LOOK ON THAT For PICTURE oDsohistoricnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn84026909/1865-12-20/ed-1/seq-3.pdfSide...

LOOK ON THAT PIC TURE AND THEN It is an undisputed fact, and one tLat can be attested by EXAMINATICN, that MILLER &X P HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN ASSORTFNT OF HATS, ETC,. WHICH For ELEGANCE Olt rINISH, AND THAT GRFAT2ST OF ALL CONSIDER- ATIONS, CHEAPNESS!! CANNOT BE SURPASSED, Epiciires quickly decide upon the merits of a dish, whether -ood, bad or indifferent, connoisseurs ini art readily Sdiscover the difference between a copy and an original, and judges of' SL oes~ or Hats, etc., can as easily decide~ as to their several qualities. Each must be seen and tested, We inv te. there- fore, a careful examin .tion of our stock; but first request th ru ti~c to loo7.: elSe- ?htere first (as we challenge comrpeti- tion,) examine thr"mghly test judge- matically, wetih acc2ura: Kely, prce ekse- l.y and critica!ly, and then suspend purchases until they~give us a call.; Thle result must be 1 trin:t dec'sion in our farer, and the eenin>ion unani- wous that our goodis a: e 1'o. 1, and as cheap as~the ebenpest. MTLLER &cTiIUMIPSON, Lan~ds f( RenP. JY TIRTUE of an ordecr o' the Court of RENT FOR ONE YEAR, PUBLIC AUCTI N A T NEWTETRY, C. IL., On the 3st 'n' '1 & , J n', :w.rf. 7hzt portion of the .Ime) P!antatio of the late 'JOIIN BELTON 'NEA LL, dee'd., TMot asigTeed to the widow for dower, ulpou ba itb is si: uated a RODD MERCHlANT AND SAW MIR, Which will be rented separtr. in,person rectig, to g:e no:0eand ap- proved suretv, payable MJ='ar. s:, to se- cure the rent. And totkego care of te'cing, and not to cut any timber, ececpt for fencing, and to keep up the plantatin W. IL IU \R HNGTON C. P. P('PE, Dec 20, 52-It. SteambaCt Ln FROM U0LUNBIA TO CHARLESTONI THE NEW and FIRST-CL ASS LIG HT DRAFT STEAMER GEORGE, is now prepared to thke Freight from Gr-aby a:diing to Charles- ktn. All goods forwarded by thi~s line will be in- lured, if desired. Also, forwarded to New York, and advances made upon the samre, it required. Dec 20) 2 A. L. SULOMON, Agent. ?each Trees, Peach Trees, Peach Trees, THE subscriber has on Land 5,(C00 PEACII TREES, the proper.size for transp!am:ing. '(and ilow is the proper tne) of choice selections, at 20 cents each in specie or- 3) cents each in turrent green backs. Dec 20, 52-:t MATHI'W H A LL. OF Valuable Property. JWILL sell, at the late residence of W. L. BZARDT, deceased, on the 22d of De- batber, (Friday) all the personal preperty of said deceased, consisting of ilorses, Miiles. RDRN. FODDER. Notice, VLL persons havin; clains against the estate of Dr. T. R..J,UTHEERYR()RD, deceased, will hand them in Iropcirl ates l, and all pe!- sons indebted will 1i,ale payment to 0. A. KUTIHERFORD, Dec 2o. .2-et Admi'r. ct)-Plartner"Ishi,p Aoltice. NKwr1nv, Dec. 7, 1S65. "HEundersigned have ihis day formed a co- parterhip under the n:a e of WISKE- MAN & RING, for the purpose cf ca-ying on a VholeSalc and Retail Grocery and Provision Buisiness in the Town of Ne&'rry. Produce of every desc;ptlon reckive n. sold on comnis- ion. H. C. WISKEMAN. I). A. RING. N i.-IIatin- anple room we are prepared to Store Cotten and other articles. V. & i. IOTT-1E TO REAT. anidsome Co:re Residence, one mile from the Court House, in the Town of Newberry. This House is delightfully situated, and with all couve iences, and contains five good rooms. For particulas apply at this office. DeC 6 50 "t 'DiSSrl"111on -of CoIartnership. r HE firm of WRIGlT, COPPOCK & CO., has been this tv dis-solvced Iv inutual consent. The lsiness will be cotizned under the style of WERIG IT & COIT K, ho wCK ill a:tnd to all matters of the late fir.. R. H. WRIGHT, E. S. COPPOCK, Dee. ith, 1.-5. H. WHITMIRE, Pee 0 50-2t. Veritas est Maona, &c. Tn the large and varied assortment of FINE WINES and LIQUORS ofl'red for sale by the subscrihrs, may be found some very choice Scotell Whiskey, Which is said to have been distilled from that lot of grain with which young Norval fed his father's flocks on the Granmian Hills, and Ale and Porter, That was brewed from the Malt that lay in the Honse that Jack bult. That's so. PRATT, JAMES & CO., dee 1 .5 D)ru;ggsts FOR CAKE MAKERS. C ITRON, inte Curr nt , Cream Tartar, Tar- taric Acid, Cooking Soda and Essences for Flavoring. For salt at PRA TT, JAMES & CO'S. dec 1' 51 Ding Store. FOR 8OAP AAKERS. I)EARLASH, Coneentrat'd Lye, SIl Soda, Opedelic Sap, Sps llartsho-rn, Sps Tur- pentine, and Ver.)i.ion. For salo at PRATT, JAMES & CO'S. dee 12 51lDrg Store. HRS.\Ll%I.1) FItHIT.S, Sugar Almonds, 1ed lums, Gmn Drops, Icehand Moss Paste, ana CTHIOCO L A TE, For e. he at I'RAT I', JAMIEs & Cu'S IENrLISH PAIRY CHELEE , ND su1 invo~c of ve ry nice C.raickers, 4.1 Foral a- IPRATT, JAMI:S & CT.S (dee 1:3 51 l);m Si re. r 3H MISESGIR.\RDE.ET havi::g received m:chcseura men, ad h:ngpetrmta- nei.tly I raed ere, asire to it:formr heir inier ds an.1 tiie ptubli nhat tley l,ve (0omna;need the second nuarer of their schoo!. Scholatrs admoie toI it any tire 'a charg'd ftr. the day of enitrancre. P'r:ces ranghti fro:n 84 to 31 l et- quartet-, Frnch ie p e qiarter. Mude also tautght. Deo. t; 0-nt. G-RE A T AT THiE New Store. The Followig Articles at Pre- sent New York Prices: LAD)1ES' WEAR, P'Lin:tes,. Prii:, (E:ingkan, A!paceas, Si bnra anil'pShr Min: H g,Tissue, Laice and French Needie-wr a' il (oo tt:it WoA THoe, Belt B.:cle a-i elting, Ha-s of the n'ergt faishion , Straw an]1 Felt, Woo ILes Nias, Sotgs and Breakfast (Crape. Un an i Neeie-tork C:aru, Cio:n 'n I.i: a P Ie Ild!erchief't, Cloves, Egeh:s, Ribons inal wi~idths and Congress and Bahmoral Shoes and Gaiters, Ib;ir-d!resws and Water-falh Side andI Dac.k Comb2, k., kec. GENTi'S WEA' R, A\ f-li iine of r-eay-made Clothing, C'assanmeros, Satine ts. Boos and1( tl hoe , an. Hun ltPtin g Boots, Cotton anad Wool Sh irts and lI r'awera, I inen Shirts, Shirt-frornts, Lirnen and Paper Collars, Buckskin Gloves arid Gauntlets, Silk Neckties, Suspenders, Cotton and Wool Socks, Woolen Scarfs, Travelling Valises, Umbnrellas, Pocket-Dooks, Pocket-Knives, &cc., kec. BOYS & YOU TH'IS WEAR, Ready-ma:de Coats and Pants, Boots, (some:hing ntew, the Iron Clad,) Shoes, Hats, kec., &c. MISCE LL ANEOUS, Whie, Red and CXeeredl Fbul.ai Bicaaebed Hiom'.:un, J:aekorettr, Bihops Lawin, C:anbri e, all color's, Towellcing, I rishr Linten, Blankets. FANCY GOODS, Fine, Pocket and Round Combs, Tooth Brushes, IHooks and Eves, Spooi Cotton, Lineon Thread, Sewing~ Silk, Vest and Coat But tonis, Linen and Cotton Tape, Emnbroidery ('ottorn, P iris, Needles, and a great mtar n oher anticles in this line. A LSO, F;incy Soap;, Spices, Soda, Ink, Blacking arid Brushes, Carndles, Matebes, kec. &cc. Which will be so(d at Whole'male and Retail by JAC(GB STERN, Next Door to 3!artini's Hotel, East Side, arnd Utneo,ite .J. Montgom:tery, Witch Maker. New'berry, S. C., Nov. 1->, 1St, tj. INO T ICE. URS. E. SFLL wil! coinme thle business for- S merl condced by Mrs. A. G. Parker, agt. A~ -pledidi assortmant of. EONNETS~ For the Ladies. rIIE undersigned have this day re ceive( direct froi New York, son beautiful Jlue. Maroon nd Purple FimNCII MERINOS, Latest style Ralmorils, Embroideries Bel Ribbons and Buckles, Velvet Rib bons, colored Silk Ribbons, Alpacas Flannels, &c., CARWILE & McCAUCIIRIN, Dec 18-51 Agents. Rdheftionl ill Pices! O WING TO TIIE DECLINE ir Prices of Cotton Goods in Ncw York, we are now offering CALICOES and other Cotton goods, At a corresponding reduction in forme prices. CARWILE & McC.\U6IRIN, dec 13 50ggts. TO RENT, S IX NICE LARGE ROOMS. rour of them have good fire-places. SAid rooms are pleasantly situated near t1e bui-e S pOrtion of the Town, and in full view of the R. R. epot. On the lot is a good well of water, and niec shade trees, &e. Any person wishing to rent can see the rooms by calling on John J. Amick, at Newber v C. H. Dec. lo, 'I865, 3 UH RISTMAS. IF YOT WANT FINE and FRENCH CON FECTIONARY, GO TO PARKER'S VARIETY STFIE, 1AW1 RAlGE. December 13 Ost rff & Rdedge, ARE receivin. and will continue to re- ceive, during this week, a splendid suppl.y of' GIOCERIES, s1 CH AS Rio and Java Coffee, Teas, Cheese, MIackerel, Sairdines, (Oysters~ in Cas (andles, CRACK M. also, A fine lot of French and! Geriain f all deccription-, 1st~ in ported direct. Antd ome'th iin ntfew fo r t his mia rket, viz : ~4n~yi~ia Aricani bates, Xest Iniait Graniges & Lemions, and a few~~ poundsl eman 1R)ogna~ Sausge also, heite Segars, & Liquors, h'c theyr are deteriied to sell cheap. trial is soli cd. II. OSTENDORFF, W. W. RUTLEDGE. Dec (1 New ___ds_ J P. KINARD & SoN, arec now receiving S.and openng a fine secectioni of goods, it thcir residence 4 miles Yorth of Newberry, C. II. heir stoek consists in part of the following: LAflES' URESS 000DS, Prints, Delaines, Black Bomba zinc, Silks for adies dresses, Flannel, bleachied Iomespun, loop Skirts, Jaconet, check Muini, Ginghamns, f~orstedl goodIs, Bhick Alpacca, Ladlies cloth ~loa ks, B3almnoral Skirts, Ladies' ar d men's Gilovee, loierv of all kinds, ladies' and gent's linen andkerchiefs, Leatiter and Silk Belts, Ladies' ~oiars and enfYs, Gentlemen's colh, rs, liinen and aper, sliet Fronts, wvhite and colored spool cot- n, needles, ihair-pins, combs and brushes, &c. CLO TilING, Cassimnere fer Pants, Coats, Vests, and cloths.2 For Lad es ain'i Gentlemen. Of all kns CUTLERY. Kr ive>, Fork, Collin' Axs Nails, Traco- hans, Buck tU and Tuhs, Sieves, Shiovels and p:ies, Clh.-els, A ngers and Files, Gun caps, ke. Al o a ood asoon nent of TIN-WARIE. Togtether with a fine lot of Crockery - War e. Together with GR OCERIES, Sugar and Coff'e, Teos, Pepper, Spice, Mack- rel, Cheese, Floor, Liverpool Salt, candles, hewintg and smoking Tobacco, Segars, Bagging d Roping. And in addition to the above a fine assortment We will hbuy all con ry produce, and pay cash Sales-Putiblic and Private. AUCTION SALE 2. 7L U L M 3 U.. . Ej PROPERTY. ILL be sol], on Timrsday, 28th Becember, Inst., at the late residence of DR. TITOS. B. RUTiHERFORD, Deeca,ed, al thc PERSONAL PROPERTY ?^ said deceased, cons i in part o:- AOUJT 04 PALES of 01TON, HOREb& MULES, Over 2000 Bush, Cotton Seed, 2000Busli.Cornl At both places, Fat and Stock Hogs, CATTLE, SHEEP, MEDICINES, \WAGON4. AOX GEAR 11OU'SEHOLD AND KITCHEN Together with many o-Ler articles, usually found on large Plantation. -TTerms of Sale-Cash December 20 0. A. RUTHERFORD, A (Iministrat or. CAPITAL INVESTMENT rj'HfE undersigned offer for saleC their very ex- eellent STEAUI SAW AIUD fRIST MILL. situated( immeediatelv on the Greenville & Column- bia Raihroad, 1 2 miles wvest of the Town of New- b2rrv. Engtine 40 iHorsc Power, together with Fitres, in~ Thn Ruainig Order. Immediately aroundi the-mill is a large body of THE FINEST TIMBER. The variety of-Gaks, Hiekory, Ash, Beech, *Poplar, Guim, ke., will aff!ord so me 30 or 40,) 10 Cross Ties and aboo Gel), 01) feet of Timnber, cani be p nebased with the Mill if purchaser de- sires to run the Mill in its present locality. TI2'C3. A. & JEFFERBSU FLO~YD. Colmnh' ia Pin 'nix copy twvice and forward Bill to this omeie. Dec 20 2 STA SAW MILL FOR SALE. ) ITYELY wil!i he sold on THURCDAY, jSte im ofI IDECEMDIER next, at Martin's Depot, L,aurens ;~ Driet, a Portable Steam Saw Mill, Twenty-Four hor'se power, made at Rich- mon~id, Va. The (:ngine is in complete ordler. Eighit Mules can draw it on any commnon road. P. S. .JA MIES, D)R. C SI'IER, J. A. EIGLEBERGER, JOH.N SUBER. Doe. (i-50l-3t ESTATE SALE OF VaIuable Property. jWill sell at the late residetnce of N. George (lGihan, de -ca3ed, on the 20th inst., Wed- nesday, the following personal estate of said de- ensed, consisting of IluSES, MULES, IlOGS, CATTLE, SHEEP, FIFTY BALES OF' 00TTON, Cotton Seed, Wheat, Flour, 2)000 Eushels Corn, Fodder, Gin and Thrasher, Riawhides, Pl1antation Tools, IHousehold and Kitchen Furniture, And] ma ny other articles. Terms of s.ale cash, to be paid in specie or its equivalent in gr ebc. dec 6 ot ELl/ADETHI GALLMAXN, Admx. THE STATE OF S0UTH CAROLINA. NE W ERRY DISTRICT-IN EQUITY. PD i II]'. in'hr'it, .1ninist.~rato(r wi/th wfil on- e.re1 v. C th. Lnlharilf, S aa Jin,,t.s, e't a!. Bill to sell Prope'rty to aid in Pay imnt of Debts, ke. JY ORE OF THE COURT, I WILL SELL, First Monday in January, 1866, before the Court l!onse at Newberry, at public aunctIion, the Saml. .JefTerson~Btudardt, iBercased, on ai (eoit of one and two years, w ith interest from diy of sal>. Punrchasers wil be requiored to secure the0 purchel S nmon ey by .i iving bond with at h'ast two good su ret is, a1nd a monrtgag e o f the promises. SILAS JUUiNST(.N 1, COM'S uFFICE, C. E. N. D. 22d Nov., 1% 5. [ N QU 49 5 $ ia Ivon mAE, *UPEiD llcSEWtn)D 7 octavo PIANO. X.Cost $i7I), price 650. .Apply at this of lice. Nov. 29 49-4t TO) REYT. ({\NE of tIe most desirablle residenes~in the towin of Newberry. Apply att this o00iec. NOT ICE. -XP. T.Si _TACTTTI. lav'nr ron ed to the west, Lewal 10fices. THlE STATE OF C WT I AtIA W. H. Irar'ington andl othls, Ex'urs, vs. Helen O'ed,and other*e. B:.Ill for a .o proper'. rli'..o The creditorZ of the et: Jo% no 1 1 'itln c-'Ne ll, d o i, itm r:'r (o -t - i n a nd tab lh on (,;th, bI!k th C omI' i'o'll, their ro.4poctivo doimd , o rb rn- / ; fit / ' : r 101, or- h.ywi e prvch; led!. CoM'S 0111e No , ;; 1: THI I E .TAT 1[, F 1f i i C. i,yLIN. David I . (Ihnz r 1*!.tr 'or 0'With wi!' annexed, vs. C:itheriine ;ux nzrdt, Saih do Josephine Brzhardr, M'arY Ht.har. Bill to sell prCe11t to aid i' paymnict of de)t, & C. The creditorS of 'amuntel .Tfi' rson Buzlharit deceased), are w r ,iii r-i to present, anl ren' de- :in on oai:h, to t ie u -r 'iLne, their re- -pfect've eh61ims '4an;lsid cstalt(, withinl two moniths from pulication ho o' they will be xched. SIL,AS Pj11N-ZT()N, U. N. D. Com'. OPI!_.r, (Oet. .), 1 5.- 2m 1 Wo o 1 1f Goods AT Urprecedentedly Low Figures. Webb & Lovelace Are receiving an( have now in store, the lar- gest and mo.st complete stock of goods eve- brought to this market, which they wil disr pose of at EXTRE\.lLY LOW FIGURES. The stock comprises DRY GOODS, GROCERIJES, BOOTSq SHOES, HARDAVAID R E, IHOLLOWVALE., TINWALE, CRIOCK ERYWAIE, And every other kind of ware. IIOUSEKEEPING LITICLES Of every eharacter and variety. A SUPERIOR STYLE LAMP For Kerosine, and ahead of al other styles. In fact our stock is unusually large in all the various lines, and( we invite an Iexamnination to satisfy thc most skepti- cal that our FIGURES ARE LOW. nov 2t) 49 WEBB & ! OVELACE. SUPERIOR article for meat, requiring on' y Sa fourth as mruch as anty other kind of salt, on hand anod f'r sale by Dec 6, 5o-tf. WEBD & LOVEL ACE. 'Tin Manufactory. T Sdriberrespect fully informns is nme- again resumed business at The Wellkiown Store, OPPOSITE THlE COURT IIOUSE, where he will take pleasure in seeing and waiting. upon them. Everyv article usuailly found in a First 0I88 Ill [8tatbIi8hmet will be kept on hand or MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, at reasonable prices, and ini the most e xpedlitrionas anti workanlitike moannr, having se- cured the services of reliable and competent workmen. The ladies are also informed that lie WILL MAKE TO ORDER ALL KINDS OF FOR QAKES. Iconnection with tIhe above, cart be forund a variety of uisefuil articles in the HOUSE FURNISH!NG LINEI Thankf'rd for past patronage, he ontly asks an examination of his present stack to he certain of a continuation. IIENRY PLEASE. S 20?!9tf At their Store, by the subscribers, 'Corn, Peas, AND Eithecr Peaches or A pples, for wvhich the high- est market price will be given. nov 29 49 MAYES & MARTTN. MuieS Wanted. TIE undersigned will payv Gold or currency fo our or six good Mules. MAYES & MARTIN Dee. 6--0-t f. Newbe1TyHOtel. A Xew IFace inl I an0!d Place' HAN'ING assumed t.he Prorietorshiip ef thne Ma rtin HIotte, it will hereafter be k nown as the Newberry Hotel. I will use nmy best en- deavors to snpply v he tale with good, anutritions and well-cooked food. My setrvats are cleanly and attentive. Every effort will b)e putt forth for the ovtfor't of my guests. T invite the ftravelinr pblici to give meW a call. I will make imy term as~ reas-onabile as possible so as toa accommnodb vitors from2 the co(tryi', tusiness mna, cItrks and1 otheir, who marv wt-1 to prize m 0re. F-eel- r in te neces-Piv nil imt; ortanace of' a well -k pt -nble houte, I will do nll that I can to establih he same. HI. I. EPTING. Newbe"iry, Dec. I', 180. GOonI (tIPP)OTUNITY for' somie one to n1. r k<e tiney c ! I itoaw tdi>r for sale miy phi -e wher' I Live, with the TAN Y A RhD and all its I'iNTERFAlh~ Everythi:ng comath.te for carr'ving on ain extt naive buineIt?5. Hlide, B:tk antd Cop- per Boilers, ke., arid a inotnber' of vt s of' Learther, int Tarn, A No. 1. The labor of Tannr en che t procred wvitn Lewis thre curtril'. (tr I v, ll sel tre place withou;t the Tatnnery. Anty otte pur- :hasingr the Tarn frd P-lah.:c', can rh rave ana oppo~rtu- -c riy of boyhi g amy Piatntn n ': it-:i River Twoc Ilan dr'ed artnIdi xht acres-abo'ut eiht y Aercs 1 c avily rimbe.- Also a neait D)"llina HTo':c, n ithr two treres of hand, ni-h god hi'chen arid a w-l orf wvater, ini the E 4. ~onietl:ttr'~ a' H ate mile front Kewbet-ry, ' LATE ARRIVALS OF SP{END19 oDso AT A, IIARRISS Fanc and Slaplo Ol Goodi PRTNTS. Delaines. Merino. Black Bonba'-inc. Fine Black Alpacca. White, Colored and Red Flannel. Sea Island Bleached 1Hom1espun. Sea Island Homespun. Cassimere for Pants. Hoop Skirts, for Ladies and Children: JauCOneCt. Check Miun. Bishop's Lawn. BrilliaIts. Cambric, all colors. Broadcloth. Ladies Beautiful Broadcloth CAXkt Checked Ginghams. Braid for Dresses. Ladies and Men's Gloves. Bahnoral Skirts. Balmoral Hose. White Hose, Half Ifoso. Ladies and Children's Hloods, Basques. Fancy Hair Combs. Silk Handkerchie. ,, Ladies and Gents Linen Handkerchie?f Shirt Linen. Leather and Silk Belts. Belt Buckles. Scarfs, all sizes and prices. Ladies' Collars. Spool Cot,on, Needles. Hair Pins. Coat, Pant and Vest Buttons. Children's Wool and Merino Hose. Black and Colored Flax Thread. * Bleaihed and Unbleached Canton Flannet Toweling. Ticking. Hooks and Eyes, Silk Thread. Figured Alpaca. Vail Stuff-Green, Brown.and Blue. White, Black and Colored Spool Cotton.; Hair Combs, Dress Combs, Pocket Comba IIairBrushes, ClothesBrushes,Tooth Brushes CLOTHING'. Coats, Tests, Pants. Overshirts. Under:sh irts, Dra wers. W hite Shirts. Linen and Paper Collars. Neck ies. BOOTS, SHOES & HA T. Boots-an excellent sto'ck. Ladies an~d Men's S5hoes' ell s'tyles sizd numbers and price. IIats and Clotha Caps. PERIFUMERY, SOAP. Cologne. Hair (Oil. Poc,made.. Lubin's Extracts. Musk. Fancy Toilet Soan. Brown Windsor Soap. MISCE LLANEOUR. Wool and Cotton Cards. S. W. Collin's Axes. ives, Razors and Strops. Spect: cles and Spectacle Cases. Watch Crystals, Keys and Guards', Copperas, 10 cents per pound. Fluje Stone, 25 cents per pound. Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags. Umblrellas, Tt s, Buckets, Brooms, Sifters.. Wash Boards.-.. Ink, ypn s, Writing Paper and Envelope Gunn Cal,s. Blacking and Brushes. Table Spoons, Tea Spoon. Pocket Books. CONFECTIONERY' Fancy French Confectionery. french Candy. Stick Candy.. TOYS. Large and assorted stock of Toys' CROCKERY. Plates, Cups and Saucers. Ewers and Basins. Chambers. Water Pitchers. Steak Dishes. Creamn Pitchers. Tumblers. Wine Glasses. Mo!asses Pitchers. Butter Dishes. Preserve Glasses. GROCERIES: Green ar.d Black Ten. Sugar. Soda. Soap. Pickles. English Dairy Cheese. Mack erel. No 1 M~ackerel. Crackers, Soda, Butter and Fancy', Cooking Extracts. liins, Pepper, Matches, Starchi LIQUORS- Thourbon Whiskey. Hlland Gin. irenchi Branidy. French Cord ia. All kinds WVine. Sh:erry Wine. Madeira. Port. Blackberry Brandy. Por ter anid Ale. SEGARS, TOI3ACCO ANtI SNUFF. Segars. Anlderso:'s Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Scotch Snuff. Mace:ihoy Snuf?. My entire Stock was selected by mnysel ith great care in N.ew York, and is r'ul and omplete in every line. To accommnodat,e my ustomers and prepare for an increasing trade havo enlarged moy store double its orlginal ze where the present beautiful supply of nods can he seen to greater adIvantage.. I ill sell the ab)ove goods TEN PER CENT cheaper

Transcript of LOOK ON THAT For PICTURE oDsohistoricnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn84026909/1865-12-20/ed-1/seq-3.pdfSide...



It is an undisputed fact, and one tLatcan be attested by









Epiciires quickly decide upon themerits of a dish, whether -ood, bad or

indifferent, connoisseurs ini art readilySdiscover the difference between a copyand an original, and judges of' SL oes~or Hats, etc., can as easily decide~asto their several qualities. Each mustbe seen and tested, We inv te. there-fore, a careful examin .tion of our stock;but first request th ruti~c to loo7.: elSe-?htere first (as we challenge comrpeti-tion,) examine thr"mghly test judge-matically, wetih acc2ura: Kely, prce ekse-l.y and critica!ly, and then suspendpurchases until they~give us a call.;Thle result must be 1trin:t dec'sionin our farer, and the eenin>ion unani-wous that our goodis a: e

1'o. 1, and as cheap as~the ebenpest.MTLLER &cTiIUMIPSON,

Lan~ds f( RenP.JY TIRTUE of an ordecr o' the Court of


On the 3st 'n' '1& ,J n', :w.rf.

7hzt portion of the .Ime) P!antatio of the late'JOIIN BELTON 'NEA LL, dee'd., TMot asigTeedto the widow for dower, ulpou ba itb is si: uated a

RODD MERCHlANT AND SAW MIR,Which will be rented separtr.

in,person rectig, to g:e no:0eand ap-proved suretv, payable MJ='ar. s:, to se-cure the rent. And totkego care of te'cing,and not to cut any timber, ececpt for fencing,and to keep up the plantatin


C. P. P('PE,

Dec 20, 52-It.

SteambaCt LnFROM



STEAMER GEORGE, is now prepared tothke Freight from Gr-aby a:diing to Charles-ktn. All goods forwarded by thi~s line will be in-lured, if desired. Also, forwarded to New York,and advances made upon the samre, it required.

Dec 20) 2 A. L. SULOMON, Agent.

?each Trees, Peach Trees,Peach Trees,

THE subscriber has on Land 5,(C00 PEACIITREES, the proper.size for transp!am:ing.

'(and ilow is the proper tne) of choice selections,at 20 cents each in specie or- 3) cents each inturrent green backs.

Dec 20, 52-:t MATHI'W HALL.


Valuable Property.JWILL sell, at the late residence of W. L.

BZARDT, deceased, on the 22d of De-batber, (Friday) all the personal preperty of said

deceased, consisting of

ilorses, Miiles.RDRN. FODDER.

Notice,VLL personshavin; clains against the estate

of Dr. T. R..J,UTHEERYR()RD, deceased,will hand them in Iropcirl ates l, and all pe!-sons indebted will 1i,ale payment to

0. A. KUTIHERFORD,Dec 2o. .2-et Admi'r.

ct)-Plartner"Ishi,p Aoltice.NKwr1nv, Dec. 7, 1S65.

"HEundersigned have ihis day formed a co-

parterhip under the n:a e of WISKE-MAN & RING, for the purpose cf ca-ying on aVholeSalc and Retail Grocery and ProvisionBuisiness in the Town of Ne&'rry. Produce ofevery desc;ptlon reckive n. sold on comnis-ion. H. C. WISKEMAN.

I). A. RING.Ni.-IIatin- anple room we are prepared to

Store Cotten and other articles. V. & i.

IOTT-1E TO REAT.anidsome Co:re Residence, one milefrom the Court House, in the Town of

Newberry. This House is delightfully situated,and with all couve iences, and contains fivegood rooms. For particulas apply at this office.

DeC 6 50 "t

'DiSSrl"111on -of CoIartnership.r HE firm of WRIGlT, COPPOCK & CO., has

been this tv dis-solvced Iv inutual consent.The lsiness will be cotizned under the style ofWERIG IT & COIT K, howCK ill a:tnd to allmatters of the late fir..


Dee. ith, 1.-5. H. WHITMIRE,Pee 0 50-2t.

Veritas est Maona, &c.Tn the large and varied assortment of FINE

WINES and LIQUORS ofl'red for sale bythe subscrihrs, may be found some very choice

Scotell Whiskey,Which is said to have been distilled from thatlot of grain with which young Norval fed hisfather's flocks on the Granmian Hills, and

Ale and Porter,That was brewed from the Malt that lay in theHonse that Jack bult. That's so.

PRATT, JAMES & CO.,dee 1 .5 D)ru;ggstsFOR CAKE MAKERS.C ITRON, inte Curr nt , Cream Tartar, Tar-taric Acid, Cooking Soda and Essences for

Flavoring. For salt atPRA TT, JAMES & CO'S.

dec 1' 51 Ding Store.

FOR 8OAP AAKERS.I)EARLASH, Coneentrat'd Lye, SIl Soda,

Opedelic Sap, Sps llartsho-rn, Sps Tur-pentine, and Ver.)i.ion. For salo at

PRATT, JAMES & CO'S.dee 12 51lDrg Store.

HRS.\Ll%I.1) FItHIT.S, Sugar Almonds,1ed lums, Gmn Drops, Icehand Moss


For e. he at I'RAT I', JAMIEs & Cu'S

IENrLISH PAIRY CHELEE,ND su1invo~c of ve ry nice C.raickers,

4.1 Foral a-IPRATT, JAMI:S & CT.S

(dee 1:3 51 l);m Si re.

r 3HMISESGIR.\RDE.ET havi::g receivedm:chcseura men, ad h:ngpetrmta-

nei.tly I raed ere, asire to it:formr heir inierdsan.1 tiie ptubli nhat tley l,ve (0omna;need thesecond nuarer of their schoo!. Scholatrs admoietoIit any tire 'a charg'd ftr. the day of enitrancre.

P'r:ces ranghti fro:n 84 to 31 l et- quartet-,

Frnch ie p e qiarter. Mude also tautght.Deo. t; 0-nt.



New Store.The Followig Articles at Pre-

sent New York Prices:LAD)1ES' WEAR,

P'Lin:tes,. Prii:, (E:ingkan, A!paceas,Si bnra anil'pShr

Min: H g,Tissue, Laice and FrenchNeedie-wra' il(oott:it WoA THoe,Belt B.:cle a-i elting,Ha-s of the n'ergt faishion , Straw an]1 Felt,Woo ILes Nias, Sotgs and Breakfast

(Crape. Un an i Neeie-tork C:aru,Cio:n 'nI.i:a P IeIld!erchief't,Cloves, Egeh:s, Ribons inalwi~idths and

Congress and Bahmoral Shoes and Gaiters,Ib;ir-d!resws and Water-falhSide andI Dac.k Comb2, k., kec.

GENTi'S WEA'R,A\ f-li iine of r-eay-made Clothing,C'assanmeros, Satine ts.Boos and1( tlhoe , an. HunltPtin g Boots,Cotton anad Wool Sh irts and lI r'awera,I inen Shirts, Shirt-frornts, Lirnen and Paper

Collars,Buckskin Gloves arid Gauntlets,Silk Neckties, Suspenders,Cotton and Wool Socks, Woolen Scarfs,Travelling Valises, Umbnrellas,Pocket-Dooks, Pocket-Knives, &cc., kec.BOYS & YOU TH'IS WEAR,Ready-ma:de Coats and Pants,Boots, (some:hing ntew, the Iron Clad,)Shoes, Hats, kec., &c.MISCELLANEOUS,

Whie, Red and CXeeredl Fbul.aiBicaaebed Hiom'.:un, J:aekorettr, Bihops Lawin,C:anbri e, all color's, Towellcing, I rishr Linten,Blankets.

FANCY GOODS,Fine, Pocket and Round Combs, Tooth Brushes,

IHooks and Eves, Spooi Cotton, Lineon Thread,Sewing~ Silk, Vest and Coat But tonis, Linen andCotton Tape, Emnbroidery ('ottorn, P iris, Needles,and a great mtar noher anticles in this line.

ALSO,F;incy Soap;, Spices, Soda, Ink, Blacking arid

Brushes, Carndles, Matebes, kec. &cc.Which will be so(d at Whole'male and Retail by

JAC(GB STERN,Next Door to 3!artini's Hotel, East Side, arnd

Utneo,ite .J. Montgom:tery, Witch Maker.New'berry, S. C., Nov. 1->, 1St, tj.

INOTICE.URS. E. SFLL wil! coinme thle business for-

S merl condced by Mrs. A. G. Parker, agt.A~ -pledidi assortmant of.


For the Ladies.rIIE undersigned have this day re

ceive( direct froi New York, sonbeautiful Jlue. Maroon nd Purple

FimNCII MERINOS,Latest style Ralmorils, EmbroideriesBel Ribbons and Buckles, Velvet Ribbons, colored Silk Ribbons, AlpacasFlannels, &c.,

CARWILE & McCAUCIIRIN,Dec 18-51 Agents.

Rdheftionl ill Pices!OWING TO TIIE DECLINE ir

Prices of Cotton Goods in NcwYork, we are now offeringCALICOES and other Cotton goods,At a corresponding reduction in formeprices.

CARWILE & McC.\U6IRIN,dec 13 50ggts.

TO RENT,SIX NICE LARGE ROOMS. rour of themhave good fire-places. SAid rooms are

pleasantly situated near t1e bui-e S pOrtion ofthe Town, and in full view of the R. R. epot.On the lot is a good well of water, and niecshade trees, &e. Any person wishing to rentcan see the rooms by calling on John J. Amick,at Newber v C. H.

Dec. lo, 'I865, 3





December 13

Ost rff & Rdedge,ARE receivin. and will continue to re-

ceive, during this week, a splendidsuppl.y of'


Rio and Java Coffee,



(Oysters~ in Cas(andles,

CRACK M.also,

A fine lot of

French and! Geriain

f all deccription-, 1st~ in ported direct. Antdome'thiin ntfew fo r t his mia rket, viz :

~4n~yi~ia Aricani bates,Xest Iniait Graniges & Lemions,

and a few~~poundsleman 1R)ogna~Sausge


heite Segars,& Liquors,

h'c theyr are deteriied to sell cheap.trial is soli cd.


New ___ds_J P. KINARD & SoN, arec now receivingS.and openng a fine secectioni of goods,

it thcir residence 4 miles Yorth ofNewberry, C. II.

heir stoek consists in part of the following:

LAflES' URESS 000DS,Prints, Delaines, Black Bomba zinc, Silks foradies dresses, Flannel, bleachied Iomespun,loop Skirts, Jaconet, check Muini, Ginghamns,f~orstedl goodIs, Bhick Alpacca, Ladlies cloth~loa ks, B3almnoral Skirts, Ladies' ard men's Gilovee,loierv of all kinds, ladies' and gent's linenandkerchiefs, Leatiter and Silk Belts, Ladies'~oiars and enfYs, Gentlemen's colh, rs, liinen andaper, sliet Fronts, wvhite and colored spool cot-n, needles, ihair-pins, combs and brushes, &c.

CLOTilING,Cassimnere fer Pants, Coats, Vests, and cloths.2

For Lad es ain'i Gentlemen.

Of all kns

CUTLERY.Kr ive>, Fork, Collin' Axs Nails, Traco-hans, Buck tU and Tuhs, Sieves, Shiovels andp:ies, Clh.-els, A ngers and Files, Gun caps, ke.Al o a ood asoonnent of

TIN-WARIE.Togtether with a fine lot of

Crockery - Ware.Together with

GROCERIES,Sugar and Coff'e, Teos, Pepper, Spice, Mack-rel, Cheese, Floor, Liverpool Salt, candles,hewintg and smoking Tobacco, Segars, Baggingd Roping.And in addition to the above a fine assortment

We will hbuy all con ry produce, and pay cash

Sales-Putiblic and Private.


PROPERTY.ILL be sol], on

Timrsday, 28th Becember, Inst.,at the late residence of


al thc

PERSONAL PROPERTY?^ said deceased, cons i in part o:-

AOUJT 04 PALES of 01TON,HOREb& MULES,Over 2000 Bush, Cotton Seed,

2000Busli.CornlAt both places,



Together with many o-Ler articles, usuallyfound on large Plantation.

-TTerms of Sale-CashDecember 20 0. A. RUTHERFORD,

A (Iministrat or.

CAPITALINVESTMENTrj'HfE undersigned offer for saleC their very ex-


STEAUI SAW AIUD fRIST MILL.situated( immeediatelv on the Greenville & Column-bia Raihroad, 1 2 miles wvest of the Town of New-b2rrv.

Engtine 40 iHorsc Power, together withFitres, in~ Thn Ruainig Order.

Immediately aroundi the-mill is a large body of


The variety of-Gaks, Hiekory, Ash, Beech,*Poplar, Guim, ke., will aff!ord so me 30 or 40,) 10Cross Ties and aboo Gel), 01) feet of Timnber,cani be p nebased with the Mill if purchaser de-sires to run the Mill in its present locality.

TI2'C3. A. & JEFFERBSU FLO~YD.Colmnh' ia Pin 'nix copy twvice and forward Bill

to this omeie. Dec 20 2


)ITYELY wil!i he sold on THURCDAY,jSte im ofI IDECEMDIER next, at Martin's

Depot, L,aurens ;~Driet, a Portable Steam SawMill, Twenty-Four hor'se power, made at Rich-mon~id, Va. The (:ngine is in complete ordler.Eighit Mules can draw it on any commnon road.


Doe. (i-50l-3tESTATE SALE


VaIuable Property.jWill sell at the late residetnce of N. George(lGihan, de -ca3ed, on the 20th inst., Wed-

nesday, the following personal estate of said de-ensed, consisting of


FIFTY BALES OF' 00TTON,Cotton Seed, Wheat, Flour,2)000 Eushels Corn,Fodder,Gin and Thrasher,Riawhides,Pl1antation Tools,IHousehold and Kitchen Furniture,

And] ma ny other articles.Terms of s.ale cash, to be paid in specie or its

equivalent in gr ebc.

dec 6 ot ELl/ADETHI GALLMAXN, Admx.


PD i II]'.in'hr'it, .1ninist.~rato(r wi/th wfil on-

e.re1 v. C th. Lnlharilf, S aa Jin,,t.s, e't a!.Bill to sell Prope'rty to aid in Pay imnt of Debts,



First Monday in January, 1866,before the Court l!onse at Newberry, at public

aunctIion, the

Saml. .JefTerson~Btudardt, iBercased,on ai (eoit of one and two years, w ith interestfrom diy of sal>. Punrchasers wil be requiored tosecure the0 purchel S nmon ey by .iiving bond withat h'ast two good su ret is, a1nd a monrtgage o f thepromises. SILAS JUUiNST(.N 1,COM'S uFFICE, C. E. N. D.

22d Nov., 1% 5. [ N QU 49 5 $ia

Ivon mAE,*UPEiD llcSEWtn)D 7 octavo PIANO.X.Cost $i7I), price 650. .Apply at this

of lice.Nov. 29 49-4t

TO) REYT.({\NE of tIe most desirablle residenes~in thetowin of Newberry. Apply att this o00iec.

NOTICE.-XP.T.Si_TACTTTI. lav'nr ron ed to the west,

Lewal 10fices.THlE STATE OF CWT I AtIA

W. H. Irar'ington andl othls, Ex'urs, vs. HelenO'ed,and other*e.

B:.Ill for a .o proper'. rli'..oThe creditorZ of the et: Jo%no 1 1

'itln c-'Ne ll, d o i,itmr:'r (o -t - i n

and tab lh on (,;th, bI!k th C omI' i'o'll,their ro.4poctivo doimd, o rb rn- /; fit /


: r 101, or- h.ywi e prvch; led!.

CoM'S 0111e No ,;; 1:

THII E .TAT1[, F 1fi i C. i,yLIN.

David I . (Ihnzr 1*!.tr'or0'With wi!'annexed, vs. C:itheriine ;uxnzrdt, Saih doJosephine Brzhardr, M'arY Ht.har.

Bill to sellprCe11t to aid i' paymnict of de)t,& C.The creditorS of 'amuntel .Tfi' rson Buzlharit

deceased), are w r ,iii r-i to present, anlren' de- :in on oai:h, to t ie u -r 'iLne, their re-

-pfect've eh61ims '4an;lsid cstalt(, withinl twomoniths from pulication ho o' they will be

xched. SIL,AS Pj11N-ZT()N, U. N. D.Com'. OPI!_.r, (Oet. .), 1 5.-2m1

Wo o1 1f GoodsAT

UrprecedentedlyLow Figures.

Webb & LovelaceAre receiving an( have now in store, the lar-gest and mo.st complete stock of goods eve-

brought to this market, which they wil disrpose of at EXTRE\.lLY LOW FIGURES.The stock comprises


CRIOCKERYWAIE,And every other kind of ware.

IIOUSEKEEPING LITICLESOf every eharacter and variety.

A SUPERIOR STYLE LAMPFor Kerosine, and ahead of al other styles.

In fact our stock is unusually large inall the various lines, and( we invite anIexamnination to satisfy thc most skepti-cal that our


SUPERIOR article for meat, requiring on' ySa fourth as mruch as anty other kind of salt,

on hand anod f'r sale by

Dec 6, 5o-tf. WEBD & LOVEL ACE.

'Tin Manufactory.T Sdriberrespect fully informns is nme-

again resumed business at


where he will take pleasure in seeing and waiting.upon them. Everyv article usuailly found in a

First 0I88 Ill [8tatbIi8hmetwill be kept on hand or MANUFACTURED TOORDER, at reasonable prices, and ini the moste xpedlitrionas anti workanlitike moannr, having se-cured the services of reliable and competentworkmen. The ladies are also informed that lieWILL MAKE TO ORDER ALL KINDS OF

FOR QAKES.Iconnection with tIhe above, cart be forund a

variety of uisefuil articles in the

HOUSE FURNISH!NG LINEIThankf'rd for past patronage, he ontly asks an

examination of his present stack to he certain ofa continuation. IIENRY PLEASE.S 20?!9tf

At their Store, by the subscribers,

'Corn, Peas,AND

Eithecr Peaches or Apples, for wvhich the high-est market price will be given.nov 29 49 MAYES & MARTTN.

MuieS Wanted.TIE undersigned will payv Gold or currency

fo our or six good Mules.MAYES & MARTIN

Dee. 6--0-tf.

Newbe1TyHOtel.A Xew IFace inl Ian0!d Place'HAN'ING assumed t.he Prorietorshiip ef thne

Ma rtin HIotte, it will hereafter be k nownas the Newberry Hotel. I will use nmy best en-deavors to snpplyv he tale with good, anutritionsand well-cooked food. My setrvats are cleanlyand attentive. Every effort will b)e putt forth forthe ovtfor't of my guests. T invite the ftravelinrpblici to give meW a call. I will make imy termas~ reas-onabile as possible so as toa accommnodbvitors from2 the co(tryi', tusiness mna, cItrksand1 otheir, who marv wt-1 to prize m0re. F-eel-rinte neces-Piv nil imt; ortanace of' a well -k pt-nble houte, I will do nll that I can to establihhe same. HI. I. EPTING.Newbe"iry, Dec. I', 180.

GOonI (tIPP)OTUNITY for' somie one ton1.r k<e tineyc ! I itoaw tdi>r for sale miy

phi -e wher' I Live, with the TAN YA RhD and all itsI'iNTERFAlh~ Everythi:ng comath.te for carr'ving

on ain extt naive buineIt?5. Hlide, B:tk antd Cop-per Boilers, ke., arid a inotnber' of vt s of' Learther,intTarn, A No. 1. The labor of Tannr enchetprocred wvitn Lewis thre curtril'. (tr I v, ll seltre place withou;t the Tatnnery. Anty otte pur-:hasingr the Tarn frdP-lah.:c', canrhrave ana oppo~rtu- -criy of boyhi g amy Piatntn n ': it-:i River TwocIlan dr'ed artnIdixht acres-abo'ut eiht y Aercs 1c avily rimbe.-Also a neait D)"llina HTo':c, n ithr two treres of

hand, ni-h god hi'chen arid a w-l orf wvater, ini the E4. ~onietl:ttr'~ a' H ate mile front Kewbet-ry, '




Fanc and Slaplo Ol GoodiPRTNTS.Delaines.Merino.Black Bonba'-inc.Fine Black Alpacca.White, Colored and Red Flannel.Sea Island Bleached 1Hom1espun.Sea Island Homespun.Cassimere for Pants.Hoop Skirts, for Ladies and Children:JauCOneCt.Check Miun.Bishop's Lawn.BrilliaIts.Cambric, all colors.Broadcloth.Ladies Beautiful Broadcloth CAXktChecked Ginghams.Braid for Dresses.Ladies and Men's Gloves.Bahnoral Skirts.Balmoral Hose.White Hose, Half Ifoso.Ladies and Children's Hloods,Basques.Fancy Hair Combs.Silk Handkerchie. ,,

Ladies and Gents Linen Handkerchie?fShirt Linen.Leather and Silk Belts.Belt Buckles.Scarfs, all sizes and prices.Ladies' Collars.Spool Cot,on, Needles.Hair Pins.Coat, Pant and Vest Buttons.Children's Wool and Merino Hose.Black and Colored Flax Thread. *

Bleaihed and Unbleached Canton FlannetToweling. Ticking.Hooks and Eyes, Silk Thread.Figured Alpaca.Vail Stuff-Green, Brown.and Blue.White, Black and Colored Spool Cotton.;Hair Combs, Dress Combs, Pocket CombaIIairBrushes, ClothesBrushes,Tooth Brushes

CLOTHING'.Coats, Tests, Pants.Overshirts.Under:sh irts,Dra wers.White Shirts.Linen and Paper Collars.Neck ies.BOOTS, SHOES &HA T.Boots-an excellent sto'ck.Ladies an~d Men's S5hoes' ell s'tyles sizdnumbers and price.

IIats and Clotha Caps.PERIFUMERY, SOAP.Cologne.Hair (Oil.Poc,made..Lubin's Extracts.Musk.Fancy Toilet Soan.Brown Windsor Soap.MISCELLANEOUR.

Wool and Cotton Cards.S. W. Collin's Axes.

ives, Razors and Strops.Spect: cles and Spectacle Cases.Watch Crystals, Keys and Guards',Copperas, 10 cents per pound.Fluje Stone, 25 cents per pound.Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags.Umblrellas,Tt s, Buckets, Brooms, Sifters..Wash Boards.-..Ink, ypn s, Writing Paper and EnvelopeGunn Cal,s.Blacking and Brushes.Table Spoons, Tea Spoon.Pocket Books.CONFECTIONERY'

Fancy French Confectionery.french Candy.Stick Candy..

TOYS.Large and assorted stock of Toys'

CROCKERY.Plates, Cups and Saucers.Ewers and Basins.Chambers.Water Pitchers.Steak Dishes.Creamn Pitchers.Tumblers.Wine Glasses.Mo!asses Pitchers.Butter Dishes.Preserve Glasses.

GROCERIES:Green ar.d Black Ten.Sugar.Soda.Soap.Pickles.

English Dairy Cheese.Mack erel.No 1 M~ackerel.

Crackers, Soda, Butter and Fancy',Cooking Extracts.liins, Pepper, Matches, Starchi

LIQUORS-Thourbon Whiskey.Hlland Gin.irenchi Branidy.French Cord ia.All kinds WVine.Sh:erry Wine.Madeira.Port.Blackberry Brandy.Por ter anid Ale.


Segars.Anlderso:'s Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco.Scotch Snuff.Mace:ihoy Snuf?.My entire Stock was selected by mnyselith great care in N.ew York, and is r'ul andomplete in every line. Toaccommnodat,e myustomers and prepare for an increasing tradehavo enlarged moy store double its orlginalze where the present beautiful supply ofnods can he seen to greater adIvantage.. Iill sell the ab)ove goods TEN PER CENT cheaper