Local Updates to Shoreline Management Master Programs

Local Updates to Shoreline Local Updates to Shoreline Management Master Programs Management Master Programs Kitsap County and Cities Discussion Meetings Informational Briefing


Local Updates to Shoreline Management Master Programs. Informational Briefing. Kitsap County and Cities Discussion Meetings. Overview. All Kitsap Peninsula Cities & County required to update their Shoreline Management Master Programs (SMPs) by 2012. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Local Updates to Shoreline Management Master Programs

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Local Updates to Shoreline Local Updates to Shoreline Management Master ProgramsManagement Master Programs

Local Updates to Shoreline Local Updates to Shoreline Management Master ProgramsManagement Master Programs

Kitsap County and Cities Discussion Meetings

Informational Briefing

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All Kitsap Peninsula Cities & County required to update their Shoreline Management Master Programs (SMPs) by 2012.

Requirements of all SMP updates published in WAC; Department of Ecology is funding and oversight agency

County and City Planning Departments worked on areas of potential collaboration (January 15 with Planning Directors; Feb.5 and 20 “work group”)

Discussed issues and ideas with Ecology (present on all meeting dates)

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• Kitsap County Jurisdictions required to update Shoreline Master Plans by 2011 (2012 extension)

• WAC has significant requirements for each jurisdiction, i.e.– Cumulative effects– Restoration requirements

• All jurisdictions are in same Puget Sound Partnership (PSP) Action Area, face same PSP goals and objectives

• Department of Ecology funding priorities– Regional approaches (preferred)– Individual jurisdictional approach

• Shoreline impacts do not stop at jurisdictional boundaries

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ActionsActions to Date to Date• January – jurisdiction planning directors and technical staff met to

discuss potential regional approach– DOE present– City of Gig Harbor present– Result: Technical staff to meet to develop propose “work plan” and

areas of cooperation• January – Technical working group meets

– Result: need to brief jurisdictional leadership on status, efforts to date– Identified potential areas of collaboration

• February – Technical working group meets– Solidified areas all jurisdictions could work together on– Identified areas where two or more jurisdictions may collaborate, but

not all jurisdictions would be involved• February – Planning Directors meet

– Provided update of presentation to KRCC– Planning Directors have not formally met to discuss technical

advisory groups recommendations

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Key Principles for CollaborationKey Principles for Collaboration

• Identify areas for collaboration based on DOE “rainbow” chart

• Establish common principles for shoreline designations• Consider common approaches for public

outreach/involvement• Each jurisdiction would develop implementing code• Each jurisdiction would adopt individual Shoreline

Master Plan• Resourcing this effort has not been decided at this


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Saltwater Shoreline Saltwater Shoreline MilesMiles

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September 19, 2007 Draft 17




Phase 1: Preliminary Shoreline Jurisdiction, Public Participation Plan & Shoreline Inventory

Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Task 1.1: Identify preliminary shoreline jurisdiction - shorelines & shorelands Task 1.2: Develop public participation program (citizen, technical, Ecology, other stakeholders) Task 1.3: Conduct shoreline inventory – existing land uses, public access, environmental conditions Task 1.4: Demonstrate how Phase 1 complies with Guidelines

Product 1.1: Preliminary map of local shorelines subject to the SMP Product 1.2: Public participation plan Product 1.3: Complete shoreline inventory Product 1.3.1: Draft list of inventory data sources Product 1.3.2: Digital working maps of inventory information Product 1.4 Documentation in SMP submittal checklist

Phase 2: Shoreline Analysis & Characterization

Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10

Task 2.1: Conduct analysis of the shoreline inventory Task 2.1.1: Characterize ecosystem-wide processes Task 2.1.2: Characterize shoreline functions; reach/drift cell analysis Task 2.1.3: Identify potential protection & restoration areas Task 2.2: Analyze shoreline use & public access Task 2.3: Summarize characterization & analyses findings & make recommendations Task 2.4: Demonstrate how Phase 2 complies with Guidelines

Product 2.1: Shoreline characterization, accompanying map portfolio & GIS data, including: Product 2.1.1: Characterization of ecosystem-wide processes Product 2.1.2: Characterization of shoreline functions, reach/drift cell analysis Product 2.1.3: Identification of potential protection/restoration areas Product 2.2: Shoreline use & public access analysis Product 2.3: Report with shoreline management recommendations from the characterization & analyses Product 2.4: Documentation in SMP submittal checklist

Phase 3: Shoreline Environment Designation, Policy & Regulation Development

Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16

Task 3.1: Conduct a visioning process based on SMA policy & inventory/characterization Task 3.2: Develop general goals, policies & regulations Task 3.3: Develop environment designations & environment-specific policies & regulations Task 3.4: Develop shoreline use policies, regulations & standards Task 3.5 Develop shoreline modification activity policies, regulations & standards Task 3.6: Develop administration provisions Task 3.7: Demonstrate how Phase 3 complies with Guidelines

Product 3.1: Shoreline management strategy Product 3.2: Draft general goals, policies & regulations Product 3.3: Draft environment designations & environment-specific policies & regulations Product 3.4: Draft shoreline use policies, regulations & standards Product 3.5 Draft shoreline modification policies, regulations & standards Product 3.6: Draft administration provisions Product 3.7: Final report demonstrating how inventory & characterization are reflected in updated SMP policies, regulations, environment designations & restoration strategies; documentation in SMP submittal checklist

Phase 4: Cumulative Impacts Analysis & Restoration Plan; Revisiting Phase 3 Products as Necessary

Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Task 4.1: Prepare cumulative impacts analysis to determine whether proposed SMP provisions will achieve no net loss of ecological functions; adjust preliminary environment designations, policies & regulations based on analysis findings; finalize shoreline jurisdiction Task 4.2: Prepare restoration policies, objectives, priorities & timelines Task 4.3: Demonstrate how Phase 4 complies with Guidelines

Product 4.1: Cumulative impacts analysis report demonstrating how the proposed SMP will achieve no net loss through its environment designations, policies, regulations & mitigation standards; finalized shoreline jurisdiction, including map(s) Product 4.2: Final restoration plan Product 4.3: Documentation in SMP submittal checklist

Phase 5: Local Approval

Chapter 19

Task 5.1: Assemble complete draft SMP Task 5.2: Informal Ecology review of draft SMP documents Task 5.3: Complete SEPA review, documentation Task 5.4: Provide GMA 60-day notice of intent to adopt Task 5.5: Hold public hearing Task 5.6: Prepare responsiveness summary Task 5.7: Locally adopt the draft SMP & prepare submittal to Ecology Task 5.8: Demonstrate how Phase 5 complies with Guidelines

Product 5.1: Final draft SMP Product 5.2: Ecology response following informal review Product 5.3: SEPA products (checklist, MDNS,/EIS; SEPA notice) Product 5.4: Evidence of compliance with GMA notice requirements Product 5.5: Public hearing record Product 5.6: Responsiveness summary responding to comments received during public review period Product 5.7: Complete Ecology submittal package Product 5.8: Documentation in SMP submittal checklist

Phase 6: State Approval

Chapter 20

Task 6.1: Provide public notice & opportunity for comment; respond to comments received Task 6.2: Prepare decision packet to include: findings & conclusions; transmittal letter; conditions of approval (if any); & responsiveness summary Task 6.3: Work with local government to finalize local adoption

Product 6.1: Responsiveness summary Product 6.2: Decision package submitted to local government Product 6.3: Final SMP adoption incorporating any Ecology conditions of approval; SMP takes effect

DOE “Rainbow Chart” of all SMP Update Phases

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Areas of potential coordination

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Basic Outcomes from Basic Outcomes from Cities/County Planning Work Cities/County Planning Work


• Use and Follow DOE Rainbow Chart on the SMP planning process

• Work Together on agreed-upon Rainbow Chart items proposed by work group

• Evaluate and Coordinate throughout the process on emerging areas for joint cooperation, as appropriate

• Consult with Each other regularly throughout our shared update timelines

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Determine shoreline environment designations

Review and revise Goals ref. Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) and Shoreline Master Program Guidelines (WAC 127-26)

Conduct inventory and analysis

Analyze Cumulative Impacts and Develop Restoration Plan

Shoreline Master Plan UpdateShoreline Master Plan UpdateBasic StepsBasic Steps

Amend permit provisions; Regulations and policies on uses

Local adoption and State review and adoption

Public Participation and Community Involvement throughout the entire process

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Nearshore AssessmentNearshore AssessmentProject HistoryProject History

BattelleBattelle ModelModel

• Best available science• Shoreline inventory• Assessment model• Useful for Phase II



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Nearshore Assessment ProductsNearshore Assessment Products


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SMP Process TimelineSMP Process Timeline ( (with EPA proposed grant application)with EPA proposed grant application)