Livelihood Improvement through Water Harvesting in Gadag District by Janakalyan



A pilot was tested in the tail end of Tungabhadra Irrigation Project with the support of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Hivos and NABARD since 2001 in Sindhanur taluk of Raichur district. Upon successful demonstration of the model, Janakalyan decided to test it in another context and thus proposed Deshpande Foundation. With the support of Deshpande Foundation (through Give2Asia), Janakalyan initiated an innovation integrated inspiring intervention in Gadag district of North Karnataka with the small & marginal farmers of tail end of Malaprabha Irrigation Project to address two extremes of water availability. The intervention started in April 2010 in 5 villages with 10 farmers which have now spread across 3 taluks of Gadag and Dharwad districts in more than 65 villages. This report is prepared at the end of 5th year to document the progress during the reporting period (April 2014 – March 2015) for the grant that was approved for 2014-15.

Transcript of Livelihood Improvement through Water Harvesting in Gadag District by Janakalyan LI VELI HOOD I MPROVEMENT THROUGH WATER HARVESTI NG I N TAI L END FINAL REPORT Volume XIIIApril 2014 March 2015 14/04/2015 J ANAKALYAN [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 2 Project Title:LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENTTHROUGH WATER HARVESTING IN TAIL END Name of Grantee: Janakalyan Donor:Deshpande Foundation Fund Grant Amount :Approved - US$ 12295 Grant Period:April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 Grantee Fiscal Year End:31 March Final Report Due Date:May 1, 2015 Date of this Report:April 30, 2015 This grant will be used to excavate irrigation canals to improve water usage and productivity, as well astotrainandbuildthecapacityofparticipatingfarmersinwaterconservingtechniquesand leveraging government initiatives. The separate general ledger account used solely for Give2Asia funds had a balance of $0 (USD) on 03.31.2015. Did your organization comply with the terms of the Grant Agreement during this project? Yes If no, please explain: Please list any other funders who supported this project. FundersAmount LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 3 |P age Final ReportVolume XIII (April 2014 - March 2015) I. Final Narrative Report: A pilot was tested in the tail end of Tungabhadra Irrigation Project with the support of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Hivos and NABARD since 2001 in Sindhanur taluk of Raichur district. Upon successful demonstration of the model, Janakalyan decided to test it in another context and thus proposed DeshpandeFoundation.WiththesupportofDeshpandeFoundation(throughGive2Asia), JanakalyaninitiatedaninnovationintegratedinspiringinterventioninGadagdistrictofNorth Karnatakawiththesmall&marginalfarmersoftailendofMalaprabhaIrrigationProjectto address two extremes of water availability. The intervention started in April 2010 in 5 villages with 10 farmers which have now spread across 3 taluks of Gadag and Dharwad districts in more than 65 villages. This report is prepared at the end of 5th year to document the progress during the reporting period (April 2014 March 2015) for the grant that was approved for 2014-15. It was made possible to reach out to so many farmers of these villages to sustain their lives & livelihoods by the grants provided by Deshpande Foundation (through G2A) during these periods. The grant and its outputs are furnished below- Grant AmountGrant PeriodDeliverablesAchievementStatus of Grant $12,29501.04.2014- 31.03.2015 50 water harvesting structures & 5 acres of vegetable 50 tanks excavated with vegetable cultivation trials Completed and this is the Final Report of the grant A.Project Implementation: Duringthecurrentfinancialyear,agrantof$12,295wasapprovedtocomplete50water harvesting structures in tail end of Malaprabha Irrigation Project. We have successfully excavated 50 irrigation tanks against the target of 50. This volume of the report is Final Report of the grant that was provided during the current financial year.

1.Please describe the project activitiesInclude as many details as possible (e.g. number and schedule of activities, who participated, specific topics discussed, etc.). The activities those were completed during the reporting period are not many as the focus was mainlyoncreationofmorenumberofwaterharvestingstructures.However,thisreportis prepared at the end of the grant cycle to document the achievement as well as to assess the benefits of those structures created in the previous years. 1.1. Project Concept Orientation to the new villages: In addition to the existing project villages, Janakalyan field team extended their extension services to other villages of Naragund & Ron taluks of Gadag district and Navalagund taluk of Dharwad district; i.e. Janakalyan has now reached its activities in 3rd taluk in 2nd district of [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 4 Sandbox. Many strategic decisions were taken during the year in order to achieve the target set for the year under reporting. Reaching far away villages in the tail end was one such strategy which helped a lot to achieve the set target. 1.2. Selection of eligible farmers for excavation of water harvesting structures: The selection of farmers for excavation of water harvesting structures are done in 2 stages - 1) Technical Feasibility by visiting the site proposed for excavation of the water harvesting structure and 2) Social Feasibility by visiting the house of the farmer to assess the interest of the family members and their willingness to participate in all activities under the project. 1.2.1Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility of the site proposed for excavation of the water harvesting structure is assessed by our technical experts by visiting the site along with the farmer. While assessing the site, we look at many angles of the site such as watershed area, soil condition, catchment area, etc. 1.2.2Social Feasibility: Once, the technical feasibility is through, the team then visits the house of the farmer to assess the social feasibility in terms of interest of the family members to excavate a water harvesting structure, their interest in participating all other agriculture-allied activities proposed as part of this intervention, socio-economic status of the family and such other factors contributing success of the project. 1.3 Excavation of water harvesting structures:The commitment was to excavate about 50 water harvesting structures during the reporting period and the team succeeded to excavate 50 structures during April 2014 March 2015; thus the team could achieve a total of 10+27+8+45+50=140 structures since commencement of the program in 2010. Based on the field experiences, there was a shift in our strategies from quarter to quarter and farmer to farmer. Some of these strategies in their order of execution are listed below- Strategy-1: Machine ours rest yours: This is the strategy based on which the excavator was purchased. It was assumed that we will take the excavator to the farm of the farmer and they will use it with diesel and other incidentals. The drawbacks of this strategy were many and some of these are listed below- Only one structure can be excavated at a time; thus the progress becomes slow. Shiftingcostbecomesveryhighwhensinglefarmercomesforwardfromavillageto excavate a water harvesting structure.Iftheoperatorfallsillorremainabsentfromdutyorthemachinegivestrouble,the progress hinders. Sometimesthefarmersdelaystoarrangetheirshareofcontributionandthusthe excavator remains idle. Sometimes the farmer fails to arrange tractors and again the machine remains idle. Due to rain also, the excavator and tractors cannot move for few days and again the loss of productive periods. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 5 |P age It was due to all these reasons, Janakalyan Team took a strategic decision in 2nd quarter and adopted the 2nd strategy as under- Strategy-2: Complete structure of specified dimension and hours, get part hire charge of theexcavator:Identifiedfewexcavators(bothwheelmoverandchainmover)and farmers and given them the specifications of the structures to be excavated. Once the farmerreportscompletionofthestructuresofrequireddimensions,JanakalyanTeam visits and measures the dimension. If found satisfactory, part cost of the hire charges is paid to either farmer or excavator owner vide cheque. Strategy-3:Identifyinterestedfarmersfromnewandremotevillages:Mostofthe farmers who had shown interest reported that due to consecutive drought for 2 years they are not able to invest their share of contribution. All those farmers who are capable of investing are already excavated water harvesting structuresin old villages and thus requested the team to reach out to more number of new villages where there would be at least few farmers available, who would be interested and also be capable of investing for his structures despite consecutive drought. Strategy-4: Assess need of the farmers and create flexible sizes of water harvesting structures with hired JCBs: Another strategic decision was taken to hire few JCBs to reach outtothedemandsofsmallfarmersfromfarawayvillages.About5JCBworked simultaneously and reached far more than the target. This was to meet the demand of the small farmers. Finally, the water harvesting structures created during the reporting period with the current cycle of grant are furnished below- Sl. No. Nameof thefarmerVillage PhoneNumberSurveynumber Landholding(acres) Sizeof thetank (mXmXm) Starting DateCompletiondateTotal Expense(Rs) Projectgrant (Rs) FarmersContribution(Rs) Water HarvestingStructurescreatedduring2014-151 Basavaraj nargundaDatnal9845015209 5.26 32X32X9 4/9/14 4/9/14 11450 3105 83452 Hanumareddy Datnal9739835662 11.15 40X35X10 4/9/14 4/10/14 8730 3334 53963 Shekappakuri Datnal8971652806 2 33X33X10 4/10/14 4/10/14 11450 3011 84394 RamappaDatnal8884863503 12 42X42X6 4/11/14 4/11/14 17200 6515 106855 Muttappakuri Datnal9741189930 3 32X32X9 4/12/14 4/12/14 10650 3011 76396 Hanumappa Datnal9538426049 3.35 42X50X8 4/12/14 4/13/14 12250 3657 85937 Basavantappagudli Belawaniki 3 36X36X12 4/7/14 4/8/14 11450 0 114508 SrishailappaTBelawaniki9741302263 5 34X34X10 4/6/14 4/7/14 12950 6853 60979 YallappaS Hadli 4 30X30X10 4/2/14 4/2/14 10850 3500 735010 UmeshshetterBelawaniki9902722695 6.6 31X31X10 4/2/14 4/2/14 10850 3500 735011 Santoshsajjanar Belawaniki9945048446 15.26 33X33X10 4/1/14 4/1/14 10850 3500 735012 Prashant kusugal Belawaniki9743102592 4 31X31X11 4/3/14 4/3/14 10850 3500 735013 ShumendrosenBelawaniki9611276936 4.11 31X31X10 4/5/14 4/5/14 10850 3500 735014 Basavaraj HBelawaniki8722828053 4 130X35X8 3/28/14 4/6/14 43200 18000 2520015 SharanappaMHadli 6 31X31X9 4/3/14 4/3/14 7850 3500 435016 Lingappasajjanar Belawaniki897135594130X30X10 4/1/14 4/1/14 10850 3500 735017 Sharanappagursagar Datnal 5 32X32X8 4/6/14 4/6/14 10850 3500 735018 MahanteshS Hadli 6.32 36X31X8 4/1/14 4/1/14 10850 3500 735019 ShivarudrappaS Belawaniki9740600504 8.36 30X30X10 4/2/14 4/2/14 10850 3500 7350 [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 6 Sl. No. Nameof thefarmerVillage PhoneNumberSurveynumber Landholding(acres) Sizeof thetank (mXmXm) Starting DateCompletiondateTotal Expense(Rs) Projectgrant (Rs) FarmersContribution(Rs) Water HarvestingStructurescreatedduring2014-1520 Raju shetter Belawaniki9902875681 18 31X31X10 4/4/14 4/4/14 10850 3500 735021 BasawarajHadli966351838 4 33X30X10 4/2/14 4/2/14 10850 3500 735022 Shivappa Hadli 6 37X33X7 4/1/14 4/1/14 7750 3500 425023 Eshappa Hadli8277585949 4 31X31X10 4/3/14 4/3/14 10850 3500 735024 EshwarayyaBelawaniki9844317310 6 31X31X10 4/8/14 4/9/14 10750 3500 725025 Madappa Belawaniki8152050676 3.4 31X31X10 4/7/14 4/7/14 10750 3500 725026 YellappaBelawaniki 4 31X31X10 4/4/14 4/4/14 10750 3500 725027 Mailarappa Belawaniki9900380481 3.21 31X31X10 4/6/14 4/6/14 10750 3500 725028 RamappaBelawaniki 3 31X31X10 4/5/14 4/5/14 10750 3500 725029 Shivappa Belawaniki9945425240 5 30X30X10 4/1/14 4/1/14 10750 3500 725030 MallikarjunappaBelawaniki 10 30X30X10 4/2/14 4/2/14 10750 3500 725031 ProkashBelawaniki 4 30X30X10 4/3/14 4/3/14 10750 3500 725032 Virupaxappa Belawaniki9740424474 4 90X70X11 4/13/14 4/17/14 69860 13934 5592633 HanumantappaBelawaniki9008964680 8 38X28X10 4/19/14 4/19/14 12950 3012 993834 Sharanappa Belawaniki9740424474 4.5 35X35X10 4/18/14 4/18/14 12950 3012 993835 Shivanand Belawaniki9844317310 14 40X40x6 4/5/14 4/5/14 7850 3500 435036 EshappaB sajjanarBelawaniki994504800631X31X10 4/21/14 4/21/14 12350 3500 885037 ShekarappaBasappaBelawaniki9448640528 4 31X30X10 4/24/14 4/24/14 10850 3500 735038 VeeerannaBBelawaniki8105526680 8 35X30X9.5 5/11/14 5/11/14 12200 3750 845039 SankargoudaBArunchi9481081716 8.3 120X66X11 1/16/15 1/23/15 94200 32307 6189340 ShekargoudaArunchi9980428585 13 80X50X12 1/25/15 1/29/15 47400 16736 3066441 Shivkumar BMallapur9008074820 12.17 90X60X15 2/1/15 2/5/15 76700 19336 5736442 AndappaKMelmath4.35 70X70X11 2/6/15 2/8/15 51500 13485 3801543 VenkangoudaPD S Horgoli9844966832 11.21 70X70X11 2/13/15 2/15/15 51400 11034 4036644 ShivappaSiddappaMallapur9900225092 6.2 70X70X11 2/17/15 2//15 51400 11741 3965945 MallikarjunBelawaniki9902665350 16 70X70X11 2/23/15 2/25/15 52000 10676 4132446 NingappabasappaBelawaniki9880152433 9.36 72X72X10 2/26/15 2/28/15 52000 10210 4179047 PodmayyaHDatnal 10.3 90X90X10 3/2/15 3/15/15 103900 21295 8260548 NagappaKariyappaBelawaniki8095675248 4 80X80X16 3/16/15 3/22/15 91900 18640 7326049 VirappaDBBelawaniki8095675274 3 80X50X15 3/23/15 3/26/15 54500 13151 4134950 BoodippaBelawaniki9731536263 4.7 70X70X10 3/27/15 3/30/15 54500 12820 41680Total1291540 350125 941415%27%73% FarmersShare:Theabovetabledepictsthattheteamhasbeensuccessfultoraisethe farmers contribution to the tune of Rs.941,415 (73%) in terms of excavation of 50 water harvesting structure during the reporting period while the project share remained Rs.350,125 (27%). The farmers contribution has reduced to only 27% from 100% that we started in 2010-11, which itself is a great achievement. 1.4 Demonstration of effective water usage methods: The IIFS (Intensified Integrated Farming System) model includes water budgeting to intensify the available resources like water, land, human and other resources of the farming families. It starts with water harvesting but concludes by empowering the farmers to practice diversified croppingwitheffectiveutilizationofavailableresources.However,inthisproject, concentration is only on physical asset creation and rest is left to the farmers. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 7 |P age 1.4.1Vegetable Cultivation: However, this year we requested the donor that we should at least trainthefarmersabouteffectiveutilizationofwaterandthereforedemonstratedfew trials with few selected farmers. The list of those farmers are furnished below- Sl. No. Nameof thefarmerVillageDateof Excavation LandHoldingAreaof vegetable From To1 AshokUdikeriYavagal 10/7/2010 7-19-2010 7.17 5Gunta7 EarannaSanadenniHadli10/24/2010 10/30/2010 4.32 1Acre8 SiddappaBarikarHadli12/4/2010 12/9/2010 2.20 3Gunta11 GurappaBasappaChowdiSurkod 5/6/2011 5/18/2011 4 5Gunta18 ShamburaoFakirappaDerekarArashingudi1/7/2012 1/12/2012 20 5Gunta21 VeerappaRudrappaMadvhaviArashingudi2/3/2012 2/7/2012 11 10Gunta34 SangappaS/oIrappaNavalagunda Hadli4/22/2012 4/24/2012 198 5Gunta36 YallappagowdaS/oMallanagoudaHadli4/7/2012 4/11/2012 252 0.5Acre43 Somappas/o NagappaHadliBelawaniki3/12/2013 3/16/2013 4 5Gunta48 Shivareddy S/oDevareddy Kanakikoppa 6/10/2013 6/13/2013 7.33 5Gunta49 Chandrashekar S/oB Sabrath Kanakikoppa 6/13/2013 6/16/2013 4.39 3Gunta50 MallappaS/oKrishnappa Jagapur7/10/2013 7/24/2013 4.26 1Acre56 RachayyaS/oBasawannaHiremath Hadli8/27/2013 9/1/2013 6 5Gunta62 RameshS/oHarnareddy Daknal2/15/2014 2/21/2014 20 3Gunta75 Chandrashekharappas/oShivappaChared Belawaniki3/21/2014 3/21/2014 4 3Gunta79 VirappaHadali s/oNagappaHadliBelawaniki3/23/2014 3/23/2014 14.7 2Gunta85 Parappakuri s/oYellappaKuriBelawaniki3/26/2014 3/26/2014 3.4 3Gunta89 Somalingappas/oBasawalingappaChared Belawaniki3/18/2014 3/21/2014 4.6 5Gunta91 Basavaraj nargundas/oRayappaNaragunda Datnal4/9/2014 4/9/2014 5.26 5Gunta93 Shekappakuri s/oNilappaKuriDatnal4/10/2014 4/10/2014 2 5Gunta94 Ramappas/oHanumappaGobrogumpiDatnal4/11/2014 4/11/2014 12 5Gunta124 Sharanappa s/oSomappaHadliBelawaniki5/27/2014 5/28/2014 4.5 5Gunta Sincetheseareallfirstgenerationfarmers,itwasverydifficultforthemtosucceed; moreover,theadverseclimateconditionsduringtheyearmadeitmoredifficult.The farmers had to sow the seeds twice during the kharif but lost the crops after germination. Similarly, the attempt in rabi also failed for some of the farmers. However, few farmers have succeeded and got excellent yield. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 8 1.4.2DiversifiedCroppingPattern:SomeofthebeliefofJanakalyanteamtoimplementthis program are-1.Give water to farming communities, they will feed the nation 2.Built a water harvesting structure for your child than a house 3.Like house to a urban family, water harvesting structure is for a rural family/ farmer 4.Cost sharing brings ownership among the participating farmers and sustainability to the initiative. With these beliefs, Janakalyan initiated the interventions in Malaprabha Tail end and thus the focus was only on creation of water harvesting structure to provide water and nothing else with cost sharing approach. However, farmers required some sort of orientation and exposure to various productive units to make effective use of scarce resources like land & water in order to enhance productivity and in turn the livelihood security. The cropping pattern that is seen with these set of farmers during the year are as under- The farmers of 1st batch (selected in 2010-11) are shown the following crop diversification during the current crop year- Sl. No. Nameof thefarmer CropSownduring2014-15(areainacre) WheatMaizeBengal gramSunflower OnionSeedsCotton Onion SorghumCottonseedsChilly VegetableGroundnut Total CropDiversificationinthefarmsof farmersof 1st batch1 Ashok Udikeri1.50 1.50 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 Basavaraj Gali9.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 MallappaHada 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 Shanmukhapp 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 ShankrayyaS 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 BapuGoudaP0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 EarannaSanna 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.5 0 1.58 SiddappaBarik 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.1 0 2.19 DyamannaG 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0310 BailappaVittap 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 03SubTotal 10.5 1.5 3 0 0 24 2 0 0 1 0.6 0 42.6Percentage25%4%7%0%0%56%5%0%0%2%1%0%100% The bumper yield of cotton during previous crop year has lured away the farmers towards cotton cultivation (56%). About 25% area is sown with wheat while rest of the farmers have gone for other crops.

LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 9 |P age The farmers selected from subsequent years have different results at the end of current crop year. The data furnished in the table below for ready reference- Sl. No. Nameof thefarmer CropSownduring2014-15(areainacre) WheatMaize Bengal gramSunflower OnionSeedsCotton Onion SorghumCottonseedsChilly VegetableGroundnut Total CropDiversificationinthefarmsof farmersof 2nd batch 11 Gurappa00000 3.5000000 3.512 SureshGouda00 6000000000 613 Rudrappa00000 6000000 614 Ashok 00000 2.5000000 2.515 Sushila000000 1100000 1116 Nagalingaredd00000 7000000 717 Akkamma00000 6000000 618 Shamburao00000 8000000 819 Venkareddy00000 5000000 520 Fhakirappa00000 3000000 321 Veerappa00000 6000000 622 Duragappa00000 4000000 423 Basavaraj Ron000000000000 024 Basavaraj Ona000000000000 025 Parappa000000000000 026 SureshKulkarn000000 400000 427 SharanaBasap000000 1700000 1728 Mahanthapapa000000 400000 429 SB Chikkaredd000000 1100000 1130 SiddalingeshU 0 240000000000 2431 Gopalreddy000000 500000 532 AanandGouda00000 6000000 633 JagadishBhokl 00000 10000000 1034 SangappaIrap00000 3000000 335 Irappa00000 3000000 336 Yallappagowda 00000 3000000 337 Madappa 00000 3000000 3SubTotal0 24 6 0 0 79 52 0 0 0 0 0 161Percentage 0%15%4%0%0%49%32%0%0%0%0%0%100% The 2nd batch of farmers has shown the similar result with 49% area covered with cotton while 32% with onion. Sl. No. Nameof thefarmer CropSownduring2014-15(areainacre) WheatMaize Bengal gramSunflower OnionSeedsCotton Onion SorghumCottonseedsChilly VegetableGroundnut Total CropDiversificationinthefarmsof farmersof 3rd batch 38 Srikant00000000000 8 839 Laxmikant 000000 500000 540 PravinKuma00000 14000000 1441 Shivappa 000 1300000000 1342 ShivaReddy000 1400000000 1443 SomappaN 000000 400000 444 Savitri S000000 400000 445 Shankarapp00000 11000000 11SubTotal0 0 0 27 0 25 13 0 0 0 0 8 73Percentage 0%0%0%37%0%34%18%0%0%0%0%11%100% The 3rd batch of farmers has shown a different result with 37%sunflower while 34%cotton and 18% onion crop during the crop year. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 10 Sl. No. Nameof thefarmer CropSownduring2014-15(areainacre) WheatMaize Bengal gramSunflower OnionSeedsCotton Onion SorghumCottonseedsChilly VegetableGroundnut Total CropDiversificationinthefarmsof farmersof 4thbatch 46 GirishPatil 0 20000000000 247 SharanaHerema00000 7000000 748 Shivareddy00000 7000000 749 Chandrashekar 0 40000000000 450 Mallappa00 2000 200000 451 Siddappa00000 2000000 252 Hirematha 00 19000000000 1953 ManjuM T Patil 0 80000000000 854 Basappa00000 4000000 455 Eshappa00000 4000000 456 Rachayya00000 5000000 557 Dharmappa 00 3000000000 358 Veeranna 00000 3000000 359 Chandrashekara00000 2000000 260 Rayappa 00 2000 200000 461 Basawaraj Karda00000 6000000 662 Ramesh 00 8000000000 863 Gurusiddappa00000 2000000 264 Basappa00 8000000000 865 Siddappa 00000 4000000 466 YallappaBarker 00 3000000000 367 Somappasajjana000000000000 068 Shankarappabin00000 5000000 569 Mahanteshchara00 3000000000 370 Somappabinigi 00000 7000000 771 Basavangouda00000 10000000 1072 SiddappaBadam00000 4000000 473 Hanumantappap00000 6000000 674 Shanmukappaku00000 8000000 875 Chandrashekhar 000 400000000 476 Virupakshappabi 00000 8000000 877 Gopal Reddy har 000000000000 078 Kalappajiganuru00000 1000000 179 VirappaHadali 00000 14000000 1480 ShankarappaHa000000 800000 881 Mayappabonnur 00000 2000000 282 Mallikarjungouda00000 4000000 483 Allahsahabnada00000 4000000 484 Erappapattansh00 4000000000 485 Parappakuri 00 3000000000 386 Basavaraj hannig00000 3000000 387 Ismail sahabmull 00000 4000000 488 Basavaraj bhima00000 8000000 889 Somalingappach00 2000 200000 490 Viranna 000000 400000 4SubTotal0 14 57 4 0 134 18 0 0 0 0 0 227Percentage 0%6%25%2%0%59%8%0%0%0%0%0%100% The 4th batch of farmers selected during 2013-14 has also shown the similar results wherein 59% have gone for cotton and 25% Bengal gram. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 11 |P age The farmers selected during current year have different results at the end of 1st year. The data furnished in the table below for ready reference- Sl. No. Nameof thefarmerCropSownduring2014-15(areainacre) WheatMaize Bengal gramSunflower OnionSeedsCotton Onion Sorghum CottonseedsChilly Vegetable Groundnut Total CropDiversificationinthefarmsof farmersof 5thbatch 91 Basavaraj N 00000 3000000 392 Hanumareddy 00 4000000000 493 Shekappakuri00000 2000000 294 Ramappa 00000 12000000 1295 Muttappakuri00000 3000000 396 Hanumappa00000 3000000 397 Basavantappag00 3000000000 398 SrishailappaT 00000 5000000 599 YallappaS 00000 4000000 4100 Umeshshetter 00000 6000000 6101 SantoshS 00000 15000000 15102 Prashant K 00000 4000000 4103 Shumendrosen 00000 4000000 4104 Basavaraj H 00000 4000000 4105 SharanappaM 00000 4000000 4106 LingappaS 00000 14000000 14107 SharanappaG 00000 5000000 5108 MahanteshS 00000 6000000 6109 Shivarudrappa 00000 6000000 6110 Raju shetter00000 10000000 10111 Basawaraj 00000 4000000 4112 Shivappa00000 3000000 3113 Eshappa00000 3000000 3114 Eshwarayya 00000 6000000 6115 Madappa00000 3000000 3116 Yellappa 00000 4000000 4117 Mailarappa00000 3000000 3118 Ramappa 00000 3000000 3119 Shivappa00000 5000000 5120 Mallikarjunapp00000 4000000 4121 Prakash 00000 4000000 4122 Virupaxappa00000 3000000 3123 Hanumantappa 00000 3000000 3 124 Sharanappa000000 400000 4125 Shivanand00000 4000000 4126 EshappaB S 00000 4000000 4127 ShekarappaB 00000 4000000 4128 VeeerannaB 00000 8000000 8129 SankargoudaB 000000000000 0130 Shekargouda 000000000000 0131 Shivkumar B 000000000000 0132 AndappaK 000 400000000 4133 VenkangoudaP 000 10.500000000 10.5134 ShivappaS00000 6000000 6135 Mallikarjun 000 15.500000000 15.5136 Ningappabasap000000000 900 9137 PodmayyaH 00000 10000000 10138 NagappaK000000 400000 4139 VirappaDB 000000 300000 3140 Boodippa 00000 4000000 4SubTotal0 0 7 30 0 198 11 0 0 9 0 0 255Percentage 0%0%3%12%0%78%4%0%0%4%0%0%100% About 78% of area is covered with cotton for the current set of farmers while remaining are with various other crops. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 12 Overall results of crop diversification can be seen in following table.Nameof thefarmer CropSownduring2014-15(areainacre) WheatMaize Bengal gramSunflower OnionSeedsCotton Onion SorghumCottonseedsChilly VegetableGroundnut Total 1st batch 10.5 1.5 3 0 0 24 2 0 0 1 0.6 0 42.6%25%4%7%0%0%56%5%0%0%2%1%0%100% 2nd batch 0 24 6 0 0 79 52 0 0 0 0 0 161%0%15%4%0%0%49%32%0%0%0%0%0%100% 3rd batch 0 0 0 27 0 25 13 0 0 0 0 8 73%0%0%0%37%0%34%18%0%0%0%0%11%100% 4th batch 0 14 57 4 0 134 18 0 0 0 0 0 227%0%6%25%2%0%59%8%0%0%0%0%0%100% 5th batch 0 0 7 30 0 198 11 0 0 9 0 0 255%0%0%3%12%0%78%4%0%0%4%0%0%100% Total10.539.5736104609600100.68758.6 Percentage1% 5% 10% 8% 0% 61% 13% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 100%Cotton is grown in 61% of the land while onion in 13%; Bengal gram was seen in 10% of the land and maize in 5% land. Overall diversification was reduced with major focus on cotton. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 13 |P age 1.4.3Productivity and profitability analysis: At the end of the cropping season after harvesting the crops,theproductivityandprofitabilityanalysisisdoneandthedataarefurnishedinthe following table- First batch of farmers: Sl. NoNameof theFarmers Landholding(acre) 2013-14 2014-15CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit1st batchFarmers1 Ashok Udikeri7.17 5 89688 80 188000 98312 3 1225046200 339502 Basavaraj Gali10.18 7 88008 140 182000 93992 4 4276079200 364403 MallappaHadapad 9.11 6 71270 40 200000 128730 5 67528100000 324724 ShanmukhappaM7.10 0 122700 60 300000 177300 6 86800128000 412005 ShankrayyaSali4.14 4 71320 41 205000 133680 4 6655092000 254506 BapuGoudaPatil3.30 3.75 71220 39 195000 123780 3 4565068000 223507 EarannaSanadeni4.32 3 60000 40 196000 136000 4 3010050000 199008 SiddappaBarikar2.20 2 44100 45 220500 176400 2 3370060000 263009 DyamannaGudigi3.23 3 60700 15 61500 800 3 2883056000 2717010 BailappaVittappan 3.05 3 32840 60 78000 45160 3 2880056000 27200 Total53.8 36.75 711846 560 1826000 1114154 36.5 442968 0 735400 292432 Percentage257%157%89%166%66% Second batch of farmers: Sl. No.FarmersLandholding(acre) 2013-14 2014-15CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit2nd batchfarmers 11 Gurappa 4 2 32380 8 39200 6820 3.5 3733048000 1067012 SureshGouda 10 12 79675 45 172500 92825 6 1740065000 4760013 RudrappaSankoppad 6.11 8 159000 61 298900 139900 6 99870160000 6013014 Ashok Hugar6.01 6 131700 72 352080 220380 2.5 3877048000 923015 Smt.SushilaKannur11.28 24 284156 430 559000 274844 11 250000400000 15000016 Nagalingareddy7.06 12 151428 200 260000 108572 7 185030250000 6497017 AkkammaKhajjidoni7.07 6 131700 72 352080 220380 6 98450140000 4155018 Shamburao 20 8 96480 160 208000 22875 7.5 131400192000 6060019 Venkareddy 5 5 69720 100 130000 1186100 5 86250120000 3375020 Fhakirappa 12.32 3 30504 100 370000 54424 3 5090072000 2110021 Veerappa 11 4 71270 40 200000 99630 6 95000120000 2500022 Duragappa4 6 131700 72 352080 274844 4 7910096000 1690023 Basavaraj Ronad 9 0 0 0 0 884000 0 0024 Basavaraj Onagiri8 0 0 0 0 8430000 0 025 Parappa 11 0 0 0 0 10506000 0 026 SureshKulkarni4.2 4 32125 11 55000 95000 4 67300100000 3270027 SharanaBasappa 17.29 17 313900 500 1500000 707500 0 0028 Mahanthapapa 4 4 49576 80 104000 81950 4 70300160000 8970029 SB Chikkareddy 22.7 11 98370 44 198000 58000 11 178400264000 8560030 SiddalingeshU S 24 24 284156 430 559000 22875 24 208925540000 33107531 Gopalreddy 23 5 91600 60 180000 1186100 5 79600155000 7540032 AanandGouda 4 6 115700 40 200000 54424 6 101500120000 1850033 JagadishBhokla 11 10 128940 180 234000 99630 10 171500240000 6850034 SangappaIrapp 2.1 3 52000 30 147000 274844 3 5089072000 2111035 Irappa 6 3 51750 25 122500 88400 3 5130072000 2070036 Yallappagowda2.25 3 50350 27 132300 84300 3 4097072000 3103037 Madappa7.8 3 47600 22 105600 105060 3 5252566000 13475 GrandTotal260.19 189 2685780 2809 6831240 4145460 143.5 2242710 0 3572000 1329290 Percentage0%254%154%76%159%59% [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 14 Third batch of farmers- Sl. No.Farmers Landholding(acre) 2013-14 2014-15CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit3rd batchFarmer 38 Srikant 28.31 8 127500 100 300000 172500 8 140200240000 9980039 Laxmikant5 5 91100 50 150000 58900 5 74680100000 2532040 PravinKuma 14 14 233508 220 538000 304492 7 137900168000 3010041 Shivappa13.39 13 133224 90 333000 199776 13 106340342000 23566042 ShivaReddy 14.28 14 145660 100 370000 224340 14 120475342000 22152543 SomappaN4.00 4 75600 45 135000 59400 4 78450124000 4555044 Savitri S 4.5 4 75350 43 129000 53650 4 78460120000 4154045 Shankarapp 11 11 79850 20 100000 20150 11 167700240000 72300 Total94.48 73 961792 668 2055000 1093208 66 904205 0 1676000 771795 Percentage214%114%90%185%85% Fourth batch of farmers- Sl. No.Farmers Landholding(acre) 2013-14 2014-15CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit4th batchFarmer 46 GirishPatil2.15 2 25900 52000 26100 2 2560052000 2640047 SharanaHerema 7.00 10 100000 200000 100000 7 127600240000 11240048 Shivareddy 7.33 7 134000 315000 181000 7 134900168000 3310049 Chandrashekar4.39 4 43256 98800 55544 4 38656140000 10134450 Mallappa 4.26 4 81400 180000 98600 4 2880080000 5120051 Siddappa 3 2 150000 25500 -124500 2 3460048000 1340052 Hirematha22 18.5 149135 239700 90565 19 179600361000 18140053 ManjuM T Patil18.15 3.5 40000 85000 45000 8 72040187200 11516054 Basappa 4.5 4 79200 180000 100800 4 5500096000 4100055 Eshappa 10 4 97200 200000 102800 4 6000096000 3600056 Rachayya 6 5 68864 171600 102736 5 80000120000 4000057 Dharmappa3 3 15000 35000 20000 3 1005045500 3545058 Veeranna3 3 60000 120000 60000 3 6000072000 1200059 Chandrashekara 2.3 2 16000 31000 15000 2 3800044000 600060 Rayappa9.1 8.5 40000 80000 40000 2 2718080000 5282061 Basawaraj Karda 6 5.5 90000 45000 -45000 6 110000140000 3000062 Ramesh20 12 70000 150000 80000 8 200000500000 30000063 Gurusiddappa 11.2 11 110000 205000 95000 2 4000050000 1000064 Basappa 8 8 80000 160000 80000 8 50000150000 10000065 Siddappa4.2 4 35000 80000 45000 4 5000095000 4500066 YallappaBarker6.3 6 50000 120000 70000 3 3000060000 3000067 Somappasajjana 7.3 7 60000 120000 60000 7 140000164000 2400068 Shankarappabin 5.4 5 50000 100000 50000 5 100000120000 2000069 Mahanteshchara 3.34 3.75 30000 70000 40000 3 1356039000 2544070 Somappabinigi7 7 60000 140000 80000 7 126000164000 3800071 Basavangouda 10 10 100000 250000 150000 10 190000240000 5000072 SiddappaBadam 4 4 40000 85000 45000 4 7200096000 2400073 Hanumantappap 6.4 4.25 45000 95000 50000 6 108000140000 3200074 Shanmukappaku 8 8 90000 20000 -70000 8 148000192000 4400075 Chandrashekhar4 4 40000 90000 50000 4 30000120000 9000076 Virupakshappabi8.24 2.5 85000 180000 95000 8 144000188000 4400077 Gopal Reddy har9 9 100000 300000 200000 9 55000155000 10000078 Kalappajiganuru 1.39 2 100000 250000 150000 1 1800024000 6000LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 15 |P age Sl. No.Farmers Landholding(acre) 2013-14 2014-15CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit CroppedareaExpenditureYield Return Net Profit79 VirappaHadali14.7 14 150000 325000 175000 14 252000308000 5600080 ShankarappaHa 8 8 80000 160000 80000 8 144000240000 9600081 Mayappabonnur2.7 2 20000 40000 20000 2 3000040000 1000082 Mallikarjungouda 4.37 4.75 50000 150000 100000 4 80000100000 2000083 Allahsahabnada 4.2 4 45000 95000 50000 4 81000101000 2000084 Erappapattansh 4 4 40000 80000 40000 4 1852052000 3348085 Parappakuri3.4 3 30000 70000 40000 3 1500045000 3000086 Basavaraj hannig 3.15 3.25 35000 72000 37000 3 5800078000 2000087 Ismail sahabmull4.8 4 40000 80000 40000 4 80000100000 2000088 Basavaraj bhima 8 4 40000 90000 50000 8 100000192000 9200089 Somalingappach 4.6 4 40000 90000 50000 4 72000120000 4800090 Viranna4 4 40000 90000 50000 4 72000120000 48000 Total301.87 252.5 2944955 5815600 2870645 241 3599106 0 5962700 2363594 Percentage197%97% 166%66% Theoverallexpenditures,yield,returnandnetprofitofallthosefarmerswithwhom Janakalyan has intervened to improve their livelihoods through harvesting could be furnished as under- BatchesLandholding(acre) 2013-14 2014-15CroppedareaExpenditure Yield Return Net ProfitCroppedareaExpenditure Yield Return Net Profit1st Batch 53.8 36.75 711846 560 1826000 1114154 36.5 442968 735400 2924322010-11 257%157%89% 166%66% 2nd Batch 260.19 189 2685780 2809 6831240 4145460 143.5 2242710 3572000 13292902011-12 254%154%76% 159%59% 3rd Batch 94.48 73 961792 668 2055000 1093208 66 904205 1676000 7717952012-13 214%114%90% 185%85% 4th Batch 301.87 252.5 2944955 5815600 2870645 241 3599106 5962700 23635942013-14 197%97% 166%66% Total710.34551.257304373403716527840922346748771889890119461004757111 78%226% 126% 69%166% 66% Thecroppedareawas78%ofthetotalland holding during 2013-14 while that has reduced to69%during2014-15duetobadcropping year. Accordingly, return has reduced to 166% against226%inlastyearvis--visthe expenditure.Theexpenditurehasremained almost same though the net profit has reduced toRs.4.75lakhs(66%)fromRs.9.22lakhs (126%)whichisalmosthalfoftheprevious year. This loss is basically due to the mono cropping i.e.cotton.Theperformanceofcottonwas goodinpreviousyearandthusalmostall farmerswentforonlycottoncultivation. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 16 Initially, the crop was very good but in mid year, the crop condition became bad and finally the yield reduced to half of the previous year. In addition, the price of the cotton has also gone down and therefore, the farmers have incurred hug loss. Fifth batch of farmers- Sl. No.FarmersLandholding(acre) 2013-14 2014-15Croppedarea Expenditure Yield Return Net Profit CroppedareaExpenditure Yield Return Net Profit 5th batchFarmer 91 Basavaraj N5.26 3 6000072000 1200092 Hanumareddy11.15 4 2000075000 5500093 Shekappakuri 2 2 3800048000 1000094 Ramappa12 12 220000284000 6400095 Muttappakuri 3 3 6000072000 1200096 Hanumappa 3.35 3 5500068000 1300097 Basavantappag 3 3 5400069000 1500098 SrishailappaT5 5 90000120000 3000099 YallappaS4 4 7800098000 20000100 Umeshshetter6.6 6 110000135000 25000101 SantoshS 15.26 15 324000414000 90000102 PrashantK4 4 7500095000 20000103 Shumendrosen4.11 4 7800098000 20000104 Basavaraj H4 4 7500096000 21000105 SharanappaM6 4 8000098500 18500106 LingappaS14 14 252000322000 70000107 SharanappaG 5 5 95000120500 25500108 MahanteshS6.32 6 105000135000 30000109 Shivarudrappa8.36 8 125000160000 35000110 Raju shetter 18 0111 Basawaraj4 4 7500096000 21000112 Shivappa 6 3 5500070000 15000113 Eshappa 4 3 5000070000 20000114 Eshwarayya6 6 100000150000 50000115 Madappa 3.4 3 80000100000 20000116 Yellappa4 4 7000090000 20000117 Mailarappa 3.21 3 85000100000 15000118 Ramappa3 3 80000100000 20000119 Shivappa 5 5 7000090000 20000120 Mallikarjunapp 10 10 100000150000 50000121 Prakash4 4 5500080000 25000122 Virupaxappa 4 3 5800075000 17000123 Hanumantappa8 3 5000065000 15000 124 Sharanappa 4.5 4 85000110000 25000125 Shivanand 14 4 80000110000 30000126 EshappaB S 4 4 7500095000 20000127 ShekarappaB4 4 7500095000 20000128 VeeerannaB8 8 100000170000 70000129 SankargoudaB8.3 8 4500095000 50000130 Shekargouda13 13 65000131000 66000131 Shivkumar B12.17 12 75000150000 75000132 AndappaK4.35 4 2500069000 44000133 VenkangoudaP 11.21 11 79000167000 88000134 ShivappaS6.2 6 100000130000 30000135 Mallikarjun16 16 144000280000 136000136 Ningappabasap 9.36 9 162000252000 90000137 PodmayyaH10.3 10 180000230000 50000138 NagappaK 4 4 80000160000 80000139 VirappaDB3 3 54000120000 66000140 Boodippa4.7 4 80000100000 20000Total342.11 287 4426000 0 6280000 1854000Pecentage84% 142% 42%The cropping area is 84% for this batch of farmers while the net profit is only 42% of the investment. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 17 |P age 2. If the actual project activities differed from the activities described in the proposal, please explain why. The actual project activities have not differed from those described in the proposal. We have succeeded to complete 50 water harvesting structures against the target of 50 structures during the reporting period. It was based on the learning from the Deshpande Foundation direct intervention field in Navalagund and as per the approval of Deshpande Foundation that the size of the structures could be adjusted based on the need of the farmers. However, we have learnt that the small size tanks shall not be excavated in future as those are not really helping the farmers. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 18 B. Project Outcomes & Impact: Majoroutcomesandimpactsoftheprojectinterventionsattheendofreportingperiodare narrated in the subsequent sections of the report. 1. Please describe your progress in achieving the purpose of the grant.What were the major achievements of this project? The purpose of the grant is to demonstrate a model which could resolve the irrigation needs of the tail end farmers. It is basically to address 2-extremeties of water availability that exists in all tail ends of any irrigation projects in India; the situation of farmers of Malaprabha tail end is no better than this. Theintervention that Janakalyan has planned with the support of Give2Asia (Deshpande Foundation Fund) is to demonstrate the creating a water harvesting structure can resolve the irrigation needs of these farmers. The major achievements of the grant as on date could be summarized as in the table below Sl. No.Commitment for 2013-14Achievement during the reporting period 1Excavationof35small (30X30X10 cft) water harvesting structuresinMalaprabhatail end Excavated 35 small (30x30x10 cft) water harvesting structures during the year against the target of 35.2Excavationof15big(40x40x10 cft)waterharvestingstructures in Malaprabha tail end Excavated15big(70x70x11cft)waterharvesting structures during the year against the target of 15. Please note that the size of the tanks much bigger than the agreed size. 3Cultivationofvegetablesin5 acres of land Cultivated32farmersfewsucceededandothers learnt as they are first generation cultivators. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 19 |P age 2. Pleasecompareyouractualprojectachievementstothespecificgoal(s)andoutcomes described in your proposal. Please explain any differences or variance. The deliverables agreed for the project period are tabulated with the status on each of these deliverables against them (based on the indicators agreed in the grant agreement)- Sl. No.Deliverables / OutcomesStatus at the end of the project period 1 Deliverable1:Excavationof35big irrigation tanks to harvest runoff and excess water from the irrigation canals for life saving irrigation to the standing crops.Total35waterharvestingstructureshavebeen excavated during the year against the target of 35 2 Deliverable 2: Excavation of 15 small irrigation tanks to harvest runoff and excess water from the irrigation canals for life saving irrigation to the standing crops. About 15 smalltanks have been created during the year; all these 15 are much bigger than the agreedsize.About90tankswereexcavatedin previousyears.Totalstructurescompletedtill date is 140.3 Deliverable 3: Cultivation of vegetable in 5 acres of land. Morethan32farmershavegoneforvegetable cultivation; all these are first generation vegetable growers and have learnt which shall be used in future. In Addition.. 5Participateinquarterlypartners meetandannualconference Development Dialogue. 4 Quarterly Partners Meet was organized during theyearandJanakalyanparticipatedinall4 eventsincluding2preparatorymeetingofDD 2015 and Krishi Sinchana 2015. 6Carryouttimelyandappropriate submissionofquarterlyreportsto Deshpande Foundation in prescribed format Quarterly Reports in excel sheet submitted before the due dates to DF all 4 QPR Other activities: Some of the additional activities undertaken during the project period by the execution team are listed below- Reached out to more than 50 villages: The team could reach out to more than 50 villages during the year having benefitting about 140 farmers. 102 farmers reached: More than 102 interested and needy farmers reached out by the team and oriented about the project concept. Learning Exposure to BCI Project of DF: Janakalyan team visited DFs BCI project to learn from their experiences.Proposal to MKSP: The proposal of Janakalyan for MKSP is under pipeline. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 20 3.Why was this project important? The tail end farmers, having no access to assured irrigation during the peak season, can never cultivate the land that they are having for their livelihoods. Neither, they have any alternative source of their livelihoods and thus facing extreme difficulties to survive in the age of price-hike. In addition to decrease in per capita land availability, the productivity of the land has also gone down as they cannot grow the crops to their fullest extent, which has direct impact on the socio-economic as well as educational status of the communities. This intervention was extremely important for the farmers of this region for various reasons as stated below- 1)The rainfall is erratic in the region and thus cannot be depended solely on it for cultivation 2)The irrigation sources available with the farmers are not ASSURED for the crop period 3)Farmers having lift irrigation from neighboring canals cannot lift the water as the electricity is supplied in the night hours 4)Available water from the canal is NOT adequate for irrigating the total land holding 5)Therunoffgeneratedduringrainyseasoniswastedasthefarmerdoesnothave storage structure and later suffers for shortage of water for irrigation. Toaddressalltheseproblems,Janakalyaninnovatedaninterventiontoexcavateawater harvesting structure to harvest excess water during rainy season and use the same for life saving irrigation during peak season; the same structure could also be used to lift the water during night (whenever electricity is supplied) and irrigated during convenient time. The canal water whenever runs freely, could also be stored and used during peak season for irrigation. Thus, a single intervention could address the whole lot of irrigation related issues of the farmers ofMalaprabhaTailendtherebyensuringyieldandthussecuringthelivelihoodsoffarming communities.Thisalsoaddstothefoodsecurityofthenationbybringingmorelandunder irrigation and increasing the productivity of the land. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 21 |P age 4.Pleaseattachsuccessstories,letters,orreportsfrombeneficiaries,where possible.Photos, DVDs, copies of news articles, and other materials are also welcomed. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 22 LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 23 |P age [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 24 LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 25 |P age C.Lessons Learned Institution like Janakalyan implements social development projects to learn from the process for wider benefits of the society at large. Major learning of this intervention during the reporting period are listed in the subsequent sections of the report. The learning process is described below for better understanding of the readers. Proposed plan for 2015-16: The plan of action for 2015-16, as per the approved proposal, was to- 1)Create 35 water harvesting structures of 60x60x10 cft each in the farms of tail end farmers. What Did Not Work: The project did not move as per the plan but had lot of issues which we learnt during the course of execution of the plan and changed the path based on the ground reality. Some of these issues which did not work are listed below- Vegetable cultivation was not that successful due to bad climatic condition. 1.What have you learned through this project? There are many learning of this intervention and the important ones are listed below- Farm based intervention needs to be flexible as per the need of individual farmer on case to case basis and not a rigid package to excavate water harvesting structures. Theexistingfarmponds/smallwaterharvestingstructuresoffarmersneedtobe deepened/ widened to make use of land effectively. Farmers do not show interest during the cropping period to excavate the tank (due to their engagements in farm based activities so also investment issue) They do not want to lose the soil moisture once it rains (as they are not sure when the next rain would come) and therefore go for sowing than excavation.The farmers do not foresee any immediate return from the water harvesting structure v/s crops; thus prioritize the crops than tank once it starts raining One excavator can hardly excavate 25-30 water harvesting structures in a year considering all external factors. Cost of operation would still go down if we engage 2-3 excavators instead of 1 as the humanresourceandotherincidentalexpendituresremainssameeitherfor1or3 excavators. Hardly,costofmaintenance(greasing&regularservice)couldbegeneratedfromthe revenuegenerationworks.Salaryofoperatorremainsanissueiffullyengagedin subsidized project work. Itsaninvestmentheavyintervention;thefarmershavenooptiontousethelocally available excavators (on credit) as they are solely dependent on our excavator hence they need to mobilize more than 70% of the total cost of excavation The period of excavation is from January to June (6 months only); further, we can add hardly another 30 days out of these 6 months Though there are more interested farmers in a village but fail to mobilize funds at a time We cannot use the excavator more than 8-10 hours a day (as engaged tractors work for 8 hours a day) [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 26 These are the most important learning from our interventions with the innovative idea of owning theexcavatorinsteadofhiringitforexcavationofwaterharvestingstructures.Itcouldbe summarized by saying thatit is an entrepreneurial initiative keeping the sustainabilityof the organization in mind; however, at least 3 excavators are to be owned at a time to break even from 3rd year onward. 2.What improvements would you make in the future? Some of the improvements proposed for future interventions would be a)Reaching out to far away villages where the irrigation water is inadequate using the hired excavator, if need be. b)All excavated water harvesting structures would be captured with GPS enable camera for online tracing. c)More than 1 Hitachi shall be operated by the team in order to make effective utilize of the human resources. d)Hiredhitachishallalsobeusedforexcavationofmorenumberofwaterharvesting structures at a time to make use of productive time. LIVELIHOOD IMPROVEMENT THROUGHWATER HARVESTI NG I N TAIL END [[[[[ 27 |P age D. Future Plans Janakalyanhascompleted5thyearofinterventionwiththefinancialsupportofGive2Asia (Deshpande Foundation Fund) with a break for a year in 2012-13. The plan for next financial year is narrated in the subsequent section of the report. 1.What are your future plans for this project? Will the project continue after this Give2Asia grant? Future Plan: Janakalyan team has planned the following activities in the next year i.e. 2015-16 keeping all learning of all these years in mind. Target of completing about 35 water harvesting structures in 2015-16 of 60x60x10 cft Sustainability: The interventionof Janakalyan with the support of Give2Asia (DF Fund) would become sustainable in the following manner even after withdrawal of Janakalyan and also the donors. Sustainabilityoftheprojectmeans,continuationoftheactivitiesevenafterwithdrawalof Janakalyan from the project area. In this case the sustainability can be ensured if we can ensure the following 2 options- 1)Use of the water harvesting structure created by the project even after the withdrawal of Janakalyan 2)Excavation of such structures after 3-5 years without the project support In our experience, effective use of water harvesting structures would be ensured even after the withdrawal of Janakalyan due to the following factors- The water harvesting structures would be excavated in the land of farmers and thus it would be his/her own assets; the farmers would try and get maximum output from this piece of land in terms of irrigation water, fish cultivation, fruit trees on the bunds of the water bank, etc. The cost sharing concept in built in the project towards excavation of the water harvesting structure would also ensure the ownership on the structure and thus its use in long run. Similarly, the excavationof suchWater Bank even after the withdrawal of Janakalyan can be ensured with the following mechanisms- Poor farmer: The project would try to leverage resources from NREGA rather make proper use of the NREGA funds in excavating the Water Bank, especially in the land of SC/ST of tail end of Tungabhadra Project to increase productivity. Middle-classfarmer:TheFormalFinancialInstitutions(Banks)wouldalsobesensitizedto financeWaterBankinthemiddleclassfarmersland,forwhomNREGAfundsarenot available. Rich farmer: Upon successful demonstration ofthe concept, the rich farmers would make their own investment to create such structures in their own farms. KVK, UAS and line departments like Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry would provide technical support to the farmers from time to time towards SRI/IIFS concept. Thus all the farmers can get water harvesting structures created in their farms to harvest runoff during the rainy season and use the same for life-saving irrigation during peak season thereby increasingtheproductivityoflandsandthusimprovingthelivelihoodsoftheruralpeasant communities with your kind support. [ Volume XIII: Final Report (April 2014 March 2015) P age | 28 II. Final Financial Report Using the attached template (see Give2Asia Financial Report Template 2013.xls), please provide a financial report of all grant expenses to date. If you prefer to use your own financial report format, please be sure toinclude the information requested in the template in sufficient detail for Give2Asia to be able to evaluate your management of the grant to date. CERTIFICATION Project Title: Water Harvesting Structure Construction 2014 Grant Name of Grantee: Janakalyan Donor: Deshpande Foundation Fund Grant Amount: US$12,295.00 Grant Period:April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 Grantee FY End: March 31 Date of Report: 04:30:2015 I certify that the grant funds described in this report have been received and expended as detailed in this narrative report and the attached financial report in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. These expenditures are substantiated by documentation in our files. Name: PRASEN RAPTAN Title: Executive Director Date: 04.30.2014 *this signed certification MUST be submitted with any report for Give2Asia.