Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide

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  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    VMware Horizon ViewDeployment Guide


    load balancing view

    load balancing vmware view

    load balancing vmware horizon view

    Copyright 2013 Loadbalancer.org, Inc.


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Table of Contents

    About thi Guide............................................................................................................................................... !Appliance "upported....................................................................................................................................... !VMware Horizon View Verion "upported......................................................................................................!#oadbalancer.org "o$tware Verion "upported...............................................................................................!VMware Horizon View....................................................................................................................................... %Horizon View "erver to #oad &alance.............................................................................................................%#oad &alancing VMware Horizon View.............................................................................................................%

    #oad &alancing ' HA (e)uirement............................................................................................................%*eritence +a,a "erver A$$inity-..................................................................................................................%""# $$load.................................................................................................................................................. %

    *ort (e)uirement....................................................................................................................................... %Deployment verview....................................................................................................................................... /

    lutered *air on$iguration $or HA............................................................................................................./#oad &alancer Deployment Method................................................................................................................/

    View lient onnection *roce +2 *hae-................................................................................................./ternal lient............................................................................................................................................ 3

    Method 1 4 5ully load balanced *hae 1 ' 2 +6ing "ource 7* *eritence-.........................................3Method 2 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing "ource 7* *eritence-......................................................8Method 9 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing Application oo,ie *eritence-........................................:ternal lient ; Helping you hooe the mot appropriate Method...................................................10

    7nternal lient........................................................................................................................................... 11Method 1 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing "ource 7* *eritence-....................................................11Method 2 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing Application coo,ie *eritence-.......................................12

    7nternal lient ; Helping you hooe the mot appropriate Method....................................................19#oadbalancer.org Appliance 4 the &aic.......................................................................................................1!

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    5inalizing the on$iguration............................................................................................................. 2:on$iguring $or Horizon View 7nternal lient.................................................................................................90

    Method 1 4 ternal #oad &alanced *hae 1 +"ource 7* *eritence-.....................................................90onnection "erver on$iguration..........................................................................................................90Appliance on$iguration........................................................................................................................ 91

    *ort (e)uirement........................................................................................................................... 91on$igure #ayer 3 Global "etting...................................................................................................91

    on$igure the Virtual "ervice ' (eal "erver..................................................................................91on$igure H>>* to H>>*" (edirect................................................................................................995inalizing the on$iguration............................................................................................................. 99

    Method 2 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing Application coo,ie *eritence-............................................9!onnection "erver on$iguration..........................................................................................................9!Appliance on$iguration........................................................................................................................ 9%

    *ort (e)uirement........................................................................................................................... 9%on$igure #ayer 3 Global "etting...................................................................................................9%on$igure ""# >ermination.............................................................................................................. 9%on$igure the Virtual "ervice ' (eal "erver..................................................................................9/on$igure H>>* to H>>*" (edirect................................................................................................985inalizing the on$iguration............................................................................................................. 98

    >eting ' Veri$ication...................................................................................................................................... 9:

    6ing "ytem verview............................................................................................................................. 9:#ayer ! "tatu (eport................................................................................................................................ !0#ayer 3 "tatitic (eport............................................................................................................................ !0Appliance #og.......................................................................................................................................... !0

    >echnical "upport........................................................................................................................................... !1oncluion...................................................................................................................................................... !1Appendi......................................................................................................................................................... !2

    1 4 on$iguring an H>>* to H>>*" redirect..............................................................................................!22 4 lutered *air on$iguration 4 Adding a "lave 6nit............................................................................. !29 4 ompany ontact 7n$ormation............................................................................................................. !9


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    About this Guide>hi guide detail the con$iguration o$ #oadbalancer.org appliance $or deployment with VMware HorizonView. 7t include detail o$ port?ervice that mut be load balanced@ topology conideration $or the variouVMware Horizon View erver and alo tep on how to con$igure the appliance.

    5or an introduction on etting up the appliance a well a more technical in$ormation@ pleae alo re$er to our

    )uic,;tart guide and $ull adminitration manual which are available at the $ollowing lin,

    Buic,tart guidehttp??www.loadbalancer.org?pd$?)uic,tartguide#&v3.pd$

    Adminitration manual http??www.loadbalancer.org?pd$?loadbalanceradminitrationv3.pd$

    Appliances Supported

    All our product can be ued with Horizon View. >he complete lit o$ model i hown below

    C nterprie (1/

    C nterprie

    C nterprie MA

    C nterprie 10G

    C nterprie VA

    C nterprie VA (1/

    5or a $ull peci$ication comparion o$ thee model pleae re$er to http??www.loadbalancer.org?matri.php

    VMware Horizon View Versions Supported

    C v%.2 and later

    Loadbalancer.org Software Versions Supported

    C V3.%.2 and later


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    VMware Horizon ViewVMwareE Horizon ViewF +$ormerly VMware View- i a virtual de,top in$ratructure olution that impli$iede,top management and provide uer with acce when needed@ whatever their location.

    Horizon View Servers to Load alance

    Server !urpose

    onnection "erver View onnection "erver act a a bro,er $or client connection. 7tauthenticate uer through =indow Active Directory and direct there)uet to the appropriate virtual machine@ phyical or blade *@ or=indow >erminal "ervice erver.

    "ecurity "erver A ecurity erver i a pecial intance o$ View onnection "erver that runa ubet o$ View onnection "erver $unction. A ecurity erver i ued to

    provide an additional layer o$ ecurity between the 7nternet and the internalnetwor,. A ecurity erver reide within a DM and act a a proy hot$or connection inide the truted networ,. ach ecurity erver i pairedwith an intance o$ View onnection "erver and $orward all tra$$ic to thatintance.

    Load alancing VMware Horizon View

    #oad &alancing ' HA (e)uirement

    5or high availability and calability@ VMware recommend that multiple onnection "erver and multiple"ecurity "erve are deployed in a load balanced cluter.

    *eritence +a,a "erver A$$inity-

    7t important that client re)uet are directed at the ame View erver $or the duration o$ their eion. >hican be achieved uing either ource 7* peritence or application coo,ie +I"""7he load balancer can be con$igured to terminate ""# i$ re)uired. However@ thi i only recommended whenI"""7he $ollowing table how the port that are load balanced.

    N.B. The exact ports to be load balanced depends on ho the !ie "ec#rity$Connection "er%ers are loadbalanced. This is co%ered in later sections in this g#ide.


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    !ort !rotocol "ses

    !!9 >* H>>*"

    !132 >* *o7*

    !132 6D* *o7*

    92111 >* 6"& (edirection

    #eplo$%ent &verview

    A Virtual "ervice +V7*- i con$igured on the load balancer that act a a connection point $or client. lientthen connect to the V7* on the load balancer rather than connecting directly to a one o$ the View "erver.>hee connection are then load balanced acro the bac,;end erver +i.e. the View "erver- to ditributethe load according to the load balancing algorithm elected.

    >he load balancer can be deployed a a ingle unit@ although #oadbalancer.org tronglyrecommend a clutered pair $or reilience ' high availability.

    lutered *air on$iguration $or HA

    7n thi guide a ingle unit i deployed $irt@ adding a econdary lave unit i covered in ection 1 o$ theAppendi.

    Load alancer #eplo$%ent Methods>he load balancer can be con$igured in variou way to upport internal and eternal client a detailed inthe $ollowing ection.

    View lient onnection *roce +2 *hae-

    View client connect in 2 phae@ thee are

    Phase 1:initial connection etablihment@ authentication@ entitlement etc.

    Phase 2:tunnel connection


    View "erver 1#oad&alancer

    +ingle unitor cluteredpair-



    View "erver 2

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    ternal lient

    ternal client connect to the "ecurity "erver located in the DM. ach "ecurity "erver mut be pairedwith a correponding onnection "erver. >he *o7* gateway on each "ecurity "erver mut be enabled andcorrectly con$igured to enure that client can ucce$ully connect.

    &ethod 1 ' (#lly load balanced )hase 1 * 2 +sing "o#rce I) )ersistence-

    7n thi cenarioALLclient tra$$ic pae via the load balancer. >hi option ha the advantage that only onepublic 7* addre i re)uired. "ource 7* addre peritence i ued which may reult in an unbalancedditribution o$ connection $or eternal client due to inline ?proy device. >hi can happen becaueunder thee circumtance multiple client can appear to come $rom the ame 7* addre and there$ore theload balancer will $orward all thee connection to the ame "ecurity "erver rather than ditributing theme)ually between the erver.

    he V7* i con$igured in #ayer ! mode

    C >he V7* i ued to load balance both phae 1 and phae 2 o$ the connection proce and mutliten on >* port !!9@ !132 ' 92111 and 6D* port !132

    C >he "ecurity "erver mut be con$igured to gateway the connection. lient then connect to thede,top via the load balancer and the "ecurity "erver

    C "ource 7* addre peritence may reult in non balanced connection due to inline ?proydevice $or eternal client

    C >he V7* and "ecurity "erver mut be in di$$erent ubnet and the de$ault gateway on each "ecurity"erver mut be an 7* addre on the load balancer. 5or a clutered pair thi hould be a $loating 7*addre to allow $ailover to the lave device

    C "ee page 1/;1: $or appliance and erver con$iguration tep




    "ubnet 1 "ubnet 2

    the #&mut be

    the G= $orthe ecurity


    "ecurity"erver 1


    onnection"erver 1

    onnection"erver 2

    "ecurity"erver 2

    lient Phase 1 & 2



    ""# ert

    ""# ert



  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    &ethod 2 ' Load Balanced )hase 1 +sing "o#rce I) )ersistence-

    7n thi cenario@ only *hae 1 i handled by the load balancer. A ingle V7* in layer 3 " mode i uedand i con$igured to ue ource 7* addre peritence to enure that client connect to the ame "ecurity"erver $or the duration o$ the *hae. nce *hae 1 negotiation i complete@ *hae 2 connection are direct$rom the client to the "ecurity "erver. 5or thi thi to wor,@ each "ecurity "erver mut be eternallyacceible $rom the 7nternet.

    he V7* i con$igured in #ayer 3 " mode

    C >he V7* i ued to load balance phae 1 o$ the connection proce and mut liten on >* port !!9

    C >he "ecurity "erver mut be con$igured to gateway the connection. lient then connect to thede,top via the "ecurity "erver bypaing the load balancer

    C >he "ecurity "erver mut be acceible eternally $or *hae 2 connection

    C "ource 7* addre peritence may reult in non balanced connection due to inline ?proydevice $or eternal client

    C "ee page 20;29 $or appliance and erver con$iguration tep



    "ecurity"erver 1


    onnection"erver 1

    onnection"erver 2

    "ecurity"erver 2

    lient Phase 1

    Phase 2



    ""# ert

    ""# ert

    Phase 2


    TC! ports' !132@ 92111"#! ports'!132

    TC! ports' !132@ 92111"#! ports'!132

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    &ethod 3 ' Load Balanced )hase 1 +sing pplication Coo/ie )ersistence-

    7n thi cenario@ only *hae 1 i handled by the load balancer. A ingle V7* in layer 3 " mode i uedand i con$igured to ue application coo,ie +I"""7he "ecurity "erver mut be acceible eternally $or *hae 2 connection

    C A locked.properties$ile mut be created on each "ecurity "erver and con$igured to permitH>>* connection $rom the load balancer

    C "ee page 2!;2: $or appliance and erver con$iguration tep



    "ecurity"erver 1


    onnection"erver 1

    onnection"erver 2

    "ecurity"erver 2

    lientPhase 1

    Phase 2



    ""# ert

    Phase 2


    TC! ports' !132@ 92111"#! ports'!132

    H>>*" H>>*

    TC! ports' !132@ 92111"#! ports'!132

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Do external clients haveunique IP addresses?

    xternal Clients elping yo# Choose the ost appropriate &ethod


    Do you want to use a

    single public IP address?

    Use Option 3


    Use Option 1



    Use Option 2



  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    7nternal lient

    7nternal client connect directly to the onnection "erver located on the #Ahe gateway mut bediabled o that client can connect directly to the de,top rather than paing via the load balancer orgateway.

    &ethod 1 ' Load Balanced )hase 1 +sing "o#rce I) )ersistence-

    he V7* i con$igured in #ayer 3 " mode

    C A ingle V7* i ued to load balance phae 1 o$ the connection proce and mut liten on >* port!!9

    C >he ecurity erver mut be con$igured to gateway the connection. lient are then able toconnect directly to the de,top

    C "ource 7* addre peritence may reult in non balanced connection due to inline ?proydevice $or eternal client

    C "ee page 90;99 $or appliance and erver con$iguration tep





    onnection"erver 1

    onnection"erver 2


    ""# ert

    ""# ert

    Phase 2

    Phase 1

    TC!ports' !!9

    TC! ports' !132@ 92111"#! ports'!132

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    &ethod 2 ' Load Balanced )hase 1 +sing pplication coo/ie )ersistence-

    he V7* i con$igured in #ayer 3 " mode

    C A ingle V7* i ued to load balance phae 1 o$ the connection proce and mut liten on >* port!!9

    C ""# i terminated on the load balancer

    N.B. ""L o44load is nots#pported 4or sartcard a#thentication

    C >he ecurity erver mut be con$igured to gateway the connection. lient are then able toconnect directly to the de,top

    C *eritence i baed on the I"""7>* connection $rom the load balancer

    C "ee page 9!;98 $or appliance and erver con$iguration tep


    H>>*" H>>*



    onnection"erver 1

    onnection"erver 2


    ""# ert

    Phase 1

    Phase 2

    TC!ports' !!9

    TC! ports' !132@ 92111

    "#! ports'!132

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Internal Clients elping yo# Choose the ost appropriate &ethod


    Do internal clients haveunique IP address?

    Use Option 2

    Y!Use Option 1



  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Loadbalancer.org Appliance ( the asics

    he 7* addre@ de$ault gateway and D

    e.g. route add deault g! eth0

    At the conole@ et the D> /etc/resolv.co"

    e.g. echo "ameserver >> /etc/resolv.co"

    N.B. I4 this ethod is #sed, yo# #st also con4ig#re these settings #sing the 9I, otherise settings ill be

    lost a4ter a reboot


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Acceing the =eb 6er 7nter$ace +=67-

    >he =67 can be acceed $rom a brower at htt":((1)2*1+*2*21:)--(l.ad'in

    : Note the port n#ber ;

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Configuring for Horizon View 01ternal Clientsternal client connect to View "ecurity "erver. >hi ection cover the variou method $or loadbalancing "ecurity "erver.

    7t highly recommended that you have a wor,ing VMware Horizon View environment$irt be$ore implementing the load balancer.

    Method 1 4 5ully load balanced *hae 1 ' 2 +6ing "ource 7* *eritence-

    >hi method ue a 5irewall Mar, con$iguration which enable a ingle V7* to upport both >* and 6D*.

    !ie "er%er Con4ig#ration

    >he $ollowing ection illutrate how the onnection?"ecurity "erver mut be con$igured $or eternal client.

    Paired Conne%tion Ser/er Settings

    5or each onnection "erver leave the erver own 7* addre and enure all chec, boe are enabled


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Paired Se%urity Ser/er Settings

    5or each "ecurity "erver et the 7* addree to be the eternal addre o$ the V7* @ e.g.

    N.B. In this exaple is #sed, in prod#ction p#blicly accessible I) addresses o#ld bere?#ired. In this exaple the external 4ireall o#ld NT to the !I) address 1=.110.10.

    ppliance Con4ig#ration

    *ort (e)uirement

    >he $ollowing table how the port that mut be load balanced.

    !ort !rotocol "ses

    !!9 >* H>>*"

    !132 >* *o7*

    !132 6D* *o7*

    92111 >* 6"& (edirection

    on$igure the Virtual "ervice ' (eal "erver

    a- "etting #p the !irt#al "er%ice

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer @ ' !irt#al "er%iceand clic,2Add a 3ew Virtual Service4

    C nter the $ollowing detail


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C nter an appropriate label $or the V7*@ e.g. View01ternalC "et the !irt#al "er%ice I) address$ield to the re)uired Mar, value@ e.g. *C #eave the !irt#al "er%ice )orts$ield blan,C "et (orarding &ethodto 3ATC "et )ersistence to5esC lic, "pdateC

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C #eave the 6eal "er%er )ort $ield blan,C lic, "pdateC (epeat the above tep to add your other "ecurity "erver+-

    c- Con4ig#re the (ireall 6#les +re?#ired 4or (ireall &ar/s-

    C 6ing the =67@ go to &aintenance 5 (ireall "criptC "croll down to the JManual 5irewall Mar,K ection and con$igure the $ollowing rule

    V7*1L1:2.1/8.100.10iptable ;t mangle ;A *((6>7777

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Method 2 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing "ource 7* *eritence-

    !ie "er%er Con4ig#ration

    >he $ollowing ection illutrate how the onnection?"ecurity "erver mut be con$igured $or eternal client.

    Paired Conne%tion Ser/er Settings

    5or each onnection "erver leave the erver own 7* addre and enure all chec, boe are enabled

    Paired Se%urity Ser/er Settings

    5or each "ecurity "erver et the 7* addree to be the eternal addre $or that "ecurity "erver@ e.g.


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    N.B. In this exaple #sed, in prod#ction p#blicly accessible I) addresses o#ld be re?#ired.In this exaple the external 4ireall o#ld NT to the "ec#rity "er%ers address1=.100.100

    ppliance Con4ig#ration

    *ort (e)uirement

    >he $ollowing table how the port that mut be load balanced.

    !ort !rotocol "ses

    !!9 >* H>>*"

    on$igure #ayer 3 Global "etting

    >o enure that client connection remain open during period o$ inactivity@ the litimeout and "rvtimeoutvalue mut be changed $rom their de$ault value o$ !9 econd and !% econd repectively to 10 min. >odo thi $ollow the eample tep below

    C Go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' d%anced Con4ig#ration


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C hange Client Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C hange 6eal "er%er Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C lic, the "pdatebutton to ave the etting

    on$igure the Virtual "ervice ' (eal "erver

    a- "etting #p the !irt#al "er%ice

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' !irt#al "er%iceand clic,2Add a 3ew Virtual Service4

    C nter the $ollowing detail

    C nter an appropriate label $or the V7*@ e.g. View01ternalC "et the !irt#al "er%ice I) address$ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/C "et the !irt#al "er%ice )orts$ield to 667C #eave )ersistence odeet to Source :!

    C lic, "pdate


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    b- "etting #p the 6eal "er%ers

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 Layer ' 6eal "er%ersand clic,2Add a new 8eal Server4 net to the newly created V7*

    C nter the $ollowing detail

    C nter an appropriate label $or the (7*@ e.g. Securit$*

    C hange the 6eal "er%er I) ddress $ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*//C hange the 6eal "er%er )ort $ield to 667C lic, "pdateC (epeat the above tep to add your other "ecurity "erver+-

    on$igure H>>* to H>>*" (edirect

    7$ re)uired@ the load balancer can be con$igured to automatically redirect uer who attempt to connect tohttp'));"8L to access V:0

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Method 9 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing Application oo,ie *eritence-

    !ie "er%er Con4ig#ration

    >he $ollowing ection illutrate how the onnection?"ecurity "erver mut be con$igured $or eternal client.

    Paired Conne%tion Ser/er Settings

    5or each onnection "erver leave the erver own 7* addre and unchec, the 6e "ecure >unnelconnection to de,top chec,bo a hown below

    Paired Se%urity Ser/er Settings

    5or each "ecurity "erver et the 7* addree to be the eternal addre $or that "ecurity "erver @ e.g.


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    N.B. In this exaple #sed, in prod#ction p#blicly accessible I) addresses o#ld be re?#ired.In this exaple the external 4ireall o#ld NT to the "ec#rity "er%ers address1=.100.100.

    Allowing H>>* connection

    "ince ""# i terminated on the load balancer@ there will be an H>>* connection $rom the load balancer to the

    "ecurity "erver. >o enable thi@ $ollow thee tep $or each "ecurity "erver

    C * H>>*"


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    on$igure #ayer 3 Global "etting

    >o enure that client connection remain open during period o$ inactivity@ the litimeout and "rvtimeoutvalue mut be changed $rom their de$ault value o$ !9 econd and !% econd repectively to 10 min. >odo thi $ollow the eample tep below

    C Go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' d%anced Con4ig#ration

    C hange Client Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C hange 6eal "er%er Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C lic, the "pdatebutton to ave the etting

    on$igure ""# >ermination

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 ""L Terination and clic,2Add a 3ew Virtual Service4

    C nter the $ollowing detail

    C nter an appropriate label $or the V7*@ e.g. View01ternalSSLC "et the !irt#al "er%ice I) address$ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/C "et the !irt#al "er%ice )orts$ield to 667

    C "et the Bac/end !irt#al "er%ice I) ddress $ield to ame 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C "et the Bac/end !irt#al "er%ice )ort $ield to /C #eave other $ield at their de$ault valueC lic, "pdate

    on$igure the Virtual "ervice ' (eal "erver

    a- "etting #p the !irt#al "er%ice

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' !irt#al "er%iceand clic,2Add a 3ew Virtual Service4

    C nter the $ollowing detail

    C nter an appropriate label $or the V7*@ e.g. View01ternalC "et the !irt#al "er%ice I) address$ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/C "et the !irt#al "er%ice )orts$ield to /C "et the )ersistence odeto 3oneC lic, "pdate

    b- "etting #p the 6eal "er%ers

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 Layer ' 6eal "er%ersand clic,2Add a new 8eal Server4 net to the newly created V7*

    C nter the $ollowing detail


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C nter an appropriate label $or the (7*@ e.g. Securit$*C hange the 6eal "er%er I) ddress $ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*//C hange the 6eal "er%er )ort $ield to /C lic, "pdateC (epeat the above tep to add your other "ecurity "erver+-

    on$igure Application oo,ie *eritence

    *> #isable the abilit$ for the s$ste% to re?write the HApro1$ Configuration ( thi enure that themanual con$iguration change decribed in the $ollowing ection are not overwritten by the ytem

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 Layer ' d%anced Con4ig#ration,and enable theLoc/ )roxy Con4ig#ration chec,bo

    C lic, "pdate

    ,> 0dit the HA!ro1$ configuration file4 thi i re)uired to allow $or cutom layer 3 con$iguration

    C 6ing an editor either via the command line or uing a utility uch =in"*@ edit the $ile HA!ro1$.cfglocated in)etc)hapro1$ and add the line hown bold below

    liten Viewternalbind 1:2.1/8.100.1080mode tcpbalance leatconnerver bac,up bac,up non;tic,appsession @S0SS:&3:# len 7, ti%eout */////option redipatch

    option abortoncloemaconn !0000&


    C "ave the $ile


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    6pload >he ""# erti$icate

    *> 01port the SSL Certificate fro% a View Server4 note the $ollowing point when eporting the certi$icate$rom =indow

    C Ma,e ure that the private ,ey i includedC >ic, the option Incl#de all certi4icates in the certi4ication path i4 possible

    ,> Convert the SSL Certificate fro% .pf1 for%at to !0M for%at reBuired b$ the load balancer> ( $ollowthe tep lited below

    C 6ing penl on a =indow *@ convert the certi$icate uing the $ollowing command

    ope"ssl pkcs12 'i" c()certs)certiicate.p* '"odes 'out c()certs)certiicate.pem

    N.B. penssl can be donloaded 4ro8 http8$$slproeb.co$prod#cts$9in32pen""L.htl' yo#can #se either the AlightA %ersion or the A4#llA %ersion

    7> :%port the SSL Certificate to the Load alancer ( $ollow the tep lited below

    C 6ing the =67 goto Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 ""L Terination@ clic, 2Certificate4net to the ""# V7*created earlier

    C 6ing the browe option@ navigate to and elect the .pem $ile created in the previou tepC lic, "pload !0M fileC

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Configuring for Horizon View :nternal Clients7nternal client connect to View onnection "erver. >hi ection cover the variou method $or loadbalancing onnection "erver.

    7t highly recommended that you have a wor,ing VMware Horizon View environment$irt be$ore implementing the load balancer.

    Method 1 4 ternal #oad &alanced *hae 1 +"ource 7* *eritence-

    Connection "er%er Con4ig#ration

    5or each onnection "erver leave the erver own 7* addre and un;chec, the 6e *o7* "ecure

    Gateway $or *o7* connection to de,top a hown below


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    ppliance Con4ig#ration

    *ort (e)uirement

    >he $ollowing table how the port that mut be load balanced.

    !ort !rotocol "ses!!9 >* H>>*"

    on$igure #ayer 3 Global "etting

    >o enure that client connection remain open during period o$ inactivity@ the litimeout and "rvtimeoutvalue mut be changed $rom their de$ault value o$ !9 econd and !% econd repectively to 10 min. >odo thi $ollow the eample tep below

    C Go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' d%anced Con4ig#ration

    C hange Client Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C hange 6eal "er%er Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C lic, the "pdatebutton to ave the etting

    on$igure the Virtual "ervice ' (eal "erver

    a- "etting #p the !irt#al "er%ice

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' !irt#al "er%iceand clic,2Add a 3ew Virtual Service4

    C nter the $ollowing detail


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C nter an appropriate label $or the V7*@ e.g. View:nternalC "et the !irt#al "er%ice I) address$ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/C "et the !irt#al "er%ice )orts$ield to 667C #eave )ersistence odeet to Source :!C lic, "pdate

    b- "etting #p the 6eal "er%ers

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 Layer ' 6eal "er%ersand clic,

    2Add a new 8eal Server4 net to the newly created V7*C nter the $ollowing detail

    C nter an appropriate label $or the (7*@ e.g. Connection*C hange the 6eal "er%er I) ddress $ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/*C hange the 6eal "er%er )ort $ield to 667C lic, "pdateC (epeat the above tep to add your other onnection "erver+-


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    on$igure H>>* to H>>*" (edirect

    7$ re)uired@ the load balancer can be con$igured to automatically redirect uer who attempt to connect tohttp'));"8L to access V:0

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Method 2 4 #oad &alanced *hae 1 +6ing Application coo,ie *eritence-

    Connection "er%er Con4ig#ration

    5or each onnection "erver leave the erver own 7* addre and unchec, all chec,boe a hown below

    Allowing H>>* connection

    "ince ""# i terminated on the load balancer@ there will be an H>>* connection $rom the load balancer to theonnection "erver. >o enable thi@ $ollow thee tep $or each onnection "erver


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    ppliance Con4ig#ration

    *ort (e)uirement

    >he $ollowing table how the port that mut be load balanced.

    !ort !rotocol "ses

    !!9 >* H>>*"

    on$igure #ayer 3 Global "etting

    >o enure that client connection remain open during period o$ inactivity@ the litimeout and "rvtimeoutvalue mut be changed $rom their de$ault value o$ !9 econd and !% econd repectively to 10 min. >odo thi $ollow the eample tep below

    C Go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' d%anced Con4ig#ration

    C hange Client Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C hange 6eal "er%er Tieo#tto */%a hown above +i.e. 10 minute-

    C lic, the "pdatebutton to ave the etting

    on$igure ""# >ermination

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 ""L Terination and clic,2Add a 3ew Virtual Service4

    C nter the $ollowing detail


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C nter an appropriate label $or the V7*@ e.g. View:nternalSSLC "et the !irt#al "er%ice I) address$ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/C "et the !irt#al "er%ice )orts$ield to 667

    C "et the Bac/end !irt#al "er%ice I) ddress $ield to ame 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/C "et the Bac/end !irt#al "er%ice )ort $ield to /C #eave other $ield at their de$ault valueC lic, "pdate

    on$igure the Virtual "ervice ' (eal "erver

    a- "etting #p the !irt#al "er%ice

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#sterCon4ig#ration 5 Layer ' !irt#al "er%iceand clic,2Add a 3ew Virtual Service4

    C nter the $ollowing detail

    C nter an appropriate label $or the V7*@ e.g. View01ternal

    C "et the !irt#al "er%ice I) address$ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    C "et the !irt#al "er%ice )orts$ield to /C "et )ersistence odeto 3oneC lic, "pdate

    b- "etting #p the 6eal "er%ers

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 Layer ' 6eal "er%ersand clic,2Add a new 8eal Server4 net to the newly created V7*

    C nter the $ollowing detail

    C nter an appropriate label $or the (7*@ e.g. Connection*C hange the 6eal "er%er I) ddress $ield to the re)uired 7* addre@ e.g. *+,.*-.*//.*/*C hange the 6eal "er%er )ort $ield to /C lic, "pdateC (epeat the above tep to add your other onnection "erver+-

    on$igure Application oo,ie *eritence

    *> #isable the abilit$ for the s$ste% to re?write the HApro1$ Configuration ( thi enure that themanual con$iguration change decribed in the $ollowing ection are not overwritten by the ytem

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 Layer ' d%anced Con4ig#ration,and enable theLoc/ )roxy Con4ig#ration chec,bo

    C lic, "pdate

    ,> 0dit the HA!ro1$ configuration file4 thi i re)uired to allow $or cutom layer 3 con$iguration

    C 6ing an editor either via the command line or uing a utility uch =in"*@ edit the $ile HA!ro1$.cfglocated in)etc)hapro1$ and add the line hown bold below

    liten View7nternalbind 1:2.1/8.110.10080mode tcpbalance leatconnerver bac,up bac,up non;tic,appsession @S0SS:&3:# len 7, ti%eout */////

    option redipatch


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    option abortoncloemaconn !0000&


    C "ave the $ile

    6pload >he ""# erti$icate

    *> 01port the SSL Certificate fro% one of the View Servers4 note the $ollowing point when eporting thecerti$icate $rom =indow

    C Ma,e ure that the private ,ey i includedC >ic, the option Incl#de all certi4icates in the certi4ication path i4 possible

    ,> Convert the SSL Certificate fro% .pf1 for%at to !0M for%at reBuired b$ the load balancer> ( $ollow

    the tep lited below

    C 6ing penl on a =indow *@ convert the certi$icate uing the $ollowing command

    ope"ssl pkcs12 'i" c()certs)certiicate.p* '"odes 'out c()certs)certiicate.pem

    N.B. penssl can be donloaded 4ro8 http8$$slproeb.co$prod#cts$9in32pen""L.htl' yo#can #se either the AlightA %ersion or the A4#llA %ersion

    7> :%port the SSL Certificate to the Load alancer ( $ollow the tep lited below

    C6ing the =67 goto Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 ""L Terination@ clic, 2Certificate4net to the ""# V7*created earlier

    C 6ing the browe option@ navigate to and elect the .pem $ile created in the previou tepC lic, "pload !0M fileC

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Testing Verification

    6ing "ytem verview

    >he "ytem verview i acceed uing the =67. 7t how a graphical view o$ all V7* ' (7* +i.e. the View

    "erver- and how the tate?health o$ each erver a well a the tate o$ the each cluter a a whole. >heeample below how that both onnection "erver are healthy and available to accept connection.

    >he eample below how that the erver onnection1 ha been put in halt mode@ in thi ituation allconnection will be ent to onnection2. onnection1 can be put bac, online by clic,ing the nline lin,.


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    Technical Support5or more detail or aitance with your deployment pleae dont heitate to contact the upport team at the$ollowing email addre upportRloadbalancer.org

    Conclusion#oadbalancer.org appliance provide a very cot e$$ective olution $or highly available load balanced VMwareHorizon View environment.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide



    1 4 on$iguring an H>>* to H>>*" redirect

    >hi ue a cutom later 3 V7* to enure that i$ uer type http')).... rather than https')).....they are

    redirected accordingly.e.g. http??view.robtet.com hould be redirected to http??view.robtet.com

    >he tep

    *> #isable the abilit$ for the s$ste% to re?write the HA!ro1$ Configuration ( thi enure that themanual con$iguration change decribed in the $ollowing ection are not overwritten by the ytem.

    C 6ing the =67@ go to Cl#ster Con4ig#ration 5 Layer ' d%anced Con4ig#ration,and enable theLocD HA!ro1$ Configuration option

    ,> Custo%ize the HA!ro1$ configuration ( 6ing an editor uch a vi or vim at the conole or via a heion@ or uing the de$ault built;in editor included with =in"* +not

  • 8/13/2019 Load Balancing VMware Horizon View Loadbalancer Deployment Handbuch bzw. Guide


    9 4 ompany ontact 7n$ormation

    #e.site 6(# w w w.loadbalancer.org

    North A'eri%a 0S #oadbalancer.org@ 7nc.230 *reidential Drive=ilmington@D 1:8036"A

    >el 5a

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    North A'eri%a 0Canada #oadbalancer.org #td.900;!22 (ichard "treetVancouver@ &V/& 2!anada

    >el 5a

    mail +ale- mail +upport-

    S1 /0!./2:.3%3%S1 902.219.0122aleRloadbalancer.orgupportRloadbalancer.org

    uro"e 03 #oadbalancer.org #td.*ortmouth >echnopolePington recent*ortmouth*2 85Angland@ 6P

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    S!!+0-830 !!9833: +2!3-S!!+0-830 !923/32aleRloadbalancer.orgupportRloadbalancer.org

    uro"e 0Ger'any #oadbalancer.org GmbHAlt *empel$ort 2!0211 DTeldor$Germany

    >el 5a

    mail +ale- mail +upport-

    S!: +0-221 :3:9 3209S!: +0-90 :209 89/!:%vertriebRloadbalancer.orgupportRloadbalancer.org
