Logical fallacies

Logical fallacies


A short presentation on logical fallacies. Some of the examples are taken verbatim from Purdue OWL (Purdue Online Writing Lab) and some others are modified from various sources. All of the images were taken from various websites retrieved through google image search with the names of the fallacies as search terms.

Transcript of Logical fallacies

Page 1: Logical fallacies

Logical fallacies

Page 2: Logical fallacies

Slippery slope

If we ban fast-food restaurants because they cause the obesity crisis,

eventually the government will ban all restaurants, so we should not ban

fast-food restaurants.

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Hasty generalization

Based on the cancellation of the space program by the Obama administration, we can tell that this current government is not interested in the advancement of


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Genetic fallacy

The selection of Nina Davuluri as Miss America is not a wise move; how can

a person of Indian descent be the symbol of America?

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Begging the claim

Filthy and polluting coal should be banned.

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Circular argument

Lance Armstrong is a liar because he always denies the truth.

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Ad hominem

Green Peace's strategies aren't effective because they are all dirty,

lazy hippies.

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“You're either with us or against us,” former President George W. Bush
