look: wmo'S here I i The Klein...

THE FARMER: MAY 26, 1911 MELTZER FOR SAFE PLAGES i look: wmo'S here s I ST tVT I of New York TO WORK IN The Klein Clothing; Co. iUiiUilUiiUUUUiUU i Scorches Employers Who Hire Lawyer to Lead Fight Against OUR LADIES' AND MISSES' I SUIT STOCK O Legislation For Workingmen GRAND OPENING ANN0UNC EfflENT Praises Provision of Germany For Safe Guarding Workers and Denounces Certain Legal For One Day Only SATURDAY, MAY 27 g Fictions r ) We take great pleasure in announcing to the public that on Saturday, May 27th, 1911, we will open a branch store at Corner Middle and Golden Hill Sts. (Next to Mohican Co.) WHERE WE WILL CARRY A NEW, UP-TO-DAT- E AND COMPLETE LINE OF m you can have your free choice of selection of our en- - (Special to the Farmer.) Hartford, May 26 A very interest nit; aiuuiv ui suits xui 111c jjiiue uj. ing hearing took place yesterday be iore tne judiciary committee on a substitute for House Bill No. 263, in HD)o(D)(D) troduced by Representative Meltzer. The substitute was introduced by Mr, Men's and .(Ctottlhlflnil Boys Meltzer about 10 days ago, and. .the hearing on the bill . was postponed Rnifs runcrirnrin Tvricfi from $15 to $3.5 let noth- - from day to day until yesterday, late o X T Ad in the afternoon, it was heard. Those who spoke in its favor were Messrs, Meltzer, Thorns, Managan of Water- - mg siaiui in your way oj. uus.ug auvauiagc ui imo great money-savin- g opportunity. Every one less, every one this year's style from our own stock w Including the popular imported and domestic weaves, in neat, naty, up-to-da- te j bury, Representatives, and Leonard of syles, jof the highest grade tailoring, which we will sell at SPECIAL LOW Hartford, representing the Central La- bor Union of Hartford. Gross and fc3 and everyone the acme of tailored perfection, pre-senti- ng a choice of the following: Morehouse opposed. PRICES to introduce our line. ' ' " t -- ' '.' ' Mr. Meltzer explained his bill at some length and spoke in part as fol lows: "This bill amends Section 4702 of the General Statutes, which defines the For the past Fifteen Years we have been engaged in the Clothing. Business in New York City, and, on account of fair dealing, good merchandise at the lowest j prices, and our uniform attention to business, we have succeeded in building. duty of the master to the servant in general terms, making- - it the master's duty to provide for his servant 'a rea sonable, safe place in which to. work and reasonable safe appliances to work up a great business, which.has grown to such ah extent, that we were compelled I to branch out. It will be our aim at all times to give the people of Bridgeport with,' and the usual construction put by courts and employers upon the word 'reasonable' to mean 'ordinarily dependable merchandise at the same low prices and with this aim in view, we are Imported Mixture Suits $10.00 French Serge Suits $10.00 White Serge Suits $10.00 White Stripe Serge Suits $10.00 Black Satin Suits $10.00 Silk Braided Suits $10.00 Novelty Mixture Suits $10.00 Sailor Collar Model Suits $10.00 safe, moderately safe', and no em ployer at the present time makes an bound to succeed. ; effort to have an absolutely safe place to work In or absolutely safe tools to work with, because the law does not Impose on him such, a duty, and this evil this bill seeks to remedy by strik- ing out from the statute the word 'reasonable, and defining at some de tail the duties of the master how he is to provide for the servant's safety in case .of dangerous machinery, or a dangerous place to work in. The purpose of this bill is to pre vent industrial accidents, which are H SEE DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW v J Ladies accustomed to the best will be delighted with any of them C 5? so many and so varied that to Invite you to see them la all that we preventable by compelling employers to provide absolutely safe places in which their employes shall work and safe appliances to work with. It is admit can do n print. Remember this sale la for J?j FREE WITH EACH STUITT We beg to further announce that on our OPENING DAY, SATUR- DAY, MAY 27th, 1911, we will give free to every purchaser of a suit, a beautifuland expensive shaving set, consisting of: Colgate's Shaving stick, Nickel Handled Shaving Brush, 7 Burham Blades, and Improved Heavy Handle. .. i . WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, AND WE WILL EARNESTLY ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE YOU. The Klein Clothing Co. COR. MIDDLE AND GOLDEN HILL STS. ted by all who are acquainted with in , THIS SOUVENIR I ' ppP ii"iin' i - - i, J dustrial conditions that more than 50 per cent, of industrial accidents are from preventable causes, and therefore SATURDAY, ONE DAY ONLY g MILLINERY MUST 60!! I it is time that the State takes notice of such an appalling state of Indus trial conditions and enacts laws to prevent it. 'An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, and while lust compensation for Injuries ought to be had and legislation for that purpose ought to be enacted, but to prevent avoidable accidents is a Final Price Cut Unbelievably Deep w Prices so low' as to send this beautiful millinery 111 scurrying to new owners the minute this announce- - p men comes to public notice. We never carry millin- - fl ery over and these next-to-nothi- ng prices will move it surely and quickly. Have a new hat for Memorial m higher duty on. the part of the State, as It not only protects the working- - Branch of 2182 3rd Ave., N. Y. City BRIDGEPORT, CONN men, the mainstay of our maustriav expansion, but it saves the State from human waste, which is a great eco nomie loss. These laws safeguarding working-- 1 Joseph, who' does not-kno- his em- - QUEER PETS. wear. ' sa 3 Day men against avoidable accidents from ployes, does not Vvork with them, does dangerous machinery a.nd unsafe not know their trials and tribulations places to work in have been enacted and the danger they are exposed to in sub-contract- and other persons hav- ing charge of( or responsible for, any work Involving a risk or danger to the employes or the public, shall use ev- ery device, care and precaution which der not to be overlooked, with the re- sult that both in town and out of town, at casement with and without a window seat, the lace curtain stop- ping within a foot and a half of the floor, has a wider vogue that 'the Trimmed in many States of the Union, in Eur-- 1 their work and his standard of pru Is practicable to use for the protec ope and especially in Germany. , It I denee is to get as much as he can For Any Hat jn Our Stock For was amusing to me to hear that I from his investment regardless of tion and safety of life and limb, lim ii) l MAY longer curtain. These curtains may be bought in all over fancy lace, real phrase-make- r, Mr. Emery, whom the safety in life and limb to his em ited only by the necessity of preserv Manufacturers' Association have lm- - ployes. ing the efficiency of the structure, ma- chine or other apparatus or device, and without regard to the additional ported from Washington. D. C, to "And it is the duty of the state to or imitation, at prices to suit most pocketbooks, but the most used and best liked of the medium priced lead their fight against legislation in I provide these necessary safeguards, favor of workingmen, when he praised I some of which this bill of mine pro- - $13 ' These hats have sold for $3 to $15 and are the season's smartest & ?J styles. Exquisite in design and possessing individuality that is rare j. grades are made of plain, sheer fab cost of suitable material or safety ap pllances or devices. the compensation laws of Germany. 1 vides." rics finished with a. fancy 'border He was willing to borrow these laws Mr. Meltzer then went on In fact it is the border which counts Don l miss mis Diggesi 01 au uiuiitry saving iur oaxuruay omy. j; SEE DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW DRAPERIES TO SOFTEX LIGHT, from Germany. But the compensa- - plain the different provisions of his most now whether in the real or im itation lace variety. Three . kinds of Sunproof Madras a 3Iaterial Much in tion laws are only a small part of bill which follows. There is a likell-German- y's care for its working classes. I hood that some of the provisions of From cradle to the grave in Germany I the bill will be incorporated in the material . .. particularly appropriate Favor Now. are plain scrim, pure white, cream the State has its finger on the pulse I employers liability bill or mode a sep A Woman Sets Forth the Charm of Various Small Reptile). With many women 'there are fh-ion- s in pets just as in dressr, says lUf. Queen. The year 1908 was the year of the marmoset, : 1909 favored fh "real live teddy bear," while IatJt y-a- r saw the introduction of the hamstr. The' writer has had considerable ex- perience with reptiles and thinks w men, might do worse than give sOrnk of them the next call. "Some of the small tortoises," h says, "are inexpensive but in purchas- ing them one should be careful to cure strong, .healthy speciments wifh undamaged shells. From time to time there come upon the markti rarer and more expensive speci1!". Some of these are very beautiful ar.i well worth the fancy, prices asiced for them,' for although - sixpence or a shilling will purchase an ordinary tortoise anything up to half a guinea may be asked for the rarer ki-nds- . Some of the American terrapin, especially when quite, young, have most beautiful coloring and mark- ings. One that I possessed waa bright green with markings in the form ft ebneentric circles on each ?cale, ard yellow, zebralike stripes on fhe rj'-ri- t of the citizen. Germany hates waste arate act. GAME OF MINDORO. CONSIDERATION IN DRIVING. . r- - I n I, .. - 1 New weaves of madras designed to darken a room without excluding the air are now on the market. These in any 1UI III, esyeiiiiui uuuicxii wasic. , . . A A white cream; perfectly plain Swiss muslin, and Swiss muslin with a narrow ; raised stripe in it. These are suitable for any room, whereas the piaided and dotted i. muslins are Distinction Between Use and Abuse of Alotor Car. are called sun proof and for the time being they are having a wider vogue even than cretonne for inner or side It Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General As used more especially for bedrooms -- If we take the mechanical side of sembly convened: Two or three kinds of lace may be included in the border, or segments of window drapings for living rooms the question, a vast field of thought ia Section 4702 of the General Statutes and bedrooms 'with and without a valance across the top.. In either is hereby amended to read as follows: some kind connected with an open work beading. the State to raise a boy to manhood, say one or two thousand dollars, and it considers it an economic loss,', aside from the humane' view, to permit an " employer to malm his workmen by his failure to provide for them a safe place in which to work and safe tools to work with, and if the workmen do get Injured and their injuries are in- cident to the employment, then the State throws burden of the loss upon laid bare for investigation,' and it is certally a moot point as whether It shall be the duty of the master case the curtains are hung independ enlty from a pole so that they can be many drivers, from the most scruD to exercise due care to provide for the servant a safe place in which to IiAWS AFFECTING WOMEN. brought together in the centre or ulously careful to the most egregious- - work, safe appliances and instrumen shoved back. The most stylish ar At Iieast They'd Have Been laws if talities for his work, and fit and com rangement is to have them cover a ly negligent, ever give very much thought as to what is actually taking place in the various working details of the mechanical anatomy of the the Men Had Passed Them. petent persona as his cc laborers: to the industry, that is on the consum third of the window oh either side exercise due care, in the appointment or designation of a vice principal, and - "Women have all the rights they need and more privileges than are machine they are driving. "Only recently the Minister of In leaving the middle third to show i white curtain which stops at the win dowsill. and head. Another was pile gr-r- y with darker circles and brlghit rrl to appoint or designate as such vice terior in Germany said, "Germany's Modern engineering genius has brought the motor car of to-d- ay to principal a fit and competent person. wonderful industrial expansion is due stripes on the head and neck. good for them," is a common reply to any feminine talk about wanting to This madras may fce bought by the yard or by the curtain and one 1 as The manager, superintendent or fore sucn a nign degree of efficiency that, to all intents and purposes, it. is hard man in charge or control of the con of the land tortoises also are scarcely less attractive. The Indian trrrj tortoise, for instance, has yellow. effective as the other, the curtains struction, or works, or machinery, or to conceive any very great improve having an all around border that the to the efficiency of Its workmen, and their efficiency could not have been maintained but for the social laws the State enacted for their safety and pro- tection. I do not mean to say that the individual German is more charit vote. , Another favorite declaration is that "in New York State women are not only equal with "men before starlike markings all over its shell. operation, or any part thereof, or any person designated by the master to material sold by the yard lacks. ment in its general construction, says London Motor. In most of the high-gra- de cars now on the market, there Tlie Rare Tamarao Plenty of Wild Carabao, Boar and Deer. ' V paradise for hunters," is the way Judge Liddell describes the country in the vicinity of his home and plantation on the southeast coast of Mindoro. One game Mintioro excels in is the ta- marao, rarest of animals and one which is found only in Mindoro. This fierce animal, much like an American buffalo, is held in universal dread by every native on the island, who looks on him as a far more formidable crea- ture than the maddest of wild cara-bao- s. ' Th,e tamarao is seldom seen In clear- ings because he sticks to his native wilds. When he does come near a clearing the natives in that vicinity make for the nearest shelter. For the tamarao does not wait to attack. He takes the initiative himself, charging every one and everything in sight. Mrs. Liddell, wife of Judge Liddell, is perhaps the only white woman who has ever seen a tamarao. A few weeks ago one came within fifteen feet of the window of the Liddell kitchen, where she was instructing the cook, and peered in. The natives in tho neighborhood took to their heels and then the tamarao quietly walked off. But if the tamarao is the piece de resistance among the game of Mindoro it is not the only game to be found on the island. There are myriads of deer, wild chickens and game birds of all yorts. There are also plenty of wild boars on the island, some of them of extraordinary size and none of them noted for their docility. Judge Liddell has one tusk fully 18 inches long, which charged the .hunters repeated!; 'Then there are tree frogs and fire The other day a purchaser who has the law but they have a distinct ad a suburban , cottage was selecting frogs which can be kept together in the same vivarium. The tne frog ii perform the duties, which the law im- pose upon the master to perform, shall be held to be a vice-princip- al in all is also a very high degree of excel vantage." People who say these able than the American. The contrary madras forty Inches wide, by the yard, to drape the windows of three is the- - case,: but collectively the State in Germany is more' careful of the well suits for damages for death or injury lence observaable in constructive de- tails, so that, really,- - a driver has practically nothing to do except steer suffered by a servant. -- Any employer being of workmen' than we are. We things may be interested in the fol- lowing list of amendments to laws discriminating against women. - These amendments, says the Wo- men Lawyers Journal, were intro rooms, and madras curtains for an other room, and she gave her rea sons: engaged in the construction, .repairing, have inherited two things from Eng ana actuate the throttle, and it is undoubtedly this ultra simplification about one and one-ha- lf to two inch s long and is normally bright gren in color, though at times it may change to fawn, pale gray or dark olive green. Each toe is provided with a small a disc or pad which enables the frog to adhere to any smooth surface alteration, removal or painting of any land, which we still cling to and "To pull down green shades dark of the personal attention requisite for building, bridge, viaduct or other which form the basic foundation of duced in the Legislature last winter: ens a room but keeps out every the well-bein- g of the mechanism, that misguided views of the relation structure, or inthe erection or opera. our breath of air, and- - thick curtains are tends to alienate the driver's thoughts tion of any machinery, or in the manu of master and servant, or employer - One giving the mother equal rights with the father in the property of their children. At present the fa even to a perpendicular pane of gla1!. just as bad. And without green facture, transmission and use of elec and employe. tricity, or in tne manutacture or use "In economics we still cling to the shades or thick curtains rooms are too uncomfortably light in hot weath It will feed on flies or bluehott'-- s which may be placed alive In th cage. On perceiving it.- - prey It of any dangerous appliance or sub ther is the next of kin and sole heir of the child. economic theories of Adam Smith and stance, shall see that all metal, wood, er." t Ricardo of ' the 'survival of the fit One making the parents joint rope, glass, rubber, gutta percha, or The best qualities of these new cur test, and justify many an unfair or other material whatever, shall. be care tain madrases are; used , for parlors guardians of. the property of their children. At present the father is rrom supervising the operation of his machine. On the other hand, if we take the number of drivers who always treat their machines with thorough con- sideration, and who can honestly say they are never guilty of unnecessarily harsh treatment, it wheth- er the number would reach a very large percentage. For example, how many people draw ud their cars in,, say 20 feet. unjust - commercial act by that prin climbs as near as possible to It and then springs upon it from a diitanca of sometimes more than a foot, open- ing its mouth as it springs and fixir the Insect with its tongue which is fully selected and inspected and test and libraries, a salesman explained the sole guardian. ed so as to detect any defects and all The made curtains selected by the One giving the surviving husband ciple. In law we have adopted from the English Common Law the legal fiction, that legal entity called 'the ordinary prudent man, and we let scaffolding, staging, raise work or purchaser were intended for a living other ' temporary structure shall be also provided with an adhesive dis . room furnished in green. They had constructed to bear three times the "The fire frog on the contrary i a dark green, almost black mesh. or wife "an equar share in the other's property. One providing that the will of a man who subsequently marries shall be revoked, the same as the will of maximum weight to be sustained by 'him decide all our controversies in all relations of life; whether-th- price said structure, and such structure is reasonable, whether the time is rea 1 ,1 . n r tt Via. 1 covered with a large, conventional design done in lighter greens and dark browns illuminated with touch- es of dull red. In the border these more lethargic in its movements until it lias caught its prey. This, how- ever, must not be taken as a sign that it is not equally voracious. Though barely an inch long it will tackle an unmarried woman. :::r:: " r! or overcrowded, and all scaffolding, One eiving a married woman the care, place safe, whether the tools were rea staging, or other structure more than colors were combined in a smaller rieht to carry on any business, trade twenty feet from the ground or floor pattern with Oriental effect. sonably safe, etc., etc worms more than twice its length no will It release its hold when once It or other structure more than twenty or occupation with her- - husband and share in the profits. Now the joint "Now, I do not desire to enter Into A particularly good pattern with an indigo blue mesh suggested an old has seized its prey. A fire frog may feet from. the ground or floor shall be secured from swaying and provided a discussion of the merit or demerit earnings of husband and wife belong to the husband. with a strong and efficient safety rail stained glass window, many colors being combined in the border. Many of the most stylish curtains shown be angled for like a fish. You have only to attach a mealworm or cater- pillar to, a thread and dangle it in front of the creatures nose and It will or other contrivance, so as to prevent of such a system of deciding what is right or proper in each individual case, but I submit, gentlemen, that under the present conditions of our One giving a married woman the any person from falling therefrom had a black foundation and a pattern right to any compensation derivea from any business, trade or occupa and all dangerous machinery shall be industrial activity with the increasing of neutral colors picked out with a securely covered and protected to the tion carried on by her within or with at once seize it and may be drawn up. Sometimes two frog will seize the same worm at fhe same time one use of dangerous machinery, and the bright color. out the household. At present ,tne fullest extent that the proper opera- tion of the machinery permits, and In madras sold by the yard some great number of people working to gether in one place, the 'ordinery pru of the very best designs include no at each end. Ttien ensues a most dent man could not be relied upon to amusing tug of war. bright colors at all. For instance, the purchaser referred to chose for services of a married woman in and about the household belong to the husband; this includes taking board- ers, nursing the sick, sewing, wash- ing, etc. ' all shafts, wells, floor openings, and similar places of danger shall be en- closed and all machinery other than than operated by hand power shall. decide properly ana wisely whether a The coloring of the fire frog I certain place, under the conditions, one room madras combining several shades of brown In oblongs, triangles remarkable. Viewed from above it is usually dull gray, though occasionally whenever necessary for the safety of was safe, or whether the intricate tools were safe. . When industry was One making all sums tnat may De some specimens are dark green, i The and scrolls covering a tan mesh. persons employed about the same or when there is no earthly reason why they should not utilize 40? Here is a case in point, frequently occurring. Assume a man to be driving in city traffic and to see a "block" at the cor- ner which he is approaching. What are his actions? Does he at once slow down, and gently elide up to his position at the rear of the other vehicles, or does he go merrily on, only arresting his progress in the last few yards by a more or less vigorous application of his brake, whereas, as likely as not, his momentum, when he first noticed that the traffic was ar- rested, would have just sufficed to take him to his position, with possibly the merest touch of the brake to finish up with? A similar lack of consideration for the car is also frequently shown when driving into garages, etc., though it must be admitted that the chief delinquents in this case are the professional drivers. It is hard to ex- plain exactly what it is. but there seems to be a degree of self-laudato- ry exultation in the triumph of mind over matter, and the driver, instead of allowing the glory to the designer and manufacturer of the car seems to have an inherent inclination to make it patent, both to the car itself and anyone who may happen to be near, that he and he only, controls its every movement. When hesays "go" it has to go, and when he says "stop" it has to stop, even though its very frame may shiver and tremble with the injustice of the unreasonable demands so sud- denly and thoughtlessly made upon it. recovered in actions or special pro In its Infancy, using only a few slm The greater part of the design was in for the safety or tne general public, ceedings by a married woman to re pie tools for its work, and only a few very dark walnut brown, the finer cover for her services the separate men working together and their em lines in cinnamon brown. . be provided with a system of commun- ication by means of signals so, that at all times there may be prompt and before he was shot down. Wild carabao hunting is another pastime of the Midoro planters and one that is not destined to soothe the nerves of weak hearted men. These big animals are at all times dangerous, and when once wounded or angered will charge their hunters with all the ferocitv of an African buffalo. James Liddell, a son of the Judge, had an experience with one of them recently that will not be forgotten in a hurry. He was hunting and shot the big fellow, knocking him off his feet. As the carabao lay still he ap- proached him and when not a foot away the carabao "leaped to his feet and charged. There was no time for a shot, so young Liddell did the only thing open to. him grappled with the infuriated beast. Three times the animal gored him. and flnallv the boy made his es- cape. What the Filipinos in his party regarded as the miraculous feature of the accident was the fact that the carabao had permitted him to escape. Manila Times. Helpful Sugrseistions. Much depends upon the care the little chicks get at the start. Scatter ashes around the currant and gooseberry busnes. Treat yourself and the mother to a strawberry patch this year. ' Start tfdaj-- . Scratch a little grass seed into the bare spots when cleaning up the yard. I-i- ter it will look better. Have you cleaned, oiled and re- paired the work harness? Watch the shoulders of the plow horees. They are easily made sore Clean the fence corners and destroy the insect eggs deposited in dry places, grass, and other trash. Plant shade trees. Their cool shelter will be valuable after awhile. ployer working with them, and using Dark brown and burnt orange property of the wife. At present they belong to the husband. made the combination in one large efficient communication between the the same- tools, then it was proper to rely upon the 'ordinary prudent man' to provide a 'reasonably safe place in eployes or other persons and the op-- cosm- - nf thf motlVA nnwpr tn onahlA CHAFF. under parts, however, from which It takes its name are spotted with orange red. One more curious trait about it is the habit to be observed in- - some specimens of curling up like a dried leaf when toucned. The baci is then bent and all four limbs are curled up over it until the lips of the snout and all the toes nearly touch. It is difficult to explain the reason for this action, but it is apparently de- signed to be in some way protective. Possibly the position is assumed in order to dsplay the warning red. color of the under side." "What is the reciprocity proposition, conventional design with an ecru mesh. An exception to the no color rule showed an Egyptian design done in several shades of dull blue with here and there a trace of old rose showing. There were wonderful which to work and safe tools to work its quick stoppage, and in the trans-wit- h, but in modern industry no such mjSSion and use of electricity of a conditions prevail. riantrerous voltaee full and comDlete anyhow?" "Why, it means tnat a state agrees Our inventive renlus has produced inauiatlon shall be provided at all points where the public or the em to recognize the automoDiie licenses of the adjoining states." Pittsburg Post. very intricate ana complicated ma- chinery to do the work, which while very useful is very dangerous to those combinations of greens and of greens and khaki color and of deep blues and khaki! Conventional designs are cansldered newer than the, floral and the best of these in turn cover the who handle it unless you safeguard them properly. We have harnessed Bacon murdered Shakespeare? Non ployes of the owner, contractor or sub- contractor transmitting or using said electricity are liable to come in con- tact with the wire, and dead wires shall not be miugled with live wires, nor strung upon the same support, and the arms or supports bearing live wires shall be specially designated by the giant forces of nature to do the sense! How could that be pray? groundwork in a closely interwoven work of modern industry and we con- gregate in one place thousands where rather than in a scatttf ed effect. Why, we saw an actor do it In hanging these curtains they Only yesterday. Boston Transcript. must reach from the top of the win only a handfui used to work together, and I submit that for their protection in life and limb a different standard dow moulding to the floor and be a color or other designation which is instantly apparent, and live electrical Adam so The Serpent What's MARRIED. BOUTEIXIER-COO- K. At Shelton. Miss Mary Cook, of Shelton, and George Boutellier, , of Derby. . ELWELIi- - WORTH. In Springdale, May 18, Miss Alice O. Wort ft, to Walter F. Elwell of Brooklyn. COLMR-GOWLE-S. Tn NorfoIk.My 18, .Miss Mabel Pauline Crfvles and Amos Burton Collar. wires carrying a dangerous voltage grouchy over to-da- y? gathered on a pole and not pleated. The white sash curtains on the other hand ought not to hang lower than to a few inches below the window of safety ought to be provided by law than the 'ordinary prudent man's' opinion what is a 'safe place' to work In and 'safe tools" to work with. A The Ape Oh, he says tnat tne ar shall be strung at such distance from the poles or supports as to permit re- pairmen to frenely engage in their New York Leon Jung's lawyer tried to clear him of a policy charge by tell- ing the court that the ticket found In his possession was "a beautiful Ori- ental prayer to Confucius." A Chin- - rival of woman means that all his plans for universal peace have been new employer has arisen in our work without danger of shock and, sill. The shorter curtain gives ornat tovrcer bor knocked in the hean for -- gooa. fucK. modern industry, who. does. nofvknowj generally, all owners, contractors or I aiiSZ u wmtcts idleness.

Transcript of look: wmo'S here I i The Klein...

Page 1: look: wmo'S here I i The Klein Clothing;chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022472/1911-05-26/ed-1/seq-9.pdfTHE FARMER: MAY 26, 1911 MELTZER FOR SAFE PLAGES i look: wmo'S here s I

THE FARMER: MAY 26, 1911



look: wmo'S here sI ST tVT I

of New YorkTO WORK IN The Klein Clothing; Co. iUiiUilUiiUUUUiUU iScorches Employers Who HireLawyer to Lead Fight AgainstOUR LADIES' AND MISSES'


Praises Provision of GermanyFor Safe Guarding Workersand Denounces Certain Legal

For One Day Only SATURDAY, MAY 27 g Fictionsr


We take great pleasure in announcing to the public that on Saturday, May27th, 1911, we will open a branch store at Corner Middle and Golden Hill Sts.(Next to Mohican Co.) WHERE WE WILL CARRY A NEW, UP-TO-DAT- E

AND COMPLETE LINE OFm you can have your free choice of selection of our en-- (Special to the Farmer.)

Hartford, May 26 A very interestnit; aiuuiv ui suits xui 111c jjiiue uj. ing hearing took place yesterday beiore tne judiciary committee on asubstitute for House Bill No. 263, inHD)o(D)(D) troduced by Representative Meltzer.The substitute was introduced by Mr, Men's and .(Ctottlhlflnil

BoysMeltzer about 10 days ago, and. .thehearing on the bill . was postponedRnifs runcrirnrin Tvricfi from $15 to $3.5 let noth- - from day to day until yesterday, lateo X T Adin the afternoon, it was heard. Thosewho spoke in its favor were Messrs,Meltzer, Thorns, Managan of Water- -

mg siaiui in your way oj. uus.ug auvauiagc ui imogreat money-savin- g opportunity. Every oneless, every one this year's style from our own stock w

Including the popular imported and domestic weaves, in neat, naty, up-to-da- te j

bury, Representatives, and Leonard ofsyles, jof the highest grade tailoring, which we will sell at SPECIAL LOWHartford, representing the Central La-

bor Union of Hartford. Gross andfc3 and everyone the acme of tailored perfection, pre-senti-ng

a choice of the following: Morehouse opposed. PRICES to introduce our line.' ' "t -- ' '.' '

Mr. Meltzer explained his bill atsome length and spoke in part as follows:

"This bill amends Section 4702 of theGeneral Statutes, which defines the

For the past Fifteen Years we have been engaged in the Clothing. Business inNew York City, and, on account of fair dealing, good merchandise at the lowest j

prices, and our uniform attention to business, we have succeeded in building.duty of the master to the servant ingeneral terms, making- - it the master'sduty to provide for his servant 'a reasonable, safe place in which to. workand reasonable safe appliances to work up a great business, which.has grown to such ah extent, that we were compelled I

to branch out. It will be our aim at all times to give the people of Bridgeportwith,' and the usual construction putby courts and employers upon theword 'reasonable' to mean 'ordinarily dependable merchandise at the same low prices and with this aim in view, we are

Imported Mixture Suits $10.00

French Serge Suits $10.00

White Serge Suits $10.00

White Stripe Serge Suits $10.00Black Satin Suits $10.00

Silk Braided Suits $10.00

Novelty Mixture Suits $10.00Sailor Collar Model Suits $10.00

safe, moderately safe', and no employer at the present time makes an bound to succeed. ;

effort to have an absolutely safe placeto work In or absolutely safe tools towork with, because the law does notImpose on him such, a duty, and thisevil this bill seeks to remedy by strik-ing out from the statute the word'reasonable, and defining at some detail the duties of the master how heis to provide for the servant's safetyin case .of dangerous machinery, or adangerous place to work in.

The purpose of this bill is to prevent industrial accidents, which areH SEE DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW v J

Ladies accustomed to the best will be delighted with any of them C5? so many and so varied that to Invite you to see them la all that we

preventable by compelling employers toprovide absolutely safe places in whichtheir employes shall work and safeappliances to work with. It is admitcan do n print. Remember this sale la for J?j

FREE WITH EACH STUITTWe beg to further announce that on our OPENING DAY, SATUR-

DAY, MAY 27th, 1911, we will give free to every purchaser of a suit,a beautifuland expensive shaving set, consisting of: Colgate's Shavingstick, Nickel Handled Shaving Brush, 7 Burham Blades, and ImprovedHeavy Handle.

..i .



ted by all who are acquainted with in



' ppP

ii"iin' i - -i, J

dustrial conditions that more than 50per cent, of industrial accidents arefrom preventable causes, and therefore

SATURDAY, ONE DAY ONLY gMILLINERY MUST 60!! I it is time that the State takes notice

of such an appalling state of Industrial conditions and enacts laws toprevent it. 'An ounce of preventionis better than a pound of cure, andwhile lust compensation for Injuriesought to be had and legislation forthat purpose ought to be enacted, butto prevent avoidable accidents is a

Final Price Cut Unbelievably Deep wPrices so low' as to send this beautiful millinery 111

scurrying to new owners the minute this announce- - pmen comes to public notice. We never carry millin-- flery over and these next-to-nothi- ng prices will move itsurely and quickly. Have a new hat for Memorial m

higher duty on. the part of the State,as It not only protects the working- - Branch of 2182 3rd Ave., N. Y. City BRIDGEPORT, CONNmen, the mainstay of our maustriavexpansion, but it saves the State fromhuman waste, which is a great economie loss.

These laws safeguarding working-- 1 Joseph, who' does not-kno- his em-- QUEER PETS.wear. ' sa3 Daymen against avoidable accidents from ployes, does not Vvork with them, doesdangerous machinery a.nd unsafe not know their trials and tribulationsplaces to work in have been enacted and the danger they are exposed to in

sub-contract- and other persons hav-ing charge of( or responsible for, anywork Involving a risk or danger to theemployes or the public, shall use ev-ery device, care and precaution which

der not to be overlooked, with the re-sult that both in town and out oftown, at casement with and without awindow seat, the lace curtain stop-ping within a foot and a half of thefloor, has a wider vogue that 'the

Trimmedin many States of the Union, in Eur-- 1 their work and his standard of pru

Is practicable to use for the protecope and especially in Germany. , It I denee is to get as much as he canFor AnyHat jn OurStock For

was amusing to me to hear that I from his investment regardless of tion and safety of life and limb, limii) l MAY longer curtain. These curtains maybe bought in all over fancy lace, realphrase-make- r, Mr. Emery, whom the safety in life and limb to his em ited only by the necessity of preserv

Manufacturers' Association have lm- - ployes. ing the efficiency of the structure, ma-chine or other apparatus or device,and without regard to the additional

ported from Washington. D. C, to "And it is the duty of the state toor imitation, at prices to suit mostpocketbooks, but the most used andbest liked of the medium pricedlead their fight against legislation in I provide these necessary safeguards,

favor of workingmen, when he praised I some of which this bill of mine pro- -$13 ' These hats have sold for $3 to $15 and are the season's smartest &

?J styles. Exquisite in design and possessing individuality that is rare j. grades are made of plain, sheer fabcost of suitable material or safety appllances or devices.the compensation laws of Germany. 1 vides." rics finished with a. fancy 'borderHe was willing to borrow these laws Mr. Meltzer then went on In fact it is the border which counts

Don l miss mis Diggesi 01 au uiuiitry saving iur oaxuruay omy. j;

SEE DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW DRAPERIES TO SOFTEX LIGHT,from Germany. But the compensa-- plain the different provisions of his most now whether in the real or imitation lace variety. Three . kinds ofSunproof Madras a 3Iaterial Much in

tion laws are only a small part of bill which follows. There is a likell-German- y's

care for its working classes. I hood that some of the provisions ofFrom cradle to the grave in Germany I the bill will be incorporated in the material . .. particularly appropriate

Favor Now. are plain scrim, pure white, creamthe State has its finger on the pulse I employers liability bill or mode a sep

A Woman Sets Forth the Charm ofVarious Small Reptile).

With many women 'there are fh-ion- sin pets just as in dressr, says lUf.Queen. The year 1908 was the year

of the marmoset, : 1909 favored fh"real live teddy bear," while IatJt y-a- r

saw the introduction of the hamstr.The' writer has had considerable ex-perience with reptiles and thinks wmen, might do worse than give sOrnkof them the next call.

"Some of the small tortoises," hsays, "are inexpensive but in purchas-ing them one should be careful tocure strong, .healthy speciments wifhundamaged shells. From time totime there come upon the marktirarer and more expensive speci1!".Some of these are very beautiful ar.iwell worth the fancy, prices asiced forthem,' for although - sixpence or ashilling will purchase an ordinarytortoise anything up to half a guineamay be asked for the rarer ki-nds- .

Some of the American terrapin,especially when quite, young, havemost beautiful coloring and mark-ings. One that I possessed waa brightgreen with markings in the form ftebneentric circles on each ?cale, ardyellow, zebralike stripes on fhe rj'-ri- t

of the citizen. Germany hates waste arate act.GAME OF MINDORO. CONSIDERATION IN DRIVING. . r-- I n I, .. - 1

New weaves of madras designed todarken a room without excluding theair are now on the market. These

in any 1UI III, esyeiiiiui uuuicxii wasic. , . . A A

white cream; perfectly plainSwiss muslin, and Swiss muslin witha narrow ; raised stripe in it. Theseare suitable for any room, whereasthe piaided and dotted i. muslins are

Distinction Between Use and Abuse ofAlotor Car.

are called sun proof and for the timebeing they are having a wider vogueeven than cretonne for inner or side

It Enacted by the Senate and Houseof Representatives in General As used more especially for bedrooms

-- If we take the mechanical side of sembly convened: Two or three kinds of lace may beincluded in the border, or segments ofwindow drapings for living roomsthe question, a vast field of thought ia Section 4702 of the General Statutes and bedrooms 'with and without a

valance across the top.. In eitheris hereby amended to read as follows: some kind connected with an openwork beading.

the State to raise a boy to manhood, sayone or two thousand dollars, and itconsiders it an economic loss,', asidefrom the humane' view, to permit an

"employer to malm his workmen byhis failure to provide for them a safeplace in which to work and safe toolsto work with, and if the workmen doget Injured and their injuries are in-

cident to the employment, then theState throws burden of the loss upon

laid bare for investigation,' and it iscertally a moot point as whether It shall be the duty of the master case the curtains are hung independ

enlty from a pole so that they can bemany drivers, from the most scruD to exercise due care to provide forthe servant a safe place in which to IiAWS AFFECTING WOMEN.brought together in the centre orulously careful to the most egregious- -work, safe appliances and instrumen shoved back. The most stylish ar At Iieast They'd Have Been laws iftalities for his work, and fit and com rangement is to have them cover a

ly negligent, ever give very muchthought as to what is actually takingplace in the various working detailsof the mechanical anatomy of the

the Men Had Passed Them.petent persona as his cc laborers: tothe industry, that is on the consum third of the window oh either sideexercise due care, in the appointmentor designation of a vice principal, and - "Women have all the rights they

need and more privileges than aremachine they are driving. "Only recently the Minister of Inleaving the middle third to show i

white curtain which stops at the windowsill.

and head. Another was pile gr-r- y

with darker circles and brlghit rrlto appoint or designate as such viceterior in Germany said, "Germany'sModern engineering genius hasbrought the motor car of to-d- ay to principal a fit and competent person.wonderful industrial expansion is due stripes on the head and neck.good for them," is a common reply toany feminine talk about wanting to

This madras may fce bought by theyard or by the curtain and one 1 asThe manager, superintendent or foresucn a nign degree of efficiency that,

to all intents and purposes, it. is hard man in charge or control of the con of the land tortoises also are scarcelyless attractive. The Indian trrrjtortoise, for instance, has yellow.

effective as the other, the curtainsstruction, or works, or machinery, orto conceive any very great improve having an all around border that the

to the efficiency of Its workmen, andtheir efficiency could not have beenmaintained but for the social laws theState enacted for their safety and pro-tection. I do not mean to say thatthe individual German is more charit

vote. , Another favorite declarationis that "in New York State womenare not only equal with "men before

starlike markings all over its shell.operation, or any part thereof, or anyperson designated by the master to material sold by the yard lacks.ment in its general construction, says

London Motor. In most of the high-gra- de

cars now on the market, there

Tlie Rare Tamarao Plenty of WildCarabao, Boar and Deer. '

V paradise for hunters," is the wayJudge Liddell describes the country inthe vicinity of his home and plantationon the southeast coast of Mindoro.One game Mintioro excels in is the ta-

marao, rarest of animals and onewhich is found only in Mindoro. Thisfierce animal, much like an Americanbuffalo, is held in universal dread byevery native on the island, who lookson him as a far more formidable crea-ture than the maddest of wild cara-bao- s.

'Th,e tamarao is seldom seen In clear-

ings because he sticks to his nativewilds. When he does come near aclearing the natives in that vicinitymake for the nearest shelter. For thetamarao does not wait to attack. Hetakes the initiative himself, chargingevery one and everything in sight.

Mrs. Liddell, wife of Judge Liddell,is perhaps the only white woman whohas ever seen a tamarao. A fewweeks ago one came within fifteen feetof the window of the Liddell kitchen,where she was instructing the cook,and peered in. The natives in thoneighborhood took to their heels andthen the tamarao quietly walked off.

But if the tamarao is the piece deresistance among the game of Mindoroit is not the only game to be found onthe island. There are myriads of deer,wild chickens and game birds of allyorts. There are also plenty of wildboars on the island, some of them ofextraordinary size and none of themnoted for their docility. Judge Liddellhas one tusk fully 18 inches long,which charged the .hunters repeated!;

'Then there are tree frogs and fireThe other day a purchaser who has the law but they have a distinct ada suburban , cottage was selecting frogs which can be kept together inthe same vivarium. The tne frog ii

perform the duties, which the law im-pose upon the master to perform, shallbe held to be a vice-princip- al in all

is also a very high degree of excel vantage." People who say theseable than the American. The contrary madras forty Inches wide, by theyard, to drape the windows of threeis the- - case,: but collectively the State

in Germany is more' careful of the well suits for damages for death or injurylence observaable in constructive de-tails, so that, really,- - a driver haspractically nothing to do except steer suffered by a servant. -- Any employerbeing of workmen' than we are. We

things may be interested in the fol-lowing list of amendments to lawsdiscriminating against women.

- These amendments, says the Wo-men Lawyers Journal, were intro

rooms, and madras curtains for another room, and she gave her reasons:engaged in the construction, .repairing,have inherited two things from Engana actuate the throttle, and it is

undoubtedly this ultra simplification

about one and one-ha- lf to two inch slong and is normally bright gren incolor, though at times it may changeto fawn, pale gray or dark olive green.Each toe is provided with a small a

disc or pad which enables thefrog to adhere to any smooth surface

alteration, removal or painting of anyland, which we still cling to and "To pull down green shades darkof the personal attention requisite for building, bridge, viaduct or otherwhich form the basic foundation of duced in the Legislature last winter:ens a room but keeps out everythe well-bein- g of the mechanism, that misguided views of the relation structure, or inthe erection or opera.our breath of air, and-- thick curtains aretends to alienate the driver's thoughts tion of any machinery, or in the manuof master and servant, or employer

- One giving the mother equal rightswith the father in the property oftheir children. At present the fa

even to a perpendicular pane of gla1!.just as bad. And without greenfacture, transmission and use of elecand employe. tricity, or in tne manutacture or use"In economics we still cling to the shades or thick curtains rooms aretoo uncomfortably light in hot weath

It will feed on flies or bluehott'-- s

which may be placed alive In thcage. On perceiving it.-- prey It

of any dangerous appliance or sub ther is the next of kin and sole heirof the child.economic theories of Adam Smith and stance, shall see that all metal, wood, er." tRicardo of ' the 'survival of the fit One making the parents jointrope, glass, rubber, gutta percha, or The best qualities of these new curtest, and justify many an unfair or other material whatever, shall. be care tain madrases are; used , for parlors guardians of. the property of theirchildren. At present the father is

rrom supervising the operation of hismachine.

On the other hand, if we take thenumber of drivers who always treattheir machines with thorough con-sideration, and who can honestly saythey are never guilty of unnecessarilyharsh treatment, it wheth-er the number would reach a verylarge percentage.

For example, how many peopledraw ud their cars in,, say 20 feet.

unjust - commercial act by that princlimbs as near as possible to It andthen springs upon it from a diitancaof sometimes more than a foot, open-ing its mouth as it springs and fixirthe Insect with its tongue which is

fully selected and inspected and test and libraries, a salesman explainedthe sole guardian.ed so as to detect any defects and all The made curtains selected by the One giving the surviving husband

ciple. In law we have adopted fromthe English Common Law the legalfiction, that legal entity called 'theordinary prudent man, and we let

scaffolding, staging, raise work or purchaser were intended for a livingother ' temporary structure shall be also provided with an adhesive dis .room furnished in green. They hadconstructed to bear three times the "The fire frog on the contrary ia dark green, almost black mesh.

or wife "an equar share in the other'sproperty.

One providing that the will of aman who subsequently marries shallbe revoked, the same as the will of

maximum weight to be sustained by'him decide all our controversies inall relations of life; whether-th- price said structure, and such structureis reasonable, whether the time is rea 1 ,1 . n r tt Via. 1

covered with a large, conventionaldesign done in lighter greens anddark browns illuminated with touch-es of dull red. In the border these

more lethargic in its movements untilit lias caught its prey. This, how-ever, must not be taken as a sign thatit is not equally voracious. Thoughbarely an inch long it will tackle

an unmarried woman.:::r:: " r! or overcrowded, and all scaffolding,One eiving a married woman thecare, place

safe, whether the tools were rea staging, or other structure more than colors were combined in a smaller rieht to carry on any business, tradetwenty feet from the ground or floor pattern with Oriental effect.sonably safe, etc., etc worms more than twice its length nowill It release its hold when once Itor other structure more than twenty or occupation with her- - husband and

share in the profits. Now the joint"Now, I do not desire to enter Into A particularly good pattern withan indigo blue mesh suggested an old has seized its prey. A fire frog mayfeet from. the ground or floor shall be

secured from swaying and provideda discussion of the merit or demerit earnings of husband and wife belongto the husband.with a strong and efficient safety rail stained glass window, many colors

being combined in the border. Manyof the most stylish curtains shown

be angled for like a fish. You haveonly to attach a mealworm or cater-pillar to, a thread and dangle it infront of the creatures nose and It will

or other contrivance, so as to preventof such a system of deciding what isright or proper in each individualcase, but I submit, gentlemen, thatunder the present conditions of our

One giving a married woman theany person from falling therefrom had a black foundation and a pattern right to any compensation derivea

from any business, trade or occupaand all dangerous machinery shall beindustrial activity with the increasing of neutral colors picked out with asecurely covered and protected to the tion carried on by her within or with at once seize it and may be drawnup. Sometimes two frog will seizethe same worm at fhe same time one

use of dangerous machinery, and the bright color. out the household. At present ,tnefullest extent that the proper opera-tion of the machinery permits, and In madras sold by the yard somegreat number of people working to

gether in one place, the 'ordinery pru of the very best designs include no at each end. Ttien ensues a mostdent man could not be relied upon to amusing tug of war.bright colors at all. For instance,

the purchaser referred to chose for

services of a married woman in andabout the household belong to thehusband; this includes taking board-ers, nursing the sick, sewing, wash-ing, etc. '

all shafts, wells, floor openings, andsimilar places of danger shall be en-closed and all machinery other thanthan operated by hand power shall.

decide properly ana wisely whether a The coloring of the fire frog I

certain place, under the conditions, one room madras combining severalshades of brown In oblongs, triangles

remarkable. Viewed from above it isusually dull gray, though occasionallywhenever necessary for the safety ofwas safe, or whether the intricate

tools were safe. . When industry was One making all sums tnat may De some specimens are dark green, i Theand scrolls covering a tan mesh.persons employed about the same or

when there is no earthly reason whythey should not utilize 40? Here isa case in point, frequently occurring.

Assume a man to be driving in citytraffic and to see a "block" at the cor-ner which he is approaching. Whatare his actions? Does he at onceslow down, and gently elide up to hisposition at the rear of the othervehicles, or does he go merrily on,only arresting his progress in the lastfew yards by a more or less vigorousapplication of his brake, whereas, aslikely as not, his momentum, whenhe first noticed that the traffic was ar-rested, would have just sufficed totake him to his position, with possiblythe merest touch of the brake tofinish up with?

A similar lack of consideration forthe car is also frequently shownwhen driving into garages, etc.,though it must be admitted that thechief delinquents in this case are theprofessional drivers. It is hard to ex-plain exactly what it is. but thereseems to be a degree of self-laudato- ry

exultation in the triumph of mindover matter, and the driver, instead ofallowing the glory to the designer andmanufacturer of the car seems tohave an inherent inclination to makeit patent, both to the car itself andanyone who may happen to be near,that he and he only, controls its everymovement.

When hesays "go" it has to go,and when he says "stop" it has tostop, even though its very frame mayshiver and tremble with the injusticeof the unreasonable demands so sud-denly and thoughtlessly made uponit.

recovered in actions or special proIn its Infancy, using only a few slm The greater part of the design was infor the safety or tne general public, ceedings by a married woman to repie tools for its work, and only a few very dark walnut brown, the finer cover for her services the separatemen working together and their em lines in cinnamon brown. .be provided with a system of commun-ication by means of signals so, that atall times there may be prompt and

before he was shot down.Wild carabao hunting is another

pastime of the Midoro planters andone that is not destined to soothe thenerves of weak hearted men. Thesebig animals are at all times dangerous,and when once wounded or angeredwill charge their hunters with all theferocitv of an African buffalo.

James Liddell, a son of the Judge,had an experience with one of themrecently that will not be forgotten ina hurry. He was hunting and shotthe big fellow, knocking him off hisfeet. As the carabao lay still he ap-proached him and when not a footaway the carabao "leaped to his feetand charged.

There was no time for a shot, soyoung Liddell did the only thing opento. him grappled with the infuriatedbeast. Three times the animal goredhim. and flnallv the boy made his es-

cape. What the Filipinos in his partyregarded as the miraculous feature ofthe accident was the fact that thecarabao had permitted him to escape.

Manila Times.

Helpful Sugrseistions.Much depends upon the care the

little chicks get at the start.Scatter ashes around the currant

and gooseberry busnes.Treat yourself and the mother to

a strawberry patch this year. ' Starttfdaj--.

Scratch a little grass seed into thebare spots when cleaning up the yard.I-i- ter it will look better.

Have you cleaned, oiled and re-paired the work harness?

Watch the shoulders of the plowhorees. They are easily made sore

Clean the fence corners and destroythe insect eggs deposited in dryplaces, grass, and other trash.

Plant shade trees. Their coolshelter will be valuable after awhile.

ployer working with them, and using Dark brown and burnt orange property of the wife. At presentthey belong to the husband.made the combination in one largeefficient communication between thethe same- tools, then it was proper to

rely upon the 'ordinary prudent man'to provide a 'reasonably safe place in eployes or other persons and the op--

cosm- - nf thf motlVA nnwpr tn onahlA CHAFF.

under parts, however, from which Ittakes its name are spotted with orangered. One more curious trait about itis the habit to be observed in- - somespecimens of curling up like a driedleaf when toucned. The baci is thenbent and all four limbs are curled upover it until the lips of the snoutand all the toes nearly touch. It isdifficult to explain the reason forthis action, but it is apparently de-

signed to be in some way protective.Possibly the position is assumed inorder to dsplay the warning red.color of the under side."

"What is the reciprocity proposition,

conventional design with an ecrumesh. An exception to the no colorrule showed an Egyptian design donein several shades of dull blue withhere and there a trace of old roseshowing. There were wonderful

which to work and safe tools to work its quick stoppage, and in the trans-wit- h,

but in modern industry no such mjSSion and use of electricity of aconditions prevail. riantrerous voltaee full and comDlete anyhow?"

"Why, it means tnat a state agreesOur inventive renlus has produced inauiatlon shall be provided at allpoints where the public or the em to recognize the automoDiie licenses

of the adjoining states." PittsburgPost.

very intricate ana complicated ma-chinery to do the work, which whilevery useful is very dangerous to those

combinations of greens and of greensand khaki color and of deep bluesand khaki! Conventional designs arecansldered newer than the, floral andthe best of these in turn cover the

who handle it unless you safeguardthem properly. We have harnessed Bacon murdered Shakespeare? Non

ployes of the owner, contractor or sub-contractor transmitting or using saidelectricity are liable to come in con-tact with the wire, and dead wiresshall not be miugled with live wires,nor strung upon the same support, andthe arms or supports bearing livewires shall be specially designated by

the giant forces of nature to do the sense!How could that be pray?groundwork in a closely interwovenwork of modern industry and we con-

gregate in one place thousands where rather than in a scatttf ed effect. Why, we saw an actor do itIn hanging these curtains they Only yesterday.

Boston Transcript.must reach from the top of the winonly a handfui used to work together,and I submit that for their protectionin life and limb a different standard dow moulding to the floor and bea color or other designation which is

instantly apparent, and live electrical Adam soThe Serpent What's


Miss Mary Cook, of Shelton, andGeorge Boutellier, , of Derby. .

ELWELIi- -WORTH. In Springdale,May 18, Miss Alice O. Wort ft, toWalter F. Elwell of Brooklyn.

COLMR-GOWLE-S. Tn NorfoIk.My18, .Miss Mabel Pauline Crfvles andAmos Burton Collar.

wires carrying a dangerous voltage grouchy over to-da- y?

gathered on a pole and not pleated.The white sash curtains on the otherhand ought not to hang lower thanto a few inches below the window

of safety ought to be provided bylaw than the 'ordinary prudent man's'opinion what is a 'safe place' to workIn and 'safe tools" to work with. A

The Ape Oh, he says tnat tne arshall be strung at such distance fromthe poles or supports as to permit re-pairmen to frenely engage in their

New York Leon Jung's lawyer triedto clear him of a policy charge by tell-ing the court that the ticket found Inhis possession was "a beautiful Ori-ental prayer to Confucius." A Chin--

rival of woman means that all hisplans for universal peace have beennew employer has arisen in our work without danger of shock and, sill. The shorter curtain gives

ornat tovrcer bor knocked in the hean for --gooa. fucK.modern industry, who. does. nofvknowj generally, all owners, contractors or IaiiSZ u wmtcts idleness.