LOGO PROJECT Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Introduction to Network Stephanie Mantell,...

LOGO PROJECT Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Introduction to Network Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment (IBGE) 25 April 2013 Photo credit: Dieter Telemans

Transcript of LOGO PROJECT Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Introduction to Network Stephanie Mantell,...


Sustainable Food for Urban CommunitiesIntroduction to Network

Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment (IBGE)

25 April 2013

Photo credit: Dieter Telemans

Our Network


– Food sector accounts for >30% of global consumer energy

demand and produces >20% of GHG emissions

– Political will in cities to address food as a policy area

for more sustainable & inclusive growth


Sustainable Food in Urban CommunitiesDeveloping low-carbon and resource-efficient urban food system

Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 2

URBACT project

From May 2012 to April 2015

Funded by URBACT II

– a European Programme of Territorial Cooperation

(jointly financed by ERDF and the Member States)

– it encourages exchanges

within cities, with other cities, of the network and


Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 3

► At city level:

draw up a Local Action Plan for Sustainable Food with

stakeholders in each partner city

► At network level:

exchange with network partners through workshops & conferences on

sustainable food to produce joint outputs & feed local action plans.

► At URBACT programme level:

exchange & learn with cities from other networks at national capacity

building seminars (May/June), summer university (28-30/8 Dublin)…

► Beyond the network

Exchange about urban sustainable food strategies through a newsletter,

conferences, online publications, field trips…

Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 4

2. Spotlight on participating Managing Authorities

Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities – Kick-off29 May 2012 I Page 5

Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 6

Baseline study: With 10 “city profiles” & 98 cases.


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3 Groups

Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 3 April 2013I Page 8

Oslo, Messina, Athens

Amersfoort, Lyon, Ourense

Gothenburg, Vaslui, Bristol Brussels & Lead expert

Today1 st workshop on Delivering1st thematic report

First set of workshops

23-25 April 2013: Amersfoort Workshop “Delivering”

28-30 May 2013: Göteborg Workshop “Enjoying”

10-12 September 2013: Oslo Workshop “Growing”

February 2014 Brussels Interim Conference

feeding 10 Local Action Plans

Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 9

More information... on our website


It points to

› Our Blog: www.sustainable-everyday-project.net/urbact-sustainable-food/

› Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SustainableFoodInUrbanCommunities

› Quarterly electronic newsletter

Let’s make it happen!

Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 10

[email protected]/project