Live Hangout Ask Alex!… ·...

Get your FREE copy of Alex’s future bestseller at 1 Ask Alex! Get your FREE copy of Alex’s future bestseller at This is called “Ask Alex”. It is called that because I want to create a Q and A of questions that have already been written to me and answer them so that on our help desk, that's the first thing people read the moment they submit their first ticket. It may raise the question, especially if you run a help desk platform, what about the data that's in the user stats where most online help desks allow you to have the most important questions listed and people go through them, they read them, they can listen to them, what about that? My answer to that, having been online for 15 years, is that's the most economical and efficient way to do it, but no one ever reads through those questions. Then they feel bad when they've asked a redundant question, you feel annoyed as the marketer or entrepreneur because you're getting a question that's been asked again and again because that's not entertaining. That's within the help desk area and who wants to look through those things? It's like a user’s manual. Instead, why not entertain your prospects and clients? Why not perform for them? So I'm performing the most frequently asked questions and that's why this is called “Ask Alex”. First of all, let's start with the premise of Q and A, questions and answers. What is the premise and purpose of Q and A sessions? It's not to get answers, in my opinion. It's to learn how to ask questions. Because if you ask a question clearly and concisely, many times you have already answered it. I will tell you, including myself, I'll throw myself in this bucket - I don't want to throw anyone under the bus - that most people I know - friends, family, colleagues, strategic alliance partners - are lazy question askers. Super lazy. They don't think about it.

Transcript of Live Hangout Ask Alex!… ·...

Page 1: Live Hangout Ask Alex!… · frequently asked questions and that's why this is called “Ask Alex”. First of all, let's

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This is called “Ask Alex”.

It is called that because I want to create a Q and A of questions that have already been written to me and answer them so that on our help desk, that's the first thing people read the moment they submit their first ticket.

It may raise the question, especially if you run a help desk platform, what about the data that's in the user stats where most online help desks allow you to have the most important questions listed and people go through them, they read them, they can listen to them, what about that?

My answer to that, having been online for 15 years, is that's the most economical and efficient way to do it, but no one ever reads through those questions. Then they feel bad when they've asked a redundant question, you feel annoyed as the marketer or entrepreneur because you're getting a question that's been asked again and again because that's not entertaining.

That's within the help desk area and who wants to look through those things? It's like a user’s manual. Instead, why not entertain your prospects and clients? Why not perform for them? So I'm performing the most frequently asked questions and that's why this is called “Ask Alex”.

First of all, let's start with the premise of Q and A, questions and answers. What is the premise and purpose of Q and A sessions?

It's not to get answers, in my opinion. It's to learn how to ask questions. Because if you ask a question clearly and concisely, many times you have already answered it.

I will tell you, including myself, I'll throw myself in this bucket - I don't want to throw anyone under the bus - that most people I know - friends, family, colleagues, strategic alliance partners - are lazy question askers.

Super lazy. They don't think about it.

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They want to have the burden of truth on the person that needs to answer, but the problem is if you give them garbage then they can only give you garbage back. Garbage in, garbage out.

You've heard of that before. If you haven't, you just did.

What I want you to think about is how you can ask world-class questions.

Nothing impresses a thought leader more, nothing will get you onstage more if you're at an event, nothing will get you into a private gathering more, once you learn how to ask world-class questions.

Online, offline, doesn't matter.

This is how I met Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson, T Harv Eker and all the other thought leaders I know. Bob Proctor, John Assaraf. I asked them world-class questions.

I didn't ask them to mail their list for me - I asked them world-class questions about their own content. They saw that I was deeply interested because how would I know some of those questions to ask unless I went through the content?

And that got me in. So let me give you some world-class questions I've heard and I've learned to create myself.

Here's one from my good friend Keith Cunningham, who actually wrote the Quadrant book with Robert Kiyosaki. It was in his car wash that the first Rich Dad, Poor Dad books were purchased by Dexter Yager, who was the top Amway distributor at the time.

He filled stadiums with his downline and Rich Dad, Poor Dad went off into the stratosphere. That's how the whole thing started, and he asked this question. "What don't I see?"

In other words, what are my blind spots?

If you ask that question every single morning, "What don't I see?" then now

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something you are not competent and not conscious of, Unconscious Incompetence - that's called a blind spot - at least you'll get to the next level which is Conscious Incompetence. That's where you're a student.

Then the next level is Conscious Competence. Then the final state, if you've heard this, is Unconscious Competence. That's called a flow state.

Athletes know about this, writers know about this, professional speakers know about it.

When you're in flow, which I am right now until I bring myself down to Conscious Competence, but when I'm in flow I'm not thinking. I'm just flowing. That comes after thousands of hours of training.

Ask yourself what don't I see every single morning. Ask it about your business, about your finances, about your family, and that question alone at least will tap you on the heart, on the mind, with your hands to look for getting to the next level, which is conscious incompetence.

That's a good thing because that's where you're a student.

Here's another one, "How can I make money even if people steal my content?" This is a world-class question.

What is not a world-class question is how do I protect my content or how do I prevent people from stealing my content.

My friend, you are going to get stolen from again and again and again. I made hundreds of thousands on dollars with my Teleseminar Secrets course from people who stole the username and password to that $2500 course. I taught it for five years.

And $14 million later, probably $1 million of it came from thieves who got it for free.

How did I make the money? Well I made the money by making sure I put in tools for other people, or mine, at the time it was Audio Generator, Instant Video Generator, Marketing Maker or Generator, Instant Teleseminar.

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Today it happens to be ClickFunnels, Infusionsoft, WebinarJam. What you do is if you have a course that can be stolen, make sure you put the tools in there with your affiliate link and you will monetize on the thieves.

Here's the good news about a thief. They always follow through. They stole your content, right? So don't worry about protecting your content. It's impossible. Ask yourself a world-class question - how do I make money when people steal from me. Then you get a better answer.

World-class question, world-class answer. Does that make sense?

I hope you're nodding yes right now or giving me virtual a high five because that's what makes the difference between good and great.

Let's look at an amusement park that does this really well.

Disneyland, Disney World has rides that are thrilling, let's say like Space Mountain, which I'm used to going with my kids 5 times every time we go there, and as you're going through the final downward plunge, you're going to go through a tunnel and there's a camera there and they take a picture.

Everyone always waits for that, especially if they've been on the ride. That is called the defining moment. That is the money shot for that particular event and ride.

In every other amusement park, there will be a sign where the monitors are, where they're showing you the pictures. You go there immediately and you want to look at your picture.

There will be a sign up there and there will even be a security guard saying don't take pictures with your iPhone or smartphone of these pictures. That means you're stealing from us.

Are you with me?

You see your picture on the monitor and why not put your phone up and take a picture and then tweet it out or put it on Facebook or send it out via email. Why not do that? Or share it with friends or family.

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Disneyland, Disney World doesn't have a security guard and doesn't have one of those signs.

They say steal from us please because they're promoting their amusement park with all the kids and adults who are sending it to their friends, and the other kids are saying, "Mommy, mommy, I told you I wanted to go with Alex, I told you I told you. You didn't let me." Isn't that awesome.

There beyond on the counter are two people, typically at the cash register stand. They are the least busy people in all of Disneyland and Disney World because everyone goes and takes pictures because they have permission and they're promoting Disneyland to the world.

That is sheer genius.

The other parks are the other parks because they're trying to protect something that they shouldn't be, that's unnatural. Why pay $25 for a picture that I can take for free?

I can't even send that physical picture to friends and family, so the other people prevent me from promoting them, Disneyland allows me to steal from them.

That is the moral of the story. How do I make money when people steal from me.

And here you have another world-class question: What's the fastest and easiest way to start a promotion?

Look, I don't care what type of business you're in - you only do three things. You do production, you do operations, and you do marketing. Marketing is also clumped in there with promotion. It's salespersonship multiplied. The only thing of the three things you do.

Finance is in operations in my opinion. MBA programs teach it otherwise, but I don't have an MBA so that's the way I work. It's either production, operations, or marketing.

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Marketing, of the three, is the only thing that makes money. When you're promoting something, that's super important because now it's going to fund your production of creating content, it's going to fund your operations, managing the whole thing, paying your staff, etc. Yes?

People think I should write a headline first for my promotion. Or people think I should create the offer first, which is right, but that's the second thing you do. Create your offer second to this first thing based on my experience.

Because the offer is coming from you. Your headlines are coming from you. Your guarantee is coming from you.

That is not Socratic enough, Socrates, right? 2500 years ago.

What I do, and what I teach my students especially, my $100,000 clients and my $30,000 clients - it sounds simple, but the first thing you do before anything else when you look at a blank page is to write your frequently asked questions because the frequently asked questions don't come from you. They come from your target audience.

If you're wrong there, then you're going to be wrong with your headline, you're going to be wrong with your offer, and you're going to be wrong with your guarantee.

How do you get good frequently asked questions?

If you don't know at least a few of them, then you are in the wrong business. If you want to poach, ethically, some FAQs, go to competitors and look what they put on their websites as FAQs.

That's a great tip. It will mean more to you once you start doing it.

There are different FAQs for prospects as there are for customers or clients. FAQs vary depending on how cold, warm, or hot a prospect or client is. A hot client is a high-end client. A warm client is a low-end client. A cold client is someone who wants a refund.

Now prospects, if they don't know you, like you, or trust you, they're cold. If

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they know and like you, they're warm. If they know, like, and trust you they're hot because they're going to buy.

Here's we have another world-class question. Where's the best place to post my Facebook group rules?

You know how some people just shamelessly promote themselves? They get in a private group and they're promoting, promoting, promoting. They just digitally vomit all over everyone.

No one likes that. They don't have any filters. They don't even realize they're doing it. They're unconsciously incompetent. It's a blind spot.

I don't think it's their fault, but it's their responsibility to be told.

What can you do in a private Facebook group to prevent that from happening and let your tribe and community police it so you're not the bad guy or gal? Everyone can do a dog pile on them saying hey!

It's simple. Are you ready? Answer: Put the rules of the game, of the community, in your banner on Facebook.

When you're making your banner, make sure you put the rules in the middle of the banner and keep the right side blank because on your iPhone or smartphone you will not see the complete sentence of the rules if you go too far over to the side, because Facebook banners and Facebook pages are not mobile responsive at the level they should be, in my opinion.

Those are two tips. Put the rules, I usually have four, on the banner itself. On the left-hand side I usually have my picture and maybe my training partner whoever that may be.

And then don't let the sentences go too far to the right. Keep them in the center. It looks funky on your desktop but it looks great on your phone and on your tablet.

World-class questions are world-class because they solve many problems.

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I have maybe solved a dozen problems of yours by just answering four questions. Maybe I've answered 30 problems. Great questions are leverageable because they answer many, many questions.

Lazy questions don't even get an answer, or they get lazy answers. And it's not the person answering whose fault it is, it's the person who's inquiring and asking.

Next. How can I learn to ask clearer and more concise questions?

That's a world-class question that I made up because I don't want you to ask me lazy questions. It makes you look bad and everyone else knows it's a lazy question but you, because it's a blind spot that you think is clear, you think it's concise but you haven't really thought about it.

I want to provoke you to ask yourself is this clear enough, is this specific enough, is this concise enough.

I'm going to give you the answer to the fastest and easiest way to ask clear and concise questions - that is write them down.

When you write down a question, it's no longer in your head or heart, it's on paper. Sometimes it's embarrassing to reread that question out loud. You go, wow that's not very specific or clear or concise. Always write your questions down.

I want you to become a problem finder, not just a problem solver. On my team - I’m constantly egging on my team - inspiring them, motivating them to find problems. Watson Senior who started IBM, he said if you want to double your success rate, double your failure rate.

That's what marketing is. You're wrong the majority of the time. Over 50% of the time you're wrong, sometimes over 90% you're wrong and that's still a great batting average or success rate. 10% for everything you test.

I want you not only to write your questions down, but to start finding problems versus just solving them. Finding problems is proactive, solving them is reactive.

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Let me give you some questions that have been written down by some of my higher-end clients. That's why I'm edifying them here because I want to first edify and expose the folks who have paid us the most.

That's another tip. You don't treat all of your clients or students the same. They're all created equal, but they're not treated equally.

The ones who pay you more should get more stuff back, more exposure, more gifts, more attention, more access, more status. Why? Because they're putting food on your table. More bread on your table means giving back to them.

Are you with me? All right.

Here's one from Debbi Sonzo Davis, she says, "When I'm making a decision on investing in an offer during a product launch, how do I decide which bonus offer to take advantage of?"

That question is very important because in this era of product launches, which Jeff Walker really started back in the year 2010, 2011, around that time, Jeff and Jon, they're brothers, they handled my final launch for Teleseminar Secrets and then afterwards started the PLF formula, which is Jeff's invention. Brilliant.

Now that everyone does these offers with using the PLF formula, the JV partners usually have a bonus offer so that if the person is on a different list, then the person who's on both lists will buy from the list that has the better bonus offer.

It's just a natural extension of what has happened and evolved over the years. Some people find it irritating and annoying. I just say delete the email if it's so annoying. It's a bonus offer. It's to entice you. Or put it in a swipe file so you can see how a bonus offer is created.

Here's my answer to Debbi. Go with the bonus offer and the JV partner who has the most relevant bonuses for your next project.

I love overwhelm because overwhelm is not having too many things to do.

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Sir Richard Branson, who I've interviewed, has a lot of things to do. Donald Trump who I've interviewed, is not very popular with many people, but he's running for president. He has a ton to do.

But why aren't they overwhelmed? It's because overwhelm is just not knowing what to do next.

What I would answer to Debbi is look at the two bonus offerings and let's say you like both people. Let's say it's Alex Mandossian or Justin Livingston. If my bonuses are more relevant to Debbi's next project, buy that. If Justin's bonuses are more relevant to her for the next project she's working on, buy that.

Don't get bonuses if it's between two that are going to be relevant a year from now because that's only going to make you feel worse because you won't get started on them or they won't be relevant to you. So that's my answer. That's a very good question, thank you Debbi. My answer is find the bonus that is most relevant.

Next question comes from Rogerio Amado, he's one of my 25K clients and he's in Sao Paulo Brazil. He says, "How do I structure the specific price points of my coaching services to potential high-end clients?"

That’s a great question. In other words, how do I price out my offerings to high-end clients?

Here's my answer. You need three offerings. A very high one, a middle one that's drastically lower, and a much lower one.

I'll give you an example. $25,000, $5,000, and $1500. That's in US terms.

You notice between $25,000 and $5,000 it's like a 400% drop. There's a reason for that.

Never mind what you're going to offer them, that's what kills people. That's what strangles them and they never attract high-end clients.

What do I have to offer at $25,000? Who cares? That's not the question.

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The question is what are the specific price points?

So if you don't have the ability to deliver, or I’m going to say self-esteem because that's all that is. I didn't have the self-esteem personally to throw myself in that bucket to offer $100,000 until recently, within the last year.

I did $50,000, I did $25,000 but I didn't offer $100,000 because I was stuck with what I was going to offer.

Don't focus on what you're going to offer, focus on the price points first and then after someone says yes, I guarantee you, you will be motivated and inspired to create an offer.

With Rogerio, in his mindset it wasn't about $25,000 it was a lower price point, but it doesn't matter. What matters is you have a harsh drop.

Here's another group: $100,000, $30,000, and $12,000. You notice the drop between the top tier and the middle tier. Why is that psychological?

The middle tier becomes a lot more appealing. 100K, if someone goes for that, great the offer is there. Sometimes it's not available anymore or it's not available yet, which means you haven't created it. Always tell the truth, nothing is persuasive as the truth.

With Rogerio, I would consult him to say something in the range of $15,000, $5,000, and $2,000. Something in that range because those are the price points that work. After we get the price points, then we build what's in there.

In building an offer, start with the price points because there's no emotional attachment of what you're going to offer. None of your “not enough” issues will pop up, they're just numbers.

Start with the numbers, drastic drop from the top to the middle, and then at least a four times difference between the two, then drop down again.

The one I started with nearly 6 years ago when I started offering client work was $25,000, $5000, and $1500 and that worked really well to get a lot of $2500 clients. Then eventually I had too many $5000 clients and then I had

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to raise the prices. That's a good problem to have. You can have it too.

Dr. Dennis Mariano asks, "How do I maximize the exposure of my Google Hangouts at the lowest advertising cost possible?"

Answer: use Facebook live in a simulcast just like we do here. Right now, if you're watching live, if you go to, which is a forwarding URL, there's no website on that URL, that's called forwarding URL, another tip.

See how each question breeds more answers? When you go there, you'll see this live-cast. If it's pinned, you'll see it at the top, but otherwise you'd have to scroll down. If you're watching in 2017 it's way down there in the timeline, in the discussion.

We simulcast it on my profile page, on my fan page, which you can find at and on our MVP group, which can be found at

What I told Dennis, my answer was, use Facebook Live and we use a syndication or simulcasting tool called Wirecast and you can look it up. It cost me $500, and that's what we use again and again to connect the dots between a Hangout or anything live streaming to Facebook.

We've even done it on a webinar where my production manager, Sue Sierra, her screen was capturing the webinar because my partner wasn't using Facebook live and she put it up on my fan page.

Talk about flexibility!

We got over 3,300 people to reach that event. We got less than 500 people at the event. I've had up to 25,000 thousand people, I'm hoping to reach over 100,000 by the end of 2016. You can even boost it on Facebook so that more people can see it when you boost through an app.

That's my answer to Dr. Dennis and you can do it and it's free.

Next, Tonya Dalton, she's one of our high end clients. She says, "What's

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the most effective video hosting platform to use that is inexpensive and keeps videos private?"

Here's my answer - it's not Dropbox and it's not Youtube it is Vimeo.

Yes it costs money, but if you have a soft launch with a membership site, you can use Vimeo as your membership area with a username and create these albums where people can watch the videos and they won't be sharing like they do on Youtube and they won't be having to download it like they do on Dropbox.

So in my opinion, it isn't Wistia, it's not Youtube, it's not Dropbox, it is That's what I use. My videographer uploads it directly to Vimeo and all you do is you organize it from there. That's a much better player in my opinion than Youtube, which has all this clickable eye candy and it gets in the way of your message, people move away.

Next question. This is an interesting one. This is from Zack Burkes. Now I don't know Zack but this is the question that he should have asked. He should have asked, "What is the most efficient and effective way to set up a meeting with you if you don't know us?"

That would have been a world-class question. Because efficiency is doing things right and effectiveness is doing the right things. So if you do the right things and you do them right, then that's a great way for us to end up having a first meeting.

So somehow Zack, very cleverly, got a hold of my private email, he emailed me, and he said, "We'd like to set up a strategy session."

I don't really recall the actual email he sent me, I kept it, but I do recall the response I gave him.

So here's an unknown guest. I'm not going to say unwelcome because I responded to him. I didn't want to be rude. I recommend for you not to be rude either. I want to maintain the integrity of my private email.

And so he wants to get me on a strategy session and then I'm asking him,

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okay, what's the strategy session about because it's with someone else. And he's saying I don't know but you guys can figure it out.

So my sense is he's either a marketing director or an assistant or something to somebody else. I don't know who that somebody else is. I'm going to guess because I got a book thereafter, giving me more work, to read a book.

I haven't even met the person yet. This isn't a character assassination on Zack, this is showing you what not to do and hopefully he'll watch this so that he can do a trust transfer and invite me to check up on who he wants me to meet through someone else I know.

Darren Hardy of calls that trust transfer and that's what I look for. Who can you know who can refer you and vouch for you that way I save a bunch of time.

So I wrote back to Zack because he wouldn't tell me what the nature or the outcome or the goal of that strategy session was. That said, I can't give you half an hour. I’m sorry. It's not fair to my high-end clients.

So I said, "Zack, I appreciate your intention and I will pass. Since this is my private email and I didn't give you permission to email me, please refrain from emailing me again. I don't want to sound harsh, it's just my boundary of keeping things private until given permission."

I think that's fair. Ruthless compassion.

"I like your style."

That's true,

"And I trust you won't take my response as a rejection. It's not a priority for me to meet on an ambiguous basis without knowing the clear intention of the meeting."

I think this is an elegant way to filet the problem, don't you agree? I'm going to keep this template.

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"Many thanks and best of success, Alex."

Where am I reading that? On a letter he sent me. He sends me a letter. He got my address from

He says, "Alex, thank you again for your response. I can appreciate wanting to keep email private. As a thank you,"

I don't know a thank you for what. Rejection?

"I've included a copy of the book I mentioned. With gratitude, Zack."

Now this is not a character assassination, this is a way not to do it if you want to meet me and I would never do this with someone else because I'd be happy to meet whoever I'm supposed to meet if I know the intention and if I have a referral so someone can vouch for him.

So I get this book. I'm sure he's going to contact me now. Charles E. Gaudet II. Now I don't know him but he's probably famous. It's called ThePredictable Profits Playbook and on the stationary it said Profits.

So I don't know Zack's relationship, I honestly don't know who Charles is, but I'm not super motivated to read the book that's more work because I don't have any trust transfer from someone I know.

That's a waste because this could be a gold mine, but it was just executed the wrong way and chances are you've done this.

How do I know? Because I've done it. Many times.

I'm telling you, I'm not shaming anyone here I'm just saying I don't do it anymore and I think that was a polite response in saying thanks but no thanks. And I'm not closed to it, if it's done the proper way and someone vouches for whomever I'm supposed to meet. I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to meet Charles, I don't know. If I did I would tell you.

But because it was so ambiguous I had to say no. So hold your boundary and also make sure you don't do what I just taught you.

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Riccardo Romano. “How do I monetize my video production business without having to constantly trade hours for dollars?”

That's the question. Here's the answer. You can't have a flat fee for video production, which he tried to do with me.

You can't have residual income with video production, which he tried to do with me.

He's been a student for six years and he's been a vendor of mine for two years. He's actually going to watch this because he knows the response he got, which was heated, because I said how could you possibly think I'm going to pay that month after month when I need you sometimes and then other times when I don't.

So If you are in any kind of video production where you're doing something and then you get paid, it's not ongoing like help desk, it's not ongoing where - we're not keeping score.

With video, If he gives me a flat fee per month, I want to overwork him, I want him panting, and that's not going to be good for his other clients. I want to be underpaying him, that's my natural gut reaction. I don't want to do that.

I will pay for each project, which I do, and the better he gets the more money he makes. That's called project-based billing. I don't pay him by the hour, I pay him by the project, including editing this video. If it takes him five minutes to edit it, he'll probably say twenty.

I don't want to insult you Riccardo, but if it takes him five minutes to edit I pay him the same amount than if it took him an hour to edit because he's gotten better at it. That's project-based billing. You can't do ongoing flat amounts month after month and expect a residual income.

Now, what can you do? What can he do? Here's the answer. He could have a video marketing and production membership site. And on that membership site he can deliver content and show case studies month after month and deliver new content and have a flat fee.

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By doing that, he can have that residual income just like any membership site owner would, just like Ryan Deiss or anyone else who has excellent membership site content.

And he also has his production company and the membership site can become a lead generator for his production company, which he can raise his rates eventually as he becomes more and more elite in the area, except for me.

Don't raise my prices, I got you in this business, okay?

So next - Jeryl Massini-Ryan. She's being vetted right now as our Help Desk Director and it wasn’t so much a question as a conversation we were having, "What's the best way to handle problem children students who keep submitting help desk tickets."

Which is a great question. What I want you to first understand is the three types of reasons why you have problem children. Number one, if they keep asking questions again and again, it's a communication problem. That's A. Number two, or B, it is an unmet expectations problem. Or C, or number three, it is a misguided intentions problem.

Miscommunication, unmet expectations, or misguided intentions.

My conversation with Jeryl was about first identifying which of those three it is - maybe all three, or two - and then respond back because that's more surgically responding back to the help desk ticket.

They just want their question answered.

Some people just need the therapy of digitally asking questions and the easiest way to reshape negative behavior, my friend, is to ignore it. If you have children, listen to what I'm saying. The easiest way to reshape negative behavior is ignore it.

You get yelled at by an ex-spouse or a child, ignore it and move on. Yes, you can correct it, but not based on reacting to them. That's what the highest, highest, highest end and most premier therapists say.

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I go with it, and it works.

How do you shape positive behavior? You acknowledge it.

So catch them doing something right, many people have said this, and then acknowledge that. Soon they'll move away from the negative behavior because they're getting ignored and that's worse than being responded to.

If you're responded to, you care about it. If you ignore it or you're indifferent to it, you don't care about it. Then watch them do something positive that's possible and then acknowledge that even if it's a little thing.

Yes, everyone has problem children.

Dr. Blake Livingood, one of my favorite clients because he's just a go-getter. He's a finisher and he gets stuff done. He has over 1,500 patients, he sees 1,000 patients a week, he's a chiropractor, he lives on the east coast. He says, "What's the least pushy way to overturn refund requests from members who want to leave?"

So In the work I'm doing with him, he has his chiropractic practice but he wants to go out to the world. And he works with church congregations all over his city and he wants to work with them all over the world.

So we're creating a membership site for his 10-minute videos that are 10-minute workouts. And I don't know another chiropractor that has a 10-minute video workout series. They're always a personal trainer or a kinesiology expert or whatever. You see them on TV. But never a doctor.

So It's brilliant.

Let's say someone wants a refund from his membership site. The least pushy way to overturn it is to ask three questions and this is what I'll be teaching Jeryl.

First question, what happened? Then you'll hear blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Sometimes you’ve got to say, "Is there more?" They go blah blah. Now you got that out.

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What should have happened? Sometimes they're like Charlie Brown’s teacher, wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. If you don't feel like they're done, you say, "Is there more?" They go wah wah.

By the way, this works with kids, your spouse, former spouse, parents. I did this with my mom, Carol. You should hear how long what happened is. That response, I gotta get a drink and listen to it for about 45 minutes.

Then the third question is how can we make it right?

So, what happened, what should have happened, and how can we make it right? Over the past 20 years, I have overturned about 20-25% of all refund requests because the problem child, who wasn't the problem child - they were just upset, felt heard and understood and that is the least push way to overturn refund requests. Good or great.

Next, Janelle Shaw. She says, "What's your best productivity tip to create content for my weekly podcast on iTunes?"

Answer: create an editorial calendar that goes for 12 weeks, and then have a content day once a week so you're doing two or three shows at a time and then you're way ahead, maybe two to three months ahead. Just like a magazine is for it's content, just like a radio station is for it's content, and just like a TV station is for their content.

There are 13-week flights for HBO premier shows or Netflix shows, why? Because that's a season. It's a season. It's three months. If it's good enough for winter, spring, summer, and autumn, it's good enough for you.

So have an editorial calendar. That's the most productive way to get your show online and have a content day to create that because that makes your life a lot easier. Block out that time like a container for your day that no one gets access to you for a two to three hour segment and do that. I have friends like John Lee Dumas, I believe he does eight interviews every Tuesday because he has an interview show. So If someone doesn't show up, so what? He has so many shows in advance, if you get interviewed by him today, you probably won't show up until three to four months from now.

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That is productive and that is world class.

Next. Kim Walker, she's in Sydney, Australia. She is the virtuoso CEO, or she coaches them, she's a world-class bassoon player. And so she uses the bassoon as part of her props on her TED speech. She says, "What's the best membership site technology to use if I'm technology challenged and starting from scratch?"

Answer: Facebook private member group. Facebook private member group. You can get the order from Paypal and you can give them access to the Facebook private member group.

There are other membership site platforms like Kajabi or Wishlist - two of my original students who surpassed me started that. Then there are a bunch of others as well.

I'm sorry if you have a membership site platform, I don't mean to insult you. But if someone is tech-challenged, the question is what's the best way to start. And Kim is tech-challenged.

She knows how to do a hangout so why get her involved with all these platforms too soon. Let's get her a group where she's already made money. And It's a private Facebook group, the rules of the game are in the banner, like I mentioned before.

You took the order and however much that membership is, it could be monthly payment, but it doesn't have to be through the platform.

Eventually, let's say you have 100 members, now you can move them over to Kajabi or Wishlist member or SEP or whatever else that you want to work with. Amember, which is free but a little bit harder to work with.

Are you with me? So that's Kim Walker's answer. Next. Iris Huebler, she's in New Zealand. She says, "Because I'm super busy running my farm in New Zealand," which is true, "I get lost in my daily activities and forget to work on my business. Is there a system I can use?"

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Yes. Here's my answer. Create containers in your day, which you call prime time. And during that container, whether it's one hour or two hours, you are unplugged from the iPhone or smartphone.

Not vibrate, unplugged. It's off. You are unplugged from email. You are unplugged from Facebook. You are unplugged from Twitter, Google, and anything else that is distracting you.

We are in the digital distraction economy and the reason we get distracted is because we cause it, not other people.

So how do you do that? Well I taught her, because she's a high-end client, is create containers through the day. She has that time and now she uses it to work on her business.

Now when she's feeding chickens she's listening to me on her iPhone so that's kind of like background tasking. You can do that as well, but that's not focus time, that's not creation time.

She runs Super Food Academy. And so When she's making her lists of all the Super Foods for better sex, for medical reasons, for more energy. Yeah, There are super foods for that. I bet you want that list right?

Well it's at Super foods to help you lose weight, all of those have been compiled.

When did she do it? During her prime time, during that container of time where there are no distractions. It's hard to do, but come and pay me $30,000 and I'll show you how to do it too.

John Dalton, who is actually the husband of Tonya Dalton, who I mentioned earlier. He says, "We're growing so fast, creating a culture for our new team members is a challenge. Do you have any suggestions?"

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So let's say you're growing fast or you're starting, what do you do with new team members who come on board. Because now you've got to train them and also you have to do your business, so what do you do to train them?

Here's what I do. In fact, Jeryl, who’s just started with us, does this every single day. Before 5:00pm pacific, or 5:00pm wherever time zone you're in, we ask all of our new team members for 30 days, which is six weeks, five days a week, to do an RCQ.

What's RCQ? That's result, that's challenge, that's question. Result, challenge, question. And they email, the entire team, here are the results I got, here are the challenges I faced, and here are the questions I have.

Now hopefully, the question relates to the challenge and then the next day they get a result based on the question they had, which is why asking world-class questions is so important.

I don't want to be a great answer giver, I want to be a trainer who teaches students how to be a great question asker and that's what I hope I've done with this training.

When you bring someone in new do the RCQ process. Results, challenges, questions. I learned that from my good friend Eben Pagan over ten years ago and we use it methodically and religiously, even spiritually in our companies. Everyone's gone through it. And It's fun to look past the old RCQs 30 days straight and look at the progress they've had.

It goes into your project management software that you use, we use Teamwork. So that is my answer to John and my answer to you is don't look for answers, look for the right questions to ask.

Don't be a problem solver, be a problem finder.

This ends “Ask Alex”, and I hope our paths cross often.