Literature review

Marjorie Thara IDS 401 11/16/10 Literature Review Biblio 1. The article “Marriage is the key to spending cuts” talks about political and judicial attacks by gays as being only part of the problem. It points out that marriage is being attacked by unilateral divorce, feminist hostility toward marriage , the bias of family courts against fathers and the taxpayer paid financial incentives the legitimize illegitimate births. It points out that lack of marriage causes poverty and that marriage drops the probability of poverty by 82%. Biblio 2. The book “Public Vows” . This reference has a good history of marriage across the world. It also points out how early Americans viewed marriage in different cultures. It poses marriage as a Republican Ideal and says that Domestic government and Political government are likely closely linked. It parallels the story of the harem to the state of the US government today and talks about how a solution would be a government characterized by political moderation and liberal treatment of women would be a solution. . It also talks about how marriage is a privilege that slaves fought for. It also talks about the “Principles of moral and political philosophy” by William Paley became the most widely read college text and touted the private happiness and social benefits of monogamous marriage as well as how this wave of thinking influenced Jurist James Wilson in the 1790’s and was adopted by important wri ters of legal treatises such as

Transcript of Literature review

Page 1: Literature review

Marjorie Thara

IDS 401


Literature Review

Biblio 1.

The article “Marriage is the key to spending cuts” talks about political and judicial

attacks by gays as being only part of the problem. It points out that marriage is being attacked by

unilateral divorce, feminist hostility toward marriage , the bias of family courts against fathers

and the taxpayer paid financial incentives the legitimize illegitimate births. It points out that lack

of marriage causes poverty and that marriage drops the probability of poverty by 82%.

Biblio 2.

The book “Public Vows”. This reference has a good history of marriage across the world.

It also points out how early Americans viewed marriage in different cultures. It poses marriage

as a Republican Ideal and says that Domestic government and Political government are likely

closely linked. It parallels the story of the harem to the state of the US government today and

talks about how a solution would be a government characterized by political moderation and

liberal treatment of women would be a solution. . It also talks about how marriage is a privilege

that slaves fought for. It also talks about the “Principles of moral and political philosophy” by

William Paley became the most widely read college text and touted the private happiness and

social benefits of monogamous marriage as well as how this wave of thinking influenced Jurist

James Wilson in the 1790’s and was adopted by important writers of legal treatises such as

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Chancellor James Kent and U.S. Supreme court justice Joseph Story which shaped the thinking

of the bar and permeated American legal and Political traditions.

Biblio 13

The Healthy Marriage Collaboration of Central Ohio is a group of passionate citizens,

organizations and businesses that are working together to strengthen marriages and reduce

divorce in central Ohio. I used this reference to show that communities can and do care about

healthy marriages and to show what they are doing about it.

Biblio 5 and 21

Moneysmart teaches adult financial education program that is available online or through

cd-rom and offers computer-based intro to bank services and credit, personal money

management, consumer rights, checking accounts, savings, loans and saving for buying a home. I

like this reference because proper money management makes for a much more stable married


Centsible parenting was developed by Iowa state university extension faculty. It is a nine

issue news letter series for parents of first third and fifth graders to use when discussing money.

Each issue focuses on teaching money management to children. I like this one because it helps

low income children understand why mommy and daddy can’t afford certain things.

Biblio 15 serves as a clearinghouse to help couples find marriage and

relationship education, inflation, classes, DVD’s and books. It also helps support community

marriage education legislation and research. It also helps the public understand that marriage

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education offers and effective and affordable solution to the epidemic of divorce. Legislation is a

matter of business for or under consideration by a legislative body and advocacy is the act or

process of advocating or supporting a cause or proposal.

Biblio 17 & 19

Lasting love is an eight hour four part course suited for low income couples that teaches

ten relationship rules and four skill sets consisting of communication, anger management,

fidelity and financial literacy. The “Promoting safe and stable families program title IVB has two

subparts and is a critical step toward changing the inequity between finding and protecting

Children by strengthening families. This is cool because it looks at reeducating the family

instead of removing the child from the home.

Biblio 20 & 3

The California Healthy marriages coaltiion along with the San Bernardino diocese have

collaborated with the CHMC receiving a three year grant of 100,000 per year for their “Raising

Kids Together Program”. This is a parent education program along with a Marriage education

program. What I like about this is program that it teaches parent education.

The Healthy Marriage Matters is not about trapping anyone in an abusive relationship or

a violent one or forcing anyone to get or stay married, running a federal dating service or

withdrawing supports from or diminishing in any way either directly or indirectly the important

work of single parents. It is merely to put into affect a more stable environment for marriages

and to prove that marriages offer more stability to the family unit.

Biblio 12 & 18

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“Wedded to marriage; Invest now or pay later” is based on solid research

indicating that what separates stable and healthy marriages from unstable and unhealthy

marriages is not the frequency of conflict but rather how the couples manage conflict. The

communication strengths of happily married couples are very high in: very satisfied with how

they talk to each other, partner understand s the others feelings, it is easy for them to express

their feelings to one another, they listen to each other very well and do not put each other down.

“Welfare Reform and the healthy marriage initiative states that nearly 80% of child

poverty occurs in broken or never married families. There is a government consensus the

government policy should promote rather than discourage healthy marriage. I agree people hello.

Biblio 16 & 4

This the article “Broken Families Splintered Lives”; the lifelong harms of divorce on

children was an August 2010 segment of NPR in which an eight year old girl talked with her

father about the impact of being separated from him during the first five years of her life while

her parents were separated. I like this article because I think that it will make people

contemplating divorce think twice about the effects it will have on their children.

Two strand of research have suggested opportunities to improve the status of children

born to unmarried parents. It is said that there is a window of opportunity that occurs around the

time of the Childs berth. There is a second strand of research that suggests that program put into

play to teach effective communication will strongly improve unmarried with children

cohabitating couples relationships.

Biblio 6, 7 & 8

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The couples on the brink project n Minnesota will provide an off ramp for the divorce

superhighway. This project was put into play to help them reconcile. The funding for this project

will be provided by adding a 5$ fee to the marriage license.

The effects of employment status on marriage article suggest that family status may

affect employment. Men and women have unobserved traits that make them more successful in

the labor market and also more likely to marry.

“Basic family communication” was developed by Kansas state university and research

extension. This program has a six chapter curriculum tackling the issues of ‘why is

communication important”, “take time to listen”, “How we say it makes a difference”, “the

impact of unspoken rules and handling tough time and having fun. This is by far my favorite

reference because communication is so important.

Biblio 9

“Before you tie the knot” is another resource through the center for child welfare

developed by the university of Florida extension. It offers online lessons including “can we talk”;

improving couple’s communication, couples considering parenthood, the blended family, your

money matters and conflict management and resolution; can we agree?” This s such a wise

resource and it is also free and online.

Biblio 10

Yet another resource through the center for child welfare titled “connecting to my future

family”. It was developed by Penn State cooperative extension curriculum using the research of

Dr John Golliman. This program was developed to provide teens with an understanding of the

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process of what learning to love involves. The goal is to provide adolescents with skills and

information for successful relationships and interaction. These six lessons provide information

and skills to assist teens in understanding and improving their current, future and interpersonal

relationships. What I like about this program is that it is designed for teens and it is free.

Biblio 11

The ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative itself. The initiative arose from two parallel related

developments. First in the early 80’s and 90’ there was an energizing movement in states and

communities to strengthen marriage and reduce divorce rates thereby improving child well

being. This movement was fueled by a growing and large body of research the identified the

negative effects of divorce on many children and the greater likelihood of disadvantage

experienced by children raised by single parents. Initially state reform activities focused on

legislation to make divorce more difficult, but then shifted to providing encouragement and

activities better designed to better prepare people for marriage.