Look To The Stars

Empty! Mark 16:1-8

Transcript of Look To The Stars

1. Mark 16:1-8 2. The angel said, He is not here. 3. See Go Tell 4. Genesis 12:1-9 5. BelievingGod 6. Gods solution will be global and universal. The divine summons. God calls Abram & promises to bless him. Abram responds in faith. God will fulfill his promise. 7. Gods call is initiated by grace. It involved faith and hardship. It would result in blessing for Abram and future generations. 8. Abram would act; God would bless. God repeated this call several times in Abrams life. God shows up as you take steps of faith. 9. Look to Jesus for everything. Look to him for supernatural provision. Look to him to help you promptly and practically obey. Look to him in worship. Believe God for personal blessing and blessings for future generations. 10. Walk wisely, not in slavery to stuff. 11. We learn a few lessons from Lot and his greed. Problems greed brings about: Greed causes strife. Greed leads to bad consequences. Greed leads us the wrong direction. 12. Greed leads to bad consequences: It damages trust, peace, and goodwill. It hampers progress toward team goals. It makes us selfish rather than loving. 13. Genesis 13:8-9 14. Give others preference. This is serving others, not being selfish - 13:10-13. 15. personal preference & desires 16. Gods reassurance, Were still on track. 17. We believe God is. We believe God rewards those who diligently seek him. We are strengthened by Gods promises. We are fully persuaded in Gods ability to bring it about or deliver. 18. question 19. in my shakiness. 20. Created countless stars. 21. God makes a covenant with Abraham. There are skirmishes between Lot and Abraham and Abrahams people and the neighboring kings. God reaffirms the covenant. Abraham tries to do things his way. Right before todays passage, Jesus himself reaffirms the covenant with Abraham a third time! 22. The first intercessory prayer in the Bible is in Genesis 18. Gods will is supreme. God judges evil. 23. Cycle People sin People suffer God redeems 24. All for nothing All for him? 25. is all for God. 26. A faith that rests in God. 27. An attitude of expecting God to do something. An attitude of expecting God to provide. 28. Where am I at in my faith journey with Jesus? Where do I most need an attitude of expecting God to do something?