List of Unique Questions

Political Horserace And Other NonSubstantive Question Topics 1. Will you pledge to support the eventual nominee of the Republican Party? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 2. Do Ben Carson’s “basic mistakes” show he is too inexperienced to be electable? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 3. Is Jeb Bush really different from his father and brother, and does he understand the concern with “dynastic politics”? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 4. Do Donald Trump’s remarks about women show he lacks the temperament to be president, and how we will respond to Hillary Clinton saying he is "part of the war on women"? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 5. How can Ted Cruz win the election if he is "such a divisive figure"? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 6. What businessrelated favors did Trump get in return for his donations to Democratic candidates? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 7. How will GOP candidates respond to Hillary Clinton’s attacks and “take Hillary Clinton on”? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 8. When did Donald Trump “actually become a Republican”? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 9. Can you comment on a story “quoting an anonymous GOP donor who said [Bush] called Mr. Trump a clown, a buffoon, something else that cannot be repeated on television”? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 10. Would you “feel comfortable with Donald Trump's finger on the nuclear codes"? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 11. Can Trump “tell Governor Bush why you are a serious candidate”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 12. Who is it fair to describe as candidates that “have their finger in the air to see and do what is politically expedient"? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 13. Will a comment Bush made about women’s health issues “haunt [him] the same way Mitt Romney's 47 percent video haunted him”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 14. What does Carly Fiorina think about Trump’s remarks about her “face”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 15. Did Trump “go to far” by suggesting Bush’s “views on immigration are influenced by [his] Mexican born wife”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 16. Will Trump explain his criticism of Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 17. Is it a better strategy to “attack Hillary Clinton” or not mention her? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 18. How does Trump respond to criticism from Marco Rubio about how Trump “didn’t seem to know the details about some of the enemies the U.S. faces”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 19. “What woman would you like to see on the $10 bill?” (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 20. “What would you want … your Secret Service codename to be”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 21. Will Clinton "say anything to get elected"? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 22. Is Clinton “a progressive, or are you a moderate”? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 23. “How can any kind of socialist win a general election in the United States”? (CNN debate, 10/13/15)


This is a list of every "unique" question counted in MMFA's study, summarized for clarity.

Transcript of List of Unique Questions

Page 1: List of Unique Questions

Political Horserace And Other Non­Substantive Question Topics   1.       Will you pledge to support the eventual nominee of the Republican Party? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 2.       Do Ben Carson’s “basic mistakes” show he is too inexperienced to be electable? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 3.       Is Jeb Bush really different from his father and brother, and does he understand the concern with “dynastic politics”? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 4.       Do Donald Trump’s remarks about women show he lacks the temperament to be president, and how we will respond to Hillary Clinton saying he is "part of the war on women"? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 5.       How can Ted Cruz win the election if he is "such a divisive figure"? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 6.       What business­related favors did Trump get in return for his donations to Democratic candidates?  (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 7.       How will GOP candidates respond to Hillary Clinton’s attacks and “take Hillary Clinton on”? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 8.       When did Donald Trump “actually become a Republican”? (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 9.       Can you comment on a story “quoting an anonymous GOP donor who said [Bush] called Mr. Trump a clown, a buffoon, something else that cannot be repeated on television”?   (Fox News debate, 8/6/15) 10.   Would you “feel comfortable with Donald Trump's finger on the nuclear codes"? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 11.   Can Trump “tell Governor Bush why you are a serious candidate”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 12.   Who is it fair to describe as candidates that “have their finger in the air to see and do what is politically expedient"? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 13.   Will a comment Bush made about women’s health issues “haunt [him] the same way Mitt Romney's 47 percent video haunted him”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 14.   What does Carly Fiorina think about Trump’s remarks about her “face”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 15.   Did Trump “go to far” by suggesting Bush’s “views on immigration are influenced by [his] Mexican born wife”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 16.   Will Trump explain his criticism of Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 17.   Is it a better strategy to “attack Hillary Clinton” or not mention her? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 18.   How does Trump respond to criticism from Marco Rubio about how Trump “didn’t seem to know the details about some of the enemies the U.S. faces”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 19.   “What woman would you like to see on the $10 bill?” (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 20.   “What would you want … your Secret Service codename to be”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 21.   Will Clinton "say anything to get elected"? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 22.   Is Clinton “a progressive, or are you a moderate”? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 23.   “How can any kind of socialist win a general election in the United States”? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 

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24.   Do you “consider yourself a capitalist”? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 25.   “Why should Democratic voters trust” that Lincoln Chaffee won’t change political parties again? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 26.   Does Clinton have the “right stuff” to be president, and why should or shouldn’t she “get the crown”? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 27.   “Which enemy are you most proud” of making? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 28.   Will John Kasich repeat his “very strong words” criticizing the Republican Party? (CNBC debate, 10/28/15) 29.   Will Bush respond to “how far your stock has fallen in this race”? (CNBC debate, 10/28/15) 30.   Does Trump have “the moral authority to unite the country”? (CNBC debate, 10/28/15) 31.   Is Ben Carson’s campaign “being hurt” by “inconsistencies and potential exaggerations in your life story”? (Fox Business debate, 11/10/15) 32.   “Why should the American people trust” Rubio to lead the country when Clinton “has been so much closer to the office”? (Fox Business debate, 11/10/15) 33.   Can Martin O’Malley explain his critique that Clinton “lacks … vision” and an effective approach to issues? (CBS debate, 11/14/15) 34.   Why is Trump “open to naming Senator Cruz as your running mate” if Trump thinks that Cruz is a “maniac”? (CNN debate, 12/15/15) 35.   Why is Cruz “willing to say things about [Cruz] in private and not in public”? (CNN debate, 12/15/15) 36.   Will Trump and Carson promise not to run as independents if they lose the Republican nomination? (CNN debate, 12/15/15) 37.   “[S]hould corporate America love” your candidacy? (ABC debate, 12/19/15) 38.   Will your spouse have an office in the West Wing? (ABC debate, 12/19/15)     Climate Change Questions   1.       Should GOP candidates who are skeptical about climate science “approach climate change the Reagan way” by coming up with a plan as an “insurance policy” in case the scientific consensus is correct? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 2.       What does Chris Christie “make of skeptics of climate change such as Senator Rubio”? (CNN debate, 9/16/15) 3.       How are you “tougher” on climate change than your opponents? (CNN debate, 10/13/15) 4.       “[W]hat do we do” to deal with climate change? (CNBC debate, 10/28/15) 5.       “Is it possible to continue [the American energy] boom, and move toward energy self­sufficiency, while at the same time pursuing a meaningful climate change program”? (Fox Business debate, 11/10/15) 6.       After saying that he wants to “rid the planet of ISIS,” does Bernie Sanders “still believe” that climate change is the “greatest threat to national security”? (CBS debate, 11/14/15)