LJ May - English · te mil sol. The fal pay at te sol soc tic das of Marqu. We sad a me, an te sun...

Le Journal May 2019 Inside the Issue Volume IX As we arrive at the end of yet another remarkable school year, I cannot help but reflect on how much we have accomplished in this short amount of time. Over the past nine months, we have seen the emotional and physical growth of our student body, successfully streamlined communication, introduced new faculty and staff, increased the amount of French-language publications (through Le Journal especially!), sent teachers to professional development seminars, taken our middle schoolers on the trip of a lifetime, fostered relationships with local and international educational institutions, launched the M.E.R.C.I. Beaucoup and Annual Giving campaigns (still time to give!), broken ground on the Center for Arts & Athletics, reached 100% parent participation between Fête Française and Soirée, strengthened the bond of Board and Administration, and so much more! Although my time as Head of School at Ecole Bilingue is coming to an end, I will continue with admiration to track the growth and amazing developments that I know you all will achieve - and, of course, you know I will be back to visit! I am infinitely proud of, humbled by, and indebted to this school. Check out Page 02 for a look ahead at the newest additions to our Senior Leadership Team. With each new year comes change, and though we are sad to see our colleagues go, we are excited to welcome new members of the EB-fam! A MESSAGE FROM PAULINE DIDES The end of the school year is always a very busy time, filled with outdoor activities, huge celebrations, and school-wide gatherings. Scroll through the following pages to see how EB is going out with a bang! On one of the most beautiful islands of the world, our middle schoolers took a trip to discover French heritage and local lifestyle. Learn more about their time in Martinique, positioned in the Caribbean Sea, on Page 03!

Transcript of LJ May - English · te mil sol. The fal pay at te sol soc tic das of Marqu. We sad a me, an te sun...

Page 1: LJ May - English · te mil sol. The fal pay at te sol soc tic das of Marqu. We sad a me, an te sun go to ha ot a bi. Mon, May 13t Mon we we to Suz-Ros Césa Mid Sco, an te ki di a

Le Journal M a y 2 0 1 9

I n s i d e t h e I s s u e

La f in d 'annéeMart in ique

V o l u m e I X

As we arrive at the end of yet another remarkable school year, I cannot help but reflecton how much we have accomplished in this short amount of time. Over the past ninemonths, we have seen the emotional and physical growth of our student body,successfully streamlined communication, introduced new faculty and staff, increasedthe amount of French-language publications (through Le Journal especially!), sentteachers to professional development seminars, taken our middle schoolers on the tripof a lifetime, fostered relationships with local and international educationalinstitutions, launched the M.E.R.C.I. Beaucoup and Annual Giving campaigns (still timeto give!), broken ground on the Center for Arts & Athletics, reached 100% parentparticipation between Fête Française and Soirée, strengthened the bond of Board andAdministration, and so much more! Although my time as Head of School at EcoleBilingue is coming to an end, I will continue with admiration to track the growth andamazing developments that I know you all will achieve - and, of course, you know I willbe back to visit! I am infinitely proud of, humbled by, and indebted to this school.

Check out Page 02 for a look aheadat the newest additions to our

Senior Leadership Team. With eachnew year comes change, and thoughwe are sad to see our colleagues go,

we are excited to welcome newmembers of the EB-fam!

A look ahead


The end of the school year isalways a very busy time, filled with

outdoor activities, hugecelebrations, and school-widegatherings. Scroll through thefollowing pages to see how EB

is going out with a bang!

Chef d'établissement, 2009 -2019

On one of the most beautifulislands of the world, our middleschoolers took a trip to discover

French heritage and local lifestyle.Learn more about their time inMartinique, positioned in theCaribbean Sea, on Page 03!

Page 2: LJ May - English · te mil sol. The fal pay at te sol soc tic das of Marqu. We sad a me, an te sun go to ha ot a bi. Mon, May 13t Mon we we to Suz-Ros Césa Mid Sco, an te ki di a

L'année prochaine

say bonjour to the newest members of our senior leadership team:

M a y 2 0 1 9 P a g e 0 3

Madame Ann François, Preschool Academic DirectorMrs. François is a dual citizen of France and Belgium. Her career in earlychildhood language education began over twenty years ago when sheserved as a French Immersion and Speech Language DevelopmentTeacher at the Ecole Maternelle de Berchem-Sainte-Agathe in Brussels,Belgium. Since moving to the United States in 2009, Mrs. François hascontinued to develop her career in foreign language education, havingserved as the French Academic Director at Audubon Charter School forthe past four years and preceding that position as  Assistant to the Directorof the Language Program at LSU. Throughout her experience ineducation, Mrs. François has cultivated her expertise in the fields ofacademic leadership, community development, and foreign languagespecifically as each pertains to French education. We all feel extremelyconfident in Mrs. François' superb pedagogical and administrative skills,and the many ways in which her background and passion will promoteexcellence in the Maternelle division at Ecole Bilingue Monsieur Benoît Forner, Elementary and Middle School AcademicDirectorMr. Forner possesses a range of diversified skills, experiences, and rolesthat make him the ideal candidate to lead this division of Ecole Bilingue.He holds a Degree in Education and Certification in Special Education(CAPASH) from the University of Besançon in France, and is currently inthe process of obtaining his Master of Education in EducationalLeadership from University of New Orleans. Beyond academics, Mr.Forner has shown considerable accomplishments in regards to athletics aswell, having started and maintained a co-ed soccer team at Edward HynesCharter School, where he has been serving as a French Team Leader forthe past five years. He believes in a strong, professional learningcommunity as a hallmark of a successful educational enterprise, and increating a milieu in which both parents and teachers are working towardcommonly held goals. We feel strongly that Mr. Forner will help us moveforward in the school's strategic initiatives and secure the future of ourElementary and Middle School divisions. Mrs. Ashley Manolakis, Director of AdvancementAshley Manolakis joined us this week as the new Director ofAdvancement, and we are looking forward to the knowledge andexperience she brings to the school. Ashley holds a Degree in InternationalBusiness from Samford University and served as the manager of the EastJefferson General Hospital Foundation for the past six years. Her rolethere consisted of annual giving, event planning, grants, and capitalcampaign management. Prior to her time at the Foundation, Ashleyworked for seven years in higher education in fundraising, marketing, andcommunity relations. Her combination of experience in fundraising,events, and marketing will be an asset to our organization and continue toguide us down the path of success in our fundraising and developmentefforts. Please join us in welcoming Ann, Benoît, and Ashley to our seniorleadership team!

Page 3: LJ May - English · te mil sol. The fal pay at te sol soc tic das of Marqu. We sad a me, an te sun go to ha ot a bi. Mon, May 13t Mon we we to Suz-Ros Césa Mid Sco, an te ki di a

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Tu�s���, May 14t�Wha� a mo���n�! We we�� s�o�k����g in t�o g�o��s. We sa� se� cu���b���, se� ur���n�, t�o��c��fi��, gi��� s�a�f��� an� co��� re��. Whi�� e�c� g�o�� wa���� to s�o�k��, t�e� ha� a s�i��c� c�a�son t�e is���d. An� t�e� t�e� de����ed t�e�� lu��h... Thi� af���n�o�, we we�� to Hab����i�nCle���t, a fo���r p�a�t���o� wi�� an an����e di���l���y on t�e g�o��d�. It no� fu��t���� as t�ece���r of p�o��c��o� fo� Rhu� Cle���t, an� t�e�� is al�� a s�u�p���� ga���n, a ga���r�, a hi���r��ho��, an� a mu���� ex����ni�� t�e hi���r� of t�e su��� an� ru� in���t�� in Mar����qu�. We go�a to�� f�o� Thi���� Hon���x, w�o is t�e Dir����r of Pro���t�o� fo� Rhu� Cle���t an� t�efa���r of t�e fa���y t�a� is ho���n� Ede� an� Isa���.

Wed���d��, May 15t�Thi� af���n�o�, t�e ki�� s�e�t so�� ti�� wi�� t�e�� ho�� fa����es. Som� to�� t�e s�u�t�� to For�de Fra��� to s�o�, so�� we�� to an aq���i� pa�� an� ot���s we�� to se� se� tu��l��! Thu��d��, May 16t�We s�e�t t�e mo���n� at t�e Cen��� de Déco����te de� Sci����s et de la Ter�� (Dis����r� Cen���of Ear�� an� Sci����s) in Sa�n�-Pi�r��. The to�� be��� wi�� a vi����g of t�e do����n�a�y,"Vol����es of t�e Car����an," an� t�e� t�e s�u��n�� ex���r�� t�e mu����'s ar����c�� ex����te�f�o� t�e 1902 vo���n�� er����on of Mt. Pelée. The� al�� vi����d an in����c�i�� s�i��c� ex����t.

Fri���, May 17t�Our s�u��n�� s�e�t t�e mo���n� at t�e mi��l� s��o�l ag��� to���, al� of t�e� in di���r��� c�a�s�� int�e�� g�a��s (ar�, te��n����y, ma��, Fre��h, Spa���h, s�i��c�, s�o�t�). Dav� an� Owe� ev��pa���c��a��d in a s�o�t� c�a�s t�a� ha� t�e�� mo���n� s�i�g t�a���n� at t�e be���! The� t�e� at�lu��h at s��o�l. Af�e� lu��h, we vi����d t�e Musée de la Pagéri� wi�� Mar����qu��� s�u��n�� f�o�t�e mi��l� s��o�l. The fa����l� pa��y at t�e s��o�l s�o�c���� t��ic�� da���s of Mar����qu�. Wes�a��d a me��, an� t�e s�u��n�� go� to ha�� o�t a bi�.

Mon���, May 13t� Mon��� we we�� to Suz����-Ro�s�� Césa��� Mid��� Sc�o��, an� t�e ki�� di� a "s�e�� da���g"ac����t� in bo�� Fre��h an� En��is� at t�e we���m� b�e��f���. The� we�� ne����s at fi��t bu�t�e� wa���d up. Sc�o�� s�a�t� at 7:20 so wa�� up ti�� fo� mo�� wa� be����n 5:45 an� 6 (4:45New Or�e��s ti��). Som� of t�e� to�� t�e bu� wi�� t�e�� ho�� si���n�� to s��o�l. Al� ar����,g�e�� ex����en��� on t�e�� fi��t da� at s��o�l. Af�e� a mo���n� at t�e s��o�l, we vi����d ap�a�t���o� ca���d "La sa���� de� es���v��." The ki�� le����d ab��� in����no�� pe���� an� s�a��r� inMar����qu�, bu� al�� ab��� t�e us� of me����na� p�a�t�. The� s�u��n�� we�� ba�� to t�e s��o�l toha�� lu��h in t�e ca����ri� wi�� t�e�� pe��� f�o� Mar����qu�.

Mar����qu�, May 2019

Wri���n us��� ex���p�� f�o� c�a��r��e�Mme. Ani��� Taz�, Ms. Cy��hi� Gar��,

an� Mr. Tho��� Bre���

Sat����y, May 18t�Bef��� de���t��� fo� t�e a�r���t, we we�� to Pot���y Tro�� Ile�� fo� a c�a�s. The� s�u��n�� ha� afi��� fa����l� lu��h wi�� t�e�� fa����es. Eve�� ex����en�� in Mar����qu� wa� in���d���e, an� weca�'t wa�� to re���n t�e ho���t��i�y w�e� o�r Mar����qu��� pe��� vi��� us ne�� ye�� in N.O.!

Page 4: LJ May - English · te mil sol. The fal pay at te sol soc tic das of Marqu. We sad a me, an te sun go to ha ot a bi. Mon, May 13t Mon we we to Suz-Ros Césa Mid Sco, an te ki di a

M a y 2 0 1 9 P a g e 0 4

G I V E N O L A D A Y 2 0 1 9


la fin d'année


G R A D U A T I O N 2 0 1 9


A D A YWow, amazing concert held at Peaches Records this month!! Un grandmerci to Jeanne Jaubert and Lionel Bourau-Glisia for organizing theevent; to EB-parents and staff Vance Woolf, Marcello Benetti, Bashar Kellow, and Andr-ew Landry for playing with us; and finally, to our wonderful students for putting on quite the show! After the cello club played a few pieces, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders took the stage to perform with EB parents for an all around great show! Merci bien toall performers and attendees!

Earlier this month, our third and fifth grade students were invited toparticipate in the New Orleans International School Olympics, whichtook place in Audubon Park. Over the span of a few days, our students competed against their peers from Audubon Charter School, Lycée Français, and the International School of Louisiana in various athletic competitions, races, throws, and more. Our students were great competitors and everyone had a blast!Shoutout to our super teacher chaperoneswho made this event possible!

WE DID IT!! We reached our goal of $20,000 on #GiveNOLADay,and then some, with a total of $20,501 raised for the school. Onbehalf of the students and teachers at Ecole Bilingue, we'd like to extend a heartfelt "Merci Beaucoup!" to the 132 donors who chipped in to help us reach this goal. Our school is truly lucky to have such a gener-ous and dedicated community. We are so proud to be on the list of the top schools in the city. THANK YOU to all participants!

School auctions (Soirée and FêteFrançaise) mean the opportunity tobid on "Principal for a Day," when

your child gets to spend a day in thelife of Madame Pauline. This spring,our winner was Varenka Zhuk, and

both she and Madame Pauline agreedthat they spent a wonderful and

engaging day together. Varenka notedthat her favorite times were carpool -

because it was exciting to greet herfriends at the start of a bright newschool day - and lunch time, for

getting to spend one-on-one timewith Madame Pauline (and eat pizza!).

Last week, we celebrated the end ofthe school year with school-wideperformances by each class!! Thestudents have been working on

curating their individual dances,songs, and CIRCUS acts for months,

and their dedication definitelyshowed. Maternelle students danced

and sang on stage, while the olderstudents showed off their acrobatic

and comedic skills through anelaborate circus routine.

Safe to say we were all thoroughlyimpressed! Merci beaucoup to all the

parents who came out to watch!Félicitations to the 2019 fifth grade class for completing elementaryschool and launching into their middle school careers! We are soproud of these students for all that they have accomplished already (academia,athletics, theater, extracurriculars!), andcannot wait to see the bright future thatlies ahead for this incredibly talented,hard-working, and unique group ofchildren. Congratulations to the Class of2019 (please check the May 29th SchoolNewsletter for a full list of graduates).