Live Webinar: From Publishing to Distribution: How to Grow Your Lead Generation Efforts on LinkedIn

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Transcript of Live Webinar: From Publishing to Distribution: How to Grow Your Lead Generation Efforts on LinkedIn

How to Grow your Lead Generation Efforts on LinkedIn

PRESENTED BYFrom Publishing to Distribution: How to Grow your Lead Generation Efforts on LinkedIn

John Hall is the co-founder and CEO of Influence & Co., a company that specializes in expertise extraction and knowledge management that is used to fuel marketing efforts. John has a weekly column for Forbes and Inc. and has contributed to more than 50 publications, including Business Insider and Harvard Business Review.Jason Miller leads global content and social media marketing initiatives for LinkedIn Marketing Solutions helping marketers understand how to use LinkedIn to achieve their marketing goals and deliver real ROI. He is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller Welcome to the Funnel. Previously he was the senior manager of social media strategy at Marketo and responsible for leading the company's global content and social media efforts.

Whats the problem? People arent taking advantage of using LinkedIn in their content distribution efforts


Mention Amy And Not Getting Out Of The Office

85% of marketers state lead generation as their No. 1 goal with content marketing

- Content Marketing Institute

Trust Building + Staying Top-of-Mind

Establish right away that you know what the world looks like for themand what it could look like. Vividly paint the picture. All world-saving performances are transformational experiences for your audience. Start out by showing heres what youve got today, and heres how it could be. This builds immediate rapport and hooks the audiences interest. You know them. You understand them. Youve got their back and youve got a better way.- GRAPHIC Opportunites coming, ripple effect, use graphic with goals for all roles (target audience) going into a funnel

Heres How It Could Be

Establish right away that you know what the world looks like for themand what it could look like. Vividly paint the picture. All world-saving performances are transformational experiences for your audience. Start out by showing heres what youve got today, and heres how it could be. This builds immediate rapport and hooks the audiences interest. You know them. You understand them. Youve got their back and youve got a better way.



I used to think of opportunity as this formula: Consistency + Trust = Opportunity and Im now finding that its more of Trust + Top-of-Mind Marketing = Opportunity is more accurate. But how do you build trust? That involves a lot of moving parts. Picture trust as a tree, and its branches include authenticity, education, helpfulness, familiarity, and likability.



Focus on education today with other aspects of trust, there are so many gifts/favors I can give out. But when it comes to education and content, the sky is the limit.

TOM Marketing and the Rise of ContentEducation

Top of mind communication/mindset/mentality has been around for yearsDirect mailers, banner ads, etc. but what I just talked bout authenticity, familiarity, likability can all be in content, and you can do a great job. But the traditional tactics did not. Thats where youre seeing this rise come from. People want to be educated, they want that human-to-human connectionThe era of the informed customer

How I My Wife Uses Top of Mind Strategies

Over time, Plated sends me articles on kitchen essentials and cooking hacks (which blew my mind, by the way - who knew you could ripen bananas in the oven? Worth a watch, folks). The point here, is that they care they created content because they wanted to educate and help readers And whats better? They stayed top of mind. So when my wife told me shed like me to start cooking, what was the first thing that came to mind? Plated. Not the grocery store or how in the world I was going to try to make a fancy dish I thought of Plated.



The Move From Short-Term Memory To Long-TermConsistency: Means you are on top of their mind at the right time

Personalization You want people to feel like James Bond at Disney World. Youre just freaking awesome. Be Different Its okay, no one else has your experiences People ask about content getting crowded

Moving From Short Term To Long Term Memory

Personalization You want people to feel like James Bond at Disney World. Youre just freaking awesome. Be Different Its okay, no one else has your experiences People ask about content getting crowded

The Top-of-Mind Timeline

***FOR JOHN PRESENTER NOTES: The time goes as follows: 1. You read about a service online through an article, but dont have a need for it ATM2. Follow their column and their Twitter because you resonated with their personal experience3. RT a quote from their article months later4. Noticed another company that you trust just did a webinar with that company 5. A friend asks you about this service and you mention you read the CEOs article on Forbes and recommend checking them out 6. Someone in your company brings up that you need that service that you had read about earlier (not immediate need)7. Instantly you think of all the interactions youve had (aka building trust) 8. Go to CEOs personal Twitter > visit company homepage to find out more information 9. Fill out a contact form or reach out and begin the buyer journey


414 millionusers worldwide107 millionU.S. users40% of userscheck it daily 1,049 average number of connectionsfor users who have published content

Maya Szydlowski (MS) - Please update numbers!

There are so many opportunities to stay top-of-mind with your audience using LinkedIn. From generating qualified leads with appropriate CTAs in your articles to boosting engagement and repurposing content, and utilizing LinkedIn groups to connect even further. The opportunities are endless.

How Companies Are Missing Opportunities

Talk about how people check out your employees profilesAlong with them being amplifiers for your content

Execution Plan


Content TriggersAh ha momentsSales Barriers

Documenting those aha moments content triggers to create content with over time Huge in content marketing its also talking to recruiters, sales people, etc. lets you reflect and see holes or opportunities in many areas

Be Ok With Being Different

K mart execs didnt want to do this In reality, it ended up getting leaked because someone thought it was that engaging and it went viral

We have so many unique aspects of us as a company that weve written about We embrace across our company, support people to contribute, investing in employees from all areas. When I wrote about traditional PR, it stirred up controversy but I wanted to be

End on youre all doing amazing things ,a lo of this is just embracing tactics, trust touch points, this is what truly differentiates you and helps you stand out as youre trying to build influence

Getting original, evergreen content

1,300+ additional views 180 Likes12 Comments30 additional leads

There are so many opportunities to stay top-of-mind with your audience using LinkedIn. From generating qualified leads with appropriate CTAs in your articles to boosting engagement and repurposing content, and utilizing LinkedIn groups to connect even further. The opportunities are endless.

Sales Enablement/Recruiting

When we repurposed my PR post from Forbes, we also included an enticing, relevant call to action at the bottom. Since we discussed thought leadership previously in the post, I included a 4-step guide that showcases how to create engaging thought leadership content.

Paid Amplification

When we repurposed my PR post from Forbes, we also included an enticing, relevant call to action at the bottom. Since we discussed thought leadership previously in the post, I included a 4-step guide that showcases how to create engaging thought leadership content.

ENGAGE GROUPSFind groups your audience is in. Share your articles with a pointed message to the group.Answer questions.Participate in discussions, and add perspective.

Align Your Content Relevant CTAs

When we repurposed my PR post from Forbes, we also included an enticing, relevant call to action at the bottom. Since we discussed thought leadership previously in the post, I included a 4-step guide that showcases how to create engaging thought leadership content.

After a commentAfter a shareAfter a profile viewAfter a likeOpportunity Triggers

There are so many opportunities to stay top-of-mind with your audience using LinkedIn. From generating qualified leads with appropriate CTAs in your articles to boosting engagement and repurposing content, and utilizing LinkedIn groups to connect even further. The opportunities are endless.

Opportunity Triggers

There are so many opportunities to stay top-of-mind with your audience using LinkedIn. From generating qualified leads with appropriate CTAs in your articles to boosting engagement and repurposing content, and utilizing LinkedIn groups to connect even further. The opportunities are endless.

Opportunity Triggers

There are so many opportunities to stay top-of-mind with your audience using LinkedIn. From generating qualified leads with appropriate CTAs in your articles to boosting engagement and repurposing content, and utilizing LinkedIn groups to connect even further. The opportunities are endless.

Opportunity Triggers


When we repurposed my PR post from Forbes, we also included an enticing, relevant call to action at the bottom. Since we discussed thought leadership previously in the post, I included a 4-step guide that showcases how to create engaging thought leadership content.

Tracking ROI

Use tracking URLs! Everything has an ROI, including your LinkedIn posts, and to increase that ROI, you have to measure your content. Without utilizing a tracking URL when linking back to your company blog or website, you risk losing important data on what posts are directing readers to your site. But with a tracking URL you can easily identify what articles and topics resonate most with your readers, as objectively shown by the metrics.

Tell a storyMention influencersInclude dataInclude quotes


DistributeBoost engagementInclude a CTACredible byline

ViewsEngagementFollower growthProfile viewsNew connectionsEVALUATING SUCCESS

MessagesRequests to talk CTA clicks Website trafficContent downloads

IM HERE TO HELPFor information about my team at Influence & Co., you can visit Tweet your questions to me: @tweetJohnHall.Connect with me and follow on LinkedIn.Email me at [email protected].