LOCAL MISCELLANY wi! IT THE ;·!).-?μ?-??:?.·-(;?.???μ- baia l».,stniMtei «; nera] .Ici«- ft peasant m tlm < itv taá will Demain hen until Friday next, in?ß?ß- ioti »»Hi. ? IIMB17VK iviM.r.r N.s.erlaN · ?aid tl.·..' while Ins eoanection will. Un· Post Office Department would not ß??ßß until fauoari 1, VOM. he had en.letl his active career in the ( antnet. it vi' hi» Intention to r. turn to Waehington on r mla y nul receive ami intni line Iiih Mua essor to tin· ? heads. He should als«, pay Ins ream tin- President. After that he would return to New - York and wonld Aeróte as mach attention to the Lincoln National Hank a,«, he liai to the public " What do y«>u think nf official lile nici-arcd from yinii· txperti m ' " ? th«· reporter aakod -Iiisanie.inline." replied Colono! .lain"-, after s moment's thought. "I suppose," In- continued, "that «·?·G\ boy ha· aa ambition whenhe starts oui in Ufa, Son know I began as ^printer, an I, « ithout nny iil-t» ol achieving ·»«' mach fan,·, 1 hoped t<> em¬ ulate Franklin. He Poatmaater-General "f the Unit« 1 stai··-, ami Inasmuch aa I reached th·· same position from a similar beginning, I suppose I ought 10 ho aataafled. My experience, however, ha- been not oaiy disappointing bnt it has been a sail one. Yo« know with what wight hopes we started ont Us· March and now ererything waa thrown into chaosbythe assassinali«.? ««f Genoral Uarneld, I had hoped to do much for the Poetai servi«·«·. It waa my intention to vielt every Iswge post otneeto the country ami place them all na the sani«· footing ao far as similarity of avetem of work could do It. Bnt, outside «if Huston. Philadelphia, New-York ami tbe Southern sea board, I have «Inn·· almost nothing. 'ih·· service wanls mali· ¡iti,ni ami 1 had hoped lo brin· it alioiit.'' " l.i it vu bave aeoomplhthed something m tin· unearthing of tin· Star Route fraud .'" the reporter remarked " 1 could not have (lone what little I have, hail it Dot been f«u tin· faithful ami energetic servi««· ren¬ dered by Second Assistant Postmaster-General Kltner, Inspector Woodward ami Colonel <?<·?p«· Bliss. Colonel Bile· bas been indefatigable, ami In· is sttll watching and will watch thai hole until lu· la mire there ia nothing more to come ont «>f it. He lus m Ins poaacosion at tin· praaent time tie- reports nl th- [napeetora, who have been over every mi- pected route and the information, althongh it has toot been Bwde public, mofan important character. It moat have the mum effect on ? Jarras "a Indi¬ viduala, hui a- the uncertainty ol the 1 iw .prover¬ bi·1, no one can predict what tbo outcome will b*. FILLING IN WASTE PLACES, Tin· ¡.lot of iToiiml ire·! "l Elfbth-ave., between One-hundrod-and-fort) -fifth ami I Ine-hundred-aud- liftv-n!tli-s!s.. has loin; been regai led a.- extremely iiiihealilif «i ami Hie source of much disease. ? great portion ol the ground lu·- full) six feel below high Öde, ami tin· coûtant ehh ¡uni flow of the water have caused tin· formation of deep beds ot mmI aud other malaria-producing deposit·, Laai April th.· Board of Aidermea Tnanrl resolatioua dlrectiug tin· place to filled up. Thf engineer's estimate m tin· amonnt of earth required was 150,000 cubic vaili-, l'In· inaierial In« a is to be ttsed in grading up this depreeeion will be from th.-» excavations of cellars anufrom the demolition ot ohi buildings; «¡i-ianh'tl ballast from resaelswill eleo be utilized. Th·· contract to do thi· work was first let to James Kvi'iharil!, ol the linn of i'.verhanll ? i-hook, war« ?»\· him sub-let to tbe American Contracting anil Transportation Company. A Tribuni reporter san A. .1. il. Berger, th«· preaidenl of th«· company, «· tarday, ami from him leirned how tin· proposed Work is !o In· di an· w n Inn tin- next Ü50 il:.\.-, as re¬ quited l.v th«· coturni t with the City. A pier lias been lunlt in tin· tiarlein Kiverjast abov· MeCoomu'e Una bridge, Uuon tin- bas been erected tbe motive machinery ola system of Inn k.-ts running on an elevated railroad, to tbe ex- tremelowei portiouoi the ground tobe filled in, a distauoe ol one nal··. This system ol transportation known as Bergere Elevated Endless Kailwav, Aad has been need by the inventor with success m carrying iron ore in the Pennsylvania minea from the pita to the bla t furnace· it couaiata ,.i uu elevated structure supported by a single line <«f iules. Tn. buckets, which have a capacity of oi.e-aiiil-one-foiiiih cubic yards each, are sus¬ pended b^ th·· carriers, and run below the track, i'he cu ñora also support the endless r«i¡···. Tho buckets are thirty feet apart, and theywul travel at tin· rite ft 150 feet ·minute, which can be In- creased to .300 feet. The material will be carried to the pier in scows and loaded into the bucket· bj a .team shovel, [he expense of the work will be as¬ sessed to the owner· of the property by t!, Thia proposed improvement has already Bttiuulatod the prices ol loi.s m the m ¡guborbood. CARRYING rar__iFERENCE TOO FAB. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in 187T obtained from Justice Oo in the .Supreme Court Chamber·, a warrant for the armai «it William ML. Davene. who was exhibiting n! Nilii.i's Theatre ¦ small ?·?t known as " Little 111,!·,'ami ai-»· ¡or the production ot the hoy in court. The others of the society, on tbe night ot October 10, went to the stage entrance of thetbe- otre ami demanded a Imiasion. John Snütb, the doorkeeper, refused to admit tin in, saying that he WMunder strict orders noi to admit anyone ex¬ cept the iitt'iis. He reqaeated the officers to go anuniil to the front part of the theatre and speak vith Mr, Gilmore, th, manager, The officers re¬ fused t.. go anywhere to speak with anyone, and ineisted upon being let In. Smith persisted in his r«-tii»al, ami, it ia asserted by the officerà of tbe so¬ ci« tv, committed the crave oil« nee oi slamming the door in the p fa, ea "Little Bob" Waa subsequently produced in court, and after an examination placed m tin- cast-oily of Father Qointinina, of the Manhat¬ tan Academy. The society then began proceeding!« ¦gainst.Smithand Mr Gilmore to punían them for cnminal contempt iu reaiating the procese of tbe rinnt, .lii-tit o I »oiiolim- ordered a refer ice to take t«-[¡mon», in regard to the fact·, and upon the re¬ port of the referee ordered Mr. Gilmore to Butted t«_, th«· Count) Jail for thirty days and to pay a ¡ini· of $¿50. Justice Donohue's decision »»as ¡Brought ander review by the General Term, winch y.-t. r,la., renden tl a decision in « huh it li « ? «i - that nude) ail the ctrcninstancea Smith was perfectly Justified in refusine to a Imit the offl« ere of the soi ?- ety, who ~.Icaervingot seven· condemnation for tli.ii coiidui t. 1 bere w. is. il-. uo «··, idi m e thai ?., Gilmore knew thai they wen refused perm ration i<> go upon th ['he-orders of Justice Douobue gii reed, withSll.¦ tinst the society. THE COLLISION WITH THE TENNESSEE, The United states Bag-ship Teuneesce, of the Korth Atlantic Squadron, which wai run Into by Th.· iro:i steamship Western Texas Thursday after- Boon, was towed to the Navy ïard resterday mid placed in the ilry dock for repairs. Lii utenant John D. Wilson, v.liohni (bedeckwatch on thi Tenues- .j··, sun! vest« rday tb*l then· was a fog at the time of the collision, an that the Western I'· hailed wbea about 300 feel away to keep off. Two« - afterwards tbe Tennesaee waw struck amid- ¦hips, forward ol the starboard gangway and cut il« »» ? to tin ' .? over «m the port side to keep the hole above the lin·. And boardawere nailed over Ihe break, i !:·· biÍu·«· pun ad to keep arum water. TU« West i red slightly, and ran back I again, eat. Captato l.»wis re(ior'«-.l thai the foe -.»a-- at the time oi the ·¦ -.a that the could not Is- seen until tbe t. gethi r, The fog el ? A board ol naval officers make an investigation, ? , bad left tin· dry dock Tbursd mon ing oil K!us Island, Orleans and Aapinw ill on that lepain will delay bei WrlESTLINO v.I III I Mi. 3TIMA1 Commissioner Lane, of the ¡veaterdaj presented to the Board ni ! Appontonment s .armoni naked for by the Park 1». rari- Mi purposes and the smouuta proposed to ].·».» «! by tbe Board. Tbe amonnt proposed u> be allow·-.1 for 188« by the Board of Apportionment li I. The G. ani «,! men .? is ?, ted that tins be increased to §728,000, ? ¦: this amount is deemed too Coi.lesione] Lane. The Board then took up the «.sum .tes foi the Department ot Education, These originally footed u¡> ¦-<:>. ?»?..!?;_'">. but were re- dttceil by stnkinir ont s,uni· item* and reducing other· to 93.500,000. A strong effort was made by repreaentativea of the Department of Education t" retain an item oi ??'???,??? for two schools in the Nineteenth Ward. The Mayor, at the meeting ol t'"' B tard moved that the fnll an »out a-ked for be allowed. I his «*ns lost, the Mem and ! rident Keenan voting in the »ffinnative, and Lcntroller tumjdiell ¡tnii Proaident Aaton in the negativ··. EZTB1 DING 81 ? ? OB AT BEA. Nearly all of ti:·· remala, both st.:im ;,n,i sni] which arrived yesterday r. port having had severe «? ithei ;ii ?. and oulj · 1 Wui, »light damage·, The I. : ? et l from ·...¦¦.., having spokei. Sundaj last, In latitude 3 jiorih. longitude 7:t -<>¦ west, the l>riti u«.«a.-,,;i frniii liai!,..: es for Baltimore, flying signal· of diatri'isM. She had been sixty dai j iri,¡ î,.-t s|.:i|s :,,..| si:! ,-!·,· was also ibOTt <¦! Water ami provisions, ami was giren a supplj by the Thetis The ship Dunrobin, sixty-two days from London bad t«in)M-st nous gales with higli semi moat of the % rage, <'n Dtoeomber 14, off Sah],· bland, she .poke the bark Saiah, of Beaton, with large num- DtT of shipwiecki i s.nlors on beard. I'KKSENTATION TO J (STICK SMll H. G???(·(· .Insili«· Solon ?. Smith trai presented last evening, at the RoMBMM Hotel, wita · beautiful gold budge oi orti« «·. The hadas was the gift of a number of polili. al friend· in th·· XXlh ami XXJh! Astiembly DintricD«. It bears the city's coat of arms and abovo this tho name of the recipient in¬ geniously wrought in amali dininonile. A silver plate bearing a suitable inscription aud the naines »of the presentation committee occupies on· com- Dartuieut of the coutniuing tho budge. The tri ft «ras ¡»G.·»··:G?"? l'v Ctroi-tls lean J:t««>b H«>s , who »a^ratulate 1 JasUna _aai*B »a tb aaoooe«. li had :???···a·?? attainH aa ? BUtclatrata. adJetl to Ids popularity aiuoug bin political n. .lucile·· Smith roepondodin fitting term- Sp·.··!..·* wire also male In Polioe < O'liiuiseiotiiT MS-OB. Willard Bnllard, limerai Henry A. Banani and atitcrs. THE BIBLE BOCIBTVB AFFAIRS. »Kitiocis caaaoES b_u>i ao traer ibi -uotaee· vt: NT.A^SIITS AI.LK.U l> HE V.Nl'iP.r-IAT II) AM> B.PI SI'll'l lies OV-BSrAT-D. .Mi'inlu'is oi ri'lu'ioii· BCtCWtMS liav«· r<'<«-iitl\ iieeii much .iteteated In a eouttoveray betweeai tas ("oltiiectieiH Blfeta Ba.;¦« t? ;i;id the American Bible m d«tv,regarding Uta limine; ai auinagement si tbe lut¬ ter. It was charged bj tbe -zecutlre Ckran-ittao «if the rotin- elle it M'l'l'·.)' till Alnericüi iillilc ¡S'.ieicty, ill ti.eii- annual tinanclai report», represented their ??»»··?? BB..ter Iten tiny «..en r.iilil.v, Bad their lieiu-v olent evpeiiiliture» iartei tluiu lln-.v itetit-ly v.ere. The ntti- oara af the âsaertaaa Blata Boetety aren not silent Badas »nel» an attuek replying to n with great vigor la ? loakg Haleiiieiit about Unir ufliiirs. In which the c-argea of the COnneetical aoetetj wero«tenle«i Bttll tin ('.ei;,.·, :;,·!.: society penati intbair arraiga ment of lb;· Na m,Uli socie!.·. TbSil live. nil·, r Coin m??." hare publlat-d a foi*4bi>6xpT«»ie6dreplj i" ItM Ann ricali Btbll BttUtj't ilefetiee. Much of Ibe ground of the G.?p?.?-?' statement le gone "Ver. In tbe cur..·· of their reply Ute commi! tee eav " We oensot help seid.g tbeea g< ntleaten wbetber the] pereeira thai they arc giving their Benetton to praetleee wbteb aeeniar corporations would not tolerate, and winch Bare« of mi iiin-brietina abrewdaeaa. Howerer deatraWe it mai l.e that the ? in. ? lean BÜMC Boetotl ebottW lu· con· ani·red poor rather tli.iu rieb, n isnot 0e4-rablc that through any aazlety to prove Ita porertj it aboald ex· poa ttaalf ts a aeeptcloa of dtsboneal ." [tiatoprov« Ibal tbeoflle reo! tbe National society, in their last iiir.uui report, " understated it* eeaeta und oveietated ita benevolent expenditures, tboe producine a arrana leapreeelon ? -?· tin - Ita financial atan ling and the extent of Un bnevolciit Work," thai tbe reply is elm lly devoted. The committee declare that " the very large ¡tern of 1197,1441 72. which might to bave been liicladed among tbe aaaeta ol tbeeoclety, »aa entirely omitted." Tbe "foreign aaaeta" of tbe society, the» affirm, "Blood np m tbe boo.»,valued al the .-nui above named" m tbe Unta ol a vieit of the com¬ mittee to tbe Bible H .us. "vet m tbe balanceabeet, pnb_abedtbraeweeka afterward, this ¡nuotiti baediit- appeared, aad Ute only allnakiB to t ii ·- foreign aaaeta la the vague .uid DllSleadlBg »'. ¡tctnont ill a footnote UtBt .if lin;, p..»·.mi eoi.mereiai value II la »¦· entirely ano that It cannoi i>r tabulate I·' " Tad ? method of bog of ;;u item amounting to nearly £MW,000 tbe committee toy tbej "looked upon aa doubly wrong, Ute priueiple was mtachlevona and tbe aeeertlon that tbe value of these a.»«.·:* 'eonld notbe tabulate i ' was false, aa proved by tae tact tbei «rere tabulated already." In rep j. the manag, ra ol the National »ointv bad »aid that In the presence ol tbe in· veetl^ating committee doubt had been expressed about the propriety of giving theae ouuts with foreign agen .. in nguros at all, ami thai oac ol ibe memliera ol the committee had aald tbat they oaght nel to t»··. lu ti"· (.pu.imi oi th.· committee tue public would aec la tins " one of eeverel attempte that have been made tonda· lu?.m tbe aaeeta ol tbla greal and prosperous corpo- ration." Furthermore, tbe committee liad charged that the balance ahect of the aociety beaidea Bltogetuer omitting m«· Urge Item of foreign asset», revealed oua understatement ·>? tbe ? ame of tbe a_sets named m u. Fires, men- woe the ml.:.· House, entered In lite bai¬ ane« »u«3etat|304,000, ahi b '.vas worth double tbal amoant, acoording to the Judgment oi u, expel real estate. Hoe niiiy, that the aecuritiea enterco luti balance abeet, unUer tae he.·.? ol "Temporary Inveat- n.cut," at .-ó r.'.-'.i- were worth in tbe market, ut the data of tbe report, ne_rlj - »O.OOU tuore iban tbal sum. TbU' iiy, tbal certain fun is, uountlug to Sh-,???, a Inch were entered bt the (radance abeet ai debts ol the »,.lieti, ai.- not debts la ¡my »eii»e of the vvoM. The commit!, ,;. " lliniii- iter valuation oi one or another item mUtbl i"- am.. no greal Importa. Bal wtial eball we s...v when a .-?.» ..« __do bj experte thai even Item of aaaeta In tbe balance sheet ol the Amei t;·. vei ,:;....·. of which me.m» exlal "'.:-i,?.· "G the il..u»··, ia uuderetated in ii. relui So wood t fact aa this leada irresistibly, In many mitids, to tbe cou elusion thai there waa a deUberate purpose to deceive tbe publi« la regard to ibe re»..a cc» ol ci·;... li·.- attempi i" palliate the cours« ol ) In understating Ite aaaeta bj citi.g iba e "f hank» ai..? oui· r ?.oui corporation» ..' oua. ? ·· ··,¦ Inatitutiona for success upou the uiugnitude "i tlieli usaets; luit a benevolent corporati· n nourish· - apon reputation fur poverty. G?» win contribution it acte forth not Ita t il bui Its need and thus the tempi its· U the oppoelte of that to which moneyed lions are expoaed To Ut on Ibe ttueric.u seema to bave yielded; ami baa tbua In· volved ?», it ni wrong, if it !- enl In a hank- to over-tat.· Ita aseóte, it traudii leni m a benevolent s... n i_. t.. nadentate it- a- eta, This aociety occupies al Una ion beau ami ha» long oceupled, an oxeeptlona1 pu ition as Un- object ol ci ili',-m. on account ol it- p·.·- .·:· auapicbiua rttie nee. It »a- called upon to and promised to make, Bn aba ? cut ut its Unaneia! affair it constitute.» ¦ poor apology to point t·, tbe practice oi others, ?.' la also made in aapport . ol ··; expen¬ diture« m aliteli) Lu-nevolent and ml tloi irj »ora lo 7.700. It ? an app ition ·.; en Item of £44,4» tor l he »a ?.? ? ?.·ß ami exp« .M I ..! ? olju irteli rs. ICd-Vr CR1MISAL8 l'I M>lli.l>. In tit«· Court of Speedal rkaaions yeaterday i.r "-in) t)i aenteaeed .lohn Bh ta ami Joba Mullí ? each tu Uta State Priemt for ?<>>< I gniltj to eommitt.ig a barglar] at'aUqu al He« "i. ?·· md Weat Th-avy-nrtb-at. ,1..Williams committed a burglary at So, .v.» Mott it. on December 18. He pleaded guilty yeaterday and JudgeGildcraleevi aenteneed bim ta the »t..· Pi tour j Johu Bidlivan and tobn KeU), "¡? Sovi mber IO, 1881, kin« Bed down aini robbed Chai le Bcbrlrer, oi S bevoe-et.,Brooklyn, while be ? thruachtbe Bowery. They pleaded . lay in the <3oui of «lenirai Beealoni and a by Judge (i -;,,·,.· to tba .»tate Prison ?.. h for five years. Tbosksa MeKeever, wbo killed tarla bj stab Mu,.' her in a bot bei In Weal Tbli pleaded guilty to manslaughter iti tbe tirsi ,i,·.·;·.., and I'i^'e UUdersleera i" tbe Btat« Prison for ti:t'·· u v. are Bernard Carne] pleaded guilt, t,, mansl.lighter in the tinnì de.ii·.·. He.died bla brother John on Uciobei ? ». li a ,|nait. 1. JudgeUildi itenced him to tbe Btat« Prison for· tbr a ami a hall j v. ¿am Eckert, who «.is convicted In thiacomi on Wednesday i;.-t of uie Man., I., «is, of No. 1101 iir> »ri. -t., with intent to uni her. was arraigned Dtence yeaterday. ?? ... p has a ba ami has bei ? accused ol t. Ionio more than m occasion, Judge OUdoralcevi sentenced bim to tm· »,.?*. ?? león f.·? ten j eara. Lou leaded gall) idnlti it· d Recorder Bmj tb Oued b.u » >0 REORGANIZA il· S » UBCKED, An obstruction in the «ray <? reorganiziiiB; tt.e ?». ty ol Klug» County, by tbe choice of .f 150representative Demócrata to amrpervlae enrollment >>t the rotara, found In tbe refusai of Men'· De_toeratle lab t.. boi In ooajnoctlon leñeraI CoounIttet and tbe Central .aeoebv tn.ri ·. -- .f tin· appolnUngpower. a propositi« p now made bj tbe « (inference Commit te.- ut ti.·- ... .? hat he ·»». er ol nig the men I men! ',·¦ luti ? iti d Jacob I) ¡I for the General Commltu» im Mai stia.. . ? telasi .? ou Wed· _ ' f/./././.. ?? G??? ??.? -ih! ? .'. Pre lent Arttini remained all day y«taterdai at his home, \" Lej v.bere b «alie·; up·· Bomber id riaitora, many <>f wboB? torn« ·? sway by Alexandei Powell, the di bo al ?. ti'leil th·· I're"i.|< ?,?. Among those who were ad· were General Ha V-natorl onkling, ,', K. VV. Htoughton, VA VV \ olas Fish, I.d wards Pierrepont, IhomaeC tvtou, VV. «? Mit, hell. !.. -. ,l.i :: ,, ? , am) r\J. Hunt. _ TBE WFARL tND TRI '/. EJfDIRO, PinsBiJ-O, !)«<·. ·_:{.-'! In- dafence in the Molly Magnire trial at Bal«notowa, Pean., took fortbei ta--tlinoiiy this moniliU| tO ??? -tataro ent of t-Btr aaata wltassa, Bridget Man. , that Mol uiandand a·!, ap Bbove Uta *··< ·· of the nordet time it un ??p?'?. soin, twenty wlt4a«MBaBetaatlfl ta iracter. Tba defeaee Bailed John Lennaa to prova tbal Utr " bandy billy " found tallo ¡an'B eoat waa hia. Be at-tted that he boarded with liti lau'» mother at the tim<v,,f the ainsi. When H mother *mcalled abe swore tlint aba sen) to b me of Un· ci,,il,e» of t,e,» I.? mistake luit Lennon wee not one of h.-r boarders ai that time The defence rested at 11 o'clock, aad, after rebutting testi uiotiy by the aaweeaaUou, the ease wa» closed. THE PHILADELPHIA IMBPEi ¡lo.x. ».nn.ADKi.piiiA, Dee. Sii-Amori «ras sab- li.lttcil by ib« OhtSl of l' ami Blltj ||_ra_al to tin- Mayor tbi» afternoon aoMttat-btg Uta laaalts a. Uteü lejssat ra at iati ib at th.· aaaat s .f aa,,,,,,,, ., tl.. rltv The ¡taraaaara case of Are m .».eh ae*_»)Ue__atatare ."?!;«!.:'» UW;,"M-"W,U U"1 »"· '-««·" unleïï "bt'y á^ Tutor in Synonyma.**SnaaoM (wo hI.íi,- were racing across tbe Atlantic,' w,,.ii,| '.7 arrives! flrst elu or gain the vicuirv t" Mr w V. would win." Tutor-" Why I" ? f,Jòa_L.i got In ftret." (P»ct.)-lTliC Comet. «es-auto it HUM!'. ? ? WS. PROMINES G ARRIVAL«, ?·.'". /Vi/·-," tfouté ??,.·.·.-,., ?. G, ????.'?·., ,,?? li··, lie .Bruno* Boum iVaaaat ?ßß* m ;;· ·;'".,'·', .. ¡a ITiW raaiTisnssn Taaaaa* CeraaB, et twaMaat, Usa >'. Y. NEW-TORK CITT. Th«· facMof the clothing dealers bright« ned with the change of tbe weather yestentay. The Congregational Sunday School of P*rk Ridge, Bergen County, N. J., send to thU office BIO for the Michigan suffetw ¦¦ The Voti Qeorrn Hotel, aa old landm.rk at Teiiih-ave. ami One-hundn d-»nd-elghty-flfth-st- is being demolished. Tbe Senior claaa of Columbia College tncf rester- day afternoon ard chose (·. W. Pack A Bros ? tographiats. Kii.i.iu iiY ? ? m r ruOM A ( Hilan. George Dieter, age forty, of No. 40 rlasnx-st-, wbileat \»ork on the root oi the new church thai is In course of erection in Eleveuth-st., ??·;?G Pourth- st. yesterdaj, fell do»» a and was instantly kBIed, a ?.? 11 u "·· in idi a. The'abject ita ih·· free lecture to-night in tbe Cooper union conree will be "Heading, when Dickens'* "Christmas Carol" will be read by Robert li. Raymond, of the bV 1 ol Ora¬ tory. lN.ItltKD 1IY A KICK FROM A MIN. Mary Bodges, ¡il·.· thirty, of N... »13 Sixth-at-, was kicked iu the niiilo'.u« p and sevi injured yceler- ila. by Patrick Cronan, s feliow tenant the woman »mis taken to Bellevuc II spitaL Cronan ¦« aped. BOT READY ID RKPORT. Th«· stockholders of the American Book Bx< bange hehl a m, Dting la.-i week and appoint« «I »committee to exam.into the affaire ol tbe company. the stockholders met again yesterday, but the commit¬ tee was not reals to prea at it " ;,??G'·· .\-.II D',r, DAVI!-'- ani The will ol tbe late ex-Judge Henry E. Device waa-led yesterday for probate. All the bonaehold furniture an ornameuts m the testator's bo ises are bequeathed to In- wife. Tbe residue of the eel at« is given in iru-t for the testator's h- ire equally. ( ?? »? ,,? n wi ?? -? ? im, ?»??·? i.i: Mil ?. In tin· Essex Market I'olice <.?, ruetenlay, Joan II .man, ·.? No. IOS I. »\, -s·.. Herman Uhleu- ,1 ai. ol No. '.'·.» I.ewis-si,. ami Jaini - Met all, of So !»_' LeWÌS-*L, »»ere held loi trial '"> a barge ot sell¬ ing adulterated milk. They were srreateuon com- plaint ni l>r. .1. Blake White. BKPOBTS "? ÜSA1 G uni DIM,-. The following buildings were reported unsafe yesterday: ?".-. L'40, '-'.??. ¦:."·:!.'..'.".."? ami U57 ???-? Bi ¦.. i.-.i Baal rwentii lb- I.' 4.iU I ifth-wt., i7 ? herry-et., - and I L'annitie-st., i:»7 Weal Six- ? · ail ¡?- ?.. :' I Wcai I'm, a! h- !.. -."_¦:( Nintli-avi·., :,'i;¡ ami .?'.».'· Washington -t 7 1" and 750 third· .ve. ? ??G?? ?? IDI s ? I \ BAI Willi ira Cottuian, ¡ige fort) ein m the bark Ladt I'enurkynn. lying al pi Ño. IO. Baal River, tell ? r.un th-· yard of the bark Viinanolis, ly¬ ing alongside, while fu ling its nils yesterday, rie struck the dock sud rebounded into the water. When be taken out ol the river he woe dead. 1 ??1.??:! - «.I llll WI Hradstreet's repon tate* there wen 152 fulares in the United States and Canada in the ? ß «,? twenty-eight, a* compared with the pre« eding une. In failures »·.ere !·¦ .- than Do· an·, wtM'k thia year. There was an in¬ crease in the number ol failures in ihn lothing trade, on iug to ? be mild weathi r. A-i.l ,, IID ???? POOII ¡III :'!:' V. The Sisters of Charit} n«k assistali! «? the pnhlic in preparing ¦> Christmas ¡or the inmates ··! tbe irli. Foundling Asylum in KixM eighth-st., bet ween Thinl ail here »·· .11 be a reception next ret th« presents will be l'i ven to the children, and all those who have con¬ nu,?,,? d. un m will b.· ,?, ¦¦: attend. <"IIICI- l M AS Mil is- IT CASTLF. UAIiDIrar. ? a-i If ?, ntod bet ful appi .irati. lati yeaterdaj aftenioou, and arriving immigrants wül be reminded ol the sea Cb nati an, sii|ieiiu'·¦ I'b-iii of tin' m«· ·! laborers, Dinslied decorating the Board room and rotunda in mottoes an » ire, ili ··-. bus re- in·» log th« ioli! sp · -? bure s alls. ONI I U INO -M M I "\ Edwanl W slab, d yes- .ei.|.\ tn have lied of amali poi .? No. G_'.? Kl Adolph »Voll died from the th cas s had been concealed from the Inalili·.Hi era. wb the «Ils« ,?»« ' tlglllj !«t t'i ?? t till aid ro navi ri s 104 ? In- report a ?- naide .il ? bi man, had dl «a one bundred and foui .ID meli doubl a . to tbe authent: uvei a hundred ye ? ?,· ·? .?, ? RI -- rill m I » V. The Bishop ol Caledonia: I'.c id ! V. J,Kuriqiirs ; W. G. Mast« ?-, n| land ; C. 1'. Hykos, of Boston, and D, ShucIi will -aii ?·.-·luv ..? In· I timan steamship of Bei in. On tin Red Star steamship liclgeutaud. im lUtwcrp, Henry de Sturale, W. II. Caret« Detroit, and Willian ol ? 'incinn ani'.in.' the paaseiigi ? ·. Addi on ravi ·. ( b Ncwhsun, Captain S 11. Hughes ami Ramon ill .m the ? itmnal Line ate unship 'an ol ? lili MU II ».Ml -' RAN'KINd 1S-I1I II V The annual meeliuu the *t<N-k holdere of the Mechanics' Baili .»ill be held on ,.'.'. I'hcre ? irp ontcsl foi the emu..I of the institntion. ? lu the one side are tip« pi G thi bank, and on bi ol !.. -..m.· ui the o ti« -??· ? ? li iiigi ·.; uiaiugeim ni. It is supposed that lr-?..? W. I'ark, Wilna D. o. Mills, Charles.1. Osisi C.I Baldwin ami I bomas W i.vans will B va us ?»?;? probably lie president. M it-nan IONS POR mi \ Ii ? ? \ -? km;« lusiil loi Ausi ria Iln ba ali ady remitted 10,000 dorins to Vienna fi ?«, in oi lu si ''i-i from tli hm util ? the Ring re. lb· ba ·· eeiv« d, in addition to this, foi th.· same int ;o-··, .?¦..¦'·- 1 111, be ?.·? il ?,, ipUt »1 the !.. n, m matux al the I balia I boat re su ? .ri. «ini'· >. James4t. Keeue, Lu neyer & -, lient and P. Uexauder ? Kons have niade subscriptions ol iflOO «a, Ii fol the san,,· objei ?. ami Hal« k and M, Mon:.m - Sous ubm riptioua each. RI.SITINO HI ROD SKBVK s. CroRsmuii Lyoi Mutual Marine Insurant. Company, in lie ha 11 of tbe New l.,:, Life-.SaviligBeiievulelil A -so· am. yestenl i\ pies, ?, ?. ,? tot apta ?? J, Uobinson mid Second Mate .M. (in.-..n. oi the .National Line sfa unship Canada, ···"h arile I foi her sei »:' ¦-· m the -.a the captain and revi from the tvici ?. m Ihn i. rinati bark ¡, on ,N,,. »«m ¦· r ¡it), I be Vini ? .·. ,, ¡, ', ?,,,,,, Pilluu. 1.1 ? ? \ »'. ll.liW ??· UISTITI II. ? bienni,!·-' boil-· ?,? ( lilltOII-pl '. . ???\ destitution. Mrs. ¦'.. I.. \ m \ liet, widoa ol the veterau journalist. J. R. S, \ an \ het, who died «m Vugual 1, is iu great need ol lance. Sii«· has bren able to exial ,|, ||h by pa » uiuH fro ime to t ·. .,, |,.\ aud coutributioii from kno -u ol bei distress I ¦., pa , money, rlhe »» ili b·· ejected m In· amount m ,·? beton im lay m ?. liliMÜ'il - ????1 traiigci \iniing the I'm day would bave ?? lu] ¡? ?? ? li, ? ,,. , m. iutiera Dini|s>«l like ,;... I, \i tin ,,. ?? mge the memi* tu .·? the ,,?. made ¡? .... L. ? n bell, ( ni«. G,· ., ami i" outlay, no h III ,,,,! Offici ' liiai li, ¦¦ «? un -It«, III ( In «D· licioi .' tli yestenls .' ll « laz/.ie \it. n- ||< II,« .1 o I III.Ill ilil. ?-'« ,' I. nine time ago n -li«· »v.? « ¦" il tier, ?. in. .·, ,, mau .vl,, ? -In aim nut, to ni lier , |l( r «I III Ih«· "io.«· inalili, ? ? il III" m.? I '.TOS II' rlii '.'.«.il.. >?.? S IS ·' it to II« « ,' bolli l'ini. A ?,?·.·. ol ?:? ,,? Ili ?? II.. '.? ?··. ~?<» il ·.· ni· ulti t.. wii cil irgi ? b («Di. Minili. :? laborer, with mni,??,. On lb·' .; Ill '.,,'.·,ole « .1 ? III-*!., be " ,u,| rolibi (I «? · IJ -"). ; i'. «,l the iiiliin, I, , ,,|i, ttilj |. ,,, mo 'i i| and senteur« il, m W cd m «? .?? be instance ..I Hun! I, "?,· "I Ii.a,' him. Justil Mora m In i«l Kl ll\ in .|. i.ti, .f.'.oiMi ?,ail im trial, ·, |,?'.?.?.?:·,? «H POI DI'!· .lami s (nib...I r", fol m. ,,il. ,,| ih, ,, M culli l'ii m, podi mil unni |, ?,?.?«. ein l'i" e ¦¦' ·? nu ate s iti bun. Lo uni ,?., ?:,? ni :? ?, 'in-11 in the Jrllersoil M irkel l'olii-« t '.| terday, ehm «? »» lib mi demi mor. II.miduiii ant waatieorg« II. Hough, o| ?», ? ,.; Bnimlvi ,,. wlm said be un ? »¿ill.?, ,;., :m,j ??,.,? the latter drew his pisDil ami threatened to aliool linn. 11 «mu-11 called a ? !,,, look ?.???,???? In custody, ll·· was held In r.<H» builtoai Alitili! a year ago i.ilh....waa diaiuiaaed in,m in, police force, and he has brought suit ?,,? reinatau« meut. si m:\ iv«, ni- BOB« JohnJ, Philllpa, «·? No. r.ii Weal ? », ·,, Ural «; vaeaaaigaedinthejedei oaMarkd Poiico Court voit¦¦Plriv, l'Iirt""! by oilier F.vuit.M. of the Society Îortlu· Prevention of Cruelty toAiüaiale, with tiuv- i'n ,u II·· neglected bla borse, which be permitted in -i .tu i.n many days without food, or _ÄfM_f ?..· said Ii··' fouii.l tin· anima] m Phillip» a ·. itile ¡u a r ?,.?,?? cto'i'-iit condition. I"·1« . ;«i n... was In right, and the »tarring animal had ? tien s part tbe woodwork of the steli, ine citoria of the o.ìieer to »??.· the luirse'» life fresa fruii1-·-», and death oonendedita sutlcnnge. .Ju»- ii. smith lu·;.? Pbillipa f'»i trial. I'lllAUACF. ?<·? A LIOWi:l). Justice l),,-i..;!ii,'. m tbe Supreme Court, Cnam- hera, refnacd veatenlav f·» tax the hill f«r pniind- ;..;.· preeeiited i" him ? few day» ago in behalf, of. ex- I sheriff» Conner aud Keilry, in the »ut ol thoeUie againa William M. Tweed. 11·· boltb that the bill might to in· presented to the Man· Boaro m Audit, a-a..miri cannot tax a bill of <·<·»?» »? a »nit except opon the rnqne t of tbe parties to the auit» In this .a».· Tweed ia dead and eannoi prefer such a re¬ quest, aud Mi·- (State noi only does not make it. but ,.. ,. Ibe amount of poundage to which the ex-Sheriffs think themselves entitled bt $81.717 09, which ia 1'- ? ¦cent apon tbe aatonnl ofthejudg- ii., recoverod, but not collected, against ??.«·<··1. PI III LABC1 VV A MI»I'i:MI AN"lt Jim ;,h Laughlti . ? boy, waa convicted in the Court ol l»p ione, some time ago, of petit I·.;.·. Mi- and rent t" the Houee of Refuge. William G. Kintxing obtained a writ of habeas corpna foi the l,,,.. ami »ti it- return, before Justice ti,· Sup,.·. ('.»nit Chauibera, aaked for hi» dis- rharge on the gronnd that petit larceny was s f.v, ami that, therefore, the .-.dal Üeaeíona had m. jurisdiction to trj the oflenoe, the furisdictiou "I this ciiuri e\i inline only t.inlcineiinors. .Ins¬ ti,, it.,11,,h ?.· refuse to discharge I.a ugh! in. and an appeal from hi» decision was taken i" the General I .nu, w bich yesterday rendered a d< _ion in a Uich ii i- held tbal pent larcenj is not felony hut u inieticmoanor, and an offence within the juriadic- t i. ?? Ol the t 'nur. ill Special ».as-hu ». Al.liiWi I' TO BJVO, HI'1' MOI G? DANCE, ITnder anaci of tbe Legislature pa.d In ls7ti, it bt made a misdemeanor for airy peraon or ? l'.'iv m., ontrol ..? a child, to .-.· [I, apprenti ¦. ?? oi bet-wise ·1?-? ·>.I it to any person fur the purp »se ol singing, playing on musical instruments, or K:it a child may lie ···'. edaaa ainger or musician In a church, school or academy, oral ß cone ri. or entertainment, on Ihe written coust-nt of the Mayor ol t!;· city whore tbcenter- tainmenl place. Mrs. Plaiterty, mother of tbe child-singer Uorinne, accompanied by tbe latter ami counsel, yeatcrdaj called on Ì ( Th.· counsel ri ml the Ian to tbe Mayor, and ? for the ni·., .n, permission to ting. Tin· Mavol g;; ? e it. hill declined t" .it J -1 lui;» lull loi the Child t" dim .·. BROOKLYN. '? ¡? L1;;.! Ri men t will "i ?,· a promenade concert al - .ii un>i ? ou 1 »¦·' ·> ??'· ¡il. The drill, a feature year/s entertainments, will I,, omitted. Thereure.son, lor thinking tbal tbe man who ntted Hiiicidc hy jumping into the .asi _ivcr from ferryboat, on Satinila) ol last week, \..i» \ o :.· ison tv hite, ago forti Uve, ol tenthand Hope- He told his wife, on leaving hi hoi.? Bat- morning, that she would ne\ bim adve and »lie has Uol ft ?? linn ail iug of th Long Islam ti'.ti in the church ¡«? thai iluiiomiuation in I'lat on l"i ?? lay. the Kcv. i; t Uow« a «as cammed irdination. Ii was found that his theological ??.lining Mas deficient, and it .v as d< Ided i" eli In» nini at ion uni il he hiul completed bis atiidies. le will ça 11 n to preach lu lue .lu. a a »up- ply. ???? investigation of tin chara "' fraude in ex· W arden >h.v uns management "i ti,.· Km. 's t ouuty itiaurj a as continuad in tbe Court House tu Bro «si.v u vesterda). Warden . t< til ?..-vanliliali.m that be founded bin statement oi overcharg*s lor county supplies ou.Mr. Sbevlin's own l,o..ks. Ile allegri! that examination ul tlie tigurcs Mould »hoe gl inn traode, I in- Investigation will I»-, iiiiied on I uesdaj ? .In·· i. f"! :'-''·¦"' 60 was presen laj t"i rtitii alino al the Long island liank, m ultou-at., ., Lin ? aa.ii« ?. John I. I htiuae, discovered tbal it had been skilfully raised ? rum ittei amount was given to a v.· ?1-.??.·~«·?1 woman, who gave ibe name Mar, Walker, bj Ueurgc PooleV fion, ol So, 7n Palton-st.. on the afiern.? pret ?? .ie.ul of taking in.· anm in change oui of .-»^?? lull. W h.-ii pr. -? ;,'..I ?.· th·· bank the amount wa» rai od ¦in.! ti.·· :, un,· ol th,· payee changed to Matthew Waltet toot the check to Ute bank, and he laid a man in New-York gave It to bini t.. take ?·. the bank and t>. re urn to him at tl·.· ?atoi lion-.·. o, th.- police did imi result m finding the man. ???8?? 11IV. ? abusimi John Plynn, a Waah- m ». laat, was ouii "t Seeaiona yesterday to ? ; point Its. Ili· nallpox were reported yee- and :i 10 Urove-at, A waff. rdaj G?t tin- an· si of Martin W.initi'i ?·'.????» down a amai Ipox aign which bad No. ? i.i'.v. »t., ol w tu.-li he the into; down sigua la ¡t violations! the rules, Wil ly picked up a tranh In the Pcnn- rdaj and .va» .·. liking nil With It, vv)|. ? he « il t.. Instavi II wiio lain.· from u,. iiiiiati and intended io take ii. It contained . and lotliing vallici at r-'."'. Donnelly was arraigned before justice Pelonbet, and was com- NKWAHK. I ' . . t .·: V v. o tl« -tt ? between wo Ireigh ilrood bridge ovei New ai i. v> -t. ?,I.e. iiuiniiug. Ile r John l'ondi r, ,.t Wil- .11. ar th.· bridge. William l'.-lì· ?, a «"ti ol Mail Agent l'i III t. of the .»n»»c\ ?.??,?...à,|, was killed on tbe Lchigu and Ilud¬ id, ai Dannilo, ?. .f., I burstlay He it t«iii|it<-.l to jump on the pilot ol lu.· ligule alni tell. Ill·- tl » ov el In- l>..|i. ui twenty-one years old, and lived at Now ion, N. J. W -I. Ill »I ?; ( ?? M v. ? ,.',?? it». < .·». M. « h,m,, ,,f Mount Vernon, has, by order oi the Supreme Court, been api» »in ted re¬ ceiver oi the fonkersCommerci II oahI umpauy. Im.kvii'Vvn. Hie taxpayers h.iv.· voie.I unaui- mouslv ?·· appropriate .-»·». .·»» t.. ion ol aa addiUou to the Public .-· bool Ltuildiug. \]; 11,«· protracted which have h.·, n m piogr-1ta in tin· Methodist Kpiscopul burch, aiterai] weekshave resulted in uni persomi pro¬ le«.iug religion. ? ? ik -khi.. Michael Donohue, an employe ol the New If. :.. entrai and Hud ??..« led ai il,· drawbridge north ol tig ill Slalloli on 1 liillsil ,.. venin ii ;·,|??? .i-k'Cp.-r ol Ibe bridge ami while .¡.¡?. d ?, ¡.li ¡ut., tin river. I be ???. ? is ?.,, loi bis body. II· leave» aw ifo and six In ?. ??.·,? ...Theliev. S. V. OsU'rhout, formerly ..? tbe Itaptist ? hur. h, bas e pied a ?;, ?, 11·· liurch al Prut id< m ·, ?, I. .»iAll.N l»l..\M>. 1,'n iivn.M ni the l'oii'i. oi ibe statin Island w atei t»upp ? » ompauy, ? 10,000 bave I». u .? interest. Pinti ?.?' iivinN!·. William Joi., while at work in-I-·· it cad tactor} ou l'hursalay, liecame vio lenti, lu aue. 1 be poln-e io.,?, ?? ,,? bim. W )»? Union r«iN. I be ?. Theodore ?. lacggett, on ? : ing, .»a install· da» pa ·:·? ol tin'· ?? lau ( hur. ¡?. ? ?? ?. ?, Archibald .. ol l'.i'iokli ??, preui bed the si numi ; v. Dr. A. s. Freeman, delivered tho charf. to l'I ·. anil the Rev. J. I». W. || ,,¡ ?;. il Uvei .1 ibe barge to the pastor. i! ÍTEU G0 BE t..\ TERT \INED. l'liti.vt»' 11 in \. Dec 23..Attorney-General [tied th.- of a Lampi.t tendered icinbcr» of the Philadelphia Uur. Tb« date ful .laiiuar·. U lliraui Green was lugging up coal when In· fell, eusiUM aim In ;o nli ¡a.illy |el u arord " liain'i you 'shan,, .? ,,? ?,. IVnere ·?,, yon bx|k cl you'U go wben you lilu I" ? ¦¦ n a place « bere ibaii'l Inn t.. lug coal, by tmunici !" Bild lo coiilnnid on, [Whitehall A depositor droppexl in ai the office the, to get a note discounted ih·· olii. ?.il iv ?. »?»-.?,.. Imi m bis cha,? e, linci a plump, aceti individual w bo was list asleep, ini.g to li lieu ai« Ilio visitor observed: topeara lo ?.pretty in, ¡"L· t. m wild Morpheus G "It's his bsbli," re- »|ioll(li d th·· ?Ilern mlv ,?,? ?. ¦· ne ali »l< '?' S lieu h. ? bere." *' Ils , imiOHo, Il Ulli ill' Hi. lea ,., . ,,, ,,, ||,e (i,,\ i,;. ..... .amili, " ? ? i; I.S h IMI Li l Uh M ,'·. .? ? 11 ,;,·. ?, ? ? G? l'Vl. Ban?·· Iona feil, 0p_??? « ?,.,.?? ?,il:, ·. ?????? WATXB Tit-llAI ? ? SaaS] H".i ion m ?.?, ??. ?? uste o,mi III .11 VV til.11 i, ;,u r g, Hand) II""I.. I" '·. Uev. Island 11,1, .¡.,1 ·.. anipPTs ?'??G '·. V ,|, V ItfVl II ¦? .?·.'... Un, Nein, Hull No 12, Tb» noaton Sitara Hill, Rill III! ?? ||i" · un II,-e 4, ila II, I' "' '. « Uli nel " Ulli ? ? mieli, li.ll , ? I o in ;. fili I, .... klerklo, \m, nllli mil... ..?,.I (.j. ligi ta lo I u il II .1-, Hit».11Heal,., il ,,?.nie-ton, .Ni , g liaya »Uli mils« an«) .v . ¦. HU·* Uct'lellau illtlupi llalUin., »Uh iihIs·. »nd pe» seiiaci'· l" " " Il. '???'·1?.t VV,,I. .'. e llailla, la.n.itou B. .lu» »il!, ....:-. Ul .."V 4 Lui les» l'.aiU '·,,,·¦ pi·. .1 Abaudu ,?????. I.uc ? »latiiu Ml day», Willi sulpllUI lo.'l.l.l. tUSSrl lo G????? ||. !..?,e ? Park Arne* (Itali, Braun, Bremen, 66 darà, .ito moa« to WatJ.'ii, Toel * Co. Hark J A Brown (of Boston). Gregory, Detnarsrs 16 daya, with Bagar la Brown Ilros * Co; ve**el to master. Hark (onstantla (tier), Braun. Bristol 5H «ley*, with iron «ml empty barrel* to order; » es-el to Punch, Kdye A Do Brig ti II sn.lman of l-nrtlunit i. Hoce, Montevideo Sot a, wild liiilc* to J** ? Want ? ?; t?»»·μ·? to Miller ? Houghton. -? tir láñala Baaatsw. Unrraaisa. UadarKaga lyjays, wiu» lumber to Uaakiaa «t Co¡ ?·«»*·? to A Mndgëtt. f-i'lir I V «Dover, Davi*. <harle*toL lOilaya, with phosphate rock loonier: vp»»el to ? I) Hurlliut A Co. Sehr M li Milieu, Dyer, s t ? mi nuli 10 with mdae lumber to ?) ? Bi lit»in. a hr Maiv -prairue, Vesper, Pensacela 14 daya, with lum¬ ber to nrilef; vessel to Hnow * Barge»*. sehr Minnie ? stu<ib«j. Mtubbe, Cape Haytien 13 day*, wttn lot··»¦ «»? to (i Lagan A Co. SÜ.VSKT-Winil at sandr Hook, a gale: very thick. At City lalaiul, etrong, NW, cleniiy. ( LEAKED. si· ¡oner France (Bri. Dudley, l.oiidon F W J ITur»t. steamer City ol Berlin Br), Letto·, Liverpool via Queen*· town .Titilli (J Dale. si« ^incr Arabic (Br), I'canie, Liverpool via (Jueexutown. It j ? orti« Steamer Canada Br). ftohtoaon. I I»orpool. ? W I Hurst. si, amei Like Manitoba ¡ir, Scott, Liverpool.Seager Broa saunier llir»-assla iliri, Oveiisl.-n··, (ilasgow.Henderson Broa Ht« ????t l^.-nlaiid (Holg), Stokes, Antwerp.Poter Wrijülit ? I .lis. Hteaiuer city of l'ara, Dexter, A»plnwall, UKC-l'aclflo Mall s-i ,?. steam··! Claudio* iii.r'., Weise, Latrila» il, rorto Cabello ?:,,ninni, nils* .t Dali.-tt. Steamer Veaper, Itali, Wilmington, Del.Ablel Alitiott. Hteamei u m Woodward Tonna. Baiti moca J · Krem*. Hteamei ? it;, of San Antoni,·, lliiie«, l'oit Boyal ami Per- nandlna I! ll Mallo. ,«. Co Bark Nebemlah Ulbaon, Ilall"V, Batavia, Java.Veruon II Brown 4 Co. Bark ID-inrlili \ou Si-lirocder (der), lüllel, London-Scam- meli Broa Baik Antonia Ma«lre (Dal), Manola, Snnthatnptou-tSIoeo- Viell A ·'«·. ¦. Anton '.outlier (Or), Kuhn. Bremen.Miller «ft Krn- mw. Hark Borsone 'ItaD, Daeto, Bevmiit, Turkey-Klocovlch ? ... Bark Bacicela<Ital), Dellacaaa, Baltimore -Beuham, Pick- crina » ... Bi : «.",'iiniii.Sawyer, Cardona* Waydell .t co. Rrlg in,??,?- (, ?:«·«».·;.·. V'eraCnu !'. r Metcalf A Co. uti«, ? aw-itavi ? ?? ?·; d«,»-i, sein di Poatei, Brown, New Bedlord ll 11 Bovio. sclir Hannah E Brown, kelt, --(-Stamford Mfg Co. Sehr Florence ? Parr, lliiie«. Yarmouth, Ns.Crowetl A Paitcngall; Kehr cygnet, Manning, Luiien>«urg, NM-II«tton, Watson ? ?.,. Sehr Catherine Leed, Ba», Punrlial. Madeira. ? «anrfioz y Dola. Sehr Badabedec, Montgomery, ?ß????p -f W wi:*on A Co. -, ',r ?,, rtrude. DorUoC Saw Haven Rackettai Bro, .-, In .? ? Ayr*·, Hnhter, Stamford Stamford Mfg Co. t'alo«, Kldrtdge. Meblle E D ilurlbut A Co |iiu··!). Ueorgetow? ami Put Bluff; SC. ? D ???,?,.?,???- CO, - ,? ?,. . a uarflsid, VVoodbury, Georgetown, ism.rate. Mill· r t Co. Sebi Kit Canon, Dowllag, Cnracoa -Anstta, Ntebota A Oat ; "' I '-,. ??-?.??? House «-ill in· ,.|.:i M,,i:,liu,'Ji,III uist. from o.,. toi ti," eutnHOD aid cl« nan«'«- of vessels only. BAILED Rieamers Oroatea, for Llrarpoo); sidoalan, Rristoli i:<iith Oodiien la Ship» Fawn, for Liverpool· Europa, Anjl i. lava; «A'Ulle Reed, San Praociaco, Barks Man«·, Oat. italo -".ni s Rid gway, Anjler, Java« Die· inganno Mon'evldeo·, Bai.'.Havre; l.lefj.lil, Liverpool; Trcvanion, Qneeuatown, Elisa Bar**, Mafaniaa ¡'.rig* Wo. I'ort Natal: (lem and Wm Robertson Barbado,·.. Pal· l'inii.wi. or Falmonth: Pearl, Port Spall '.twin, l*lor, Bermuda: Ma/jr Preeman, Jordan Hiver, :. NS. .POKE*. Nov 1- la: IS 10, Ion 18, slap Br*, Kdward*, ,?,?,???, Ji it - , Ion l it w ship "lew.York iltr». Hugh·»*, from -.? ? ranci ·¦ for Ll» 27, bark Sioland (Nor), Kmannelson, from lontr,.a f n iim-nos Arre* '.? ,-«::.·. s BOOB Br), 11 an ?..«.-?. which arriv-il yaaterday ui ih need a *ncceaalon of nm - »? ?, \ ',?. v. a h Deary, high *ea* np to the líeme moderate and fluì weather, Dec 3, dnriag Uta ? ¡».'tit, v. m Croki r, j tire'nan. jumpeil nvertsiard wbili Ing under a fit of dellrinm tn IS, loa 1". ol. -? hurrli in·' 'run S ? »V. .asir,/ null ?0?? of tho Te, »,··..· \ v. .- sng letge .fi t:,tin.'s of water, ripped tarpaulin* from the batches, aud did other 111! MOVEMENTS Or VIKAMKIW, ION I' n·. « li: ni iiir. rSIB...1 L0!~K>5, Dec ,. ???,,-r it.,· Qaeen 11 ri. Alto .·. !·. ?? OL. Dec 53-Al I I Hr'. from Sew oi iwneeiBr . ?aniden, fl .:n ilo s m e ·! ?!·-. -i"»»N. Dei liner City of Cheater (Br). ir,,p? ?.r. arpool ben« r New ? ¦.rU.. ? Br), Cook, from ?. ', ,?« Di i., f.,! ',...: ?.:. l'i: »» HEAD, ?·«. !?!? Salle«! »t« amer i'ltv of Vcw-York Bi i«nl·.., tumi New-York Dec ? , un ber way to «jti«*;iis- l.otn aie'. ? ??ß?????. Irrt ved. Cook, from IBI in,"lit:., y.. DOMEaT i'.iai's Mr. im In« 28 Arri«, a, ??.???G, from M.» ·, Saratoga, Curtí» toi Now v.-rk. K,i«r«>s, Dec -3 A-nv«i!, »Leane Bi WortklBg- rpool. unei Ata-. 1?· pool, -'· am« ?·.· in Bt I«:i I'liii.Ai.Ki.i-in t. ?·, ita Arrivivi, -·.,·,.·. Ohio, M . ¦on. Liverpool ??»?· .. ? ittavUle, do: Homar funi ? til River. Ciminoli- », tl,. lew ,i| ». ? I roi el· ne··. «'«sl. atcamera ?a '. Uerka, Fall rka. ird. atoaneer Chfllaa, for Bali· r.ti r.M ·.¦. ?...· ?- ·. unera Wm K«-nn«s!v, War- n n. v,.w ? ,,r»; M.u-itia Steven*, tiun«.-. ·!¦,. Baragoa.! Sat»;:. «1. .r.·: ii,-»wr Kannv I · 1er, (lark, New-York; . inda, r IRBION RHIPPTNO. «.rr-vr.', IHthlnat. \rracan. Ida 'C»pt II,,· Dior. Win Powhattan. sa.I.¦¦'. tlater, I trom Leghi r:i: in, India for ¦::·· Oordon, \ Inona; .' ;? rtr .*:<r -?1? /?»/1.? Constitntinnnl -kin ilisenaos of a srorbntic Cure, Internal ami external I it ..«t¬ ?", and "·. \. office, ll·'« i-'u!· totxrt. la iv \ti.u ? mi no vi·-. " «- - \ \? »\ «nil s ?, and the mil ',n cunta all the «li Everj mother slioulil lenrli her childreo to ¦ «lota. f»o t? Bri μ μ ? i i '-. indie» A ". poned Imi ut ¦ .·! One bon¬ is a-, ""¦ Hi m:y \. i'wii ?-, \\. D.. 1 11 I . » ? · «n 1 3 t ? 7. Ri im Ri l;· !:.t'\.'il ami cnrcil liv Dr. .1. ?. !i..i. without Priu. pal office, iltatlo». Branch olMi'o, ¦".: w ilniii.r., I" .. - ,ay .tini liiil.ty. S ».? s..I, ii-ri« stuck ut' Hr ani luir_r!.ir proof ikes, (ir ubai · ? ?«) ? HOLIDAY GIFTS. M \M ?·'?? "G? It Kits OK SILVERFLATEDWARE. \o. ?? i: wr ? irn st., UNiOaM SQUARE. CPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Al.r'.V ? IIA^^ ? 00, \ « if u KB, IU!-* WILL SOON RETIRE i'HOM ACrrVE I1C-I.M.--. IT BECOMEH ? ?. -a ?; ? TO ?«.·..? Y BEDDCI nUBSTOCE, WEHAVETHERK, 1 PLACED VARIOCH LINES OP OOODe IN neu BAHEUENT -\1.i>UdiiM AT ?.??'.?·; DISCOUNT· ?; 'M ItEQULAH PIUCE9. PRICES KAIUUCD OS BACH Al'.li' ?. IN PLAIN l'ini IIEH, 31 l MON SQUAW MBMàV ¦_¦ ¦ _~*_ sAI'i.l'Y - I. A Mt ». ????G?.?? OTIS ELEVATüftS, U NB BatOTilKBl* «? ? ?», als .. ItOADM LY, s. ? \l.i;\<ns DEBILITY, Impotenc«, Wtmk· 1 ' '. ? ,1 , .'. m III - Klt'S -i'l wo| ,' SUboi« » iu a "i' e \jai^i I ' " .li,» OJ Qhuiuiat*.:i7Johu il· New-York. R Rad way's Ready'Relief, TDK CUKAPK8T AND BKJsT MKDD i NK K(jR Viiniv CHE IN THK W.iIU.I). *-_II.T TDK MOMKKT KADWAY'S HKADY RKLIFIF IR ? · Pf.I KD KYTERNALLY-OR TAKLN I N'I'BB \ AI ? Y aG?! COitDI.N'(* TO DIKKCTIO.V-S-PAIN.l-KOM WUATma CAfSK, CKAHKH TO EXIST. ¦ ""AIEVKa In ail ea*ö* where pain or dlaoomfort experienced, nr m BSlsed with Influents, Diphtheria, Hon Throat, Kas____ Cough».Hoawneau, llilimiaCoUo, Inflammation of Uie lwil. Stomach, LnngVLiver, Kidney*, or with croor', ?p?«?* Fever and Ague, or with ÌNVurelgk, Hiadacha, Tic Woreut Toothache, Karachi, or wltb I.nml. i/o. Pain in the Rack* or Kbeuniatlam. or with Diarrhea, Cholera Morbu*. or Dy*ent«ry, or with Bnrns, Scald·, or Brnlnea, < talltiiVn/ Kroatbltca, or with Strain», Cramp» or «insiu». the *2_2 Don of BADWAY*· READY BELISI1 will cure von of the wont of thea«' ooroplutut* tn a few lioiiis. 1'r.i.e, ¡to cent*. DI. ?????? IMDUffiM PILLS, perfectly taatele**. elegantly coated, for the cure of all (U*. order» of the »tornarti, Uver. bowel», ki'lmv», hladiler nervou* .iaeaaea. headaeke, conatinatlon, cost vene»», ininVw,u<>n! d.vNpi-¡i*la, !)illou*ne**, blilou* feve intlamtiiatlon «if the b«nn-li», pile», and ail derangement» the internal ??«,-··.7 t_ICl ¿3 CENTN l'Klt BOX. r.l,| b> all ,|rugguS_ Health of Body 13 Wealth of Mind. RVIlWAVS SAitSAPAR.LLIW ltESOLVE\T. I'nri' blood mage» sound fleah, »tmne bone and a clear »kin. If »-·??? would have your !!?·??? finn, your bon··« snand, wl'.liuiit cane», anil yonr coinulexlon fnlr, m»«- KAUWAV'N Silt, SAPAHII.I.IAN 11EXOI.VENT. ^ A Kennst', eiirniiosisl of ingredient« of extraordinary medicai uroueittea ?semmai to parity, heal, repair ana invaginai«» th· broken-down »ml wa«t«il body.Ql ICK, I'll·. ASANT, .-APE ami I'lJlM VNKNT lu ite treatment ami cure. No initier bv what name the complaint may be ite*lrrnat«d. Whether it ba »scrofula, < lonviiiniitiuu, pliin*. Ciceri, Moret. Tumor·, Boil». Krv-tpela* or salt-Rheum, tii»ea*e* 0f toe L'ini·«, Kltlnevs, Blander. Womb, Hkln, Llv.-r, sjtomach or Bow,!-, rdtber chronic, or constitutional, the vtru» of th· ill», »sc ui the BLOOD, which sappile* the wa*t> and bulbi* aud repair« these organ» and wasted tissue·* of the system, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. RADWAY & CO., U Warrr-n-st. C ? ?? SONS. MM SUflH BJ hr-IU Garments, Fur Teils, ME, and Collars. 184 Fifth-ave., New- York. Order·by mail, or infomiBtlon desired, will reet'ire special and prompt attention. AN AGE SN ADVANCE of bM other in reatina· Buns with on« third the power «if «in other ..i»r..*!¦. Noisclo**. BapitL Politirely IM 11 y "AUTOMATIC" OR "NO TENSION" ¦sF.WIN'i MACHINE AB i'LK'.ANT WEDDING OR HOLIDAY GIFT. Call ami inv«-eng»t<· or *»-nd f««r net» I'm e Uli SALEH if ?? M- ni W . "i:?: No. ???- Broadway, cora. Borni. BHOOKI YN N·· »10 Pultoo »t ? CITY; Ko US Montgomery-et. n BWABB Tin Brasi »t. Willcox & Cibbs S. M. Co· STEIN WAY The Standard Pianos of the World.' THE I.VItl.EST ESTABLISHMENT IN EXISTENCE. ·*, III! HIW.I *»ti'in way Ifiill. >«'w-Yorr_. THEUNIONIRONANDSÏEEL <OUlM\V. CHICA«·, II.I.. A.B. -T'iNI'.Lr.'st.. a,t-/i*ti.. ? ?- _, _8.B«MatlK,tefe .«m -u.N. V.. 1 he a«,. 111. « lii,.at.-o, Í1L \\ I! A. I" IU II.- BcMemcr Meri ISar!*, Ka i E road Tro?« ami Switch·* Workaare a·.11 unisti arti. for the man ita. tanoi wiiUJ or varioaa porpiMe*, eapecially tor Ba DIAMONDS. IMMJKL, I1REM0RK & B.LLNGS, IWPORTEBfl Mis, liNi; ROBUS·, BAPPHXU.8, km I'".ai.I;s. *e. and Manli ?, rriiKS 07 DIAMOND JKWKLRr". a «aldea Lane, ) N-__. Vnu aud SS Naaaaa-st. {»a.-TO·«, j si Andn » ¦ -sire.'t. Boibera :,. aa, bonos, ALBANY ABU REHSSSLáS .IRON AHD *t _·:_·:. foiir...\v. ??1?? . ?. V. . ., ERASTCH L'ORMINO, l'. s i.. XI? ??IX ml IT. as. M \\ I At I'll. "."¦ Beseemer eteel Kuil·· .Is err da n( ??????. Álcela .Sa i »coati l'a» i cuing;«·« Koilvv llivcts. KEv7 VOBB oiTii'i', «111-..- li. 11 «,:·.!-»> 'ii.n, vice-Prest» ei, BlUiAHW \'t. DiAiiONDS I 1NP. H alt Ml>. UH II .1 t:\VKUl V. BENEDICT BROTHERS, ONLY WTOgE, 171 BROADWAY· Corner Uirtlandt street, ? Y. PIANOFORTES. ? Hl ??.Liai IN Tono. Touch, Workmanship and Durability· M II.1.1 \>l ?????. ? (O. BALI 1 M.,a 1: a.m. M »\ ????, N.,. 119 Plit· \\einie. Bew-York, 178!). BACON PIANOS I88I.' fBAÜCie BACON·· PI «.MO f aCTOET. -m «, ,s««r lo . BACON ? BA\ BN. BAI "N ¿KARR. 1,473 \..!' la:.. BBOADWaY, mm .-mis!., m. T. ?'. '»»<·,, «U> J LïB*firi'? tar«>. ? e. MiiUr. W I ' I'*" .»,., :r-, oil!«' ' £"»"í* I««« voir <mii Brinili,,.· Piraaate or money .·: ,,? younf, Kvorytfe.· aaaff «%5. Às. -. Iirllile.llllslriictioll.s. .n, ,·._.,. ni l'i.--.·. ?.?|·, l'ani.», .te. tor .Jsl l!ll|>». ,, turi ra, ???.?·-?\ ? CO.. ^ci.drn. Conn ?_ ? 'S. WIM 1' »Î M'i-l.l RM -1 -fi'lLINU CLAM'S STEEL SHUTÏEK3. t i.Aitiv, 111 \μ:t»·? lu U-'A, lea ¦» -¡rtii-i.. > r ROyâl Powder. ABSOLUTELY PURE.

Transcript of · LOCAL MISCELLANY...

Page 1: · LOCAL MISCELLANY wi! IT THE;·!).-?µ?-??:?.·-(;?.???µ- baia l».,stniMtei «; nera] .Ici«- ftpeasant

LOCAL MISCELLANYwi! IT THE ;·!).-?µ?-??:?.·-(;?.???µ- baial».,stniMtei «; nera] .Ici«- ft peasant m tlm < itv

taá will Demain hen until Friday next, in?ß?ß- ioti »»Hi. ? IIMB17VK iviM.r.r N.s.erlaN ·

?aid tl.·..' while Ins eoanection will. Un· Post Office

Department would not ß??ßß until fauoari 1, VOM.

he had en.letl his active career in the ( antnet. it

vi' hi» Intention to r. turn to Waehington on r mla ynul receive ami intni line Iiih Mua essor to tin· ? heads. He should als«, pay Ins reamtin- President. After that he would return to New-

York and wonld Aeróte as mach attention to the

Lincoln National Hank a,«, he liai to the public

" What do y«>u think nf official lile nici-arcd from

yinii· txperti m '" ? th«· reporter aakod

-Iiisanie.inline." replied Colono! .lain"-, after s

moment's thought. "I suppose," In- continued,"that «·?·G\ boy ha· aa ambition whenhe starts oui

in Ufa, Son know I began as ^printer, an I, « ithoutnny iil-t» ol achieving ·»«' mach fan,·, 1 hoped t<> em¬

ulate Franklin. He w« Poatmaater-General "f theUnit« 1 stai··-, ami Inasmuch aa I reached th·· same

position from a similar beginning, I suppose I ought10 ho aataafled. My experience, however, ha- beennot oaiy disappointing bnt it has been a sail one.

Yo« know with what wight hopes we started ontUs· March and now ererything waa thrown into

chaosbythe assassinali«.? ««f Genoral Uarneld, I

had hoped to do much for the Poetai servi«·«·. It

waamy intention to vielt every Iswge post otneetothe country ami place them all na the sani«· footingao far as similarity of avetem of work could do It.Bnt, outside «if Huston. Philadelphia, New-York amitbe Southern sea board, I have «Inn·· almost nothing.'ih·· service wanls mali· ¡iti,ni ami 1 had hoped lo

brin· it alioiit.''" l.i it vu bave aeoomplhthed something m tin·

unearthing of tin· Star Route fraud .'" the reporterremarked

" 1 could not have (lone what little I have, hail it

Dot been f«u tin· faithful ami energetic servi««· ren¬

dered by Second Assistant Postmaster-GeneralKltner, Inspector Woodward ami Colonel <?<·?p«·

Bliss. Colonel Bile· bas been indefatigable, ami In·is sttll watching and will watch thai hole until lu·la mire there ia nothing more to come ont «>f it. Helus m Ins poaacosion at tin· praaent time tie- reportsnl th- [napeetora, who have been over every mi-

pected route and the information, althongh it hastoot been Bwde public, mofan important character.It moat have the mum effect on ? Jarras "a Indi¬viduala, hui a- the uncertainty ol the 1 iw .prover¬bi·1, no one can predict what tbo outcome will b*.

FILLING IN WASTE PLACES,Tin· ¡.lot of iToiiml ire·! "l Elfbth-ave., between

One-hundrod-and-fort) -fifth ami I Ine-hundred-aud-liftv-n!tli-s!s.. has loin; been regai led a.- extremelyiiiihealilif «i ami Hie source of much disease. ?

great portion ol the ground lu·- full) six feel belowhigh Öde, ami tin· coûtant ehh ¡uni flow of thewater have caused tin· formation of deepbeds ot mmI aud other malaria-producingdeposit·, Laai April th.· Board of AidermeaTnanrl resolatioua dlrectiug tin· place to

1« filled up. Thf engineer's estimate m

tin· amonnt of earth required was 150,000 cubicvaili-, l'In· inaierial \» In« a is to be ttsed in gradingup this depreeeion will be from th.-» excavations of

cellars anufrom the demolition ot ohi buildings;«¡i-ianh'tl ballast from resaelswill eleo be utilized.Th·· contract to do thi· work was first let to JamesKvi'iharil!, ol the linn of i'.verhanll ? i-hook, ai.ilwar« ?»\· him sub-let to tbe American Contracting anilTransportation Company. A Tribuni reporter sanA. .1. il. Berger, th«· preaidenl of th«· company, «·

tarday, ami from him leirned how tin· proposedWork is !o In· di an· w n Inn tin- next Ü50 il:.\.-, as re¬

quited l.v th«· coturni t with the City.A pier lias been lunlt in tin· tiarlein Kiverjast

abov· MeCoomu'e Una bridge, Uuon tin- basbeen erected tbe motive machinery ola system ofInn k.-ts running on an elevated railroad, to tbe ex-

tremelowei portiouoi the ground tobe filled in, adistauoe ol one nal··. This system ol transportation?« known as Bergere Elevated Endless Kailwav,Aad has been need by the inventor with success m

carrying iron ore in the Pennsylvania minea fromthe pita to the bla t furnace· it couaiata ,.i

uu elevated structure supported by a singleline <«f iules. Tn. buckets, which have a capacityof oi.e-aiiil-one-foiiiih cubic yards each, are sus¬

pended b^ th·· carriers, and run below the track,i'he cu ñora also support the endless r«i¡···. Thobuckets are thirty feet apart, and theywul travelat tin· rite ft 150 feet ·minute, which can be In-creased to .300 feet. The material will be carried to

the pier in scows and loaded into the bucket· bj a

.team shovel, [he expense of the work will be as¬

sessed to the owner· of the property by t!,Thia proposed improvement has already Bttiuulatodthe prices ol loi.s m the m ¡guborbood.

CARRYING rar__iFERENCE TOO FAB.The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Children in 187T obtained from Justice Ooin the .Supreme Court Chamber·, a warrant for thearmai «it William ML. Davene. who was exhibitingn! Nilii.i's Theatre ¦ small ?·?t known as " Little111,!·,'ami ai-»· ¡or the production ot the hoy incourt. The others of the society, on tbe night otOctober 10, went to the stage entrance of thetbe-otre ami demanded a Imiasion. John Snütb, thedoorkeeper, refused to admit tin in, saying that heWMunder strict orders noi to admit anyone ex¬

cept the iitt'iis. He reqaeated the officers to goanuniil to the front part of the theatre and speakvith Mr, Gilmore, th, manager, The officers re¬fused t.. go anywhere to speak with anyone, andineisted upon being let In. Smith persisted in hisr«-tii»al, ami, it ia asserted by the officerà of tbe so¬ci« tv, committed the crave oil« nee oi slamming thedoor in the p fa, ea "Little Bob" Waa subsequentlyproduced in court, and after an examination placedm tin- cast-oily of Father Qointinina, of the Manhat¬tan Academy. The society then began proceeding!«¦gainst.Smithand Mr Gilmore to punían them forcnminal contempt iu reaiating the procese of tberinnt, .lii-tit o I »oiiolim- ordered a refer ice to taket«-[¡mon», in regard to the fact·, and upon the re¬

port of the referee ordered Mr. Gilmore to b«Butted t«_, th«· Count) Jail for thirty days and to paya ¡ini· of $¿50. Justice Donohue's decision »»as

¡Brought ander review by the General Term, winchy.-t. r,la., renden tl a decision in « huh it li « ? «i - thatnude) ail the ctrcninstancea Smith was perfectlyJustified in refusine to a Imit the offl« ere of the soi ?-

ety, who ~.Icaervingot seven· condemnation fortli.ii coiidui t. 1 bere w. is. il-. uo «··, idi m e thai ?.,Gilmore knew thai they wen refused perm ration i<>

go upon th ['he-orders of Justice Douobuegii ?· reed, withSll.¦ tinst the society.

THE COLLISION WITH THE TENNESSEE,The United states Bag-ship Teuneesce, of the

Korth Atlantic Squadron, which wai run Into byTh.· iro:i steamship Western Texas Thursday after-Boon, was towed to the Navy ïard resterday midplaced in the ilry dock for repairs. Lii utenant JohnD. Wilson, v.liohni (bedeckwatch on thi Tenues-.j··, sun! vest« rday tb*l then· was a fog at the timeof the collision, an that the Western I'·hailed wbea about 300 feel away to keep off.« - afterwards tbe Tennesaee waw struck amid-¦hips, forward ol the starboard gangway and cutil« »» ? totin ' .? over«m the port side to keep the hole above thelin·. And boardawere nailed over Ihe break, i !:··biÍu·«· pun ad to keeparum water.TU« West i red slightly, and

ran back Iagain, eat.Captato l.»wis re(ior'«-.l thai the foe -.»a--

at the time oi the ·¦ -.a that thecould not Is- seen until tbe t.gethi r, The fog el ?

A board ol naval officersmake an investigation, ? , bad lefttin· dry dock Tbursd ?» mon ingoil K!us Island,Orleans and Aapinw ill onthat lepain will delay bei

WrlESTLINO v.I III I Mi. 3TIMA1Commissioner Lane, of the

¡veaterdaj presented to the Board ni !Appontonment s.armoni naked for by the Park 1». rari-Mi purposes and the smouuta proposed to].·».» «! by tbe Board. Tbe amonnt proposed u> beallow·-.1 for 188« by the Board ofApportionment li I. The G. ani «,!men .? is ?, ted that tins be increased to§728,000, ? ¦: this amount is deemed too Coi.lesione] Lane. The Board then tookup the «.sum .tes foi the Department ot Education,These originally footed u¡> ¦-<:>. ?»?..!?;_'">. but were re-dttceil by stnkinir ont s,uni· item* and reducingother· to 93.500,000. A strong effort was made byrepreaentativea of the Department of Education t"retain an item oi ??'???,??? for two schools in theNineteenth Ward. The Mayor, at the meeting olt'"' B tard moved that the fnll an »outa-ked for be allowed. I his «*ns lost, the Mem and! rident Keenan voting in the »ffinnative, andLcntroller tumjdiell ¡tnii Proaident Aaton in thenegativ··.

EZTB1 DING 81 ? ? OB AT BEA.Nearly all of ti:·· remala, both st.:im ;,n,i sni]

which arrived yesterday r. port having had severe«? ithei ;ii -¦ ?. and oulj · 1 Wui, »lightdamage·, The I. : ? et l from ·...¦¦..,having spokei. Sundaj last, In latitude 3jiorih. longitude 7:t -<>¦ west, the l>riti u«.«a.-,,;ifrniii liai!,..: es for Baltimore, flying signal· ofdiatri'isM. She had been sixty dai j iri,¡î,.-t s|.:i|s :,,..| si:! ,-!·,· was also ibOTt <¦! Waterami provisions, ami was giren a supplj by the ThetisThe ship Dunrobin, sixty-two days from Londonbad t«in)M-st nous gales with higli semi moat ofthe% rage, <'n Dtoeomber 14, off Sah],· bland, she.poke the bark Saiah, of Beaton, with a· large num-DtT of shipwiecki i s.nlors on beard.

I'KKSENTATION TO J (STICK SMll H.G???(·(· .Insili«· Solon ?. Smith trai presented last

evening, at the RoMBMM Hotel, wita · beautifulgold budge oi orti« «·. The hadas was the gift of anumber of polili. al friend· in th·· XXlh ami XXJh!Astiembly DintricD«. It bears the city's coat of armsand abovo this tho name of the recipient in¬geniously wrought in amali dininonile. A silverplate bearing a suitable inscription aud the naines»of the presentation committee occupies on· com-Dartuieut of the coutniuing tho budge. The

tri ft «ras ¡»G.·»··:G?"? l'v Ctroi-tls lean J:t««>b H«>s ,

who <· »a^ratulate 1 JasUna _aai*B »a tb aaoooe«. lihad :???···a·?? attainH aa ? BUtclatrata. adJetl to Idspopularity aiuoug bin political a» n. .lucile··Smith roepondodin fitting term- Sp·.··!..·* wire

also male In Polioe < O'liiuiseiotiiT MS-OB. WillardBnllard, limerai Henry A. Banani and atitcrs.


»Kitiocis caaaoES b_u>i ao traer ibi -uotaee·vt: NT.A^SIITS AI.LK.U l> T» HE V.Nl'iP.r-IATII)

AM> B.PI SI'll'l lies OV-BSrAT-D..Mi'inlu'is oi ri'lu'ioii· BCtCWtMS liav«· r<'<«-iitl\

iieeii much .iteteated In a eouttoveray betweeai tas("oltiiectieiH Blfeta Ba.;¦« t? ;i;id the American Bible m

d«tv,regarding Uta limine; ai auinagement si tbe lut¬

ter. It was charged bj tbe -zecutlre Ckran-ittao «if therotin- elle it M'l'l'·.)' till Alnericüi iillilc ¡S'.ieicty, ill

ti.eii- annual tinanclai report», represented their ??»»··??

BB..ter Iten tiny «..en r.iilil.v, Bad their lieiu-v olent

evpeiiiliture» iartei tluiu lln-.v itetit-ly v.ere. The ntti-

oara af the âsaertaaa Blata Boetety aren not silent

Badas »nel» an attuek replying to n with great vigor la

? loakg Haleiiieiit about Unir ufliiirs. In which the

c-argea of the COnneetical aoetetj wero«tenle«iBttll tin ('.ei;,.·, :;,·!.: society penati intbair arraiga

ment of lb;· Na m,Uli socie!.·. TbSil live. nil·, r Coin

m??." hare publlat-d a foi*4bi>6xpT«»ie6dreplj i"

ItM Ann ricali Btbll BttUtj't ilefetiee. Much of Ibeground of the G.?p?.?-?' statement le gone "Ver. In tbecur..·· of their reply Ute commi! tee eav " We oensothelp seid.g tbeea g< ntleaten wbetber the] pereeira thaithey arc giving their Benetton to praetleee wbtebaeeniar corporations would not tolerate, and winch Bare«

of mi iiin-brietina abrewdaeaa. Howerer deatraWe it

mai l.e that the ? in. ? lean BÜMC Boetotl ebottW lu· con·

ani·red poor rather tli.iu rieb, n isnot 0e4-rablc that

through any aazlety to prove Ita porertj it aboald ex·

poa ttaalf ts a aeeptcloa of dtsboneal ."[tiatoprov« Ibal tbeoflle reo! tbe National society,

in their last iiir.uui report, " understated it* eeaeta und

oveietated ita benevolent expenditures, tboe producinea arrana leapreeelon ? -?· tin - Ita financial atan ling andthe extent of Un bnevolciit Work," thai tbe reply is

elm lly devoted. The committee declare that " the

very large ¡tern of 1197,1441 72. which mightto bave been liicladed among tbe aaaeta ol tbeeoclety,»aa entirely omitted." Tbe "foreign aaaeta" of tbesociety, the» affirm, "Blood np m tbe boo.»,valued al the.-nui above named" m tbe Unta ol a vieit of the com¬

mittee to tbe Bible H .us. "vet m tbe balanceabeet,pnb_abedtbraeweeka afterward, this ¡nuotiti baediit-appeared, aad Ute only allnakiB to t ii ·- foreign aaaeta lathe vague .uid DllSleadlBg »'. ¡tctnont ill a footnote UtBt.if lin;, p..»·.mi eoi.mereiai value II la »¦· entirelyano that It cannoi i>r tabulate I·' " Tad ? method of

bog of ;;u item amounting to nearly £MW,000tbe committee toy tbej "looked upon aa

doubly wrong, Ute priueiple was mtachlevonaand tbe aeeertlon that tbe value of these a.»«.·:* 'eonldnotbe tabulate i ' was false, aa proved by tae tact tbei«rere tabulated already." In rep j. the manag, ra ol theNational »ointv bad »aid that In the presence ol tbe in·veetl^ating committee doubt had been expressed aboutthe propriety of giving theae ouuts with foreign agen.. in nguros at all, ami thai oac ol ibe memliera ol thecommittee had aald tbat they oaght nel to t»··. lu ti"·

(.pu.imi oi th.· committee tue public would aec la tins" one of eeverel attempte that have been made tonda·lu?.m tbe aaeeta ol tbla greal and prosperous corpo-ration." Furthermore, tbe committee liad chargedthat the balance ahect of the aociety beaidea Bltogetueromitting m«· Urge Item of foreign asset», revealedoua understatement ·>? tbe ? ame of tbe a_sets named mu. Fires, men- woe the ml.:.· House, entered In lite bai¬ane« »u«3etat|304,000, ahi b '.vas worth double tbalamoant, acoording to the Judgment oi u, expelreal estate. Hoe niiiy, that the aecuritiea enterco lutibalance abeet, unUer tae he.·.? ol "Temporary Inveat-n.cut," at .-ó r.'.-'.i- were worth in tbe market, ut thedata of tbe report, ne_rlj - »O.OOU tuore iban tbal sum.

TbU' iiy, tbal certain fun is, uountlug to Sh-,???, a Inchwere entered bt the (radance abeet aidebts ol the »,.lieti, ai.- not debts la¡my »eii»e of the vvoM. The commit!, ,;. " lliniii-iter valuation oi one or another item mUtbl i"- am..

no greal Importa. Bal wtial eball we s...v when a

.-?.» ..« __do bj experte thai even Item of aaaetaIn tbe balance sheet ol the Ameit;·. vei ,:;....·. of which me.m» exlal "'.:-i,?.· "G the

il..u»··, ia uuderetated in ii. relui So wood tfact aa this leada irresistibly, In many mitids, to

tbe couelusion thai there waa a deUberate purpose todeceive tbe publi« la regard to ibe re»..a cc» olci·;... li·.- attempi i" palliate the cours« ol

) In understating Ite aaaeta bj citi.g ibae "f hank» ai..? oui· r ?.oui corporation»

..' oua. ? ·· ··,¦ Inatitutionafor success upou the uiugnitude "i tlieli usaets; luit a

benevolent corporati· n nourish· - apon ?» reputation furpoverty. G?» win contribution it acte forth not Itat il bui Its need and thus the tempi its·U the oppoelte of that to which moneyedlions are expoaed To Ut on Ibe ttueric.u

seema to bave yielded; ami baa tbua In·volved ?», it ni wrong, if it !- enl Ina hank- to over-tat.· Ita aseóte, it ?» traudiileni m a benevolent s... n i_. t.. nadentate it-

a- eta, This aociety occupies al Una ion beauami ha» long oceupled, an oxeeptlona1 pu ition asUn- object ol ci ili',-m. on account ol it- p·.·-.·:· auapicbiua rttie nee. It »a- called upon toand promised to make, Bn aba? cut ut its Unaneia! affairit constitute.» ¦ poor apology to point t·, tbe practice oiothers, ?.' la also made in aapport

. ol ··; expen¬diture« m aliteli) Lu-nevolent and ml tloi irj »ora lo

7.700. It ?»? a» an app ition ·.; en Item of £44,4»tor lhe »a ?.? ? ?.·ß ami exp« .M I ..! ? olju irteli rs.

ICd-Vr CR1MISAL8 l'I M>lli.l>.

In tit«· Court of Speedal rkaaions yeaterdayi.r "-in) t)i aenteaeed .lohn Bh ta ami Joba Mullí ?

each tu Uta State Priemt for ?<>><

I gniltj to eommitt.ig a barglar] at'aUqual He« "i. ?·· md Weat Th-avy-nrtb-at.,1..Williams committed a burglary at So, .v.» Mott

it. on December 18. He pleaded guilty yeaterday andJudgeGildcraleevi aenteneed bim ta the »t..· Pitour jJohu Bidlivan and tobn KeU), "¡? Sovi mber IO, 1881,

kin« Bed down aini robbed Chai le Bcbrlrer, oi Sbevoe-et.,Brooklyn, while be ? thruachtbeBowery. They pleaded . lay in the <3oui of«lenirai Beealoni and a by Judge (i-;,,·,.· to tba .»tate Prison ?.. h for five years.Tbosksa MeKeever, wbo killed tarla bj stab

Mu,.' her in a bot bei In Weal Tblipleaded guilty to manslaughter iti tbe tirsi ,i,·.·;·.., and

I'i^'e UUdersleera i" tbe Btat« Prisonfor ti:t'·· u v. areBernard Carne] pleaded guilt, t,, mansl.lighter in the

tinnì de.ii·.·. He.died bla brother John on Uciobei ? ».

li a ,|nait. 1. JudgeUildi itenced him to tbeBtat« Prison for· tbr a ami a hall j

v. ¿am Eckert, who «.is convicted In thiacomi onWednesday i;.-t of uie Man., I., «is, of No.1101 iir> »ri. -t., with intent to uni her. was arraigned

Dtence yeaterday. ?? ... p has a baami has bei ? accused ol t. Ionio more thanm occasion, Judge OUdoralcevi sentenced bim to tm·»,.?*. ?? león f.·? ten j eara.

Louleaded gall) idnlti it· dRecorder Bmj tb Oued b.u » >0


An obstruction in the «ray <? reorganiziiiB;tt.e ?». ty ol Klug» County, by tbe choice of

.f 150representative Demócrata to amrpervlaeenrollment >>t the rotara, i» found In tbe refusai of

Men'· De_toeratle lab t.. boi In ooajnoctlonleñeraI CoounIttet and tbe Central .aeoebv

tn.ri ·. -- .· .f tin· appolnUngpower.a propositi« p ?« now made bj tbe « (inference Committe.- ut ti.·- ... .? hat he ·»». er olnigthe men I men! ',·¦ luti ? iti d

Jacob I) ¡Ifor the General Commltu» im Mai stia..

. ?

telasi .· .? ou Wed·_

' f/./././.. ?? G??? ??.? -ih! ? .'.

Pre lent Arttini remained all day y«taterdai at

his home, \" Lej v.bere b«alie·; up·· Bomber id riaitora, many <>f

wboB? torn« ·?

sway by Alexandei Powell, the di bo al?. ti'leil th·· I're"i.|< ?,?. Among those who were ad·

were General Ha V-natorl onkling,,', K. VV. Htoughton, VA VV \

olas Fish, I.d wards Pierrepont, IhomaeC tvtou,VV. «? Mit, hell. !.. -. ,l.i :: ,, ? , am)r\J. Hunt.



PinsBiJ-O, !)«<·. ·_:{.-'! In- dafence in theMolly Magnire trial at Bal«notowa, Pean., took fortbeita--tlinoiiy this moniliU| tO ??? -tataroent oft-Btr aaata wltassa, Bridget Man. , that Mol uiandand

a·!, ap Bbove Uta *··< ·· of the nordettime it un ??p?'?. soin, twenty wlt4a«MBaBetaatlfl

ta iracter. Tba defeaee Bailed JohnLennaa to prova tbal Utr " bandy billy " found tallo¡an'B eoat waa hia. Be at-tted that he boarded with litilau'» mother at the tim<v,,f the ainsi. When Hmother *mcalled abe swore tlint aba sen) to b

me of Un· ci,,il,e» of t,e,» I.? mistake luitLennon wee notone of h.-r boarders ai that time Thedefence rested at 11 o'clock, aad, after rebutting testiuiotiy by the aaweeaaUou, the ease wa» closed.


».nn.ADKi.piiiA, Dee. Sii-Amori «ras sab-li.lttcil by ib« OhtSl of l' ami Blltj ||_ra_al to tin-Mayor tbi» afternoon aoMttat-btg Uta laaalts a. Uteülejssat raat iati ib at th.· aaaat s .f aa,,,,,,,, ., tl.. rltvThe ¡taraaaara case of Are m .».eh ae*_»)Ue__atatare."?!;«!.:'» UW;,"M-"W,U U"1 »"· '-««·" unleïï "bt'y á^Tutor in Synonyma.**SnaaoM (wo hI.íi,-

were racing across tbe Atlantic,' w,,.ii,| '.7arrives! flrst elu or gain the vicuirv t" Mr w V.would win." Tutor-" Why I" ? f,Jòa_L.igot In ftret." (P»ct.)-lTliC Comet.

«es-auto it



/Vi/·-," tfouté ??,.·.·.-,., ?. G, ????.'?·., ,,?? li··, lie I«

.Bruno* Boum iVaaaat ?ßß* m ;;· ·;'".,'·', ..

¡a ITiW raaiTisnssn Taaaaa* CeraaB, et twaMaat,Usa>'. Y.

NEW-TORK CITT.Th«· facMof the clothing dealers bright« ned with

the change of tbe weather yestentay.The Congregational Sunday School of P*rk Ridge,

Bergen County, N. J., send to thU office BIO for theMichigan suffetw ¦¦

The Voti Qeorrn Hotel, aa old landm.rk at

Teiiih-ave. ami One-hundn d-»nd-elghty-flfth-st-is being demolished.Tbe Senior claaa of Columbia College tncf rester-

day afternoon ard chose (·. W. Pack A Bros ?

tographiats.Kii.i.iu iiY ? ? m r ruOM A ( Hilan.

George Dieter, age forty, of No. 40 rlasnx-st-,wbileat \»ork on the root oi the new church thai isIn course of erection in Eleveuth-st., ??·;?G Pourth-st. yesterdaj, fell do»» a and was instantly kBIed,

a ?.? 11 u "·· in idi a.The'abject ita ih·· free lecture to-night in tbe

Cooper union conree will be "Heading, whenDickens'* "Christmas Carol" will be read byRobert li. Raymond, of the bV 1 ol Ora¬tory.


Mary Bodges, ¡il·.· thirty, of N... »13 Sixth-at-, was

kicked iu the niiilo'.u« p and sevi I» injured yceler-ila. by Patrick Cronan, s feliow tenant thewoman »mis taken to Bellevuc II spitaL Cronan


Th«· stockholders of the American Book Bx< bangehehl a m, Dting la.-i week and appoint« «I »committeeto exam.into the affaire ol tbe company. thestockholders met again yesterday, but the commit¬tee was not reals to prea at it " ;,??G'··

.\-.II D',r, DAVI!-'- aniThe will ol tbe late ex-Judge Henry E. Device

waa-led yesterday for probate. All the bonaeholdfurniture an ornameuts m the testator's bo ises are

bequeathed to In- wife. Tbe residue of the eelat«is given in iru-t for the testator's h- ire equally.

( ?? »? ,,? n wi ?? -? ? im, ?»??·? i.i: Mil ?.

In tin· Essex Market I'olice <.?, ruetenlay,Joan II .man, ·.? No. IOS I. »\, -s·.. Herman Uhleu-,1 ai. ol No. '.'·.» I.ewis-si,. ami Jaini - Met all, of So!»_' LeWÌS-*L, »»ere held loi trial '"> a barge ot sell¬ing adulterated milk. They were srreateuon com-

plaint ni l>r. .1. Blake White.BKPOBTS "? ÜSA1 G uni DIM,-.

The following buildings were reported unsafeyesterday: ?".-. L'40, '-'.??. ¦:."·:!.'..'.".."? ami U57 ???-?Bi ¦.. i.-.i Baal rwentii lb- I.' 4.iU I ifth-wt., i7? herry-et., - and I L'annitie-st., i:»7 Weal Six-? · ail ¡?- ?.. :' I Wcai I'm, a! h- !.. -."_¦:( Nintli-avi·.,:,'i;¡ ami .?'.».'· Washington -t 7 1" and 750 third·.ve.

? ??G?? ?? IDI s ? I \ BAIWilli ira Cottuian, ¡ige fort) ein m the

bark Ladt I'enurkynn. lying al pi Ño. IO. BaalRiver, tell ? r.un th-· yard of the bark Viinanolis, ly¬ing alongside, while fu ling its nils yesterday, riestruck the dock sud rebounded into the water.When be taken out ol the river he woe dead.

1 ??1.??:! - «.I llll WIHradstreet's repon tate* there wen 152 fulares

in the United States and Canada in the ?

ß «,? twenty-eight, a* compared with thepre« eding une. In '¦ failures »·.ere!·¦ .- than Do· an·, wtM'k thia year. There was an in¬crease in the number ol failures in ihn lothingtrade, on iug to ? be mild weathi r.

A-i.l ,, IID ???? POOII ¡III :'!:' V.The Sisters of Charit} n«k assistali! «? the pnhlic

in preparing ¦> Christmas ¡or the inmates ··! tbeirli. Foundling Asylum in KixM eighth-st.,

bet ween Thinl ail here »·· .11 bea reception next ret th« presents will bel'i ven to the children, and all those who have con¬nu,?,,? d. unm will b.· m» ,?, ¦¦: attend.

<"IIICI- l MAS Mil is- IT CASTLF. UAIiDIrar.? a-i If ?, ntod :· bet ful appi .irati. >¦

lati yeaterdaj aftenioou, and arriving immigrantswül be reminded ol the sea Cbnatian,sii|ieiiu'·¦ I'b-iii of tin' m«· ·! laborers,Dinslied decorating the Board room and rotunda inmottoes an » ire, ili ··-. bus re-in·» log th« ioli! sp · -? bure s alls.


Edwanl W slab, d yes-.ei.|.\ tn have lied of amalipoi .? No. G_'.? KlAdolph »Voll died from the

th cas s hadbeen concealed from the Inalili·.Hi era. wbthe «Ils« ,?»« ' tlglllj !«t t'i ?? t till

aid ro navi ri s 104? In- report a ?- naide .il ? bi

man, had dl«a one bundred and foui .ID

meli doubla . to tbe authent:uvei a hundred ye ?

?,· ·? .?, ? RI -- rill m I » V.

The Bishop ol Caledonia: I'.c id !V. J,Kuriqiirs ; W. G. Mast« ?-, n|

land ; C. 1'. Hykos, of Boston, and D, ShucIiwill -aii ?·.-·luv ..? In· Itiman steamship

of Bei in. On tin Red Star steamship lUtwcrp, Henry de Sturale, W. II. Caret«Detroit, and Willian ol ? 'incinnani'.in.' the paaseiigi ? ·. Addi on lìravi ·. ( bNcwhsun, Captain S 11. Hughes ami Ramon\» ill .m the ? itmnal Line ate unship 'an ol ?

lili MU II ».Ml -' RAN'KINd 1S-I1I II V

The annual meeliuu the *t<N-k holdere of theMechanics' Baili .»ill be held on

,.'.'. I'hcre ? irp ontcsl foi the emu..Iof the institntion. ? lu the one side are tip« pi

G thi bank, and on bi ol !.. -..m.· ui theo ti« -??· ? ? li iiigi ·.; uiaiugeim ni.

It is supposed that lr-?..? W. I'ark, WilnaD. o. Mills, Charles.1. Osisi C.I Baldwin

ami I bomas W i.vans willBva us ?»?;? probably lie president.

M it-nan IONS POR mi \ Ii ? ? \ -? km;«lusiil loi Ausi ria Iln

ba ali ady remitted 10,000 dorins to Vienna fi?«, ?« in oi lu si ''i-i from tli hm util ? the Ring

re. lb· ba ·· eeiv« d, in addition to this, foith.· same int ;o-··, .?¦..¦'·- 1 111, be ?.·? il ?,, ipUt »1the !.. n,m matux al the I balia I boat re su ?.ri. «ini'· >. James4t. Keeue, Lu neyer & -, lientand P. Uexauder ? Kons have niade subscriptionsol iflOO «a, Ii fol the san,,· objei ?. amiHal« o« k and M, Mon:.m - Sous ubm riptiouaeach.

RI.SITINO HI ROD SKBVK s.CroRsmuii Lyoi Mutual

Marine Insurant. Company, in lieha 11 of tbe Newl.,:, Life-.SaviligBeiievulelil A -so· am. yestenl i\

pies, ?, ?. ,? tot apta ?? J, Uobinson mid Second Mate.M. (in.-..n. oi the .National Line sfa unship Canada,

···"h arile I foi her n·sei »:' ¦-· m the r« -.a the captain and revi fromthe tvici ?. m Ihn i. rinati bark ,· ¡, on ,N,,.»«m ¦· r ¡it), I be Vini ? .·. ,, ¡, ', ?,,,,,,Pilluu.

1.1 ? ? \ »'. ll.liW ??· UISTITI II.? bienni,!·-' boil-· ?,? ( lilltOII-pl '. . ???\

destitution. Mrs. ¦'.. I.. \ m \ liet, widoa olthe veterau journalist. J. R. S, \ an \ het, who died«m Vugual 1, is iu great need ol a« lance. Sii«· hasbren able to exial ,|, ||h bypa » uiuH fro ime to t ·. .,, |,.\aud coutributioii fromkno -u ol bei distress I¦., pa ,

money, rlhe »» ili b·· ejectedm In· amount m ,·? beton im lay m ?.

liliMÜ'il - ????1traiigci \iniing the I'm

day would bave ??lu] ¡? ?? ? li, ? ,,. ,

m. iutiera Dini|s>«l like -· ,;... I, \i tin ,,. ??

mge the memi* tu .·? the gì ,,?. made ¡?....

L. ? n bell,( ni«. G,· ., ami i"

outlay, no h

III ,,,,!

Offici ' liiai li, ¦¦

«? un -It«, III ( In «D· licioi .'tli yestenls .' ll « laz/.ie \it. n-

||< II,« .1 o I III.Ill ilil. ?-'« ,'

I.nine time ago n -li«· »v.? «

¦" il tier, ?. in. .·, ,, mau.vl,, ? -In aim nut, to

ni lier m« , |l(r«I III Ih«· "io.«· inalili, ? ?

il III" m.? I '.TOS II' rlii'.'.«.il.. >?.? S IS ·' it to II« « ,' bolli l'ini.

A ?,?·.·. ol ?:? ,,?

Ili?? II.. '.? ?··. ~?<» il ·.· ni· ulti t.. wii cil irgi ?b («Di. Minili. :? laborer, with mni,??,. On lb·'

.; Ill '.,,'.·,ole « .1

? III-*!., be " ,u,| rolibi (I«? · IJ -"). ; i'. «,l the iiiliin, I, , ,,|i, ttilj |. ,,,

mo 'i i| and senteur« il, m W cdmn¦ a« «? .?? be instance ..I Hun! I,

"?,· "I Ii.a,'him. Justil Mora m In i«l Kl ll\ in .|. i.ti,.f.'.oiMi ?,ail im trial,

·, |,?'.?.?.?:·,? «H POI DI'!·.lami s (nib...I r", fol m. ,,il. ,,| ih, ,, M

t« culli l'ii m, podi mil unni |, ?,?.?«. ein

l'i" e ¦¦' ·? nu ate s iti bun. Lo uni ,?., ?:,?ni :? ?, 'in-11 in the Jrllersoil M irkel l'olii-« t '.|terday, ehm :· «? »» lib mi demi mor. II.miduiiiant waatieorg« II. Hough, o| ?», ? ,.; Bnimlvi ,,.wlm said be un ? »¿ill.?, ,;., :m,j ??,.,?the latter drew his pisDil ami threatened to alioollinn. 11 «mu-11 called a ? !,,, look ?.???,????In custody, ll·· was held In r.<H» builtoaiAlitili! a year ago i.ilh....l» waa diaiuiaaed in,m in,policeforce, and he has brought suit ?,,? reinatau«meut.

si m:\ iv«, ni- BOB«JohnJ, Philllpa, «·? No. r.ii Weal ? », ·,, Ural «;

vaeaaaigaedinthejedei oaMarkd Poiico Court

voit¦¦Plriv, l'Iirt""! by oilier F.vuit.M. of the SocietyÎortlu· Prevention of Cruelty toAiüaiale, with tiuv-

i'n ,u II·· neglected bla borse, which be permittedin -i .tu i.n many days without food, or _ÄfM_f?..· said Ii··' fouii.l tin· anima] m Phillip» a

·. itile ¡u a r ?,.?,?? cto'i'-iit -¡ condition. >« I"·1«

. ;«i n... was In right, and the »tarring animalhad ? tien s part oí tbe woodwork of the steli, ine

citoria of the o.ìieer to »??.· the luirse'» life fresafruii1-·-», and death oonendedita sutlcnnge. .Ju»-

ii. smith lu·;.? Pbillipa f'»i trial.I'lllAUACF. ?<·? A LIOWi:l).

Justice l),,-i..;!ii,'. m tbe Supreme Court, Cnam-hera, refnacd veatenlav f·» tax the hill f«r pniind-;..;.· preeeiited i" him ? few day» ago in behalf, of. ex-

I sheriff» Conner aud Keilry, in the »ut ol thoeUieagaina William M. Tweed. 11·· boltb that the bill

might to in· presented to the Man· Boaro m Audit,a-a..miri cannot tax a bill of <·<·»?» »? a »nit exceptopon the rnqne t of tbe parties to the auit» In this.a».· Tweed ia dead and eannoi prefer such a re¬

quest, aud Mi·- (State noi only does not make it. but,.. ,. Ibe amount of poundage to which the

ex-Sheriffs think themselves entitled bt $81.717 09,which ia 1'- ? ¦cent apon tbe aatonnl ofthejudg-ii., recoverod, but not collected, against ??.«·<··1.

PI III LABC1 VV A MI»I'i:MI AN"ltJim ;,h Laughlti . ? boy, waa convicted in the

Court ol l»p ione, some time ago, of petitI·.;.·. Mi- and rent t" the Houee of Refuge. WilliamG. Kintxing obtained a writ of habeas corpna foi thel,,,.. ami »ti it- return, before Justice Donohuo.inti,· Sup,.·. ('.»nit Chauibera, aaked for hi» dis-rharge on the gronnd that petit larceny was s

f.v, ami that, therefore, the .-.dal Üeaeíona hadm. jurisdiction to trj the oflenoe, the furisdictiou "I

this ciiuri e\i inline only t.inlcineiinors. .Ins¬ti,, it.,11,,h ?.· refuse to discharge I.a ugh! in. and an

appeal from hi» decision was taken i" the GeneralI .nu, w bich yesterday rendered a d< _ion in a Uichii i- held tbal pent larcenj is not felony hut u

inieticmoanor, and an offence within the juriadic-t i. ?? Ol the t 'nur. ill Special ».as-hu ».

Al.liiWi I' TO BJVO, HI'1' MOI G? DANCE,ITnder anaci of tbe Legislature pa.d In ls7ti,

it bt made a misdemeanor for airy peraon or ?l'.'iv m., ontrol ..? a child, to .-.· [I, apprenti ¦. ??oi bet-wise ·1?-? ·>.I it to any person fur the purp »se

ol singing, playing on musical instruments, orK:it a child may lie ···'. edaaa

ainger or musician In a church, school or academy,oral ß cone ri. or entertainment, on Ihe writtencoust-nt of the Mayor ol t!;· city whore tbcenter-tainmenl place. Mrs. Plaiterty, mother of tbechild-singer Uorinne, accompanied by tbe latterami counsel, yeatcrdaj called on Ì( Th.· counsel ri ml the Ian to tbe Mayor, and

? for the ni·., .n, permission to ting. Tin·Mavol g;; ? e it. hill declined t" .it J -1 lui;» lull loithe Child t" dim .·.

BROOKLYN.'? ¡? L1;;.! Ri gì men t will "i ?,· a promenade concert

al - .ii un>i ? ou 1 »¦·' ·> ??'· ¡il. The drill, a featureyear/s entertainments, will I,, omitted.

Thereure.son, lor thinking tbal tbe man whontted Hiiicidc hy jumping into the .asi _ivcr

from ;¦ ferryboat, on Satinila) ol last week, \..i»

\ o :.· ison tv hite, ago forti Uve, ol tenthand Hope-He told his wife, on leaving hi hoi.? Bat-morning, that she would ne\ .» ,· bim adveand »lie has Uol ft ?? linn ail

iug of th Long Islamti'.ti in the church ¡«? thai iluiiomiuation in I'laton l"i ?? lay. the Kcv. i; t Uow« a «as cammed

irdination. Ii was found that his theological??.lining Mas deficient, and it .v as d< Ided i" eliIn» nini at ion uni il he hiul completed bis atiidies.le will ça 11 n m· to preach lu lue .lu. a a» a »up-

ply.???? investigation of tin chara "' fraude in ex·

W arden >h.v uns management "i ti,.· Km. 's t ouutyitiaurj aas continuad in tbe Court House tu

Bro «si.v u vesterda). Warden . t< til?..-vanliliali.m that be founded bin statement oi

overcharg*s lor county supplies ou.Mr. Sbevlin's ownl,o..ks. Ile allegri! that examination ul tlie tigurcsMould »hoe gl inn traode, I in- Investigation willI»-, iiiiied on I uesdaj? .In·· i. f"! :'-''·¦"' 60 was presen laj t"irtitii alino al the Long island liank, m ultou-at.,

., Lin ? aa.ii« ?. John I. I htiuae,discovered tbal it had been skilfully raised ? rum

ittei amount was givento a v.· ?1-.??.·~«·?1 woman, who gave ibe name Mar,Walker, bj Ueurgc PooleV fion, ol So, 7n Palton-st..on the afiern.? pret ?? .ie.ulof taking in.· anm in change oui of .-»^?? lull.W h.-ii pr. -? ;,'..I ?.· th·· bank the amount wa» rai od¦in.! ti.·· :, un,· ol th,· payee changed to MatthewWaltet toot the check to Ute bank, and helaid a man in New-York gave It to bini t.. take ?·.

the bank and t>. re urn to him at tl·.· ?atoi lion-.·.o, th.- police did imi result m finding the

man.???8?? 11IV.

? abusimi John Plynn, a Waah-m ». laat, was

ouii "t Seeaiona yesterday to?; point

Its.Ili· nallpox were reported yee-

and :i 10 Urove-at, A waff.rdaj G?t tin- an· si of Martin

W.initi'i ?·'.????» down a amaiIpox aign which badNo. .· ? i.i'.v. »t., ol w tu.-li he ?» theinto; down sigua la ¡t violations! the

rules,Wil ly picked up a tranh In the Pcnn-

rdaj and .va» .·. likingnil With It, vv)|. ? he «

il t.. Instavi IIwiio lain.· from u,. iiiiiati and intended io take

ii. It contained. and lotliing vallici at r-'."'. Donnelly was

arraigned before justice Pelonbet, and was com-

NKWAHK.I ' . . t .·: V v.

o tl« -tt ? between woIreigh ilrood bridge ovei

New ai i. v> -t. ?,I.e. iiuiniiug. r John l'ondi r, ,.t Wil-.11. ar th.· bridge.

William l'.-lì· ?, a «"ti ol Mail Agent l'i III t. of the.»n»»c\ ?.??,?...à,|, was killed on tbe Lchigu and Ilud¬

id, u« ai Dannilo, ?. .f., I burstlayHe it t«iii|it<-.l to jump on the pilot ol lu.·

ligule alni tell. Ill·- tl »ov el In- l>..|i.

ui twenty-one years old, and lived at Nowion, N. J.

W -I. Ill »I ?; ( ?? M v.? ,.',?? it». < .·». M. « h,m,, ,,f Mount Vernon, has,

by order oi the Supreme Court, been api» »in ted re¬ceiver oi the fonkersCommerci II oahI umpauy.

Im.kvii'Vvn. Hie taxpayers h.iv.· voie.I unaui-mouslv ?·· appropriate .-»·». .·»» t.. ion olaa addiUou to the Public .-· bool Ltuildiug.

\]; 11,«· protracted which haveh.·, n m piogr-1ta in tin· Methodist Kpiscopul burch,aiterai] weekshave resulted in uni persomi pro¬le«.iug religion.

? ? ik -khi.. Michael Donohue, an employe ol theNew If. :.. entrai and Hud

??..« led ai il,· drawbridge north oltig ill Slalloli on 1 liillsil ,.. venin ii

;·,|??? .i-k'Cp.-r ol Ibe bridge ami while.¡.¡?. d ?, ¡.li ¡ut., tin river. I be ???. ?

is ?.,, loi bis body. II· leave» aw ifo andsix In ?. ??.·,? ...Theliev. S. V. OsU'rhout, formerly

..? tbe Itaptist ? hur. h, bas a· epied a?;, ?, 11·· liurch al Prut id< m ·, ?, I.

.»iAll.N l»l..\M>.1,'n iivn.M ni the l'oii'i. oi ibe statin Island

w atei t»upp ? » ompauy, ? 10,000 bave I». u.? interest.

Pinti ?.?' iivinN!·. William Joi., while at workin-I-·· it cad tactor} ou l'hursalay, liecame violenti, lu aue. 1 be poln-e io.,?, ?? .· ,,? bim.W )»? Union r«iN. I be ?« ?. Theodore ?. lacggett,

on ? : ing, .»a install· da» pa ·:·? ol tin'·?? lau ( hur. ¡?. ? ?? ?. ?, Archibald

.. ol l'.i'iokli ??, preui bed the si numi ;v. Dr. A. s. Freeman, delivered tho charf. tol'I ·. anil the Rev. J. I». W. || ,,¡ ?;.

il Uvei .1 ibe barge to the pastor.i! ÍTEU G0 BE t..\ TERT \INED.

l'liti.vt»' 11 in \. Dec 23..Attorney-General[tied th.- of a Lampi.t tendered

icinbcr» of the Philadelphia Uur. Tb« dateful .laiiuar·. U

lliraui Green was lugging up coal when In·fell, eusiUM aim In ;o nli ¡a.illy |el

u arord " liain'i you 'shan,, .? ,,? ?,.IVnere ·?,, yon bx|k cl you'U go u» wben you lilu I" ?

¦¦ n a place « bere ibaii'l Inn .· t.. lug coal, bytmunici !" Bild lo coiilnnid on, [WhitehallA depositor droppexl in ai the office oí the, to get a note discounted ih··olii. ?.il iv ?. »?»-.?,.. Imi m bis cha,? e, linci a plump,

aceti individual wbo was list asleep, ini.g toli lieu ai«

Ilio visitor observed: topeara lo ?.prettyin, ¡"L· t. m wild Morpheus G "It's his bsbli," re-»|ioll(li d th·· ?Ilern mlv ,?,? ?. ¦· ne ali»l< '?' S lieu h. ? bere." *' Ils , imiOHo,

Il Ulli ill' Hi. lea ,., . ,,, ,,, ||,e (i,,\ i,;.:¦ ..... .amili, "

? ? i; I.S h IMI Li lUh M ,'·.

.? ? 11 ,;,·. ?, ? ?

G? l'Vl.

Ban?··Iona feil, 0p_???« ?,.,.?? ?,il:, ·.

?????? WATXB Tit-llAI ? ?SaaS] H".i ion m ?.?, ??. ?? uste o,mi

III .11 VV til.11 i, ;,u r g,Hand) II""I.. I" '·. Uev. Island 11,1, .¡.,1 ·..

anipPTs?'??G '·. V ,|,

V ItfVl II¦? .?·.'... Un, Nein, Hull No 12, Tb» noaton Sitara

Hill, RillIII! ?? ||i" · un II,-e 4, ila

II, I' "' '. « Uli nel " Ulli ? ? mieli, li.ll , ? I o

in ;. fili I, .... klerklo, \m,nllli mil... ..?,.I (.j. ligi ta lo I u il II .1-,

Hit».11Heal,., il ,,?.nie-ton, .Ni , g liaya »Ulimils« an«) .v . ¦.

HU·* Uct'lellau illtlupi llalUin., »Uh iihIs·. »nd pe»seiiaci'· l" " " Il.

'???'·1?.t VV,,I. .'. e llailla, la.n.itou B. .lu»»il!, ....:-. Ul .."V 4 Lui les»

l'.aiU '·,,,·¦ pi·. .1 Abaudu ,?????. I.uc ? »latiiu Ml day»,Willi sulpllUI lo.'l.l.l. tUSSrl lo G????? ||. !..?,e ? ?«

Park Arne* (Itali, Braun, Bremen, 66 darà, .ito moa« toWatJ.'ii, Toel * Co.Hark J A Brown (of Boston). Gregory, Detnarsrs 16 daya,

with Bagar la Brown Ilros * Co; ve**el to master.Hark (onstantla (tier), Braun. Bristol 5H «ley*, with iron

«ml empty barrel* to order; » es-el to Punch, Kdye A DoBrig ti II sn.lman of l-nrtlunit i. Hoce, Montevideo Sot a,

wild liiilc* to J** ? Want ? ?; t?»»·µ·? to Miller ? Houghton.-? tir láñala Baaatsw. Unrraaisa. UadarKaga lyjays, wiu»

lumber to Uaakiaa «t Co¡ ?·«»*·? to A Mndgëtt.f-i'lir I V «Dover, Davi*. <harle*toL lOilaya, with phosphate

rock loonier: vp»»el to ? I) Hurlliut A Co.Sehr M li Milieu, Dyer, s t ? mi nuli 10 with mdae lumber to

?) ? Bi lit»in.a hr Maiv -prairue, Vesper, Pensacela 14 daya, with lum¬

ber to nrilef; vessel to Hnow * Barge»*.sehr Minnie ? stu<ib«j. Mtubbe, Cape Haytien 13 day*, wttn

lot··»¦ «»? to (i Lagan A Co.SÜ.VSKT-Winil at sandr Hook, a gale: W¡ very thick. At

City lalaiul, etrong, NW, cleniiy.( LEAKED.

si· ¡oner France (Bri. Dudley, l.oiidon F W J ITur»t.steamer City ol Berlin Br), Letto·, Liverpool via Queen*·

town .Titilli (J« ^incr Arabic (Br), I'canie, Liverpool via (Jueexutown. It

j ? orti«Steamer Canada Br). ftohtoaon. I I»orpool. ? W I, amei Like Manitoba ¡ir, Scott, Liverpool.Seager Broasaunier llir»-assla iliri, Oveiisl.-n··, (ilasgow.Henderson

BroaHt« ????t ?« l^.-nlaiid (Holg), Stokes, Antwerp.Poter Wrijülit

? I .lis.Hteaiuer city of l'ara, Dexter, A»plnwall, UKC-l'aclflo

Mall s-i ,?.

steam··! Claudio* iii.r'., Weise, Latrila» il, rorto Cabello?« ?:,,ninni, nils* .t Dali.-tt.Steamer Veaper, Itali, Wilmington, Del.Ablel Alitiott.Hteamei u m Woodward Tonna. Baitimoca J · Krem*.Hteamei ? it;, of San Antoni,·, lliiie«, l'oit Boyal ami Per-

nandlna I! ll Mallo. ,«. CoBark Nebemlah Ulbaon, Ilall"V, Batavia, Java.Veruon II

Brown 4 Co.Bark ID-inrlili \ou Si-lirocder (der), lüllel, London-Scam-

meli BroaBaik Antonia Ma«lre (Dal), Manola, Snnthatnptou-tSIoeo-

Viell A ·'«·.¦. Anton '.outlier (Or), Kuhn. Bremen.Miller «ft Krn-

mw.Hark Borsone 'ItaD, Daeto, Bevmiit, Turkey-Klocovlch

? ...

Bark Bacicela<Ital), Dellacaaa, Baltimore -Beuham, Pick-crina » ...

Bi : «.",'iiniii.Sawyer, Cardona* Waydell .t co.Rrlg in,??,?- (, ?:«·«».·;.·. V'eraCnu !'. r Metcalf A Co.

uti«, ?aw-itavi ? ?? ?·; d«,»-i,sein di Poatei, Brown, New Bedlord ll 11 Bovio.sclir Hannah E Brown, s» kelt, --(-Stamford Mfg

Co.Sehr Florence ? Parr, lliiie«. Yarmouth, Ns.Crowetl A

Paitcngall;Kehr cygnet, Manning, Luiien>«urg, NM-II«tton, Watson

? ?.,.Sehr Catherine Leed, Ba», Punrlial. Madeira.? «anrfioz y

Dola.Sehr Badabedec, Montgomery, ?ß????p -f W wi:*on A Co.-, ',r ?,, rtrude. DorUoC Saw Haven Rackettai Bro,.-, In .? ? Ayr*·, Hnhter, Stamford Stamford Mfg Co.

t'alo«, Kldrtdge. Meblle E D ilurlbut A Co|iiu··!). Ueorgetow? ami Put Bluff; SC.

? D ???,?,.?,???- CO,- ,? ?,. . a uarflsid, VVoodbury, Georgetown, ism.rate.

Mill· r t Co.Sebi Kit Canon, Dowllag, Cnracoa -Anstta, Ntebota A Oat; "' I '-,. ??-?.??? House «-ill in· ,.|.:i M,,i:,liu,'Ji,III uist. from

o.,. toi ti," eutnHOD aid cl« nan«'«- of vessels only.BAILED

Rieamers Oroatea, for Llrarpoo); sidoalan, Rristoli i:<iithOodiien la Ship» Fawn, for Liverpool· Europa,Anjl i. lava; «A'Ulle Reed, San Praociaco, Barks Man«·, Oat.

italo -".ni s Rid gway, Anjler, Java« Die·inganno Mon'evldeo·, Bai.'.Havre; l.lefj.lil, Liverpool;Trcvanion, Qneeuatown, Elisa Bar**, Mafaniaa ¡'.rig* Wo.

I'ort Natal: (lem and Wm Robertson Barbado,·.. Pal·l'inii.wi. or Falmonth: Pearl, Port Spall '.twin,

l*lor, Bermuda: Ma/jr Preeman, Jordan Hiver,:. NS..POKE*.

Nov 1- la: IS 10, Ion 18, slap Br*, Kdward*,,?,?,???,

Ji it - , Ion l it w ship "lew.York iltr». Hugh·»*,from -.? ? ranci .· ·¦ for Ll»

27, bark Sioland (Nor), Kmannelson,from lontr,.a f n iim-nos Arre*

'.? ,-«::.·. s BOOBBr), 11 an ?..«.-?. which arriv-il yaaterday

ui ih need a *ncceaalon ofnm - »? ?, \ ',?. v. a h Deary, high *ea* np to the

líeme moderate and fluì weather, Dec 3, dnriag Uta? ¡».'tit, v. m Croki r, j tire'nan. jumpeil nvertsiard wbiliIng under a fit of dellrinm tn IS, loa 1". ol.

-? hurrli in·' 'run S ? »V. .asir,/ null ?0?? of thoTe, »,··..· \ v. .- sng letge .fi t:,tin.'s of water,

ripped tarpaulin* from the batches, aud did other


« li: ni iiir. rSIB...1L0!~K>5, Dec ,. ???,,-r it.,· Qaeen 11 ri. Alto .·.

!·. ?? OL. Dec 53-Al I I Hr'.from Sew oi iwneeiBr . ?aniden,

fl .:n ilo s m e ·! ?!·-.-i"»»N. Dei liner City of Cheater (Br).ir,,p? ?.r. arpool ben« f· r New ? ¦.rU..

? Br), Cook, from?. >» ', ,?« Di i., f.,! ',...: ?.:.

l'i: »» HEAD, ?·«. !?!? Salle«! »t« amer i'ltv of Vcw-YorkBi i«nl·.., tumi New-York Dec ? , un ber way to «jti«*;iis-

l.otn aie'. ? ??ß?????.Irrtved. Cook, from

IBI in,"lit:., y..

DOMEaT ?« i'.iai'sMr. im In« 28 Arri«, a, ??.???G, from

M.» ·,Saratoga, Curtí» toi Now v.-rk.

K,i«r«>s, Dec -3 A-nv«i!, »Leane Bi WortklBg-rpool.

unei Ata-. 1?· pool,-'· am« ?·.· in Bt I«:i

I'liii.Ai.Ki.i-in t. ?·, ita Arrivivi, -·.,·,.·. Ohio, M.¦on. Liverpool ??»?· .. ? ittavUle, do:Homar

funi ?til River. Ciminoli-», tl,. lew '¦ ,i| ». ? I roi el· ne··.

«'«sl. atcamera ?a '. Uerka, Fall

rka.ird. atoaneer Chfllaa,

for Bali·r.ti r.M ·.¦. ?...· "¦ ?- ·. unera Wm K«-nn«s!v, War-

n n. v,.w ? ,,r»; M.u-itia Steven*, tiun«.-. ·!¦,. Baragoa.!Sat»;:.

«1. .r.·: ii,-»wr Kannv I · 1er, (lark, New-York;.


«.rr-vr.', IHthlnat. \rracan. Ida 'C»pt

II,,· Dior. WinPowhattan.

sa.I.¦¦'. tlater, I trom Leghi r:i:in, India for

¦::·· Oordon,\ Inona; .' ;?

rtr .*:<r-?1? /?»/1.?

Constitntinnnl -kin ilisenaos of a srorbnticCure, Internal ami external I it ..«t¬

?", and"·. \. office, ll·'« i-'u!·


la iv \ti.u ? mi no vi·-."

«- - \ \? »\ «nil s ?, and themil ',n cunta

all the «li

Everj mother slioulil lenrli her childreo to¦ «lota.

f»o t? Bri µ µ ? i i '-.indie» A ". poned

Imi ut ¦ .·! One bon¬is a-, ""¦

Hi m:y \. i'wii ?-, \\. D..1 11 I . » ? · «n 1 3 t ? 7.

Ri im Ri l;· !:.t'\.'il ami cnrcil liv Dr. .1. ?.!i..i. without Priu.

pal office,». Branch olMi'o, ¦".: w ilniii.r., I"

.. - ,ay .tini liiil.ty.

S ».? s..I, ii-ri« stuck ut' Hr ani luir_r!.ir proofikes, (ir ubai · ? ?«) ?


M \M ?·'?? "G? It Kits OK

SILVERFLATEDWARE.\o. ?? i: wr ? irn st.,


Al.r'.V ? IIA^^ ? 00,\ « if u KB, IU!-* WILL SOON RETIRE i'HOM




MBMàV ¦_¦ ¦ _~*_ sAI'i.l'Y - I. A Mt ». ????G?.??OTIS ELEVATüftS,U NB BatOTilKBl* «? ? ?», als .. ItOADM LY, s. ?

\l.i;\<ns DEBILITY, Impotenc«, Wtmk·1 ' '. ? ?» ,1 ,

.'. m III - Klt'S -i'l wo| ,'SUboi« » iu a "i' e \jai^i

I'" .li,» OJQhuiuiat*.:i7Johu il· New-York.

R» R» RRadway's Ready'Relief,TDK CUKAPK8T AND BKJsT MKDD i NK K(jR Viiniv



¦ ""AIEVKaIn ail ea*ö* where pain or dlaoomfort I» experienced, nr mBSlsed with Influents, Diphtheria, Hon Throat, Kas____

Cough».Hoawneau, llilimiaCoUo, Inflammation of Uie lwil.Stomach, LnngVLiver, Kidney*, or with croor', ?p?«?*Fever and Ague, or with ÌNVurelgk, Hiadacha, Tic WoreutToothache, Karachi, or wltb I.nml. i/o. Pain in the Rack*or Kbeuniatlam. or with Diarrhea, Cholera Morbu*. orDy*ent«ry, or with Bnrns, Scald·, or Brnlnea, < talltiiVn/Kroatbltca, or with Strain», Cramp» or «insiu». the *2_2Don of BADWAY*· READY BELISI1 will cure von of thewont of thea«' ooroplutut* tn a few lioiiis. 1'r.i.e, ¡to cent*.

DI. ?????? IMDUffiM PILLS,perfectly taatele**. elegantly coated, for the cure of all (U*.

order» of the »tornarti, Uver. bowel», ki'lmv», hladiler nervou*.iaeaaea. headaeke, conatinatlon, cost vene»», ininVw,u<>n!d.vNpi-¡i*la, !)illou*ne**, blilou* feve intlamtiiatlon «if theb«nn-li», pile», and ail derangement» the internal ??«,-··.7t_ICl ¿3 CENTN l'Klt BOX. r.l,| b> all ,|rugguS_

Health of Body 13 Wealth of Mind.

RVIlWAVS SAitSAPAR.LLIW ltESOLVE\T.I'nri' blood mage» sound fleah, »tmne bone and a clear »kin.

If »-·??? would have your !!?·??? finn, your bon··« snand, wl'.liuiitcane», anil yonr coinulexlon fnlr, m»«- KAUWAV'N Silt,SAPAHII.I.IAN 11EXOI.VENT.


A Kennst', eiirniiosisl of ingredient« of extraordinary medicaiuroueittea ?semmai to parity, heal, repair ana invaginai«» th·broken-down »ml wa«t«il body.Ql ICK, I'll·.ASANT, .-APEami I'lJlM VNKNT lu ite treatment ami cure.

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