Localturnon band Across Seconds (Mumbai)


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Transcript of Localturnon band Across Seconds (Mumbai)

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#localturnon: What is the history of the band – how did it come into being, members, its journey (in brief) and what does the name of your band signify? #AcrossSeconds: Karan, Dhawal and I (Swar) were actually part of another band with a different bass player. As we progressed we realised that the scope wasn’t being achieved and the sound that we were inclining towards musically is something completely different. So we got Kiran in for bass and started an instrumental progressive/post rock sort of a band. We still haven't reached 'Our Sound' yet, But I figure it's a never-ending journey. As for Across Seconds, it means movement in time frame. It was decided upon partly because the type of music we play has time signature changes here and there. Along with that, it is to express that sometimes extreme changes, vastly grave or great can be experienced Across the timespan of a few seconds. #localturnon: So who are your favourites/ Icons/ Role Modelsin the field of music?

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#AcrossSeconds: This is the main factor which contributes extensively to the sound of the band. And since the range of artists we listen to is large, the sound is unique. Apart from that, some bands that we all love would be Porcupine Tree, Karnivool, Tool, Maybeshewill and the list goes on.

#localturnon: How do rejuvenate your creative insights / get the adrenalin going? #AcrossSeconds: We've been playing a lot lately and the response has been amazing. The thought that people are digging what we are putting on the table for them is the biggest driving force which has kept us in Motion! #localturnon: Do your songs carry a message / a theme or a story? If so can you share more on it?

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#AcrossSeconds: Yes, so we have our debut EP in works named '4 light-years from home'. It would be a concept based EP. That's about all I can reveal for now. #localturnon: Of all the songs you’ve created, which is your favourite one and why? #AcrossSeconds: I think everyone's personal Favorite would be the EP Title track which is named 'Four Light years from home'. That is the song which we wrote when somehow all of us were at our optimum creativity level. It is the song we play last in our set. To save the best for last.

#localturnon: Of all the performances, the band has given which one is the most memorable and why? #AcrossSeconds: Essel world rock! That gig gave us direct entry into the finals of Independence Rock. It has been a

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dream for all of us to play on that stage and we are super stoked for it! #localturnon: How has the musical journey been so far for you / your band and what are you looking forward to? #AcrossSeconds: We have been performing for Across Seconds since Feb-March 2016. It has been a crazy ride. Speechless about the about of love and support that we've received. We have our Single 'T minus 10' releasing soon. Really stoked for it. Would be the first properly released track of the band!

#localturnon: Do you have any words of advice for youngsters who want to form their own bands or are thinking of getting into this line? #AcrossSeconds: If you're doing it for money and fame, Don’t do it. There are other better more fruitful ways of earning

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money. But if music is what drives you. Then, go for it. The road is bumpy but it is the one with a way and nothing in this world can replace persistence. Also, remember to have fun. You can book Across Seconds for your events, gigs, performances at www.localturnon.com/bookings www.localturnon.com || #localturnon || @localturnon || #LTO || #LTO #Band