Location recce

Location Recce The images in this PowerPoint show the general locations I will be using in the filming of my two minuet scene, with added information such as why I have chosen a specific location, where the camera will be placed and when used, where the lighting will be placed in that location.

Transcript of Location recce

Page 1: Location recce

Location Recce The images in this PowerPoint show the general locations I will be using in the filming of my two minuet scene, with added information such as why I have chosen a specific location, where the camera will be placed

and when used, where the lighting will be placed in that location.

Page 2: Location recce

My secondary location for filming my short film will be outside where I want to set the film (but will be the first place what will

be seen in the scene.) The main set I will be using is my High School, so I have decided to use the space around the school to give the illusion that the characters won't be able to get out, as

there has been no other location viewed by the audience, so there isn't the impression of a back up location to run to. I am

also using this location as the corner will be where the secondary character will be appearing from, so it unexpected

and sudden.

The second shot to the left is also a shot from the above location, just from a different angle. This is because

there will be a shot from which you may be able to see the setting (the houses, cars ext.) from behind the actor

or in the background of the shot.

The camera wont be placed in any of these specific locations as they will either be in the background of an

over the shoulder shot or are just where a character will be appearing from.

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This image shows the location of a pathway, road and a few houses that are located outside of the school. This location will be to show

and establish that the main character will be walking up to the school, and is a perfect location to have the secondary character

appear from, which was described in the last slide. I also picked this location as the road will look longer than it dose in the left image as the camera angle will elongate it, as the camera will be tracking the

character but from an above angle, intentionally showing the character will have a long way to get back home to add to the

paranoid factor when she finally stops.

To the left again is the same location but from another angle, as in one of the shots the character will be looking behind herself. This image shows what is in front of the character, with the school in the background to give a hint from the

start there the character is heading. the camera for this shot will be placed on this path at a higher angle than the main


I also wont be using lighting as I want the location to be consumed with shadows to add tension to the scene.

Page 4: Location recce

To the left is the location of where the two friends will be walking to in the scene. The door will have a 'study room' sign on the door to indicate to the audience that they are at school for a reason and it also adds to why the person later on knows there they are to kill them. I picked this

location because of the room its self which I will talk about more in the next slides. The camera will be placed a few

feet from the door so the two characters will walk past it to transition from the shot of a dark figure to lead to the next


The second picture to the left is a close up shot of the door to the room I will be using as another of the three separate

locations in this scene. The camera will be placed around about where it is but from a lower angle as it will eventually pan to a

sign on the door saying 'study room'.

I wont be using lighting in this scene other than the lights in the hallway as I will be trying to make it look darker to add to the iconography of shadows hiding something in most horror


Page 5: Location recce

These two images show the inside of the room I will be shooting In, one with the door closed and then the other

opening so you are able to see how much from behind the door will be able to be seen in some of the shots I want to use. I have picked this room in relation to this angle of the

room because of the shadows in the corner of the classroom which I will try to make look darker on the day by using lights to crate more shadows than light. This will

also give the impression that something could be lurking in the room even if there isn't as it shows the audience that there could be something hidden in the room, especially as the lights will be off at the start (when they open the

door to walk in).

The camera will be placed at the center of the walkway into the classroom as this angle was just so I could show

the scale of the entrance for reference. I am also going to be placing the camera here as the main character can walk past the camera to the other side of the room easily, but also so the action flows as the shot will linger when the

secondary character has walked out.

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The next two images are of the rest of the room, where you can see four rows of desks, all with computers. The second image also shows the large windows next to the one side of

the room looking outside to the rest of the school area.I have purposely picked this location as a lot of my shots

depend on the main character being sat at a computer, with only her face lit up and the background dark, once again

playing with the fear of shadows and the dark.

I have also picked this room as it is one of the only available rooms that is able to see out side on the first level. This is a key part in my scene, to build up tension, as there will be a

shot from the side of the main character (the camera placed in the middle of the first row) to show a dark blurry character

appear and disappear in the background (outside through the window)

Depending on the weather, as in how quickly it becomes dark, I will be using led lights outside so the audience is still able to

see what is happening in the background.

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To the left there are two more pictures, now in a different location, as this is going to be the final location used as it is

where the climax of the film will build up and take place. These two images just show the scale of the walkway to the bathroom

(seen in the second image in yellow) as one of the shots that take us from one location to another will be a tracking shot down this hallway, following the main character who will be

walking to the bathrooms to check on her friend.

For this location I wont be using lighting other than the over head lights as I can controll how much light is entered in frame with the exposue tool on the SLR I will be using (as seen in the light and dark images) and with the blinds to the right of the

first image with I can open or close to let more light in, depending on how dark or light it is outside that day.

I have also picked this location as I think it is easier to build up tension in a long tracking shot down a corridor than cutting to different angles as at any minuet something could jump out at

you, but the audience would only be able to see what the character see.

Page 8: Location recce

The next two images are of the bathroom at the end of the hallway, as stated in the last slide. These two pictures show

the scale of the bathroom and the whole use of lights that are already in there. I picked this location because of the scale

primarily. What I mean by this is how long the bathroom is in width and how big is in width but going across, so between the two side of the stalls. I think the space is big enough to have camera and lights in the center of the hall and not to

small that the cast and crew cant move in front or behind of the camera.

In relation to the lights, I will only be using them to light inside of the stalls when the camera gets there as they are very dull

instead of being dark.

Page 9: Location recce

Finally these four images show the clear view and space of the bathroom hall and the space in

relation to the other stalls in the bathroom. They also show the inside of the bathroom so we are able to see how big the

space is for a scene to be filmed as. I have picked this location as I think that the bathroom stall

on its own creates a large frame to shoot with, which works or

my scene as there will be multiple high and low angled

shots in the stall to show tension and the third

character (the killer) who will be seen from a low angle shot

inside of the stall. For the lights I will only be using them to create more shadows or to

make the white colors stand out.