ll III - · PDF filePart - III axfler$u-reo / SCIENCE (prjlB opgLb gnardleo er g! ... SSLC -...

No. of Prinled Pages : 15 rllll illllllill ll lill Ilil ll ll Lr6lol 6rai.r Register Numbel Part - III axfler$u-reo / SCIENCE (prjlB opgLb gnardleo er g! / Tamil & English Versions) Gp6rb:2,,,, Loerofl I lGLongp ogtLrG) uainooir :75 Time Allowed : 2r r Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 75 gldl5,l5nry : (1) €r6o6ir5g e$;nnrisqgLi eflulns glssu u$lerndl +oireripn ardruporar +rfl r nn$gri G)aneiranerlri. .96sru$lo9d 6enpu9guljeir sarpti s ai,ns reoi u r,l norfl 16 Ll6ir+u rtr6 Gprfle$&sqLn (2) 66Drn +lelarg e15uq eoouilarer Lor@GLo erqggorglgLr uudnr@pp Geuaior@ Lb l r-ruaeir er arrlor g!1q 6l r eind du Lr urdru 0pp6l tb. Instmctions : (1) Chect the question paper Ior fainess of pr]rrting. lf there is any lack oI Iairness, inform the Hall Supen isor immediatell.. (2) Use Black or Blue inl to write and pencil to draw diagrams. gfluq : $e!er9eun$gneir qgroing 19rfloqseocns Genainrgt. Note : T1-Lis queslion paper contains three sections. Lirfleq- r7 SECTIoN-I (mpLrGrainseir : 15) / (Marks:15) 19dlul1 , (') Ongrner96l L6ir6rr 15 6E16rr r.io(gliELb erlleouu.rofldsor1ri. 15x1=15 (n) €t6o LLr qri 6fl ull grolr Gsn@6sLr u r@eiron Lor$g o9oorserflo u5lsorl Li: efl u neo erll enrorr$ Gpnp6p@pgt 6r119p6rl Lb. Note : (i) Ansner all the 1.5 lluesiiorls. (ii) Choose the couect a swet from the altematives:given in the brackeLs.

Transcript of ll III - · PDF filePart - III axfler$u-reo / SCIENCE (prjlB opgLb gnardleo er g! ... SSLC -...

No. of Prinled Pages : 15

rllll illllllill ll lill Ilil ll ll

5780Lr6lol 6rai.r

Register Numbel

Part - IIIaxfler$u-reo / SCIENCE

(prjlB opgLb gnardleo er g! / Tamil & English Versions)

Gp6rb:2,,,, Loerofl I Uvww'kalYlsolai'GOm lGLongp ogtLrG) uainooir :75

Time Allowed : 2r r Hours ] [Maximum Marks : 75

gldl5,l5nry : (1) €r6o6ir5g e$;nnrisqgLi eflulns glssu u$lerndl +oireripn ardruporar+rfl r nn$gri G)aneiranerlri. .96sru$lo9d 6enpu9guljeir sarptis ai,ns reoi u r,l norfl 16 Ll6ir+u rtr6 Gprfle$&sqLn

(2) 66Drn +lelarg e15uq eoouilarer Lor@GLo erqggorglgLr uudnr@ppGeuaior@ Lb l r-ruaeir er arrlor g!1q 6l r eind du Lr urdru 0pp6l tb.

Instmctions : (1) Chect the question paper Ior fainess of pr]rrting. lf there is any lack oI

Iairness, inform the Hall Supen isor immediatell..

(2) Use Black or Blue inl to write and pencil to draw diagrams.

gfluq : $e!er9eun$gneir qgroing 19rfloqseocns Genainrgt.

Note : T1-Lis queslion paper contains three sections.

Lirfleq- r7 SECTIoN-I

(mpLrGrainseir : 15) / (Marks:15)

19dlul1 , (') Ongrner96l L6ir6rr 15 6E16rr r.io(gliELb erlleouu.rofldsor1ri. 15x1=15

(n) €t6o LLr qri 6fl ull grolr Gsn@6sLr u r@eiron Lor$g o9oorserflou5lsorl Li: efl u neo erll enrorr$ Gpnp6p@pgt 6r119p6rl Lb.

Note : (i) Ansner all the 1.5 lluesiiorls.

(ii) Choose the couect a swet from the altematives:given in the brackeLs.

wlruur"kahfip.qt?i;sgry, ", I ps.qs,/ rurrr over

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5 780

1. Eqgenorerfrgcir rnlLbL'lflu$ poinroLo Gorori,nr5

(LoyL:gt mnSpLb GleLru-llr,lr r er!i$pg1. atne$7a5ld Lr,lL:ggl ronppLoGleui ur r..r Lr t $eiioeir, Gpnd 6+ebel) du o 7r gl Lo n$p ii 6e r Jr r rrarer.L,lneiuoqe 6leela!e Lollgl Lon$pLb Gleurut rr r.l rreror.:. )\\hich of the foilowing is inheritable ?

(an altereJ gene insperm. an altered gene in liver cells, an alter.ed gene in skin cells, analtered gene in udder cells.)

ft!Aa';$r{}&iY} $'i "'r "}d',1"'2. r5ldnol65euenor.tf goir unriuerfl unetnd tainrnlqLb G6nut

( qpooor6 onurrieel, Gersipnurrierq, @ f emrgeirofl , G I fl uLbeoo. )

is " b". te-j.rl Lli5eJ5e

(Meningitis, Rabies, Tetanus, Small pox)

3. prgl +aloiri oor6o:q9+61 GlerorflLrunrerlrri sr@L:u@pgLo gl6o6ruq6ir Lr1qg)

( EE goror, 6 u 69 gr,enor, peu nLoeiu, eopoGu npeu nmoiu.)

The part of brain which controls emotional reactions in our bodv is(Cerebetium, Cerebrum, Thalarnus, Hlpothalamus)

e. o6eqfpLlletr (geu _ +s onEgpgt

( oiaop, sofl , s(Dpqain ( 6r6iijrcLraiu I nLb), aoi$Gpnd ( 6 ufl orri Lr ) )Post - fertilizatiory the ovuie changes into a/an(seed, fruit, endosperm, pericarp)

5. Loeoi)peflain e7n+fl rrdr Glerulpeo;u

(98.1" - 98.6"F, 96.6. - 95.8"!, 94.1" - 98.6.F, 98.1" 99.6'F)

Normal bodv ternperatue of man is _(98.4" - 98.6.F, 95.6. 96.8'F, 94.1. 98.6.F, 9E.f. 99 6.r)


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3 5780

6. Lr669r6r f ibr s6rfld Grr6iirlr Lr@ Lb 6r$pe 61661 El6ri,iT@tplu 6D u L60ir6rl LplrggGlprg!Eeneo..uaeir 6r6ir +16Dg{i6dnLb ?

(arLorGrnonairqrflutn, u*ratgeoilsrb, crairGrnGlerngareoeu, rrsq9.)of green planls are called fackrries of food produ.tion.

(Niilochondria, Chloroplasts, Encloplasmic-reticulum, Nucleus)

7. GLooruseoon$ g1rairLqe Gl+ur!6oau-rrr5 Lo6og Gluu-.rur rpqLi GorpnGrngoii.(6unrrndluLb €lculr6DLO, 5n6i6lurLi snfuG6iTL, g;Sp6 60L +ri6o6o,gLiGLonerflu6 unoiuGu r. )

rs used irl stedrng cloud:.(Potassiun iodjde, Calcium carbonaie, Sulphur dioxide, Anxnonium phosphate)

8. @uleos 6r r.Lr lalldD Er6!flrrLrOLb 6grpeinaoounem Gllnlrycir

( r,r,$Cpetr, u6$Gpein, LIG[rr.]Gu6iJr, r9lglrGreir. )

is the chief component of nafural gas.

(Ethane, Methane, Propane, Butane)

9. g6 6lerirLrLir Cloncira9eoeru9du, 6arLrr$)areueou ______ 66rl[5]D6irsrPsrflB69Lb.

(er$orfl $prien / goop$pneb. )

ln an endoihelmic process, solubilif, increases witi _ in tempemture.(tn.re.,.-/dec ed-' )

10. Ger$ ef .o6o.. 6l drr-6l

(a-.@ara odlarar / EeoBeqgpel o$arar.)Chemical volcano is an example of(combination reaction/ decomposition re.rction)

11. 6!rr66ir l$fl Lt lreaseir putrfl6sa Lr u.rdaLr 0orgl(pd;oeu a.'"1g, ggrrL9+6snp er.'.g, GleudrearL_b, GlLoriornaSlu Lb. )

is used in making automobiie parts.

(Nickel steel, Stainless stee1, Bronze, Magllalilrm)

iR.{[dl,sr{o},*, l6l(tLrr-]s / rurn over

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u66l6ijr6iDLri Ll6b6D[fl6i[ _ eiir qpGallgeoLo eurq6rl Lb.

(orpLfg6ir, onriL.rdn, +eb,".Lr ii. )

Buckmirster' fullerene is the allohopic form of _.

(Nitrogen, Carborl Sulphur)

13. eu.rell peoeuuQgcnor seorLonen Gunlgorflein rliprb

of a massive object at rest

sma[, zero, infinity)

74. gpp 6l L-.r 6p 6D 6rrs 6rfl el reiror Gu ngt

.s$s Gorur$eog zuoelLri6)p51.

(rfle s$lsLb,.rfloli @6opo.t, ep, cp+6,916,t1 )

The momentum

(very large, very

surface absorbs more heat than any od1er surface uider identical conditions,

(l4hite, Rougb Black, Yel1ow)

15. 969 sLb r91e*6Gonn@ G)p nriiq eollr en.Es a Lr rur Li m ng Lb Gr nGpei-,eu n Lo.

-sr6+!J6r d 6it 6ilL rig eriene " U. g,n 6 er6,l

( 616i,r srppii grrainrel, doirGeurrrb ulgerrpeU, dleinarqg$pLir z1ger,lnpel.r-6loirGeor r rrLb Lon$pLru@9du.)

The phenomenon oI producing an en{ i]r a circuit whenever the magneiic flux tir*edh ith , .rL ,r .Lne-; i'

(electromagnetic jnduchorL inducing cu ent, inducing voltage, change in current)


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5 -780

Lflfleq -u7 SECTIoN-II

(Lo$LrGL:ainoelr : a0) / (\,Iarks : a0)

19f)uq : oGpglLb $tq5u5] o,!leon&oqg&1g ar9loorueifldsq Ll. 20x2=40

Note : Ans1!-el any twenty questions-

16. urfrbLrflu-.r6 +rri$p $leu gl66u3 G+npgflLrqeen SGp Glon@rioL: rr@aircneor.

sr6lrt Oi6ir zri u.:enel:Seop$ Gpf$Clp@$5l er€grs.

rir &nnadsei Grrijl- dr s[fri,6 LnnLb r1'l .s, .xnn6n1].]a -e- €. b



erdnug gGq $efiein Lonfp$ p6i,i6olourrgLi.

( ereio$du, ong r n@odr, E !fl eorLo npeu, gf ofr , gene! Geur o nri"",qodr. )

Here are ceriain important hereditary jargons. Fiil in dre blanks bv choosing a suitableone from the list given. (allele, \,,ariation, speciation, gene, allelomorphs)



are the factors which form the physical basis oI irrhelitance'



is the alternate Iorm of Lhe same gene.

17. G6]rDUr0s6iT 6r6inD[6! 6r6!r6ir ? g]p6in 6!6o556ir []rl6d)or ?

What are variations ? Mention their types.

1 8. E F&s6inl6lrDpl6i-,g(g,D,q @leoemrseoorr.L 6 u n6$gs.

(Log$gscn, crfl Clr nlgoir, g6{i,Tgxuqlfl, erenri6eop Lon$pLb, srflLo eldleuri:seir.)

(4 pGLLI LDO. gr (n) gurlcos 6rr!l(in) dlLfl{i erdl6uLb (iv) 6i) 6l Llr-6ldrs6ir

Maich the follorving by identi{ying the pair.

(medicines, fuel, microbes, meiabolisln, organic acids)

(i) Vaccine (ii) N.-atural gas

(iii) Cihic acid (iv) Vitamins

79. srpfitarl eaflunel un$rioLrrur puf)rLi 5[6ii]rLlLl0Lb Grngoureo eflEfseirU]II6D6)j ?

(i) _- (ii)

Whai are the symptoms of comrnon col.1 ?

(,) (ii) .. -___._

wwr*t"it**lvHol Cflic$ rir"''" "| $16,-rqa / Turn over

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r9einergorarou$groir zfl u glgraqq +lcoLooq

ti, eogGs , rleu .. 6o G. e6hr L ats Cl 6ndl 6iu .

(n) rueooClendeiu + ateGorrqdir + GleurGrnle6iir + Lr1166)t.6ir )rg Lt Gar nrreeiii.

(iii) CleuuGrnureir + ateGorrqeir + lrd;gueir .> 4!Gennrreeir +rtLl eo s616!rE 6iD .

PiLI out the rtem whj(h 1,r,,.quenriri at.rcngem(nt.(i) Zygorene + Leptotene -+ pachvtene + Diplotene + Diakinesis.(ji) Diakinesis + Zygotene ) Leptotene + pacllytene + Diplotene.(iii) Leptot€ne -) Zygotene -) pachytene + Diplotene _+ Dialinesis.

(e, lr Lb A, B-6b.Li e,6b) -!-fi jl sn66i,rg

+rc --:61 6 DgLr _-srD B .g+ Lo 3dlrg.


(a) Identify figure A and B.

(b) Which part o{ ,{ is modified into B.


r n66lr-ein + rquGerrrred[ _+

2.t .


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7 578'J

22. L6ddre'oiDo:6(Ep51 (A) : rrgyrqulidn $ilg,rLr6 616 eoLrCunGlgefili; @guLbe!

onrr6roTlb in; : rnggrqseifld 6pr,oOEal Eprrnem poneso! eops arr,.ai ar@Lrr@$pLrr@6lpg. (Guoiu


(et) (a) LoEp Lir (R) g[6in06 sfl; (R) +6irgi (A) -eou.r e$or6656lpg.

(. ) (A) rDligtd (R) 6fain0 Lb efl; 4enntu (R) +6ir51 (A) -eou'l o6orriaar!16eoeu.

(@t) (1,) Lor@Go sfl; +6iTr6,J (R) p6).rpl

(FF) (A) EdDr; el6irr6x (R) &fl.

Assertion (A) | Nlammaliim healt is called myogenic heart.

Reason (R) i Heart beatis regulated bl a specialized muscle bundle (pacetraker)in marrtrrrals-

(a) Bolh (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A).

(b) Bodr (e) anct (R) are hue but (R) doesn'L explaln (A).

(c) (A) is true but (R) is fa1se.

(d) (A) is false but (lt) is true.

23. g)[.6p9r$16ir Llleirnduron u6$ullel sn6r0'iL]L.rGLb r]jleirneiuron LlGIrLl.6ir,s6irqgeirfleoerd a.g1a. eleulf dn remfl earenq Lir gfl n L9 @s.Narne the three impoltantblood proleins seen in Plasrna. Add a note on Lheir functions.

24. = ,.1 tu r " sdle-1, " cott d .rf sLi, e o Lorie -r,rfC g - a-r"a Lb

serorrfl$5l erggs.(=lt) ta5lsl 6rpLrr@rb .et6o6irlggt Ger$Lr 6rngenoqgr; Eg$1s$perr

G rp Lr r@6leirgen.

(4) 6lg$qs6. 6rp.gpg.i Ger$u9eouq ero peoeraouLr Grgrdlp5l.($) 6g$qsLb, tc0d 6uELb .e6o6ir.6gt Gor$Lr 6rngdroooorq n

6 ar eifl G u pp6lpgt

in) SIE$qsib. e-rdleir .:4eoao$g Ger$lLr Gungeirsoor4Lb Ger61$g entr$glri6l s neirdlpg .

fl1e miLsler chemists of oul bodv are the kidne),s. .Justifr-.

(a) Kidnel's lilLer all chcoricals in the body.

(b) Kiclnevs rnaintain the chernic:rl conposition ol bloocl.

(c) Kid eys eliminale all chemicals irbsorbed bv the boclv.

(d) Kidners skrre the chenicals accumr at€d in the body.

*fiiffid$ffexf*itcfihr'^.[ $15Lrqa / Turn over

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5780 8

25. EGg Gan@rie Lrrr$airer eoru trroeopsGenn$, .+ellpfl<irr flprq rgLrqaroror;da. " l+,i,ris- -,_en C pgs

5m6IIITL] p!trLL rCnn eoLoriGonarl+n Gerirseir

t L G,,n6raii s6iT L]A:6D5U-]LD ronGerrrG1nr u n

o d,1q ainorfl o oir amroiuG nrilLr rnr.sdn

\latch the methods oI utrition oI special organs h'ith suitable examples:

\utohuphs N{vcorrhiza Cuscutta

Parasitcs Chlorophyll Nlonotropa

Saproph],tcs Haustoria Hibiscrs

Cl6r0{i6lruL+(D.iOLb ur.},enpri seredris.

[gt) u:rn A, B g61 6rr6mlr Lr 0 Li O!-r66Er6666r.6 6flr,9@s.(q)ererarnp @eie$lurisrasdr 619nrrnel 6lgtrud @eoorsoflein

$uderuoafla5l19Sg Gerp rgdloirpon ?

Obselve the diagram :

(a) N4ention the tvpe of movements shou.n in ligue A and B.

(b) How does this movement diJIer from the movement oI tr1ilnosa ?


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9 s780

27. eerrr6l9piJ 6r6iirprt6] 6r6iir6!T ? 5rtigdr6T &6rtr6l9pg]6ert66r Gerpe eLoenunrqorer6r(9gl E6

\{hal is res}riGlion ? Cive a balanced equaiion for aerobic respuation.

28. L9oinor6eremor$eogtL-r Lru.leinu@$p raneq+ arardlcr5)aru,r rlgerrrilge.

(L-lnLbq, qel, 6cg(g, g6r6o6fl, Ger.: r@,6C1afl. )

Depict a food chain by placing the {olowing organisms in the correct hoPhic levels.

(snale, grass, eagle, frog, grasshopper)

29. 6lLrroEpnp6op $d(gs.

(.si) zu9rfl-geuep9r6D, Lrs6os L-+el, zu9 rfl - r-r'pri, ClurGqno5lLllLb.

(:g) sneuqn, arr.',rnu.l@, GenD 6lyru1q, EpGu$.

Find the odd one out :

(a) bio alcohol, green diesel, bio-ethers, petroleum.

ib) cholera, iyphoid, scabies, dysentry.

30. fldlur gerfl6Lb er9 oritslqoeo 6n (CFL) 6lerjnugpneu gofl1gb o8cn6goqgilgur$eono uueiiu@$gerpnel +ai,TG,j;(g 6,000 ClLosttornr L-6leiroor n! p an

Ge 6l rioeu nLb .

of)etrn erqrguqs.

(er) (+)Substituting energy efficienl Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL) for standardincandescent bulbs will save on an average upto 6,000 megawatls oJ electricity eachyear.

Raise questions I


-?31. G Lr r{i1qer,: rl$5l er nseorr safl al r u eiru @$g L.ir pndng ru9 fl erfl G r nguseir

Wrjle an) lour lrqurJ t-r, fuel. lor tr.n.porl-lr ,n.


[ $lrguqo / Turn overwuflnL{ra$riQp lar .*.sI or,,..

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5780 10

32. (.9r) g6lfli Lt rr6irEj,s6rfl6i 56Dtrti6LrLrOLi 6)rrru.] 6r$t ?

(+) .9r6ir6! nq686i,r eeoq$peoen st$efl;s Sas6jr 6r6i,r6in Gleur6$is6li ?(a) Which gas is dbsolved in soft drinks ?

(b) \\'hat witl you do Lo irlcrease the solubility oI this gas ?

33. +6inLlTd ofleoonoq ardnpnei ereireli ?

\i!'hat is Tyndall Effect ?

34. 11 6l CO, 6516b L6iT6ir (!D6D65,gs6rfleiir eraineoflrieoseoud oatr&6$)s.Calculate the number of molecules in 11 g of CO,.

35. g6uflr6r a.f a.1ri o I Cler,,a.

(sl) GenL+uLb 6lueiirGeirGur L60.rrol L.r 6lL_rrr(DL6al6rn upnLrOSpLr,Lr ur 6ir Lr Gl6lpgt .

( g) o9ler+nu$$len arp rrfl ri e1 u5euLb r1o neu L.r ueinr@6pg1.(6) o.op" str6leuLb Ger$Lr GLnlqeirsofieir sl[e6i,T 6r@i etarptisur@6pg1(FF) +lrdl6Dp06i,r pH LopLrq 7 4 oglr +x$loLons 6Od,(q,n.Ideniifv the wiong statements and correct them.(a) Sodium benzoate is used in food preservative.

@) Nihic acid is not used as fertilize, in agriculture.(c) Sulphuric acid is ca1led the king of chemicals.(d) The pH of acid is greater than 7.

36. gO 66'[66tl6i,T orpigrqgd, ax ueriugd;r G]edlq 0.001 NI eroJldD, +lii;soorre6{l6irrpH Lo$lLroou eain@ r9 rq6s6)l Lb.

The hydrogen ion concentration of a solution is 0.001 M. \\,hat is the pH oI thesolution ?

37. pdpr6n orn66tu:peop 6Op.$ *Clg:"6oJ 619-r fld, ge one o'leir o-s6r .e {ig6ir 6ir,LD +}Jl€ r93.b.;Ga e$ peir coLo

g6otDEgr nr onemruu@dlpg1 "Corect the mistak,.s, iJ any in the foliou,ing statenent_In a period, the metallic character of the element increases nhile their non ,,'etalticcharacter decr-.ases


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38. o'Sflfonorr snqenr$eop r9$uu@$gs&,6U (A) i Ldefr6oarrri grnp ereirr5 rGarrsasener etfl onen$$la5lt5$gt

u lig]6 rlL] Lr gl Lo L0 LD6iorrLD.., r orLr orlen l q Lb ej afl li6 pg.6rrr6-dIrlb (R) : +i LG6DrsS6i)p LolGpri rGa;ns$$e dg u9ei;renl$$eh geuLb

U&drpp(g dldn greunrb $696D 616 g 6luuli.(.s) (a) efl, (n) gerpl

(+) (A) eR, (R) Cluro.Bp6)ql 6D6D.

6 tAt sq tnr Gun Djg'd l5Assertion (A) : Electroplating nethod not only protecLs but also enhances the

. metallic appearance.Reason (R) : Electroplating is a method of coating one metal with another by

passing electric curent.(a) (A) is righL (R) is wrong.(b) (A) is right (R) is not relevant.(c) (A) is right, (R) is relevant.

39. 606u-i s-rfug6b I u -.Geu -ta ro 6)ll!.-rL6(}6- .-6fJ-gn gg6ir sq 6rE

poiroorodsror sirpam.$arpd a,gs.Diamond is the hardesi allotrope of carbon. Give reason for its hardness.

40. a,rry6tn$@tp rg$lLrr@$grs.a"'fg (a) : Glu19 ps;rr saflel, qo9u91ein sl rqLlEl6n si6oLDrisLrLrLL srirq

ar rra sofl eb $rleuron6ouurr geiflflarrrul666iTGl9oflrion r @ 6 eirp or

5nr666rd (R) : $lqrerLonrioulrr lgaifleunq6adr $poin oSerornorarp$

p 0 6616iip 60r

(e) (a) parpnorg. (R) eflur6 gl.

(g) (A) erfl onorg, (R) gortrr6orgl

(6) (A), (R) @rainGrLb perpnargl.(n) (A) Eflurr6irgl, 0{), (A) -A ar ertlqEl$gdlpg.Asse*ion (A) : Liquefied crvogenic gases are spravecl on underground elecLric

cables in big cities.Iteason (R) : Liquefied cryogelic gases prevent \^,astage of power.(a) (A) is incorect.tnd (R) is correct.(b) (A) is correct and (lt) is incorrect.(c) Both (A) and (R) are nrcorrect.(d) (A) is correct and (R) suppolt! (A).

$ guqe l urn over

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a1. 6lL1qegllg $"1nrrg $g;oen _ 1gd|r!g1,ngflu9g1Lb gflL.rrg@erg Lo7q

616!@eU!16 $guq$ $peneu

As a rnatter ol convention, an al.rticlockwise mLrmcnt is taken as an.1 a-lo. kri,e r.'ln..nt i. r.rl"rr a:

42. ClLrro5gl6.

(1) u9airar19$g Gerplun@ (er) e.gl LD

(2) 6l einGeu nt r rit (el) Gol ta6l,L

(3) L-0 ei,rgrrrrb (6) gLo(+) id eirpao r u nri 61 (") $lgL rdrr

(-) .916 $ Lu ri

Match the foUL, -jng :

(1) Potential differen.p (u) CoulomLr(2) Lutrent (b) Volt(3) Elechic Charge (.) Ohm(4) Resistoi (d) NIei\.ton

(") Ampere


Clen@ria r.l L.l r@oircn qf pd g:er o,sofl al 0 r n1g.$p ng g6ir@D 561i,r@ r El qtis.(grflu g[rp6i], $il:5leir AgpA, e1eud dteh glpeb, ru9fl ggpen.)kr the list of sources oI energv gi.r,en be1ow, tind out the odd one.(5o1ar energv, Thermal energr', Hvclropon-er, Bion-rass)

Ar'9 ggtlGl6u6ir6rtll6i,r g6$urggrtrlD 2 r-6 ara{ld, 6lordre dr $pdn srriira.Ihe local length ol a concave ]ens is f 1r1. Cal&late the pou.er of the 1ens.

."" LS en dl,-r dlei; $rri;eos e$$aru.lri +-9sDefine Fleming's tefi hand Rule.

43. GenLqur @rrisrocrT 6lruqe.r-8rin 15g @eop


rGeonsri soeoo:un6i +6!r sLDrg :Bg,b 6.""91.+$1o dleingenreouulri _ r61q peoereou:qLb Gla;ainrgt.l'use \,!,ir. is made up of an alloy of u,.hich has high resistance and

melting poini.



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47. ul96np LD0IG!rr66l, Spris;oruorfeop,6lnL,qo(.s,) ,q6in--, c.r&on(+)- Geucineiu Lruei'ru@$gl6up6ir G!6DLir S$p geopeou6 erfl


Observe lhe diagram and fill up the following :

5 7tt0




6fluq : (i)


Note i (i)(n)




deiect oI eve.

lens is used to correct fre defe.t.

Lfl{1o] - III q}( flON - lllr og j6l-lairod : 20 rV..rrl. 20r

eio'6a - I - gtr -o -ig, b a - er!err oSpn gnoing e,Slerrndsqgdgof) en ru afl ria eq Li .

gerGl er n19 ogenre,Slf 6Lb p$5 Lo$ n 6 u ailneeir.

Gpeooruneu @urasorfl eL lrLd errnls.Answer any four questions bv choosing one question from each part.Each question car es five marks-Draw diagrams wherever necessaa,,


u(9F61 -IlPARr-Ioour 6g.f op Guf goirenrri.

(el) ,qp$p gg,E6D.g&O 19:g6i +Or Lonpiraqgrigeir orgri,ra Gerarqu Gpnur$p@ugF et rror-l eo 6uni6i) u r 6r(qgo

€ 6p5G L-6e.- Ur6 bei,i6." Gp-r"ae-g lG56 L.-Ori ,

Kala has delivered a baby.(a) Suggesl the immunization schedule for the baby, in the first six months.(b) What are the diseases that can be curecl as per the schedule ?

prILbLl Cl66b 6,tl6ir eteooreou$ Glpofleunon L:r$greir unsn oooo16 lgfl$gterf orri 9aD.. rib- .rr . )t-u tLr'. ot - I r,rr .r \.rrn fh. l,. p ,t . n-,t. bb. .C rr..g'"m

www.kalvlsolal'eom I glqqLrqo / Turn over

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5780 7q

Lr(99 _ rrl pART_n

50. (sr) sOqgpalleiir er9leo enor ng L(Eornorgl oofl o6clppei parrGupnLoeirqGpgLb seofl r6arndppr ?

leg) sa# ae- 6l6ilsuL L ro eir e _ueua an$ g 1e

(a) Fruit is the product oI fertilization. Is there :m], ftuit which is formed without theact of fertilization ?

(b) Represent the classiJication of fmits in a diagmmmatic sketch.

51. s,fl 6oil-.r errfl Lt l$eltreb Op L,l @ 6 $at Lo u u.tri6Li GleueiseocnLt l rLqu-l e6l @e.

List out the harmful effecLs of burning coal.

uodt -m/ PART-rrr

52. (€r) gGenGrnuq erehpneb ereinen ?

(g) etarsnrGrTir o$$u9efi rueinoerflel elGpg1Lb greirg a,go.

(a) \^&at are Isotopes ?

@) Write any three appiications of Avogarlro's 1ar. ?

53. +616@rd Lr(Dg6)lpffcl alSr@6 $u 6$6D6n6.]sdT urr6)6)r ?

What are the evil eflects oI consumirrg alcohol ?

u(g$l -N/ PART-rv

54. e6Slf rur6iJr - I ein enpeoarsqgoir qGpglrn g$g og51a

Wr_ite any five achieyements of Chandravaan L

wurw*3[YL%11,?[f .?,1T"*

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15 5780


(g) GLoGo zohor lr$eop dai,r@Lb oreorls.

'a1 $ r- ui s9u:@arg(O ) L L.6d;ld grBd) u m neo r.: nsaseoorri gflisat Li.

Redraw the diagram.

This diagram rcpresents

Label the parts of the diaglam.

Mention the p 11.iple used in the device denoted by this dia$am.


( r-r ) @r;o6o9 6i.6p$grd66 6ijr +ll r+u u6DLUEl6l Gleuelu @6lpg ?





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