Liturgy of the Word - · Read by...

Prelude “Air II” G.F. Handel Entrance Hymn I Bind Unto Myself Today 1982 Hymnal #370 (vs. 1, 2, 6, 7) Opening Acclamation Book of Common Prayer, p. 355 Holy Eucharist First Sunday after Pentecost (Trinity Sunday) The Pastoral Visitation of the Right Rev. Dr. Mariann Edgar Budde May 31 2015 10:00am Welcome to the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour. We are glad that you are here with us today. Everyone is welcome to receive Communion in our church regardless of your denominational background. Collect of the Day Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us stead- fast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone First Reading Isaiah 6: 1-8 Pew Bible, Old Testament, p. 492 1 Ascribe to the LORD, you gods, * ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his Name; * worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. 3 The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders; * the LORD is upon the mighty waters. 4 The voice of the LORD is a powerful voice; * the voice of the LORD is a voice of splendor. 5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedar trees; * the LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon; 6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, * and Mount Hermon like a young wild ox. 7 The voice of the LORD splits the flames of fire; the voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness; * the LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. 8 The voice of the LORD makes the oak trees writhe * and strips the forests bare. 9 And in the temple of the LORD * all are crying, "Glory!" 10 The LORD sits enthroned above the flood; * the LORD sits enthroned as King for evermore. 11 The LORD shall give strength to his people; * the LORD shall give his people the blessing of peace. The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour A Congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and the Anglican Communion 1700 Powder Mill Road - Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-439-5900 churchof- [email protected] Liturgy of the Word Psalm 29

Transcript of Liturgy of the Word - · Read by...

Page 1: Liturgy of the Word - · Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone ... Rector The Rev. Dr . Robert W ... buna~Daniel

Prelude “Air II”

G.F. Handel

Entrance Hymn I Bind Unto Myself Today

1982 Hymnal #370 (vs. 1, 2, 6, 7)

Opening Acclamation

Book of Common Prayer, p. 355

Holy Eucharist

First Sunday after Pentecost

(Trinity Sunday)

The Pastoral Visitation of the Right Rev.

Dr. Mariann Edgar Budde

May 31 2015


Welcome to the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour. We are glad that you are here with us today.

Everyone is welcome to receive Communion in our church regardless of your denominational background.

Collect of the Day

Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your

servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to

acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power

of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us stead-

fast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in

your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and

the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever.


Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone

First Reading Isaiah 6: 1-8

Pew Bible, Old Testament, p. 492

1 Ascribe to the LORD, you gods, *

ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.

2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his Name; *

worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

3 The voice of the LORD is upon the waters;

the God of glory thunders; *

the LORD is upon the mighty waters.

4 The voice of the LORD is a powerful voice; *

the voice of the LORD is a voice of splendor.

5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedar trees; *

the LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon;

6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, *

and Mount Hermon like a young wild ox.

7 The voice of the LORD splits the flames of fire;

the voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness; *

the LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.

8 The voice of the LORD makes the oak trees writhe *

and strips the forests bare.

9 And in the temple of the LORD *

all are crying, "Glory!"

10 The LORD sits enthroned above the flood; *

the LORD sits enthroned as King for evermore.

11 The LORD shall give strength to his people; *

the LORD shall give his people the blessing of peace.

The Episcopal Church of Our


A Congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington

and the Anglican Communion

1700 Powder Mill Road - Silver Spring, MD 20903 301-439-5900 churchof-

[email protected]

Liturgy of the Word

Psalm 29

Page 2: Liturgy of the Word - · Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone ... Rector The Rev. Dr . Robert W ... buna~Daniel

Second Reading Romans 8: 12-17

Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 120

Gospel Hymn

Holy, Holy, Holy

1982 Hymnal #362

Gospel John 3: 1-17 Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 71

Sermon The Right Reverend Dr. Mariann

Edgar Budde,

9th Bishop of Washington

Prayers of the People

Let us pray for the church and for the world. In the Angli-

can cycle of prayer, we pray for the work of:

the Anglican Center in Rome

Churches of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island,


In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for:

Trinity Church, DC

Trinity Church, Newport & Hughesville

Trinity Church, St. Mary’s Parish and St. Mary’s Chapel

Trinity Church, Upper Marlboro

Grant, Almighty God, that all who confess your Name may

be united in your truth, live together in your love, and re-

veal your glory in the world.


Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.

Guide the people of this land, and of all the nations, in the

ways of justice and peace; that we may honor one another

and serve the common good.


Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.

Give us all a reverence for the earth as your own creation,

that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others

and to your honor and glory.


Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.

Bless all whose lives are closely linked with ours, and grant that

we may serve Christ in them, and love one another as he loves us.


Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.

Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit;

give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the

joy of your salvation.


Lord, in your mercy,

hear our prayer.

We commend to your mercy all who have died, that your will for

them may be fulfilled; and we pray that we may share with all

your saints in your eternal kingdom.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

The Peace

Book of Common Prayer, p. 360

You are welcome in the Name of the Lord

You are welcome in the Name of the Lord

I have seen in you the Glory of the Lord

You are welcome in the Name of the Lord

Holy Eucharist

Offertory “Agnus Dei”

M.W. Smith

Chancel Choir with:

Claire Hunte, Piano

Cynthia Sutton, Guitar

Don Sutton, Drum


Tune of 1982 Hymnal #400

Service continues in the

Book of Common Prayer, p. 361

(Eucharistic Prayer A)


1982 Hymnal #S-125

Page 3: Liturgy of the Word - · Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone ... Rector The Rev. Dr . Robert W ... buna~Daniel

This Week’s Calendar

SUNDAY, May 31

08:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)

09:00am First Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 10:30am)

09:30am Choir Practice (Choir Chancel)

10:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)

11:30am Second Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 1:30pm)

11:30am Children’s Handchime & Steel Pan Rehearsal (Choir


11:30am Spanish Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs Classroom)

11:30am Latino Choir Rehearsal (Chapel)

01:00pm Misa en Español (Sanctuary)

02:00pm Café hora (Undercroft; until 3:00pm)

MONDAY, June 1

07:30pm Stewardship Committee (Commons)


07:30pm OA (Undercroft)

07:30pm Building & Grounds Committee (Commons)


10:00am Bible Study

12:00pm Weekly Announcements Deadline (Church office)

12:15pm Holy Eucharist & Healing Prayers (Chapel)

06:30pm Yoga (Choir Room)

07:30pm Building Use Committee (Commons)


10:00am Soup for the Homeless (Kitchen)

07:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir room)


09:30am Lavad de Carros (Car Wash) (Church parking lot; ends at


04:00pm Laura Supan Recital

07:00pm Soumah Event

Fraction Anthem

1982 Hymnal #S-164

Communion Hymns

How Great Thou Art


It is Well With My Soul

LEVAS #188

I Am The Bread of Life

1982 Hymnal #335

COS Children’s Steel Pan Choir


Choral Benediction “If I Can Help Somebody”

Closing Hymn Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

1982 Hymnal #376


Postlude Fanfare on “Llansannan”

G. Martin

Those Serving at 10:00

Bishop The Rt. Rev. Dr. Mariann Edger Budde

Rector The Rev. Dr. Robert W. Harvey

Assistant Priest The Rev. Francisco Valle

Intern Dr. Robert Phillips

Organist/Choir Director Bruce Cole

Subdeacon Margaret Gordon

Lectors Michael Collier, Elizabeth Panox

Intercessor Amri Joyner

Acolytes Josie Isaac, Chison Amaikwu,

Nnaemeka Ifeajekwu, Marcel Perry

Chalice Bearers Sumner Clarren, Olga Collier,

Arnold Robinson, Nellie Williams

Ushers Derek Cole, Seyi Adeogoroye,

Caleb Nicol, Joshua Anderson, Beatrice Perry,

Quentin Okon-Thomas, Tarica Ngegba

Administrators Michael Collier, Olga Collier,

Kenneth Egbuna, Jonathan Kamkwalala

2015 Weekly Financial Summary

Each week COS needs to bring in $8,300.00 in order to meet our

basic operating expenses. You can help our church greatly by

keeping payments on your pledge current!

Last week, we brought in $6,366

in pledges and offerings.

Sunday, May 17 - $5,911

Sunday, May 10 - $11,571

Sunday, May 3 - $11,941

Page 4: Liturgy of the Word - · Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone ... Rector The Rev. Dr . Robert W ... buna~Daniel

May 31, 2015

Dear COS Congregation,

We greet you in the name of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Blessings upon you and yours!

As always, our sincere thanks to you for your commitment to Church of Our Saviour for the 2015 program year,

and for your ongoing support for the work of our church and its mission. This is an exciting time in the life of our

church. Your support has enabled us to:

Hire a full time administrative assistant. Tracey Henley started work here in February and has al-

ready become a voice of calm, welcome and order in our church office, the hub of all we do here. The

office is now open Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.

Call The Rev Francisco Valle to join us as Assistant Priest, and Dr. Robert Phillips to serve as our


Start a much-needed youth program beginning in the Fall of 2015.

However, as of this writing, we are below the budget that was passed by the Vestry to meet all our obligations and

commitments for this program year.

To bridge this temporary shortfall, we, the Stewardship Commission of Church of Our Saviour, are proposing a

‘mini campaign’ called “Count Me In!” Consider:

If each of us raises our existing pledge by just $5 per week, we will be able to fully fund our mission for

2015. If you are able to make this commitment, we would be most grateful.

We thank you as always, and pray for God’s blessings upon you.

We, the undersigned, hope you will prayerfully reflect on the importance of funding our church’s mission. Please

use the enclosed envelope to join us in saying “Count Me In!”

Can we count you in?

I’m In! Reverend Dr. Robert Harvey I’m In! Sade Adegoroye (Stewardship)

I’m in! Norma Beaton (Stewardship) I’m In! Elizabeth Adegboyega-Panox (Stewardship)

I’m in! Chinasa Ifeayekwu (Stewardship) I’m in! Ken Egbuna (Stewardship)

I’m In! Hector Davies-Cole (Stewardship) I’m In! Augusta Robinson (Stewardship)

I’m In! Kathy Staudt (Stewardship) I’m In! Marva Moxey-Mims (Vestry)

I’m In! Don Spicer (Finance) I’m In! Addo Davies (Vestry)

I’m In! Erica Mitchell (Vestry) I’m In! Kenrick Hunte (Vestry)

I’m In! Logan Schutz (Vestry) I’m In! Sam Stokes (Endowment)

I’m In! Sumner Clarren (Stewardship)

Page 5: Liturgy of the Word - · Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone ... Rector The Rev. Dr . Robert W ... buna~Daniel

Many thanks to those who have pledged their financial commitments to the

church for 2015.

If you have turned in a pledge card but do not see your name here, please con-

tact the church office at

[email protected] or 301-439-5900 or see our Givings

Recorder, Kathy Staudt.

Olawale, Elizabeth, Yewande and Adeola Adegboyega-Panox~Olusyeyi & Sade Adegoroye~Yvonne Agostini~Nancy Ahmed~Verna Alex-

ander~Bernard Alfred~Chukwudulye Amaikwu~Elsy Amava~Joshua & Estella Anderson~Odette Anderson~Perry Anderson~Pamela Ar-

tis~Naett Asgill~Audrey Austin~Margarita and Bernardo Baez~Alexander & Yaata Bazzie~Gene and Evelyn Bean~Norma Beaton~J. Wah

-Doe Bedell II~Maize Blackman~Ernestine Blango~Carolyn and Donna Blauvelt~Martin & Geraldine Boadu~Elsa and Daniel

Bobb~Victor Bondzie~Eyatunde Bowen Wright~Jonathan G. & Carole Broadnax~Stephen Brushett and Refiloe Bam~Kate Bryant~Mary

Bryant~Elizabeth Buck~Claudette Bucknor~Beverly Byron~Harriett Campbell~Malena Campos~Nora Campos~Rufus and Mildred S Can-

non~Robert and Elisabeth Carlson~Leonel Castro~Charles Chiazor~Sumner Clarren~Durosemi L & Blanche E Cleeve~Modupeh

Cleeve~Melvina Coker~Rosaline Coker~Victoria Coker~Bruce & Kathryn Cole~ Christina Cole~Derek Cole~Lindell Cole~Melrose and

Hannah Cole~Ebenezer & Avril Collier~Michael and Olga Collier~Amid Conteh~Rufus Conteh~Xiomara and Jaime Contreras~Sarah

Crooke~Addo & Roseline Davies~Hector Davies-Cole~Richard Davis~Bernadette Denis~Wunika Dimka~Stephen K. Doe~Kenneth Eg-

buna~Daniel & Dorothy C. Epps~Ivan Flores~Alex O. Forde~Quarshe Sam and Carnell Fredericks~Juan F and Maria E Garcia~Marilin

Garcia~ Athelstan (Ted) Gaskin~Deborah Gebhardt~Virginia Gonzalez~Amorette Gooding~Sheralyn Gooding~Margaret Gordon~Idali

Gotay and Miguel Mercado~Roy and Rita Gray~Denton & Melive Guy-Williams~Olivette Guy-Williams~Sylvia Hamilton-Reubens~Helen

Hanlon~Robert & Anne Harvey~Dolores Henderson~Milagro Hercules~Antonia F Hernandez~Nancy Maisto Hewett~Wilfred

Heyliger~Theodora Hosten-Payne~Kenrick and Claire Hunte~Maurice Hunter, Sr.~Prince Hunter~Lawrence & Chinasa

Ifeajekwu~Nnaemeka Ifeajekwu~Josephine Isaac~Geoffrey Jackson~Dorothy Jarrett~ Mr.& Mrs. Frank Jarrett~Wilbur & Lois Jen-

kins~Aarona Johnson~Omoyemi and Alfred Johnson~Delano King~Vivian Kingsley Johnson and Fatmata Saui~Harry Johnston-

Taylor~Angela Jones~Lauretta Jones~Victor & Linda Jones~Amri Joyner~Ethel Kalitsi~Jonathan Kamkwalala~Thomas Ka-

vanagh~Marion Keita~John & Nancy Knotts~Audrey Leslie~Ernesto Luna~Norma Luna~Gloria Lyn-Burnett~Eben and Rita Ojukutu

Macauley~Nancy MacCormack~Desiree Marshall~Josfa Martinez~ Max and Maria Martinez~Laura Martinez-Garcia~Theresa Ma-

son~Adrian and Pauline Maynard~Javier and Luz Maynard~Geoffrey McCormack~Prince Mccormack~Denise McGarrell~Nazario Mem-

breno~Erica Mitchell~Ikenna Mogekwu~Mathias E. and Gladys O. Mogekwu~Nkechi Mogekwu~Rebecca Moore~Jamila Moume-

ni~Marva Moxey-Mims~Colm & Joan Murtagh~Olatunge and Vera Nat-Jon~Norman Nicholson~Caleb Nicol~Gloria Daphne Nic-

ol~Willie Nicol~Gabriel Nwani~Emmanuel Nwokolo~Quintin Okon-Thomas~ Bertha Ordonez~Maria Luisa Orozco~Flor de Maria Ortiz

and Julio Flores de Flor~Evelyn & Samuel Owusu~Olanike Oyefeso-Watts~Clara Palmer~Patrick Palmer~Sandra Pang~Varney and Be-

atrice Perry~Katuma Pettiquoi~Gary & Roseann Pinckney~Colin Pitt~Emile & Victoria Pitt~James Porter~Una Prescott~Gladys Pyne-

Caulker~Rosa E Ramos Diaz~Ula Ramroop~Millicent Redd~Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Repetto~Arnold Robinson and Lena Cole

Smith~Augusta Robinson~ Ella Robinson~Victor T. and Monica V. Robinson~Cordelia G Robinson and Obidiah Moore~Gertrude

Rose~Theodora Roy-Johnson~Simeona and Alejandro Salmeron~Martha Sango~Yvonne Sawyer~Blyden & Malphina Scale~Logan &

Cheryl Schutz~Devin Scott~Gladys Scott~James & Bernice Shook~Carlos Sierra~Victor Silva~Joyce Simpkins~Abdullah Skerritt~Michael

& Bernita Smith~Stephen and Phyllis Barson Solomon~Donald Spicer and Nthakoana Peko~Kathleen & Louis Staudt~Samuel & Sally

Stokes~Donald and Cynthia Sutton~ Eva Taylor~Eglah Thomas~Glenroy Thomas~Adeyemi D. & Elsie Thompson~Jacqueline Threat-

te~Andy Umanzor~Liduvina Umanzor~Silvia Valencia~Elvia Valencio~Jesse Velasquez~Rose Washington-Bright~Bruce Wal-

lace~Jacqueline & Randolph Weithers~Eldora Whitehead~Robert Wigand~Cheryl Wilburn~Alma Williams~Emerica Williams~I Rimisa

Williams~Nellie Williams~Sam Williams~Akitoye and Sarian Wilson~Victoria Wilson~Victoria Wleh~Agneatha Wright~Nadia-Marie


For pastoral emergencies (someone has gone into the hospital or has died) after office hours, please call the Pastoral

Care Line at 301-602-6570. Be sure to leave the name of the hospital. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible.

Please send all announcements or schedule changes to the church office by email at:

[email protected] or by phone at 301-439-5900. All Sunday bulletin announcements must be received by

the church office by 12 noon the preceding Wednesday.

Page 6: Liturgy of the Word - · Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone ... Rector The Rev. Dr . Robert W ... buna~Daniel

Important Note:

In an effort to keep the “Short Term Needs” list as current as

possible, we will purge and renew this list every thirty days.

Persons who have need for prayer longer than thirty days

should be submitted to the “In Continuing Prayer” list.

If you find that someone has been removed from the short term

list who should instead be placed on the Continuing Prayer list,

please call or email the church office at

301-439-5900 or [email protected]

Those for Whom We Pray

Gracious God, watch over these your children. Send your healing power upon those who are sick, protect those travelling or in danger, and guide those who have decisions to make. Make known your love to all.

We ask all this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

In Continuing Prayer

Elizabeth Adegboyega-Panox ~ Patricia Alexander ~ Nancy Ahmed ~ Nancy Barson ~ Julia Bauer ~ Gene & Evelyn Bean ~ Christina Bedell ~ Fred Bedell ~ Brandon Bell ~ Clifton Braithwaite ~ Ken Brothers ~ Bev Byron ~ David Byron ~ Carol Caccitore ~ Laura Carbone ~ Jim Clark ~ Stacie Clark ~ Bud Cole

~ Jonathan and Irene Cole ~ Al Coley ~ Rosa Colon ~ Beverly Collins and Family ~ Kathleen Collins ~ Momolu Cooper ~ Al Jarreau Davis ~ Christine Dawson ~ Lee DeMulder ~ Charlesette Dillion ~ Barbara Dougherty ~ Chioma Ekechi and Family ~ Ben Elliott ~ Leslie Forder ~ Linda Francis ~ Valerie Franklin ~ Cindy Fryer ~ Gloria Gaskill ~ Bill Goodwin ~ Deborah Goosby ~ Francisco Luis Gotay ~ Kirdell Rice Greene ~ Freda Gwynn ~ Bob Hacker ~ Carl Hammond ~ James Hammond ~ Anna Heflin ~ Chickey Henderson ~ Janet Hunte ~ Alisha Johnson ~ Richard Johnston ~ Reesa Jones ~ Princess

Ado Kangay & Family ~ Keith Kaylor and Family ~ J. & M. Kent ~ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lardner & Family ~ Jenny Lay ~ Carolyn & Moncure Logan ~ Carmen and Kayla Long ~ Nancy MacCormack ~ Virginia Mahsman ~ Bob Mann ~ Cecil Modukped MacCormack ~ Prince McCormack ~ Jim Meyers ~ Frank Miller ~ Kimberly Mott ~ Dorothy Murphy ~ Gagriela Navarro ~ Maeve Nguyen ~ Sandra Nylen~ ~ Fran Olson ~ Sandy Pang ~ Alexis Privitiera ~

Regina Randall ~ Jessica Rehn ~ Rita Reese ~ Mary Rigney ~ Bonita Roberts-Jones ~ Bianca Rodriguez ~ Cecilia Rodriguez ~ Patricia Rodriguez ~ Jack Roof ~ Lee Rose ~ David Sheriff ~ Bernice Shook ~ Randie Siegel ~ Byron Simms ~ Joyce Simpkins ~ Fay Simpson ~ Michael Smith ~ Lakasha Spencer ~ David L. Stratmon, 3rd ~ Teddy Jackson ~ Elizabeth Taylor ~ Evelyn Taylor ~ Matthew Tweh ~ Chelsea & Brandon Valentine ~ Jonathan Walker ~ Peter Walker ~ Quentin Walker ~ Timothy Walker ~ Karen Washington ~ Nathalie White ~ Anne Willemann ~ Emerica O. Williams & Family ~ Rhodel L.

Williams ~ I. Rimisa Williams, Sr. ~ Brandon Wilson ~ Margaret Wilson ~ James and Ruby Young ~ The unemployed and the underemployed, and their families

Short Term Needs Tom Williams ~ Linda Lopez ~ Olanike Oyefeso-Watts

Those Traveling Melrose Cole ~ Erica Mitchell ~ Marva Moxey-Mims ~ Anne Harvey

The Deceased Dolly Bowen-Wright

Marcus Williams, brother of Sam Williams Victor Wilburn, husband of Cheryl Wilburn

Martha Neer

Members of the Armed Forces

Jake Barr ~ Jason Durkaj ~ Harrison Grimes ~ Mary Q. Jackson ~ Christopher Shy ~ Keith Foster ~ Brittany Thomas Donald D. Valentine ~ Adam Walker ~ Mason Walker ~ Dellion Sitladin, Sr. ~ Mason Walker ~ And All Those Who Serve Now, and in The Past

Page 7: Liturgy of the Word - · Read by Olivette Guy-Williams in Krio of Sierra Leone ... Rector The Rev. Dr . Robert W ... buna~Daniel


Your pledge can get to COS safely, whether you can attend or not!

One way to ensure your pledge arrives is to authorize your bank to cut your

weekly or monthly pledge checks directly from your account, as part of

their online bill pay system. Most banks and credit unions offer this ser-

vice FREE to their customers, which can be set up online with your bank.

If you don’t know how to set up an online bill pay account, don’t worry! You

can call your bank’s customer service number and they will walk you

through the process. It’s fast and easy. All you need is your bank account

number, any security passwords you’ve attached to the account, and the

COS address:

Episcopal Church of Our Saviour

1700 Powder Mill Road

Silver Spring, MD 20903

Ask your banking representative to make the check payable to Episcopal

Church of Our Saviour and to indicate “2015 Pledge” on the memo line. If

no memo line prints on the check, please make the check payable to

ECOS/Pledge 2015.

Bank of America: 1-800/432-1000

CapitalOne: 1-800/707-0489

Sun Trust: 1-800/382-3232, #3

PNC Bank: 1-888-762-2265

Wells Fargo: (Direct

bill-pay can only be set up online.)

Summer Camp at COS!

Together we can make a

difference: summer day camp for children 5-

13 years of age; 8:30 am – 3:30 pm at Church

of our Saviour in Silver Spring. $200 per week

or $1000 for all 6 weeks. Scholarships availa-


For more information, contact the Rev. Virginia Brown-Nolan at

[email protected] or call 301 674-2207.

Registration closes June 15th. Forms are found in the back of

this bulletin. Register your child


Colesville Meals on Wheels

is again seeking volunteers

to help drive or deliver

meals. Our hours are approximately 11 to 1 on week-

days. You can choose a day, or be on our sub list to

be called when needed. Contact info: www.colesville- OR call 240-583-0728. Thank you!

Attention All Parents and Kids, 6th - 12th Grade:

We will be meeting Sunday, June 7, at 12 noon in the multipurpose room to organize for the COS youth pro-gram starting in this fall. Bring yourselves and your kids! If you have any ques-tions, call the church office at 301/439-5900. See you on June 7!

The First planning meeting for the 2014 Fellowship of the Trees will meet on

Monday, June 29 at 7:30pm at Dominic’s Pizza

(12854 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20904

For more information, please see Don Spicer.

Monday, June 29 at 7:30pm

May the Lord bless you and keep you as

you move forward in life…

Dr. Robert William Harvey - Virginia

Theological Seminary

Dr. David Staudt - UCSF Medical Center

Tarica Ngegba - Towson University

Jamal Glee Bedell - University of Maryland

Carlton Bucknor - high school

Edwin Brian Cole - High Point High School

Kayla Faith Epps - Rutgers Preparatory School

Shane Isaiah Jackson - middle school

Nicole Kalitsi - Springbrook High School

Tiera Leslie - 5th grade

Timyah Lambert - pre-K
