Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13

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Transcript of Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13

  • 7/28/2019 Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13


    Anneleigh: Hello

    Anneleigh: Jay, u here?

    Anneleigh: I think i am very punctual

    Jay: Helllooooooooooooooooo


    LoverKaren: Okay Jay, Loved Loved Loved, Jet

    LoverKaren: Well hopefully you read my review

    Jay: Yay..I loved him too..I did it was great

    Jay: Any review that didn't yell about him not being Rule was great in my

    LoverKaren: So what was you inspiration for Jet, real Dude

    LoverKaren: See when I read him, I did not even think about Rule, nothing against Rule love himtoo, but Jet was unique to himself.

    Jay: No, well yeah but not real dudes in my life. I know a lot of Jet's or guys that want to be Jet,friends, guys in bands...

    Jay: See that's why you're the best.Jay: Quiet, do we stay the whole hour if it's just us?

    Anneleigh: Lol

    LoverKaren: It won't be just us. People are stragglers and I've got Guinness & Heineken, Josetoo, so we could stay the whole hour

    Anneleigh: i think everyone is watching basketball or sumthin

    Jay: Well I do talk at you and Karen on the regular so it seems silly to have a entire chat room for

    the 3 of us

    Anneleigh: ohhh...i got a question!!!

    Jay: What up Nursey?

    Anneleigh: where is the piercing that would hurt the most?!!!

    Jay: I got an answer...

    LoverKaren: Hi Chrissy and Anneleigh

    chrissy: Hello!

    Anneleigh: Hello

    LoverKaren: OMG hurt the most I can imagine

    Jay: Lol....well I'm not a guy so I can't answer for them....on a girl nips don't feel so hot!

    LoverKaren: I don't want to

    Jay: Yes you do, it's fun

    Anneleigh: oh man, gosh i can only imagine...

    LoverKaren: I would think down south would be painful.

    Jay: For a chick no, for a dude I can only imagine!Anneleigh: Me down there and in between sahtuff

    LoverKaren: Really not for a girl. Make my eyes water to even think about it

    chrissy: Jay, it's the piercing on the tip all that that is described in the book?

    Jay: Nope...not at all actually

    Jay: What the apa or the pa? hThe one that goes through or the hoop?

    Yesi: Hi everyone!

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    Jay: Hellooooo

    chrissy: Both? lol

    LoverKaren: Welcome everyone this is a totally open forum, so jump in and ask Jay a question.We are currently talking about Nipples and the nether region of the body getting pierced

    Anneleigh: How many piercings did jet have?!!

    Jay: Uh his PA, his nipps, his tongue, the spikes on each ear...that manyJay: The only guy that doesn't have them will be Rome

    LoverKaren: Jay had me googling stuff when I read Rule

    LoverKaren: I would think the spikes in his ears would make it difficult to sleep.

    Jay: 84 year old gma as well....imagine that face

    LoverKaren: We need to find a pierced dude and have a Q and A.

    Yesi: LOVED JET!!! Rule is still my favorite but Jet totally brought it! Thank you for giving us these

    yummy "Marked Men"

    Anneleigh: I tried to count but i got dizzy

    Jay: It's my pleasure to bring them into the world, they all have interesting stories to tell

    Jay: It's hard to get past a first love I'm finding out...Rule left big shoes to fillAnneleigh: will u ever write about "unmarked men"?

    Jay: Prolly not.

    Jay: I leave up to you

    chrissy: There is enough of romances about unmarked men already

    LoverKaren: Okay Jay question, about Ayden, how feel about the reception some have had to her

    Jay: I agree Chrissy!

    Jay: I have to be careful cause I can go off on a tangent when it comes to Ayden

    LoverKaren: Go Off

    Jay: I love her, she's tough, she's independent, she didn't think Jet needed to help her and she gotbeat up for all the characterisitcs that made her unique

    LoverKaren: I want to her you thoughts on Ayden, who I understood.

    Atta Girl - Australia: I'm here!!! Woot hey everyone.....I was running a tad late

    Jay: Things EVERY GUY in EVERY other romance has

    Yesi: I have to admit I wanted to smack Ayden on more than one occasion!

    Yesi: That or shake some sense into her!

    Jay: Secrets, a troubled past, makes the guys cool and made herapparently annoying and hard to like...ack

    Anneleigh: I think becoz shaw was so sweet maybe people were comparing ayden?

    LoverKaren: See I so got Ayden, Yesi: she was so emotionally screwed up she thought she wasactually protecting him.

    Jay: A double standard if there ever was one!Atta Girl - Australia: Jet!!!!

    Anneleigh: i looovvedd ayden!!!

    Jay: Hi MIch!!!! yaya

    Atta Girl - Australia: I'm trying to think of something to say......

    Atta Girl - Australia: Hey Jay xxxx

    Yesi: Oh I got that but still...she frustrated me! Jet certainly put up with a lot...bless his heart as

    we say in the south

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    Atta Girl - Australia: I was up the river sunning 'mini me' = Willow the kidlet

    LoverKaren: Okay question for the group, who beside me see's the Marked part of marked men,more than Ink, That they have been marked emotionally by their past.

    Jay: It just bugs me that the qualities in a man character can make him hot but give them to a girland people don't like her....He did put up with a lot because he KNEW she was worth it in the

    end...just like I didMary Elizabeth: Totally!

    LoverKaren: Yesi, I think if Jet had pushed Ayden too much she would have done a runner.

    Anneleigh: So true...they each have their own marks!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Marked Men the title to me means many things...sure they are MArked Menwhen it comes to a cjickie babe, they work at the tattoo place of the name and they are markedwith their past

    LoverKaren: I loved that the girl was screwed up and broody.

    chrissy: And he understood what was too had a "dark" past and not wanting to share it withother, i think

    Jay: When we get to Rome the MArking of the other kind comes into play more clearly I think

    since he is all virgin skin and whtnotJay:

    LoverKaren: Can't even imagine having to do the things Ayden did to survive.

    Yesi: I am not bashing her...she is a great character and I love that she was not weak but thatdidn't mean I didn't get frustrated from time to time. She was totally worth fighting for and Jet wasright in not giving up.

    chrissy: *to have

    Jay: She was frustrating...I wanted to smack her are not

    Atta Girl - Australia: OOOO Weeeeeeee!! I was wondering, cause I have been corrupted by MissJay ... anyhoo, about if Cora was going to be doing something to Rome's hotdog


    Mary Elizabeth: I loved how protective he was

    LoverKaren: Yesi, I think if Ayden would have had us for girlfriends she may have gotten a wakeup call.

    Yesi: She was different and that was totally cool!!!

    Jay: Hot dog...really Mich?

    LoverKaren: I Love CORA

    Yesi: Haha!!! Absolutely Karen!

    LoverKaren: HOTDOG LMAO

    Atta Girl - Australia: I didn't want to smack Ayd, I felt she had shiz she was dealing with.....I

    think Asa is a bit of a character I am keen to know more about

    Yesi: HAHAHAHA!Anneleigh: i can't wait for rome and cora! I can only feel the sparks between them flyin off!

    LoverKaren: Can you imagine having to remake who you are? That would be so hard

    Yesi: Will Nash get a book as well? After Rome? I want to know his story.

    Jay: People do it all the time...

    LoverKaren: I want all the dudes stories

    Atta Girl - Australia: Errr, Jay we speak in a different tongue here in my neck of the woods....his

    ding dong, Mr slong, weener...the list goes on

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    Yesi: Me too Karen!!! I want another one just for Rule! Is that too much to ask???

    Jay: I hope so, my contact is up with Rome but you never know...I want to write Nash, Rowdy andend with Asa

    LoverKaren: People remake themselves but the conflict that Ayden felt that no one would reallyaccept the real her broke my heart

    Jay: No one calls it a hot dog unless they are five!! GoofyYesi: That would be fantastic!!! We want ALL the boys!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Me thought Asa may get a bookie ...he has me intrigued!!

    Jay: He's one of my favs to write...all the best kinds of trouble with that one

    Anneleigh: I really want rowdy!!!

    Yesi: Which one? Rule??

    LoverKaren: All the guys have me intrigued. Asa I would have throttle, as his Mama should havethe first time he got into trouble.

    Atta Girl - Australia: I loved getting more ROWDY!! H

    Jay: I don't have plans to give Rule and Shaw another stand alone

    Atta Girl - Australia: I have a thing for Rowdy and I don't quite know why?

    LoverKaren: Can we bribe you Jay??

    Yesi: Yeah Asa would need some major redemption but I'll rad anything you put out Jay!

    Jay: No Asa is all kinds of can try I'm pretty stubborn though

    Maria D: Hi..sorry I'm late

    Jay: Thanks girly that's sweet

    Yesi: Read

    Jay: Welcome to the fun

    Jay: !

    Atta Girl - Australia: I LOVE LOVE LOVE when you pop Rule in with his Obi Wan kanobi words ofwisdom ...for his lads

    Yesi: Maria!!!!!

    LoverKaren: Well, Jay we fit , so am I. LOL

    LoverKaren: Obi Wan

    Jay: I he had a clue about relationships until's fun to make him THAT GUY


    LoverKaren: Love that, Rule has the force of Shaw

    Maria D: I made it!!

    LoverKaren: Hi Maria

    Maria D: hi Karen!!

    Maria D: LOVE Rule!!

    LoverKaren: Welcome Newcomers Jump in and join the fun, Guinness, Heineken and Jose at thebar.

    Jay: I just want to write fun stuff that doesn't ever sound the same. The same as my other stuff orthe stuff other writers are putting out.

    Atta Girl - Australia: I love how you made him the grill cooking guy with the words of wisdom forJet, now young Rowdy he was a smart lad too

    LoverMichelle: HI Jay!!!!!! Hi everyone.

    Atta Girl - Australia: Hey!

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    Jay: Hi

    Maria D: hi Michelle


    chrissy: Jay, will Rome end up with piercings like the rest of the guys? Cora said that she hadpersonally pierced all them, except Rome..

    Atta Girl - Australia: Do we think Rome will get a tatt?LoverMichelle: Hi Maria.

    Jay: I'm not telling...I will say he is a pretty rigid guy and set in his ways but you'll have to read tosee what happens between them

    Yesi: Does Rome have tattoos now?

    Atta Girl - Australia: Miss Jay I have to talk to you about an interview too. I have been

    concocting one in my head, a little different

    LoverKaren: Oh Rome has to have a peen piercing. No that might not work because of time toheal

    Yesi: Has he forgiven Shaw?

    Maria D: he has to forgive Shaw

    chrissy: I think Cora will sway him.. Shaw ended up pierced and tatted up

    Jay: The idea is that eventually everyone falls in love with the best version of who they can be, soShaw wanted ink because she thought it was beautiful....not everyone will end up marked in thesame literal way

    Yesi: Cool! I like that!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Even me the uber uber nerd wants a tatt!

    Jay: Alright Mich..I got you just lemme know!

    Atta Girl - Australia: I was doing some noting last night, I have a plan...I will get it to you


    Jay: Like Ayden didn't become a metal head for Jet....

    Jay: I think Rome is a lot to handle just the way he is...right Anne?"Atta Girl - Australia: Rome he was like the big brother I wanted in he has Cora'sknickers in a looking forward to reading him. Woot!!

    Jay: All his relationships in his book need some work when it starts

    Anneleigh: Lol! Jay u asking me?!

    Jay: I was....brat pay attention!!

    Yesi: Is there a release date for Rome?

    Jay: Early Jan

    Anneleigh: I can already feel the boom boom, bang bang!!!

    LoverKaren: So what does Rome have to handle Anneleigh

    Maria D: I think his story is gonna be great

    Jay: But working with a publisher is unpredictable, they change things on me A LOT

    Anneleigh: Cora

    Yesi: Ah man that is a long wait but I am sure he'll be worth it!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Do you think Harper Collins suits will let Aussies and Uk in on the releasethis time, or else I shall have to stalk you Jay !!!

    Yesi: My 20th rearead of Rule will hold me over!

    Maria D: LOL Yesi

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    Jay: I'll know it but Harper UK and Harper US operate independently of one another so they don'treally click on dates and stuff

    Jay: Well I'm glad he's there for you


    Anneleigh: I cora gonna have like piercings?

    Yesi: He totally is!LoverKaren: Okay who of you thought Ayden and Jet had sex when she stayed at the bar, whenthey first met?

    Yesi: I didn't...I thought that is why she was depressed in Rule?

    LoverKaren: Or if they did would they have not had the attraction that developed

    Jay: Cora is a body modification expert, seems silly to not practice what you preach doesn't it?

    Yesi: Well he was instantly attracted according to Ruk

    Atta Girl - Australia: I didn't

    Yesi: Rule's assessment, no?

    Maria D: I didn't ....but i thought she wanted to

    Anneleigh: Who knows? Some people don'r practice what they literally

    Atta Girl - Australia: Jay are you always gonna write Contemporary has anther genre intereestedyou?

    Jay: One night stands are easy...something more is hard...if she had hit it and quit it there wouldhave been nothing for Jet to build on once they realized they had feelers for each other

    Anneleigh: But cora is a bad ass so i can only see what body parts u "modify" her

    Atta Girl - Australia: I LOVE Cora she had such a great vibe in Rule, she will give as good as shegets ...I think??

    LoverKaren: But Anneleigh who does the body pierce maven trust with her goods

    Atta Girl - Australia: Poo I can't spell

    Jay: umm..I dunno...I just write. Whatever interests me I put on the screen...I guess I could get

    struck by inspiration and branch out some dayAnneleigh: I know rite? Who will pierce her?

    LoverKaren: Who thought the scoring of the Girls was too funny.

    Atta Girl - Australia: So in your reading time, it has always been contemporary or do you likereading other genres?

    Jay: Well she worked at a shop for a long time before The Marked...She had an apprentice that'show it works in the real world

    Jay: I thought it was HI-LArious

    Jay: lol

    Atta Girl - Australia: I giggled a lot at the scoring of girls, but at the same time, I felt bad forAyd living under the same roof with Jet and the chicks passing into his lovers den

    Jay: I read whatever strikes me at the time...I'm not huge into paranormal or dystopian but eventhen I like some of it

    Atta Girl - Australia: I loved Jet calling them 'knuckleheads' hehe

    Jay: I'm busy right now, I haven't had the most time to read...I miss it a lot

    LoverKaren: Okay a topic I want to ask Jay about. Jet's Mom?? What inspired her.

    Atta Girl - Australia: My fave quote of the book was from Rule when he gave his words ofwisdom to Jet

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    Atta Girl - Australia: My fave quote of the book was from Rule when he gave his words ofwisdom to Jet

    Anneleigh: That was ingenious - the scoring of girls

    Anneleigh: Coz guys do it all the time

    Jay: Ahhh I saw someone I love more then life itself go through the worst breakup ever with a

    narassitic abuser last summer...I think Jet's mom is how she would've ended up if she hadn'tgotten herself away from it

    Atta Girl - Australia: Jet's dad was a piece of work...grrrrr

    Jay: She was strong enough to fight for herself and get a better life, but it was awful to watch andit broke my heart over and over again

    Anneleigh: Oh man...that sucks...see that's why i love ur stories

    LoverKaren: Because I'm a Mom and I would never allow my son to go to jail in place of Hubby

    Anneleigh: Has a lotta heart

    Jay: Some men just don't want to grow up and its easy to blame others for their short comings

    LoverKaren: Glad you friend made it

    Jay: Me too

    Atta Girl - Australia: Amen

    LoverKaren: Jay honey, no man wants to grow, we all make them

    Jay: LOl...I tried hence why I am no divorced!! lol

    Jay: now

    Atta Girl - Australia: My hubs is 44 , he loves his skinny jeans, I love he loves his skinny


    LoverMichelle: Haha!

    Anneleigh: Jay...gotta ask not be upset

    Jay: I always write someone as the worst case scenario, everyone else in the story is true to life,dealing with everyday stuff, someone has to be over the top for the dramatic effect

    Anneleigh: And not answer my texts later lolJay: oh man anne....bring it

    LoverKaren: anticipation

    Jay: You're lucky at 44 he can still fit in skinny jeans Mich

    Atta Girl - Australia: lol! i WAS GONNA SAY THAT!

    LoverKaren: my hubby is 50 skinny jeans HaHa Ha

    Atta Girl - Australia: Jay, hubs has gone through a dramatic exercise , change the bod.....midlife, lol!!! The guy has a resting heart beat of 53. He is a bit too lean

    Jay: You girls crack me up I love it!!

    Jay: Good for him, he'll be around longer for you to love up on!

    LoverKaren: Well my hubby is cowboy so skinny jeans were never an option.

    LoverMichelle: Jay, I have a question for you!

    Anneleigh: Do u like jet's cover?

    Atta Girl - Australia: My hubs wears dark sunnies at the shops...Men in!!! it's causethey are prescription or he can't see, so peeps are thinking , 'who does he thnik he is' but he can'tsee far without them. LOL!

    Maria D: my hubby will be 40 and doesn't wear skinny jeans...thank God! he couldn't pull them off

    Jay: What's up Michelle?

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    Anneleigh: For the, abt the skinny jeans

    Jay: I'm gonna be in ATL in July come have a cocktail with me!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: OO you have a cowboy, nice!!

    Anneleigh: I love skinny jeans...

    Anneleigh: Are u ignoring my ?

    LoverMichelle: Two questions actually. One, what is your Master's Degree in? And two, did I readthat you are coming to ATL for RWA?

    Jay: Lol Maria...I agree I love a hot cowboy

    Anneleigh: Lol!

    Jay: I'm tactfully thinkingof how to answer Anne

    Yesi: My husband has huge musc

    Atta Girl - Australia: OO yes !! Hubs and I are loved up!! I am uber uber lucky

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    Jay: You are important to me too girly


    LoverMichelle: ^^^ Yesi that's for you! Are you still in ATL?

    LoverKaren: My dad was a bartender, and Air Traffic controller. bartender was how he destressed

    Atta Girl - Australia: Cyberspace lurrvvveeee, hehe

    Jay: It'll be like wheres Waldo, I'll be waldoLoverMichelle: Please wear that cute pink bow in your hair too!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Jay, I would be the Waldo....hehe

    LoverKaren: Of Where in the world is Jay Crownover

    Atta Girl - Australia: I love !!! that black and white pic of you - author one!!!! love it!!!

    Jay: lol...I can olny wear it now because I'm blond, it clashes when it's red!!

    Jay: only

    Anneleigh: Lol!! I betcha i can always locate u amid every romance writer

    Yesi: Let me check

    LoverKaren: So Jay are you working on anything right now??

    Jay: I bet..I've seen some pictures of the famous NA authors...I don't look like none of themJay: I'm working on something SO AWESOME!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!! SAUCE!!!!

    Anneleigh: Omg!!! Another awesome story?!!!

    Anneleigh: do we get dibs?

    Jay: I'm in serious loooooooove with what I am working on right now!!!

    Anneleigh: hello, we're hanging out with u tonite

    Anneleigh: instead of making dinner

    Jay: They are not marked men I will say that...

    Atta Girl - Australia: Do I have to pretend my address is a USA restaurant so I won't be faceplanting and screaming at my monitor...

    Atta Girl - Australia: OOO not Marked Men.....whahhhhh!!

    Jay: lol...

    Jay: No something else that blindsided me while I was tangling with Rome

    LoverMichelle: Is this book going to be Indie published?

    Atta Girl - Australia: Ahhhhh!! OOOOOO!! Weeeeeee!! That is me excited!

    Yesi: Same genre?

    Jay: I was frustrated everyone wanted more Rule and didn't get Jet the way I intended so my new

    guy snuck up on me like a thief in the night

    Atta Girl - Australia: I got Jet! I love Jet! I want Jet!

    Anneleigh: omg!!!!

    Jay: I have to run my next 3 by HC and then if they don't want them I can Indie publishAnneleigh: u just made me wet....

    Atta Girl - Australia: No matter which way it is Win Win for us !!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Crikey Anne lol

    LoverKaren: So if HC declines you can pub Indie

    Jay: As you should be you should be
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    Anneleigh: i want rule too but i am so glad u didn't make a sequel or trilogy instead incorporatedhim and shaw in the other people's stories

    Jay: Yes..well yes but Stacey my very lovely agent would probably want to shop it aroundfirst...we'll see. I like to write boys that are bad, not just bad boys and that can be a rough sell

    Anneleigh: yumm!

    Atta Girl - Australia: sighYesi: People didn't get Jet? Why? I loved Jet!!!

    Jay: Working with a major publisher is tricky...

    Jay: I did too!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: So would ya ever throw in an Aussie lad?

    Jay: But his reception was more lukewarm then boiling hot like Rules was.

    Maria D: what do you mean by boys that are bad? Darker?

    Jay: Prolly not, I don't know how to write the accent

    Atta Girl - Australia: Jet is a beautiful , smokin' , purple jeans wearing, pierced honey!

    LoverMichellejoined the chat 36 minutes ago

    Jay: Bad...darker....trouble, not troubled but

    Anneleigh: u can totally write an accent

    Yesi: Well that sucks! Jet ROCKED and the story was great!

    LoverKaren: But JET got you to the NYTIMES.

    Anneleigh: all u say is he has an accent

    Anneleigh: lol!!!

    Maria D: I like the sound of that!!!

    Jay: Thank you I liked him too!

    Atta Girl - Australia: What accent??? lol!! yeah but I don't think of USa characters with an accentwhen I read, Southerners I do cause authors throw in a Y'all, which has bme going all southernerin my head when reading

    Jay: lol Anne no...that is not how I rollLoverKaren: What you Aussies don't say y'all

    Yesi: I think Rule shocked the hell out of people and they fell in love with the HOT bad boy!

    Anneleigh: he more trouble than rule?

    Jay: I know he did Karen, and really I'm my own worst critic

    Anneleigh: the new guy?

    Atta Girl - Australia: Nah!! we don't say y'all, but I can adapt now, I after reading Abbi Glines Irun about going y'all all the time now, lol

    Jay: He's on a different playing field then Rule. Rule was an upright, law abiding citizen, the samecannot be said for new guy

    chrissy: Jay, "Bad...darker....TROUBLE" me likes the way you think!


    LoverKaren: I think they are both brilliantly written, books. Loved that you had the guts not tojust recycle Rule, Loved that Jet had an independent voice and so did Ayden.

    Jay: He bonked me up the head and wouldn't go away...Rule and his boys did the same thing sowe'll see what happens!

    chrissy: Awesome!

    Jay: I just want to write good stories, that's all that matters to me...

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    Anneleigh: love!!!!

    LoverKaren: I was surprised that Ayden was willing to go bareback with Jet. That was a realshocker, and would have given her reason to run.

    Atta Girl - Australia: I liked Jet had that surprise of not wanting to be famous , he wanted to dohis own thing with bands, that was awesome, different

    Jay: Which is why I shouldn't read reviews....everAnneleigh: Will u ever write abt athletes?!

    Jay: She was sabotaging herself...

    Jay: She was setting herself up to run

    LoverKaren: Ayden was doing a bang up job at it too.

    Anneleigh: Reviews? Huh! Sometimes the people who write them don't know crap

    Jay: Rowdy is an ex-college ball player...if I get to tell his story

    Anneleigh: omg!!!

    Anneleigh: u made me wet...again

    Atta Girl - Australia: I always look at all angles when I write a review . I like to take notes andreally look at what the character is telling me

    Yesi: Oh I hope you do!!!

    Maria D: sounds good to me

    Jay: Its hard to write sports...people take that shit you not remember the manual yougot emailed to you?

    Anneleigh: u will! Ur stories are great! U will be able to write about all of them

    Atta Girl - Australia: YOU HAD BETTER TELL ROWDY'S STORY!!! Girl!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: I am hunkering for him!

    Jay: Lol...fingers crossed....pray to the book Gods

    Atta Girl - Australia: You don't need anybody but your pen and paper...old school for Rowdy and

    just like Rule, you made it happen

    Yesi: Yep!!! ^^^LoverKaren: It is you writing Jay, not any book Gods

    Atta Girl - Australia: Amen

    Atta Girl - Australia: Rule needed no gods, Jet I LOVED!! Rome ...come to mamma!!

    Anneleigh: Yeah! No one writes like u!

    Atta Girl - Australia: I love your writing cause it feels like I could know these theyknow any nerds...they may want to meet me....I am errrr, delightful!

    Jay: Unfortunately no I have sales figures and numbers hunting me

    Jay: lol you sure are my freind

    Jay: friend

    LoverKaren: It's a whole new ball game from January

    Jay: it sure is

    Atta Girl - Australia: But you have FANS!!!!! I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jay: I have friends not fans...that's weird

    Atta Girl - Australia: I mean I am your friend I KNOW a good writer!!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: You have book fans!!!!!

    Jay: Lol...maybe...that's a weird idea to try and get your head around when you're just some chickfrom Colorado

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    Jay: Abbi Glines has fans

    Jay: Jamie McGuire has fans

    LoverKaren: I was so aghast when these reviews were bashing Rule because of editing. Thatcould be taken care of, didn't they see the brilliance of the writing

    Anneleigh: Well, that chick from colorado has some loyal friends, fans

    Atta Girl - Australia: Hey Abbi was a chick from Alabama, Colleen Hoover lived in a trailerJay: That's a whole different ballpark to me

    LoverMichelle: Jay, first word that comes to mind when I say John Elway.

    chrissy: your books are cool too, you deserve to have fans too!

    Jay: Horse Teeth

    LoverKaren: HaHa

    LoverKaren: LMAO

    Jay: Thank you

    LoverKaren: How about Manning

    Maria D: LOL

    Yesi: LolJay: Frustrated!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: I saw the brilliance of the writing, cause I look at all angles when reviewing,from 10th of Jan, I was hollering about Rule at the top of my blogger lungs and put loads ofreaders onto it!!

    LoverMichelle: WTH can of a Broncos fan are you?

    Jay: Why not kick a field goal!!!

    Anneleigh: Oh manning!!!

    Jay: Stupid Baltimore

    Anneleigh: ravens suck

    Atta Girl - Australia: I have no clue what u lot are talking about

    Jay: I know Mich, you and KAren and Michelle have had this gals back since day 1...literally day 1

    LoverKaren: Manning was mine for years and years.

    Yesi: I second that! Ravens suck!

    Anneleigh: u better make sure rowdy wears orange, dark blue an orange

    Jay: He's a good fit, I just don't know about his longevity

    LoverMichelle: Well, I was only a Broncos fan because I loved John Elway, horse teeth and


    Atta Girl - Australia: YUP!! literally day 1!!! Cause we KNOW a good story/characters it was allthere!!! I loved the rawness of your story

    Jay: Lol...

    Anneleigh: Lol, john elwayLoverKaren: He is old. We had him when he was a youngin

    Jay: I thought he could have mentored Tebow now it's Brady's job

    Anneleigh: exactly

    Jay: I don't know what they think they'll do if he gets hurt!!

    Anneleigh: stupid! I hate that model looking quarterback

  • 7/28/2019 Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13


    Jay: And his dumb hir

    Jay: hair

    LoverKaren: What I like most about Jay's writing is that she is so descriptive in her context. Youcare the with the characters every step of the way.

    Anneleigh: what qb midels uggs?!

    Anneleigh: *models*LoverKaren: If the old man gets hurt Bronco screwed

    Atta Girl - Australia: Yes!!! I am even in the bedroom with vicariously through thosepiercings....did I just say that out loud??

    Anneleigh:, i've never read abt tattooed people

    Atta Girl - Australia: Can't imagine hubs agreeing to a PA...darn it!

    Jay: You know what's weird Karen? I got an email that said I shouldn't do that....that readers needto feel what the characters are feeling not be told how to feel it....I wasn't sure what to do withthat

    Anneleigh: til that one cold nite in january

    LoverKaren: Never googled so much in my life what different male piercings were. Thank gosh for

    google and imagesLoverMichelle: Jay, when we talked back in February, no one at the bar knew you had writtenRule and at that time you had sold over 85,000 copies. You've since quit your job and are writingfull-time. What was the reaction of your close friends/workers/patrons at the bar?

    Yesi: I agree Karen! Rule had me hooked from the very first page! I love that he told the chickthat if she didn't want to be treated like crap then she should stop going home with drunkendudes! I knew right then and there that I was going to love him!

    Jay:'s fun

    LoverKaren: Ignore it Jay ignore it

    Atta Girl - Australia: The tattoo shop in Coolum I have been in it, I stuck out like a big ol pastywhite canvas, but the guy in there is covered and he looks awesome

    Yesi: Haha!Maria D: Loved that too Yesi!

    Anneleigh: i almost feel like i want a tattoo


    Jay: Some are happy, most could careless...I think it's hard to understand the scale of what I'mdoing

    Anneleigh: then i think of

    Anneleigh: sorry

    LoverKaren: The part of Rule that moved me so much is the Dad getting the tat for his son whowas killed. OMG,

    LoverMichelle: Any shocked?

    Jay: Infection only happens if you don't take care of it goof

    Jay: Yeah...kinda like "you have talent?"

    LoverMichelle: Haha! "In your face buddy!"

    Anneleigh: Lol...

    LoverKaren: Most tat palors in US are cleaner than hospitals, cause they don't want to get sued.

    Maria D: asked my hubby what he thought of Jacobs Ladder, had to google it to show him...hisreaction, priceless

  • 7/28/2019 Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13


    Yesi: Karen I loved that!! And the look he and Shaw shared when she talked about why shewanted to be an ER doctor.

    Jay: I mean who writes a book, and has it explode the way Rule did

    LoverMichelle: Jay Crownover does, that's who!

    Yesi: Hahaha Maria!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Now just a question, I am curious.... with the PA does it go all the waythrough the hotdog? Please explain

    Yesi: I want to shock my hubby now! Lol

    Anneleigh: i want to meet rule in real life

    LoverKaren: Hotdog again Mich

    Yesi: You do!!!

    Maria D:

    Jay: The pictures on Google are person most of them don't look that apaall you see is the top and bottom ball

    Atta Girl - Australia: Hehe!!

    LoverKaren: Aussie term for Penis. Need to file that one

    Jay: The PA goes through the pee hole like an earring in an ear

    Atta Girl - Australia: Get it hotdog with err sauce...gahhhh

    Jay: it's a hoop through the top

    Jay: tip

    Atta Girl - Australia: ahhh!! so with a magic cross is that all the way through?

    Anneleigh: oh man...i wanna see that in real life too

    Jay: yeah through the head up and down and then through the head side to side

    Yesi: Eeeekkk! That sounds painful!

    Jay: Well I bet it isn't fun

    Anneleigh: have u seen that in real life jay?

    Atta Girl - Australia: Do the lads get some pain killer before hand?

    Yesi: Haha!

    LoverKaren: So seven Jay Crownover fans go to find a tattooed and pierce hotty.

    Jay: Well it is after....

    Maria D: Ouch

    LoverKaren: ^^^^ Start of a new book

    Yesi: For the girl after I am sure it is!

    Atta Girl - Australia: I kinda get all weeeee about the Jacobs ladder

    Yesi: Haha Karen!

    Jay: A cross no...the Apa yes, the ladder yes and a Pa yes

    Jay: Lolchrissy: the jacobs ladder is fun for us girls to play with, ifyaknowwhatimean

    LoverKaren: Jay needs visual aids in her books

    Anneleigh: Umm...did u see them in the tattoo parlor

    Yesi: I am so googling after this chat!

    Jay: If you need a painkiller maybe you shouldn't be cramming needles through your junk!!

    Anneleigh: or outside?

  • 7/28/2019 Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13


    LoverKaren: Chrissy,

    Yesi: Lol

    Anneleigh: no holds barred dude

    Atta Girl - Australia: OOOOO!! But it seems awfully ouch for the poor lads

    Maria D: I did while reading Rule Yesi...some are scary and some are not! LOL

    Jay: I've seen them where I've seem them nosy!!Anneleigh: lol!!!

    LoverKaren: I think Jack and Jose are consumed before hand

    Yesi: Maria you'll be hearing from me later! Lol

    Atta Girl - Australia: Would a Jacobs Lad be a one sitting thing to get done. cause that seemslike a lot of pain

    Maria D:

    Jay: And I was married for a long time remember!!!!

    Jay: I think that would be up to the guy!

    Anneleigh: Oh lol!

    LoverKaren: See I am thinking about paralysis of the member, if not done right, scare tissueJay: It makes writing smexy stuff more interesting...there is only so many ways to say penis

    LoverKaren: scar not scare, or it would scare some

    Jay: Which is why a pro should do it'

    Anneleigh: What is penis anyways?

    chrissy: I was told that it hurts... but i don't think they mind afterwards

    LoverKaren: Well the girl from downunder has given us hotdog, so that is another one you canadd to you books

    Jay: Lol...if you aren't prepared for it I think I could be scary...getting naked and being suprised

    Atta Girl - Australia: What made Cora decide that her job was going to be piercing hotdogs??Like how does one decide that?

    Yesi: Lol ^^^

    Jay: Lol...Body modification is about changing the outside to match the inside...I think she's allabout that...she is ch her own personvery mu

    Atta Girl - Australia: So Jay, there you go, I have given you a name for the penieeee

    Jay: person

    Jay: uhhhh Thanks?

    Jay: lol

    LoverKaren: So in Rome Cora can call it hotdog

    Atta Girl - Australia: I am here to serve!!

    Anneleigh: lol!!!

    Anneleigh: omg...that would actually be so appropriate jayAnneleigh: hordog

    LoverKaren: Well Jay is going to be leaving us in 5 minutes so get your hotdog questions asked.

    Jay: Rome's a big dude, don't think hotdog adequately covers it

    Anneleigh: i mean hotdog

    chrissy: it would be a turn off to read hotdog in a sexy scene..

    Jay: Yeah bring on the burning questions!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: HOTDOGS!!! anyone!!

  • 7/28/2019 Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13


  • 7/28/2019 Literati Chat Jaycrownover 6-13-13


    LoverMichelle: I'll bring a Flat Karen with me.

    Atta Girl - Australia: I am curious

    chrissy: I won't, I don't even live in the us, sadly

    LoverKaren: Cardboard cut out

    LoverKaren: thanks Michelle

    Jay: Oh no.....well maybe one day I'll be world wide!LoverMichelle: Jay, I'm actually going to my first ever tattoo shop on Saturday. I'm letting my 17-year-old daughter get her nose pierced (small diamond). Any words of advice as I'm scared to walkin the place!

    LoverKaren: Night all you international Hotdog loving gals

    Atta Girl - Australia: YAYAYAYA!!!

    Atta Girl - Australia: Night!!!! or arvo in my land

    LoverKaren: Arvo

    Jay: Walk in like you own it...make sure they have an autoclave and the materials are wrappedand signle use

    Atta Girl - Australia: Afternoon

    LoverMichelle: Got it. This place was highly recommended. Did I mention I'm scared of


    Atta Girl - Australia: Dang , me walking in like I owned it, lol!!!

    LoverKaren: Swagger Michelle Swagger.

    Jay: Well she'll be fine...that's an easy one

    Atta Girl - Australia: I would be meek....but have fun with your tattoo Michelle

    Jay: Gotta feed the pack...nite all

    LoverKaren: Night all

    Atta Girl - Australia: Nite xxx

    LoverMichelle: It's me I'm worried about. No worries Atta Girl! The only tat I have is a birthmark

    on the back of my leg.LoverMichelle: Night Jay. Night everyone!