Location Transformation

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Transcript of Location Transformation

  • 7/31/2019 Location Transformation


    Chin Lao learned from his master Hsiu Fasung that place was merely a temporary accommodation. He

    learned this the hard way which it turns out was the best thing for since the lesson then lay deep rooted in

    his soul. It seems Chin Lao was being chased by robbers on horses while Chin Lao had the misfortune to

    be on his donkey who made good time but was prone to day dreaming which meant that eventually therobbers would catch up with him and steal his sacred emerald a token of his station. Take me where I

    want to be he wished with all of his might and as luck would have it where he wanted to be was in the

    court of Ying sitting at the feet of Master Sono. Just as the robbers were rounding the bend and bearingdown on Chin Lao and his day dreaming now stopped donkey Chin found himself in the court of Ying

    sitting not at the feet of Master Sono but directly in front of Ying who literally jumped out of the bear

    skin robe he was wearing. Now instead of robbers threatening Chin Lao it was the palace guard whowere about to run him through with sword and lance while simultaneously giving him a punch in the

    nose. Luckily just after the punch in the nose and before the sword and lance could follow through there

    was a break in the action.

    Halt! It's okay. Just another one of those students. They are always showing up unexpectedly. Whew!

    Take him to Master Sono. No wait. Young monk where were you just now? Ying asked picking up his

    bear skin and wrapping it around himself once again.

    I was being chased by robbers. Please pardon this unfortunate intrusion. I am just a humble monk

    making mistakes please Emperor most honored one forgive me, Chin Lao prostrated himself in front ofYing.

    Robbers in my kingdom. Well I suppose that is possible. Your clothes tell me you are from the Minitzeprovince over a thousand miles away and yet you arrive here without notice seemingly appearing in mid

    air. That is some trick. You must teach it to me sometime, Ying said with humor as he motioned for the

    guards to take Chin Lao away.

    Honorable Ying when I have truly learned this trick as you say I would be honored to show you, Chin

    Lao now gathering his composure walked away with the guards and was soon ushered in to see Master


    Master Sono was seated on a cushion on the bamboo floor. He waved his hand to a place in front of him

    and Chin Lao joined him. Neither spoke for over an hour as each became acquainted with each other'spresence respectfully and naturally much the same way cats will sit in the company of other cats

    communing it seems with each other on some intangible plane. The same kind of thing was happening to

    Master Sono and Chin Lao. Finally a servant brought in some tea and cakes and Master Sono said,

    You are here yes but have made an unfortunate detour. It is okay but we must perfect your technique. I

    am proud that you have made this journey. Very few ever even in the midst of strife manage to travel in

    place over such large distances. This makes you very special but not so special that you cannot be trainedto pin point your travel more exactly. You've never been here I know and that is why you could only

    locate to where the emperor was. It is a good thing he was in court. If he was in battle you could have

    been trampled and killed or worse captured by the enemy. All in all the stars have shined their spell uponyou and all is well. Come now let us begin, Suddenly Master Sono and Chin Lao disappeared from the


    Master Sono had a summer residence near the mountains in a forest overlooking a lake. They arrived

    both standing on his balcony as an astonished Chin Lao grabbed the railing for balance.

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    I did not know we could transport each other like this, Chin Lao said breathlessly.

    We cannot but I can and that is something else that I may teach you depending upon how you do with all

    of my other lessons. How strange this morning I was thinking of getting away and now I am here. Thepalace and its court processions were very time consuming but I felt I could not possibly leave when the

    emperor was at court and then you came and here we are. This then is the first lesson. Make your plans

    in the moment depending upon the circumstances and then do everything you can to make these planssuccessful. So you see my purpose with you is your complete comprehension of this art that has

    somehow been transmitted naturally to you. We shall take this natural ability and raise it to a more

    dignified form where you may travel not only at will to exactly where you want to be you will also beable to transport others. In addition there will be more secrets revealed. At that moment Chin Lao

    disappeared for but a moment coming back almost immediately with his hat that he had left behind.

    I forgot my hat, He said to Master Sono.

    Yes I see that. Stick around for while now Chin Lao perhaps we may both learn something together,

    Master Sono laughed and climbed down the stair on to the floor of the forest. Look around you and takein all that you see. Look carefully. See the way the light strikes the flowers and listen to the stream in the

    distance. The bushes are alive and the trees hear and feel them sway. All of this is life and this is why we

    are able to move where we will but I can now tell you a most amazing thing. It appears that we think of aplace and then we move to this place. This is what makes the most sense right? Master Sono continued

    without waiting for Chin Lao to answer. Consider then that it isn't your movement from place to place

    that is in operation but rather is the operation of a particular place that is in movement. What happens isthat the place in effect ends up building itself around you. You make yourself transparent to the status

    quo or the place you currently believe yourself to be in and then make this jump which really isn't a jump

    at all. What it is happens like this. Your thoughts have boundaries. Let us call this entire world that we

    are but sensing entities the boundary we have chosen to work. When we remove the boundary anythingis possible. You are then able to think within any realm of being that you may want to find yourself in.

    This is a broad subject but in essence your thoughts become momentarily inverted so that they form out

    of themselves the world into which you want to live. Let us take your current situation. Now if youwanted to you could travel back to that exact moment in time when the robbers were about to kill you. It

    wouldn't be wise to do this of course but the point of even speaking of this eventuality is to show you the

    next important lesson. Were you to return it would be important to leave out the part about the robberscompletely so that you would be safe. It is also possible that instead of traveling somewhere or

    somewhen else you could just as simply thought your robbers down a back trail or completely cause them

    to disappear forever from your life. This is the power of movement in mind but the responsibility is torecognize that whatever you do you have to take into consideration every possibility and make your

    choices accordingly, Master Son paused reaching into a barrel and pulling out some provisions he shared

    with Chin Lao.

    What you have told me is profound? Can there indeed be more to learn about this art? It is so deep

    already I can hardly contain myself, Chin Lao said.

    Your sense of humor is quite sharp. Yes this is very important. You do bring up a pertinent point. This

    will be the subject of the next lesson. What does it mean to contain yourself and how is it that you are

    able to let yourself go? Consider that your thoughts are all that you have to bring your awareness infocus. These thoughts begin it seems from your mind where they interact with everything around you

    that your senses may touch.

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