feel that it is in any way magical or make believe. The atmosphere and

    mood of the film is quite dark and the lighting used always emphasises the shadows which is the

    same for the scenes when Eric Cantona is present. Instead, the real and unreal fit seamlessly

    together with chances for general talk along the way as we are able to see Eric question Eric Cantona

    about some of his best moments and also is happy for some banter along the way. The film is heavy

    on teamwork, quotes are often used by Eric Cantona and we are able to see his mates trying to getEric to feel more positive about his life. The scene where Operation Cantona is taking place is a

    prime example of some of the teamwork displayed in this film and also the lengths that even

    families who seem to have fallen apart will go for each other. The film has a fitting ending, where the

    entire family are reunited and seem at peace with each other. Even though the film incorporates

    many enigma codes into the narrative, it is still good because the storyline unfolds in ways that we

    dont expect and the atmosphere and mood of the film lifts towards the end which from the

    beginning we would not see coming.

  • 8/4/2019 Looking for Eric Work


    What could have been improved?

    I think the ending could have been improved, even though it was good to see the family all together

    and the team work that Eric and his friends portrayed in Operation Cantona, I feel that the

    narrative could have had a more dramatic ending, not necessarily a happy one because this wouldnt

    have fitted with the conventions that the film was beginning to show at the end. Where suddenlysomething has gone wrong but everything is forgiven. I feel the scene where the police investigate

    the hiding of the gun in Erics house could have been expanded on more and been made more

    dramatic or the aftermath with the issues raised in the family could have been developed. I also

    feel the way that Eric and Lily began seeing each other again could have been a more prominent part

    of the film, because it seemed to go pretty well every time they met. It would have been more

    interesting to see how the sons and Erics mates responded to Lily and how the convocation and

    contact would have gone between them. As Lily seemed to be represented as a stereotypical

    business woman in the way that she portrayed herself and was dressed. The differences between

    her lifestyle and Erics could have been expanded on more and her reaction to his lifestyle could

    have been made more dramatic. However, I do think the fact that the narrative had a happy ending

    was untraditional of that of Ken Loach so this made the ending more effective overall.

    What is British about the film?

    The actors used in the film emphasised the stereotypical British culture in a large city like

    Manchester. The accents were Lancastrian, and apart from Eric Cantona, all of the actors that we

    saw fitted the stereotype of a working class person. The males characters were portrayed to be

    football fans which are very British. The banter coming from opposing teams in a pub where they sit

    with a pint and enjoy the match is also commonly expected of most men during the football season.Not only does this represent Britain but is also stereotypically accurate of most football fans. The

    film is British due to some of the politically incorrect comedic value, and the fact that many British

    are often too lazy or incapable of being able to do something ourselves. I think that we often live in a

    world where we aspire to be like someone, and this film reiterates that point, as even a grown man

    with teenage sons, still has posters of his footballer hero on his wall. In a less obvious way, but

    something that is becoming more common is for teenage and young mums, which is pointed out

    briefly but noticeably in the film. How the daughter, desperate to be independent and live her own

    life still needs the help of mum and dad to look after her young baby when she is trying to finish her

    degree. The links with university and graduation day also showcases some of the everyday things

    that are associated with Britain.

    What other films is it similar to?

    Looking for Eric is similar to the film Bend it like Beckham because it has some similarities including

    the rebellion of the daughter being a part of something that the family dont believe in. Even though

    Looking for Eric is predominantly British and Bend it like Beckham has involvement with Sikhism, the

    topic matter and content of both films is evolved around football. There are many differences in the

    way that football plays a part in the film but both share comedic value.

  • 8/4/2019 Looking for Eric Work


    How might the film be different if it were filmed in America?

    If Looking for Eric was to be filmed in America I expect the narrative would be very different and be

    focused much more on the positive aspects of the film, about the success and determination of the

    characters and how they are able to do this for themselves rather than relying upon the help of

    friends and a hero to do it for them. The film would also not be set in a stereotypical council estateand more in a thriving area of an excelling state such as New York. As there is an element of business

    in the film, I expect that it would be filmed in New York because it is a very busy city also this

    would fit the busy narrative of Looking for Eric. The characters would be in much better condition

    also; they would be more attractive and confident in their own personalities and would be thriving

    to make their lives and appearance better. In Looking for Eric, Eric especially is obviously unsatisfied

    with his lifestyle and this is a heavily emphasised point of the film. Whereas, if it was to be filmed in

    America, the negativity in the narrative would be rushed through very quickly and definitely would

    not be brought up again when things were beginning to look up. I feel there would probably be a lot

    more action and drama in the narrative which put the audience on the edge of their seats and made

    it harder for them to guess what was going to be happening next, so less enigma codes would be

    used to lead the audience. There would still be an air of romance because this is often the case with

    every narrative, but Eric being able to get Lily back would have been done in a more dramatic


    What is the impact of the budget constraints?

    The film was pretty simplistic where the mise-en-scene is what we are used to seeing on a daily basis

    with no real use of any special effects. This could suggest that the budget to make the film wasnt

    too high because otherwise it may have been set in a more effluent area. The film itself was setmainly in a rough council estate in the city of Manchester, and the characters were of the working

    class demographic. Although this was the narrative of the plot, which fitted with the conventions

    that we expect to see from a Ken Loach film, this could also be the reason that he directs his films in

    such a way because it is easier and cheaper to film in a rough area? On the opening weekend, the

    film made 215,173 in the UK and $6743 in two screens in the USA. However, before it was released,

    Looking for Eric received support from the UK film Council Prints and Advertising Funds Icon Film

    Distribution received 125,500 to widen the distribution of the film that they believed was going to

    be successful.