Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more...

Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments

Transcript of Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more...

Page 1: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Logical Fallacies

Invalid Arguments

Page 2: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Slippery Slope• If A happens, then through small steps more

things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z. So if we don’t want Z to happen then we can’t do A.

Example: If we ban Hummers because they are bad for the environment eventually the government will ban all cars, so we should not ban Hummers.

Page 3: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Hasty Generalization

Vocab: Hasty = quick, generalization = conclusion

• Rushing to a conclusion before you have all the relevant facts.

Example: Even though it's only the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course.

Example: Fred, the Australian, stole my wallet. Thus, all Australians are thieves

Page 4: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Circular Argument/Begging the Question

• Restates the argument rather than actually proving it.

Example: John is a good communicator because he speaks effectively.

Example: You can’t give me a C, I’m an A student

Page 5: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Ad Hominem (personal attack)

• This is an attack on the character of a person rather than her/his opinions or arguments.

Example: Green Peace's strategies aren't effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies.

Example: We should discount what Steve Forbes says about cutting taxes because he stands to benefit from a lower tax rate.

Example: I don’t care what you think- you’re too young

Page 6: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Ad Populum/Bandwagon/Appeal to Populartity

• Emotional appeal to positive (such as patriotism, religion, democracy) or negative (such as terrorism or fascism) concepts rather than the real issue at hand.

• “Everyone knows that ______ so this must be true”

Example: If you were a true American you would support the rights of people to choose whatever vehicle they want.

Example: Since 88% of the people polled believed in UFOs, they must exist

Page 7: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Red Herring• Distraction tactic that avoids the key issues,

often by avoiding opposing arguments rather than addressing them.

Example: The level of mercury in seafood may be unsafe, but what will fishers do to support their families?

Example: Girlfriend asks, “Honey, does this dress make me look fat?” Boyfriend replies, “Say, babe, your hair is really gorgeous! And those earrings are a knock-out!”

Page 8: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Straw Man• Oversimplifies/ignores the other side’s viewpoint

and then attacks it.(Creates a man made of straw that can easily be

knocked down)

Example: People who don't support the proposed state minimum wage increase hate the poor.

Example: “Senator Jones says that we should not fund the attack submarine program. I disagree entirely. I can’t understand why he wants to leave us defenseless like that.”

Page 9: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc:

Vocab: Latin, "after this, therefore because of this"

• Assumes that if 'A' occurred after 'B' then 'B' must have caused 'A.’ (mistake of thinking correlation implies causation)

Example: I drank bottled water and now I am sick, so the water must have made me sick.

Example: Michelle’s mother is an English teacher, so that’s why Michelle got an A in Language Arts

Page 10: Logical Fallacies Invalid Arguments. Slippery Slope If A happens, then through small steps more things will happen (B, C, D…. X, Y) all the way to Z.

• Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc: If A then B, then B must have caused A

• Straw Man: Oversimplifying the argument• Red Herring: Talking about something unrelated• Ad Populum/Bandwagon/Appeal to Populartity:

Appeal to the masses• Ad Hominem: Attacking the person• Circular Argument/Begging the Question:

Restating the question rather than proving• Hasty Generalization: Jumping to conclusions• Slippery Slope: If this happens all these other

things will happen