Localturnon Band of Week Road2Renaissance

#localturnon: What is the history of the band how did it come into being, members, its journey (in brief) and what does the name of your band signify? #Road2Renaissance: Road2Renaissance started their journey in 2010, 21st march. Abhishek and Tanmoy were the founding members later Tathagata joined as a drummer. The band were three piece from the very beginning and it remain three piece still today though the position of drummer had been changed vigorously. Now it settled though, Avishek is the present drummer of the band. The band was heavily punk influenced from very beginning but later we started to follow Seattle sound known as grunge and noise rock. Renaissance means rebirth and we chose the road leads towards artistic revolution so very simple our name Road2renaissance. We think we can revolute or return the actual essence of rock and roll through our music in new ways. #localturnon: So who are your favourites / Icons/ Role Models in the field of music?

Transcript of Localturnon Band of Week Road2Renaissance

Page 1: Localturnon Band of Week Road2Renaissance

#localturnon: What is the history of the band – how did it come into being, members, its journey (in brief) and what does the name of your band signify? #Road2Renaissance: Road2Renaissance started their journey in 2010, 21st march. Abhishek and Tanmoy were the founding members later Tathagata joined as a drummer. The band were three piece from the very beginning and it remain three piece still today though the position of drummer had been changed vigorously. Now it settled though, Avishek is the present drummer of the band. The band was heavily punk influenced from very beginning but later we started to follow Seattle sound known as grunge and noise rock. Renaissance means rebirth and we chose the road leads towards artistic revolution so very simple our name Road2renaissance. We think we can revolute or return the actual essence of rock and roll through our music in new ways. #localturnon: So who are your favourites / Icons/ Role Models in the field of music?

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#Road2Renaissance: Our favorites were Green day, Sex pistols, Ramones and many punk bands but later we follow Heavily Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Pixies, Sonic Youth etc. We always collectively follow nirvana to create grungy feelings in our compositions. (smiling) #localturnon: How do rejuvenate your creative insights / get the adrenalin going? Road2Renaissance: We actually believe in free flow of the rock and roll music and always tried to arrange our song accordingly. That is why we listen to all classic rock and roll band and have shaped our songs in a manner that it can be enjoyed by us as well as our listeners.

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#localturnon: Do your songs carry a message / a theme or a story? If so can you share more on it? Road2Renaissance: Our first album Fuse itself is a conceptual album. It is like a diary, a musical diary of an abandoned person who cannot fit himself to the so called mainstream society. All seven songs of this album carry the rebellious thoughts of that person with many mental sheds and lastly the theme is of poisonous suicide.

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#localturnon: Of all the songs you’ve created, which is your favourite one and why? Road2Renaissance: It is very difficult to say, because all the songs of Fuse are correlated with each other #localturnon: Do you have any interesting fan stories to tell? Road2Renaissance: During a gig in Mid Kolkata a group of young grunge heads shouted nirvana from the crowd and later they asked to meet Kurt Cobain in back stage. It was so embarrassing and hilarious as they spotted our lead singer as the great Kurt Cobain.

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#localturnon: Of all the performances the band has given which one is the most memorable and why? Road2Renaissance: We performed at the stage Of Poyla Rock previous year which is very prestigious stage in our city and which remain special to all our three band members. We glued our instruments so perfectly that all the mainstream and pop lovers cannot ignore us. After that stage we receive a lucrative contract of our first album from a Production house named Rooh Music!

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#localturnon: Can you share about some funny incident that happened on-stage / during performance / with you or the other band members? Road2Renaissance: Sujata Sadan a close auditorium in South Kolkata recognized us the most loud band of the city. It was during the performance and we were doing the last portion of our song pathfinder and the jamming was going on. Tanmoy started his running all over the stage as usual with don't care attitude. He mistakenly stepped over the guitar processor and unplugged the main wire. Though Abhishek managed the situation but he was really annoyed because he could not take part in that last portion of that jamming. (Similing) #localturnon: How has the musical journey been so far for you / your band and what are you looking forward to? Road2Renaissance: It's been always up and down, low and high for us. But we always dreamt to perform on international level. And, making good music. We will try to explore various ways of Rock n Roll music in future.

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#localturnon: Do you have any words of advice for youngsters who want to form their own bands or are thinking of getting into this line? Road2Renaissance: Do your music in your own way. Try to create elementary stuffs, your own composition. Always remember the greatest songs of the world are simple.

You can book Road2Renaissance the band for your events, gigs, performances at


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