lITE ..~,~:~~~~~~~arms Sells Kerby Ball Park for...

PHONE VA 2-1162 M.O.R.E lOCAL ADVERTISINC lOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL NEWSMATTER BY CARRIER 10e A MONTH Grolle Pointe', FIRST N ew,paper GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1948 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY " Woods J Shores Return to I 1\ fUlfi1tbtr? Other de\elopments mc1uded the announcement that the com- mittee will estabbsh dnve head- quarters on Kercheval A.venue near Fisher Road m the V1Clnlty ,of the Punch and Judy Thea.tre, which Ul a.cross from the SIte of the proposed l1brary. The nammg of Mr. Shelden and Mr. Watkms to llPearhead the dnve came only a.!ter & Standmg by the present World War II memorial In spirIted and unprecedented move by the comnl1ttee. front of Grosse Pomte HIgh School are from left to After agreeing that Jamell K. nght, James K. Watkins, Farms PreSident; Henrietta Watkma was the man to lead Noe, of the Gold Star Wives, and Alger Shelden, presi- the dnve, the committee members E B dent of the Honor Roll ASSOCiation. Mr. Shelden and left the high school and stormed aster unnv the Cloverly Road home of tI1e / :Mr. Watkms were named chairman and honorary chair- FarJDJI Pre8!dent. Brownie SCouts of TrOOp 138, Trombly, presenting man respectively of the $500,000 drive to erect a public their c. ,ntribution to the Juliette Low Fund. The money Nets Prize In library as a permanent memorial. Though the surprised Mr. Wat.- b ill d kinll wf.S mghly honored by the t at w go to nee y European children, Left to nght- group s presence, he felt thAt the Eleanor Jacobson, 809 BerkshIre; Janet Ann Collinson, 704 Pu~z 'e Conte'St ApPO"1 nt Owen Skelton most pel'llOn for the tasle Westchester; Susan McKee, 860 Pemberton. The girls "",, II was none other than Mr. SheI- wear Hawallan leis for their part in the Juliette Low Rally den, "'ho llJl preSIdent of the held Fnday at Grosse Pomte Hlgh School. It marked the The Easter Bunny brought $10 0 "t" Chal"rman Honor Roll MllOclatlOn has been In cash to Albert E Sch\\ eltzer r 9 anIza Ion very actlve WIthin the orgam- Srouts 36th blrthday.-See story on page 3. of 362 FIsher Road thiS ,,~ek zauon limce ItS conceptIon. I HI~ entry In the R£'\le\\ s Puzzle F th . rt t . t 1 t beh If f th The unamlmous deCISIon 'l\aII f T B Contest based 011 a colorful post- ur er 1mpo an organlza IOna s eps m a 0 e reached when Mr. Shelden ex- O r cr accentuating Mr Bunny netted \Var Memonal Library Fund were taken thIs Tuesday night: clalIDed, "Let s Do It Together. top honors In the Revle" s PUZ- III a lengthy seSSlOn at the high school lIbrary. Jim." zle Contest. Chalrman Alger Shelden announced the appointment of Among tho se attendmg on S Mr Sch\\Pltzer's a\\ard marks Owen Skelton, of the Chrysler CorporatIOn, as Dnve Or. last Thursday v. ere; Mrs Paul U rvey I the flrst time a man has won fIrst Bald",'Ul, Mrs H. G. Goebel, prtze In se\£'ral \,,'ehs The first- garuzatlOn Chalrman, WIth Mr. Lloyd C, Hooker and Mr. Amencan Assoclallon or l:mver- pnze set IS hIghly dommated by ----OGeorge EI"orthy and :"orbert P I Slt )' Women Mrs Lloyd C. The fn'e-week Chest X-Rav Sur- mately 200 persons would b£' re-\ the fatr sex. :\~ff as VIce-chaIrmen This group Hooker, Fnends of the LIbrary; by I vey \\ hlch was ,om~ted m Gross~ ferred to aoctors iUI tUb"rculous I FAR'I'" POLICE I w111 organIze and coordinate the I Florence H S eve r s, Grosse I POlnte Woods last Saturday saw condltlons and other abnormall- Other prtze "mners Include, SEEK APPLlL.\XTS general ~uiluta.t1(m, IS ten- IPOinte Pub!!,: LthrAry' Mrs. 96i8 pf'r50nS e"ammed. Alice Tuckpr, i6 Kerb~', 2nd I Walter Ho\t ChIef of Farms tatl\cly scheduled to tall.e place I FranCIS D Shelden Honor Roll It \\a~ announced b~ T S Dav- In breahm~ do"n thE' total fl~-'pnze, $'; Mrs Justme Graham I pohce announced that he IS ac' :.tav and June. Assoclatlon, Mra Henrietta Noe, les" TO"llshlp Health Commls- ur£' of 9,6iS Dr DaVies saId that 1205 Han'ard Road. 3rd prize, I ceptlllg apphcanls for the vII- GIFT cO'I,nTl'EE Gold Star WIves. J. D. Gould. SlOnl:'r 3214 \\ere e"anllned m the Parh, S2, Mr Ta~lor Obold. 329 Mc- la~e police force AnnoUncE'ment of the Important K H Moore, Grosse Pomte Real Dr Da\'ies saId that thl:' sun'r~ 16.6 In the Clt\ 2116 In the Kmk\ 4th prtze $2 and );aonll Applicants must be b"t" e"n SpeCial GIfts DIVISion "nth' Estate Assoclatlon. '" alter E. C ourt was a succe~sful one and efforts Farms 297 In the' Shores and 2375 Donaldson, 296 RI\'ard, Con sola- I the agE'~ of 21 to 2i mdusl\r h£'ld for the time bemg Pear, U of M Club of Grosse '.'ould bf' n1ade to bnn<r the 1010- In the \\'ood~ Itlon prlze. $1 I I d f t 1 t ' Tl'mporar'. headquarters for the Pomte. Thomas C Keedham, n .. bc a VIIage rC~1 ent or a cas ~. Th- h' "I. of S' C1~r ",0,," I b,l, ""~1" Urut back .. ~. no,t D,. D,,'" ",' thot tbe "'''1 ,.", Do••Id~o ".tnb'"'' '" '''' ••, moo""" hogb "mp~go "" ""-,, mt> t>. G=~ Po"" ~on-T.. ,h"" Em- and Grosse Pomte \,"nods over )ear I ('gUN' 1< "'1m,alent to appro"l- clevcr f'ntry bas£'d O? ':::tt~rs cut school educat.on or 1tS eqUl- Correspondmg Secretary, Richard ployees Local 680 AFL, Vernon k II Though tabulatlOn~ hav£' not mate1" one.thlrd of the adult from a<lS on tne PUZZle r""". I I ~~u.""Gn:!.t 1"< ""A1 ".tatf' office on Hicks, PTA; Harry N PhIllips, the Lak£'front Par site WI re-' ,alent. I iJadS 'l'UD .•• ~ "'-p ••_- 20 YEARS AGO tu n to the Supreme Court agam been completed, the Health Com- populatIOn In the !I,c Pomnte Kerche\ aI pendmg arranO'ement ~ anu v. h ..... L ~••• - r t td h Those recel\ mg honorable men- for a permanent dn'oe he:dquar- and R G. Waldron, Grosse Pomte ul"tlon \\ as held Ln th£' VII. late next sumrni'r nllSSlOner es Ima I' t at appro;"l- I commumtles tlOns thiS" eek are Donald Core, 1--------------- ter~ Hortlcultural SocIety. r Impounded dogs Price This tm1l:' the Issue of dispute 'I 278 Ken\\ ood Mrs Henry Pai- d B k II Oth£'r offIcers selected Tuesday arh II. the tall. a~~essmf'nt of the park. t veil PI rIck 1115 "a\.'burn Suzanne Boy to ac F 1 OI n e I ages an n'i!;ht \\He :-1rs H G Goebel Re- rom the senlce cub "ere neln~ .part" wa~ to be helrl I <lIP which now bplon~. to the Braudetl£' 1864 Ha" thornE' ann G EI th L J1 '" I corrUnz S£'cretan' anrl Paul ~Iore- eorge "or y, Ions u IUS I ('w .,clghborhood Club on,,, 00<1<but" hlch IS located m the Elame Klhen 1119 KenslnO'ton .' Sto k 0 t t G Id P K I .. I Ib 1aJ1d Treasurer the latter IS also r p ImlS sera le- 00 by Sid G8-<seis n"l.g-hbormO' Village ITh" afor"mentloned submitted B 'C u Too f K an d Ed dJ P I .. S d f S I a ;rE"lI.sur,'r of the Grosse Pomte er 1\\ IS an war on- nrrh£'<tra "oo<ls Attornry Jul£'~ Bern~ tu y 0 ewage ssue Icle\el <illr,es but cach l'a1 Onl'l U:J"'" 0,,11 \ •• nelat1 o n lnc :n- graez Rotar~ 1., 'EARS "60 contcn<ls that In vIew of the fact Ierror In the solutIOn oC the pUZZle .. , ,. ..~. " Represe,,',ng ,\,0' 0"- ". Ore"II."I- Ii f ltllli .oonsor of the Memonal I "'... --, ': ~ , :-,,,"Ja, nl/;"ht lit tho that thr propert" IS u,ed liS a. ThrlU;;h );< l\ "I "Jumn "om :\orbcrt P :\eff "as named 7atlon5 "ere K. \\ Thom~s; Th£'at£'r: Charl£'vOI" at IIPUbhCr ark It I~ £,;"l'mpt from lax' I Tht" Farm<; CounCIl rull'<! Mon- 1\.<11'" thc c;)n"n:tler th. ,,£"h Oth('r honorabl(' lll"nt:on~ m-,th(' Gold Cup Rrgatta to the Am- Amencan Legl()n Post 303. W11- rn S50 \\orth of poultry IS atlOn aecordmg to state leglsla- <la\" I11ght to appomt a )Olnt com- IHe hnpes that the commItteI' ",II cludl:' Rolland Harn, 432 !\tCl\.m.\ encan J .m,or Bd-' ud,i L,o.::~' eh, rm~n ~'1d Jullu, Slork George l'ap" S",.th lInd L , ..' Burrou~h • .". lUr'. ",U" ,omp"'" 0' T"'"'' ,,' '''' abl, to '0"''' ,,,t> "."1'" 1". "" F""" AIl~" ,,' Oro'" Po,"" .. 11ba" ,.,,,,,,, S,hl"pf" •• , V"" D,P"n' Am v.ta Poat '" . F,,,k C. RO\'I£,w ClaSSICII'd Ad~ car' Th£' tll" in th,. ca,e IImounla to Clt,z£'ns to study the DetrOIt s $8 _ I group~ from the CIty and Parh. I MISS ShIrley Allard, 24, Rldg£,-I both und£'r the <ponsorshlp of ClllE"ll1£'mb£'rs of a committee to moH' Gallagher, VFW AlgN" Post 995; flals and apartments for appro"lmatelv 53 000 1 000 000 Fox Creek propooal "hleh Ithe other local commumtl£'~ m- monto Mlos Vlrgtl118. Ruth John- n'an-Tom Bo, d local auto dealer the t£'mporar: Honor Roll from James Bradley, CanadIan LegIOn. St ClaIr Shorl's offlclal~ claIm I" III cost Pomte commumtles $6 _I \"olved. for a general oHr-all stud~ Ison and Lf'Rov Johnson of 11~ \and ,£'teran <porlsn,an th£' corner of ~taum£'e and Flsh£'r Mary KellN and Margaret R. '" YF.\ R_ '00 that th' pro""lv " oot • pubh, 000 000 Th' F'~' ,bm " ea- _' •R"rooa"d' D.", Lmh 132. La" "',' ,t " .. d,,, 1."d to", '0 th' Kmb",~l-F"h" "to of\Poole VFW Alger Post 995 I' _ .. • ark b"cau<e It I~ used e"c1u-'ttmat£'rl at $2000000 ' I :"nrbert ~£'ff. Cllv cl"rh anrl I Balfour Jane Ballentme 250 HI1I- ~Ir Bo'rl "lj i'DOno;Or a :-1« the prop,'Ocn ~leMorial LIbrary. Awohar\' c"l\ or~anlzrd Rolarv I P . I' h\" Wno<ls r£'<ld"nt< II Jame~ K ""atkinS plano to E\entt B Lane Par!.. manager er£'st and Mrs George Anderson Gro«e POt'lt~ Ir the anrual ,\ater ROnY l.:\'I'-\ ...DED Also present \\£'r£' Charks A. lar!..erl th£'lr rapid ~ro\\'th I51\(' : . th S statE"d to the Rp\le\\ that their ?60 :\{oran I I F 'h h h I A <hort tIme 8$:"0 I' np .... me 11 I - . c a«lc rom, r <am" 0; lUrer 1'1 Cln1-r to ~.\" th.' \\'ar ~Ii'-I Parcells former pr£'sld('nt of the I h r \h'1t R .pN'lal dmn,'r I ('ourt nllerl 'n fnvRr of "'oods I W; k" l . I\ I ahg£,o"ou Irl be glad to Jom In Turn to p~.o:e 8 and Jntn In -hI. \\ orh (a n \\ n-'! that tho '1 '" al L b"a~, Funrl l'VlUt"e ~ehool dl~tr,ct al'd :\orbcrt :\rff. \I \, Ich 1<;Sl;" months old I " tdt at zns nvzte'" sur a ~tlH~. th .. cClntE"st fun -- Its cas\' and' r\ 1 '] b' I mrmhrr \\hrn !"hnr.. o Offlel~ ~ 0")'" c 0 1 JIM \\. auto ea or" ~ ,Cl ,,, a"," Cw m,.t'~ n ,_0 rXP:ln- \.' ~m- Clt~ Clrrk an i a.-till!' <(',rrtary < t h <111 0 th' pTCln<'rt, ' \Irr~\ "l1ltth ,rler:t'1 ~ou ma~ "m a prize 'I'll" 1'1 tio I ~ t".n '11 eel h-"cr d e'~"' P01ntr ori/::lnLza. ,of the Honor R011 A3~oClatlon •0 E" T'mntr HI-h <:'ehnnl I purL a ~ ,- I \ 'Pill'''' 'n""ll' ...or 11,1\ '<roi th~t thr ----- I ,.. I 'C' t lK t ° ~ I ""r PO: the I""" er <'I G""'< 'I,n t \\ ", r1', ie1 10 lII,lt" mto' - --- - ';~\\~11:;:al~nO i~:.~il~l~~~;; J d Flones 'I EOeS 0 lUee zng :,I~;:: :c~c~:~;;:s~~~h;~;I~f:~l~~; 0'Ptz"mz"sts 'C'ete \~O:~l:,t~;r.'tl':~\ I:; {;;~r~~lt~;;d ~ 1:~::r,:;r1th;h;rc;,?~'~t ~~ae\8ol: Dr. DavieWs To TeMst. ,r:tm 21 to 14 RII~ Touhrv U ge <0"l''' "I E4 - 1- r Woods ater a ns T"o I~t'er' "H" In tir mall I ~ ,,-~ t'-- ~o,<' ," ,-,' r\er\ church ' t~h man for the local !I\~ Hr Slllrl th!\t U-- \llla1'~ r~\' I'u, , 12 Ih,. \\ ~rk from }o !Irms Pn ,,,trill B Ch . A'I h"\ < h()r~ a'l'r J~nuan 1 II''' II -eR a ,i th .. rnt,re mem- I Dur t" an q--i -' C d 1"1 "-~.-{ pOlllt~ B d Drl"vers Tam£'< K \\'athlll<; to Inlng T S6000 annually to th" ~lotor Clt\ O~ amtpzons 11!'';1, \\ho n <loll' II th£' I.-;ro~.' b ".11P "r tf" H"n.1 r..-ll .\>;.00_ 1 h'aoia' ho< :n GrCl<,*,Pn nte \\oods .'1\ E "\'E .\R~ -\60 I a for u<mg Fo" Cr('£,k a< an outlet I I P , •It tt d D T 'I !\\IT\k1er. dl'fe!\t£'d ,!I'1dlnat£' for Olll,~ Rrea "" ''''h r 0 a en nallnn ~) I the Gro<~f' POInte the counCIl ha< authonzrd r and Mr'! Thomas GrMhm Thollji;h h£' lltronglv ad\ Ised t t n th f I I Tru<tr£' Ilnrl Phtlllp :\tnr8n prr.- hamel' In" 0 I"eu., " ormll' 1'( rroan, nt \, ar MemOrial Stud~ S Dav,< Health Commls<lOnrr to 1'(')" announcl'd th(' bIrth of f t !\1'am<t f'mg Pllt out of Fn' I Thf" Gro«i' POlllti' Optm".t I "- th t ~t 1 I bt" S"". On ' To. ,,, ,,, ,.m' ,_",M • ,deo' of th, F,,'" R,"" 0,,,- .-"" " D,t,.,t 'm,th ,,'d th' t n,b ",11f<I, th' Ap,,'h" ,M" _ t,,,,, '0 "m on .• """ Om", ,h"k ", "l1a,' 'n" hmg wot" Gln«" POlnle Cltv 1a<t "'rek "rnm~nt A«nr IILnn f th """hh h--" Cl b I ~tan h 20 lit ~ r m at th" 1"'£'1". J.,'l~ r. Barn"< "'11t\('nn'o-(j"n\ b\' te~:ln~ the \\at£'r at ,anous rallnn pOInts for rr,,~h sea P t. k r n .. 1 h b f lh th"tr PI1\l1 tCl mo\" \hr F,,;., ("rr('h I" on 0 I' ,1'1 .. or """ 11 H '~"6 .. , 'I K l ~ Illrl~" Jo<eph \lC I r" 'n t r r.t l'lerrO 0 _ nralT\ In Conner< ('rr£'h "lth the BO,5 BIl<hl'tball I"('a<ou,, at th.. 011' '"'' ." 1,~ ~ :IT .' ( r ( ... r ,,:~ a~rj fn"m"r School ..... llla~e mall',. ",fIr" Brno Marhet _ ~ \\ 0 '\\ n-' 11 ,." l' I .. rl .... I R d T' I t roh \ P Th' I' . ., • \,.. , (hllrk<... lIi:l: 0n r I'll _ ". \ ~I'0 .r ,0, ,,In. In, \\.. 1' In In, al 'll,a.o:"< brar'l1l' thE" brunt rlllh ,hnn"r mrl'tlnj1: Tu£,.tlll\ C) Nl R ,.. °r"l C" , ar r..... a o p '- ,UnCI .-r.~ n,h ..a;;;• .. ,\t; 't.\R '60 n'li" Pnll"'tr Pr"r $<1:;fnr <rol'rl' Ihr kiter. "h'rh "ore rOArj at of the ,oot \' a' out nf ortler nnoll ~tarch 23 at the VJo'''i Algrr ' 1< "rro I ,,£'\\t<e m"tcrl Into l 11..,0 'll;;:h' hll.\r .n ll. 'Nt. on , POI'1!'" ("It\. Jo'lrr P"r~rt- 1111:;., 11111'0I'fr hnur on SI Paul th" r"II'1fll nt""tl"'~ 'tonrlO\ l'r)()r ro'l HIIII Report 81 Cases .., ell j>rr.h ' ;0 "liter "h' h l~ "l1ppl £'d by h \ ... I\ HI' (j':'r-lc: th::l" "om'" :R~-.t'nv"nt ' th \\ ,( T' d h h t t j -c .er!..'n;;: lo rlrt-rl1\I1' thr Oil r ..h 27 10 I e,r ","" ,I;: " .. "nl. 'I ... ' rnlll,l h(' Harh'tl \\h'r O 'hr ram' Pur1l1;;: lh .. ~rtrr ,hnll"r f.rr- of Chl'ckenpox ,,\e,' ~1,",n;: n ° ar " o'r'lt an \\ Il IS es I' F,i;" nf a fir" \\ h'rh co,u-rel 'zoo 1\)<1.' t\ I h II'''' f,n'r1 "'lr" AM tn hll" \. h"" \"U pr"l''' r1 tn mnmr. Che<tor F Carpol trr rre Q - r 'r ~1 I hr;H\ Fun<i t"mm'l eo ilia",: "1 t TO .. '" fr 1 \ Ih \\nlJ\r1 r"' !\,~llm r'1 11 1\1I1 r ',\ In 'h~ h f k , 10 'h ... pllmph"u,l' \n, alfi <;1\' o:r1 0' r (;::,mnn ,,"A', ., 0 rrort a\ I II,,' ., l!nln~ p<''' \\1 <i ... ' n' t.h. Op',nu .. tlil; "in nr/,.;:,.."l Ar('nrrlr;a: ~f"l ........ t' ......... hh 11l"";l1'h" ' hf:ll cal.",tj t e I.rst ~&€ lr ----- I I cn.1 of 1111prCl\ m.o: thl' r 0), (rrrk' D J I r rrcrl Z"r1rr ~ r~\lIlr at .,,1 ha\lnl' h ~ ,lIr llnrl'r r"n rn out I 'r .... ~' l: I",'~< th .. Opt,"l)<t Chlllllplon.hlp Tro. ro!"'rt 0f p" T " p" c ',' ,e '\I,-j etroit uveni es 1"11<1Jrffrr<on glllllrdll\ \'\\hlle drl\lr.;:- n" !'il Paul near ~Ir" ..,,,kr Iurl 'fr r",r111 0 " Th' 'll\~;:r h~< II .t;1,1 1.1;: ph\ to B"b Slmmon~ ,ollng ,ap- POlnl" H ~1''1 I ,.., 1\ <- "cr 8\ \lntor Lf'aji;u('r "1<ltln\\, II LeJ,.e!and on MlIrth II !\Hrr m\ltNt to att£'n1 II enun't!lll1'rrrment \\llh Detrnlt 10 rClr tam oC thi' tE"am, "hlch \\£'nt ICll.r. nf (hl .... ,'ll'" \\£'re r.-r M ; \\OOn" (Ol"'C If Destroy Salvage Plant ~topped to ~r£'ft hfr your~' --- l1"e"tll"'~ anrl rxplalll lhi' afnre1'o' tnhutr to an, lmproHil1£'nt madc Ithroll~h a scallOn unde. \ed IT\ F,'hrullr\ R! \ ..... 1RF. EQl IP\IE' T The DetrOIt F -I' ~tar<hall s of- ;ood Mornlllg, .llmm, sald I RF.P-\IR "TREF.T~ i lll~ Itl'll'l Iln<i othrr fJl.ctnr~ thllt at Fo' Cr£'"h I(rated. Other rnmmllnl< "bl" rl < ",<,. ~r- Th" \\ oodo (',)UnCI! l'tJrchas"d flc(' rroort,,1 thllt t.,o DetrOIt Jl1- \ler to th(' .mall Ilov <""('I"- V Ila~-' F.nji;m.. rr Murrav ~ lhn- menLonrrl dunn/{ th" rreent I Al'rordlT\1' 10 DelIO. eng,nr('~o Th(' rTe<;rnla+lon of lhf' tro- ,0rnNi la<t n1" th H' '1I1, cI 6- <:: ''(In \. n"lh " • r" f ghttnl; pqUlp' ,enlle, ~frt' ~,,<l'Ons bl£' for 8. f T'1' th" porch, h )our mnther !"m th I )\1 the FArm. ("nlln<1lI hCAtrrl clImPII'J;::n th" !on'!: (rrl'h <h,ft "a< n"r«I-'ph, b, the local ~pn[("i' club ,. rA~~. "r \1111)\1'< \1 '-I < II' -' '. -1 ',,'n p,'- : f'r-,. lnat dr,tp\"i 'h,' 'al,:lO::" plarot :>1"n,i"'\"l'h.thll:mor"than:\OO ('orlr,or thl'lrt:~!<\\r"rn'llalrrl 0\ thr '''~I:II,.d ~f\\AI'''rRrtofthI'Ortlm1<t. \rarr011r,11f;\A'\" Jo\, .. ~, 'lh, i Th r ",'P'11'1 11.:~nrrt a,Radn"rlld\\ar~cn ,r\,rnl~ ll1rl 1 hI' tlCllT\J;:: lhls If sht i:~\ICln. of t~r \\",0 ll.. rl 10 patdl- rrlo~sed tor publ.caLwn Lo the Re- f"nd,tlOns, The IlE\\ I',a .. ilrull,."c< 1'-,,;:--a'11 'f' f,.,.l"r A11'; rncouragc' Pc 1ll1'" a ad \.IlUl<. i A.'b,na "f r< '-1 pa.r db" -i;" o'<l' I '" (;)« 1'" ,,~ ( " .... th' "ply. I 'p 1101 .... vUIai' .U.... I ""w, ,,"'d. , I ",n''''' '0' l''''''''" I 0.' 'k'- "'" '"".". ' lb. pi'" .... 00u""' " M. 4-NO.33 COMPLETE y the REVIEW GJ". You verage of ALL Bomee GrolJSe Pointe & Gratiot Twps. lITE R IShelden, .. ~,~:~~~~~~~ arms Sells Kerby Ball Park for $14, 700 Watkins Of"'l~h:e~al~~t;::U:::r;~: CBS Show SCOUTS .... ARK BIRTHDAY WI F °B eld l'> ----------------- Named- n . Detroit's SkId Row. M TH GI T I UI er KEY FIGURES IN MEMORIAL DRIVE I . t,,,. ~"," wo'k" •• d1 ' ~ The Gro'Be POInte War Me- . '" Troutt. " now .~_ - ; :: :'.~ .. mona' Executive Commit. to the ~alvatlon A.rmys To Honor ITo Ere t f-._ ~ Il~ last Th;;';:;C::'j' ~ignt ,,"'"~ C 'I named Alger Shelden, chall'. Ice veteran Farms Police 21 H man; and James K. Watkins, who was rl'tlrl'd as a AliSt 0 m es honorary chairman, of their nt ~Iarch 1, Will rE'celve _ ars . t " $500,000 drive to construct a penSIOn check shortly. " 4: public lIbrary as a perpetual ,hlle his formE'r assocIates The six players named on The Kerby Ball Park was * j :nemonal to Grosse Pointe orce are preparmg {or the the G P , ld h b h ~ , compl'tltlve exammatlOns rosse Olnte All-Star so Monday mg t y t e ~j, I fieroes of Wodd War II. 'Ill determme BIll's succes- basketball team last week II Farms Council to Camiel II' f' The executlve committee also their coaches, and the Re: T h i ron, veteran Detroit iI, ': rellOlved that the children's room view's high school sports- Ibullder, for $14,700. I,t In the proposed War Memorial st colorful ceremonl 'es the wrIters WIll be special guests ~' ',' ILIbrary be dedlca.ted to the , fh Mr Theron was the lone bIdder :memory of JessIe Carter Sale!, League Shop opened for 0 onor at the coast to coast 'for the 3~ acres of properly ~" I Ul grateful apprec1atlon of the at Its new locatIOn In CBS d' h I h h db th 11 ra 10 S ow at the PIerce I w IC was owne Y e VI age mlUlY generous and constructive e5 BUildIng, 72 Kercheval Sc f th 30 It "I' I hool auditorium on Satur- ' or more an years was rr contributions made to the com- m "n1bers served refresh. h df th B f I , day, April 3, purc ase rom e eaupre am- .', mumty by Murray W. Sales and o first day VISitors. I t f 18 t f w th la A capacIty cro\\ d IS also ex. I I Y as par 0 an -acres s np or I ll\" I' te Mrs. Sales. pected to be on hand to \, atch an estImated 56,000, I The motion was made by Ken- n:! Da\' ABC ceremomes at I neth M Th.. dd b ~ the 30.mlnute broadcast of the Before the counCIl made the . om_, Ilecon I' Y te Fall' Collseum Thursday Mr. Alger Sh ld and f "'I k \. { sale, It was assured by :\1'11 S I D. e en Ullawm. c & mark Wlth Ca.rl Schwel- amous "a e '" ay or Youth," I d f I k I McEachm, chlUrman of the Recre- ow; y passe . h SU rVI r h ormer y nown as thl' NeIghbor- owns lp pc l!O, W0h dF I alLon Committee that the new Ith the DYC keglers. 00 ro IC," gala mUSical review h hf t th -0 Kerby Park between Mack and chatting between pitches, w IC ea .ures e, vOice "Ac- I Chalfont" WIll be ready for use dropped a ball on Carl S I cent of Youth' choru~, dIrected I thiS spnng. nkmg hIm out for a few by Don Large and Paul Lavole's MUSIC Masters Mr. Thlron, who IS reported to •• be a h.ghly rcsponelbl" bU1l rlPr , The program 11 k plans to erect 21 bungalow style I' s to the efforts of PolLee '" I mar fIrst tlnle a t k h homes on hIS new property. He I Foster Mauck and Leon- ne 'Wor s ow ongmate In Grosse POI t It slUd that he expects to spend ap- nston of CIty Pol:ce, Mrs "as brought to the co;~'umty proxImately $15000 for sewage, oC li615 Maumee, has her through the efforts of thiS news. paVIng and other improvements e antique anloom bracelet paper which he plans to get underway he lost It m the vlClmty of During the post-program f'n- soon. pOinte Memonal Church tutamment which '" III mclude The property IS located on Ker- rla\' mornmg more than an hour of top-flIght by Roa.<! and Chalfonte. nHlcers found the watch acts and artists, thr athletes "Ill bnef search. receIve speCial rl'cogllltlOn. Immediately after the show. le from KlrksVlUe C.ollege the honored guests "Ill be feted eopathv and Surgery in- at a banquet at the Grosse that E J &yers of Ker- Pomte Yacht Club, at which d recently regIstered there. time an offIcial' of the Grosse Pomte LIOns ,,111 a" ard each J. Purdy, of Ken- athlete a gold engraved minIature heard of the local basketball. was rpcently pi!' c t- The banquet IS sponsored by Ident of the Lehigh Alum' the Re\~w and the LIOns m an ClatlOn of Greater DetrOIt. effort to further develop relatIOns among pUblic, parochial and pn- r Sunday ntcs at Cal\'ary vate schools m Grosse Pomte n Church WIll mclude the The sponsor~ also hope to arrange g of the church To Christ Similar banqu('ts for all- star 9 67 8 E X am I- ned ng Lutheran Church, baseball and fo~tball teams. , th •d D{ Though there IS no price of ad- Sl' gra ('rs at e ('r ImlsSlon to thp broadcast one must I L I XR ~fler ralsmg funds to send have a ticket DlstnbutlOn of the n oca ,- ay ~e pacl,ages to needy In I tickets wil be m the hlUlds of harl "nough mone\" left to school off"'tlll" Id to a pupil at Mason I All persons must be seated 3 4.5 P ru \oulh, who rl'~ldes In Gra- ----- "nshlp, "as hurt In school rk and the gift from the Id~ aldE'd In defraymg me. "pens£'s --- ... __ .. -

Transcript of lITE ..~,~:~~~~~~~arms Sells Kerby Ball Park for...

  • PHONE VA 2-1162


    BY CARRIER 10e A MONTHGrolle Pointe', FIRST N ew,paper



    WoodsJ ShoresReturn to



    •Other de\elopments mc1udedthe announcement that the com-mittee will estabbsh dnve head-quarters on Kercheval A.venuenear Fisher Road m the V1Clnlty

    ,of the Punch and Judy Thea.tre,which Ul a.cross from the SIte ofthe proposed l1brary.

    The nammg of Mr. Sheldenand Mr. Watkms to llPearheadthe dnve came only a.!ter &

    Standmg by the present World War IImemorial In spirIted and unprecedentedmove by the comnl1ttee.front of Grosse Pomte HIgh School are from left to After agreeing that Jamell K.nght, James K. Watkins, Farms PreSident; Henrietta Watkma was the man to leadNoe, of the Gold Star Wives, and Alger Shelden, presi- the dnve, the committee members

    E Bdent of the Honor Roll ASSOCiation. Mr. Shelden and left the high school and stormedaster unnv the Cloverly Road home of tI1e

    / :Mr. Watkms were named chairman and honorary chair- FarJDJI Pre8!dent.

    Brownie SCouts of TrOOp 138, Trombly, presenting man respectively of the $500,000 drive to erect a public •their c. ,ntribution to the Juliette Low Fund. The money Nets Prize In library as a permanent memorial. Though the surprised Mr. Wat.-b ill d kinll wf.S mghly honored by thet at w go to nee y European children, Left to nght- group s presence, he felt thAt theEleanor Jacobson, 809 BerkshIre; Janet Ann Collinson, 704 Pu~z 'e Conte'St ApPO"1 nt Owen Skelton most pel'llOn for the tasleWestchester; Susan McKee, 860 Pemberton. The girls "",, II was none other than Mr. SheI-wear Hawallan leis for their part in the Juliette Low Rally den, "'ho llJl preSIdent of theheld Fnday at Grosse Pomte Hlgh School. It marked the The Easter Bunny brought $10 0 "t" Chal"rman Honor Roll MllOclatlOn has beenIn cash to Albert E Sch\\ eltzer r9an Iz a Ion very actlve WIthin the orgam-Srouts 36th blrthday.-See story on page 3. of 362 FIsher Road thiS ,,~ek zauon limce ItS conceptIon.

    IHI~ entry In the R£'\le\\ s Puzzle F th . rt t . t 1 t • beh If f th The unamlmous deCISIon 'l\aII

    f T BContest based 011 a colorful post- ur er 1mpo an organlza IOna s eps m a 0 e reached when Mr. Shelden ex-

    O rcr accentuating Mr Bunny netted \Var Memonal Library Fund were taken thIs Tuesday night: clalIDed, "Let s Do It honors In the Revle" s PUZ- III a lengthy seSSlOn at the high school lIbrary. Jim."zle Contest. Chalrman Alger Shelden announced the appointment of Among tho s e attendmg on

    SMr Sch\\Pltzer's a\\ard marks Owen Skelton, of the Chrysler CorporatIOn, as Dnve Or. last Thursday v. ere; Mrs Paul

    Urvey Ithe flrst time a man has won fIrst Bald",'Ul, Mrs H. G. Goebel,prtze In se\£'ral \,,'ehs The first- garuzatlOn Chalrman, WIth Mr. Lloyd C, Hooker and Mr. Amencan Assoclallon or l:mver-pnze set IS hIghly dommated by ----OGeorge EI"orthy and :"orbert P ISlt)' Women Mrs Lloyd C.

    The fn'e-week Chest X-Rav Sur- mately 200 persons would b£' re-\ the fatr sex. :\~ff as VIce-chaIrmen This group Hooker, Fnends of the LIbrary;by Ivey \\ hlch was ,om~ted m Gross~ ferred to aoctors iUI tUb"rculous I • FAR'I'" POLICE I w111 organIze and coordinate the IFlorence H S eve r s, Grosse

    I POlnte Woods last Saturday saw condltlons and other abnormall- Other prtze "mners Include, SEEK APPLlL.\XTS general ~uiluta.t1(m, IS ten- IPOinte Pub!!,: LthrAry' Mrs.96i8 pf'r50nS e"ammed. Alice Tuckpr, i6 Kerb~', 2nd I Walter Ho\t ChIef of Farms tatl\cly scheduled to tall.e place I FranCIS D Shelden Honor Roll

    It \\a~ announced b~ T S Dav- In breahm~ do"n thE' total fl~-'pnze, $'; Mrs Justme Graham I pohce announced that he IS ac' :.tav and June. Assoclatlon, Mra Henrietta Noe,les" TO"llshlp Health Commls- ur£' of 9,6iS Dr DaVies saId that 1205 Han'ard Road. 3rd prize, I ceptlllg apphcanls for the vII- GIFT cO'I,nTl'EE Gold Star WIves. J. D. Gould.SlOnl:'r 3214 \\ere e"anllned m the Parh, S2, Mr Ta~lor Obold. 329 Mc- la~e police force AnnoUncE'ment of the Important K H Moore, Grosse Pomte Real

    Dr Da\'ies saId that thl:' sun'r~ 16.6 In the Clt\ 2116 In the Kmk\ 4th prtze $2 and );aonll Applicants must be b"t" e"n SpeCial GIfts DIVISion "nth' Estate Assoclatlon. '" alter E.

    Court was a succe~sful one and efforts Farms 297 In the' Shores and 2375 Donaldson, 296 RI\'ard, Con sola- I the agE'~ of 21 to 2i mdusl\r h£'ld for the time bemg Pear, U of M Club of Grosse

    '.'ould bf' n1ade to bnn t>. G=~ Po"" ~on-T.. ,h"" Em-

    and Grosse Pomte \,"nods over )ear I ('gUN' 1< "'1m,alent to appro"l- clevcr f'ntry bas£'d O? ':::tt~rs cut school educat.on or 1tS eqUl- Correspondmg Secretary, Richard ployees Local 680 AFL, Vernonk II

    Though tabulatlOn~ hav£' not mate1" one.thlrd of the adult from a

    flals and apartments for appro"lmatelv 53 000 1000

    000 Fox Creek propooal "hleh I the other local commumtl£'~ m- monto Mlos Vlrgtl118. Ruth John- n'an-Tom Bo, d local auto dealer the t£'mporar: Honor Roll from James Bradley, CanadIan LegIOn.St ClaIr Shorl's offlclal~ claIm I"III cost Pomte commumtles $6 _I \"olved. for a general oHr-all stud~ Ison and Lf'Rov Johnson of 11~ \ and ,£'teran

    • Immediately after the show.le from KlrksVlUe C.ollege the honored guests "Ill be fetedeopathv and Surgery in- at a banquet at the Grosse

    that E J &yers of Ker- Pomte Yacht Club, at whichd recently regIstered there. time an offIcial' of the Grosse

    • Pomte LIOns ,,111 a" ard eachJ. Purdy, of Ken- athlete a gold engraved minIatureheard of the local basketball.

    was rpcently pi!' c t- The banquet IS sponsored byIdent of the Lehigh Alum' the Re\~w and the LIOns m anClatlOn of Greater DetrOIt. effort to further develop relatIOns

    • among pUblic, parochial and pn-r Sunday ntcs at Cal\'ary vate schools m Grosse Pomten Church WIll mclude the The sponsor~ also hope to arrangeg of the church To Christ Similar banqu('ts for all- star 9 67 8 EX am I-ned

    ng Lutheran Church, baseball and fo~tball teams. ,

    th• d D { Though there IS no price of ad-

    Sl' gra ('rs at e ('r ImlsSlon to thp broadcast one must I L I X R~fler ralsmg funds to send have a ticket DlstnbutlOn of the n oca ,- ay~e pacl,ages to needy In I tickets wil be m the hlUlds ofharl "nough mone\" left to school off"'tlll"Id to a pupil at Mason I All persons must be seated

    3 4.5 P ru\oulh, who rl'~ldes In Gra- -----"nshlp, "as hurt In schoolrk and the gift from theId~ aldE'd In defraymg me."pens£'s

    --- ...__ ..-

  • l

    Day andNight Service




    You 11get a "better look" at Ute and , _ 'Ilook better In smarlly fashioned St ' •• 1

    Glasses from Kent. Visit our !Ill"1J •01>10el~e ....•.•••..... 40c~

    Ht'nry Whiting, president of Club of MIlhlgan Tht' structurE',Packard Grosse POinte, Inc, celt'- space, IS lotated Oil a lot 140brated his second anmversary as feet \\ Ide amI 310 feet u

    MIA Walrath carne from Chica- 19. Mr. :Monroe Ioas &nd his lIOngo to be the guest speaker for the would collaborate m the ahoWUlgBalls'is of Grosse pQlnt .. Fll.rms of further slides.In the first Baha'i meeting held In I-;:::::==========:::;-a public auditorium in thil com-munity. Slides of the world fam-ous Baha'i House of Worship, lltillunder comruc4ion in W1lmette,m., were also shown.•In her talk, MIllS Walrath tr&Ced I~5""ll'Rlnmlmi1t:----...Jthe growth and B.cluevementll of [) Ttu:;the civillaztlolUl founded by the Ma.ny, mlUlY th&nks to you for Igre&t Prophet! of the past, Indl- the pnzes you have awarded me Ineating the hlstonc precedent for your Crossword Puzzle contests'the Baba'i contention that only Also U1ank you for the lovelythrough the spiritual regenratlon wnte-up you gave me in the Re-of the bearts of individuals view. It has been great fUrl work-men been able to form hannonlous mg out the puzzles; and trying tosocial units. It our prellent-day achll!\'e lI'..l'tlloble entries has beenworld is to be freed from the na- the first occasIon I have had Intlonallsm that dlVldell it, and if a many 8. long year to try my handworld civilization Is to emerge, at any art work.only the obedlence of Indivlduall You have been !lO generous into the will IUld U1e command of the matter of awards that I feelGod. as revealed for our age will a little guilty about entering theaccompltsh thli end, the speaker contest Bg&m IUld again, but It!userted. so fasclnatilng I jUst can't leave

    • It alone. So probably you will be"Baha'lI believe," the sp8ker hearing from me again.

    continued, "that a DIvine MelIIleng- Sincerely yourser hu again come to found a unl- Amy IL lolUlloDversa! clVl1lzation. His name was ------Baha'u'llah ••• and his essential TO THE EDITOR:message was unity, the unity of all The Bureau has received yourmankind and the UnIty ot reli- communication of 20 Februaryg'lon.u \g1Ying t...'ie prc5.:nt address of 1dr~

    H. B. Huthsmg. as 600 North Bo-Les!: her audience think that heny St., Beverly Hlllll. California

    tlle Ba.ha'i goal of world order and w!.ll contact Mr. Huthslng atWU &n impoSSible Utopian dream, that address.MillS Walrath pomted out that Your lnterellt and cooperationBaha'i communities are now esta- are appreciated.bUshed in almost 90 countrIes of Respectfully yours,the world, and that each Baha'i I. A. McNallycommunity demonstrates the pow- By direcUoM of SJalpser of the Bahllo'l Faith to brlnr: to- U. S. Navygether, In love and fellowsll1p, Edltor'1 Note: The Navy had beenkinds and classes of people who lookmg for Mr. Huthslng, a for-formerly were strangers to each mer Fanns' resident, to return aother, if not enemies. ThIs foun- p&11'of bmoc:ulars.dation for world brotherhood Isfirm and secure, the speaker af- !lTHEELUOTT---1fIrmed, because it IS achieved not CommerC1CUBeroicu Iby coercom but by the law of love 359 FISHER ROAD I

    The shOWing of the colored alldes Ho_ .. le.u •. III.~ .. , ID • ,_, '.111depicting the bUIlding, the bu!t.ory, TUxedo 1-9Sze BAlldol,1I. J05tand the meaning of the Baha'i I • IHouse of Worshlp 1ft Wilmette, Ill. I A eom,lete Gu~raJ Aeeoa.t1I1~ Iwas enthUSiastIcally received. I •• d Ta,. 8erYle..

    More than 2:500 young musiciansw1l1 "Strlke Up the Band" satur-day, !tfarch 20 at Pierce S('hoolwhen the Southeastern MICblga.nBand Orchestra AuoclaUon pre-senti Its l:5th Annual Band &ndOrchestra Fe.tival.

    The public I. inVited to the day-long ceremomes which will beginI.t 9 I. m when the PIerce SehoolBand III scheduled to perform inthe gym &nd whlch will concludewith the performance of theGroNe POlJlte High School Ba.ndat 10 pm.

    Among the outstanding groups - CHARLES IOASto be heard Mll be the Pontiacand Oxford bands &nd the Ann Charles loas, Baha'i youthArbor and Ferndale Orchestras. from Chicago, will talk on

    Each orga.nizatlon Mil play "The Goal is World Order,"three number!! They will be t bli meeting to be heldjudged accordmg to tone. mter- a a pu ~pretatlon, appearance, intonatlon at the Richard School, .Mc-IUld general effect. Kinley and Kercheval, Friday

    The iudl\'es Include L.lonaN Fal- evening', March 19th at 8 :15COlle, ~nch, State College; CUf-1 P. M. - The youth recentlyford Llllys, and David Mattern, t r a veil e d through LatinUnlvel'1llty ot MI

  • '.

    , t•jL\-I


    VA. 2--4225

    2 for 25clb. Tin 59c


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    LARGE SIZE 2 Lb. &.....PRUNES ("-ell" UVIiBait

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    Pot Roast Beef c CHO'CE: S'D£S '1er UsersI SMOKED EiINDs lb.

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    You Lik .>;. PrOcessed ri.... ,e 6C at M E. - ..... Way~___f;J:;rHAMS in Tins 8Q~DUBUQUE it it it it • _au.


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    Grosse Pointe Hardware16915 E • .Jefferson NI. 4420

    "Oldest Busineu EslabU.hrnf!llt In Grosse Pointe"

    Price. on SCOTTS Seed are down-10 you can own a ric:h.looking vel.vety lawn at little cost. The pro-gram i. limple: feed your lawnwith Turf Builder, lOW SCOTTSSeed. Do it yourself in an hour or10 any nice afternoon.

    scorn ..... s-f-Fl ....' triple .-Ifor bvildi"l pe.......... nt lawn. of ,a,. beauty.tllt.t5c 5".$461 U .... :tll,U~".. I _ for o.n .. Sheft SHd.TURFIUIUlll-En,lcMd llrallfood brinlll out 1M: lawn beauty. fM

  • 19Th

    All Are Welcome

    Chnstlan $cler Ce iViCtOry of Good "...e. t,

    Peter B, Biggins, C S.B~8e-attle, Washmgton

    Member ot the Board ofturElflhip of The Moth!:!


    The F1rst Church of tn BootOll,

    Ma&achusettsUnder the a.uspices of 'fiOhurch of Christ, Sclen~

    DetrOltDenby Hlgh SChOOl

    Audltorium128LOKelly Road

    Sunday. March 21, 19t8,a.t 3:00 P. M

    YOU are tnvlted to I lbU'Chnstian SCience lee:'

    reliance on 0:1 d ,-~By attendin@' th1.> Pu

    Lecture entIt'ed


    U11I Iterclln&l Are•••

    SVNDA~ SER\ Ins10:80 Lm and 5 ell Dill

    Sunday SchoolB'lret .... lon-l0 llO a to

    :!.conll 8eulon-lI {5W.dlleed&y Ev.nlnc

    MeeUnl' 8 00 pm

    8:15 P. M.



    E. Jefferson a.t LakeVIew

    "The Goa I Is

    Two Identical Mormng Worship Services

    9:30 A. M. - 11:15 A. M.Easter Evening Worship at Seven Thirty



    Illustrated Slides





    7:30 P. M.Combmed Choir&-Maunder's "Olivet to Calvary"




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    Gro... PointePrintinc Co.15121 Kereheva1

    VAlley 2-1162


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    17008 Kercheval



    • WASHERSAY8I1.ble NOW

    WATCHESClocks andFine Jewelry

    Page Four-'l'h1U"lday, Ma~ h 18,


    , I "~I.", ..r nlan N t' I Consultant Confers ", Hay. You Said]i · CII~. ~t.I. VI~ e'l I a lona Gt&e .. "m Not Ri/191~ un,or nO,r r" P A ,A/I'th I ~---I 111n'lor League "Haveyoulostl.l1"l8clll!1 S R l I

    ~lass - rom __t I /\ 1111 L..\ ••H...C. - - - '"-= -~ - nrt.hodox: rl'll"t, ""-I_ inos At ~ Nt L~ltmJ1l"'r C"ub MISSMildred K. Wagle, Consult. I fore gomg overse&', ::~ :a~: II~~m=~~llllll\lll_ O' VL., VL', ,j lUlt on WelCare ot the Association wu Exe:uUV,e_S~~.n ..l..tlnn In ereedal forms an. ~'~I'~ S d R't Convensahon at St. Ambrose oC Junior Leagu{'.!1ot America, ar- FamilY l:>IlW'.'st"'''VI••gI-~Ia. PrIOr to aeem WU>OlmU( ••un ar", I es I ed h U llday to hold a three Wheeling, e r SA .... 10'30BY SH'RO," FORD ".,I' these days cente1'8 on the r v ere ",0 lChool vlsltor tor the Wl-.r . A \1 ; h

    Of mtt'rest to all 18 ' THE POI:\TE PLAYERS' production wbJch Senior Prom whleh will take place day conference with the l~aledJunbY-ptthtatatbshergWhaaBoard ot Public &iu- SChool ~~kn hat you WIll be On Palm Sunday March 21, the d M h.... T~" lor League It was &Imounc u

    takes place UIIS weekend \\ ani to let you ow \\ " Junior ChOir, of The Grosse by Mon ay, trylU'C Club"'''aTht e ~.- Mrs James'the Leagut> president. cation and supeMlOr In the Juve- 11:00 A. M b mUllmIsSIng If ~'ou mlu "THE ,r,,:\ \\ HO CA~rE TO DINNER BOB Pointe Methodist Church Will moor Coun . e program • nile Court ot AleghanY County, "T"'" wm B( !',me'BOLO as Sheridan Whlt"'lde, ~1t co~~~a~rg e~e:':e: ~,=r~~~~~'LeN'&gleShe teels b~..a:..~.\tt:~~gram in that city. UNRARIAN tlltRCI~d ALL-AX BRYAI'T a~ the nt'Wspap' rman You ave a I Vanness, 76 Renaud Road, Peggy pmg' problemll Your fnends, Ute al d DI k S uist J ki ague program, ..-.. - • d T J ffthat IS some leadmg Last and THE POIXTE PLAYERS never fall Munson, 4175 CounoUle, Peggy merehan~, are g1VlIl6t us Uteir d an c wanq , ac e the continued education ot Its Fathers InVite 0 East e erson at R1'.lrdBlto produce somethUlg really super undl'r the hands of :Mr Nelson, Proctor, 31 Radnor Circle, Sandra ~~ ~1=~t1:d 'TI lfoJ°tin~~~ Fletcher and Jack Gorrlen, Joann members tor Ultel1lgent Citizen S M f g Rev. Wernli Ot!.>Ba~Here II a fmal warlllng to all, be sure and see . The Man Who Came Santmyers, 303 Moros.s Road, does glVe you an ldea now Ill1d Bres.ugh and Lloyd Johnson, Kaye participatIOn through tralnlng BOAYll!a~~~st are ~vI~ to the MinisterT D Carolyn Reidy, 2041 VanAntwerp Ulen of what to buy. be sure to Kerwm and John Hurngan, Carol courses and voll.lnteer placement

    o /~t~sersee Just \\hat excltUlg , Rae, Jerry Allen 'n Carolyn John. ski Dolores FoSS, DaVId, Idraperies are available f()i" you The Hospital physicians super- the AssociatIOn 10 1945, after, her H.erbylIear Kerclaeval II &on, Carl P.omano 'n Joan Wat- ~Jorte Newton Lutz to choose from. And rEmember = an~ UlStructed the women 1\ return (rum th" South 'Pacific I I

    luns, Tom Alvera 'n M."" Prevo, • 'P t Godd '1 too, this shop specIalizes In as- g e eIght-hour course to where she senoed 27 months on -SERVICES--~ ClaJre Martm, at eens, s1Sting you w mak1ntt the proper aid the nurses In some ot their 110 ~5 ITom Fenske 'n Pat Hammond, Shirley Varty, Rosemarie Schus- chol.ce for your particular home duties to the patients which does Espiritu Santo, New Hebndes, lIB :.. lI10rnlllgWorship &: SermonI

    I Alex Bardy 'n Lou Ellen Markl, ter. Rita Murphy. Mary Proffitt, Give Mr. Harnson a ring at TO. not include medical adminlS&a- ASSistant Field Director for the 12:00 to 12:S0 Lenon PerIod tor I_ j Rod Vl1leneuve 'n Doria ReInpter. &nd Elmira Frey. 1.()100 today, and talk over your t1on. More volunteers will be Amencan Red Cro~ at the 25th all departInentll at Cburch SchoolI

    Tom Redmond 'n Helene Meyer, Ted Osls 'n Sally Andrus, Bruce Also "TnPcted are the bnde-to- 5'Onng-tlme home decoratwg sought WlUun the next SIX monthll Army Evacuation Hospital, and as 11045 t 1230 IBabe M

    _rw P'A_A I tant' th 27th : , : Lesson and PlayDaftllport '11 J'udy Gehlert, and Riclue Laux 'n ann. be's lll8ter, Noreen, her cous1n........ tor the next trainmg course to Psychiatric Ass s .or e••• .... t ._ at. 'I Period for Nursery and Klnder&,&r'!DOOG, wbere we find almost all the popular g ..... &uuU IoU.... • Nancy Tapert, and Shirley Bar- be conducted by the Hospital tor Infantry DIvision, ten Chlldrell ,IlI.KiOWI tn. PATRICK'S TEA, given by JANICE SKILLMAN at rington. woo, along WIth Betty. Wba.t better w~ W start tb1.s the Veterans of Foreign Wars, •.. eharmlIlg bome on Fisber Road. The tea was really g1Vll1l to will make up the bndal party. coming sentlD1en,ta.1 SPl'lllg than MnI Blanche Oliver. National She holds a master's degree _C_o_m_p_le_t~_I'_oa_th_Pr0!Bm--.or 1leI' lJlrtbday wIalcb teU on March. 17. and a1Ilo the p&IJ1t!nB of The weddtng wlll take place April with a completely new hairstyle: Repreaentahve of the HOllPltal from the School ot Applied Social 'REV. HUGH C. WHITE,11K portrait by ''Krs. '1'h1bodee.u." 3rd at St. Ambrose Church. one to bring out ail the soft ill In charge of the Voluntary Ser: Science of the Umversity of Pltts. Pastor

    She eboee .. her bolteuel. Nan Georgle, Galdoua Oatennann, :fem1n1ne cha.rIl1S been VICe Workerl and will welcome burgh and has studied at the New IrolS " .. AJlt ...crg Bd. TV, l-112S.._~_ d bed -'"'ed rather neglected of te. Stop. , B I. S bIIDdGUIDy Grq'ory. The glrl.ll wore spnng ~S an were 1'..... "'utting off that new permanent anyone Interested In this work. York School of Social Work. Be- I UI Ite on Morou eheenl

    ......te ••_- Th table was 6_~ged .... t 'h h G ., ,-- Kerche\&l &lid~RIlI_l'e • Itill green .11..... eam&WUAA corsagell. e _..... ~- C or wave fou have promised your. - - - -IIeautlfally with cama.boDII 'n candlel carrying out the theme. Also ure '!'UVS self and call VA. U155. the VU- ~ ,• -=rumptuoua birthday cake. r. lage Bea.Uty Sh~ at 1211 Be&- t:

    Jc1ce wu by far the lavellelt of all In her c!J1c brown tatfet& S 1.1' consfteld. Ivy Morris, head Get yjour C'lothe R 111fi ~I..uertD& 4rUL A few of the gall were Doria De1Bln&', Marlann 'et J..Y.Leebnos ~. or Betty Yacks. her uslst;- ;, I. :r eau/ or ~Tromble1. Delorea Deck, Flosy Bully, Betty Gray • .Am11ecandler, O' ant. will arrange an appointment ~--... n-".' JW1. Fo.... H;erb Bauman, Norma Neeb, Polly WUton, :for you. An appointment, I 8:7{ 8 '{; 8 9< '~_u ....._ .... 'nle Woman's Society of Chr\I- aught add, that w1ll pay great "LoU Bock, Carol Stewart, Marge Storkel, Ruth Jacquell. Jean Webb, tlan Service of The Grease Pointe d1V1dends when your fa1Ol1teKarc::r Weaterbee. GtJ1 Wright, carrou GryUs, Jane Lwldgren, Sue Method1st Church wID hold Ita man whlspers, "My, YQU 1iOOk •• :'J:IIlDitoD, Anne YoUI1&',Marllyn Quigley. Betty Mltcl1e1l, &lid Janet ifOUP meetmp 011 Wednesday, • " ~

    :wetn.;:::r~ an for thI..ll week. With Easter Vacation In the near ~ ~:aGroup will hold IbI w1~% ~~ry ~;~ t~ ~~ , l, .' i • •~(:; 1~IItDture there Wlll_ pleDty of partlu aDd interesting items, so keep mMUng at 1 pm. at the bome dinner. The V11lage Manor, 17150 if 3-' Reasons-3zt1IU .-r to the poun4 w:Id your eyes on i:een.-~aJk." ~ of ){ra. Lee S. Walker 866 Bed- Kercheval, NI. 2530, will PQl'-~SDbSD~bSOIil~~~SOb~~~ ford Road. Mrs M. F. santmy- ehase either a whole or half hem-a

    Ia era. 303 MoraM Road, ehairman. and bake 1t for you, or you mayD /CJl h fi 0'\ l'l U will premde. The project for the send yQ1iJr own Easter ham to Wh Y Sh leI ~IGaster l"tot es OT J-/O tS V year will be selected. =::u.~io-r:~~ y ou ou ~,.. t3 The DorIs WhIte group wiD lng golden brown w!.ng de11c1aua- S cl Th T ..Ia • NIIW I'reIlch DoD C1otheIl-IIaDd FiDiliheet V meet at 8 p.m. at the home of 1y SPICed fruit jmcES. The result en em 0:-

    .,• CoMe aod Dre6Ies _ Blouses • Skir'tS _ ~ ~ Mrs. Hugh C. WhIte, 2049 Van- will be the grand old holida.y

    ..--.. .."..... 10 Antwerp Roa;d. Ml'liI. F ran CIS :favonte - baked ham. with a ~ • ,_~ ~_ er sha1O'. 19002 Chandler Park Drive tantal1z1Il$/; taste ,thrill. To 1mJsb "'p.lar.1IW-a SEE THEM: AT Ia will review the book "Committed your Easter feast try a spring- .... ~ ..U Ullto Us" by Wlllia Lamont. The time treat - Da1fodU cake. In., SAlIII'lll C"ILI)RE~'S WEAR er group will t!nlsh malung the can. Clde,ntly, the Manor W1Y be open Ii cz2 ~ cer pa4I wh1cJl were begun at the Good Frtda;y upon request. 1a..... 1a.. 8:laM 1VbiWeI' NI• ...,1 ,. l&lIt meeting. • ~... ~. 8~~SD~~SOl.1 so!oSOl1SDt\~b~~so!ri1so:.. J Notl11.Il$it new Wlder the sun?

    IOh, out there 1.8; tor I just sa.w il

    WHY lt and wrote Wlth It. Of course.I'm t.eJ..II:mg about the PocltetteWORRY? Pen. bY Eversharp, featured atthe Gr..=e Pointe Drug 00..

    17051 Kemheval. These tiny pens6 are so wry light in your handand ever so to we. Just the IIperfect gift to place 1n the Easterba.sket of your :favorite guy or~, for the exciting new col0t3I sa,w will please both masooline

    Get bu8lnee fonns eu.s- or femm1ne tastes. Tile wonder-tom made to fl.t rour ful part is that this pen 18 buIlt

    rl 1i'n th t wit.h a:nmng ten&lon at the notnt ..~y -~!!io a::. so that it W1ll write perfectly un.member 80 that y0'

    mailto:[email protected]

  • I



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    A precI.lon lubrication at Ray WhyteCheftOlet Company is an expert lubrication, as lowin coat as an ordinary lubrication. Service from 7in the morning 'tit 12 midnight, makes the precisionlubrication available at your convenience.

    A precision lubrication is essential to in-lure proper operation and protection to the movingparts of your car. Precision lubrication means, be-sidea changing oil and grease, lubricating all pointsthat wear with proPer equipment and materials bymen who specialize and know the car.

    That's what your car needs. That's whatyour car gets if you have it .erviced at Ray WhyteChevrolet Company.

    Army Day . . • AprU 8. Honoryour flghtmg menl



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    EASTER WEEK. - Open Dally !l to!l: -=:----

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    Give your youngsters the thrill of dressing up forEaster in smart new Buster Brown Shoes. Now,during our Easter Parade selling event we have atremendous stock for you to choose from •• - in stylesand sizes for boys and girls of every age. These arevalue shoes for any time of the year. Bring Ulechildren in today.


    "We Fit the FootThat'a Ha.rd eo F,t"

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  • I







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    Pantomime ArtistsAppeari.q Nightly Except !\Iunday

    OOmplete DInner Service 5:00 P.M. to 1 .DlExcept Monday Sunday 3 to 1

    Treat the Famil')' to One of Our Del.uolH DI14948 East Jefferson at Barrington

    ROLLER SKATESRubber or Steel Wheels


    Team Orders Solicited

    •for the Little Guy$5.90

    •Adler Shnnk oo.ntrolledRipon Shrmkless

    sweat Sox

    •Fishing LL ,.e8 I •• ued•HILL'S DOG FOOD•108 Kel'llhevaJ

    Groue Pointe




    SERVIt::E - J>4.RTS


    Gaanudeed Workmanship - Lo. Price

    OODGE-- i)L\'~OUT

    Lake Shore Motor Sa!e14615 E. JEFFERSON

    Apnl 2o--Hazel ParkThere--4 '00 pm.

    April 27-Royal OakThere--4 :00 pm.

    Apnl 3O--MonroeHere--4:oo pm.

    May 4-WyandotteHere--4:00 pm

    May 7-Rlghland ParkHere--4.oo pl'll.

    Afay 14-FordsonHere--4.00 pm.

    State Regional.!! MOIo"oeState Meet-LanS1Jlg


    10 21

    I 31

    II 611 10o 8 i



    TOM: WILLSON JERRY ALLENLast week Tom Willson a.nd Jerry Allen were named

    on the Review's All-Star Ba~kptba.ll team, representingGroflSePointe High School. However, due to a misplay onthe part of the typesetter's hand Tom's name appearedunder Jerry's picture and vice versa. So to avoid futureembarressment to persons patting Jerry on the back andexclaiming, "Nice Work Tom," the Review publishes thepictures again-right this time. Editor's note-we hope.

    DuRocher Leads Track PracticeSt.!~:l~~rs Gets Underway

    Although t..':1eSt Paul Flyerswere weak offensively they were lone hundred five Grosse POinte Ithe strongest defensive team in HIgh School thmclads donned theIrthe ParochIal League's East Side I runrong clothes last Mo~day mghtSecond DI\'lsion. Only two teams I and went through the f1l'st work-scored more than the ,(0 pomts out of the season in, answer toagainst the local cagers st. vin-I Coach Frank. Banach s practicecent scored 43 and the Champion call.Annunciation qUintet collected 56 The Blue Devils WIll suffer toin their third meeting of the sea-j some extent the loss of such prep Ison Three teams St. Bernard, St. stars as Ed Isbey, shot putter.FranCIS DeSales and D U. S were Iquarter mUer, broad jump, and Iheld under 20 points by the Flyers. 220 yard speclallst; Mac Fraser,St, PaUl was once held under 20 quarter roller, and dash man; andpoints by St. Vincent, three Urnes D&n Beck. record holder Ul thetallled over 40, 41 and 48 against I quarter mile. Half-miler Jackst. Bernard and 44 agamst St Cowan will be mIssing as "''Ill Pole- IFra'1cls. The Flyers won 5 out of vaulters Jack Campbell and Jack I18 games. ISwan. Banach seems to have an

    Paul DuRocher and Capt. Jim array of talent m the scores ofLaw battled down to the fmal new-comers, but WIll probably falltame for the mdlvidual scoring I back on Tom Follis, record shot-honors of the team. DuRocher fm- 1 putter, ~Im Hoskmg and JerryalIv fmished on top WIth 142 to, Braud, dIstance m~n, for the baCk-I141 for La.w The scormg record Ibone of thIS year s squadof the entire team is hsted below. The local athletes W111 offiCIally I

    open their season when they travel Ito Hazel Park on April 20

    The DeVIls have SIX dual meetsscheduled thIS season. four athome and two away, collectingtwo more, the ReglOnals at Monroeand the State meet at Lansmg.The dates for the last two are tobe set later m the season

    The schedule IS as follows:

    '''A1'-;' ;Ie~I' YUoWTHE GROSSE POINTE

    ROBERT'SRadio ServiceTU.2-4SSO

    16369 E. WarreD

    Bouse Calls l\lade

    Expert •••Radio Ie"ice


    Lake MIC'uqall Fre,~hFI$" Dtfollen

    Open '7 a.m. to Z a.m.Clooed, Tuesdays

    22G5 Harper 'Aye.Beyond 8 l\hle Road

    DHIVERS DRIVE".Steaks. Chops

    SandwichesSodas, SoDdaes

    ~l.f\fl1r Cl1fl~"~"~'"'....... --0 r;I .1~

    : Face Local Opposition~!At Neighborhood ClubtIi

    i;;!!!! Detrolt's fast moving pro-cagers Among the tormer college starsClllcy Sach's "All-Stars" who on Sach's squa4 an tanner All.have plied up an Impressive ree- Americans Bob Fought, Notreord on mId-west courts will come Dame; &nd Tom Meyers, DePawto Grosse Pomte on Friday, March Others are Jack Plan&, Art sto-19 to mi'et a local all-star five key, U. or D., Bernie Fnedman,at the NeIghborhood Club, 17145 Abe Parness. Wayne; and SamWaterloo. LIeberman. Lawrence Tech

    ---------- The NeIghborhood Club All.

    C d .1 Stars is compnsed of playera In45 an laates the clUb's maJor b a 8 k e t ballleague.

    A 'T'. They are. Charley Doerner, Am-nswer .l.ennIs vets; Bob Brown, Hansen; WoodGeist, FrancoIs; Ed Lauer, st.Call at

    ,..,nu~ Paul; Bob Carmen, HanIlCll1; Red\JL-n4J Masson, St. Paul; LeRoy Guare-

    sma, FranCOIS; Glenn Holt, JackBntz, Richard; Bob Van Tlem,St. Paul; Tom Molitor, Richard.

    Forty-five Grosse Pointe High A preliminary game at 7:30School boys turned out for the p,m. will pan Hansen Chevroletfirst tenrus team meeting Mon- and St. Clair night under the direction of The NeIghborhood Club is 10c&.t-the new coach, Merlin Schultz. eel at 17145 Waterloo.

    This rear's scheduie opens WIth There will be .. small pnce ota home match on April 20 with a.dnrlsslon.HIghllll1d Park It is rumored -----

    that Highland Park has been prac- Motor C•.ty "5"tlcing thIS wIDter and expects tohave a much stronger team thisseason. From all reports the Upsets Leadersentire Border Cltles League willbe more closely matched. Al- I R Loothough Monroe has lost their state notary pchampion, VIC Braden, they areexpected to have &nother strong I Motor CIty Tires, only one POintaggregation. Last year, this team from last place posItion. tnnllnedwas the anI). one to beat the I the league leading Houston Bras,Blue Dews inCidentally, this de- ,3-1, at the G P Woods Recrea-feat ended It long stnng of 69 tlon, last FrIday night. Bobconsecutive victones. SmIth's 245 in 563( was .. bIg

    factor In thIS upsetOne of the innovations for this Martin Outboard Motors, !ltlap-

    season by the new coach will be pmg at the heels of second place


    a teMls ladder open to any boy Middle At! Transp Co. gave upm the JUnior and senior hIgh the first game but came backschool. It will be posted in a strong to take the next two andprominent place In the school. total pmB for a 3.1 WUl. The Out-Twenty places will be used and boards sconng spree was headedanyone not on the ladder may by Cap't George Leorsch's 226challenge the 20th person and if and Bill VanDam's 229. with Genewmnmg will be placed on it. Each Groth's 207 thrown In for good

    measure.match will be for-one set and r Mondry Cleaners. WIth themembers can challenge two pIa- Mertz Brothers, Gene lll1d Bill onces above them but not more than the beam agam, produced a shutonce a week can on~ person chal- out over G.P. ReVIew. BI11Mertzlenge the same IndiVIdual It .IS commg thru \\,th 236-207 in 625hoped that this approach WIlli and Gene contributing 563 to 'd

    I stimUlate the playing of the high In the washout Frances HIC~yI school stUdent body over and Ifor the PrInters. was Iugh for lusabove the incentIve of trymg to team WIth 210.make the team. Punch & JUdy CocktaIl Lounge

    The team WIll be built around Imovi'd over mto the first division SCORES1 when they won a 3-1 deciSIon over Name Pts Games

    the hold-overs from last year Farms Market Cap't:Cd TaUbe's Paul DuRo~her 142 1';\vluch include: Dan Guy, Harold 1579 scrles "'as wasted for the Jl!llmy Law 141 18Golla., George Kennedy, Bruce Kir- Farmers I Harry Hammond 96 18chener. Bob Schneider, Frank Reid, PIche Barber Shop won over Jerry Hollerback 77 18Bob Stntzmger, Jon Walton and IHamson Carpets, 3-1 WIthOUt a Chuck Wyhe 70 18Marv Weaver. It 1s also expect. 200 game beUlg rolled. John Hoey 20 10ed that sophomores Alex Mann Wolverine Potatoe Clups, paced BIll Huetteman IS 6

    Iand JIm Barker WIll make a strong Iby Frank Parker, shot their hlgh- John Hutton 4 6bid for the ten man team, est senes of the season to hold Tom Pelky 9 7

    Durmg the fIrst few weeks the Ho1zbaugh Motor to &. 2-2 de- Pete Belanger 30 11: squad WIll practice fundamantals, cislon "Ace' Parker's doublmg Plul VanHollebeke 3 2: and work out Its organIZatIOn in I' out m the last two games, averted ITom Marchand 3 3Ithe gym. a shutout for Potter's Wol- -----

    The schedule for the season fol- I venneslows' STANDINGS W L La d 5t A b! Apni 20-HIghland Park, Here Houston Bros. Inc 70 38


    1 U • m roseIApnl 23-Fordson There MartIn Outbd. Motors 64 44 C chApnl 27-Royai Oak, Here, MIddle Atl. Transp. Co, 63 45 age Coa

    I Apnl 3O--Monroe, There. Ho1zbaugh Motors 59 491

    I May 4-Wyandotte, There IPlche B::.rll;:lr Shop 57 511 St. Ambrose C~~n1 w"["e "li-May 7-Fordson, Here ~ch~JUdY Ccktl. LngI' 56 521 mmated in the State RegionalMay 11-Royal Oak. There. Mo~d e~w 55 52 Basketball Tournament Fnday

    I May 14-Monroe. Here. V 1 ry peanterCsh 54 54 mght when they were defeated bya venne a IpS 50 58 R df d U i 43 to 39May 1~Hlghland Park, There. Farms Market 47 61 e or non . COUNCIL .UDS KIW~"IS

    May 21-Wyandotte. Here Motor City TIres 38 70 The game marked the final can. PL.4..." FOR CELEBRATION'Hamson Carpets 35 73 test 1Jl one of the most successful I The Woods Council passed a re-r============.-l season's m the lustory of the local solution Tuesday to allow the

    W d S . H ParochIal School. IGrosse Pomte Kiwanis Club to I00 5 enlor ouse A great deal of credit IS due to I place huge banner displays across 'Bowling League Coach Dick Van Goethem, who I Mack Avenue from May 30 to I

    Manor Cafe 60 44 876 made 1wI inItial year ... coach a I July 5 announcing theIr gale an. iBuster's Service 59 45 902 very auspIcious one. Inual Fourth of July celebration at IG. P. Woods Rec. 58 46 898 BelJldes being ronner-up in the Mason School.Gr. Ret. Lands'g. 56 48 878 Parochial Le&lNe's second dlVlSlonBetter Made ChIps 55 ,(9 856 (East Side) Van Goethem's squa.c:lColore Coal 54 !50 881 took C1&lIII B honors in the Re-Amencan Fuel - 50( 50 862 gional tournament..Glenn's Bar 48 56 8.(4Lochmoor Hdwe 47 57 853carl Schwelkart ,(7 57 ~ I Neighborhood ClubHenn's Meats ,(4 60 MO I8 'C

    IJuhT>'---- I of Charles Palm

    Clo.~('d T'1IPsdays I I fUpen All OlhpT Day. 'bl 1 • m I t'aturm~S J ,Peter Wmts and His Pantmnrm •.'..nna)' ... nd Holod ..y. Open ~ •

    from 1-(10 pm I For l'ourEntf'rtainmf'nt

    P1t~sI CLltord .ll26 CAad,II.. 2230" ... " }o d\ • (' P ,r) ,Uld :'0\ a -" ,0 \Il ". (.\

    :~.~ :..


    At Buckingham

    Esquire TheatreA Better Deal ,

    $2848Per Set



    --- --~-- - -- -



    AIl1)pt>S of ",.\T.~R prMPSMadl' Likl' Nl'\\ In Our ShopPICK-l'P and DELI\'.~RYAll \\ orb. Full,}' Guaranteed



    Re.Wired .•• Re••PaintedRepaired and Hung•TIn: ,,;;w

    lTn;qup STCtR.J1S~'SHFor "tel'l Cascmt'nt "mdows

    RE£.ll,\R STOR'f :-.\

  • ~ 1



    EVERITI BLANEMunicipal Manager

    Grosse Pointe Park.. ~__ =_t_~ __

    Sealed bids will be re-ceived by the Village ofGrosse Pointe Park in theiroffice at 15115 E. JeffersonAve" Grosse Pointe Park.until 5:00 p. m" E, S. T..March 22, 1948, for the fol-lowing work and material:

    , Removal of approxima~'ly 1,400 cu. yds. of 15andfrom large swimmmg poolat lake shore, and replace-ment of clean dredged riversand of same amount. Con-tractor may bid on items(1) and (2) or both.

    Separate unit bids shallbe submitted as follows:

    (1) Removal of approxi-mately 1,400 cu. yds. ofsand from pool.

    (2) Refill of approxi-mately 1,400 cu. yds. ofclean dredged river sand.

    Detailed information andlocation may be obtainedfrom the Municipal Man ..ager's office.

    Grosse Pointe Park re-serves the right to rejectany or all bids, waive infor-malities or accept any bid.

    Bids shall be markedUBids on Excavation andRefill" with name of bidder,

    Legal Notices

    NOTICE TO BIDDERSExcavation and Refilling

    Swimming PoolGrosse Pointe Park

    !IT .IA'IF~ J1THfRA' (InacsPun.h and Judv Th.a' ...Gf'orJ;'e Jo.: Knn, Pai;tQr

    Palm SWlo:la, a-n [re! III Il 00 am."I '" 1"1 h Pa'tor h or% ... \l aolmlnllterthp "'(Jlpmn nte f)! r< nflrmatl0n

    Sur .j" Sch""l III 9 t5 am IInd thaAdull Blbl. Clas~ al 10 00 II m

    Cho,r I ractice Frida' e\.nlOg TheL.nt.n .01" et .. .s b~lngpr.par~d for It. Good Friday 'PM Ice

    ThUr!dov ~1&rch 1~ 194~. at 110pm - Examln.t,,,n ,,! the confir-mllnd! before thp eldero an'.! children.parF-nt'J at th.,. I QI7'p. of :Mr .Johnn" nz. 900 Ri\ ard

    Thursday. Mllrch 18 19 18

    On (;rr:.d FrtIlA\ Grdrflo (,hur"h wtlllo")m .....lth (thpr (' lurdl"! In a. unionf1l'"f-P hI ur "1"rllf'l'" tr) tJP- hf'lrl in theJ,.rr. rOCUJn A" Papt c;t (,hurrh 1'~7F:aol "A,. TI.r. ",'ll be _Communion lenlce In Grace Churebat 8 00 pm

    ~ocal ehurches

    VAlley 1-5150


    All Makes Up to 19~

    Buyer Will Call

    Attend Church these mean.ngful da~s. they are rewardIng

    Resolve to umt" W1th the Church on one of these great days


    Late ModelsHighest Prices Paid


    12876 E. JEF'F'ERSONNear Hudson Plant

    HANSONChevrolet Co.

    14259 MACK

    Cars Wanted


    llIeetl"&, III 81chard flthoolMe Klaley .ear Kerclle"aI

    Charle. W SCheId. PllotorThe U D C'a '" III meet Sund.y .v.-

    nmg al 7 In the home of M.reJaneDeCou 1114 Grllyton

    The Church Memberahlp CIao.. tor)'"ung people will me.l at • p m andS.lurda} lit 10 a m In the mlmster'ahome, 707 UnlverSlh Plllce

    The E\ enlnj( Congregatore ... 111m.elTuesda,' e' .nlOg at 8 P m In thohome 01 Mr~ Harry KyZlvAt, 34f30Thr-e M,le Drive

    1'1.... members will be rece!v~d Int"the fellO'lAh'P of the church on .evnln!!: at 8 P m Th. eacra-m.nts ',f Bapllsm and the Lord. Sup-per will be celebrated

    FOa 'AU


    WANTED To buv from own.r. h"u,~on St Cla,r or :-O;olre Dame WriteBo:z O. Groase Pte. Renew, 15121K,:a.rchel"al






    FOR SALEFOR A BETTER grade of uaed fur-

    nltur.. aee Il!&tIC Neatway Furnt-tura at 13930 Kerch ..... 1 We aI .....y.hue the tbUlga l'ou're 100kinc for.\rA 2-2115

    HAMMOND No....chord 1Ike new,bellut,ru[ mllhogany. Ideal for bome.FrI\ate o...ner must sell, $1.450. NI2499

    DOG TRAININGDOG Trllln",g at )0Ut' home Training

    le .. ons dally for AKC obedl.ncetnllis A- V&I1 Zech. WE 3-4f67.

    COLLIE Pupp,.~. thoroughbreds, AKCreg!.tered V1 1-9685

    BLACK Cocker sp.nlel. female thor-oughbred. ...Ithou~ papen, $1800VA I-~7

    EXECUTIVE Large Eaalerll In.urllnceCo. 2.1 ) ea" aer.,ce. tranaf.rr.d toD.trolt, deslr.a 1-2 or 3 b.droomhouse duplex or 0 GrOSlle Point.\lCIOIIV on or "'ter April Jst WorldWar n v.terlln Mlddlc-aged chlldren CA. 824Q-Ex 76

    Fl:RNISHED Home In Gr08se Potnlefor Immediate oCCUptlllcy. 2 or 3bedroom. WIll lease J } r or longernow 11\ Ing In this areL Oro ...pOlOte Re,lew, 15121 Kerch",al. BoxM

    RECENTLY TranBferred dl.trlct mllfl-ager muat move Ianllly from Eut.desire to rent 3 bedroom hou,"" orapt TR 3"'343, 9 A M to 5 P M

    MIDDLE-Aged emplo} ed coupl. withhigh school daughter. d.slre 4 to 5room furnlsh.d lIat, aparlment orIncome TU 1-9511

    COUPLE Emplo).d lit ullllU ... de.lreunfurnl.hed Ireome or ftat R.fer-ence' PI 0219 after 7 P M

    E~rPLOYED Couple deSIre amall fur-moh.d apt. or 2 lIghl houaekeepmgroomS No children VA 4... 000

    SOBER, CletIJI coupl •• \eteTlln de.,resIncome. apt. or 1Iat. ReferencesPlease call OL 0961

    YOUNG Couple deSlrea 2 or a roomfurnl.hed or unfurnl.h.d apt On orbefore Mar 24 East Side HO 7431

    AN INCOME OR FLAT~IOST DeSirable couple. botl, ...nrk.

    IDg. ""llimpro,. and be as ... tlo an,prop~rt, Unlimited relerences. canNI 7681.

    ,AA-Att.lItlon Property O...nersWE NEED RENTALS

    We h.te eeleeted t.ntlnt. l'o obhga-tlOn to call Honess Real Eatate UN.... 9812 OR 3 Bedroom house. fl.t or ap&rt-

    ment In or near Groaae Polnte ParI<for flll1llly ot adults Mr. WlIllamJohnson Conlroller Groase POIntePark VA.. 2-6200, evenlnp TU1-4362

    EXCHANGE Tw" room modern IIp.rt-m.nt. r.nt $50. Includes Ulllltles.Indilln VlIlllge lecllon. HIckory2204

    WILL Shiite lIat With IlUWlOeiSwomanor two girl. Excellent tranaporta-tlon Prlvat. room I DS FineFree Esttmat;c; Interior Decorating

    PRospec t 29)2 Exterior PaintingFINE Carpentry - K,t,hen cablll.lS I VA. 4-8004

    recreatton rooms, attlcq and alter-atIOns ot .n, k,nd W,lham Brockel A-l PAL~TI!'i:G and D.coratmg. Base-1G022 Dr Etlat Detroit. menrs .pra\ ed. .....terpToofed Out-MICh Ro.eHlle -115-W aide Cst caulking, Skilled colored

    workers Llfelollg experl.nce relerence 3769 ea.pton at S,I-vesler_ MU. 0182 or OL. 6736 Cra ....-ford

    THE GItOlSlSE POll" TE ItJ!!jV llll'"

    R~~I~t;wWant 4ds SITV.l.TIONW.I.NTED-I'EIIALEXPERIENCED Rleh .eMol elrl DINING Rnom Rt, daunp"rt, 9llte, M:?ro.~., ~ear .. ~~r.b .. aJ 13jJ" R"ad

    HAVE CHEERFULNESS ' "'-'" .. __ :,) - ;) i nlllhta w~eldy. Call VA S-lIU3 atte. I~nt condition Re •• onable TV 2-j ...... j ... l, ~ .. ,...... _.0< I "h"n~ .. '"~,.,. 71441SHOULD BE TR

    ....... 1:'T'\ NOW Ie" m •• "" T~I TL I 1129 &! "VA Y \1 AI« H 21...-..y""", I n~:. ~~e '",. "ft'_~"" a..... 10 I)() A \1 - II. tU'l{ or the S•• IIOn.,

    IN Let Us care for T~e RELIABLE Color.d woman tor day MAPLE Sunl>. guarante.d l'JO'fr pur. Sf'-:DAY • 110 ," A M -'\1', r",ng wor,.,p "er-ee Ice Daznaged Trees for You. work W.d and Thur.dllY MA 026ll ~~~~~" '~'t~~ng acc.pted. $7 per 10 1-, A M ~V,rn,r g W"f'''IP IInd mon Till rn' • U ",t •• th. Klnll'"COLOR SCHEM ES" Call TU 2 8274 COL0HFlJ Wom.n wl.hel day. or Sum',o h; Ih' Pa.t',r 'I hp Tru."" wlO l/' /l '" ber'IHp of the• _ part lime hou •• work. Hattie Gukln 1 ('OMPLETE Mllpl. b.dro',m aU11. Aim Tl '" I, ..noth~r 1'0 It 0 Lpnlpn r h"r' h tlo y"" "I( r ,,,pie ,r I~P MIn-

    LA BELLE LANDSCAPE CO LO 7 R11Q $95 1 dlnlng room eult •. $125. 6 S.rlPA bn (l,r,,' .. nd thp Hood "Hrl C'"nrnur,,'anld (Ia" and 0.1..0Rr.LIABLE Wom.n will care for chll' kltl hen chalra. $l2 Tt: J-4242" 'I I (TO '" II hp oapll.m ,r Chll adull.

    G Y H Th,1 -~h 'tll II c,( the Adult

    • ShoP 1700ll Kerch ... 1 ,,;Ith muk. le.d. and ... ltch, $16 10 45-12 or}- L.. , nand plav pPrI"d Blolp (la!'VERNEY LAND5CAPING WHIT~J Wom ..n or girl for general NI 0178 fror nura'n '''''I kln.jergarlen d"l.

    SERVICE CO, hOUMlworln B 1 lt ",'1e"l on.-

    GIRL S Cloth,njl" .It. 6-~ Including tPT,.l. and rkonu-hlp wore !h~ \blue srTlr,; c"at glr1 S b" cl. $10 tln.n Hot ter hOllt t.ncpd \ ar1 IEa ..... "'lI$hmll' mac'1lne. $15 TU 2- a~d beaut\fulh 1.~d-caPo k. 'h,..., ( .... (' '"'l1:-~rd1\' ... 'K hI' ro IG D t .t 1 \l! TRO~OME In ""Cod ,'nrlltlon :- I ~ , l"t." '.orpr K"-p l'''-p A !'F"Y AT':; PA"t' .- 11 A-,,-e ," "f. ere eva ...v('., hl:r('h of the :'Ioazaren('. a' Cop ••.l1

    < 24 hOllr nm~lrlt >~n cr I reater e rOI _4d IAur ," •• ard Cltan-, >"'rl 1 -' ,- h'rrt HOM' ~~-l WA'\,TFfJ •• I' 42 ('",. , •• t'. ",.' I Rc\ OIl') R Sr,hop.c.____ _ ,. ~ p.." 1 < .... - 7" • 2'" I t-9 TUxedo 2-2275 r~ o-,d • ~ (( k. 11'." rl.. , or I' 0 -, l' r 't dl • .,., ~, ," • " ,. • lAkepolnte \11. ~-:':'S7 • k' C - , eer, t.on. 1v-..' I Er l'FPT 'I" T ,A, ",,-tl 4') or "

  • NI. ,.....


    , .

    TE. 1-1291

    ,. '



    • W....h D.... O~I .f ,10" fll• Add H.lthfvl H."'od1!ll

    V.. ,Ho_• Vopeo,ia MooIise Po n t :Try LI'




    • i •I. '" f: f