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    The International Research Foundation for English Language Education


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    Bacon, 5. . (1996). hases of listenin! to authentic 5panish2 descriptive study.ForeignLanguage Annals, 25(7), 1-7.

    Bae, #., & Bachman, .F. (1998). latent variable approach to listenin! and readin!2 :estin!factorial invariance across t/o !roups of children in the 'orean;*n!lish :/o$ay"mmersion ro!ram.Language Testing, 15(), 80717.

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    The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

    Buc, ?., & :atsuoa, '. (1998b). pplication of rulespace procedure to lan!ua!e testin!2*>aminin! attributes of a free response listenin! test.Language Testing, 15(6), 1991

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    The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

    *mery, . ?. (1980). *valuatin! spoen *n!lish2 ne/ approach to the testin! of listenin!comprehension.English Language Teaching +ournal, $!(6), 9+98.

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    Fea, C., & 5alehGadeh, #. (6001). Challen!es and issues in developin! an * video listenin!placement assessment2 vie/ from one pro!ram.English )or Speci)ic urposes, 2, 7--79.

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    The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

    'a!a, . (1991). Eictation as a measure of #apanese proficiency. Language Testing, 8(6), 116167.

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    isin?asparro, #. *. (1987). ractical considerations in receptive sills testin!.ForeignLanguage Annals, 17(7), +9-.

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    und, . #. (1991). comparison of second lan!ua!e listenin! and readin! comprehension..o#ern Language +ournal, 75, 19+607.

    ute 5pelber!, 4. C., de Boer, ., & van den Bos, '. . (6000). "tem type comparisons oflan!ua!e comprehension tests.Language Testing, 17(), 1166.

    c3amara, :. F. (1991). :est dimensionality2 ": analysis of an *5 listenin! test.LanguageTesting, 8(6), 191posure and proficiency level in 6 listenin! tests.TESOL Quarterl, !$(6), +0-6.

    5avi!non, 5. (198+). Eictation as a measure of communicative competence in French as a secondlan!ua!e.Language Learning,$2(1),

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    The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

    5cott, . ., 5tansfield, C.$., & 'enyon, E.. (199+). *>aminin! validity in a performance test2:he listenin! summary translation e>am (5:*) 5panish version.Language Testing,1$(1), 8109.

    5heerin, 5. (198-). istenin! comprehension2 :eachin! or testin!.ELT +ournal, !1(6), 16+11.

    5herman, #. (199-). :he effects of @uestion previe/ in listenin! comprehension tests. LanguageTesting, 1!, 18