Literary analysis essay - writing it

Literary Analysis Essay Structure Writing the Essay
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2nd trimester - 1st 6 weeks part 2

Transcript of Literary analysis essay - writing it

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Literary Analysis EssayStructureWriting the EssayIndependent ReadingREAD YOUR BOOK

After 15 minutes, there will be a prompt about quality.

First, this has nothing to do with whether you like the book or think its good. Rate the quality of the book. Is it a quality book? Is it well-written? Remember: not do you like it or is it good?12/6/10Content: Literary AnalysisDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.Pick up a new log from the MUC.

TodayLiterary Analysis Essay StructureIntroductionLiterary Analysis Essay StructureFollows essay structureIntroductionSupport x3Conclusion

Argument structureThesisCaseReason w/ evidencex3What do you need?ThesisReasonsWhy thesis is trueNOT evidenceEvidenceProve the reasonIntroductionWe will use your thesis about RecitatifIs Twyla or Roberta white or black?

Independent ReadingREAD YOUR BOOK

After 15 minutes, there will be a prompt about character.

Think about some of the decisions the main character has made or how he/she has acted. Is this character believable (realistic)? Does he/she make decisions/do things that a real person would? Why or why not? 12/7/10Content: Literary AnalysisDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.Pick up a new log from the MUC.


Begin talking about supportIntroductionsLet us continueTHESIS MUST INCLUDETitle of textAuthors nameIndependent ReadingREAD YOUR BOOK

After 15 minutes, there will be a prompt.

Get out your Class Notes Notebook. Lets continue learning about Lit Analysis Introductions. 12/8/10Content: Literary AnalysisDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.Pick up a new log from the MUC.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show how two friends learned that the value of friendship has nothing to do with race, but comes from the heart.

Dont judge people by their race.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is about how two girls have different lives not because of their race, but because of their different styles of mothers.The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show readers how people determine the race of others.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show you your prejudice and also prove that there is no difference in people due to race.The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show how two friends learned that the value of friendship has nothing to do with race, but comes from the heart.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show how the value of friendship has nothing to do with race, but comes from the heart.Dont judge people by their race.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show that people should not judge others based on their race.The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is about how two girls have different lives not because of their race, but because of their different styles of mothers.

In the story Recitatif by Toni Morrison, the two main characters have different lives not because of their race, but because of their very different mothers. The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show readers how people determine the race of others.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to use intentionally ambiguous descriptions of its characters to challenge how each reader views race.The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show you your prejudice and also prove that there is no difference in people due to race.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to prove that their is no difference in people due to race.Your IntroIN YOUR CLASS NOTES

Fix your thesis

Finish steps 2-8 for your introductionIndependent ReadingREAD YOUR BOOK

After 15 minutes (or until Mr. Woock says so), there will be a prompt.

Get out your Class Notes Notebook. Lets continue learning about Lit Analysis Essays. 12/9/10Content: Literary AnalysisDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.

TODAYFinish Introductions

Start talking about supportBuilding your caseWe know this.Dont write this as notes.You wrote this previously.Seriously, recognize stuff youve seen.(next, youll recognize stuff you havent seen)

CASEaRGUMENT (x3REASONEVIDENCEExplanationAnalysis Essay SUPPORTGood literary analysis essays contain an explanation ofyour reasonsand evidence from the text (short story, poem, play) that supports those ideas. Textual evidence consists of summary, paraphrase, specific details, and direct quotations.CASEEVERY PARAGRAPH NEEDSTOPIC SENTENCE

TOPIC SENTENCEIts about FOCUSIts like a THESIS for EVERY PARAGRAPHTopic Statementstates one of the topics associated with your thesis, combined with some assertion about how the topic will support the central idea. The purpose of the topic sentence is twofold:1. To tie the details of the paragraph to your thesis statement.2. To tie the details of the paragraph togetherThe setting of John Updikes story A & P is crucial to our understanding of Sammys decision to quit his job. Even though Sammy knows that his quitting will make life more difficult for him, he instinctively insists upon rejecting what the A & P represents in the story. When he rings up a No Sale and saunter[s] out of the store, Sammy leaves behind not only a job but the rigid state of mind associated with the A & P. Although Sammy is the central character in the story and we learn much about him, Updike seems to invest as much effort in describing the setting as he does Sammy. The title, after all, is not Youthful Rebellion or Sammy Quits but A & P. In fact, the setting is the antagonist of the story and plays a role that is as important as Sammys.Sammy's descriptions of the A & P present a setting that is ugly, monotonous, and rigidly regulated. We can identify with the uniformity Sammy describes because we have all been in chain stores. The fluorescent light is as blandly cool as the "checkerboard green-and-cream rubber tile floor" (486). The "usual traffic in the store moves in one direction (except for the swim suited girls, who move against it), and everything is neatly organized and categorized in tidy aisles. The dehumanizing routine of this environment is suggested by Sammy's offhand references to the typical shoppers as "sheep, "house slaves," and "pigs." These regular customers seem to walk through the store in a stupor; as Sammy tells us, not even dynamite could move them out of their routine (485).

This paragraph is a strong one because it is developed through the use of quotations, summary, details, and explanation to support the topic sentence.

Notice how it relates back to the thesis statement.The setting of John Updikes story A & P is crucial to our understanding of Sammys decision to quit his job. In fact, the setting is the antagonist of the story and plays a role that is as important as Sammys.In Class NotesThesis

My Reasons...

Argument #1Topic SentenceIndependent ReadingREAD YOUR BOOK

After 15 minutes (or until Mr. Woock says so), there will be a prompt.

Get out your Class Notes Notebook. Lets continue learning about Lit Analysis Essays. 12/10/10Content: Literary AnalysisDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.

TODAYAnalysis support


ThesisIntroduction3 supporting pointsEvidence for supportThesis

My Reasons...

Argument #1Topic SentenceMy Support (In Class Notes)

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show how the value of friendship has nothing to do with race, but comes from the heart.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to show that people should not judge others based on their race.

In the story Recitatif by Toni Morrison, the two main characters have different lives not because of their race, but because of their very different mothers.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to use intentionally ambiguous descriptions of its characters to challenge how each reader views race.

The purpose of Toni Morrisons Recitatif is to prove that their is no difference in people due to race.

Recitatif is not about race, but rather about gender and friendship, specifically the intimate bond between young girls without families.

Toni Morrisons Recitatif shows how focusing on race keeps people from getting along.

In Recitatif, the intentional use of ambiguous racial cues forces readers to quit focusing on race and instead focus on the characters themselves.

Independent ReadingREAD YOUR BOOK

After 15 minutes (or until Mr. Woock says so), there will be a prompt.

Without sounding like the back cover of your book, summarize what you read today. Be sure to only summarize what you read today. Write down the page numbers of what you read. 12/14/10Content: Literary AnalysisDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.

TODAYTest Recovery Assignment

Literary Analysis Tips

Continue writing Recitatif analysisTEST RECOVERYOn a separate sheet of paper:Write as complete sentences correct answers to any Multiple Choice you got wrong.Write as complete sentences correct answers to Short Answer questions you got wrong.REWRITE the essay.Clear thesis.Topic sentencesFocused paragraphs

DUE THURSDAYRecovery Points, Assignment score, Essay scoreSummaryIf a key event or series of events in the literary work support a point you are trying to make, include a brief summary, make sure that you show the relevanceexplicitly connect your summary to your point.

Below is an effective summary (with its relevance clearly pointed out) from an essay on "The Secret Lion":

The boys find the grinding ball, but later attempt to bury it (SUMMARY). Burying it is their futile attempt to make time stand still and to preserve perfection (RELEVANCE).Paraphrasemake use of paraphrase when you need the details of the original, but not the exact words of the original:

Below is an example (also from the paper on "The Secret Lion") of how to "translate" original material into part of your own paper:

Original: "I was twelve and in junior high school and something happened that we didn't have a name for, but it was nonetheless like a lion, and roaring, roaring that way the biggest things do."

Paraphrase: Early in the story, the narrator tells us that when he turned twelve and started junior high school, life changed in a significant way that he and his friends couldn't quite find a name for.Independent ReadingREAD YOUR BOOK

After 15 minutes (or until Mr. Woock says so), there will be a prompt.

Without sounding like the back cover of your book, summarize what you read today. Be sure to only summarize what you read today. Write down the page numbers of what you read. 12/15/10Content: Literary AnalysisDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.

TODAYTest Recovery Assignment

Literary Analysis Tips

Continue writing Recitatif analysisUsing Direct QuotationsQuotations can illuminate and support the ideas you are trying to develop. A judicious use of quoted material will make your points clearer and more convincing. As with all the textual evidence you use, make sure you explain how the evidence is relevant let the reader know what you make of the quotations you cite. 1. Brief quotations should be carefully introduced and integrated into the text of your paper. Put quotation marks around all briefly quoted material.

Prose example:As the "manager" of the A & P, Lengel is both the guardian and enforcer of "policy." When he gives the girls "that sad Sunday-school-superintendent stare," we know we are in the presence of the A & P's version of a dreary bureaucrat who "doesn't miss much" (487).

Make sure you give page numbers when necessary. Notice that in this example the page numbers are in parenthesis after the quotation marks but before the period.I WILL NOTStart a paragraph with a quotation

Put full quotations by themselvesBracketsIf any words are added to a quotation in order to explain who or what the quotation refers to, you must use brackets to distinguish your addition from the original source.

Example:The literary critic John Strauss asserts that "he [Young Goodman Brown] is portrayed as self-righteous and disillusioned." Brackets are used here because there is no way of knowing who "he" is unless you add that information.The literary critic John Strauss asserts that Young Goodman Brown is portrayed as self-righteous and disillusioned.

The literary critic John Strauss asserts that contrary to many interpretations, he [Young Goodman Brown] is portrayed as self-righteous and disillusioned."BracketsBrackets are also used to change the grammatical structure of a quotation so that it fits into your sentence.Example:Strauss also argues that Hawthorne "present[s] Young Goodman Brown in an ambivalent light." Brackets are used here to add the "s" to the verb "present" because otherwise the sentence would not be grammatically correct.EllipsesYou must use ellipsis if you omit any words from the original source you are quoting.Ellipsis can be used at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the quotation, depending on where the missing words were originally. Ellipsis is formed by three periods with a space between each period.

STYLE TIP: MLA says put a bracket around an ellipsis when omitting in the middle of quoted text

[. . .]Original: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."Example (omission from beginning):This behavior ". . . makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Example (omission from middle):This maxim claims that "Early to bed . . . makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Example (omission from end):He said, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy . . . ." Roberta admits to Twyla, were right. We didnt kick her [...] but, well, I wanted to.

Roberta says, you were right. We [...] kick[ed] her [...] I wanted to.NOTEUse the present tense when you are discussing and writing about literature -- literary works are considered to exist in the present (see all the example paragraphs throughout).My SupportIn Class Notes

Supporting Point #1

How it supports thesis

Evidence from text I can use

How that evidence supports my point

Do the same for Supporting Point 2&3

REMEMBER: Test Recovery due tomorrowIF it snows Test Recovery due the day we returnWriters Notebook2011 GOALSIn the year 2011, my goals areThese goals will make me a better personAnd I wont be satisfied until I meet these goals because

REMEMBER, of a page!1/3/11Content: GoalsDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.

REMINDERSTest Recovery assignment due TODAYSeriously

Weekly Reading LogNONE due todayBEGIN next log (due next Monday)

Where We Were3 days away from finished with Recitatif

Introductions (from packet)

SupportTOPIC SENTENCES!Reasons supported by evidenceStuff from the story used to prove your reasons

YOU SHOULD HAVETHESISNOT Twyla/Roberta is black/white

3 Supporting ReasonsTopic Sentences

TODAYBy the end of class, you will have

THESIS3 SUPPORTING REASONSEVIDENCE FOR EACH REASONNext StepTurn it into an essayWriters NotebookAchieving GOALSLook back at the goals you set for yourself yesterday. Make a plan for how you will achieve each goal. Make sure this includes the steps/behaviors you need to complete.

REMEMBER, of a page!1/4/11Content: GoalsDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.


Reason 1


Reason 2


Reason 3

EVIDENCE - YESTERDAYTODAYWe begin writing our essays.

Look back at the Introduction notesWrite the Intro

Look back at the Topic Sentence notesLook back at the Summary, etc. notesWrite the body paragraphsNext page of Class Notes

Literary Analysis EssayBegin writing your introduction. It should be a complete introduction.Then continue writing, starting with your first supporting reason. Remember, you are not limited to one paragraph per reason.Independent ReadingIndependent ReadingREAD.Seriously, READ.

Heres an idea: you can spend this time reading Recitatif to get reacquainted with the story.1/5/11Content: IRDONT FORGET: Weekly Reading Logs DUE EVERY MONDAY.

Finish Your Essay

Literary Analysis EssayBegin writing your introduction. It should be a complete introduction. Multiple sentences, with a thesis.Then continue writing, starting with your first supporting reason. Remember, you are not limited to one paragraph per reason.Seriously, why havent you written your essay yet? It is not as difficult as you are fooling yourself into believing.