Living Word Magazine March 2015

Streams of living water will flow from deep within the person who believes in me. (John 7:38 GW)


The free Bible study magazine for those wishing to go deeper into God's word. This month's studies from Reinhard Bonnke, Mathew Bartlett, Daniel Kolenda and more!

Transcript of Living Word Magazine March 2015

Page 1: Living Word Magazine March 2015

Streams of living water will flow from deep within the person who believes in me. (John 7:38 GW)

Page 2: Living Word Magazine March 2015


In this issue:

4. Alert, Prayer Battalions! Edwin & Lillian Harvey (USA)

5. United with Him in His Resurrection Ken Legg (Australia)

6. The Returning Lord (Part 3) Reinhard Bonnke (CfaN)

9. The Poison of Unbelief Daniel Kolenda (CfaN)

10. Faith-builders Bible Study Luke 1:39-56 Derek Williams (UK)

12. In Depth Study – Zechariah 8 Mathew Bartlett (UK)

15. Andrew Brother of Peter Haydn O. Williams (UK)

17. Shirley’s Encounter Bible Studies Online

19. This Month’s Featured Book Ken Bailey (UK)

Back: Britain’s’ Cheapest Gospel Tracts Bible Studies Online

Living Word is published in the UK by Sharon Full Gospel Church, 7 Park View, Freeholdland Road, Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, NP4 8LP Editor: Mathew Bartlett

©Photos - above: Marcin Winnicki. Cover: © Daveallenphoto. Left from top: Elultimodeseo, James Steidl, Dvest, Jacob Gregory. Facing: © Amandee Back Cover: © A. J. Cotton

Page 3: Living Word Magazine March 2015


Faithbuilders Bible Study Guide – Mark

Paperback £5.20

Kindle £1.28

The Prophet of Messiah: Zechariah

Paperback £3.93

Kindle £3.73

The Blessings of God’s Grace

Paperback £4.56

Kindle £1.14

Jubilant Jeremy Johnson (CHILDRENS)

Paperback £3.99

Kindle £2.54

Non-profit Christian books

The Donkey Boy – Tales from the Life of Jesus (CHILDRENS)

Paperback £3.83

Kindle £2.54

The Pentecostal Bible Commentary Series:

1 Corinthians

Paperback £7.60

Kindle £1.90

The Prophecy of Amos

Paperback £4.56

Kindle £1.90

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Paperback £6.95

Kindle £0.77

Prices may vary

Page 4: Living Word Magazine March 2015


An extract from ”Kneeling We Triumph” by Edwin & Lillian Harvey BUY ON KINDLE! £3.86 Reproduced by kind

permission of Harvey Publishers. Image© Elultimodeseo

For the weapons of our warfare

are not carnal, but mighty

through God to the pulling

down of strong holds (2 Cor.


Thou comest to me with a

sword, and with a spear, and

with a shield: but I come to thee

in the name of the LORD of

hosts (1 Sam. 17:45).

Prayer is the final armament.

Prayer is the all-inclusive strategy of


Prayer is the ultimate weapon of

God’s people.

Prayer is to be persevered in.

Prayer is to be watchfully engaged

in day and night.

The prayer battalions are to be ever

on the alert. They are to be ever

active. God’s army is to pray always

with every form of spiritual prayer.

They are to use the sword of the

Spirit and to pray in the Spirit.

Prayer in the Spirit will obtain the

strategy of the Spirit, His divine

guidance for our spiritual warfare.

Prayer in the Spirit is to arm every

warrior for God. Every Christian is

to share in the prayer battle. The

Spirit may guide in various spiritual

forms of battle but prayer is the

constant, all-inclusive, all-

conquering, form of battle.

“Praying always with all prayer and

supplication” is the message of God

(Eph. 6:18). Prayer is a form of

spiritual bombing to saturate any

area before God’s army of

witnesses begin their advance.

Prayer is the barrage to drive back

the demon hosts which are

determined to stop the triumph of


Prayer is the invincible force to

break down every opposing wall, to

open every iron gate and every fast-

closed door.

Prayer penetrates every curtain of

darkness. Prayer crumbles every

bastion of darkness. Prayer

demolishes every fortress of hell.

Prayer is the all-conquering,

invincible weapon of the army of

God. Therefore Jesus, our victorious

Captain, lives to intercede.—Dr.

Wesley Duewel.

Satan’s weapons have been hung

up in derision on the cross of

Calvary and Satan himself put on

exhibition there like the brazen

serpent of old, as a mere empty,

fangless thing, as powerless to harm

as that metal figure hung up in the

wilderness of Sinai.

Beloved, are you thus treating your

spiritual enemy in the light of the

cross of Calvary, or are you letting

the mighty victory of the Captain of

your salvation go for naught? . . .

God wants men and women today

on whom He can depend, to stand

as bulwarks and battlements

against the shocks of hell’s

artillery—men and women of whom

He can say, “Upon this rock have I

built my church, and the gates of

hell shall not prevail against it.”

Shall we, beloved, be not only

conquerors, but trusted soldiers

whom God can use as His battle-

axes and His weapons of war, as His

mighty iron-clads, to carry the

battle to the very ships of the

enemy, not fearing their hardest

blows and hurling against them the

thunderbolts of His victorious

power?—A. B. Simpson.

Alert, Prayer Battalions!

Stand back!

The workman moves a

lever, and

The wrecker’s swinging


Thuds on old halls.

Debris cascades In

bludgeoned heaps,

The wall is down.

Stand back!

With prayer

The workman puts his


On levers that direct

Power tools

For other shatterings.

Other walls go down.

Stand back and kneel!

—Elva McAllaster

Page 5: Living Word Magazine March 2015


When United with Christ in His

resurrection, Christians live by

grace. Grace is all about what

God has done for us and is doing

in and through us by His Spirit.

Legalism nullifies grace by

making it all about what we

attempt to do for Him, thus

subtly promoting reliance upon

the flesh.

It was no different in the days of

the New Testament. For

example, the Galatians fell into

this error and Paul said to them,

‘Are you so foolish? Having

begun in the Spirit, are you now

being made perfect by the

flesh?’ (Gal. 3:3). This is why it is

so important for Christians to be

clear about the doctrine of their

union with Christ. In the last

chapter we saw that our

salvation is certain because we

were baptised into His death.

Our judgement has taken place

at the cross. Not only did Jesus

die for us but we died with Him.

The old condemned person we

were in Adam has been

crucified. Sadly, many stop

there. But Paul says, ‘For if we

have been united together in the

likeness of His death, certainly

we also shall be in the likeness

of His resurrection’ (Rom.6:5).

Having died with Christ, we

have been raised with Him as a

new creation. He is now our life.

‘I have been crucified with

Christ; it is no longer I who live,

but Christ lives in me’ (Gal.2:20).

As Paul said, if we have been

united with Christ in His death,

we shall also be united with Him

in His resurrection.

If we believe the first statement

is true, then let us believe the

second is true also. Through the

finality of the cross we are

forever reconciled to God.

By means of our union with

Christ in His resurrection, we are

empowered for life and

godliness. ‘And this is the

testimony: that God has given us

eternal life, and this life is in His

Son. He who has the Son has life;

he who does not have the Son of

God does not have life’ (1


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United with Him in His Resurrection By Ken Legg

Image © James Steidl

Image © Bernard Dunne

Page 6: Living Word Magazine March 2015


In this Bible study I would like to

share four aspects with you. The

Bible tells us that these are,

amongst others, signs of the

impending return of Jesus.

1. All things will continue as

they were from the beginning.

The disciples asked Jesus what

these signs would be. He warned

them not to consider disasters

as such since they would always

come – wars, rumors of war,

nation against nation,

earthquakes, and famines. Life

would be normal not abnormal –

people marrying, eating,

drinking, sleeping, or working.

All these things would go on

right up to the day of His

coming, just as they have to this


2. Jesus especially emphasized

that there would be false

prophets, false teachers, and

false messiahs.

Scripture speaks of the

Antichrist. Deceivers have

always been an active part of

this evil world. History is largely

made up of such individuals,

who use the truth in a distorted

misinterpretation for their

sinister aims. Their satanic

character has been constantly

evident by their wickedness

carried out blasphemously in the

name of God. Wholesale

murder, (which is the

contradiction of goodness),

became a pious act as an

offering to God. The persecution

of good men and women stains

the pages of history with their


The 19th century saw an

extension of errors. In the West,

aggressive anti-Christian forces,

calling themselves ‘liberal’,

arose. Thousands of churches

have become sources of

unbelief, preaching against the

Word of God, denying the power

of God. Atheism, with its many

unpleasant faces, is now

rampant. Superstitions have

taken deep root while the truth

is suppressed. The horoscope

has been edited in, and the Bible

edited out. Spiritist, paranormal,

pantheistic, and mind-power

cults have multiplied by the

hundreds. Others claim the to be

Christians yet deny every

Christian truth, such as the

Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses,

and the Moonies. All of them

“deceiving and being deceived”

as Jesus said.

The ground is well prepared for

any kind of Anti-Christ. He can

take into his system every

Christ-denying cult, every man-

made religion, and shape them

into a single universal anti-

Christian organization complete

with false miracles, signs, and

wonders. Everything is ready.

3. A revived Israel

In chapters 43 and 44 of Isaiah’s

prophecy, Israel’s future is

foretold. “I will gather you from

the west; I will say to the north,

‘Give them up!’ And to the south,

‘Do not keep them back!’” Then

it says “You are My witnesses,”

says the LORD.

Those who now put their trust in

the Son of God, Jesus Christ, are

also ‘chosen’, as Israel was

chosen. Jesus said “you did not

choose Me, but I chose you (John

15:16), and you shall be

witnesses to Me” (Acts 1:8). Jews

are witnesses to the Lord

(Jahveh or Jehovah), and

Christians are witnesses to

Christ, but both together

become a sign of the times.

The Returning Lord (Part 3) by Reinhard Bonnke Image © Grace21

Page 7: Living Word Magazine March 2015


Jesus described it in this parable:

Now learn this parable from the

fig tree: When its branch has

already become tender and puts

forth leaves, you know that

summer is near. So you also,

when you see all these things,

know that it is near – at the

doors! (Matthew 24:32-33). We

see today the fig tree beginning

to show the signs of the coming

summer of God. God has

brought about what He said.

Israel is now a nation in its own

right, and in its own homeland.

4. A revived Church

Then Isaiah foreshadows the

sign of a revived Church in

chapter 44 verse 3

“I will pour water on him who is

thirsty, and floods on the dry

ground; I will pour My Spirit on

your descendants, and My

blessing on your offspring.” The

promised outpouring of the

supernatural blessing of the

Spirit of God is, according to

Scripture, characteristic of the

last days, when Israel is re-

gathered. Joel chapter 2

describes the presence of Israel

back in her homeland with the

land once more changed from a

desert to fertility. Then we read:

“Then you shall know that I am

in the midst of Israel: I am the

LORD your God and there is no

other. My people shall never be

put to shame. And it shall come

to pass afterward that I will pour

out My Spirit on all flesh; Your

sons and your daughters shall

prophesy, your old men shall

dream dreams, your young men

shall see visions. And also on My

menservants and on My

maidservants I will pour out My

Spirit in those days” (Joel 2:27-


This special outpouring began on

the Day of Pentecost. Peter

declared “this is what was

spoken by the prophet Joel.” At

the beginning of the 20th

century, the last century of the

second millennium, these two

things began to happen together

– Israel becoming a gathered

nation again, and the same

wonders as on the day of

Pentecost taking place, with

ordinary people speaking with

tongues and prophesying. There

has been enormous world-wide

development abundantly

fulfilling God’s promise.

The Church in the twentieth

century has seen its greatest

world-penetration since this

outpouring of the Holy Spirit in

signs and wonders. At present

reckoning about one in every ten

people on earth has been

touched by the Christian

Charismatic-Pentecostal revival.

Jesus said that “this gospel of

the kingdom will be preached in

all the world as a witness to all

the nations, and then the end

will come” (Matthew 24:14). At

that time, it seemed only a

laughable hope, but today it is

close to realization. With it has

come the greatest witness to

Christ, and also the greatest

bloodbath of Christian suffering

and martyrdom of all time. It is

the satanic testimony to the

nearness of Christ’s return. He

sees the signs of the times and

that, with the coming of Christ,

his freedom is coming to an end.

This tremendous twin sign of

Israel and the Church is put in a

nutshell in the book of James.

“Therefore be patient, brethren,

until the coming of the Lord. See

how the farmer waits for the

precious fruit of the earth,

waiting patiently for it until it

receives the early and latter

rain. You also be patient.

Establish your hearts, for the

coming of the Lord is at hand”

(James 5:7-8).

The reference to early and latter

rains relates to the rains of the

Holy Spirit (Joel 2:23). In Israel,

the early rain fell in September,

and the latter rain between

December and May, with no rain

from June to August. The two

seasons of rain are those of the

early church, and of the times

immediately prior to the end

before God puts in the sickle,

with a dry season during those

middle centuries. The latter

rains fill out the seedlings and

produce the final crop. This is

the harvest that Christ is coming

to gather. He will harvest the

world. John the Baptist, the last

of the great prophets of Israel

said of Christ: “He will

thoroughly clean out His

threshing floor, and gather His

wheat into the barn; but He will

burn up the chaff with

unquenchable fire” (Matt. 3:12).

Page 8: Living Word Magazine March 2015


But what does this mean for us?

Apart from these signs, life on

our planet will proceed as usual.

Jesus made this very ‘normality’

a sign in itself. He said:

“But as the days of Noah were,

so also will the coming of the

Son of Man be. For as in the days

before the flood, they were

eating and drinking, marrying

and giving in marriage, until the

day that Noah entered the ark,

and did not know until the flood

came and took them all away, so

also will the coming of the Son of

Man be” (Matthew 24:37-39).

Jesus also compared the last

days with the last days of Sodom

and Gomorrah: “Likewise as it

was also in the days of Lot: They

ate, they drank, they bought,

they sold, they planted, they

built; but on the day that Lot

went out of Sodom it rained fire

and brimstone from heaven and

destroyed them all. Even so will

it be in the day when the Son of

Man is revealed” (Luke 17:28-

30). This double reference by

Jesus to eating and drinking

seems to be based on another


“Look, this was the iniquity of

your sister Sodom: She and her

daughter had pride, fullness of

food, and abundance of idleness;

neither did she strengthen the

hand of the poor and needy. And

they were haughty and

committed abomination before

Me; therefore I took them away

as I saw fit” (Ezekiel 16:49-50).

Such words could be a perfect

description of the world today.

Pride has exalted human

thought above the Word of God.

Never has there been such

fullness of food - material

affluence and satisfaction.

Leisure pursuits are multiplied

into major preoccupations. This

age has twisted them all into

abnormal interests, and even

perversions, as a means of

pushing God out of life.

God will not tolerate it forever.

In the days of Noah, God waited

120 years. In the days of Sodom,

they had years of witness by Lot

and Abraham. The coming of

Christ will mean great tribulation

for the godless, the Christ-

rejecters, and even the plain

indifferent. For the believer it

means glory. Christ will gather

together His elect, the dead and

the living, from the four corners

of the earth, to be with Him


In this intellectual and arrogant

age, our Gospel message

becomes again the same as Paul

preached in Athens: “

commands all men everywhere

to repent, because He has

appointed a day on which He will

judge the world in righteousness

by the Man whom He has

ordained. He has given

assurance of this to all by raising

Him from the dead” (Acts 17:30-


What now?

Do you know this Coming One?

Are you prepared to meet Him

now? You will certainly meet

Him one day. The Bible tells you

to repent – in other words, to

stop loving and practicing sin.

You cannot do this on your own,

only God can enable you to turn

to Him and away from sin. If you

are not a believer in the Lord

Jesus Christ, the Coming One,

yet know that you should be,

then say the following prayer

and you will be prepared to

meet him.

Dear heavenly Father,

I come to you in the name of

Jesus Christ.

I come with all my sins, burdens,

and addictions.

Wash me now with the precious

blood of Jesus shed on Calvary.

Break the chains of sin and Satan

in my life and family.

Mark me with your precious

blood. I want to be yours, spirit,

soul, and body, for my time on

earth and in eternity.

I put my faith in you alone, Lord

Jesus Christ. You are the Son of

the Living God.

I believe with my heart what I

now confess with my mouth:

You are my Savior, Lord, and


Now I am born again – a child of

God. I believe it and receive it in

the name of Jesus.


Article reproduced

with kind permission

of Christ for all


Page 9: Living Word Magazine March 2015


As we discussed earlier, one of the

characteristics of God’s will is that

God calls us to do the impossible!

But to face the impossible requires

faith. Satan knows that if he can

inject unbelief into our spirits, he

can effectively rob us of God’s best

for our lives. For this reason

unbelief is a deadly enemy of God’s

plan for your life.

I think many of God’s people don’t

realize how sinister and dangerous

unbelief is. Many pious and self-

righteous Christians look down

their religious noses at people

committing other, more visible

sins. They criticize them sharply

without realizing that the unbelief

they harbor in their hearts, and in

some cases enshrine in their

doctrines, is more wicked in God’s

sight than the sins they are


Jesus rebuked His disciples for

unbelief more than any other

thing. The reason unbelief is so

dangerous is that not only is it a sin

in itself, but it also can be a

gateway for other sins as well.

There have been many wonderful

books written and many powerful

sermons preached about faith.

Indeed, faith is the currency of

God’s kingdom, and without faith it

is impossible to please God (Heb.

11:6). However, I think many

people have a basic

misunderstanding about faith.

They pray and seek more and more

faith. But what if I told you that

you already have plenty of faith?

The problem is not that you have

too little faith; the problem is

something else. What if I told you

that your faith is already enough to

move mountains? Many people

will find this hard to accept, but it

is very biblical.

In Mark 9:24 a man said to Jesus, “I

do believe; help me overcome my

unbelief!” (NIV). Notice that he

didn’t ask Jesus to give him more

faith. In fact, he said, “I do

believe.” This man recognized that

the problem was not too little faith

but too much unbelief! Perhaps

you don’t see the distinction I am

making here. Some people think

unbelief simply means “no faith.”

But it is possible to be an

unbelieving believer. In other

words, faith and unbelief could be

present at the same time. Faith has

the potential to move mountains,

but unbelief will nullify the power

of faith. Let me explain it like this.

When my wife was still in Bible

college, her father bought her a

very special gift: a car! It was a

brand-new, silver diesel

Volkswagen Jetta. It was a

wonderful car that served us well

for a long time. One day she lent

the car to a friend. On his way to

return the car to us, as a courtesy

he decided to refill the fuel he had

used. He pulled into the gas

station, inserted his credit card,

opened the cap of the gas tank,

and began to fill it—with gasoline!

How he missed the bold red

warning on the tank that said to


never know. But one thing is

certain; his little mistake was costly

for us and devastating for the


After the gasoline was added, the

vehicle would no longer run. It’s

not that there was too little diesel

in the tank. The problem was the

injection of a substance that was

incompatible with the vehicle’s

design. This is exactly how unbelief

works. The devil wants to inject

unbelief into our spirits because he

knows it will bring us to a

screeching halt.

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, “If ye

have faith as a grain of mustard

seed, ye shall say unto this

mountain, Remove hence to

yonder place; and it shall remove;

and nothing shall be impossible

unto you.” The mustard seed is the

smallest of all seeds. Some would

conclude that if faith as a grain of

mustard seed can move

mountains, then they must not

have any faith at all, because so far

they have been unable to move

even a thimble. However, Romans

12:3 says God has given everyone a

measure of faith.

The Poison of Unbelief Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda (CfaN) Photo: © Ellah

By kind permission of CfaN, an extract from Daniel’s new book-

Live before you die. £9.99 BUY NOW.

Page 10: Living Word Magazine March 2015


The ‘Faith-builders Bible study series’ has been developed a useful resource for today’s students of God’s Word and their busy lifestyles.

Pastors, home or study group leaders and indeed for anyone wishing to study the Bible for themselves will benefit from using Faith-builders studies.

Each volume is the result of many years of group Bible study, and has been revised again and again to be relevant, challenging and faith building whilst remaining clear and easy to understand.

Each chapter has thought provoking questions to aid study and sample answers are provided.

Below is an extract from the study notes for Luke 1:39-56


Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

1:39-40 In those days Mary got up

and went hurriedly into the hill

country, to a town of Judah, and

entered Zechariah's house and

greeted Elizabeth.

After the angel Gabriel had

departed from Mary she

immediately set out on her journey

to visit Elizabeth who lived in the

mountainous area of Judea. On

entering the house of Zacharias her

greeting to Elizabeth had a startling


1:41 When Elizabeth heard Mary's

greeting, the baby leaped in her

womb, and Elizabeth was filled with

the Holy Spirit.

As soon as Elizabeth heard the

greeting the baby leaped in her

womb at the voice of Mary who had

now conceived the Messiah.

Elizabeth herself was filled with the

Holy Spirit; presumably because the

child in her womb had been filled

(John 1:15).

1:42-43 She exclaimed with a loud

voice, "Blessed are you among

women, and blessed is the child in

your womb! And who am I that the

mother of my Lord should come and

visit me?

Under this anointing of the Holy

Spirit Elizabeth pronounces her

benediction on Mary, that she was

the most highly honoured among

women to be the mother of the

blessed baby in her womb. It

seemed incredible to Elizabeth that

she should share in the privilege

accorded to Mary; that the woman

whom God had chosen to bear His

Son should visit her. Elizabeth

acknowledges that the child that

Mary carries is her Lord.

1:44 For the instant the sound of

your greeting reached my ears, the

baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Elizabeth mentions that she knew

Mary was the mother of her Lord

because her baby had jumped for

joy within her. Remember, John’s

parents had already been told that

he would be filled with the Holy

Spirit in his mother’s womb.

1:45 And blessed is she who

believed that what was spoken to

her by the Lord would be fulfilled."

Concluding her benediction,

Elizabeth notes that Mary is greatly

blessed because she had believed

The Faith-builders Bible study series

Luke Chapter 1:39-56 By Derek Williams & Mathew Bartlett (UK) Image © Rorem

Mark Chapter 2 (abstract) By Derek Williams & Mathew Bartlett (UK) Image © Rorem

Page 11: Living Word Magazine March 2015


what the Lord had spoken to her,

and his promise would be fulfilled.

It is perhaps noteworthy that in

Luke’s narrative Mary had not (so

far as we can see) yet told Elizabeth

about her encounter with Gabriel,

giving us the impression that

Elizabeth knew the facts of that

meeting by the inspiration of the


Mary's Song of Praise

1:46-47 And Mary said, "My soul

exalts the Lord, and my spirit has

begun to rejoice in God my Savior."

Mary responded with the words

‘My soul magnifies the Lord and my

spirit rejoices in God my Saviour’

which reveal that she was

completely taken up with God at

this time of divine influence in her

life. She acknowledges God as her

Saviour; although at this time she

may not have understood this word

in the sense Christians have since

come to use it.

1:48-49 Because he has looked upon

the humble state of his servant. For

from now on all generations will call

me blessed. Because he who is

mighty has done great things for

me, and holy is his name.

The salvation Mary speaks of seems

to be a reference to how God had

chosen her, a woman of low

position, for an important task. In

the natural Mary may have had very

little to rejoice in God about – but

now that he had blessed her, she

could not stop rejoicing and


And what a way to be blessed - to

bring forth God’s Son, the Saviour

of the world; which is why all

generations would call her blessed

(not a reference to her position but

her privilege). It would not be

because of who she is or what she

had done that people would call her

blessed, but because of what God

whose name is holy has done for


1:50 From generation to generation

he is merciful to those who fear him.

Mary knew that she was not alone

in being a recipient of God’s mercy.

Throughout all time, God shows his

compassion and kindness to all

those who fear Him; who listen with

tender hearts to believe and obey

his word, as Mary had done.

Through the child Mary would bear,

God would reveal his love and

mercy for the whole world.

1:51-52 He has demonstrated

power with his arm; he has

scattered those whose pride wells

up from the sheer arrogance of their

hearts. He has brought down the

mighty from their thrones, and has

lifted up those of lowly position.

There is nothing God cannot do,

and when he reached out his hand

to do something by his mighty

power, because he has willed to do

it, there is no one who can stop

him. The actions of God scatter and

humiliate the haughty in spirit, for

they do not have the control over

their lives which they had thought –

their every breath is in the hand of

God. Mary exults in that God had

not chosen some rich and powerful

princess to bear his son, but an

ordinary, poor and hard-working


It is in the nature of the majestically

exalted and yet lowly-hearted God

to overthrow mighty kings and

instead to lift up the humble (Isaiah

57:15, 66:2; 1 Peter 5:6), supremely

by his action of sending his only

begotten son into the world, not to

a palace but into a lowly family

from Nazareth; into the arms of


1:53 He has filled the hungry with

good things, and has sent the rich

away empty.

Those who are full do not look to be

filled, and the people who consider

they have enough do not receive

from God. The poor however know

that they are in need and are ready

to receive. God gives the hungry

good food, the kind that is spiritual

and eternal (Psa. 34:10 and Psa.

107:8-9) but has sent the rich and

complacent away with empty


1:54-55 He has helped his servant

Israel, remembering his mercy, as

he promised to our ancestors, to

Abraham and to his descendants


Just as Luke has so far sought to

place Jesus birth in the context of a

believing Jewish family, so Mary

also highlights that the promises

God had made to them as a people

were being fulfilled in the coming of

Jesus. Christ was the promised seed

who would reconcile men to God.

1:56 So Mary stayed with Elizabeth

about three months and then

returned to her home.

Mary stayed with Elizabeth until the

birth of John the Baptist (three

months) and might have witnessed

John’s birth, although Luke does not

make this clear. Since no mention is

made of Mary in the rest of chapter

one, she might have left just before

the birth of John.

Page 12: Living Word Magazine March 2015


Chapter 8 is a continuation of

chapter 7 and eventually (8:19) the

answer is given to the opening

question about the observance of

fast days. Having rehearsed why the

people were taken into exile, the

prophet now expounds on why they

had been brought back and what

were God’s intentions towards


God’s Love Motivates His Actions

vv. 1-2

8:1-2 And the word of the LORD of

hosts came to me, saying, Thus

saith the LORD of hosts: I am jealous

for Zion with great jealousy, and I

am jealous for her with great fury.

(Revised Version)

Despite having punished their

fathers for their sin and wilful

rejection of his message through

the prophets, God remained ever

mindful of his covenant with Israel

(Zion), through which he had made

them his own people. The

underlying meaning of the words

‘jealous’, ‘jealousy’ and ‘fury’ carries

the idea of the deep emotion or

intense love by which God is

motivated to act on behalf of his

people. When they reject him, he is

stirred to chastise them; but when

they repent he is equally

determined to restore and bless

them. Zechariah makes clear that

the blessings he is about to speak of

find their root in the loving and

gracious heart of God – as do all

things which happen to God’s


God’s Sovereignty will Fulfil His

Purposes vv. 3-8

8:3 The Lord says, 'I have returned

to Zion and will live within

Jerusalem. Now Jerusalem will be

called "truthful city," "mountain of

the LORD who rules over all," "holy

mountain." '

God asserts that he had already

returned to the people, that he

might once again dwell among

them. They should have already

realised this, since they had

returned from exile in fulfilment of

God’s promise. Once more the city

of Jerusalem, though now a ruin

would be called the faithful city; the

holy place where God dwelt and

where he could be worshipped (a

reference to the rebuilding of the

temple). When people came to the

rebuilt temple at Jerusalem to

humbly seek God he would be

found by them. God’s promise to

continue dwelling among them

implies that Israel, as a result of

God’s mercy, would become faithful

and true to his covenant; from this

we understand that the spiritual as

well as the national restoration of

God’s people is attributed to divine

grace and sovereign action.

8:4-5 Moreover, the LORD who rules

over all says, 'Old men and women

will once more live in the plazas of

Jerusalem, each one leaning on a

cane because of advanced age. And

the streets of the city will be full of

boys and girls playing.

Baldwin suggests that since many

elderly people were not considered

fit to travel the 3 ½ month journey

from Babylon to Jerusalem there

were very few of them living among

the returned exiles at that time. But

now God would show his blessing to

Israel in two ways – the old would

live to a ripe age, and the streets

would be filled with young children

playing. The picture is of one of

peace, prosperity and freedom; for

the aged being unafraid to walk the

streets, and the children being

unhindered at play indicates the

Our In Depth Study

Zechariah Chapter 8

By Mathew Bartlett

Photo © Jacob Gregory Scripture taken from the NET Bible®.

This article is an extract from The Prophet of Messiah – a Zechariah Bible Commentary

Buy Paperback £3.73

Page 13: Living Word Magazine March 2015


absence of anything like conflict or


8:6 And, 'says the LORD who rules

over all, 'though such a thing may

seem to be difficult in the opinion of

the small community of those days,

will it also appear difficult to me?'

asks the LORD who rules over all.

For the small band of returned

exiles, the idea that the city of

Jerusalem would soon become full

and prosperous seemed far-

fetched. All around them were the

ruins of the houses which had been

abandoned during the Babylonian

invasion. However could such

devastation be restored?

But God gives his Word that it will

be so. He had already revealed to

Zechariah that his purposes would

be accomplished ‘Not by might or

power but by my Spirit’ (4:6). When

God has purposed to do something

it shall be done for, as Jeremiah

says ‘Is anything too hard for the

Lord?’ (Jer. 32:27)

As the church of Jesus Christ in our

own nation appears spiritually

weak, rent by false doctrines and

deceptive spiritual manifestations;

and as it decreases its adherents

annually to ever fewer numbers,

one might think it incredible that

God in his sovereignty might decide

to grant repentance, revival and

blessing to the whole nation; but it

will not be remarkable or too hard

for God. In fact God would rather

accomplish great things with

minorities and nobodies than with

the great and strong, for then all

glory goes to him (1 Cor. 1:29).

8:7-8 "The LORD who rules over all

asserts, 'I am about to save my

people from the lands of the east

and the west. And I will bring them

to settle within Jerusalem. They will

be my people, and I will be their

God, in truth and righteousness.'

God here indicates the way in which

he will bring his purpose to pass. He

will call his people to return to

Israel from all parts of the earth

(from sunrise to sunset) and they

will settle in Jerusalem. Nor will this

be merely a physical return, for the

returning exiles will become true

worshippers of God, returning to

him with all their hearts, not falsely

as their fathers had done; calling on

him in truth and seeking to obey his


Obedience Brings Blessing vv. 9-15

8:9 "The LORD who rules over all

also says, 'Gather strength, you who

are listening to these words today

from the mouths of the prophets

who were there at the founding of

the house of the LORD who rules

over all, so that the temple might be


Whilst it is true that God

sovereignly does his own work, it

remains important for his servants

to perform theirs in cooperation

with him. The people had begun to

build the temple, but by inference

from Haggai (Hag. 1:2-4), we see

that they had temporarily stopped.

Now Zechariah urges them to let

their hands be strong to do the

work; it is a call to action.

8:10 Before that time there was no

compensation for man or animal,

nor was there any relief from

adversity for those who came and

went, because I had pitted

everybody — each one — against

everyone else.

It was God’s Spirit who moved the

people to begin the building of the

house of the Lord, and as they

obediently did so, God had

responded by blessing them. God

specifies the day when the

foundation of the temple was laid

as the day when he began to turn

their curses to blessings (Hag. 2:18-

19). Until then he had robbed them

of peace and brought adversity on

them; but when they heeded his

voice to go up and rebuild the

temple he began to bless them. The

application of such teaching to

God’s people today is evident – it is

obedience which leads to blessing.

The pause in building had led to a

temporary reversal in Israel’s

fortunes (Haggai 1:7-11) but now

the prophet encourages them to

persist in the work, for as they did

so God would restore his blessings.

8:11-12 But I will be different now

to this remnant of my people from

the way I was in those days,’ says

the LORD who rules over all, 'for

there will be a peaceful time of

sowing, the vine will produce its

fruit and the ground its yield, and

the skies will rain down dew. Then I

will allow the remnant of my people

to possess all these things.

Unlike during the days of exile,

God’s people in Judea would be

blessed with peace and harmony,

fruitfulness and prosperity. The

picture is one of God’s overflowing

blessings in every area of life.

8:13 And it will come about that just

as you (both Judah and Israel) were

a curse to the nations, so I will save

you and you will be a blessing. Do

not be afraid! Instead, be strong!'

When God’s wrath was upon the

nation, they had been derided and

cursed by all other nations; but now

they would be considered blessed,

for God was with them. With this

encouragement they were to be

Page 14: Living Word Magazine March 2015


strong and keep up the work

without giving way to fear.

The act of worship required by God

from the nation of Israel on this

occasion was the rebuilding of the

temple. What is your act of

acceptable worship to God (Rom.

12:1)? The blessing began when

they were prepared to put God first

and make him the centre of their

lives. It always works that way. Are

you putting God first in your life;

are you fully surrendered to him?

8:14-15 "For the LORD who rules

over all says, 'As I had planned to

hurt you when your fathers made

me angry, 'says the LORD who rules

over all, 'and I was not sorry, so, to

the contrary, I have planned in these

days to do good to Jerusalem and

Judah — do not fear!

God once again assures the people

of his sovereignty. When the people

did wrong he punished them; they

were carried away into exile even

when they believed such a thing

could not happen. But it did

happen, for God had purposed it. In

the same way, since God had now

purposed to restore and bless them,

they were not to be afraid; for who

can hinder God?

Perhaps you have recently come

back to God, or at least you have

decided you want to be closer to

the Lord, but find it hard and fear

that you will not be able to keep it

up. Do not fear, for the fact you are

trying to return is evidence that

God has purposed to bless you and

that he will help you to stand.

Ethical Responsibilities vv. 16-17

8:16 These are the things you must

do: Speak the truth, each of you, to

one another. Practice true and

righteous judgment in your courts.

Once again, as in chapter seven,

God reminds the people of their

ethical responsibilities. God cannot

punish the sins of the fathers and

overlook the same sins in their

descendants. The returned exiles

must hear and obey the voice of

God. The commands are the same

as those given earlier, with the

addition ‘do not lie to each other’

(Eph. 4:25).

8:17 Do not plan evil in your hearts

against one another. Do not favor a

false oath — these are all things

that I hate,’ says the LORD."

This verse reveals the basis of all

Christian ethics. God’s people strive

to do what pleases him, and avoid

certain things not simply because

they are ‘wrong’ but because God is

displeased with them. The good

pleasure of God is what decides

every Christian’s moral compass.

Forget the Former Things vv. 18-19

8:18-19 The word of the LORD who

rules over all came to me as follows:

"The LORD who rules over all says,

'The fast of the fourth, fifth,

seventh, and tenth months will

become joyful and happy, pleasant

feasts for the house of Judah, so

love truth and peace.'

The prophet now returns to the

original question of fasting (7:3).

Having explained the purposes of

God relevant to their return from

exile, involving the forgiveness of

the nation’s sin and their

restoration to both spiritual and

material prosperity, Zechariah

concludes that the fasts

commemorating the destruction of

the temple and the events which

accompanied it (see notes on 7:3)

should be changed into a

celebration of the return and

restoration. The former things were

to be forgotten, and God would

wipe away all the tears of those

days from their eyes.

A Future Ingathering of All Nations

vv. 20-32

8:20-23 The LORD who rules over all

says, 'It will someday come to pass

that people — residents of many

cities — will come. The inhabitants

of one will go to another and say,

"Let's go up at once to ask the favor

of the LORD, to seek the LORD who

rules over all. Indeed, I'll go with

you." ‘Many peoples and powerful

nations will come to Jerusalem to

seek the LORD who rules over all

and to ask his favor. The LORD who

rules over all says, 'In those days ten

people from all languages and

nations will grasp hold of — indeed,

grab — the robe of one Jew and say,

"Let us go with you, for we have

heard that God is with you." ' "

God gives Zechariah a glimpse of his

greater purposes for Israel. He had

restored Israel because of his love

for her – but also that through her

he might show his love to all

nations. Israel was never allowed to

lose sight of this overarching

purpose of God throughout the

ministry of the prophets – so it is

strange that they did so by the time

of the early church! Many Gentiles

from all nations (apparently more in

number than the believing Jews)

would eagerly come and seek the

Lord and be joined to faithful Jews

in their worship of God. This

promise was not entirely fulfilled

until Jesus came and the church

began; then as the word of the Lord

went out from Jerusalem, many

were brought to God, who would

from that time on be worshipped

not in Jerusalem only, but by people

everywhere in Spirit and truth (John


Page 15: Living Word Magazine March 2015


Andrew Brother of


John 1:29-42

Brief extract of a forthcoming book

based on studies by the late Haydn

O. Williams. Image © Dvest

Andrew was the son of Jonas

and the brother of Peter; a

fisherman by trade he came

from the town of Bethsaida near

the Sea of Galilee. His name

means manliness, and conveys

the idea of being upright and


He was chosen to be an apostle

Andrew was personally called

and appointed by Jesus

(Matthew 4:18) together with

Peter to become a fisher of men.

He was numbered with the

twelve and shared in the

apostolic ministry of the early

church. He was called to follow

and serve, just as we have all

been chosen to follow and serve


He does not appear to have

been as prominent as his

brother Peter in the early

church. Although he had been

sent out by Jesus with

miraculous authority, no details

are recorded of any miracles he

worked or of any great sermons

he preached; nor is there an

account of his leadership

abilities. Yet there are a few

things we can remember him


His Personal Experience

We will first of all consider

Andrew’s personal experience in

relation to the Lord. Although in

Acts 2 we read of 3000 people

being saved following Peter’s

sermon on the Day of Pentecost,

and later of 5,000 conversions

following Peter’s healing of a

man at the beautiful gate (Acts

4), none of this could have

happened unless Andrew had

first led his own brother – Simon

Peter – to the Lord.

Andrew’s case reveals that God

deals with each person

individually. We must all have a

personal experience with Christ.

He was a Son of Israel

As a Jew, Andrew would have

been brought up to know

something of the history of his

people and the Law of Moses.

This would be one way of

preparing his heart for the lord.

Those people who were taught

in childhood about God may be

more prepared to receive the

good news of his salvation than

those who were not. Personally,

I recall that learning the Bible

truths about the birth, life,

death, resurrection, and second

coming of the Lord played a

great part in preparing me for

my encounter with Christ.

Looking back, I can see the hand

of God throughout my life.

Andrew had originally been a

disciple of John the Baptist (John

1:35). John the Baptist was the

forerunner of Jesus Christ, the

herald of the King. He called

people to repentance and

baptism that they might be

prepared for the coming of

Jesus. John pointed his disciples

to Jesus, acknowledging that he

was only a voice, but that Christ

was far greater than he.

One day, Andrew heard John

proclaiming Jesus to be the

Lamb of God who takes away

the sin of the world, and so he

decided to find out more. As he

encountered Jesus for the first

Page 16: Living Word Magazine March 2015


time, the Lord invited him to his

home, where he stayed that day.

Andrew must have received

significant revelation during this

meeting with Jesus, for following

this encounter, he sought out his

brother Peter and said to him

‘We have found the Messiah’

and brought him to Jesus (read

this story in John 1:29-42)

Just as Andrew led his own

brother Simon to Jesus, so we

can lead others to Christ too. In

fact, many people and various

experiences can be used by God

to bring people to Jesus: a loving

mother’s prayer, a kind deed, a

word of testimony, a campaign

led by an evangelist, or even the

direct leading of the Holy Spirit.

His Personal Response

We discover from John’s gospel

that Andrew was personally

guided in the direction of Jesus

by John the Baptist. John stood

on the bank of the river Jordan

with two of his disciples, one of

whom one was Andrew, and

seeing Jesus, he pointed him out

to them: ‘Behold the Lamb of


What a great man John was,

what humility he showed. He

didn’t seek to build his own

empire, but rather pointed

people to the Lord Jesus Christ.

John’s message was that Jesus is

the Lamb, the greatest one, the

Baptiser with the Holy Spirit.

John confessed to being

unworthy to untie Jesus’

sandals. ‘You have followed me,’

he said, ‘but now you must

follow him!’ So in this way

Andrew was personally pointed

to Jesus. Evangelism is not all

about large missions or crusade

meetings. It is about one heart

at a time, individuals being

pointed in the direction of Jesus

by other individuals, friends,

neighbours, work colleagues or


He Became a Follower of Jesus

When Andrew and the other

disciple (possibly John son of

Zebedee) followed Jesus, they

found themselves personally

invited to spend time with Jesus.

There is nothing like a personal

experience with Jesus! To meet

Jesus personally is everyone’s

deepest need. What knowledge,

what revelation must have been

received in that encounter! John

had pointed Jesus out to them,

Jesus had invited them to spend

time with him and now they

were fully convinced. ‘We have

found the Messiah’ was their


It is vital that others point us to

Jesus, but even more vital that

we have a personal encounter

with Jesus for ourselves. When

you meet Jesus you will want to

follow him for the rest of your

life. There is a great need in

these days for Jesus to be

revealed to sinners, and he can

be revealed to them through

your life if you will follow him.

I’m sure Andrew’s experience

would have lived with him

always. Do you remember when

you first met Jesus? Our first

experience of the Lord is when

we come to him ‘at the cross’;

that is, when we come

confessing our sins and find

forgiveness by believing in his


I will never forget how I first

came to meet Jesus, and I will

follow him all my days.

His Personal Witness

One of the great things that

stand out to challenge us about

Andrew’s life is his personal

witness. Having found Christ for

himself, he immediately sought

to bring his brother Simon Peter

to Jesus.

He may not have seen many

thousands of people converted

to Christ, but it was his concern

for his brother Peter and his

personal witness to him,

bringing him to Christ, that

played a vital part in a chain

reaction which brought salvation

to thousands.

If we only brought one soul to

Christ during our lifetime, who

knows but that they might lead

many more to Him as Peter did

in his ministry. Don’t just look

for the big crowds! Take the

little opportunity and may God

help us all to go out into our

workplace, our community,

among our friends and bring

someone to Jesus. In fact, the

best place of all to start is

exactly where Andrew started –

at home among his own family.

Page 17: Living Word Magazine March 2015


Shirley had no luck in love. As

Mick Jagger croaked, she

could get "no satisfaction".

She'd had five husbands and a

string of other men, and was

living with a new partner the

day she met someone who

would change her life...

It was not that her

relationships were

abusive; her partners were

not manipulative - she knew

how to stick up for herself!

But as each affair ended,

it left an empty feeling inside.

Her love life had been good,

and the money was helpful,

but she needed something

more. She wasn't sure what it

was, just something she

longed for deep inside.

Then she met a strange

man - a foreigner. On any

other day she would have

ignored him; and no one in

her town ever so much as

spoke to one of the hated

"immigrants". But on this

day she couldn't help but

notice him. He was

different, somehow. Not

good looking, you might

say, but he had a

captivating presence.

He sat by a deep well at the

road side. As she approached,

he asked her for a drink of

water. Despite herself, she

spouted a few racist taunts,

but even that could not

disguise her curiosity. Just

who was this polite foreigner?

By his tone and manner, she

was sure that he was asking

for something more than

a drink.

"If you knew the gift of God,"

said the man, "you would

have asked him, and he would

have given you living water."

Shirley felt a little confused,

but in no way alarmed by the

man. Was he offering her a

drink now? He had no bucket

to draw from the well, and no

bottle in his hand. So just

where was this drink he was

offering her?

"Whoever drinks of this water

will be thirsty again," the man

continued. "But whoever

drinks of the water which I

give him will never be thirsty

again. For the water I give

him shall become in him a

spring of living water welling

up to everlasting life."

Now this was something; a

water supply that never ran

dry. No more carrying heavy

buckets to the well! But piped

running water was unknown

in Shirley's hometown. What

could he mean? Shirley knew

he had something to offer,

and wanted to know more.

Where was it leading, this talk

of God and of never thirsting


A sudden stab of conscience

touched Shirley's heart and

made it stand still. "Go and

bring your husband," the man

had said. It wasn't that Shirley

regretted her marriage break

ups; it was just that she was

conscious of her weakness

when it came to holding down

a relationship. Just as stolen

water always seems sweeter,

so illicit love was always more

Our latest Gospel tract

Free UK delivery. Image © Bernard Dunne

Page 18: Living Word Magazine March 2015


exciting for Shirley. So she

blurted out that right now,

she didn't have a husband.

The man spoke again, "You

are right. For you have had

five husbands, and the man

you have now is not your


There was something in the

stranger's voice which told

Shirley that he had been

watching her all her life - and

knew everything about her,

even the secrets she had

hidden from her lovers. "But

only God knows the thoughts

of our hearts," thought

Shirley, with some half-

forgotten memory of her

religious upbringing. Clearly,

this man was no polite

foreigner, but a messenger of


The man continued to draw

Shirley closer to himself - but

not physically. Neither of

them had changed their

position, it was her heart

which he had captivated. All

the emptiness and pain of her

wasted life, a life of failure,

was brought into focus, and

the stranger offered

to exchange it all for a new

beginning - a new life within

that would never end. It was

clear that he was not

offering to satisfy her sensual

desires, but to meet the

desperate need of her soul. To

be forgiven for her sin! That

was too good to be true! To

be given another chance to be

right with God, and able to

hold her head up high? Only

one person could offer her

such peace and satisfaction.

"When the Christ comes," said

Shirley, "he will tell us all we

need to know about this." "I

who speak to you am he,"

replied Jesus.

Reader, are you dissatisfied

with life? Outwardly, all may

be well, but is it well with your

soul? Do you have peace with

God, are your sins forgiven?

Do you have the joy and

satisfaction of being in

a relationship with God

through Jesus Christ? The Lord

Jesus died for your sin on the

cross, and rose again from the

dead so that you might be

forgiven. By accepting Him as

your Saviour you will begin a

life which will never end.

Shirley encountered him at

the well of Sychar. You too

can encounter him, just where

you are today!

For further information

please contact:




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The Prophet of


The encouragement which Zechariah's prophecies brought to the Jews at the time of their return from exile helped them to rebuild not only their temple but also their national identity. Yet Zechariah's message of hope pointed beyond the glory of the temple to one greater than the temple: the Anointed One (Messiah) who would become both priest and king forever over all nations.

Available at Amazon

The Prophet of Messiah: The Book of Zechariah

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Page 19: Living Word Magazine March 2015


This month’s featured book is a

simple and honest collection of

personal testimonies about

answered prayer by one of our local

authors Ken Bailey (Cardiff).

His new book ‘Where is Your Faith?

Just Believe!’ will encourage the

reader to pray and trust God for the

difficulties in their lives.

Price £7.99 + shipping.

It is currently only available from

Ken’s website: 3G Ministries

Here is a brief extract:

I was worried.

The last time we’d travelled a

long distance, Christalla’s skin

had turned blue due to her

oxygen levels dropping

dramatically following a heart

malfunction. The medics told me

that if they had been a few

minutes later arriving at the

scene, Christalla would have

been dead. When we phoned Dr

Julu to relay to him what had

happened, he was livid. He told

us that travelling was far too

dangerous for Christalla and

gave her strict instructions not

to attempt any further travel.

Two months prior to this

incident Christalla had

attempted to travel to an

organic food festival which was

taking place in Bristol. Christalla

and I attended this festival every


This was a treat for her because

virtually all the food Christalla

ate was organic but also because

we would invariably return

home with a car laden with

‘freebies’. We both knew that

travel wasn’t advisable but given

the good weather forecast we

decided to take a risk and make

the journey. The trip usually

took around an hour. The plan

was that following our arrival

Christalla would remain in her

wheelchair throughout the time

we were there. During previous

trips she would walk some of the

way, rest and if needs be, use

the wheelchair.

The best laid plans? We got

caught in a traffic jam during the

journey and Christalla became

very poorly. The heat was

unbearable and the air

conditioning in the car was

malfunctioning. I quickly pulled

off the main carriageway, lifted

Christalla out of the car onto a

blanket and lay her on the hard

shoulder of the motorway.

I was frantic with worry and rang

the emergency services.

Christalla’s heart was struggling

to cope with the heat and the

fumes would eventually begin to

cause breathing problems.

However, during that awful

situation, God demonstrated

that He was with us, He was still

in control.

A pick-up truck towing a car

came slowly towards us on the

hard shoulder. The driver put his

indicator on to signal that he

wanted to get back onto the

main carriageway so that he

could negotiate his way around

my car. I watched as the truck

passed us and noticed that when

it was a few yards away from us

it turned sharply off the

motorway. I hadn’t noticed that

our car was a short distance

from a large open area which led

to a slip road. I immediately put

Christalla back in the car and

drove off the carriageway. I

opened every door in the vehicle

to keep her cool whilst we

waited for the medics. A short

while later help arrived and

Christalla was taken to hospital.

As I followed the ambulance I

realised that where I had

positioned the car had saved us

valuable time. The next exit from

the motorway was several miles


So, when Christalla informed me

that it would take two and a

quarter hours to get to Ffald-y-

Brenin and the scheduled prayer

service was of five hours

duration, I was beside myself

with indignation and fear.

‘You cannot go, you’re not well

enough to travel that far and

cope with such a long a day,’ I

said. ‘It’s a crazy idea.’

Christalla, who has always had

great insight and wisdom,

looked me in the eye and said,

‘Where is your faith?’

Copyright © 3GMinistries October

2014. Reproduced by kind


Page 20: Living Word Magazine March 2015


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